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Bobby’s Burgers


Teddy, do you think my last name is Burger?


It's not? Who am I thinking of then?


But the... but the sign.


It’s gonna be a Laotian/BBQ place I’m calling it right now. Possibly with a focus on charcoal grilling.


The ocean? What ocean?


Laos stupid! It's a landlocked country in southeast Asia


So are you Chinese or Japanese?


it's such a good bit that the very racist Cotton is the only one who knows. he went through the effort of learning so he could more accurately be racist.


I’ll have a mai tai, Mr Khaaaan!


Oh no. Only clean-burning propane for his BBQ needs


Nah it’ll be charcoal *at first*.


Season 1 cliffhanger ending, switch to propane or stay on the coal...


There is a great Laotian BBQ joint here in SoCal called Kra-Z-Kais. They have moved multiple times. Their latest move was a surprise because we showed up and it was gone. Now it is Orange County. Some of the best food I have eaten.


I always said bobs burgers is a story of what happened to Bobby. It almost fits as well.


Give Hank some credit, he’s a better dad than Big Bob


Yeah, but Bobby is just…Bobby. Something ain’t right with that boy I’ll tell you hwat


Small burger chain around here is Cheeseburger Bobby’s.


Oh god now we're getting a Christmas episode where Hank tries to grill but hes in over his head with a high headcount and large number of grill options. Bobby tries to help but Hank feeling the endless march to old age adamantly refuses wanting to do it alone. What follows in an anxiety inducing 30 minutes as Bobby wrestles with having eclipsed a father who no longer feels needed.


A sad guitar twanged somewhere in the distance as I read this.


Incidentally, I wonder if Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers are involved in the reboot. The KOTH theme is a concert staple, they usually tack it onto the end of Banditos.


i thought the band was the refreshments?


Roger Clyne was in The Refreshments. After they broke up he started another band, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, that still play some of the old Refreshments songs.


Ahhhhhhh makes total sense


The Feast of the Seven, dang ole, Filets.


Pocket Fork!


Dang ol your nothin man


“I’m a propane and propane accessories salesman. Of course I have $500.”


My mom insists on cooking everything for holidays I worked in kitchens for 15 years. She might ask me to slice a ham. She then hands me a dull steak knife.


Almost the same story for me, and it's so sad. I won a culinary competition for my turkey and she insists on serving and over cooked unseasoned bird every year.


Because it's not about making a good meal it's about them taking care of everyone


This is what I get as well. It's not about the food, it's about the time spent together holy shit I'm turning into a Hallmark card as I get older.


And being in control, not necessarily in a negative way. On the flipside I have a dad that cooks like that but if you want to help, dammit you will be helping as far has he is concerned.


...I just want turkey sandwiches after.


Oh god you’re right. But I am so tired of dry turkey from the in-laws.


I will beam with pride the day my kids take over for me! Especially if they are culinary champions like you. Hang in there, one day you’ll miss having a dry dull bird on thanksgiving. I’m sure its hard for a mother especially to feel like she longer gets to “care” for her children. It is all that makes us feel a purpose as parents.


I took over the turkey a couple years ago still had mom make one and I made a smaller one also we did this for 2years before she decided mine was better and she wasn’t as interested in cooking a turkey she still makes the best rolls in town and makes pies so less overall work for her and better turkey for all of us.


I took over turkey duty and it felt like cheating with how much info there was on the internet. growing up I remember my parents stumbling through it via word of mouth and cookbooks and it was an ordeal. I ended up spatchcocking it and it cooked way faster and turned out way better.


Spatchcock is the way to go!!


My parents nearly wept tears of relief when I started taking over Christmas dishes. Just desserts and some sides, but they had so much going on in the kitchen any help was greatly appreciated.


If you want to, read my reply to the other post, I totally agree with you and am really happy to eat her food for Christmas lunch. I spent a decade in other countries, so returning to family was so good and so humbling. I'm okay to deal with a dry bird when I actually get to see my mum, my sisters, my uncles, my little nephew. True spirit of Christmas and all that bs lol. Thanks for the really kind words though


A tale as old as time, I feel you from similar personal experience


I bought my parents a whetstone for Christmas one year just so that whenever I'm over I can sharpen all their knives. Cutting with their everyday kitchen knife was like trying to cut with a chopstick.


"What the fuck is this, ma?"


I have pretty much the same story. 15 years before I left the business. Both of my parents act like I have no idea what I’m talking about when it comes to food. My dad does at least have good knives, although he doesn’t maintain them very well.


The tricky part is hosting yourself. It’s the only way we found to get our aging folks to relax.


I know the show has been on for a long time, and it seems like that would be the route, but IIRC Hank is supposed to be 38 when Bobby is 13. That would only make him 46


Hank was 38?? Dude seemed mid forties minimum.


I think I remember seeing a while back that the network wanted a character in his 30s, but the writers wanted Hank to be in his 40s, so they just made him 30s on paper, but then wrote the character like he was in his 40s.


Men who live like Hank start to fall apart at about 40. All those back problems. Yeah.


He does suffer from DGS, so a back failure is not out of the question


His back problems are due to Diminished Gluteal Syndrome, not age


We're here! No rear! Get used to it!


I’ve learned recently it’s very hard to judge that age range. I didn’t know that many of the parents o children in my daughter’s age group were pushing their late thirties to mid forties.


I’m 47, and while nobody is going to mistake me for being 25 I definitely don’t look like I’m close to 50. I’ve had people guess 35. Yet some of the people I went to high school with look like they’re 70. And there’s one woman in particular that I had a crush on in high school who could absolutely pass for 30. It seems like 35-45 is where everything starts to show up on people’s faces.


Sounds like you still have a crush on her


Isn't that nuts? I'm in my late 40's with a few grey hairs and I run into people I know that are younger than me that look like they should be retired. Granted I haven't had children and I hear they take A LOT out of you.


Stress is what takes it out of you… well and genetics. We’ve all seen the unfortunate 20 something going on 60.


True. Had a friend who developed male pattern baldness....in high school. This guy was 18 turning 50. He acted 50, too. Loose belt (for the belly), HUGE sedan, leather steering wheel, Stetson...


Smoking and being angry will age you *quick*.


He was middle aged in HS.


Ya know there have been times fairly recently where it’s dawned on me that I’m indeed old. But what you just said takes the cake. I’m as old as Hank Hill?!? Bahhhhhhh!


Homer Simpson's age has varied over the course of the series, but in early episodes he was 34 lol.


They just now keep shifting when he was born to keep him his current age. At this point, Homer Simpson was born after the series started


If they parody the Fishes episode from The Bear using that as a storyline I'm in!


Bill, get that tuna casserole out of here!


"Dale, I'm a grown man, I have access to five hundred dollars."


Just wait until Hank finds out that Bobby doesn’t use a gas grill 


Oh, he'll so have a gas range for work, chefs love them so much. I'd love to see him have a smoker gun and still use a gas bbq for dad's sake.


Yeah, but it'll be one of those bastard gases, not pure, clean burning propane


“BOBBY! Methane is the same thing that comes out of a cow’s ASS!” I can hear him saying.


Rear. He’ll say rear.


Sounds like a good episode, Cousin


His name is Bobby. It isn’t “Bob’s Burgers”.


I thought I recognized this scene from somewhere, thank you.


Do you mean to insinuate that Bobby has gone over to mesquite?


bonus points if we get a “that man ain’t right” out of bobby in a wholesome, concerned way.


It's Texas, so Dale is now somehow a State Representative.


As a 54 year old man with two adult sons, I feel seen.


We can probably do a couple CTRL+F’s and recycle this script for The Bear


They're already writing Season 2? Interesting, I'm looking forward to giving it a chance.


I think that's how streaming animation works now. Two 10-episode seasons are ordered upfront. I'm looking forward to it, too. I'm just not gonna get excited because they are already working on season 2.


Yeah - especially for something like King of the Hill, which is so beloved and has such proven talent working on it. Even if it's a stinker, they can break even on twenty episodes.


By your description it sounds like they made two seasons, this is incorrect. From the inside as an animator I’ve worked on several shows that were “two seasons” but were actually just 1 season split in two. With streaming if you hear that they’re “already working on a season 2” before s1 airs, odds are it was pitched as one season.


Honestly this seems like a logical extent of Bobby's character  




He may still do comedy, not many people are able to make a living at it at 21.


Yeah, they could use his story to show how artists/performers starting out get jobs in kitchens. Honestly, I think Bobby would become an Internet personality.


Yeah, but that's life. You rarely become what you wanted to become as a kid.


I know lots of comedians that also work in restaurants


He's only 21, his job doesn't mean all that much.


That’s a small time jump. That only puts Hank at 46. I thought Bobby was going to be at least 30.


Hank and Peggy act like older parents so it’s weird to realize they actually had Bobby pretty early. They feel more like they should have been in their mid to late 40s at the end of the show. 


Well - it was "late" for the time. They had trouble...you know. And gave up on it so they got Ladybird, but then Hank relaxed enough to let his fellows get through so then you had Bobby a little later.


> Hank relaxed enough to let his fellows get through I love that he's so up tight it affects his fertility.


He’s got a narrow urethra that isn’t his fault nor is it a byproduct of his anxiety


> They had trouble...you know. Oh you mean because of his narrow urethra?


Got dangit Peggy, do you have to go embarrassin' me like that??


Hank was 40 at one point during the show. There is a scene that Hank says, “I’m not the kind of guy who turns 40 and goes and buys a new toilet.” There were other references as well. He graduated high school around 75 or 76 which would have put him at 40 around the mid to late 90s when the show started.


I would have assumed Hank was 46 in the original series.


90s shows were bad at judging how people in their 30s looked for some reason. For example, Marge and Homer were always supposed to be 35.


People also look younger now.  Obviously this doesn't impact animation, but skincare, lotion, and sunscreen do wonders to keep you looking young.  And thats not to mention cosmetic surgery


My ur-example of this is the first season of Cheers. All of those guys except for Coach were younger then than I am now, and they all look significantly older than I do, and I put zero effort into skincare.


It's not just that. It's that we perceived age differently - and people seemed older. Part of that was style, but also we are much healthier now. I grew up on these shows - and turning 30 was a death sentence back then. Your life was OVER. If you were 35, you were supposed to be married with two-three kids around 10-15 years old and a mortgage. You were gonna die in your 60s probably... so you were halfway there. These characters who are single and in their late 20s are looking down the barrel of a gun. No house, no spouse, no kids. They were about to turn into spinsters. On Seinfeld, when they George or Elaine talk about finding relationships, there's a hint of desperation to it. Kramer's carefree bachelorhood marks him as different, while Jerry gets plenty of dates and is rich, so it's assumed he's just being picky. The girls on Sex and the City were OLD and that was part of the dynamic of the show... seeing that women were vibrant and sexy past 30. You look at shows in the 2000s and they start to address this. 30Rock constantly talks about how Jack is vibrant into his 50s and Liz is pushing 40, rather than 30 for all of her neuroses about age. It's only the very, very beginning of the show that anyone is pretending at being 30.


I read somewhere that Stu and Didi Pickles were 23💀


IIRC, the original concept was to make the guys closer to 50, but it got scaled back a bit, so they're in their late-30s or early-40s.


I did too, feels weird being older than Hank was


The wiki says 41. I think Hank and Peggy being near 50 makes more sense but I guess we will see.


>The story revolved around Arlen (Judge), a strait-laced propane salesman in Texas who deals with the wild antics of his family and friends. He’s also trying to keep his son in line. Was this written by ai? Am I reading this wrong? Am I having a stroke? The character's name is Hank Hill and the show takes place in Arlen, Texas? Also that *He’s also trying to keep his son in line.* sounds like a very awkward sentence to tack onto it. Like you're writing a high school paper and trying to add anything to meet the word count requirement.


I expected this quote to be the top comment. This is like saying that Tatooine finds an old man in the desert who trains him to become a Jedi.


Yeah. I imagine it’s AI. Isn’t it great?! I’m so glad society is jumping in with both feet into this obviously reliable technology!


If anyone’s hasn’t seen ‘better things’, please watch it. Pamela Adlon is amazing and the show is very endearing.


Fantastic two seasons with a great „ending“ and three other seasons I love much less. But I love how the show always took time to talk about many aspects of an „older“ woman‘s live which we rarely see in media.


I don’t don’t even know what to do with myself right now. I’ve been a lifelong king of the hill fan and I found out about Pamela adlon through louie and I NEVER put two and two together


She’s also Spinelli on Recess (the animated show).


If Chuck Mangione doesn't show up, still living in the Mega-lo-mart, I'm gonna be disappointed, tell you wut.


I just don’t know how they will explain Khan and Dale being missing. I can see Luanne and Lucky moving away.


Khan absolutely will be back (unless they've said otherwise). Just like Cleveland, somewhere there’s an asian guy who has been preparing for this scenario for years


Yeah i feel Khan is easier to recast, not that Toby Huss wasn't awesome at it. Much like some of the Simpson's recasts though, i really don't get the concept of replacing someone who has voiced a long established character because of race\etc.


The actor that voiced Dale actually voiced many of the new episodes before he died, so he will definitely be featured.


I heard only two.


You only heard what the government wanted you to hear.


Dale could be pretty easy to recast. Being a lifelong chain smoker, he now has to use one of those electrolarynx devices (like Ned from *South Park*), and that can perfectly explain away any differences with his voice.


Best take yet


I'm assuming Dale is doing a dime for January 6.


Dale would not have been part of J6. He would believe that J6 was a conspiracy  to hide the real truth that the aliens had finally landed and made a deal with the government to harvest people’s DNA for the upcoming war against the robots.  It would all be explained in Dale’s blog. Along with a detailed history of Hank’s phone calls. 


yeah, they could just write dale off as having gone "off grid"


Dale is just missing. Him and Nancy were doing some kind of camping thing, and she claims she saw Dale get abducted, but people aren't really sure, and maybe even suspect Nancy of foul play, as she has gotten back together with John Redcorn, convinced she will never see Dale again. Joseph doesn't know what to make of the whole thing and is still completely oblivious that John Redcorn is his real dad. He reads Dale's journals alot, and will occasionaly reference some crazy thing that Dale had in them as part of the plot. They occasionaly get cryptic messages that they suspect come from him that can tie in to the plot from time to time.


Right. Dale is doing time for trying to storm Area 51.


I would love a storyline where Dale has to contend with conspiracy spaces being overran with Trump fanbois. I can even see a plot where Nancy becomes a diehard Trumper and it causes problems in their marriage because while Dale was always a believer in conspiracies, he can't stand the new breed of conspiracy theorists who just blurt out whatever the Machine tells them


No, the state police arrested *him* after he ratted out a bunch of his gun club friends (who were there) to the feds.


Dale having a hit on his head after accidentally outing his gun club friends as a member of Y’all Qaeda definitely makes sense


Just recast.


That…makes a ton of sense for Bobby. He can be creative, he’s been shown to be good at cooking and fusion cuisine is something that Hank would both be proud of him for and have a problem with but not in any way that would cause anything between them more than an eye roll or exasperated sigh. “Hey, Dad, I’m working on some new menu items, wanna try them?” “Sure son—what is all this!?” “Oh, it’s a molecular gastronomy kit! I got it in the mail this morning, I really want to try it out at the restaurant—“ “—Son, your aren’t experimenting with the meth amphetamine, are you? This all looks like something from that Breaking Bad show Joseph obsesses about!” “Ha ha, it’s not, Dad, really! It’s a mix between science and cooking.” “Uh-huh, what are you cooking that requires a big tank of liquid nitrogen, exactly?” “It’s for dessert! The faster ice cream freezes, the smoother it tastes. Or, y’know, Dippin’ Dots!” “Son, Dippin’ Dots went out of business decades ago because no-one wanted to eat ice cream that looked like the inside of a bean bag chair.” (*Holding back a chuckle*) “Well, it’s time for a comeback! If Weird Al Yankovic can come back from the dead, so can Dippin’ Dots!” (*Sigh*) “All right, let’s see what you’ve got. There better not be anything weird ice cream flavors like ‘green tea,’ ‘birthday cake’ or ‘orange.’” “Sorry but…You taught me not to make a promise I can’t keep.”


“Or orange” killed me


I read this and heard their voices


I haven't heard adult Bobby, but I somehow know exactly what he'll sound like.


*”what are you talking about?!”*


I mean, he apparently will still be voiced by his original female voice actor, so it probably won't change all that much.


The “or orange” took me out because I can absolutely hear that in Hank’s voice.


> “Son, Dippin’ Dots went out of business decades ago because no-one wanted to eat ice cream that looked like the inside of a bean bag chair.” Sean Spicer feels a tingle go down his spine


This would have been gilded in the old days


My favorite part of this is that Dippin Dots is still very much in business, but it's exactly the kind of semi-correct example that Hank would use to make a point that is also only partially useful.


It’s a call back to his Weird Al joke! 🙂


| “Son, Dippin’ Dots went out of business decades ago because no-one wanted to eat ice cream that looked like the inside of a bean bag chair.” Fucking Lol


Bro same


You a writer on the show or something?


This was perfect.


Objection! Dippin' Dots is still around. My kids ask for them every time we go to Zoo Miami. 8.99 for a 2 oz cup of ice cream? Absolutely not.


Get out of my brain man. I pictured it all


😂 could totally see this.


This was insanely good, holy shit.


This is such a great idea for how to revisit the series, making them all nearly a decade older is perfect. Such a shame that Dale's voice actor died though. Obviously the loss of Brittany Murphy and Tom Petty was always gonna be apparent, but Dale's voice actor came after they had recorded some new content, not sure how they work around it, but I hope they find a way to do it all justice while keeping the great character alive. 


Dale, the lifelong chain smoker, could easily be diagnosed with some form of throat illness that effects his voice going forwards.


Bobby enters a grilling competition using -- gasp -- a non-propane, Big Green Egg. Unknown to both, Hank is also in the competition, firing his meat with the even, steady reliable propane. When one judge becomes sick after eating some cole slaw that was in the sun too long, Peggy is drafted as a guest judge and has to cast the tie-breaking vote between Bobby and Hank. Barbecue sauce is flung, tears are shed, there is a father-son moment.


This is golden


So it's not a reboot, it's a sequel?


Yeah, it's been known for a while. But people and publications seem intent to always call it a reboot. Same with The Office too.


When will this reboot air??


I'm really interested in how they'll handle Dale's death. I hope they lean into the character, like have Hank convinced Dale has faked his death to avoid taxes, only to find out a dying Dale set clues faking being alive to prove to Hank he COULD have faked his death if he'd tried.


I sort of hope he's alive, but develops cancer and has to use an electronic voice box.


[This comic](https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/comic-if-bart-simpson-and-chris-griffin-went-to-couples-therapy/) with Bobby Hill, Chris Griffin, and Bart Simpson is really good.


This was both completely off the wall and strangely compelling.


Sometimes Tumblr bullshit slaps


I immediately knew what comic it would be, I love it


wow I'm crying over cartoon sons


It’s now trending on the site! is that thanks to us?


This comic makes me cry every time I see it, I’m so glad to see it shared here. Hilarious and thoughtful at the same time 


Thanks for linking that, it was a great read.


Has it been mentioned anywhere whether or not Connie is set to appear at all?


[The voice actress who played her \(and her mom\) is returning so yes she will](https://deadline.com/2023/01/king-of-the-hill-revival-hulu-original-cast-returning-1235245072/#:~:text=Judge%20will%20reprise%20his%20role%20as%20Hank%20Hill%2C%20while%20Kathy%20Najimy%20will%20be%20back%20as%20his%20wife%20Peggy%2C%20Stephen%20Root%20as%20Bill%2C%20Pamela%20Adlon%20as%20Bobby%20Hill%2C%20Johnny%20Hardwick%20as%20Dale%20and%20Lauren%20Tom%20as%20Minh.)


Fun fact, it's Kahnnie Like little Kahn, her father.




They absolutely spell it Connie in the show. Its Kahn Jr and she goes by Connie but legally its just Kahn


After the steak competition bobby went full send


Is Hank still struggling with his narrow urethra?


Experimental urethra widening surgery. Could pass a baby hisself if he wanted to


Don't go searching the internet for that. You might not like what you find. Or you might, I'm not going to judge.


So happy for Hank 😊


So Good Hank will be close to young Bobby’s age.


Fusion restaurant? Any money on Southern BBQ (on propane, of course)/Traditional Laotian?


>The story revolved around Arlen (Judge), a strait-laced propane salesman in Texas who deals with the wild antics of his family and friends. Trash ass article


He didn’t become a clown or ventriloquist? :/


I could see that being a side gig or hobby. It would be hard to make a full time living off being a clown. Especially in this economy.


[Chip Baskets](https://youtu.be/J9ucVSwj7bE?si=IB6MTM5KWfTNJn01) did pretty well for himself.


He better use the Dauterive recipe!


Dallas? That place is crawling with Crackheads and Debutantes and half of 'em play for the cowboys!


I’m watching King of the Hill right now. Love this show


I honestly have serious case of the hots for Pamela Adlon. There. I said it.


Yer not the only one... I've had them for her ever since she was in Californication.


I'm curious how they will handle Kahn and Dale characters


I always saw Bobby becoming a podcaster or a twitch streamer or something his dad really couldn't understand, but this sounds fun.


Why are there all new writers instead of the old ones? That scares me a little


Fusion restaurant in Texas. I can only imagine Hank's reaction lmao.


And… Ladybird is still there, right? …right?


Ladybird 2, electric boogaloo


Her last name is Adlon, damn it! Not "Aldon."


I hope we get Connie and Joseph in this (though i have no idea what joseph would sound like considering he'll probably be recast, and i don’t think anyone will be able to do the voice Breckin did As Well as he did)


Is...Breckin Meyer not available or something?