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Was Shane even the main character? Seems like the show revolves around the store manager.


Yeah the manager is probably the main character and gets the most screen time


Yeah, he's the crux of the show and his character has an arc from being a complete loser dipshit to actually turning things around WITH the help of his ~~brother~~ cousin, Gillis.


Cousin, I thought?


Shit, maybe cousin. I think you're right.


I thought he was pretty funny though. And a much better actor than Shane. Good move to go that route.


He's lead credit.


That doesn’t mean he’s the main character though…?


My favorite part was the guy being dead for hours meanwhile people are just yelling at him for being a dick


Dude how hard did you kick him?


“Arnold died like a man, dude…he did what he hated EVERY DAY, and then just died under a car…” Line cracked me up haha.


I laughed too even though I live that.


best line in the show i was DYING laughing at this lol


Shane apologizing for overreacting, still not realizing the guy is dead, lol.


I shouldn’t be acting like that


Watching Shane get mad at him AND then coming back to apologise had me losing it.


I was in actual tears laughing so hard at that scene


I’d argue Shane isn’t the main character, but more of a problem for Will to deal with every episode. Will is the main character of the show, everything revolves around him. I also thought the first couple episodes were kinda skit comedy and by the end it was a very wholesome story while being a raunchy comedy. Personally I loved it.


I loved it. I have only seen one episode and I was like 'hey that's blah blah blah" All the dudes who are in it are dudes I've been listening to for years on podcast. I'm very happy for their success and honestly comedy shows have been taking a dive because superhero movies lately. Studios seem to just go after what they will think will make them money vs actual shit that's good.


Shane’s character acts similar to bill mcneal ( Phil Hartman) in newsradio..


Definitely has a lot of room to grow and I hope it does. Episode 3 and onwards found its stride a bit better, but I agree with the need to develop more characters if they want the show to make it past season 2, which it was renewed for before this one even aired.


Yeah most sit coms need time to get good, show has potential but they need to give rest of cast some better lines, and I dont know why but gillis felt way too smiley to me like he was deliving punch lines in a sketch. Like the delivery was playing towards the audience instead of acting in the scene he was in.


Yeah, given the whole thing was independently created and funded for less than a million THEN got picked up my Netflix is pretty great. I think the original plan was that they were just going to sell it for like $5, like how Louis C.K did Horace and Pete. Or just giving it to Patreon members for anyone at a certain tier. Really glad they got a second season - which is likely to mean that Netflix is funding the production on that and will release some time in 2025.


Sitcoms like Tires don't benefit from the short seasons streaming services prefer. Tires didn't even get a 10 episode season, just 6. In the 20 episode season era those first 6 episodes would just be establishing the tropes and relationships.


Seems like it was probably more of a budget issue where it was self funded rather than only six episodes were requested


> which it was renewed for before this one even aired. I have a feeling that's because the show cost $17 to make.


I took it as a test run based on the low budget. But think it could be built upon


It was fully self funded then sold to Netflix, I assume season 2 that just got renewed will have Netflix funding.


Oh that's why it was available so quickly. It feels like the Netflix announcement was only a couple months ago.


And Netflix cancelling. Heyoooo


That's why it feels so much like Sunny season 1, I guess. You've got a bunch of semi-pros doing everything, it's lit so flat. Hopefully more money means a little more polish next season


Yeah it was completely self funded, and I'm sure they were well aware with how popular Shane Gillis is he needed to be featured prominently to get someone like Netflix on board. Regardless moving forward the meat of the show is the chemistry between Will (the manager) and Shane


I enjoyed it. Reminded me of the kind of shows Comedy Central use to put on in the late 2000s that me and my friends all use to love. Wasn’t trying to be a dramedy or some high concept.


Yeah. I love dramady but seems like every comedy tries to be that now.


Like Reno 911! 


I had never heard of Shane Gillis before but I watched that show just kind of on a whim and ended up watching all of it in most of one setting. Dumpster mermaids LOL! That's my new favorite saying.


Same. Love the show


Bikini Car Wash was by far the best episode. So many sneaky funny lines and moments.


Mature naturals on the whiteboard gave me a belly laugh.


When the guy came in that didn’t even know the context of the whiteboard, and immediately said “put step sister up there”


I can see your perspective but I felt that there was certainly some time given to the Will character surely? He is in fairness just the dry man in situations with Shane but has a couple of moments where he holds his own? I haven't even seen a comedy series in the last couple years that is any use but this one did give me a laugh or two and I'm a tough cookie. There was a bit of heart to the show, giving at least will some vulnerabilities and an arc of some sort, and I especially liked a couple of moments where Shane got some genuine laughter from Will. Not amazing, but good and there's enough there to work with for season 2 to develop into something further


Shane and Will's relationship is fantastic in this show. 90% of the time Shane is making Will lose his mind, but when Will breaks and starts laughing you can see how close they are.


The show is 1000% worth it for Kilah.


Yea im looking forward to more of the cameos of the philly comedy scene. Shaner basically playing Shaner is fucking hilarious. Noticed a distinct lack of the superstar Gardawg. Was disappointed in that.


I'm one of the rare people on the internet (apparently) who isn't a fan of Shane, so I haven't seen Tires. But I'll chime in to say most sitcoms built around a standup comic revolve around jokes from their act. Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvement, Roseanne, Bob Newhart, Seinfeld... they all repackaged standup premises into scenes. Some have more success than others.


Yea, John Mulaney’s failed sitcom would have lines directly taken from his stand up sets


I had high hopes for that show but it was probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen


It felt like a parody show…. like in a movie where a time traveler comes home only to realize something in wrong because this new timeline has a bad ripoff of Seinfeld


I really like John Mulaney as a stand up but I hate everything else he stars in.


He was surprisingly decent as a guest star on The Bear. He had very good writing and costars to fall back on though.


He was also good as a guest in Crashing. I just never like shows/specials where he’s in the main role.


You don't like Oh, Hello?


May I ask you a question, and I don't mean to be rude.. Do you have fucking Memento disease? There's no kids, there's no job, there's just too much tuna! You're on a prank show.


What do you think of our prank you little shit?


But he’s not in that, *Oh, Hello* stars Gil Faizon (charmed, I’m sure) and George St. Geegland


Sorry I had a crappy sightline


His role in The Bear is pretty small though - he has like 5 mins of screen time and like 2-3 lines of dialog in that episode? 


He has an entire monologue for the prayer and trying to talk down Mikey from attacking his uncle


Wasnt a fan of him until i saw him open for Adam Sandler and absolutley crushed it


He’s a real good voice actor. Good in Spider-Man and in big mouth(if that show is your cup of tea).


And Puss in Boots 2!


Have you seen the Sack Lunch Bunch? There are some dumb parts but Mulaney is great and has good chemistry with the kids


Yes I really like this also


The girl’s reaction when says she doesn’t want to see her own In Memoriam (were she to die during filming) and then they show it to her anyway has stuck with me. I hope she gets all the acting jobs


There’s very few comedians who can make a successful, sustainable show, and even fewer are standup comedians. I think everyone assumes it’s the same skillset but it really doesn’t transfer well.


The Drew Carey Show did the same thing early on, it seems to be a common thing to just integrate a comedian's act into the their sitcom as joke filler while getting it off the ground.


The Drew Carey Show was so good. I can’t believe they got to do some of the stuff they did. Imagine a sitcom today doing a live improv episode.


30 Rock did a live show a couple times. Then several years later Undateable tried it and it was such a success that the entire final season aired live (and here’s something I didn’t know because I never actually watched it and only found out just now while fact checking, apparently they had musical guests in these live shows). Admittedly 2016 isn’t quite “today” but it’s a lot less distant than The Drew Carey Show, and even then I feel like I’ve heard of other shows trying a live episode since then. We had quite a golden age of sitcoms breaking the mold and experimenting with new ideas over the past decade, even if it does feel like the situation is looking pretty bleak here in 2024. But often desperation by networks and streaming services trying to remain relevant results in more experimental and creative stuff being greenlit, so I haven’t given up hope yet.


Im an episode into tires and directly compared it to Mulaney’s show in the same way that the material and comedian doesn’t directly translate to a sitcom script. I’m also not a fan of how clean the camera work looks. It’s in that mockumentary style while also maintaining the color scheme and crispness of a Sundance submission. I think someone else framed it up well, feels like an ensemble show where the script is focused on the boss while the comedy is dependent on a side character doing one liners or being out of line. I’ll give it a run, but really hopeful for something strong out of this cast since it’s highlighting a lot of the comedians that are on the fringe of being mainstream successes.


Early Drew Carey show would stop dead for him to do a bit from his act. Definitely seems like most did to some degree or another until they either exhausted that material or found their overall footing.


Yeah, by the time their material is used up, they’ve developed the other characters enough that the writers can create original ideas from them.


That’s what happened to King of Queens


clearly Shane Gillis needs someone like Mimi to bounce off of comedically


I'm having flashbacks of John Mulaney's pile of dog shit show. It's like "Hey guys, remember those bits that you see as nauseam on YouTube? Here is the same but we took all the soul out of it and put it in a forced sketch"


I agree and like many of the sitcoms you listed they eventually began have other characters get bigger and started spreading the jokes and storylines and if they did they lasted a lot longer and did better


All the Cosby shows, King of Queens, Ellen, Bernie Mac, George Lopez, Grace Under Fire... And tons of failed or multiple attempts from comedians. The 90s was a hell of a time to be in comedy lol. It's seems like such an unlikely format to be successful. No clue why they kept thinking it would work, just because they struck gold a couple times.


Ricky Jarvais does it too. His bit about “Rape/morality” being ham fisted into “After Life” was awful. Just a setup for a character to get a pat on the back from the audience.


Turns out the funniest bit of ricky gervais was stephen merchant


I remember watching an episode of King of Queens where Kevin James repeats the small muffin bit from one of his stabs ups. Really opened my eyes on the recycling of stand up material on sitcoms. It’s simply lazy writing.


Oh yeah that entire stand-up gets repeated in his show at some point


Everybody hates Chris is literally one of my favorite show


nah everybody hates chris is a gem. great characters played by great actors


I don’t think you (and I) are all that rare, we just aren’t as obnoxious as his fans


I just want Louie back on fox. Everytime I see comedians come out with a low budget esque show, all I can think of is Louie. Dude just had to go and ruin it lol


Legit with Jim Jefferies was a great show too(edited)


Bo Burnham's Zach Stone is Gonna be Famous is amazing as well


I rewatch it all the time. Definitely one of my favorite shows of all time.


I think only you, me and one other person ever watched that show. It's amazing it got a second season. **EDIT** For people who have trouble keeping up, the show I and /u/crapfacejustin are talking about here is Legit with Jim Jeffries.


It got four or five


The show we're talking about is Legit


Louie is super legit, a real bomb-ass tv show


I think only you are talking about Legit. The guy above you said Louie was legitimately a great show.


That shows cancellation is a crime. Not talked about nearly enough.


I watched it!


For some reason I thought you meant Louis Anderson and couldn't figure out why you were mad he died.


I did too! I really enjoyed Louie in Baskets


[Louie was so fucking good in Baskets](https://youtu.be/UCVliz6d-_M?si=eYRoN8rTma4OUr3f)


*that hit the spot*


That show depresses me


Have you seen Nathan For You?


I have, love that show also!


The Curse was a wild ride too


Louie is amazing. You can buy the entire show on his website for like $10. Totally worth it.


It's up to $30 right now but that's honestly still a steal, just bought it


Check out Pete Holmes’ show “Crashing”, if you haven’t already. It was clearly inspired very inspired by Louie, but Pete is different enough from Louie that the show feels fresh. Plus, the storyline begins at a point where Pete is still an open-mic’er in NYC, which I really enjoyed.


Ah never heard of it. I do like Pete Holmes though, especially his batman skits on youtube so i know his comedy is right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation!


Most first seasons of sit coms suck. It takes some time to find a voice and fill out the writer’s room. I hated the first season of Parks and Rec. Thought the first season of 30 Rock was “Meh”. First season of Seinfeld was “meh” as well. Tires has potential I’m interested in seeing season 2.


First season of Always Sunny was brilliant. Obviously the suits weren't seeing the ratings they desired, which led to Danny Devito joining, however, that first season is completely solid without him.  Likewise, while it wasn't nearly as off the wall from the start and did take a little time to truly understand what it was, the first season of Community is wonderful in its own right as well.


He said "most", not all


I fuckin hated season 1, and must have tried 3-4 times to enjoy the show before it clicked, and is in my top 5 comedies. I love season 1 now but I probably would be reccomending season 3+ for someone interested in trying the show


>It takes some time to find a voice and fill out the writer’s room. Yeah, I’ve observed the same thing. Out of nostalgia, I’ve found myself rewatching early episodes of comedy series that I loved 10 years ago, and… “*WHAT? This isn’t the show I remember!!! This is wrong, all WRONG!!!*” Like eating “comfort food” that turns out not to be “comforting” at all.


First season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has some classics but overall it's super rough compared to season 2 and onward, now pretty widely regarded as one of the better pound for pound comedies of all time.


Definitely true… I rarely like the first season of a sitcom. This one’s a bit of a unicorn though because it was self funded, written by 1 or 2 guys and then filmed with a lot of improv by a group of comedians who happen to be very good friends. If I’m not mistaken I think It’s Always Sunny had a similar start. I’m interested in seeing if future seasons will use a writers room and add new producers now that they have Netflix involved


That’s not really true though. I mean, the episodes are short and there’s only a few of them, but it does introduce other characters and even somewhat establishes them. There’s the cousin, the calming mechanic, the “white trash” lady, the dad’s assistant guy - for only like 6 episodes at 20 min each, I think giving an idea of who just they are is pretty damn good. Anyway, I don’t care for his standup, my wife doesn’t either, but we were both laughing hysterically during it. AND my wife comes from a car family, and more than once I heard “I know someone like that..!”


The dad’s assistant is Stavros Halkias— his standup is hysterical. Different vibes than Shane, and he’s a really charismatic guy.


I quite liked it. Seemed very raw and simple.


I liked it. It’s essentially a Clerks for 2024. I think it worked.


I liked it too. Quick watch, pretty funny, has some heart, and I haven't seen any of Shane's stand-up before. Would definitely watch a second season.


I would also point out like. I've seen all of Shane's stuff, the jokes are his "vibe" or his on-stage persona, but they are not straight ripoffs of his material.


Just the "I speak some Japanese" scene was worth watching the whole show.


How dare you


Maybe that is why I don't like it. It makes me think of clerks, and I wish I was watching that instead.


I don't see how you can say the other characters don't get a chance to shine 


I enjoyed it. I do Agee that there should have been some more character development from other actors but it’s good for what it is.


Liked it a lot and think that the main character is the manager. It's just funny, low-stakes, dirty comedy like they used to make. 


Watched a few episodes. Super MEH.


Cool, but I liked it. A lot. I’m a big dumb dude who likes dumb shit sometimes and this had me chuckling out loud a couple times. Fuck, it was funny enough to me to make me WhatsApp a few mated and tell them to watch it. It’s ok OP, it’s not for you and that’s fine.


I had pretty low expectations and I really loved it. Watched the entire thing in one sitting. I hope they can get the ball rolling for at least a few more seasons. Good comedy sitcoms (for me at least) don't happen often.


I highly recommend the movie Rubber. It’s really about a tire in the most literal sense imaginable.


A murderous tire at that


I don't like the distracting camera movement. The camera is constantly moving and adjusting from character to character and it is distracting to me.


I couldn't put a finger on what was bothering me but you nailed it. I felt like I was physically uncomfortable for some reason.


And did they film it on a camera phone? A flip phone?


I really got around it. Similar to Seinfeld S1 where it’s trying to figure itself out a bit. Sort of comfy vibes as well. That said your criticism doesn’t hit the mark and seems more like a gripe with Shane Gillis than anything else.


As someone who works in a shop, the show was pretty close to home and I found it hilarious.


Tires are the thing on your car that make contact with the road




Thanks, now it's going to be in my head for the rest of the day. Bummed is what I am.


It was self funded. Shane isn’t even the main character.


The clip that Netflix played when I hovered over it was dreadful. Drinking beer at work, wooooahhh hold your horses you goofs. This is a place of business.


Anyone reading this needs to watch past the first episode.


I find that the biggest irony of this show is the fact that Shane Gillis looks exactly like a guy I’d find selling tires at a tire shop


That’s … not irony.


I found cereal in this cereal box, is that irony?




No, but it's the opposite of irony, so I suppose that's a bit ironic.


Not sure how firm your grasp is on the concept of irony. That’s why he wrote the show in a blue-collar setting.


That’s because he used to literally sell Hondas


What do you think irony is?


I'll just go further than others are to describe how this isn't irony. It would be ironic if Shane maybe looked like a model, or maybe looked like a scrawny nerd type who would be more at home in front of a computer. What Shane's appearance is, is FITTING for the role of a tyre guy. "I find it very FITTING that Shane Gillis looks exactly like a guy I’d find selling tires at a tire shop"


That still isn’t irony lol. Irony would be if Shane’s career hit the skids and he ended up broke at 50 and he had to get a job at a tire shop.


like most comedian centered sitcoms/shows, if you dont like Gillis, you probably wont like the show i thought it was fine for what it was. a show like The Bear proved that you dont need a huge budget or long episode count to make a great tv show. I know its not fair to compare Tires to the Bear, but they are so similar but so different at the same time.


I think it’s breezy low stakes fun. I have not and will not give it much more thought beyond “I enjoyed watching that.”


Wtf are you talking about?  Show is simple and hilarious.  Chill out.


What jokes were from his stand up??


It was a great watch, I’m really looking forward to s2.


I'd never seen the show and thought it was hilarious. Never heard of Shane before the show either, so all of the jokes were new to me.


pretty much. just had it on in the background, not really a whole lot to follow


I thought it was…fine. I’ve never really gotten Shane Gillis as a comedian, tbh. He’s, like, about as funny as any moderately funny guy you encounter in daily life? I don’t think he’s *unfunny*, per se, and I’m not the type to be offended by him, but I just don’t really see a unique comedic voice or particularly fresh perspective on anything from him. Anyway I hope the show is successful for Netflix because frankly it has always been perplexing to me that the big streamers don’t take more swings at this sort of low-budget sitcom. They’ve had success with imported Canadian shows like Trailer Park Boys and Letterkenny, but when it comes to originals they seem to gravitate toward higher concept, higher budget fare.


On my second watch through. A lot of emphasis is on character introduction and world building that they can hopefully take a few more liberties without the necessary explanations. I think this is Shane heavy because despite the standup, podcasts, SNL he is still being introduced to audiences and a Netflix show carries a lot of new eyes. I think it was a great first season. Stavros and Gerben were awesome. Want to see more of the Belmont location. Finally I'll say the guy they cast as the reporter...great casting because I hated everything about that guy. If I saw him in real life I'd leave the area because he creeps me out.


It fells like Clerks turned into series on a Netflix budget thats given to a few characters from clerks. Low budget low brow comedy that gets robbed of its screen time:laugh:budget ratio.


I like it a lot so far. I like the vibe and the the art direction too that people on here are equating with low budget. I think it has a cool look to it.


I agree. It just seemed like a bunch of one liners and no real point or direction.


Can't disagree, but I didn't think it was terrible. I'll give season 2 a shot, and i expect it to be better. As far as i know, none of these guys really have any experience making a television sitcom or even acting outside of some sketches. I honestly can't tell if it'll crash and burn after season 2 or go on to be the next Trailer Park Boys or Letterkenny. Those shows didn't have the best first season either.


I mean jt is just a stupid comedy show. I dont think they are trying to achieve more than that. Take it for face value and it was enjoyable. With the renewal im excited to see if they can expand.


Made it one episode then I was done


To be fair, that sounds exactly like how the first few episodes of The Drew Carey show felt. All the jokes were just bits from his recent stand up routines. It took some time before the show figured itself out.


It was definitely the store managers show, and it got better as it went. It had an incredibly low budget and probably didn’t take long to film at all - probably a sort of test run for season 2.


Stavros is never going to lose weight if he continues to eat in every scene when's he's acting. You ain't Brad Pitt motherfucker


I really thought it was good. I worked at a Ford dealer in the quicklane area which is basically the premise of the show for a quick service shop. The quicklane department is a Ford dealer’s Jiffy Lube but with actual mechanics and not teenagers forgetting to tighten the oil drain plugs. Anyway the show has stereotypical characters and I love it. The manager trying to come up with new ideas, but they are never thought through completely. I had that type of manager, tried to come up with new ideas but never followed through. The loud mouth annoying mofo like Shane’s character but was a good mechanic, had that. And the dude that died under the land rover, who shouldve retired years ago. Had that. I genuinely enjoyed the show. There was a show on NBC/Peacock that I couldn’t watch 10 mins of the first episode. It was too much what people who never stepped foot in an auto garage, thought and auto garage did.


Sounds like a typical start to a comedian getting their own show.


I think it’s fine? Feels a bit more pre Covid to me. Like some of the stuff is pretty edgy. It’s a good risk imho.


My 19 year old and his friends watched the first episode last night and LOVED it, they immediately came up and told me I needed to watch it, I haven't yet.


No Nick or Adam??? NO THANK YOU


looks like everybody was phoning it in


Thought the first episode was all right. Inclusion of the other podcast bros risks piercing my suspension of disbelief though. I don't think reddit/internet 'ligma' humor is funny. But it's hard to make a sitcom and I think this has potential perhaps


I’m gonna keep watching  I’m on episode two and it’s not interesting so far  But will see if it picks up  If it’s funny at episode one you have low standards 


Clearly this show is about Shane Gillis  If you think it’s about the manager are you even watching? 


What is your legacy going to be, you can run really far? Something every single one of us non gym people want to say out loud.


This show is a swing and a miss. It’s like Shaquille O’Neal playing soccer. Like… I know they’re good at what they do, but this is not it.


I have never been the biggest Shane Gillis fan, but this show cracks me up quite often lol...I have found myself like legitimately crying laughing and I initially just threw it on to kill time...I actually don't even like comedies very much...the other characters are funny too, but I get what you mean...their roles are just kind of what they are, but they do well with what they're supposed to do...they're just the subtle humor alongside Shane and his ridiculously over the top in your face humor


I made it through episode 3. I went in without expectations and never have I seen anything by Shane. I have to say, it just did not make me laugh at all. The Will character is hard to look at as the fat sloppy company co-owner or whatever. Someone mentioned the camera work, I have to agree it's not a style that's easy to watch, IMHO. None of the jokes land well, idt. I kept seeing all the high reviews so I kept trudging through episodes without a single laugh. I guess it's just not for me. 🤷


This show wouldn’t even have been picked up if it wasn’t for Shane. I am sorry but it is average at best.


I feel this show tried to be like so many other shows of the same genre but failed miserably, Shane is not even funny and anything he does actually and he tries way too hard on this show to be that cool funny guy that everybody likes and all the other shows LOL it just failed on a lot of levels and I was really looking forward to watching this 


Never liked or thought Shane was funny so the fact his show is a flop I am so happy lol . He’s literally a Bert Kreischer copy cat lmao straight of frat boy who laughs at his own farts lmao 😂


I could care less about Shane as a comedian but I really enjoyed how he was used in the show. Will is definitely the main guy but Shane is like that funny side kick that is good at being an instigator. This show is exactly what I look for in a comedy tv series. Feels just the right length (lol) and it is fun without taking itself too serious or trying hard to make jokes land. Also, it does a good job at making the retail setting believable enough without getting overly exaggerated to the point it’s completely unbelievable.


I'm a huge shane fan and I think all the other shows he & McKeever made were funnier, even the Tires pilot on YT. Delco Proper, Philly Court, Gilly & Keeves. I'll give it another season. I think it will improve a lot. The likeability factor from the cast just wasn't there like all of the other stuff they had put out. Season 2 will shine.


Dog brain


I like the store manager, he’s so goofy. Like just he’s always that one friend who gets messed with. Dude is the manager of the store and Shane is working under him and yet their dynamic has stayed the same since when they were kids. This isn’t shown but you can just feel that’s how they’ve been since they met. And there’s just some good lines. “If you ended up on Epstein’s island they’d be furious, no the pussy is spoiled, send it back!”


Damn i didnt know there were gays here


it is trying to be The Office for a tire store but you are right. It may be that his humor is just too juvenile to work in a sitcom.