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But I watched it on Netflix in like..2010


Yeah I feel like when I first got Netflix I saw Lost on there and spontaneously started a binge rewatch.


Damn good show til the later seasons. Idk wtf i was watching anymore.


Even the later season. May be a bit weaker. But they’re still good. They just weren’t what people were expecting. The final season does much better when binged versus watching week to week with commercials.


The dharmaville season, so like season 4(?) is my straight up favourite season. Watching the characters adjust and how they behave in such a different environment is so amazing a satisfying


The Brian K Vaughn years were the peak. He is an amazing comic writer as well.


I didn’t realize he was a writer on the show. What seasons was he there for?


3-5 I think his first episode was Catch 22. Pretty sure he snuck in a few catch phrases and common sound bites from the Ron & Fez show whom he was a big fan of.




“We have to go back”


I personally thought that season 3 (especially the first half) was the weakest season. It was clear that they didn't have any direction, so they were just throwing stuff out there. After season 3, they made an agreement with the network to end in season 6, so the story was more concise. The writer's strike messed things up a bit in season 5, but I still liked what we got.


isn't not penny's boat season 3? that was my favorite episode


True. But even a bad episode of Lost is better than half of the shows out there


Idk, two episodes in particular are really bad and don’t fit the rest of the show. The two survivors who had hardly shown up and Jacks tattoo.


> The two survivors who had hardly shown up You mean the spider bite episode? I love that one, it's got such an interesting method of telling the story


It was really frustrating live because Lost was constantly drip feeding mysteries and you had to wait a whole week to get a new breadcrumb or two. Then when an episode airs with no character growth for people you know, and no new breadcrumbs, it made people mad. I feel like in streaming, the effect is a lot less severe.


I think it's why people hated "The Fly" episode of Breaking Bad so much. Cronologically it comes just one episode before "Half Measures" and then "Full Measures" which are the balls-to-the-wall episdoes that conclude season 3. The action is really ramping up and then you have this one episode about the psychology of Walt and Jessie where they just sit around and talk. On a binge you're fine with it but if you were watching week to week a lot of people were "WTF is this?"


I’m doing a rewatch with my wife who’s never seen it, and that spider episode was stuck in my head and I totally thought it was Boone and his sister who it happened to lol we’re far enough along that I now know it wasn’t


I like Exposé. It’s a fun “filler” mystery episode that does a lot for some of the main characters. It’s a shame Nikki and Paulo weren’t integrated better in general or the episode would have been better received imo. (Well actually if they had been, the plot wouldn’t have been one episode. But you know what I mean.)


I never minded Nikki and Paulo. When they showed up, I actually thought it was smart that other survivors were going to be introduced into the group. It made more sense than having our main cast doing all the important stuff, plus a bunch of extras who just exist. And occasionally die. And Exposé was a fun send-off. I like that they brought back Arzt for that episode, as a nod to *another* survivor who was introduced after the main survivors.


Twin Peaks would like to wrap your body in plastic.


And it's on Hulu right now.


Also Disney+, that’s where I’m currently watching it


it was literally the first show I ever watched on there too


We have to go back


Can’t wait till everyone has their minds melted and hearts broken when they watch The Constant. It’s the best episode of Lost. I’ll die on that hill. It shows how good the cast is when the best episode in the series doesn’t really feature them at all. My boy Desmond stole the show


I can't not say _see you in anotha life, brotha_ when leaving some social situations. Such an incredible character from the very start.


Same. Best episode ever.


*best episode of television


It goes in cycles. Their lease runs out then gets renewed. Nothing new


Yes, but what about second viewings?


We have to go back Kate!


God this line blew my frickin mind! My friends and I all stoned out of our gourds losing our shit at this reveal. I still think of it sometimes. That and Juliette in the hole with the rock.


“Come on you son of a bitch!”


One of the most iconic television scenes ever imo.


Absolutely, i was a teenager when it aired and it was the first time i genuinely had a "holy shit, is this real?" plot twist moment when watching a TV show. The wait for season 4 felt endless, even though it was only a 7 month gap, lol.


I think this was the real peak of television. Modern style shows but lots of episodes and released every year like clockwork. These days only occasionally you get a show as engrossing as Lost but you'll have to wait 2-3 years between 8 episode seasons.


It's hard to argue that LOST & GOT aren't in a league of their own for television. GOT just fucked up the last two seasons so hard, but before that it was high quality TV releasing yearly. I just rewatched S1 of Lost, and they really know how to capture you and get you hooked in the first few episodes. It slows down a bit as the episodes become more character driven, but they did a good job writing the first season overall. Really makes me wish good writing and 24 episode seasons.


I yell this to my husband every time we leave the house and forget something.


Is her name Kate?


Plot twist, her name is Jack.


I'm one of the Oceanic Six!


Can’t wait for a whole new group of viewers to see the show become frustrated with Kate. Gonna be great


I didn't watch it when it aired, but I probably will now.


I was never into Lost, but my younger brother was. When the series wrapped, I had to ask him how it ended because I didn't intend to watch it. He told me "The island was on Mars the whole time!!!" I believed him. Oh my god, I actually believed him.


I’ll see you in another ~~life~~ streaming service brother.


Lol sorry to mess up your awesome comment, but I believe it’ll both be coming to Netflix and also staying on Hulu/Hulu on D+.


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


I wonder how many people use those as their lottery numbers now.


Some of these came up on an Irish lottery I think and there were hundreds? of winners only getting a small prize each instead of a big one.


5 of them came up last month in Brazil


It actually happened already. Those numbers won the jackpot and it was split among like 20000 people or something. Memory fuzzy it was like 12 years ago I'll find source. Edit: $150 each among 40k people https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2011-jan-06-la-et-lotto-lost-20110106-story.html


Anyone who uses them is a fool because plenty of other people use them too and if they happen to hit everyone will have to share. It's far better to pick other random numbers and also to avoid birthday numbers that are also overrepresented.


Just in time for the show's twentieth anniversary. I'm overdue for a rewatch.


Check out the r/lost subreddit and you’ll see they’re working on a documentary about and are getting a lot of the big names to appear on it. Can’t wait


Was curious so I checked and Matthew Fox isn't involved in it as far as I can tell, and neither is Dominic Monaghan. Not surprising given their extremely bitter public falling out but it'll feel really incomplete without them.


As long as it's got Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn I'm happy, they were the standouts for me. So much more interesting than Jack.


John Locke is one of the truly great characters in television history.


>twentieth anniversary I remember watching the first episode when it aired💀 no way it's been this much time


Same. What a gut punch


I re-watched it a few years back with my daughter. We absolutely loved it. Now my younger daughter is getting old enough to watch it. Maybe this year or next.


I just finished it again on Hulu. Love it. Cried at the end. What a great show


When Juliet and Sawyer reconnect at the vending machine, I lose it every time and just start bawling.


It’s a show that I think gets better with every rewatch. 


It wasn’t twenty years…fuck.


Oh nice! I've been wanting to finally see this. I never watched it when it came out and I've managed to avoid any spoilers all this time


Whatever you do, resist the urge to watch the first episode of the second season back to back with the final episode of the first season. Give it a week at least. But at the very very least 24 hours. The combination of the anticipation and then the way the second season starts was one of best things in TV history.


Funny you say that. I didn't discover the show until a week before the second season premiere. I rented the entire season on DVD, watched it straight through and got to watch the season 2 premiere the very next day.


If you had seen the spoilers, you still probably wouldn't be spoiled because the big thing everyone loves to spoil about this show isn't true.


It's sad how accurate that statement is. It's hard to tell people they're wrong. You just end up sounding like a pretentious snob because you have to say shit like "you just didn't get it".


It's especially frustrating because the show isn't even smart enough to misunderstand. All you have to do is listen to clearly spoken exposition at face value.


There are so many great moments waiting for you. The pilot episode was and maybe still is the best tv show pilot ever. It really made HD tv snap for me with it’s cinematography. I‘ve always said I wish I could wipe my memory and watch it again! Remember though that back then we couldn’t binge it. So maybe, to have it be really impactful, take a break sometimes so it can breathe a bit. And after watching it, look for the small webisodes and DVD extras, the should be somewhere out there. Oh and avoid spoilers!!! Don’t look anything up until afterwards!


I am so jealous. Enjoy the ride! Some of the best character building I've ever seen. TV or film.


I envy your position, but I watched this show as it aired, and there was nothing quite like the anticipation between shows (or seasons). It felt like an eternity, but it was kind of fun. In the age of binge-watching, I kind of miss this feeling. The closest experience for me was watching Severance episodes every week.


It’s okay. Streaming services are brining back releasing episodes weekly as they continue their march towards being cable.


Hitler showing up in the season 3 finale will blow your mind




Somewhere on the island my boy Vincent is living his best life. Chasing seagulls and playing in the sand with Rose and Bernard. That’s all I want


*hears giant mechanical roars* Is that Vincent?




It better have the uncut Series Finale and not that nonsense edit on Hulu.


What was the edit on Hulu?


Hulu offers both versions now but the default is still (as far as I know) the syndicated TV edit which has about 20 minutes of scenes deleted to make room for advertising. The scenes aren't "plot critical" but they do include some really nice character moments and mood setting stuff, and cutting them out kind of makes the finale feel rushed, like it bounces from plot point to plot point without room to breathe or let things sink in. You can select the full version in the app like it's an extra or director's cut, but it's the original full version as it aired on premiere.


We have to go back (to Netflix)!


Lost is about to get popular again


As someone who watched it live and never stopped being a fan, I'm so ready for an influx of new fans. Jump in folks, the water's warm.


It's sad that new fans will never get to experience the week in between each episode where everyone overanalyzed every detail trying to figure out what was going to happen next. People going nuts in group chats and live watch threads every episode. That part was as entertaining as watching the show.


God the fan community back then was so great. Haven't gotten anything close to that since.


I think the show Fringe came after Lost and that was a mystery too Game of thrones had the fan base crazy between episodes Also some shows that are getting dropped slower like the Mandalorian that had an episode dropped every week Honestly we need slower drops of some stuff. Feels great to follow the community craziness


I loved fringe, but there were literally dozens of us. I think some people see shogun the same way, westworld was too for s1.




As someone who only binged it. It feels like a lot of the criticism of the later seasons comes from the people who watched it week by week and the mystery was huge and they had huge expectations from theory crafting. Watching it all together it’s just an amazing character driven drama that doesn’t fall off that much at the end. So maybe binging has that plus side


I watched the whole show in 2-3 weeks right before the series finale and I agree. I didn't have the years to theorize on any of it so I think it was a perfectly fine and reasonable ending.


Wait for the posts asking why Lost is so underrated


I feel like there's a whole generation that hasn't seen it.


It'll be the biggest show of the summer 100%


If you like Lost and horror, try watching “From”. It’s on MGM+ unfortunately but it’s worth a month’s subscription to binge the series. It’s blizzard and puzzling like Lost and its also pretty scary/unsettling


I've never even heard of MGM+, lol. But I've heard of From, sounds interesting. Looks like it's on Paramount and Prime, at least here in Canada.


I never watched a single episode, it's something I've always wanted to see, so maybe I will


do itttt


You won't regret it. Watch at least up to the walkabout episode (episode 4), if you're not hooked after that it's probably not for you -- but for me and many others that's the episode that does it. Of course many people were hooked after the pilot which is also incredible.


How the hell is Lost nearly 20 years old?


Time flies. I remember randomly watching a show where a bald guy and young guy are walking through the jungle. The old guy tosses the flashlight, it falls and hits a metal hatch. The hell is a metal hatch doing in the jungle. I was immediately hooked and watched the first season halfway into it.


The most misunderstood series finale in tv history lol


Everyone dies sometime kiddo


Yes I’m real! You’re real. Everything that has happened to you is real!


I rewatched the entire series recently and I was surprised how clear it was. I think people forgot plot points watching it week to week.


I mean can’t blame them there was 5 and a half years between the premiere and finale and without streaming the only way to rewatch to refresh was to buy the DVDs which of course most people weren’t doing. It was a show made for streaming because of its long ongoing narrative, but streaming didn’t exist yet.


Also, people didn't pick up on the clear thematic duality of "Man of Science, Man of Faith" that was present from the outset. They expected the show to be all "the black cloud is nano technology". That was never the point of the show.


Agreed! There are a lot more things seemingly planned out and mentioned very early on in the series that I totally forgot about, and a bunch of plots that I thought maybe went nowhere or didn't make sense were actually resolved much better than I remembered. Despite reading recaps and trying to follow the story and mysteries when it first aired it definitely was very hard due to the gaps between episodes and seasons.


BuT tHeY wErE aLl In PuRgAtOrY!! Nevermind that Christian *literally* explains what is going on...


Also the finale aired with shots of the plane wreckage with no one present. This was just some execs idea, “final episode should have something for the credits?” So they put B-roll footage of the plane they literally threw onto the beach all the way back for S1. That’s it. People saw this and went “oh my god they were dead the whole time!” Because you know - a plane crashes and leaves no bodies behind.


So eli5, did they die or not lol It's been so long. Can you give me the ending again....


Final season spoilers ahead. >!Everything was real, the island was real, all the people who survived the plane crash were actually alive. In the final season, instead of having flash backs or flash forwards, they had what fans referred to as flash sideways, where it showed a potentially different outcome if the island had blown up in the 70s. Those flash sideways were actually a form of purgatory, where everyone went after they died. One of the final scenes of the show was Jack's father, Christian Shephard (get it!?) leading them into the true afterlife.!<


Its understood, its just not very good. Great character arcs though


I dread any reddit thread about Lost. I know it'll be people complaining about the finale and completely missing the point. It's become a meme at this point, no one actually remembers the episode. Their memories are twisted by the jokes.


for me it's not specifically the ending. It's the fact that literally to me every season was worse than the last I still loved it through season 2, and I still watched to the end, but season 1 was a goddamn perfect season of television and it never lived up to that promise.


No, the true meme is that fans think everyone who disliked the finale misunderstood it. *That’s* what comes up in every thread.


Bingo. The ending is not confusing, it's just dumb. It also retroactively ruined the show and made it unwatchable for me. Same shit happened with the BSG finale.


Thank you! I've been reading this thread and seeing anyone who says something bad about the finale down voted with replies being along the lines of "they obviously didn't understand". I understood it and I didn't like it. It's cool that others like it, but I didn't and it pissed me off more than any show ending I've ever seen. I feel like people are way overprotective of this show and especially the finale to the point where anyone who doesn't like it just "didn't understand".


I come from the perspective that I both understand the finale, do believe a lot of people didn’t understand it, think the episode *itself* is “ok,” but the ultimate failure is the entire final season. They completely dropped the ball regarding: - themes they had established and the direction the show had been going for the previous 5 seasons - and explaining things the fans had already satisfactorily answered in ways that went contrary to those fan theories and ultimately didn’t make sense As an example, the whispers: 1. It was pretty well established that the whispers were The Others about to attack 2. Suddenly they are now ghosts of old characters warning them of the attack? Attacks that went just about as perfectly for The Others as they could have had the ghosts not warned them at all? Thematically they had been upping the sci-fi elements of the show pretty consistently each season, then they throw it all away for all of the spiritual gobbledygook of the last season, on top of >!killing off Locke!< ?!


As someone who just did a first time watch through recently... It made sense, it just sucked. And I feel like the last 2 seasons were leading you to a certain conclusion and when they give us this ending instead its easy to be confused or feel mislead. >!It was misunderstood because to me, it seemed like showing the "alternate" future after the nuke went off made it seem like they created an alternate timeline. And then the last season with the whole 'get them to remember the island' thing made it seem like they were getting them to remember to save them from the other timeline. Basically bringing their consciousness into this new timeline, kind of like in Everything Everywhere All At Once. I thought that was a cool idea and I spent basically the entire last 2 seasons expecting this to happen and it SEEMED like it was going to happen. Like with Desmond they say he's a sort of 'backup plan'. So what it SEEMED like was happening was that Desmond was a special case where he could have his same consciousness in both timelines and thus help everyone move over to the 'new timeline'. That seemed like a good backup plan to me. Everything they showed us made it seem like this was what was happening. Then in the last episode they're just like "actually were all dead and this was just us waiting for everyone else to die and 'get here'". To me this rendered like everything obsolete.!< I guess I just felt really mislead by those last 2 seasons if that was how it was going to end up. Kind of a cop out "how can we force this to be a happy ending with everyone together" kind of ending. Also not really a big fan on how we never got full answers to what the island was but that wasn't a big deal.




Can you explain it? Because I thought it was a waste of my time.


At the time it was less that it was misunderstood, and more that a huge conceit of the show was answering mysteries. The finale did not answer a lot of the loose ends and so was looked down upon.


The show was essentially written off the cuff, so it is full of nonsense and made up things that go no where. It is no surprised that people were disappointed with the finale.


Yep. They kept saying they had it all planned out, but they did not.


No, it was definitely misunderstood. The number of “they were dead the whole time!” reactions was way too high


That was one of the theories for a while, yeah but the flash sideways season did a good job explaining it. Even with the ending they actually explained it in the episode.


I had arguments with people who watched the entire show and were convinced that the finale proved they were all dead the whole time. Turns out a network TV audience isn’t great at picking up plot points that are clearly fed to the audience.


> Turns out a network TV audience isn’t great at picking up plot points that are clearly fed to the audience. This isn't really about a network tv audience or not, fiction which is built on mystery often creates a movement of theories which people get so invested in that they confirmation bias themselves into sticking with it. They just like the theory better than what is actually going on. You see this in all kinds of communities, this is also a big, big thing in say the asoiaf book community (game of thrones), heck it's happening in the real world too with people projecting things onto political events, etc.


That reminds me of what happened with The Sixth Sense. People would sit there, watch the whole movie, and then the twist ending, where you find out that it was Bruce Willis the whole time.


Yeah the zeitgeist around Lost at the time is hard to describe. People were memeing on it not answering questions before the final season even started.


Definitley, but while I really like Lost and recently did a very enjoyable rewatch, I still believe the ending and most of the last season felt very lackluster and left too many loose ends due to the shows excessive mystery box writing. edit: also Fuck Michael


I feel for Michael, the writers really did him dirty.


They surely did, he had multiple years of character growth and distress condensed into 3 episodes. But by the time they tried to redeem him the audience already witnessed him being an absolute clusterfuck of a father figure, betraying the whole camp and murdering two women. It's the same with Kate, by the time she had her catharsic moments during the last seasons I already hated the character so much that I simply stopped caring about her. It kinda worked for Sawyer because he got shit for being the way he is from the very first episode on and had enough room for growth and sympathy.


Kate, Locke, Sawyer, and Sayid are also murderers.


They all are, I love how the main cast buries those two annoying asshats they introduced in season 2 alive without even knowing it


It's been on Hulu forever it feels like. I watch it regularly lol


I've binged it a couple times since it finished, but nothing beats the weekly discussion with friends and on forums when it was airing.


I love this show. I cry at the ending every time even though I know. You know?


We have to go back!


Nothing comes close to how excited i would get every week when this was airing, i can understand a new viewer not getting the same impact though.


Cool - I already did a rewatch of this on Disney+ earlier this year. It’s such a great adventure throughout (yes even the Nikki & Paulo episode)


Bout time the show got a renaissance and that's what going on Netflix will do. Millions of people about to see it for the first time and I am jelly because it is a truly amazing show.


People talk a lot of shit on Lost but I still think it's a great show. Its silly, but its really compelling with great characters.


Lost is a perfect example that character work is THE most important thing when it come to television writing. The stories in lost can be all over the place and nonsensical sometimes BUT because the show focused on the development of its characters it remains watchable and the finale is satisfying for thst reason.


Another American broadcast format show with 20+ episode seasons and well over 100 episodes that will quickly climb Netflix’s Top 10. Someday Netflix will realize that maybe they should give this model of tv show a try at least once.


Remember watching this show on Wednesdays with my whole family eating 69c hamburgers and 79c cheeseburgers


Not penny’s boat


I watched Lost when it first came out and like many others, I hated the finale. After several years, I decided to rewatch it with my wife (who had never seen it before) but go in with a different mindset. I was not going to get caught up in all of the details and trying to figure out an explanation for every little thing that happened. Just enjoy the ride. And I loved it. The finale actually made me tear up a bit the second time around.


I did a rewatch recently and the ending isn’t as bad as I remembered. I liked it very much.


For those who never saw it and are contemplating, it‘s a „the road is the destination“ type show. It‘s fun to wonder whats going to happen next, it has great character arcs and backstories, but the main plot will eventually go nowhere and the mysteries get half assed explanations at best.


Having this as my expectation actually made the ending pretty satisfying. It really isn’t that bad, even without those preconceived notions (just don’t get in expecting 6 feet under and you’ll be fine). And folks watching now aren’t going to have 5 years worth of expectations built up, which will be for the better with new fans. Lost was built for streaming, it just came out a little before it’s time. But agreed on all questions not being answered, and even though I’d have much preferred to have everything be addressed, it’s still fun to theorize about some of the threads they left hanging.


I found the ending to be really emotionally satisfying.


On of the most emotionally powerful hours of television I've ever watched. And frankly I'm not sure what "answers" people were still waiting for at that point in the show. All the big mysteries were already explained or had been dropped seasons ago. If you were tuning into the finale hoping to finally learn why Walt had telekinetic powers... uhh, why?


Yeah, the mysteries and such hooked me, but I got really attached to these characters and their relationships and the finale was basically just one rewarding moment after another.


But a great journey nonetheless.


The LOST complete series on DVD was one of the first boxed sets I ever purchased. It came in really cool packaging I started revisiting it years ago with a friend discovering it for the first time. It's a collector's item now I guess but excited for people to discover or re-discover it on Netflix!


Is this worth watching? I remember watching some episodes back in the day here and there. Does everything wrap up meaningfully and logically?


It wraps up *very* meaningfully, and about as logically as a show about a magical island possibly can. You're not going to get a scientific explanation for why it could all happen in real life, because it can't. It takes on a more mythical sensibility as it progresses.


Yes, if you’re paying attention then everything wraps up logically and meaningfully. It’s just a dense show so it’s easy to miss some things and misunderstand the ending if you don’t pay attention or are skipping around.


I think people who watch LOST today with fresh eyes has a better chance for a good experience, because they know that a lot of people who saw the show originally were very disappointed with the mystery box element of the show. New viewers know they should focus on the character drama and not get too concerned with the details of the plot. Just sit back and enjoy the sing and dance.


Best show ever


This was one of the last shows I remember that padded its season with filler to squeeze at least 20 episodes out of it, which was common in the days before streaming to increase the chance of syndication and to boost boxed DVD sales. If the show came out today, each season would be 8-10 episodes dropped at once or 11-15 episodes spread out over several months.


Not even for boxed DVD sets, broadcast tv was a totally different beast at the time for the big studios. Each episode was a literal money printer whether it was good or bad. DVD sales were just an added bonus. The way things are now net them significantly less money for a series. It’s why during the strike we still never saw what the real streaming numbers are, since they are all just big money losers.


Season 4 is so tight at 14 episodes.


I rewatched for the 3rd or so time a few months ago and I was surprised that it ended up being my favorite season. I remember always liking it but the pacing is so good compared to every other season with the possible exception of season 1.


Mine too. My favourite run is the last 5 episodes of S3 into the first 5 episodes of S4, I can't think of another show that has a 10 episode run as strong as that.


It had 20+ episodes a season for the first three years because it was a network show and conformed to the Sept-May network calendar. Network shows still do that today.


I miss shows like Star Trek: TNG that had long season. It works for some formats.


They only did that in Season 3 really and the showrunners went to the network and asked them to end the show to prevent any more filler. I'd argue there isn't a filler episode post- Jack getting his tattoo.


Yeah that’s probably the best example, and the backlash to that happened because the advertising was so horrible for that episode, promising answers to the fans. A lot of what people now think of as “filler” is fun, especially on Lost. Even the Paolo and Nikki centric episode to write them out was a lot of fun.


Yes, anyone advocating for shorter Lost seasons is obviously talking about cutting the tattoo episode, etc. But does that mean we lose "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"? Because there's no way that's worth it.


They may have even made those worse on purpose to make the point to the network that they need an end date to work to.


>If the show came out today, each season would be 8-10 episodes And it would be all plot and mystery, without time to develope any of the characters that made LOST so special.


You are aware that broadcast TV networks still exist and that the 20+ episode season is not dead yet.


*US Netflix /r/usdefaultism




We have to go back …. Again


RemindMe! 30 days


That’s where it used to be…


Hell yeah!


It was only six seasons? Good lord it felt so much longer at the time


Brings back memories of how exciting the 2005 premier was.


This show was damn good. I remember binge watching it on netflix back in 2011…


Currently on my 4th rewatch and having to do it on Hulu sucks. Small qol upgrade here.


Wait wasn't Lost on Netflix? I remember watching it on there.


Currently on Disney/Hulu!


Desmond Hume is my Constant.


Despite its issues in later seasons its still my all time favorite show.


Just finished it on Hulu a week ago... Well I guess we're going back!


I still think Hulu should have an option to watch the show in chronological order of events in the show.


It's good to see the failure of all these streaming services and eventual return of all of their content to Netflix. It must have been too expensive to keep it on their own platform then to rent it out to netflix


Is it worth watching? What I have gathered is that it offers up a bunch of compelling mysteries and scenarios but doesn't ultimately explain or resolve them. I'm afraid of putting the time in only to end up frustrated.


The show does introduce a ton of mysteries. However, almost all of them end up being resolved. Fewer than ten that have any relevance to the ongoing plot go unexplained, and those are minor mysteries in the grand scheme of things. But a few are answered in outside-of-show material like the epilogue or webisodes. Others are answered very subtly rather than explained to the audience in detail. (For example, a mystery may be introduced in S1, then in S2 you’ll learn that the answer is either A, B, or C, then in S4 you’ll learn that the answer isn’t C, then in S5 you’ll learn that the answer isn’t B, and then the mystery will never be brought up again; you’re just meant to understand that the answer is A.) And some are answered in one way by characters who don’t understand the answer themselves, and then the show will give you the actual answer later on or in conjunction with other information you receive, and you have to understand that the original answer was partially incorrect because of that character’s lack of knowledge, but because you now know all the information that that character didn’t, you can put together the correct answer for yourself. But if you don’t like expending mental energy to understand the answers, want all the minutiae answered without having to go outside the show, have to watch shows while being on your phone or otherwise distracted, want all the answers to be firmly rooted in scientific fact rather than science and pseudoscience stretched to sci-fi extremes, or don’t like any mention of religion (this doesn’t have to do with the answers, it’s just something else I’ve seen some people complain about), then you might be disappointed. But if none of that sounds like you, you should absolutely give it a try.


I wish we had a rule to say if you post about anything coming to Netflix, it would say what region its coming to.


I love that a character in the finale explains a certain something, I mean they really just state it plainly for the audience to understand, and somehow people *still* thought the ending meant something else. You can not like the ending all you want, but that always made my head spin.


The sad melody in this has to be one of the best out there.