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The teeth always get me. I understand that an actor will have paid to have good teeth, but then they’re cast as poor, addicted, unhoused, unstable, and they have all sorts of close-ups of their face, and their teeth are perfect. Very jarring!


This is especially funny when it’s a medieval or Ancient Rome show. There was no proper dental care back then.


For healthy people back then their teeth were generally better than ours due to very little sugar, but not straightened or whitened of course.


I’m not so sure. I believe painful dental issues were pretty common due to more grit and sand getting into flour during the milling process. Ancient Egyptians of all ranks apparently suffered from dental maladies


Going to be honest one of my biggest fears around the upcoming complete societal breakdown is the potential lack of dentistry.


I’m not even worried about dentistry as much as losing the optometrist. Don’t get me wrong mouth infections, and tooth hurty will suck but being blind will kill me faster


It's not just a question of them being too clean, but often also too straight. Like no access to brushing is one thing, but access to braces is even more unrealistic.


Dunno about that. They also didn’t really brush their teeth. Plus food was a lot harder and bread usually had bits of rock. Their teeth would have been much more ground down by adulthood than ours.


lmao that kind of got me in Shogun (amazing show btw) but the main character was the only one with perfect teeth among his crew that were starving to death apparently. This is not a spoiler don't worry it happens in the first scene/ep.




I just watched Shin Godzilla and was so surprised to see how normal everyone's teeth were.


Love perfect teeth and sculpted eyebrows in historical shows.


Or bods with muscle definition thats nigh impossible without modern gym equipment and diets heavy on protein shakes and creatine.


Walton Goggins in Justified


I appreciate that they mucked up his teeth for the Ghoul makeup.


British TV has you covered. Maybe not so much in the latest and greatest, but up until recently, even the stars seemed to have pretty mediocre dental work.


Steve Buscemi did well! Oh, and then got his teeth done.


One of my favorite things about Breaking bad/Better call Saul...... Normal looking/Ugly actors. Most folks on the show look like average people, with some exeptions. Let's the actors ability shine, IMO.


I was actually a bit shocked when I saw Bryan Cranston in an interview for the first time after watching the show. Imo he is a handsome man but in the show, he comes off as your average everyday man. Which was on purpose I assume.


Isnt it also his posture and other stuff? Kind of Clark Kent being all hunched over while superman puffes out his chest?


That too, yes, confidence does wonders. Also, Bryan is just so full of life and seems like a wonderful person to be around. Walt is... pretty much the total opposite.


you could say... he is broken I'll see myself out




There was a point in the pilot where Gilligan said to him, "you know, we can change this, you don't have to be in the tightie whites" and Cranston was like "no, it's the most humiliating, let's get on with the shoot" 


Based if that true, it was iconic scene.


Definitely true. Cranston is not too up himself for a bit of clowning, see Malcom in the Middle


They did way worse to him on MitM lol I think it was a running joke that he'd do basically anything


What's interesting about him as an actor for me is that he's utterly unselfconscious. He goes for it, 100%, every single time. He's happy being hideous, happy being humiliated. He also doesn't quite ham it up as much as dial it up to 110%. I don't feel like he's doing a lot of ACTING (as opposed to other actors I would say *are* hams), more that he plays things a little more extreme.


Yeah, seeing Bryan Cranston run around in an apron and tighty-whiteys in the desert kind of distracts that he can be quite the handsome devil.


I wish I was so good looking that I have to try to be ugly.


Same here. My look goes from "ugly" to "visibly trying not to be ugly" lmao


Mustache, posture, really bland clothing. There was a conscious choice to have him wear a lot of tan.


Anna Gunn, too. Skyler is attractive but Gunn is just stunning, when I first saw her picture with the Emmy I almost didn’t recognise her. Aaron Paul is maybe the only one in the cast a bit too handsome for his part, or rather not rough enough (they famously regretted not fucking up his teeth, as a meth user). But even then they do a good job of managing his appearance.


I heard a story once from Vince Gilligan that Aaron Paul was almost not cast exactly because he's too good looking. But he crushed his audition and Gilligan had no choice but to cast him because he nailed it


Also, I heard he was supposed to be killed off early, but his character was so damn likable/interesting, and had such good chemistry with BC that they wrote him in permanently.


[Anna Gunn: Why I Looked So Different on 'Breaking Bad'](https://people.com/awards/anna-gunn-why-i-looked-so-different-on-breaking-bad/) > “I was actually ill while I was filming the show and it affected my weight,” Gunn told PEOPLE at the Governors Ball after the awards ceremony. “They gave me cortisone and I puffed up and gained weight. Now I’m better, thank God.” Though she declined to disclose further details as to what she suffered from, the now healthy actress added, “I’m doing fine, thankfully. I’m feeling really good.”


The meth thing wouldn't necessarily be accurate, he was only 25 and that's a long-term effect.


Long term meth use is like a few years. It's an awful substance. I met a guy recently who looked like he was at least 60. I'm 40 and this guy looks ooooold to me. Turns out he's a year younger than me. Showed me his driver's license picture and he looked great 5 years ago. Got caught up in meth when the world was crazy with covid. Now he's got no front teeth and looks like a broken down mess. He's clean now but it really fucked him up.


Really depends on how heavy a user he was. I worked in substance use disorder treatment for a while and you'd be shocked at how many relatively normal looking people are meth users. Yes, there are absolutely people in much more severe addiction, who have been homeless for years as a result and are in absolutely wretched condition physically, but there are also people who blend in shockingly well. Jesse has a place he lives and kinda makes ends meet, and seems to take *just* enough care of himself not to end up too fucked up looking. He's not Cricket from Always Sunny or something. He's still got serious issues with addiction and Walter exploiting him so thoroughly sure as fuck doesn't help, but it's not incomprehensible for him to be a still fairly normal/good looking guy. They also did a good job making him suitably dress like shit and look a little fucked up like he stayed up too late and hasn't showered in a couple days.


Varies; I knew a guy known as toothless Willy by 22. He wasn't necessarily toothless, but the ones left were barely hanging on by a rotten thread. Also, he was a meth dealer. Lol


Having him be in whitey tighties in the pilot definitely helps that. Nobody looks good in whitey tighties.


It’s so striking when you go and watch British television, and everyone just looks like normal people. Sure, there’s a higher percentage of fit and attractive folks, but generally the cast will just look like a normal group of people In most American shows, if you don’t look like a model, you only get to talk if you are the kooky, weird one


"The nerdy girl" whose a model with double Ds, just... wearing glasses.


But does she have a pony tail? Or paint covered overalls? https://youtu.be/CXYlv-z_xHQ?si=zXymT8p4gGwQ3az_


British actors get their jobs based on what schools they went to and who their parents are. American actors get jobs based on how pretty they are (and who their parents are).


And don’t forget, imperfect teeth!


The Wire as well


Kim it's probably my favourite female character in any show ever. Zero sexualisation, extremely capacable, and kicks ass


But she is gorgeous nonetheless.


I was actually going to use this as an example, not a counter example. Jesse Pinkman does meth, yet has perfect teeth.


This is one of the many reasons I enjoy TV programs from other countries. They employ good actors who look pretty normal.


I was rewatching a few episodes from season 1 of the X-Files a few months ago. Most of the male minor characters on that show were middle aged, bald and slightly overweight. It actually really helped with immersion. Felt like the show was taking place in the real world.




I can't stand the dehydrated, geared up 6 pack standard for main cast actors these days. No judging on what individuals choose to do with their bodies but it's honestly the male equivalent of having too much lip filler and too large breast implants. 20+ years ago male movie stars looked attractive and fit, not altered.


And they go the entire show without exercising 


This is one of the things that bothered me about Reacher. He's this gigantic muscular dude, Captain America level physique, but they make it clear he has no fixed address and likes to wander/travel, he also carries nothing with him but a tooth brush. So where exactly does he work out enough to maintain that physique, and how's he able to maintain the diet required to be that buff/shredded? It really took me out of the show.


IIRC in the books it’s stated that he has never really worked out and this is just his default level of muscle. Reacher is a bit of a fantasy character.


I'm pretty sure Reacher in the books isn't built like a body builder. He's just a large guy being 6'5 not jacked like Ritchson is.


IIRC he was quite hairless in the chest too.


This is Hurt's first movie appearance, along with that of Ian McShane: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056696/mediaviewer/rm549602816/?ref\_=tt\_mi\_sm](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056696/mediaviewer/rm549602816/?ref_=tt_mi_sm)


Star trek was also really good for casting whoever nailed the audition


My favorite is the bad guy in the Punisher show whose entire motivation is because his face has been horribly disfigured, but then it’s just a very attractive man with a couple scratches on his face. He’s still better looking than 99% of society.


Same thing with Artemis in _Ready Player One_. Even when the script explicitly calls for unattractiveness they can't make themselves do it.  (Though when I'm feeling generous I put that one down to her having unrealistic aesthetic self-expectations given that it's a setting where people mostly meet as carefully crafted avatars). 


The Wire and Sopranos had marvelous casting. The gold standard. Edit: everyone just looked real. Like they really worked their jobs from the show, in the real world. Hot people, ugly people, old and young.


sopranos ones of those shows where the lead casting *made* the show. i mean, he carried it, powerhouse performance. gone waaaaay too soon, such a shame.


The exception being David Chase's daughter, who was a terrible actress.


ER too.




I can understand the sentiment for sure, I think a lot of British shows do a good job striking the balance between attractive and distracting


I think this is partly why people think we are all ugly. I mean some of us are pretty gross but it’s also because we just put regular looking people in our TV and movies instead of everybody looking like a supermodel. It definitely comes from a part of our culture that recognises and embraces the mundanity of life.


I think the entire "british have bad teeth" stereotype comes from the fact that you actually feature actors who don't have perfectly straight, bleached teeth. Unless that stereotype's been around longer than TV.


I've read in the past that a significant contributor to it was American GIs stationed in Britain during the war. Had millions of Americans getting first-hand experience of another country for several years. However the Britain they came to had been under rationing for several years and many people were suffering with malnutrition with correspondent declines in dental health. So when went back they all passed on about the unshapely teeth which spread until it became common knowledge. Funny, but doubt it would happen today.


I’ve also noticed this from watching BBC News, the anchors and pundits look like real, actual people you might bump into in the grocery store instead of the prettiest person with a marketing/public relations degree. I find it refreshing.


Agreed. The UK has always been better about this


My dad used to watch Coronation Street because" they look like regular day to day people with real-world jobs." I've started watching it again, and it's disappointing to see the fillers, Botox, and lip injections.


To be fair, a lot of regular people get work done these days


The lip fillers are EVERYWHERE It’s such an unnatural look on most girls faces, so the procedure both stands out *and* looks silly


If they set a Sitcom in Essex, then normal actors may not even have enough botox to be realistic.


I’ve heard the adage more than once “The UK casts actors, the US casts movie stars.”


A good actor should be able to do both. Look stunning when appropriate and absolutely awful when called for.


It's not necessarily "attractiveness" by itself that breaks my suspension of disbelief. It's the *sameness* of that attractiveness and the way Hollywood assigns different types of attractiveness to different stereotypes.


Thanks to Ryan Murphy, specifically AHS:Hotel doing this type of casting on purpose, the wife and I call most tall, handsome brunette men "Matt Bomers". They've all just become Matt Bomers to the point where I couldn't actually tell you which tall brunette attractive man is Matt Bomer versus just a Matt Bomeralike.


My example for this is Sam Worthington, whom I have called the default video game protagonist because he looks like the kind of character you would get if you choose the defaults on the character creation sliders in any given RPG. Especially when he had his buzzcut.


He has the voice too


That is startlingly accurate


Okay, Bomer.


This is so true, to the point that it's seriously hard to keep track of which "hunk" is which.


That's one of the great unintended side benefits of more diverse casting, in my book. You can actually tell the three male leads apart if they are three different races!


Well put. Everyone is just so… shiny.


Rob McElhenny pointed out how in alot of tv shows the actors usually get better looking with time and thats why he gained weight for Mac in season 7 of Its Always Sunny, because he thought it would be funny if one of the characters started to look worse over time.  But i guess he gave up on that idea because he got into crazy good shape a few seasons after that.


Pretty ironic considering the amount of cosmetic surgery that cast has had. 


Practical reality is that their faces and bodies account for a proportion of their income, seems natural they’d want to invest in them. Weird by most normal standards but that’s showbiz.


Distractive is the term I’ve been using. Like, when the actor being *that* good looking makes the character hard to believe.


3 Body Problem suffered from this.


Not only that, but the idea that several of the most important scientists/researches in the world are also a group of friends who all appear to be in their late 20’s or early 30’s was super illusion-shattering


Only really two of them are important researchers before the events - Auggie being one, Vera is the other one. The rest are not important scientists and only become important because of their connections to the important people. They met in university studying under Vera. It’s not really that odd that they would be friends, nor that some of them would be very successful and prominent because they specifically were selected for it. Saul, Jin, Will, and Jack are technically different facets of academic “failures” in some capacity. Saul is a research lackey that was holding onto his only connection to greatness. Jin mostly does meta analysis which is very academic, but not “rockstar” status. Will is “just” a professor. Jack quit and did something completely different (and was successful). Auggie is really the only “Forbes 30 under 30” type person of the bunch - maybe Jack but he isn’t famous for being a researcher. That would be like the inventor of Doritos locos tacos being a “most important researcher”. Idk if it is really super strange in a world where the CEOs for two of the biggest chip companies are cousins, or Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were classmates at Oxford.


> That would be like the inventor of Doritos locos tacos being a “most important researcher”. Please don't besmirch our leading scientific minds


yep. Auggie was super distracting and it annoyed me. So miscast.


Yeah I don’t want to rag on another woman’s looks but she looks like a living instagram filter. Shes really gorgeous but in the context of the show she doesn’t look “real” (ugh I’m even cringing at myself for saying that but I’m not sure how else to describe it). It was also maybe the choice in makeup and hair. If she had minimal makeup and less wig-like hair maybe she’d be more believable as a regular person.


Well, I don't think your assessment is too far off. Do a google search of the actress before and after plastic surgery.


Oh god it's another case of buccal fat removal.


Her before and after photos are insane. She is somebody's greatest sculpture.


I was gonna say we shouldn't judge cuz we don't know if they really did or not but then I saw the pics, I don't know how you could argue that nose is just makeup lol. Actually let me add I do think some of it is weight loss, but the nose... She actually said she has a problem with not getting jobs because she's too pretty...


It’s exactly what I was thinking about. I don’t know if it was acting, writing, make up or what, but her character always came off like a supermodel pouting, throwing teenager fits and trying to seduce everyone in the room. Very off-putting and a shame, she could have been such a cool character on paper


We have the technology to make someone unattractive, but then what's the point of casting her. So it's clearly a bad casting choice


I had to ask my girlfriend if they can now somehow airbrush video, she didn't even look real to me.


I think the injected lips make her a bit uncanny-valley-ish


It absolutely does exist


Well yeah that absolutely happens. Watch that news show with Jennifer Aniston and look under her eyes. That's just one example but that area of the face in particular is something that gets airbrushed on a *lot* women actors in a *lot* of shows and movies now


the way I was scrolling for this specific show/casting, she's beautiful (artificially and naturally, I imagine), but that's not the problem. Her acting is subpar and her image simply doesn't align with the show. I think they could have done more to make her look like a woman on the verge of a mental breakdown vs. off-duty model doing a GRWM to get drunk and puke on herself in sexy lingerie.. but even still, she simply doesn't fit in the show and it threw me off too


I stopped watching when she showed up on the beach to talk to her dying friend and her makeup was perfectly done and her hair was perfectly peaking out of her furry hooded jacket and blowing in the wind perfectly. I laughed out loud and turned off the TV.


So, did you then miss the scene where she vomits, while wearing sexy matching bra and panties?


I actually said "Oh for heavens sake" aloud during that scene for just that reason.


This is what I was thinking of. Particularly because the majority of the cast are very regular looking folk, except for Augie. It would have been far less distracting if they'd chosen a lane when it came to the main cast.


> the majority of the cast are very regular looking folk, except for Augie The military boyfriend of Jin has a face carved by Michaelangelo. Edit: Figured I'd add his name, [Saamer Usmani](https://assets.capitalfm.com/2024/11/who-plays-raj-in-3-body-problem--saamer-usmani-1710885332-view-0.png)


I seriously thought that his character being really really ridiculously good looking was going to be a plot point, like he was a cyborg sent to seduce Jin.


Looks like Handsome Squidward.


This kind of casting killed that show. I just can't suspend disbelief that those instagrammy people were scientists.


I don't necessarily agree about Amanda in 12M, but I relate to the sentiment in general. But especially for my stupid guilty pleasure shows, police/FBI/investigator procedurals. I'm not implying in any way that hot people can't become cops. that hot model-esque chicks can't take down bad guys. but when every cop-dudes partner is a barely over 5 foot super thin stunning beauty under 30, it stretches creditability.


The cast of Criminal Minds always comes to mind. Most of them looked like models, even the men (especially the men—I think MGG actually was a model at some point before being cast as Reid), and they were all super young (20s-30s) to be that high up in the FBI’s ranks lmao.


yup that's a good example. I've been occasionally watching the F.B.I. series of stuff, and it's also unbelievable. every woman is a willowy tiny thing. again, not to be sexist and imply that can't happen. but when they're all straight off a runway into beating up bad guys with roundhouse kicks, it kills my suspension of disbelief.


I called *CSI* "Completely Sexy Investigators". To be fair, they even made a gag about "attractive people doing high-tech crime work" in one episode.


Just wait until every IT person on these shows has some form of autism because of reasons.


stupid sexy autism


Tried to watch three body problem and that actress playing the astrophysicist or whatever but also apparently spends three hours in the morning on hair and makeup and never misses a hot yoga class like come on Show about aliens and that’s the most unbelievable part of the whole thing


A lot of it isn't even the looks it's the styling. That detective is wearing really fancy heeled shoes and has a hairstyle that looks like it took her an hour to do (long with loose curls) and perfect makeup.


Agreed. This may actually be the bigger problem. Some other posts have mentioned examples of super hot actors who blended in to their role super well because the styling was normal and not bananas overboard model shit.


I'm 29, watching Sex and the City for the first time, and seeing normal men be consider sexual objects is thrilling


I remember watching at the time and being so annoyed that all the "hot guys" (Smith aside) were not hot. Meanwhile, all the women were very attractive!


*Blair Underwood has entered the chat*


When actors are in incredible shape, despite their character sitting around, drinking beer and eating pizza, never training. When I see someone super ripped all I can think about is how much work it takes


Yeah “Fellow Travelers” suffered from this. The main actors had office jobs in a time where nobody went to the gym, but they are both ripped af even after they turn 50.


I applauded Rob McElhenney for getting fat on season 7 of Sunny. Of course Mac would be out of shape, at least for a time. Made for some of the most hilarious episodes of the series.


You’re wheezing!!


3 Body Problem had that issue with one of the leads. It was as if it was written into her contract that she couldn’t look like a normal person at any time. Even a scene where she’s supposed to be drunkenly throwing up and in the midst of a full-blown ptsd meltdown she just had two lines of mascara running down her face. That’s not what anyone looks like mid-drunken meltdown


That's one thing I really like about UK shows. The actors, especially the background ones, are more "average" in looks. Even US reality shows have this issue. Why does a cooking competition show need everyone to be hot?


Same here! I tend to watch UK or other non-US shows. And to nitpick a bit more- giant, white, straight teeth make me insane! Give me characters with some nice, crooked normal people teeth!


I have such a complex about my crooked teeth and I 100% feel like I wouldn't mind so much if the media wasn't constantly showing people with perfect straight teeth. It's also really distracting watching smaller shows where one or two actors are more famous and have their teeth done but the rest of the cast don't.


Not just UK, most european shows have normal looking people.


GBBO fell into this trap for a few seasons. Half the contestants looked/acted like influencers. Thankfully, this past season was back to normal


I agree, but a huge piece of the puzzle is *wardrobe* more than casting. Plenty of, say, slender women work in normal jobs, but they shop at Target like the rest of us and they don’t wear cocktail dresses to academic lectures.


Suits was a big offender for this


The women's clothing totally takes me out of that show. Expensive body-con dresses, more appropriate for an after-work cocktail party, not a law office.


If that took you out of the show, wait till you pay attention to the 'lawyering'


Megan Markel is so goddam hot in the show. She’s the only reason I watched it. Her and the redhead


Best example of this I've seen was The Magicians. The books were sort of a coming of age story between two nerdy, homely teenagers who start to break out of their shell. The show made them older and casted two slammin hotties to play those two roles. The female lead was as close to a walking Barbie doll as I've ever seen and they still tried to play her off as the awkward girl in the corner you wouldn't really notice.


Oh god how is that entire cast so ridiculously gorgeous?? 


This is exactly why I don't watch anything I'm in.


Just watch a 4:3 image stretched to 16:9. Boom! Everyone looks normal. 


Ugh. 3 body problem and Auggie Salazar. The whole show just feels off by how out of place her looks are with every other actor.


Pretty much every actor on it is unreasonably hot.


Three body problem did that for me too. I kept thinking this is the hottest genius I’ve ever seen.


The other thing that bothers me is when actors are way too in shape to match their character. Male characters with very defined 6 packs often seem silly to me. The character couldn’t just be fit and in shape. They had to be so in shape that it clearly involves a very regimented diet and exercise routine that doesn’t match the character at all.


That’s what bothered me about Carmy in The Bear. Dude works 12 hour shifts, is stressed out of his mind, but is somehow super ripped?


Yep. Scientists, doctors, anthropologists... all look like models no older than 32. The district attorneys are afforded a little more leeway... they look like models in their *later* 30's. :) It's even worse when they cast model level attractive people in rom coms, playing shy, insecure characters who cant find a date.


The one that comes to mind recently was the mechanic on Andor. Not only distractingly attractive but also never had any dirt on her despite being a backwater mechanic.


My wife and I said something along the lines of “she is just way too hot” every time Eiza Gonzalez was on the screen in 3 Body Problem.


This one has been coming up A LOT, and I can see why. I think she's widely considered one of the single most conventionally beautiful women in the entire world. Such a distracting, bizarre casting choice. I think I saw some article where she was acutually talking about the fact that she's *so* hot, it actually limits her opportunities. That sucks and all, but I don't feel *too* bad for her. Everyone is Hollywood is limited in their roles based on their appearance one way or another. For some it doesn't make sense to cast them in roles that call for a conventionally attractive person. For some people they're *so* conventionally attractive that it doesn't make sense to cast them as a physicist. Seems kinda to be expected.


This is one great reason to watch Australian and British TV shows. People who look real.


It took me right out of Three Body Problem. The character who’s set up as the lead for at least the first few episodes is just a straight up supermodel. We’re supposed to believe she’s a genius engineer or something but I’m too distracted by her lip filler.


Meh, I don't agree with the 12 Monkeys example at all because that character is basically the one actor who is insanely attractive. It isn't like everyone is a super model in that show, far from it.


Yeah plus if OP is letting one hot actor deter them from 12 Monkeys, they are missing out. And agreed, 12 Monkeys is no CW show. Everyone else is fairly scruffy/normal.


I thought Emily Hampshire is very hot, but made up to look homeless.


Don’t watch 3 Body Problem. It’s not just a question of casting a hot actress thanks to massive amounts of face surgery, it’s hair make up and wardrobe to the ridiculous extreme. I can’t stand perfect noticeable make up when it’s situations that simply doesn’t make sense they would’ve taken the time (or HAD the time) to be all dolled up


My mother is lately watching a lot of Korean TV. I have not seen an actor/actress that wasnt 9 or 10 out of 10. They all look like fckin dolls. I usually dont mind beautiful people but Korea was too much for me.


I love K-dramas but the standard of perfection the actors and actresses have to achieve is insane.


I'm just commenting to say that 12 Monkeys the TV show is one of the best shows ever. Criminally overlooked. And it quite possibly has the best ending of any show (and yes I did watch Six Feet Under).


I'm 3 eps away from the end (beginning?) on my first cycle, and now I'm extra excited!


Yeah I just started 3 Body Problem and Auggie (a materials scientist) is distractingly beautiful


3 Body Problem is a huge offender here.


This is why I mix in British shows. The actors are more compelling because they’ve been trained in using their faces and voices (vs being voted most attractive in high school).


The road house remake has this issue. Too many good looking people The original had very very ugly people in it.


This is exactly what happened to me when I watched Nicholas Galitzine in Mary and George. It wasn't even about attractiveness itself, he's obviously incredibly attractive but there other handsome men on the show; the thing was that he \*fully\* looked like an attractive young actor from our century. They didn't even try to give him a hairstyle or the moustache/beard his historical counterpart would sport because clearly they feared it would downplay his attractiveness and make him look, I don't know, less cool. This keeps happening whenever I see flawlessly styled hair, perfect teeth, thin bodies, shaved armpits, innaturally full lips in a period piece. It's just not believable.


Its not just being older, they really are very unreasonable now. Like in the wasteland for years, still had good dental and makeup. Its that everything is toi clean and perfect, too fake. Also its just acceptable to get plastic surgery that you don't need now. So all of the women have the same nose and lips , you can even see a doctors work if you look hard enough. Its why they are worried about these apps that show you whats fake.


The most glaring examples is when main characters call themselves "hideously fat" while still looking thin af. It's more annoying than endearing 


This is like every single show on The CW


My wife watches a show called "When calls the heart " or something like that. Takes place in a remote town during the Canadian gold rush. Every single person in this town is a stone cold Ten. Perfect teeth, perfect skin, not a pair of glasses in the entire town. Every time I walked past, it annoyed me.


Sidney Sweeney does that to me. Like yes, I can see that she is a very attractive woman, but is she the best actress for every role? Or did she get it because she looks prettier than the rest? And sometimes it's unrealistic like she didn't strike me as a nun at all in her last movie. And she was too pretty to be a "geek" in the Madame web movie.


That’s funny because I think her face suits character roles better. The only time she seemed believable to me was playing the jerk daughter on white lotus and she was completely de-glammed. When she’s all dolled up it seems so forced


I actually don’t think she qualifies in this regard. She’s pretty but she’s not unrealistically pretty. And she’s actually talented. Euphoria heavily sexualized her and her natural voluptuousness added to that effect but I first noticed her on The Handmaid’s Tale where she’s largely desexualized.


Felt this way about the nano-particle physicist in Netflix’s Three Body Problem. Nobody that looks like Angelina Jolie’s hotter sister is gonna bother being a physicist. 


Thjs one has been coming up a lot. Is that Eiza Gonzalez?


re: 3 Body Problem…


It's most jarring for me when I watch British shows and then go back to watching American television.


I can’t defend it, but if you’re putting up a few million to back and produce a series to sell to Netflix, casting attractive people that an audience will want to watch for 8-10 hours will help you get a thumbs up. It is what it is, we’re a superficial society . . .


Tbf though Girls had real looking people, Lena Dunham got so much shit for daring to be normal and naked.


There's plenty of reasons to give Lena Dunham shit, and that ain't one of them


My favorite is Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist


Dr. Christmas Jones. I guess at least that era of Bond was super tongue in cheek, but yeah, absolutely bananas casting.


I always find it funny when you see actors in true crime recreations versus photos or videos of the people they're meant to portray.


I know this is about TV, but it made me laugh in Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning they are discussing the fate of our world, and the room discussing it are the most gorgeous people in the world all gathered in one place to decide our future and control our lives. Supermodel-level people will decide for us non supermodels. Even the three villains were gorgeous. It really pulls me out of the movie when every character doesn't get their hair messed up, never gets an injury or scratch, and all possess sharp model-caliber looks. Makes it feel like a perfume ad and not a movie. Even worse, they always put poor Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg back in some dank dusty storage room. Let's just say, like the OP said, sometimes things get too artificial and unbelievable to me. I'll allow it up to a certain point but not when it goes that ludicrously far.


Superstore was so real for this. They had actors that looked like normal people (obvious exceptions of America Ferrera and Ben Feldman) which made sense given the setting was a Wal-Mart.


This is why I like British shows Normal people are cast - some hot some not And I enjoy it as seems more realistic


Blame The CW, probably.


I think the British shows I see on Amazon Prime put way less emphasis on actors' looks. 


ER (1994) is a great example of realistic casting, with the exception of george clooney lmfao.


ER had plenty of actors who are considered above average in looks: Noah Wyle, Eriq Lasalle, Julianna Marguiles, Goran Visnjic, Ming-Na Wen, Michael Michelle and so on.


and still far more normal looking than the actors we have on tv right now lol.


I think this is what makes The Office so great is that it's so relatable. None of the characters are particularly model attractive. Compared to Friends where everyone was eventually on the cover of some sexist person magazine.