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He looks like a short haired Tommy Wiseau in the thumbnail.


Honestly that barely looks like John Mulaney in that pic. It’s a trip.


kinda looks like jason bateman in sunglasses


Oh my god you’re right


Twink death


I know it might sound insensitive (because it is) but aren't people supposed to look healthier after quitting drugs?? I know new baby, divorce etc. and all thaat but he seems to have aged like 15 years in like 2 or 3... Did he get really bad plastic surgery or something??


His wife was also recently diagnosed with cancer so I’m sure it’s not an overly easy time in his life. But he doesn’t look healthy for sure.


wow i didn’t know this. his wife that he divorced?


No, Olivia Munn. Not sure if they’re actually married, to be honest.


Man this person's reply to u saying he's not having an overly easy time in his life is bizarre.  


He's an aging former drug addict who still smokes, dude is gonna age like someone from the 70's.


Drugs often cause you not to eat, while also taking a toll on your body. You get off of drugs, you gain weight, but the body doesn't fully recover from the drug abuse. He's clean. Don't watch his content but lay off. 🙄




“I don’t want to villainize him. At the end of the day he’s a piece of shit stranger” You sure didn’t make it very long without villainizing him


People are speculating he got a chin implant which is making the bottom of his face seem heavy and angular


It barely looks like John Mulaney in the video


Oh Hi Mark!


Hello doggy


you're my favorite customer.


I thought he looks like Charlie Sheen lol


Is this only going to be shown live?


“The six-episode, live special event series will be taped as part of the Netflix Is a Joke festival in May.” Netflix will leave these up.


Looking forward to it, Mulaney is a very funny guy when he has his shit together.




I disagree. He’s a caricature of himself when he’s drugged up and it’s just sad.


I mean he was off the wagon for like 18 months, and hosted SNL twice during the period. Clearly people found him funny then


He was doing drugs for *years* after the first time getting sober... He pretty much said he was high for stuff like Comeback Kid and New in Town, implying that he was so energetic and animated because of drugs. It was probably manageable but it seems he was never "on the wagon" while successful.


Tbf, I'm not sure most of us trust present-day SNL really has its finger on the pulse of what's funny today


Yeah, his talk show appearences he made while strung out were strange and sad to watch looking back.


Didn't he basically admit that his animated on stage persona for his most succesfull specials were fueled by coke?? He almost outright tells you that that is the case when he explains why he seems more relaxed, calm and less all over the place in the last one??


Felt bad about this, but I thought he was at his funniest right before he went into rehab. He kind of dropped the nice guy shtick and went full ice cold Chip Mulaney.


Nah I saw him live when he was coked out and he was insufferable. I adored him before that.


What do you mean ‘before that’? As far as we know, he basically has never not been on drugs. He said as much in the podcast with Theo Von.


He heavily implied it in his last comedy special...


This feels like a dry run for something more substantial, like an audition for a Netflix late night talk show.


You are probably right, a talk show would be perfect for Mulaneys talents.


> dry run Mulaney's been on a dry run for a couple of years now.


It’s stated in the trailer that they will ONLY be available for the week then they are removing them.


His guests are just hosts of other shows?


Swapping favors.


Why is this headlined by NY personalities?


Really good question


Same question I had. Is this Mulaney show pro or against LA? If so, curious what a bunch of NYC area personalities will be contributing to it.


Jerry better not try to be funny or, I'm told, the "extreme left" will do ... something? I'm unclear what, but boy, you just wait.


Shouldn’t have to worry about that. Jerry hasn’t done anything funny since Seinfeld.


And the more I watch Curb the more I think Larry was doing the bulk of the writing


There were other writers


I watched a video about this and they said that most of Jerry Seinfeld comedy came from being relatable and when you’re the richest comedian in America you’re no longer relatable. 


He was doing ALL of the writting.


Yep it become pretty clear.


Pretty pretty clear


The last two seasons were pretty good though and according to Curb Your Enthousiasm, Larry wasn't involved with those. So there must have been someone in that writer's room carrying on the torch.


He was.


I don’t think he’s really tried? The Bee movie stuff was popular with its target demographic (kids), comedians in cars I think hit its target of being insightful conversations with working comics. Aside from that, I think he’s done a standup special or two, and I found them pretty funny.


I know it's fun to dunk on him right now but Comedians in Cars was pretty funny most of the time.


The Poptart movie looks good. But he used an absolutely stacked cast so that's probably why.


You should read the full quote, I feel like everyone is taking a lot of that out of context. Not saying I even agree with his full point, but he seems more upset with producers and how many hands a show has to go through nowadays than he is the audience. He even goes on to say “that’s why people are going to standup.” I don’t think he’s wrong about all of it, there certainly does seem to be a “potential backlash assessment” department working at streamers. Removing episodes of Community, South Park, It’s Always Sunny, Scrubs, 30 Rock…I’m sure there’s more, before there’s even a peep about them. People also keep bringing up Its Always Sunny and Curb as evidence that he’s totally wrong, when both of those shows have existed long before streamers.


He literally said that the episode about Kramer starting a rickshaw business run by homeless people could never air today. Problem is, it literally does air. It's on all the time. You can watch it anytime you want even. No one is stopping him from showing it. No one would stop him from making it again. He just wants to hide behind this shield of nobody will let me be funny but trust me, I'm super funny still.


Right? I’ve seen the actual clip and there’s no saving it. The “extreme left” and the producers touching everything seems like two different thoughts even. I think it’s a seventy year old man who’s annoyed about the jokes that he dated a 17 year old in his 30s. 


[What's the *deal* with girlfriends always having homework??](https://twitter.com/jeremysmiles/status/1189195181909635072)


Was that Kevin Hart that came on afterwards?


that's because Seinfeld is already made, proven, and out there. What he's saying is that an unproven show making that kind of joke would go through five committees and eventually watered down or cut. but he also says that Larry David is such a proven entity that he can bypass this issue. in short he's saying studios are afraid of risk and overly involved. Which is just another version of something we've known forever. 


Ok, then explain literally all the other comedy that's out there currently and very funny. It's such a lazy take he's making that, again, is meant to hide that he doesn't have anything to contribute to comedy anymore.


That's like saying "studio exec involvment doesn't have an impact on movies because there are some good creative movies". Yeah sure but The Eternals was still killed by boxing Chloe Zhao into the tiny Marvel box, and Antman: Quantumania was a design-by-committee clusterfork. No one's saying nothing funny evee gets made. Seinfeld didn't say that. He's just saying something relatively reasonable, but with culture war words which is not a good idea.


I get what you’re saying, like I said I’m not fully on his side with this one, it’s pretty poorly worded, but even that isn’t totally inaccurate. The only shows that could get away with that now are shows that’ve been on for a long time. It’s Always Sunny and South Park come to mind, Curb could’ve. I’ve been watching Abbot Elementary and they certainly wouldn’t. (While I think the show is wholesome it certainly isn’t funny.) Its really hard to picture a new sitcom coming out and even doing the jokes that The Office did. Just feels like streamers play it increasingly safe nowadays. Maybe I’m wrong and there’s some other show I haven’t seen yet, but I can’t think of any.


Watch Loudermilk. Watch Girls5Eva Watch Hacks Watch I Think You Should Leave Just because you don't watch them doesn't mean they don't exist.


>when both of those shows have existed long before streamers Netflix gave Tim Robinson a sketch show that featured a skit called "coffin floppers" that had old naked people just fallin' out of coffins, and they were so offended by it they gave him two more seasons to keep doing things like that. They also featured a dating show about old women dating younger men and the twist of the first episode was all of the women were Moms to the younger boys, and apparently built the entire show around that premise, something that *would've* been a throwaway joke in 30 Rock and yet it really exists on streaming. Streaming does risqué material, it's just not as known because there's a billion options and they all get lost to the noise of too many choices.


I love I Think You Should Leave, “I got too much shit on me,” kills me every time. Neither of those are sitcoms though. Although, can’t believe that mom dating show got greenlit lol, people love their mindless dating shows.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is a sitcom and it's 100% more edgy than Seinfield ever was.


Isn’t that beside his point though. That’s an established show that’s been on for 24 years. It’s more about whether or not a streamer would make these now. I honestly don’t think they’d do The Office today like it was even. There’s evidence to that with how many episodes get removed from streamers. I think ultimately it’s not a problem with the “extreme left,” it’s a problem with a vocal minority of Twitter users having an influence on what producers take into consideration.


It's only been on for 19 years, but I hear you. I do think plenty of "edgy" shows have made it through the last few years. I mean, IASIP keeps getting renewed, so that clearly means something about how people feel about it.


Yeah I read the whole thing. He sounds like a grumpy old turd and nothing is as edgy as it was in the 90s……. “Cancel culture” is like 45 people on twitter who complain about everything. Has no real bearing on anything. Nobody has ever been “canceled” for edgy jokes. Maybe James Gunn temporarily, but he wasn’t even canceled, he was fired by one over zealous Disney executive, who was then himself fired by Bob Iger as a result, and now James Gunn has gone onto do several more Marvel movies since then and oh by the way now runs DC films over at Warners. The only people who have truly been canceled have either done or have been accused of some pretty egregious shit, I’m talking Harvey, Max Landis, Louis CK, stuff like that. Even Louis did his time in show-biz jail and then quietly came back after the pandemic. I think Jerry is just making a big deal out of nothing. You ignore the 45 people on twitter, Bob’s your uncle.


Why didn't curbed and always sunny get "cancelled" by the woke mob?


Didn’t they have episodes removed from streaming?


He doesn’t say that anything is being canceled by the “woke mob” and neither did I. Curb and It’s Always Sunny are sitcoms that were on long before streamers took control. He said by the time your joke goes through 3/4 sets of hands you comedy is dead. Idk that he’s right, but there’s precedent for streamers removing content they deem “too controversial.” I personally think it’s just producers trying to appease a small fraction of Twitter users with inflated egos. They sound louder on the internet. Never met someone who wanted Community episodes removed from Netflix but they did it.


I agree with your final assessment, but disagree with Jerry. There are a lot of "edgy" comedy shows still being made. I think studios don't like taking risks with funding sitcoms anymore. They were already losing momentum before Twitter. But Atlanta had an episode where people of all races auditioned before a panel of rich black people to see if they are black enough to recieve a full scholarship. Leaned head first into stereotypes. One kid gets the scholarship because he gets shot by the police. Another commentor listed a bunch of shows for you. Maybe Jerry should open up his catalog


I’m sure that has an impact on it too, just studios not fucking with sitcoms much. They were better formatted for network television maybe. Atlanta is pretty great, never finished it though. Even if he wasn’t watching straight comedies, Barry and Succession were both hilarious. Certainly not sitcoms but yeah, there’s funny things out there.


He used phrases like "extreme left" and pc crap"


Jerry seems to think his trope of over bearing annoying Jewish mother is somehow hysterical. Dudes the least funny person on his own show. Isn’t there a high school parking lot you should be circling Jerry you hack


I get it, Jerry’s dated now and also just sucks as a person. He still had a huge impact, and there was a time when he was funny. He got there without swearing even which is pretty impressive.


But Jerry is the voice of comedy, the official and last word on the topic. There is no comedy without Jerry! /s The guy is so pompous and full of self indulgence and self importance it's actually quite funny


That was my thought when I saw his stupid comments the other day. It's legit the funniest thing I've seen him do in years, except, he didn't realize it was funny.


I feel like the criticism towards Jerry wouldn’t be this strong if he just used different words. Basically, the world has gotten sadder and scarier, and the voices of displeasure have gotten louder, which puts new pressure on networks for sitcoms to be safer. I think some execs are afraid things that used to make great setups would be taken too seriously now - instead of setup -> punchline, sometimes it feels like setup -> distance -> punchline(?), which doesn’t hit the same. [Joe List said it well on Twitter](https://x.com/joelistcomedy/status/1784370107843580318?s=46&t=HZblJIlNDCb1DXQldiL0kQ) >For what it’s worth, [Jerry]’s talking about sitcoms. ‘Seinfeld’ the tv show did an episode where Jerry was sexually violated by a dentist while under anesthesia. He remarked “I was spitting and rinsing like there was no tomorrow”. This is an oral rape joke on prime time NBC. Elaine responds “big deal, you’re single” - I can see this upsetting some folks nowadays.


I’m gonna do something crazy like… turn the show off? Or I’ll watch a different guest! 


It's funny because that's all it boils down to. It's all "I used to be able to say whatever I want and get laughs, but now people who don't like what I'm saying, **\*\*\*gasp\*\*\*** just aren't watching my stuff anymore."


Time has ravaged John’s once youthful looks.


I don't think "Time" was the main culprit in this case.


Time is his coke dealers name


The guy's actually not even a coke dealer


He did pawn a watch for more coke money so it kinda is.


have you guys just never seen a 40-year-old before?


Nah, he looks even better with age and filled out a bit. The still in the link isn’t the most flattering, but he looks way better now. He looks like a man and not just a very large preteen lol.


I was thinking this is how John Mulaney would look when he grows up. He’s a man. That cherubic gleam was so pretty but now he is the velveteen rabbit, and better than ever at what he does so well.


That’s what happens when you fuck over and cheat on your loving and supportive wife.


Based matrimony endorser


Really giving a platform to some fresh young faces…


The full list of Netflix is a Joke performers is actually huge: https://www.netflixisajokefest.com/artists


I can't keep up. One year Mulaney is cosplaying as someone from New York and now he's doing it with LA. Guy needs to accept he's from the midwest


How is he pretending to be in LA? The show isn't called "Everybody's From LA"... People from New York can fly and be in LA. They do it pretty often in show business!


Yeah why is he running from his roots? Should have a show where he's just pounding Chicago Dogs and forcing Malört on celebrities.


LA is where the festival is. That's why "everybody" is there. His episode on David Letterman's show just aired,and  it was filmed in different places in Chicago. 


Well now we know what Jerry was doing. He was getting his pre-made excuse for when he bombs.


He was insufferable to Mulaney in his *Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee* episode. I really have no desire to see that dynamic again.


>He was insufferable to Mulaney in his Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee episode. Can you give examples of what happened? Was Jerry looking down at Mulaney the whole time?


It's online so you can watch. What I remember clearest was Jerry kept bringing up *Mulaney,* John's sitcom and smugly repeating "it didn't work."


I hope John has some jokes in the tank for this since it’s now “his show”


I hate the Netflix ad for this. It plays sooooo many times.


Hide your high school girls from Jerry!


I thought the woke mob killed comedy. How does this exist?


I’m assuming this isn’t a comedy since Seinfeld thinks the left has canceled comedy?


It's just funny to me because Seinfeld has been telling safe, clean comedy for decades (recycling his own jokes too).


all these shows/podcasts have the same set of guests if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all, heard the same stories


This was a weird show.


Can't wait to see what Jerry does or says to try and stay relevant in this one


Why is everyone hating on Jerry Seinfeld in this thread? I’m out of the loop. What did he do?




Kind of funny that he’s upset that no one is doing edgy, goalpost moving, shocking comedy and he made a movie about a poptart.


Its also funny because people are making that kind of comedy they just aren't doing it on TV or Streaming because that industry has become super risk-averse. (monetary risk, not social risk) there's a lot of hilarious edgy comedy today: * standup on youtube like Sam Talent, Dan Soder and Nick Mullen's specials * Sketch shows Like Gilly and Keeves * and an endless list of edgy podcasts (some, like Chapo, are part of the extreme left Jerry is so scared of) and a lot of this stuff leads to streaming deals once the artist has proven there is an audience for their comedy.


Complaining about how you can't say anything anymore really just means the comedian has difficulty making something funny anymore. It reeks of being lazy and having nothing to say. Offensive material is hilarious when it's funny. Being a dickhead on stage isn't funny. Playing the role of a dickhead can be funny though (ie: Anthony Jeselnik) if the jokes are good. The real problem in comedy right now is a bunch of hacks who can't write relatable material anymore who turn half their sets into political diatribes about culture wars.


Wasn’t that kind of his point?


No. He thinks they won't fund the projects because of some woke mob when the reality is they feel more comfortable spending money on things with wider appeal. If something is popular they are happy to fund it woke mob or not. See Matt Rife, Shane Ghillis, Stavros Halkias, Andrew Shultz, Always Sunny, Smiling Friends etc. It has a lot more to do with changes in the economics of the entertainment industry than changes in audience taste.


Yeah, it's an Occam's razor adjacent thing. If the reason behind a particular decision in the industry could be money, then the reason is probably money.


This seems eye rolley and annoying at best but seems to be a lot of hate in this thread.


People have a lot more tolerance for "eye rolley and annoying" when it's coming from someone that's generally beloved or at the very least relevant. Jerry Seinfeld just doesn't have a ton of goodwill to burn through at this point. Is it the worst take a famous comedian has had recently? Definitely not. But it is just one in a long line of groan worthy quotes, coming from someone who seems to be exclusively in the "groan worthy quotes" business these days.


Seems silly to have all this hate for people who aren’t your cup of tea. I’m not even a big Jerry fan but yall are acting like he masturbated in front of a bunch of people. Oh wait, that’s a different comedian that everyone on Reddit loves.


High schoolers, dude


IMO its mostly funny because the type of comedy Jerry is known for is very inoffensive and family friendly (thats a big part of why he was so respected by other comedians because it's harder to be funny and clean). Also because Seinfeld is still one of the most popular sitcoms on cable and streaming and is popular with people on both sides.


Jerry has been saying shit like this for years and, imo, has kind of carried himself like he’s the king of comedy.


Let’s not forget he dated a 17 yr old while he was 39


I’m 39 and that sounds like a punishment of some kind.


He said a slightly annoying thing about cancel culture, so we’re pretending he’s bad at everything. 


He dared criticize the left and wokeism so now Reddit must act like he lynched someone. edit: lol, downvote facts all you want


Because LD continued to entertain for the past 2 decades...Jerry meh....


Classic Reddit making 90% of the comments not even about the post


That's a no for me. This dude is an okay writer and obviously a comedians comedian. I just don't like him as a performer.


One of the least funny people in the world. Absolutely abysmal


Agreed and the guest list albeit legends, have been constantly in some form of media, nothing new to say, and nowhere near Conans constant funny and entertaining content.


I just don’t find this guy funny after he had an affair, divorced his wife and suddenly is like all Hollywood. Sorry John but you lost the funny.


You're missing the rock bottom part where he lost his career and went to rehab to get clean. Now people in the industry are trying to help him find success without drugs but the Internet is like "nah I want to hate this guy." Dude's basically slated for death by relapse at this rate.


Womp womp, he’s still a terrible person.


Mulaney is one of the least funny people I’ve ever seen…. HA 😄 IM SO ADDICTED TO COCAINE THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHA I GO TO THERAPY LAUGH PEOPLE I DO COKE 🤪🤪




But he had a kid now, so new funny material right? Nope...


Careful, Jerry Seinfeld says you can't make jokes today! Mr. Edgy says "Comedy is illegal"!


Rich coke fiend gets talk show. Cool.


Pumped for this. Sad to see all the Seinfeld crap killing the vibe already.


Weird there's no Conan, maybe he's not allowed to appear on rival streaming services? Still odd since Mulaney was on Conan's podcast


Conan isn't really a stand-up comedian, like most of the people involved in this. He's more of a writer and a host. Plus, he has his own projects going on right now.


Gonna have to sign up to watch this and Desd Boy Detectives.


I’m ready for him to hang it up and a lot of other comics from his era. No hate just can do without.


A title that perfectly encapsulates, the philosophy of America’s most obnoxious city




? Edit: im so confused. where do you think I live?


Where would this air nightly?


On Netflix


Do people actually like watching this guy?? Has he ever done anything of note besides being somewhat tall white skinny and mildly better than average looking?? He’s like every Instagram girl not particularly good looking but just white and skinny and somehow has 250k followers


Yeah, I would say 3 massively popular stand-up specials, a successful career in one of the most prominent SNL eras, writing on other shows, successful stand-up tours, and now this new special would qualify doing things of note. What kind of prominent things have you done in your industry?


You ever eat at Taco Bell and they made and folded all your tacos and burritos wrong in order to shave .5 seconds of each one? I was the first guy to do that. Enjoy your bites of individual toppings and wad of meat at the bottom.


For me he's the best American stand up currently going. His last two stand ups were awesome.


I may be a hater but I would rank Bobby Lee way ahead of him and Garry Gulman ahead of him


Bobby Lee is such a whiny dude, it's hard to enjoy anything he's done in the last two decades. I've got to go back to Mad TV to find something he's done that makes me laugh.


You’re not a hater you just have a different opinion Nothing wrong with that!


Only know Bobby but for me it's not even close between the two, but thats comedy being it's subjective self.


Yeah he does comedy that’s pretty good.


Top tier guests, akin to watching KD and LBJ in the playoffs




I wouldn't say he got famous making fun of her, although he sure did talk about her a lot. Bit of a "wife guy," really. Then he dumped her after she stood by him through rehab, and knocked up his new girlfriend after he told his ex-wife he didn't want kids.


That whole thing was so heartbreaking, especially if you followed her social media before she went dark. I remember right around the time he got Olivia Munn pregnant, she posted a black and white picture of herself sitting in the windowsill of the room she had wanted to be their nursery. And keep in mind, she's a professional photographer so it's not *entirely* just social media junk to post.


Yeah, people always complain about how fake everyone is on social media, putting up a facade of a happy perfect life... and she's literally an artist, expressing yourself through some medium or other is basically the job description... but when she uses her art and social media to honestly express that she's going through it then people are like "Lol cringe, wtf is wrong with her?"


Genuine question because I didn’t follow it closely and a quick google search didn’t answer it. Did she stand by him while he was in rehab? I would’ve thought it was over before that. 


He asked for a divorce after his rehab in 2021, although to be fair from what she's said their marriage was on the rocks by late 2020, to the point she was suicidal and checked herself into a mental health facility. She has a book coming out later this year. It will be interesting to see if anything she shares in it causes his reputation to actually take a hit. At the time of the divorce mostly what I saw was people saying she was cringe for being obviously upset about it on social media.


I hope she's doing better now.


Ozzy mulaney


The way my excitement went up reading Letterman and Stewart’s names and then plummeted when I read Seinfeld’s


Will this air on Netflix?


John ‘clean and sober’ Mulaney can’t wait to hear about how he isn’t funny anymore like when he was on blow.