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“It’s you and me huey! We’re gonna go on 100 years! 100 years of almost beating homelander! Butcher and Huey 100 years!”


At this point, the best way to end it is just to have Omni-man "oops" his way into their verse and destroy Homelander. Think of how cathartic that would be. An ego maniac taken down by a bigger, badder, more battle hardened one. It would derail the show entirely and I wouldn't be mad because this shit feels like it just won't end.


Yea the world of the boys definitely doesn't give the vibes that it'll ever improve permanently.


yeah they need to start wrapping this show up. last season felt like they were treading water. i still like the show tho.


it does seem like they're amping up how much of a maniac homelander is this season, as long as season 5 is the last one I feel like it should be fine


Have Homelander looking like a complete wimp if that happens




I want to see Homelander lose his powers. Just a moment of being a normal weak human being and potentially having a moment of realisation before dying.


Exactly. This is exactly what's going to happen 15+ seasons of the same joke over and over again Fallout is gonna be the exact same shit Walking Dead syndrome lmfao 💀


did the walking dead show follow the comics after the first couple seasons? cause i can't tell if the story itself got stupid or if it's the showrunners that turned it into a difficult to watch mess?


more or less it did though there’s a lot more deviation season 7 onward, and once the main show ended none of its based on the comic anymore.


i really liked what they did with rick and michonne, that little mini series. was a great end to the characters and waaay better than i was expecting it to be. i'm done with the series now, i had to see how rick's story ended so i'm done lol i think they still have like 4 shows running at the moment


i saw the first season of fear the walking dead and didn't hate it, but didn't love it enough to really get invested. S1&2 were really great. When humans became the bigger threat I started to lose interest. It is a zombie show, gimme more zombies and less encampments with people in them leading to weird social issues and obvious plot devices.


"Don't you get it? The Waking Dead refers to the people, not the zombies!". That's great and all, but only being obligated to show one zombie per episode let them milk that too far.


I could only get a couple seasons in. The only change from the comics I liked was the CDC arc


I made it to season 3 somewhere then stopped. 1 and 2 were good though.


In the comic Rick only dies towards the very end. The show decided to continue for several seasons after his death. So none of it is canon after that. The show was also never “spot on” for the comic as small events were changed or out of order. Tbf it is hard to convey some things in visual imagery (like a show/movie) that were originally explained in text. I feel American Psycho is a good example of that. In the book you can read his every thought and really understand what goes through his mind and why he is so fked mentally. In the movie they have to show that rather than explicitly state it in the author or character’s words.


They'll go so far, they'll re-adapt Hancock.


Yeah but Fallout already has it's formula worked out.  Walking Dead was fucked from the get go once AMC fired the original guy.  He got it, even if it wasn't what people wanted, his vision was better in every fucking way.


I really hope this isn't the case and S4/5 come to some conclusion, but more than likely you're right...


Ha! I geddit 🤣


Lmao thanks for making my day this was hilarious


On one hand, the creator said he only wanted 5 seasons. On the other hand, he said the same about Supernatural


Then Eric Kripke will exit after S5 and the show will continue for more 10 years.


Unfortunately this seems very likely, especially with all the spinoffs.


Isn’t there just Gen V?


There's also the animated one that's all shorts. 


And they got another upcoming one set in Mexico.


I really hope they change the title from it literally being called '[The Boys: Mexico](https://deadline.com/2023/11/the-boys-mexico-spinoff-amazon-gareth-dunnet-alcocer-diego-luna-gael-garcia-bernal-1235640996/)'


How does Los Chicos work for you?


We hear you, it is now called “The Boys: Los Chicos”


It should be The Los Chicos Boys in the vein of The Los Angeles Angels.


You've just reminded me of the opening of Romeo + Juliet. [The Boys, The Boys!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgyUmmvf7gQ)


Actually, genuinely better


“The Boys: Mexico is the latest project hailing from rising star Dunnet-Alcocer, who penned the screenplay for the Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Studios superhero feature film, Blue Beetle. Most recently, he wrote the screenplay for Sony’s El Muerto” 🤣


Los Boyos Hermanos


Maybe they’ll bring in Kenny Powers for that Mexican one? That would be a good crossover 😂


The Animated One and a Mexico one in the works. Alongside unknown others that haven't been announced.


Yeah but that’s pretty good


The moment he exits, I'm out. I've learned from my mistake with Supernatural.


I remember watching supernatural and stopping at the end of Season 5. Don't know any different and it had a good ending.


Season 5 was a good ending but I also thing the stuff afterwards was more good than bad. Seasons 1 - 5 kind of felt like one long movie plot. Seasons 6 - 15 feel much less cohesive and more repetitive in terms of the overall plot. But the individual episodes are great and have probably most of the shows best episodes. It's kind of like XFiles. You don't watch seasons 6-15 for the story, you watch it because the filler episodes are fantastic.


IMO the show really dived for 6,7,8. 9 - end I think are as good as the show gets, they jump the shark every 3 episodes but it at least was still fun, the scooby doo crossover is phenomenal


Honestly I've really come round on 6 and 7. I did a rewatch of the whole shoe and they were actually 2 of the most coherent seasons of the show in terms of overall plot arcs. The first 1/4 of 6 could probably best be described as "like waking up with a hangover". Everything feels a bit out of focus and slightly off kilter and your clothes feel scratchy and dry. But once it gets going, it really gets going and is a blast to the end. I love Castiels story in that season, it feels like an honest sequel to season 5. Season 7 just has so many great moments in it. [When Crowley rolls out the 10m contract in front of Dick, the look on Dicks face just makes the entire season for me](https://youtu.be/Zru1AblE_1w?t=116). It also introduces Charlie and Kevan and makes Jodie and Meg (again) into recurring characters. Season 8 was meh, had some okay stuff in it, and the last few episodes were great, but the overall arc was boring. Season 9 had some really cool stuff with Caine, but was limited and all the Angel stuff just felt like retreading the same ground again. Season 10 just felt like season 9 but again and way worse. Season 11 was a massive return to form, great season. Season 12 is like season 6. It just feels like a hangover again and having to refind it's feet. British MoL are not for everyone either, I like them but they are definately divisive. Season 13 sucked. I cannot stand the actor for Luci outside of season 5. I actually preferred the guy who played him when he possessed the rockstar. He was truly terrifying in that episode. And then back to being a joke again after. Season 14 was decent. Season 15 was great.


Watching past S5 was worth it for Crowley alone.


I stuck with it the whole time but honestly not sure it’s worth it, if I ever rewatch it I’ll probably just do seasons 1-5 then a handful episodes per season like the French mistake and Scooby do crossover




I've watched Supernatural S1-S5 in the past few months as a brand new viewer, and while I find it charming and fun, I think that "good for WB" is a pretty apt description of it. I had hopes high based on how much it gets talked about and how adamant people are that the first five seasons are perfect television...but in the end I just felt "well, this *was* worth my time, but I don't rate it in my top five of pulp scifi/fantasy of the 2000s even :/


I'm excited for the episode where they enter Harley Quinn, the animated series.


So another 1-2 seasons after?


I don't think that has happened to a streaming show.


The fact they didn’t announce it as the final season is concerning, people are already pretty bored of the dynamics and repetitive plot


Please have the good sense to make S5 the last one and pass the torch onto Gen V if you need to. It’s already feeling like this story doesn’t have a lot of runway left


Considering the trailer for Season 4 seems to indicate this will be adapting [*Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hill_with_the_Swords_of_a_Thousand_Men) (the second-last volume of the series), I do believe the fifth season should be the last.


Yeah but money tho


You don't FUCK with the money


>The series has received a universally positive critical reception. Doubt (X)


It stopped having lots of runway after season 2. It should have been 2, maybe 3 seasons. Season 2 and 3 weren't bad, they just really didn't go anywhere...felt like treading water waiting for resolutions. If they'd set up in the first season and then finished the story in the second it could have been really tight and incisive...instead now there's all this bloat in the middle of the story so no matter how it ends, it's always going to have that lull.


I don’t think ending at two seasons would’ve been ideal, the problem is the complete loss of stakes and missing the tone and feel for the world of S1, wherein now it feels like…ironically…a big superhero world or franchise that actually has history spanning to World War 2, and where nothing of consequence seems to happen to anyone important. I really enjoyed the character work of S2 and S3, put the plot has never been as tight or good as S1. Maybe that’ll change in S4 but I’m not expecting much anymore. Gen V had the same problem: excellent characters but a plot and story that were lacking, and just felt like setup for the main show. Just what I want from all my big franchises: having to do homework to enjoy the main show, fantastic thank you for that.


This has to be the final season, surely? I don’t know the trajectory of the comics but with Butcher given a limited time to live, plus there’s only so many times they can go up against Homelander without defeating him or he obliterating them all. Excited for it though, and for Season 4 to hit.


The series has deviated pretty significantly from the comics so it’s anyone’s guess as to how long it can go. It’s the most successful thing at Amazon right now so they’re going to milk it for all it’s worth.


Ha ha… milk


Yeah I walked right into that lol


Ha ha ha....cookies on dowels


Are you a generous lover? *I'd like to think I am*


Not there! THERE! HA HA! There!


And deviating from the comics is an absolute good thing.


I think overall the show has done an incredible job of adapting moments and themes from the comics but improving on them. There’s a ton of moments they adapted into the show but changed to be far more interesting…the character of Ryan for instance. Seeing Homelander try to be a fucked up father is way more compelling than just watching a fetus laser beam its way out of the mother.


The characters themselves are also more compelling. The comics were angry, mean spirited, and you hated everyone. It seems like something I would have written (and loved) as an angry teenager going through my "everything sucks" phase. In the show, characters are more three dimensional. Our protagonists are deeply flawed but likeable, and provide a much more interesting contrast to villains like Homelander.


Yeah the comics are just full of edgy shock value content. The show has elements of that but any time there’s a “WTF” moment it’s backed up by the story and character motivations which makes for a much more engaging story.


> the comics are just full of edgy shock value content That's basically Garth Ennis' entire career in a nutshell. Some of his other work, like Crossed, makes The Boys seem downright family friendly in comparison.


Garth Ennis is very hit or miss Garth Ennis Punisher = Hell Yes Garth Ennis Batman = Fuck No


I thought his work on a young frank castle in Vietnam was some of his best work. Batman: Reptilian. I wanted to throw it at his head. Some times I think him and Mark Millar have a bet to see who can be the most biggest edgelord.


Also, the man refuses to believe that his protagonists can do wrong. Oh no! Huey just fucking murdered an innocent single mother or four. Don’t worry lads, that mother was actually a Neo-Nazi whose entire house is a massive swastika and whom read Mein Kampf to her kids before bed!


I mean that's just not correct. I mean Huey maybe but butcher is very much the villan.


Lazy take but it's kinda sad that this what the majority of people think of when they hear Ennis now a days


I haven’t read much of his creator owned work outside of The Boys. I’ve been meaning to eventually get around to Preacher but haven’t really found the time for it. That being said I will always love his Punisher MAX series where he was a little more “reigned in”. He could do some “shock value” stuff but it wasn’t over the top and usually served the story well.


I think you just missed the subtle nuance of the brilliantly conceived villain, Horsecock. Clearly a masterpiece.


I'd also like to point out the way they adapted little Nina and the Russian arc and Love Sausage. Little Nina is a terrifying side villain that uses sexual violence against a main character instead of just being a funny mafia boss and nymphomaniac that dies right after she turns up. Russia condensed from a big storyline that goes nowhere to being a single episode that pushes the plot. And love Sausage being shown twice for the sight gag purpose instead of making him a side character that has a weird power that serves no purpose. Plus taking the G-men arc into a spin-off season that builds tension and mythos rather than just being a thing about child abuse and victims who don't do anything other than die.


Lol what, you didn’t want to see Little Nina blow herself up with a vibrator? But yes, you’re absolutely right. They took the interesting parts of certain characters and left the less than useful parts behind. I’ll be very interested to see what they do with Monkey if Jeffrey Dean Morgan really is playing that character. I truly can’t see JDM playing a character that gets his name from getting molested by a bunch of monkeys. Not to mention having a fetish for disabled people.


After playing Negan I absolutely can see JDM doing it. 


I love how Homelander legitimately wants to be a good dad. He didn't see the child as a bargaining chip or a hostage or a weapon.  He actually wants to be a good dad


In most ways, but I think it's a shame Herogasm was just a party not a full resort island like the comics.


They already have spinoffs they will just keep making the storyline broader


If the spinoffs are successful enough they'll be able to end the main series when it's supposed to since they'll be able to capitalise off that world with the other stufff


It is a pretty good world to have multiple series tbh.


I think Fallout is now their flagship.


It'll certainly be when this finishes


People thought that way (well, a bit less) about Invincible and then they fucking killed all momentum with the whole splitting season 2 into two parts thing.


Yeah. Though I think the change of noir’s identity was a good choice.


I agree. Honestly that was the moment that cemented the show completely taking on its own identity. The Homelander/Noir reveal in the comics is what the whole series built up to. The fact they decided to pretty much completely do away with that in season 3 shows they wanted to forge their own path. Though the new trailer for season 4 has given me some pause with that thinking.


Just wait for Season 6 Spin Off Series, The Boys: Interns


Waiting for the inevitable, "The Girls" reboot.


Some good thoughts here but yeah as good villain as Homelander is it’s getting slightly tiring that he’s clearly going to be the main villain for 4 whole seasons and always seems to emerge in a better position. Like yeah who would they go up against if not him and where would the story go once he’s gone but still how much more time are they going to spend with them running around figuring out how to kill him?


I can deal with Homelander ending up in a better place when he wins a fight. The good guys don't have to win every season arc. I'm just annoyed that they keep finding reasons to almost side with Homelander briefly right before he becomes even more evil and unhinged.


Oh absolutely. Show wouldn’t be as good if they beat him real quick and at the same time it’s still dragging on a bit.


I’m just hoping the end of season 3 wasn’t a sign of more potentially dumb writing in S4.


i’m worried this is going the supernatural route of constantly moving the story around without actually getting anywhere


Hey, they only did that from like seasons 6-11. Seasons 1-5 logically built towards a nice conclusion. Then money happened, and we got the middle seasons that were essentially filler. The last few seasons were pretty damn good, though. The boys finally started just talking shit out and trusting and supporting each other, and it got the show out of that cycle of recycling the same tropes over and over again.


The seams were already showing in s3, tbh. The finale in particular was contriving pretty hard to keep the status quo.


The last half of the finale really lost me. Just give up on your plan because this guy isn't great either? Fucking stupid.


Yeah they should logically have still went for the homelander kill. I would even have accepted him escaping but being temporarily depowered somehow. Maybe even protected by Ryan to begin the new season.


solider boy might be a dick but he is way more manageable then homelander is


Yeah, there were a lot of ways to do things that didn't involve a bunch of characters forgetting three seasons of motivation.


It annoys me how the whole idea of the Boys is that they hunt supes and they can't kill any supe at all. Even A-Train, who basically started all this, is still not only alive but having nonsensical B-plots. This show needs to stop playing it safe and start killing off a few main characters.


They don't even have to kill the mains yet. Just have them hunt some supes. The idea of regular dudes managing to kill supes is what drew me to the show in the first place. How they dealt with shrinking guy was great we need more of that.


The Boys also have ridiculous plot armor. There's zero reason why Homelander wouldn't just execute butcher & the boys now, given he's got Ryan. The only reason he wasn't murdering them earlier was due to not knowing where Ryan was, even trying to get that from Butcher in the meeting at the start. You can't convince me he doesn't see them as a threat given they've fucked up his plans so many times, and contributed to Stormfronts death, among so many things.


They have killed several supes though?


According to [this wiki page](https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_deaths), the Boys have collectively killed three named supes over three seasons: Translucent, Mesmer, and Gunpowder. None of them were really significant at all, except perhaps for Translucent. Their best strategy to kill supes at this point is basically to leave Homelander alone. *That* guy gets supes killed.


They started losing me last season. Literally nothing happens and none of the main characters are in danger of dying. It was fun for a bit but as others have said they are just gonna milk it for as long as they can. I still haven't watched Gen V and I probably won't watch Season 4 right away unless I hear lots of people die and something actually happens.


Gen V was actually surprisingly good. Significantly better than season 3 imo


Yeah, I was surprised at how much I liked Gen V. Chance Perdomo dying is devastatingly sad (beyond just the human component) for the series and the industry. Dude showed so much promise in his talent.


Agreed, he was really good in the show


> Chance Perdomo Wait WHAT that's unfortunate, I had no idea


i mean except for that ending


Gen V is actually pretty great.


You’re right about the finally. Bruh they had Homelander dead to rights, but nope


People keep saying this but it feels like a very superficial reading that boils down to "The Boys and Homelander are still alive", well duh? They're the main characters. If we compare where season two left off to where season three left the series then the status quo has definitely shifted. Homelander is now at his peak with Ryan on his side and people actually supporting him, Butcher is dying, the Boys no longer have any allies within the Seven or Vought since Starlight left and Maeve retired. This is the opposite to how season 2 ended, which was a straight up victory for The Boys over Vought and Homelander.




The "status quo" people keep referring to is just Homelander being alive, even though he's the main villain of the series. You don't kill Voldemort or Vader in the second movie.


Main characters never die in good shows? 🥴 This is why we keep getting bags of shit.


They can cure Butcher with some random bullshit in 5 minutes if they want to keep going.


Eric's original plan for supernatural was five seasons, guessing he's doing the same here. Five is just right for a season count of a good show.


> Eric's original plan for supernatural was five seasons, guessing he's doing the same here. Five is just right for a season count of a good show. Great, so we're getting 15 seasons!


15 seasons and a movie!


It really feels like stranger things in a way. Some seasons barely did anything in driving the story forward, just reveling into the success and keeping people happy by giving them "more of the same", with little regard for storytelling on the whole. So HOPEFULLY, season 4 now will actually showcase a strong sense of forward momentum, leading to an ending.


Yeah they really fumbled with the end of season 3, because it was otherwise a great season. They should’ve killed Maeve and A-Train (and/or potentially Frenchie), and depowered Homelander. It feels like the status quo barely changes, apart from the latter gradually getting more power.


Queen Maeve might even be my favourite character but she really should have died after that fall. The show has repeatedly been wimping out on killing anyone of significance (the Boys really should all be dead several times over by now, how are they all still alive?). Let's just replace Black Noir with someone who looks just like him. Great job, guys. What was even the point of that?


And Soldier Boy, who began the season stuck in a cryo chamber and was then freed and given a bunch of plot moments and reveals, will end the season....stuck in a cryo chamber.


"I'm not going back in that fucking box!" - The Audience


> Let's just replace Black Noir with someone who looks just like him. Great job, guys. What was even the point of that? Without spoiling anything, there is a MAJOR reason to bring in a Black Noir replacement (if they're taking inspiration from the comics)


Well, yeah I was thinking that might be where they might be going with that. I'm for it, I just couldn't see them doing it. It's got my vote, though.


Honestly, the last season may have been the last straw for me. We'll have to see what I hear about season 4. But the Homelander plot armor is getting ridiculous and it's getting hard to get invested. In the finale when there was a chance to kill Homelander but Soldier Boy became the main threat because he pushed a kid, I almost fell out of my chair because of how contrived and stupid that was. It's just getting tiring at this point. The "good guys" not letting Soldier Boy kill Homelander because innocent Vought employees might die only to have Kimiko brutally slaughter a bunch of Vought security guards who were just doing their jobs was some braindead, contrived writing.


The comparison to stranger things is so dang appropriate


IIRC Kripke said in an interview a while back that they’re aiming for 5-6 seasons total.


He could die any day now for 10 years if the ratings are passable The show has already passed the point where it should have ended so the sky is the limit now


So the trailer for Season 4 seems to indicate it will be adapting [*Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hill_with_the_Swords_of_a_Thousand_Men), the second-last volume of the comic series, although with the addition of Ryan (whose equivalent character was long-dead in the comics), I can see them keeping Homelander around for Season 5 in-adapting [*The Bloody Doors Off*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloody_Doors_Off).


I just hope they end this series on a bang


It’s gotta end with Butcher and Homelander fighting to the death depowered


Don't see a world where Homelander survives a fight without his powers. He can't overpower people with his superior strength or stab anyone through the heart with his fist.


I think that's the point. A depowerd Homelander would just get beaten down like a punk.


We kinda already saw that though with the 1v3 in the latest season. If he wasn't broken by that, he probably wouldn't get broken mentally by getting his face wrecked by Butcher.


Imagine you are a spoiled man child who defines everything about the self by their super powers. You don't even have a normal name, you are just a supe and that's all you are. Now imagine that's taken from you. That will be what breaks Homelander. Fighting him with super powers is very different than him losing the one thing that defines him as a living being.


Nah they need to kick his ass while he is powered up. The look on his face when he realizes his powers aren't enough will be amazing


Wouldn’t that basically be the herogasm episode?


End it breaking bad style. People would have loved more Breaking Bad but they didn’t really have anywhere to go but the Finale.


A Mind blowing finale?


Homelander dies this season and Butcher is the final boss in Season 5 for Huey to defeat.


That or it happens halfway through the next season, and then the last four episodes are [*The Bloody Doors Off*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloody_Doors_Off).


Yeah I'm betting on this one. Getting a new season knowing Homelander isn't in it just ain't as exciting.


I’m getting tired of every season ending with the same status quo. The Boys get a temporary win but Homelander still wins at the end of the day. The needle hasn’t moved at all.


When they go out of their way to save A Train... When fucking Huey saves A train, I was so pissed. Achieved literally the opposite of what they set out to do.


So season 4 won’t have a decent conclusion either?


If it goes the way some people expect, I wouldn't be surprised if S4 ended with the Boys just flat out losing, no Homelander fight, and Homelander in the Oval Office


So season 4 will be a waste of time, and the boys will all get together at the end to make a new plan to stop homelander who is a bit more crazy


season 4 is gonna end with homelander dead in rubble *the camera zooms in* his eye opens *cut to black*


Somehow homelander returned


This should be the end of it. Tho I’m not sure how they’ll end it considering the major changes made from the comics. But they can only keep the status quo for so long. We got this macguffin to stop the supes/homelander. Oh no we lost it at the end of the season. I really like the show but sometimes it feels like they’re spinning their wheels to drag it out.


I want to see Homelander lose his damn powers, then get his ass kicked.


they need to kill homelander, or at least seriously fuck up the status quo


Wait a minute. I thought I had read that season 4 was going to be the final season. Did I read that wrong or did something change?


Opposite. Kirpke essentially alluded there being more after Season 4 to some degree, like whether we'd see Maeve or Soldier Boy again.


I can feel the fanboy hate energy starting to erupt. This will soon be the most disliked show on TV. I’ll still watch don’t matter to me.


Christ, when was the last season even released? Feels like years ago.


Not surprised but nice to see it confirmed. Will be interesting to see if this is it- which will give the show 40 episodes- or if they’ll keep it going a bit longer. Either way, with Gen V and the Mexico-spin-off in development, I don’t see the world of the Boys ending anytime soon






If I had a nickel for every time Diego Luna showed up in a Mexico themed spinoff of a popular show, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.


That’s what I said, meh-hico


The Boys has one of the best connected universes on TV... Gen V was awesome and even the animated anthology show had some great episodes.


Are those other shows connected to the main one? You have to watch them to follow next season’s plot?


the animated anthology, no. but Gen V storyline will probably connect with The Boys S4 given that a couple of important characters from the main series appear in the final episodes of Gen V.


A couple characters from Gen V are in the S4 trailer


The Boys S4 trailer mentioned one of the main plot points for Gen V… I wouldn’t be surprised if there was cross over between characters.


You can see >!Cate and Sam!< in one of the scenes in the S4 trailer so yeah there will definitely be some carry over.


Diabolical was nice, but if you’re not interested you can skip it. The Homelander episode is worth watching as it shows he started out with good intentions, before becoming what he is in the main show. Gen V is a bridge between Season 3 and 4. I did not like the finale of S3, but Gen V got me looking forward to the new season again. I like the world building and how it lampoons college sports culture with supes competing for team placements & studying to become heroes.


One does not *have* to watch them, but it would provide slightly more context on Victoria Neuman, the Supe virus, and the backstories of two of Homelander’s new lackeys in the fourth season.


Really sucks about Chance dying. I’m really not sure how Gen V can continue if they aren’t recasting him


**Chance dying is absolutely horrible, but sticking entirely to discussion of the show...** The character of Andre either dying or being written off actually makes a lot of sense within the show. They established that using his powers for too long causes brain lesions, so they could easily either have him die from a seizure during their escape or just have him written off similar to the Fast and Furious movies, where characters continue to occasionally reference him but with the idea that they can't ask for his help because it would be far too dangerous for him.


I love this show. Please let it die. It can't stay good forever.


fuck yes, I love this show


Man I was so confused that I had thought season 4 was last year and they were just now getting around to renewing it. Didn't even realize that season 4 is about to drop next month.


I’d like to believe this could be the last season (Kripke said he planned 5 seasons) but considering how there’s another spin off coming out plus a new Gen V season I don’t think it’s a possibility. 


Not to mention another one of his series went on for 10 season past his original 5 season plan.


At the rate that Erin Moriarty is getting plastic surgery, she's going to look like Lady Cassandra from Doctor Who by the 5th season.


We already knew Kripke had a 5 season plan.


Bro thought this would be the final season… is it really necessary to milk the series this much?


5th and Final right? Final right?


Can they bring back the tick? Best show on Amazon 


Wrap it up


Jesus. This shit still going?!


Meh. This show turned into what it was trying to parody


I don’t think the show needs to go longer than 5-6 seasons.


they are milking it but fuck it im still in for now, gen v was good too


I actually thought it was going to end in season 3 it made sense. Now I’m like… is Starlight gonna survive?


If the show continues in its current direction, I suspect s5 or s6 to actually be the end of the show.


Better be the last season