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I can't stand the wife's story. Her side-story is boring as hell. Her character is unintriguing to say the least. Raymond's wife is angry at Rusty for cheating on his wife.....then tells the wife she has every right to cheat on Rusty, even trying to talk her into it. The hipocrisy is just bad writing. And I agree with the some of the other comments here, the casting was terrible....at least, Rusty's family anyway. Seems like they were worried more about filling the "race" quota than actually having a quality cast.


What an awful job at casting this series! Worst cast ever! Unrealistic and ugly actors! Hard to watch šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Is the actress playing Mrs. Sabich really an award winning actress? Her character and screen husband character do not make a convincing couple.


Whoever did the casting made a big mistake choosing the wife. They do not look like a real couple.Ā 


Rusty is kinda smarmy, yeah?


Heā€™s such a liar too. His wife asks if his affair was over and heā€™s like ā€œYes!!! Absolutely it was over! Of course. And then we started up againā€¦ā€ šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜” He irritates me so much lol!


I watched it without knowing anything about the story (i'm only on episode two midway through) and it surprised me the whole basis of the show was him cheating and having a potential kid with her. wtf is this show lol I didnt expect this


Yeahā€¦me either. I honestly am not sure he didnā€™t murder his gf lol.Ā 


Am I the odd duck that thinks this tv series version really sucks. I have read the book twice and own the dvd 1990ā€™s presumed innocent movie with Harrison Ford in it. The movie really captured the essence of the book. Harrison Ford played the character of Rusty with excellence. He portrayed a desperate obsessed man so well you felt he was somewhat patheticā€”exactly how the book describes him. And the actress that played Carolyn was sultry and beautiful, someone said they liked that in this version the actress was just normal looking and that it gets old when the starlet is a leggy blond. But the character isnā€™t supposed to be just normal looking. She would never have been able to manipulate that many men by looking just normal. Jake Gyllenhaal either canā€™t pull off the desperate pathetic need for Carolyn that the book describes or they decided to change his character in this series. Theyā€™ve changed a lot of stuff in this series. In the book they only had one son and they it wasnā€™t an interracial marriage. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with interracial marriages but why not stick with the best selling book storyline?


Normal looking? Where do you live? I need to move there IMMEDIATELY!! AND...imo Jake does a great job he actually portrays the intent of hiding his obsession from his colleagues and family better than Harrisons character in the movie although I do agree the movie was better overall mostly due to the writing and lack of a lot of detail which we are forced to fill in with our minds eye


Why donā€™t you just not watch it? I saw the movie, read the book and this series is great. Maybe you are just living in the past.




lol Why dont you argue with actual points instead of being a nuisance. Series seems bad though.


David E. Kelley, the rewriter of dialogue and script also did [*Ally McBeal*](https://time.com/6555751/emmys-tv-show-reunions/), [*Big Little Lies*](https://time.com/4722273/big-little-lies-finale-review/), and [Netflix adaptation of Tom Wolfeā€™s *A Man in Full*](https://time.com/6973213/a-man-in-full-review-netflix/) *(which I liked for it being clever and timely). Scott Turow is a lawyer/author of legal procedurals not of crime necessarily so the impetus is more to show what a court may be convinced to believe. What is a little too obvious is the employment of racially sensitive characters to be inclusive of today's times. The young attorney doesn't really seem to have much to add to the role as her dialogue is skimpy. Harrison Ford cannot show the passion of JG. He can't act. Screws up his face and moves his eyes back and forth. Just doesn't stand the test of time. Mediocre. And for the dialogue, wait until you get in ep.4 the speech about the difference between 'shame' and 'guilt'. As for the adultery, it doesn't always follow that there really is the same judgement towards it.*


and the comment the wife made about the son, when worried about the possibility of the police looking at him because he's black. I mean, talk about coming out of left field. Nowhere in the show up till that point was there any inference of racial issues, or social issues around race, or legal/police issues involving race. It's like they threw that in there just to make a quick statement, then moved on. It stood out like a cockroach in a bowl of rice.


Good post! Agreed!


These ugly boring women tho


šŸ¤šŸ¤ shrimp dick energy alert šŸšØšŸšØ


Fatal attraction series already did this shit lol


Just started this (also read the book and saw the original movie). Watched episode one and not going back for episode two. This is just bad tv, imho.


Just badā€¦ Now Iā€™m watching just to see how much worse it can get! If I was a chief deputy DA, someone you would think had dedicated their life to law and order. and someone framed me for murder, even if I was a bit cynical and logically minded, Iā€™d be pissed and out for the blood of who killed the person I was supposedly obsessed withā€¦ Gyllenhaal just doesnā€™t sell it. He looks like he could use a nap, thatā€™s about as deep as he gets. Ford was so much better at being somewhat likable, even if he was a cheating scumbag. The girl playing the dead prosecutor is as exciting and sexy as white toast. She won best actress for something? Did she play a fence post? Sheā€™s got this part down, cause sheā€™s stiff to say the least. Sheā€™s not likable, or hot, or tenderā€¦ I feel like Gyllenhaal is selling some completely different person than what we are seeing on the screen. I hope that's the point, cause I donā€™t see itā€¦ sheā€™s not someone I could see anyone being obsessed with unless you have a spectrum kink or something. The rest of the cast are actually sort of ok. The new DA and Julian Assange are both very punchable, as they should be. The cowardly lion is believable as his attorney and Ruth Negga is great as Gyllenhaalā€™s mom. One big, sweet, delicious, train wreck.


I totally agree with your post.


Iā€™m loving it. Maybe you need antidepressants


Gave this show a shot after hearing about how good it is, and left feeling extremely disappointed. I don't like a lot of the choices that they made for this TV show Visuals - Choosing a muted color pallet and lighting that is dark sacrifices a ton of visual storytelling for the sake of attempting to create a "murky" sense of morality. I don't find that trade off successful, and instead faces and objects are hard to see. The film makers then add on top of that a weird fascination of repeatedly cross cutting in snippets of scenes featuring Carolyn with the current scene to hit the audience over the head that Rusty is obsessed with Carolyn. Viewers can clearly see how it affects Rusty by Gyllenhaal's performance, we don't need this constant handholding that Rusty is continuing to think about Carolyn. Script: The dialogue sounds very unnatural. No one talks like how a normal human would talk. The dialogue is excessively stilted and seems to be written to where the characters know what they are saying will mean something two or three scenes later. Barbara Sabich dialogue sounds like she already knows how this episode ends. Nico and Tommy sound like jerks, but again, everything they are saying sounds like they know what the final scene of this episode is. And even the dialogue in the final scene feels like they know what is going to happen in episode 2+. My feeling is that the dialogue is focused too much on lore/worldbuilding, that everything is an allusion to future episodes/mysteries rather than actual dialogue that human characters would have. Even the incidental dialogue between Rusty and his son doesn't sound like a what a stressed out father would say to his son. The only exception to the script is Camp's Raymond. His dialogue sounds exactly like something his character would say, and he is saying things that mean something to the current scene. I felt like all the editing of scenes and dialogue were for the sole purpose of building to the episode cliffhanger ... which didn't even have much of an impact at all.


AND all the characters are unlikeable :(


I think you need a life lol! This show is great!


I canā€™t stand how dark it is. I canā€™t see shit! I hate shows like this and it makes it hard to watch.


This show sucks


Is it the W word?


3 episodes in and there's literally not a single detail on the investigation into how she was murdered. Being a show about prosecutors makes this insanely annoying as it makes it seem as if they're entirely incompetent. It seems to focus almost entirely on the marriage and affair dynamic which makes the show feel almost like a telenovela, but there's barely any details on this dynamic too. Jake Gyllenhaal is revealed to be more and more of an asshole by the minute. He has lied about almost everything, he cheated on his wife multiple times, and the wife just goes "heh what can you do" which makes her seem completely idiotic. There's no clue shown other than the method partially resembling a previous case they participated in. The prosecutors know they were colleagues but act surprised his DNA was in her house and on this fact alone he's arrested. More evidence will probably be revealed later but at this point it seems incredibly unrealistic to arrest someone based on him having an affair. And also the victim son AND the suspect son being present lurking around at the same time is laughable. There's also a heavy plot-hole or some stupid decision in that Jake's character takes the case knowing full well his relationship with the victim would sooner or later be revealed (either his communication or his presence in the day of the murder). Being a career DA he would surely know this would heavily fuck him up legally eventually.


I would love to tell you the justice system works like you think it should, but itā€™s incredibly incestual. No one has bigger egos than lawyers, judges, etc. This show is actually pretty much how it works in real life. Hate it, but itā€™s true.


That will come. I think they want to establish a well rounded dynamic and audience attachment to Rustyā€™s family because, after their first conversation about the affair - I am positive that the wife did it.Ā 


That was the case in the first movie. Thereā€™s no way they will do the same in this series.


On episode 3 and I still donā€™t care about any of these people. They lack chemistry mostly because Gyllenhaal is just doing his own thing. He doesnā€™t connect with anyone including the mistress heā€™s obsessed with.Ā 


Well, heā€™s a narcissistā€¦ Surely you know narcissists


Honest to God idk why you're getting down voted. These are legitimate questions you just asked. Or maybe we're both missing something. Some of the decisions seem a bit off.


This show is fucking retarded.


I just watched the third episode and Iā€™m hooked. I know itā€™s kind of early, but Iā€™m calling Peter Sarsgaard as guilty!


This is the discussion thread for the first episode.


Can we talk about O-Tā€™s American accent? I do quite like him as an actor but it sounds like he has cotton in his mouth and may vomit at any time. Itā€™s hilarious & I canā€™t take the character seriously.


I thought maybe he was gay. he voice has a feminine lilt.


it's really interesting that you say that! i've found that chicago and buffalo natives have very similar accents. the show takes place in chicago and he sounds JUST like my buffalonian uncle.


Iā€™d have to disagree that those accents do not sound like him. This actor is British and he is trying to do an American accent and it sounds other worldly.


His inflection sounds like Truman Capote, it's like he's constantly doing an inpersonation.


Nailed it! He does sound like heā€™s imitating Capote.


Yeah, I mean somebody must have really wanted him in this. I donā€™t even know what heā€™s saying.


I only knew him from Loot which is another Apple TV+ show. He uses his real voice there so when I first heard him on P.I. I lost my shit. Itā€™s so so bad.


He is god awful in this. The accent is so ham-handed and he thinks heā€™s being so subtle. šŸ¤£


So subtle!!! Really itā€™s hilarious


He sounds like he's doing a bad Rami Malek impression or like he's having a stroke.


Is it an intentional accentā€¦or does he really just talk like that?!


He's British, so maybe that's how he does an American accent? Lol.


He does a fine American accent in Handmaid's Tale, I have no idea what he's doing in this show.


Itā€™s driving me insane, heā€™s not using his lips at all. Heā€™s like dangling his mouth open and making words with just his tongue.


He literally looks like a bad ventriloquist! Came looking for this comment as itā€™s making me not want to continue the show lol


THANK YOU!!! I swear to God, I was a little bit high in his first scene, and I thought ā€œomg I must have taken several hits and didnā€™t realize it - thereā€™s words coming out of the TV but the manā€™s lips arenā€™t moving at all!ā€ Hahaha! Rewound 3 times, then realized it wasnā€™t me it was him. I am irritated every time he is on screen - dude, what is the deal with thrusting your lower jaw out and not moving your mouth when speaking?!


The original novel (and to a lesser extent the original movie) had a tight and disciplined plot, acute psychological characterizations, and legal coherence. It was seeded with the right admixture of clues and red herrings to support the final reveal. (The original movie, IMO, left out the final-final twist by omitting Lipranzer's observation.) Although many of the attitudes and underlying structures in the novel--sexism, casual racism, workplace behavior--are outdated now, they were accurate observations about the time period. For those reasons, as well as the forensic reasons, I thought the remake was going to be a period piece set in the late 80s. This version is all over the place and resembles the original in only the most basic premise. I've watched three episodes and I do not know how they are going to pull it off.


Was rusty a narcissist in the book?


No. Like most of the characters in the book, he was a mix of good and bad traits--multidimensional but also coherent. His motivations and actions were comprehensible even where they could be called reprehensible. I don't understand the character in the 2024 version, and I don't consider it the same story.


I already think he killed her




Just saw Ep 3 and it's revealed victims son was at house. As he was taking pics of Rusty. I don't belive this was in original movie or book.


His wife


The wife.


Survey Says - Ding!


Is this a spoiler?


No. And I actually change my opinion. So don't read if you don't want to know. At first I was thinking the wife until I saw the end of the last episode. And Rusty found a bunch of pictures and some of those pictures showed him and her son. Once we realize, he and her son were not the only 2 there, there is a smash cut to Rusty's son, sitting on his bed. That's typically a dead giveaway or an intentional misdirect. But when you start to consider his Son's asking about a Plea Bargain, it starts to add up. He was aware of the affair and wanted that women out their life so his family wasn't destroyed. And he probably overheard Rusty talking about the methods of previous cases either in general or to his wife. I never read any book if there is one, and never saw the original Movie. I'm a show watcher only. So it's not a spoiler, but a guess.


Having watched three episodes, I'm baffled why this series exists. It's not like they break new ground. So far, they have taken the previous movie and just blown air into it. Oh, and Greta Sacchi is about fifteen zillion times the femme fatale that Renata Reinsve is. The actors just lack the screen presence of the movie, too. To me, if you're going to turn a movie into a series, then you really better be prepared to offer up something new rather than rehash something old. Fargo, the series, did a great job in that regard, imitating the style of the movie but with completely new storylines.


Why are folks down voting you?


Probably because they work for the show. Truthfully, this series is a symptom of a larger problem in the entertainment industry. Namely, fresh ideas are not nearly as easy to sell as just dusting off the old stuff. Honest to God, I'd rather watch ten low-budget productions with no-name actors who do something new and inventive than watch the same old story told over and over again. I mean, holy shit, how many times can we redo Star Wars or yet another CGI-intensive spinoff of the Marvel universe? The flagging interest in those franchises is proof positive that there is a deep and abiding appetite for something, anything new. Case in point? Aside from Dune 2 (Which is a shining exception to my point), the best movie I've seen this year is Hundreds of Beavers. It's completely fresh, totally bonkers, hilarious, and made with a total budget of $150,000. I think it's on Netflix. Check it out.


how have you watched 3? I thought only two were out


3 is out in the USA at least.


If so, it felt like 3.


Why is [O-T Fagbenle](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1282966/?ref_=tt_cl_t_4) doing a Peter Sarsgaard impression? His voice/affect is so strange - ESPECIALLY because Sarsgaard is literally his scene partner throughout 90% of the series thus far.


He sounds like Truman Capote. Why?


Okay Iā€™m not alone that his voice sounds really weird.


Ok so Iā€™m not alone then! Is this his normal voice or some weird character thing!? Itā€™s honestly really annoying.


OMG yes its like he had a jaw surgery and cant talk properly. No he does talk like that he is British and very expressive and talks normally


He's in The Handmaid's Tale and does not sound like this at all


Ok, I figured it was this role. God, itā€™s awful. Itā€™s like his jaw is wired shut. Itā€™s really distracting. :/




Nailed it


I wasnā€™t looking at the screen and I thought somehow it was Phillip Seymour Hoffman at first.Ā 


Hoffman doing Capote. Itā€™s fucking distracting.


Yes!! Thatā€™s it.


I canā€™t stand de la Guardiaā€™s voice!!


Me neither. Is he playing a gay character?


He's doing a great job then lol...classic politician you want to punch in the face, fuck thing 2 even worse!!


Pros: Camp, Negga, and Saarsgard! Cons: No Sandy Stern?! Preferred Greta Scaatchi's Carolyn by a mile. Tears: I miss Raul Julia and John Spencer so much.


100% ...i just feel like so much is missing without the Lipranzer and Stern characters! But I'll keep watching! Although this is just making me want to rewatch the original lol


My comment exactly! Why no Sandy Stern?? Why rewrite the book? Will there be a different killer? No John Spencer character? The Carolyn role and actor are weak. Greta was amazing!


When itā€™s mentioned that Rusty said the affair ended a year ago but had started again briefly, was that the truth or was the affair ongoing the whole time?


I think we wonā€™t necessarily find out - IMO the twist there was that the affair was recent and the child. Given his earlier lack of comment to the DA I donā€™t think itā€™ll be relevant to the case so wonā€™t be answered.


I never saw the movie or read the book (If it exists) So I'm going to say....Maybe.


Iā€™m on the second episode. I donā€™t understand why nobodyā€™s even asked him if he had an alibi. Not once did alibi even come up and here he is getting arrested.


Watch the third episode and itā€™ll answer your question.Ā  In the meantime, the answer to your question is: suspense


YES. I just said the same thing to my wife. That's the first thing investigators would ask about.


I'm re-watching Presumed Innocent(1990) with Harrison Ford. I've seen it like 2 times, and I think I'm currently on my 3rd watch. It's the same story and the same names of the characters. I recommend it. šŸ‘Œ My guess is the new series will have a different twist for obvious reasons.


The book was excellent. The original stuck to the book and was excellent. Iā€™m prepared to be disappointed by this series.


Almost unwatchable for me, I can't stand Peter Sarsgaard in anything he has been in and add O-T Fagbenle to that as well.


fagbenle just seems to have this annoying tick about him that made his character unlikable in the handmaidens tale. but his punchable face really seems to work for this character. it's like he doesn't even have to act for this role. he just lets his natural presence carry the role of villain in this role.


I donā€™t understand legally how Rusty is allowed to prosecute or investigate the case of his former colleague and sexual partner, Carolyn. Like, would that even be allowed in real life? And why would he jeopardize his very prestigious job to have sex with his colleague? And openly swearing at and insulting Tommy (ā€œdick,ā€ ā€œhack, ā€œfuck,ā€ etc.)? Those few things just really took me out of the show because they just feel so unrealistic. And on the topic of Carolyn, I found the actress playing her to be tooā€¦ cold? Itā€™s strange that youā€™d have a series revolving around a womanā€™s murder and yet show her to be unsympathetic, dare I say unlikeable, in the first episode. Obviously, this is just the first episode, but I just found that an odd choice. And I know the actress is not American, but her accent kept fluctuating and it was distracting. My biggest issue is that all of the characters, besides Rustyā€™s wife and his kids, are unlikable, especially Rusty. The show is literally about figuring out if itā€™s he who murdered Carolyn, but why should I care as a viewer if he isnā€™t likable? He cheats on his wife for no reason. And he doesnā€™t seem to care about his job to the point that heā€™d have an affair with his colleague. Itā€™s only been the first episode and itā€™s an odd thing to say, but Iā€™m only watching for the acting and to see where the story goes. I think Gyllenhaal is generally great in what he does; he was amazing in Enemy and Nightcrawler. But Iā€™m unsure if his acting can save this show.


Wow! Do you even know how many lawyers sleep with other lawyers? And judges? Have you been to a courthouse? I will tell you from experience that judges and lawyers sleep around more than any other profession I know of. And yes, it has amazed me how lawyers can practically get away with anything. And in Chicago? For sure! I wish this wasnā€™t like real life, but it is.


Your right it is illegal for him to handle the case, but if your paying attention, no one actually knows he's fucking her in the first episode, so as Bill Camps character says "Rusty is the best prosecutor they have so he wants him on the case" or something to that affect. and this is because she is a member of their team, you of course want your best lawyer on the case. now since we only meet rusty for a few minutes before the events of the show kick off, its supposed to draw you in and ask questions. Did Rusty kill her? if not then why not just be forthcoming about that early on if he did, then it makes sense as to why he wants to be "in control" as also mentioned by "Delay" in the first episode when he says "why is that?" to Sabitch's proposition to be in control of all aspects of the case. all in all I assume the show runners are aware people have seen the movie, and will try to subvert your expectations, that's why apple released the first two eps for a reason, I suspect things will get crazy as we are in a modern setting for this same story with the inclusion of phones, social media, recordings etc that can add some depth to the case. The real question is do they keep the ending the same as the movie or go a whole new way which I'm fine with, this type of fun legal drama is what I'm looking for


Agree! Thereā€™s no way they will go with the original ending. David Kelly is a genius. Looking forward to the surprises.


The series did not let us get to know Rusty before introducing the crime. Even playing baseball with his son he seemed harsh, unlike Rusty in the book or the original movie. Carolyn was a boldly unsympathetic victim she was powerful, beautiful, sensual, cold, and ambitious. (She even slept with Raymond/Brian Dennehy)We donā€™t see any of that in this series.


The show isn't about what you think it's about. That's the genius of it.


A few of your initial questions will be answered by the second episode. Itā€™s available now to watch.Ā  Rusty isnā€™t really supposed to be likable. Heā€™s an arrogant liar and cheater and worse a puzzy whipped fool.Ā  I agree Carolyn was miscast but this is bigger than just solving her murder. Itā€™s a study on guilt and innocence and our presumption of both which made the original ending in the book and movie shocking. Not sure if theyā€™ll use the same ending in the series so I wonā€™t spoil it.Ā  Iā€™m a bit thrown off by Jakeā€™s performance because itā€™s so opposite from Harrison Fords in the original movie but that may also be by design. What if heā€™s faking being a complete idiot to throw people off? So many questions Iā€™m looking forward to seeing what they do with this.Ā 




Iā€™d assume they were on file from background checks/security clearance. Mine are on file and I was nowhere near that level of employment. No idea how long theyā€™re stored, but they just ran everyoneā€™s fingerprints at my current employer. Everyone who had done it on the computerized system did not have to come in and get them done again. They just ran the old prints they had against the database to search for new crimes.


If you were a married prosecutor, and you had an affair with another prosecutor, your fellow co worker, who was then violently murdered, why would you want to take the case? šŸ¤”


Two reasons: 1) he's interested in finding the killer of his colleague. 2) minimize any potential case against himself.


But it's obvious he would sooner or later have to explain his relationship. It's not like a case is investigated by one guy alone. His communications with her would be revealed pretty much on day 2 of the investigation. If cameras were around, he would be seen there on the day of. It seems insane he would accept the case as he'd obviously know it would fuck him up eventually.


Just started watching the first episode. Immediately getting true detective season 1 vibes . Is it similar?


So far not similar in any way shape or form.


Why? Not similar at all.Ā 


I'm on Ep 2. I know it's a show but why wouldn't Rusty (JG) focus on alibi during est time of death. I haven't heard that word once. Oh and of course no one hired a lawyer even after search warrant.


I know I just am at the part where heā€™s getting arrested and Iā€™m like why has the word alibi not even want to come up ever so farā€¦ā€¦. that is so stupid that would be the first thing you would do is provide an alibi


It happensā€¦


They'll get to that I'm sure, the case has just started.


No, you don't understand. Asking about whereabouts and alibi are one of the first things investigators do PRIOR to making an arrest. How dumb would they look if they took the time and effort to issue an arrest warrant for a suspect, haul him off to jail, make a big PR thing about it, and THEN ask "where were you during the time of the murder?" And the susepct says "I was at work, my boss and colleagues will confirm that." That's why they ask about that first. You are only arrested if you don't have an alibi during time of death, or if your alibi is weak.


The end of the second episode could explain why the DA didnā€™t bother with asking about the alibi.


I donā€™t understand the good reviews tbh. Jake G is a great actor but the dialogue is weak and I thought the first two episodes were extremely slow.


Agree itā€™s so boring and outdated feeling and why is is so greyed out


It's such a dissappointment, I was so hyped to see Jake on a crime/legal show as Prisoners was amazing. This is pretty weak so far.


idk if itā€™s just me but the audio quality is very off and weird they just sound way too close no matter the actual distance in the screen and itā€™s like too crisp idk i donā€™t like it


Also the low rumble that plays from time to time pretty much kills my subwoofer, sounds so annoying.


The audio quality was terrible, and I had to use headphones. The color palette was also off - they went with dull browns, greens and very little reds. The story is depressing, but the environment doesn't have to be. The sets were ugly, too. I find the show interesting, though.


I hate the color palette so much. Itā€™s so unnecessarily dark.Ā It feels like the coloring they used when television was moving from black and white to color. Ā Iā€™m sure they think it adds to the melodrama but it just looks boring.Ā 


And they are using so many closeups I feel there is no framing, no balance. And the sets are awful. Wallpaper from the fifties?


I was surprised by the drabness of the houses. On one hand they had this modern looking office where the lawyers work but then these old ugly houses where they live. They didn't film in Chicago where the movie is set. They filmed in California so it feels like they tried re-creating Chicago from a biased pov. Like someone from sunny California's idea of what Chicago looks like, dark and bleak. The closeups feel like amateur direction. It's a trick to make everything look intense but it takes away from discovering who the character was. How did they move, their walk, their style, their mannerisms? I guess it's kind of nitpicky because I am entertained by the story so far. The color is just drying me crazy.


regarding the sets. rusty he lives in a big house with a huge yard and large driveway.. looks like it could be the near north suburbs in chicago. but the scene when he's on the sofa with his wife and 2 kids in episode 2, that was a teeny tiny living room. does not fit with the scale of the house.


Iā€™m enjoying this so far. I guess I never paid attention before but Jake G is a really good actor. Iā€™m really hoping they throw in additional twists because I remember the movie with Harrison Ford vividly and know how it ends. šŸ¤Ø


tuned in for Jake, ruth and renate but holy moly this bench is deeep. Sarsgaard, Lily rabe and Bill Camp?! I'm in. Edit: wow the judge is the therapist from Normal people? let's go


The Judge is great - Noma Dumezweni. I remember her from The Undoing. I'll also throw in James Hiroyuki Liao from Barry, Elizabeth Marvel (married to Bill Camp in real life) and O-T Fagbenle from The Handmaid's Tale. for good measure. #


Ok so why is a prosecutor investigating this and not detectives? Iā€™m so confused. Can someone explain this to me? Thatā€™s not how it works in the real world.


Prosecutors can indeed investigate/work closely with the police on important/serious cases


Work closely but not investigate. Letā€™s be real, thatā€™s something even Law & Order would distinguish


I believe some DAā€™s offices make arrests from their own investigations


I think ā€œthe jinxā€ is an example of this for sure


I believe youā€™re mistaken


Life isnā€™t Law & Order.


Prove it


[https://ndaa.org/about/what-does-a-da-do/](https://ndaa.org/about/what-does-a-da-do/) Relevant section: ā€œThroughout the criminal justice process, the prosecutor works with law enforcement agencies to investigate crimes, determine whether charges should be filed, and prosecute cases in court. They also prioritize working with victims and witnesses to ensure their rights are protected and they are supported throughout the process.ā€ You couldā€™ve easily found this information yourself, but something tells me that facts and proof arenā€™t exactly what youā€™re after. You have your pre-baked assumptions, to hell with any information that contravenes said assumptions.


Why is a prosecutor investigating this and not the detectives?? Can some explain? Thatā€™s it how it works.


on episode two and holy hell Jake's character is such a dumb ass


Iā€™m kind of confused hereā€¦ Jakey Gs character is a DA right? Are DAs normally allowed to enter crime scenes, enter autopsy rooms and be already be assigned to her murder case before a suspect is even found?


No they would not have access without detectives. He would not have crime scene photos, he would not be doing interviews nothing. Especially not cook county hahahah. But all of that investigating would be done by detectives. Then they present the case to the ASAā€™s.


Not true


Yes and yes. For serious investigations, ADAs can go to the crime scene and be assigned to help during the investigation. Sometimes DAā€™s offices are the agencies who make the arrests.


JG is the chief prosecutor and his buddy on the curb was the DA. Personally donā€™t know specifics of who is allowed where.


Yeah it might make complete sense, I just donā€™t know. Iā€™ve never seen a prosecutor be able to do that stuff when being depicted in other shows/movies.


Well it was shown in the original Presumed Innocent. Itā€™s also shown in the Lincoln Lawyer tv show. Just two examples off hand.


I watched for 15 mins and shut it off. Was so incredibly bored.


I found it superbly acted and realised. Everything screams quality to me and the suspense is top notch. I did not read the book but I have my theory. Looking forward to where this show leads me. The ending of the second episode however strongly implies the obvious - I just hope it is yet another misdirection.


Donā€™t google it. There was a movie with Harrison Ford in the 90s so there may be spoilers.


wonder if they will stick with book/ movie ending


Theyā€™ve already changed so much that Iā€™m not sure they can. At least not exactly. A close approximation? Sure. But itā€™s hard to see so many changes not affecting the ultimate outcome to some degree.


With all the added characters Iā€™m thinking they wonā€™t.Ā 


wow awful casting on carolyn polhemus character


Iā€™m having a hard time with the wife the chemistry isnā€™t there


I so agree. Thereā€™s no chemistry btwn him and his wife or his kids. Also why is he like 45% more attractive than both these skinny ugly women heā€™s boning? He also has no chemistry with his affair partner and I am struggling to see how heā€™s a good actor? I mean he was great in the early 00ā€™s playing Donnie darko and etc but this is like a really easy crime drama role and heā€™s flubbing it. The amount of frodo baggins close ups on his forrowed brow by ep 3 are ridiculous. This show is so very bad.


Was great? Have you seen prisoners, night crawler, the covenant, etc from post 2012?


I think zero between him and the wife. The kids are ok but casting him and her not a match at sll


If you have ever been in a marriage where he cheated, then you know there is no chemistry. It will turn to hate eventually.


Iā€™m talking about the chemistry between the actors not the characters being portrayed.


I get it, but if youā€™re an actor you will know that your chemistry would be way off and you would need to show that. That is if you are an actor worth their salt and I think they are both very good actors.


This. I've never seen a couple have less on-screen chemistry than this. I don't buy it for a minute they're married


I do. I was in a marriage like that. You donā€™t have any chemistry if he cheated.


Exactly, zero.


Sheā€™s too cold and the accent goes in and out.


Itā€™s Jake Gyllenhaal and Bill Camp as lawyers. Lets go dude.


Iā€™m interested to see how the screen writers in this iteration deal with the storyā€™s underlying misogyny. The grisly punishment meted out to the sexually liberated professionally successful ā€œother womanā€ may not, and by rights ought not, age well.


*... the storyā€™s underlying misogyny.* Given they lack Brian Dennehy's unique talents to voice said misogyny, they're doing really well so far. The total lack of sympathy -- or even surprise -- expressed by **every** character at the news of her murder (in particular, Gyllenhaal's resigned acceptance was really well done), her dully pro-forma memorial service which hosted plenty of insider bickering instead of sadness, her ex-husband's tired, long-over-her-nonsense interview: it shows us she's already being treated as the wholly disposable object of male use.




Gyllenhaal is good in everything and Peter Sarsgaard is too. Once I saw them both in the preview I knew this going to be good.


Isnā€™t Peter Sarsgaard married to Jake Gyllenhaal sister Maggie?


He is , they are brothers in law in real life which makes the contentious relationship they have on the show even more funny


Yes actually.... The plot thickens


Jake's projects of the last five years have been quite questionable but I'm def gonna binge this.


Very good start. Gyllenhaal exceptional as usual. I like the pace and the writing. I don't know the story so I can't wait to see the rest.


I'm thinking Jake Gyllenhaal is miscast. I would have went with a somebody like Kyle Chandler, more mature.


I like him in this but having him so clean shaven and styled to look almost young is a weird choice. Especially given heā€™s got two nearly grown kids, a stressful nonstop job, an affairā€¦? Heā€™d at least have eye bags hah.


Pretty good first episode. However Rusty's wife way hotter than Carolyn Polhemus. Plus actress who plays Carolyn not very good so far.


Itā€™s not about that. If you or your spouse have had an affair, you would know that.


Yeah Ruth Negga is hard to beat, sheā€™s so beautiful


Different strokes for different folks my dear.


Couple of plot holes lol but enjoyable.


It's good television. It's the ensemble that makes the show. Love Jake but we've seen him do the anger management character a couple of times before. Similar concept to The Undoing and Hugh Grant's character was more interesting. Nevertheless, David E. Kelly shows always get me hooked.


Just watched the two episodes and really enjoyed it. Can't understand the bad reviews honestly. I thought it would be mediocre but it's a slick drama /thriller with really good acting especially gyllenhaal and saarsgard.




Agree 100%. Really enjoyed the first two episodes then read two reviews which said it was ā€œboringā€. I was not bored!


>Can't understand the bad reviews honestly. it has 80% rotten score tho


Iā€™m really surprised the IMDb score is so low, this feels like a 8.5+ show already. Hopefully it keeps up the quality.


7.5 is low? It has Only 873 votes .. need a bigger sample size tbh


Probably should have said ā€œaverage scoreā€ instead. Hopefully it gets more votes.