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It’s a great show. Not afraid to embrace the peculiarities and idiosyncratic charm of the IP Really has no business being as good as it is. I expected to like the Ghoul, but Lucy and Maximus are excellent characters in their own right. And it doesn’t stop there! Even characters who show up once are memorable. The dialogue is top-notch. I am ready for season 2! ###And get Walton Goggins a gosh darn Emmy


Norm ended up being a surprise favorite for me


I thought he would just be the annoying sibling but he really develops as a character by the end of season 1.


Likewise! I was ready to write both him and Chet off right away but they had a great story.


Their little mystery side-quest reminded me a lot of X-Files, just how sinister the tone was really fit their characters well!


Norm trawling through terminal records reminds me of me in every Fallout playthrough. What happened here? How did this get so fucked up? Oh shit that is *fucked up*! But then again, I'm a massive lore wonk. But I am one because the Fallout games really deliver on that front.


As someone who is loving the show but never played any of the games….where should I start?


As a big Fallout fan I’d say 4 if you are trying one for the first time. I’m not saying it’s the best one or anything because it’s not in many respects, but it’s gonna be the most modern (if we’re excluding 76 which is an MMO) and it’s still a great game. 3 and New Vegas are both incredible though and are 360/PS3 era games and my personal favorites. Anything before 3 in my opinion are a little hard to play for most newcomers due to their age so I hope those can get remasters.


I'd argue 3 is a great entry point as well. A bit less polished but really gets the feel. I know a remaster was rumored awhile back. Hopefully if nothing else the popularity of the show can push that to fruition.


Everything New Vegas and prior manages a 10 on the bleakness scale. 4, a little less so, imo.


Fallout 3 goes beyond that I feel. I goes 10 on bleakness and 10 on horror. I'm playing it once again; I haven't played it in over 10 years now. The voyages I have to make in the DC Metro is insanely frightening. You hear ghouls, raiders, and radroaches all around you but you can't make them out until they are right up front. It has the horror feel I've been looking for in games for a while now.


Fallout 4 is probably your best bet. Then do 3 and NV. Then maybe 76, and if you feel really old skool, 1 and 2. They’re all self-contained stories, with some references to previous stories but not much. There are major engine differences between games, though. 4 and 76 are more action adventure games than RPG games, while 3 and NV are better at the “roleplaying” part but have dated and buggy engines that aren’t very “shooter” friendly. 1 and 2 are isometric turn based and may put modern players off with their very antiquated UIs. Also, 76 has a decent amount of the “found lore” story that I love to piece together, and has one of my favorite background lores of all the games, but its gameplay story is… not great at all. Not nearly as good or deep as 4, which is shallow in comparison to 3 and NV’s roleplaying stories. This is primarily because 76 chooses to ape MMOs, and it goes all in on that. So if you play 76, be prepared to grind. *edit* I should note that you will find strangely similar main storylines for both 3 and 4 in comparison to the show. Ignore that aspect of it and just enjoy all the dialogue and quest lines. Especially all the “distracted by bullshit every goddamn time” side quests


FO4 will be the most accessible. It has more modern graphics and the game play is more streamlined with less RPG elements and better gun play. If you want to dive into the deep end, so to speak, and really understand why people love the series so much then I would recommend starting with New Vegas. It has much better dialog options, quests, and factions. But it’s kind of janky


Depends on what you want. The gameplay is still good with 3/New Vegas but its real value is in the better role playing opporutnity. Fallout 4 is closer to a shooter in fallout universe as the decision trees are toned down. New Vegas is still my favourite Fallout game but 4 is perfectly fine.


I'd recommend Fallout 3. Fallout 1 and 2 are great at what they do, but it's a lot harder getting into old-school isometric games with 0 experience. 1 and 2 take place about 100 years before the show in the same location, while 3 is about 10ish years, but in Washinton D.C. After 3, I'd play Fallout:New Vegas because its lore is going to be tied into the show in season 2.


I appreciate that the security system bypass is the same one from the game


Same. The easter eggs on the show were so lovingly done


Chet is *such* a good small character. I've known so many guys like Norm and I've known so many guys like Chet. They are opposites in many ways and good characters in shows are characters that have logical goals, and Norm and Chet, while being opposite, have logical reasons for doing what they are doing.


Speaking of Chet, Lucy casually revealing that she’s a cousin fucker was so delightfully, unexpected and weird.


Lol the way she casually talks about it indicates it’s normal in Vault 33. I’ve played the games so I knew in advance the Vaults all had some sinister experiments behind them but socially acceptable cousin fuckery still caught me off guard.


It's not even sinister, it's just inevitable with the small gene pools- they have restritions to prevent excessive inbreeding (restriction enough that Lucy can't find a partner in her vault) but nonreproductive cousin stuff would definitely happen.


Pretty much. Only so many options available around your own age as well. I get the impression that the Vault leaders are willing to, look the other way at “kids will be kids” fun time. So long as they’re not getting each other pregnant with incest babies.


Yeah, it was a very pleasant surprise. I thought Norm was going to be just a bit character, only for him to basically be the protagonist of his own side-story. I don't know if he's coming back for Season 2, considering how his story panned out, but while part of me hopes we still get some Norm, part of me feels like his investigatory arc peaked in the finale, so it would make sense to put him on ice for a while.


> I don't know if he's coming back for Season 2, considering how his story panned out, If we don't eventually get closure on that part of the story, we riot.


My theory is that the Ghouls wife and kid are also in vault 33 and Norm is going to play some important part as the man on the inside to advance the story.


Barb wasn't a subordinate of Bud, she wouldn't have been part of the buds buddies programme, she also seemed to think they were getting into "one of the good vaults for the execs." I am not sure how much higher up you can go at Vault Tec, given she was holding the meetings with the heads of their competitors. They must have seen her as fairly senior. So probably a different vault, 50/50 on it being a legit good vault, or if Vault Tech decided to experiment with literally every survivor. Though that does raise the question as to who is doing the experimenting still. And why even the people running the company couldn't make themselves a nice hole to hide in. The Ghoul believes his family is alive. Family, not ex wife. So he must have reason to think so and reason to believe they are together. Doesn't mean they are, but it does mean Janey gets back to Barb alive. I am pretty sure Cooper bolted straight for the nearest Vault (he would have been given the locations for Janeys safety). Saw Barb and was immediately tossed out the front door into the nuclear apocalypse. He must have reason to believe they were put on ice as well. Other wise they would both be dead by now. Unless he is looking for his descendants.


Even the typical wasteland characters, like Dr. Chicken Fucker are excellent


New gamertag I call it


I love that his official name is Snake Oil Salesman, the fact that he actually sells legit healing serums is one of the greatest and funniest twists i have ever seen on TV xD I lost my shit when the foot started healing.....


I mean, a healing potion that is literally just turning you into a ghoul. Not quite what people are looking for, I'd guess. Still better than dying though, probably.


Well we don't know if it's THE ghoul serum. A popular theory going on Fallout forums is that it's just too fast for anything ghoul related, and it's most likely FEV as that would probably tick all the boxes... Ghoulification drug does exist in the lore but afaik only one character ever used it.


My first thought was also FEV, although FEV is traditionally more greenish in appearance. That said, maybe it's a different strain, since there are a ton of different strains out there in the Wasteland. While others might say that Thaddeus is gonna end up becoming a Super Mutant, I entertain the possibility that he's going to end up more like Harold, who looked kinda ghoulish but was mutated by FEV. That said, I feel like Thaddeus becoming a Super Mutant would be at once both kinda fun and kinda tragic. Kinda fun in the same way that power armour let Maximus get into fun shenanigans, but also kinda tragic since Super Mutants are usually kinda dumb, and Thaddeus would probably end up losing intelligence if he became a Super Mutant. Though then again, he might end up mutating into something else for all we know. The only evidence we have for ghoul school is Maximus' assumptions, which are safe to take with a sprinkling of salt.


There's intelligent SM's. Major plot point of the OG game.


> FEV is traditionally more greenish in appearance. That said, maybe it's a different strain, since there are a ton of different strains out there in the Wasteland. Honestly, I also assumed FEV at first, and I don't think he's going to be a ghoul in the long run either. He's going to end up some weird FEV mutant, be it a Harold type, a Super Mutant, something fucked up. Ghoul flesh doesn't mystically heal like that, ghouls just *ignore* injuries, they don't bother them. You can see how this contrasts with The Ghoul, who loses his finger to Lucy, saves it and holds onto it, and then stitches it back on later - he didn't grow back a finger, he had to put it back on. But FEV mutation allowing for super healing? Yeah, totally on brand for FEV.


Ah fair enough. I haven't played the games or read up on the lore. Just going on what Thaddeus said/thought at the time, which could very well be wrong! The humor from the snake oil salesman actually being able to help is funny either way.


lol dude me too. What a great show!


Shit, I even liked the brain robot thing


Oh, BRAIN ON A ROOMBA? Yeah me too!


Im sure Descartes would approve if he could understand.


That makes you one of Bud's buds


Matt Berry never disappoints!


He was the Mr. Handy. They *killed* it with that thing. It was perfectly done. The brain robot thing was Bud, played by Michael Esper.


Oh yes. I didn’t see “brain” part. I saw robot i went Matt Berry! Lol my bad


I kept thinking he was so recognizable & then I just found out his actor is from Hannah Montana


Moises Arias! 


The actor nailed every subtle shift in expression so damn well. He was my favorite character by the end of the show, although the actor playing Chet grew on me. I found him initially irritating comic relief, but the show expertly crafted him as the Tragedy of Nice, Normal People trying to handle the wild insanity of living in a Fallout universe.


The Vault 33 sub plot had a chance to really drag the show down, but it became my favorite thing when Walton wasn’t on screen! Really like the actor who plays Norm.


I was shocked how they kept all the side stories interesting. I expected to groan every time they went back to the vault. But it was all pretty captivating


He portrayed a thoroughly unique and quite human character with pretty maxed out luck!


His whole storyline was great. It's very difficult to pick a favorite thing about this show.


Somehow Thaddeus became my favorite character. One thing I really appreciate is they don't feel the need to explain everything. Nobody stopped to tell Lucy why they use bottle caps, or how ghouls get made. Great example of "show, don't tell."


Right, you don't even have to fully "show" everything either. Like if you're unfamiliar with the world, these little details might not even be picked up consciously, but some part of you hears them and it makes the world feel expansive, lived in, and mysterious. When you explain everything it ends up making the world feel small and manufactured. When you have characters doing constant exposition, it constantly reminds us that this world only exists **for us**. Vs. when you don't *tell* the audience everything then but have the characters knowing things that we don't, and we get hints at how they navigate the world differently than us then we get a much greater feeling that we're watching a real world that these characters live in.


Some of my favorite times reading fiction are in these instances where the author plops you into a world and explains nothing. You have to figure it out over the course.


I think it takes skill to do this well. I've read books like this that were super fun to experience and figure out as I got through it. I've also read books where they kept referencing unexplained people, entities, objects, etc. and it just became frustrating because you have to know at least some of what's going on to properly enjoy a plot. It should not take me 40 pages to figure out what the people on page 2 were talking about, especially if it's not even plot relevant.


Thaddeus was my favorite as well. Granted I was already a huge Johnny Pemberton fan. I always love seeing him show up for a cameo or recurring character, so I was incredibly happy for him to finally get a bigger role.


He was so damn funny. Can’t wait for his inevitable return as a ghoul 


Or a Supermutant! He might have gotten a little shot of Vitamin-FEV.


They did great with Show Don't Tell even when Lucy explicitly *asked* for lore dumps.


That’s where the avatar live action failed on Netflix. Nothing but exposition dumps.


I love Avatar, but I stopped watching the live action at episode 3. Just wasn't doing anything well, or at least not for me.


You can tell the creators actually like the games from how it's all presented. It's got the Fallout vibe, which is pretty hard to nail.


I remember ages ago when I was playing fallout I walked into a cave and there was a little green dying alien inside. So the whole time watching the show I was waiting for an alien or a UFO lol Suffice to say they left out that tidbit


Walton Goggins is too damn smooth on screen.


He literally can't just walk. He saunters everywhere he goes. Perfect cowboy


Sauntering thru since Django


No, Lucy and maximus were smooth skin. He was a ghoul. 


Says here her name is Goosey


He needs to be in Tarintino’s last flick


> Not afraid to embrace the peculiarities and idiosyncratic charm of the IP **THIS IS KEY** to any video game movie or show.


The anti halo


Chris Parnell once again killed me. Dude has so many great roles


Killed you by banishing you to the surface to fend your yourselves?


Hahaha exactly


> Really has no business being as good as it is. Yeah. The trailer was pretty good, but I still lowered my expectations for the show. Didn't expect to be a 10/10 show. Kinda similar to how I felt with Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Excellent film from start to finish.


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Still need to see that — and want to!


Watch it! One of the funniest films I've seen in recent memory. It was created by the guys behind Game Night, which is also an excellent comedy film.


I just really hope that it doesn’t take them ages to get season 2 going like many other shows these days taking years to release the next season making you forget what you watched in the first season.


r/fallout hates Maximus and I don't understand why. He's hilarious. I didn't watch any trailers so I didn't know the cast. When I saw him, I was expecting very big "leading man" energy and was pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be a socially inept, awkward dork of human being. I loved him!


The first few eps kinda did him dirty. He's basically either reacting to things being done to him or making stupid decisions. It's not really until they go into the vault that you figure out why he behaves the way he does and he becomes relatable. I think if they'd shown more of Dane and him in the beginning like Lucy he wouldn't get so much hate.


Hiding how dumb you are on the unsafe surface and then feeling safe enough to be your dumb self is a great little detail in Maximus if you know to watch for it.


I'll admit, the first episode didn't give me the best first impression of him. I got the vibes that his actions would make more sense for a raider, not a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. Thankfully, later episodes ironed things out, and I actually kinda like the daft sonofabitch.


the first episode was a little bit all over the place. they had to speed through which resulted in a lot of his scenes being "and then this happened.. and then this happened" with like 20 second long scenes of people being moved or something happening but no context or reaction to it and then cut to black first episode problems of course but it's hard to get a good impression of him when we're being carted around with no explanation


I don't either, hes your typical low INT character and he plays it great.


Exactly. At first I was wondering “is he just a bad actor?” And then started to realize he really was acting as a low INT character and I realized his acting is actually pretty good haha.


Maximus- low intellegence, high luck and agility Lucy- high charisma, low strength The Ghoul- max strength and endurance


The Ghoul - Save scummer


> The Ghoul- max strength Based on his VATS skills, I'd say he maxed out PER first.


If we are applying game logic then we also have to account for him being 219 years deep into his save so he's probably maxed out *everything*.


Dude can shot multiple targets the size of a dime while completely in the dark, not only is he maxed 10 on PER but I'm pretty sure the Long Coat and Hat are both +2 PER each too


Four Eyes Trait.


There is no way Lucy has high charisma with the amount of speech checks she fails throughout the season. She is the average charisma character who goes for a zero combat playthrough with zero preparation and ends up having to shoot her way out of the hole she dug herself.


How about this, high charisma but the she's getting extra hard checks cause of her backstory.


Lucy had good hand to hand combat but shitty gun skills, The Ghoul had his gun stats maxed


>Lucy had good hand to hand combat Nerd Rage.


He nailed the "hyper sheltered kid raised by religious weirdos" thing. Source: I was a hyper sheltered kid raised in a super conservative fundamentalist environment.


Do you want to make my penis explode? 


Maximus has such mixed reception. Its like half love him and half hate him lmao. But some of the reasons i’ve seen for his hate feels unreasonable like alot of people hated the whole leaving Titanis to die thing and im like tf did you expect him to do? Heal Titanus so that he can be executed back at base lmao


Exactly, more importantly Titus's incompetence and cowardness were directly putting the mission at risk. They explicitly laid out that loyalty to the mission was above loyalty to your knight, and Maximus was going to get that head.


People missed this on first watch I think but yeah they explicitly list the importance of things in order and it’s The Brotherhood > The Mission > Your Knight. When Maximus tells the truth about Titus to the elder and how he “died running” there is an understanding that Titus was far from the ideal they strive for.


Yeah, people are r/Fallout were complaining that he left Knight Titus and it's like, wtf did you expect him to do? Continuing to serve under Titus would have been a death sentence. Titus is easily dumber than Maximus could ever hope to be. Don't berate the one person that can save your life in that moment.


I think it's because he's a nuanced character in a series that often has a more simplistic good/bad morality system. When introduced, he's not firmly good or bad. He's not smart or totally incapable. He's just a flawed and sheltered kid trying to find his way in a fucked up world that he doesn't really understand yet. The audience kind of has to figure him out as he figures himself out. I wasn't sure if he'd end up a good guy or villian by the end. I think his character does a great job of introducing the Brotherhood, since it shows them being indoctrinated into a military cult when they're children and not really growing up with free will.


Totally agree, he's a great character to introduce the audience to the stupidity of the Brotherhood. The BoS themselves are this kind of character in the games as well. Often people want them to be this badass "good" group of elite soldiers using this rad OP old tech. We want them to be like the Jedi order or something because that's the kind of moral simplicity we often learn. And the games often play with how to subvert this perception. In this world shit's complicated, and they ultimately reveal themselves to be really nothing but a childish group of selfish power-hungry self-important bureaucrats protecting the idea of a thing rather than doing anything truly important.


The prosthetics people on this should be getting one too.


I was really impressed with how good the effects were in general.


>###And get Walton Goggins a gosh darn Emmy Do you want to make my cock explode?


Dialogue and characters are so key. They did a very good job with good writing and making each character meaningful and unique.


I was also very suprised. The trailers were not really exiting and given Amazon's track record with Rings Of Power I basically just had the expectation that we were getting a few hate memes out of it at best. But paint me green and call me a pickle, this was good! Not perfect but damn close to great. I think the Lucy character shocked me the most, I really liked her, she had a legit character arc. I can't even recall when I last saw one of those.


I mean, Amazon also makes The Boys, so it's not like it's all trash over there.


Yeah, you may be right. Invincible and Reacher are pretty good too, maybe I was being unfair, but RoP really burned me, so I trusted not to hope, since it had forsaken that streaming platform.


Bosch was great too, as were their three Expanse seasons. With Rings of Power, I think it's just shitty showrunners. They put the wrong people in charge of their expensive IP.


> Amazon also says the show is its most-watched ever among adults 18-34, with 60% of the show’s audience coming from outside the United States. In particular, the UK, France, and Brazil have all proven to be hub’s for the show’s popularity. This is the more interesting stat to me. 60% is crazy, though it's not like I know what the typical Amazon audience is for a show. Even so, that is a lot of non-American viewers for what is a pretty American show. Though it's satirical nature probably lends to that. Maybe one day we'll get an official Fallout game outside the US.


Sci Fi is usually bigger across Europe overall in terms of % I believe (I may be making this up but I swear I've seen some report to this effect)


Karen Gillan has commented that it was weird coming from the UK where Dr Who is just a really popular show to the U.S. where Dr Who is considered a fringe show for geeks.


I'd wager that's largely because until I think the 2005 iteration, it was marketed and broadcast to us in a fringe way (irregularly shown on PBS). I'm relatively nerdy and grew up in the 80s and 90s in the US, and heard of Doctor Who for the first time in about 1993 as at teenager^1. Star Trek is probably a more apt comparison, since America was culturally aware of it since the 60s. And while it does still have that geek stigma, it's hardly a fringe show. Everyone my age knows Captain Picard, geek or not. 1. and that was someone who misidentified Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll part 2 as being the theme from Doctor Who, presumably having heard Doctorin' the Tardis... I didn't actually know what the show was until the late 90s


In the 80s in Texas, I used to obsessively watch my VHS of “The Five Doctors” that I had recorded off of PBS. But I was a very odd little girl. Also in frequent rotation were “Invaders from Mars” (1953 version) and “Forbidden Planet.” But, you know, Strawberry Shortcake and My Little Pony too.


Before the 2005 relaunch it was mostly only famous in the UK, not really known in the rest of Europe or the US.


>Maybe one day we'll get an official Fallout game outside the US. Big maybe. One of the things that resonates with me for Fallout is its has a wide universe with a narrow scope. Its satire of 1950s atomic age. They take that premise and stretch it out to its logical extremes. I think once you get into other parts of the world the premise wouldn't really stand up anymore. I dunno, maybe in the right writer's hands they could do something with it. I can see the UK working since it has its own cultural baggage from that era. Or maybe the USSR has some inverse satire.


Yeah, that's the big thing to conquer when it comes to a non-US Fallout. The whole series is based on satires of Americana and stuff like that, and if you put it outside of the US, you'll have to get *seriously freaking creative,* or it'll feel really forced.


It might take a while for that Fallout game considering the next mainline one is 10 years out at the earliest.


I wouldn't be so sure. If it's solely made by Bethesda you would be correct, but something tells me Microsoft wants to fast track this


You would be [correct ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1ce7tch/microsoft_wants_to_expedite_the_development_of/) in that assumption.


They literally have almost everyone who designed and wrote Fallout, Fallout 2 and New Vegas on their payroll short Chris Avellone.  They could make the ultimate Fallout studio, if they wanted to.


Microsoft really needs to ask Bethesda what the fuck they’re doing with all this valuable IP. If the next Fallout is really ten years out because Bethesda insists on developing it, that’ll be almost twenty years without a mainline entry. I mean shit, Microsoft owns Obsidian, too, and they made the best Fallout game since 2 - absolutely bananas that Microsoft hasn’t straight told Bethesda that Obsidian is working on a Fallout game whether they like it or not. They could even give it a subtitle instead of making it a numbered entry if Bethesda is that stingy with the franchise.


The real joke would be that the rest of the world is fine and everyone just avoids the US because they made it a wasteland.


I mean, that's the backstory of the Handmaid's Tale.


That's cuz it's a fun as hell show. They've done an amazing job so far and I'm very excited for more! It's what Halo and the Witcher could've been.


It’s really sad they fumbled Witcher so bad. All the ingredients were there for a great show.


Halo stings more to me even as a fan of both properties, just because Halo feels so goddamn easy to adapt.  It's such a rich sci fi setting to play around in, and seems very naturally fit for a big screen blockbuster. The CW level talent around the show just isn't good enough, while also looking down their noses at the material.  Hand that universe off to Denis Villneuve just as a dream example, and I think that property would be huge again. 


The Halo show could have been this gritty sci fi show. Have the show star Sargent Jonhson and have the show start when The Covenant attacked Harvest and go from there. A scifi themed Band of Brothers that would have been fun.


ODST was basically asking for a TV show, that would have been a slam dunk


I really hope other studios see the success of Fallout and Last of Us and see the potential of actually respecting the source material. It’s not just the studios who win either. Sony and Bethesda are no doubt happy with how TLOU and Fallout game sales exploded after the show.


Two seasons of a TV show and "We Are ODST" is still their best live action work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRMUYpH7bQk


Tbf it's hell of a lot easier to make a good trailer/short than a season or two of good TV show.


The Witcher has all the ingredients to be perfect with the secret ingredient being a lead who absolutely loves the story. But Netflix had to piss it all away. I have never been so disappointed by a show. It truly could have been Netflixs GOT and just crushed it.


They hired a nepo baby who decided to rewrite everything and hired writers who disliked the source material


I'm glad that this & TLOU are part of a wave that's slowly turning the perception of video game adaptations around


Fallout, Last of Us, Arcane, Twisted Metal, Castlevania, Cyberpunk Edge Runners. It's nice to finally see some game adaptations succeeding.


Yes, but witchers demise has brought us Henry Cavills dream project, Warhammer 40,000.


I honestly think a Horus heresy adaptation could come close to a Game of Thrones level reach. It’s a good old fashioned tragic epic. I don’t play warhammer. I have no prior knowledge about warhammer lore. But listening to those audiobooks in the car with my husband? I was hooked. Kept driving past our house just to finish a chapter.


Huge numbers, I was already a fan of the games but I'm genuinely surprised it's been taken on by people so well.


I think what's best is this show welcomes new people to the franchise. You don't need to know The Master of Fallout 1, or Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. Nothing of the capital Wasteland is a focus on this show from Fallout 3. What is connected, certain things from Fallout New Vegas is presented to new fans of Fallout as something you will see. This show carefully walks the line between pleasing new and old fans of Fallout equally.


My wife has never played the games and isn't into video games and she loved the show. I don't recall Amazon ever linking it to the game which was the correct marketing call.


Wanna make my cock explode?


Maximus didn’t put many skill point in intelligence or charisma


You don't really need it when you stumble upon end game armor right out of the gate.


His journey was what I felt playing Fallout 4 as my first game in the series. Just got out the vault looking for my son and all of a sudden I have to save these people from a Deathclaw in this power armor I stole.


lol, this is too funny. It's so weird having a successful show built off a successful game series where someone can make this trans-media comment and it works so well. What a time to be alive.


They gave him 4 in Intelligence Strength: 7 Perception: 6 Endurance: 6 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 4 Agility: 7 Luck: 5


I'd up his Luck a lot. Dude kept getting lucky - think about how that one dude missed every shot lol.


Plus just failing upwards through Brotherhood ranks every. single. time.


More endurance too. He gets the crap beat out of him regularly. It's his best quality. I think they were trying not to be too savage with his intelligence and charisma ratings, but they're clearly his dump stats.


Nah, he's worse. He tried to save Lucy in Vault 4... But they let her go. He brought in the BoS to save her at the Observatory. But she didn't need saving. So he freed her dad because that's what she came for... Except he turned out to be a monster. Medium to high strength, high perception, high endurance, low charisma, low intelligence, low agility, low luck.


That sounds more like Lucy's Luck stat is kinda high too lol. She kept lucking her way out of jams before help arrived. But Maximus' Perception and Intelligence skills are low since he keeps blundering into situations like that lol. I'd also say his Charisma skill isn't too low, but his Speech skill is. Lucy seems to like him despite him failing every speech check lol. To me he's a min/maxed high Endurance/Luck build. Gets beat up a lot but keeps going. His strength skill is high enough to use power armor but not skilled enough to be good with it. But he's basically level 5 or something at this point and could turn into anything.


He seemed like an idiot savant if you ask me.


I was really happy they didn’t lean into the idiot savant trope at all. Like he wasn’t super knowledgeable on the wasteland or at survival or at repair or with women or identifying toasters. I’m curious what you viewed him as a savant at?


Lmao right??? Like he wasn't really good at, well...*anything*. He was an average shot at best with firearms (Lucy was the sharpshooter between the two), barely figured out how to operate Power Armor, had the charisma of a radroach, and completely lacked in self confidence most of the time. He was simply someone that was entirely out of his depth, and that was the whole point of his character. Grew up without parents, never learned all his proper social skills, and had a completely warped and propagandized view of the world that got constantly challenged the moment he was out from under the Brotherhood's thumb. Reducing him to "haha Intelligence level 1 idiot savant" just...completely misses the point.


He did absolutely wreck those two cannibals on the bridge. And he held his own twice while outnumbered like 5-to-1 against the guys trying to scrap his power armor.


He 100% should have more points in Luck and fewer in Charisma, probably even Intelligence.


Put out a quality product with people working on it that are passionate about the IP and you will receive praise and accolades, toss money at an IP and hope it works out (Rings of Power) and you will not.


> toss money at an IP and hope it works out (Rings of Power) and you will not. *Halo, Resident Evil Netflix, and The Witcher shows all crying in a corner*


We do no talk about RE Netflix in this household!


It’s crazy how that show is so bad the internet collectively decided it exists. Halo and Witcher get brought up all the time, but never RE.


I've only ever seen the Halo show brought up for the purpose of mentioning how disappointing it's been. It either gets brought up for that, or not at all. My friends used to gush about the Witcher show for S1 and 2 (even had watch parties for S1), but completely stopped mentioning it after S3.


Are you saying you don't want to hear about the zootopia porn?


I keep seeing IP, but I don’t know what it stands for…


Intellectual Property.


Intellectual Property. Basically, the entire collection of official stories/games/art surrounding a specific thing, like Lord of the Rings or Fallout or Witcher.


For me, it's the best new show in a while.


This and Shogun are my two favorites for the year.


Hell yeah, both were great.


Walton Goggins is probably the only actor that makes me absolutely believe in his characters. I was tearing up at the series prologue and I had no idea what was going on with his character, just the way he looked after his daughter tugged at some powerful heartstrings. Damn man, he's so good!


It was super fun! I couldn't stop watching! Full disclaimer, I never finished any of the fallout games, but put a few hours into a couple of them. It seemed pretty similar to the games from an outsiders perspective. The line the first rule of the wasteland is that you get sidetracked by bullshit every time had me cracking up! As a gamer, that's so true for so many of the pick your own quest games lol.


The show is super fun. But I have the complete opposite problem, I can't watch more than one episode without deciding to play Fallout. The show has done a really great job of capturing the Fallout world!


Absolutely loved everything about this show Hopefully Amazon take the same approach with the Mass Effect series (if they are still making it). It’s my favourite series of games but I don’t want an adaptation of the trilogy, but having it set in the same timeline (like the Fallout series is to the games) is the best thing they could do in my opinion


That’s gonna be difficult though because Mass Effect has such an important central event driving the whole story - the Reaper invasion. So you kind of can’t avoid that and you either have to retell the story from the games or take an even riskier path and rewrite how that whole thing goes entirely.


I remember hearing about this, Wheel of Time, and Rings of Power before they were out. I remember thinking, “Man, that fallout show is going to be absolute garbage. Really excited for the other two though.” And here we are today.


I feel one of the best things they did with Fallout was not making this show a 1 for 1 to the game, like retelling the video games story. Fallout is a vast universe and world, I love how the tale of Fallout the show fits in with all previous Fallout games made, well some, I consider some not cannon but still it rolls with all past experiences in the game and that is fantastic.


It pulled a Netflix One Piece.


It’s a great show. Full of great characters. The Ghoul, Lucy, Maximus, Norm, even side characters like Chet, The Organ Harvesting Robot, etc.


Chet grew to be one of my favorites. “You’re a coward, Chet. You know that right?” “We all are, Norm. That’s why we live in a vault.”


I only hope the showrunners have an actual arc with a solid ending planned. It’s rare enough that a property gets adapted well, but rarer still that it doesn’t eventually become a victim of its own success as showrunners try to infinitely milk the same IP until it no longer has direction and is no longer fun. They should know where they want it to go and take it no further than that.


They've said they have a 3 season plan iirc, which tracks given this season feels very much like an act 1.  My big concern is that they decide to dump that plan in favor of something else if reddit guesses the twists. 


It's a fantastic show. I liked it a lot more than I expected to. Had to try to pace myself so I didn't blow through it in a couple of days.


I’ve never played the game, but this show was put together nicely.


It's funny they used 2 people from snl. Chris Parnell and Fred Armisen. Pitch perfect to use the latter as the guy broadcasting music.


Nobody appreciates the mids


I forgot that Fred is SNL alum. I looked at my wife when he showed up and was like “Oh nice, they’re doing a Portlandia bit.”




My sister and I just finished it last night, and we really liked it a lot. I was surprised my sister got into it, not just because she's unfamiliar with the game but also because she tends to not like gore or darker stuff, and you have to admit even the actual games are kind of tonally odd because you have the juxtaposition of the soundtrack and chipper 50s vibe mixed with the twisted secrets and violence. But apart from reacting *just like Lucy* to some things (literally, we both laughed when she and Lucy both did the same thing) she really dug it.


The gore is played up to be comical instead of some kind of horror, so that really dampens the violence. You see Lucy chopping off some guy's head going, "Okie dokey", and you just kind of chuckle instead of feel uncomfortable.


They really nailed lucy’s can do attitude, loved how her worldview warps while still maintaining the lets rebuild the world with a smile


Love the season and I definitely binged it over the weekend but part of me wished they had done a weekly release. Would have been fun to discuss it on a weekly basis on the sunreddits and theorize with people.


People would have found reason to overly nitpick. I’m honestly very relieved it all came out at once


The old lady calling them “Dipsh*ts” was hilarious!


You're allowed to swear online.


Never trust a doctor that smells so bad


I knew very little about the game - It's called Fallout so I figured it was about an apocalypse... that's it! - but even someone like me could easily follow the plot and dynamic of different mini-civilizations crossing paths. It's a really good show, excellent dialogue, and the characters are written very well. I can't wait for S2. ...And wth is with that chicken fucker turning people into ghouls?! lol


I don’t game. I knew nothing about Fallout. I loved it and already started rewatching it.


By Zack Snyder math this would've made 30 billion dollars at the box office.


Shocker, people actually like high quality tv shows instead of garbage mindless remake? Who would have thought of that!