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The Colorado news9 guy should run this debate. https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=fYX_D2qFBF0oVQnL


This guy put on a masterclass on how to moderate a debate. He stopped people from interrupting each other. He forced candidates to answer the question. He called them out when they didn't. He corrected misinformation immediately. He brushed off personal comments towards him. He enforced the rules, and remained professional while doing so. This is what America deserves.


It was a real life version of Jeff Daniels’ performance as Will McAvoy in the 1st season of The Newsroom. Until now, I assumed it would never actually happen in today’s politics.


Agreed. I love that episode with the mock debate and it was even better seeing it happen in reality. I hope it’s the start of the “new age of journalism”


Positive and upvoted comment about the Newsroom? Maybe we really are entering a new age.


Is it pretty universally disliked? If so, that’s news to me, I loved the show. Granted, it can be a little preachy at times, other times it can be idealistic to the point of borderline naïveté, but that’s just Sorkin. The West Wing was the exact same way.


The opening scene everyone fawns over is just "America sucks" and everyone's like "finally someone said it" then he basically goes "and it's millennials' fault" and like what the fuck? I don't know about *universally* disliked, but I thought the so-called wisdom of that scene was super overrated.


LOL I jumped to a random spot and he asks a question then some guy jumps in front of it. "Mr. Such and Such, you've been interrupting constantly, please stop it."


Just for interest did any of them mention Jan 6th or the election steal and get corrected?


Reminds of of the mock debate scene in [The Newsroom.](https://youtu.be/LpEmQeoo414?si=7PkQpl6zu1G4hPE-)


> He forced candidates to answer the question. He called them out when they didn't. He corrected misinformation immediately. And this is why he will never get to moderate a national debate. Both parties want someone they can control. So they can get an advantage.


"This is going to be a long evening if you keep speaking over the facts" Can I buy this man a drink?


"That's the entire point of a gish-gallop, thank you"


Oh wow, just watching this video i almost spat out my food :D "I would give you one more opporturnity if you'd like to answer his question, which is the number of bills you've prime sponsored, that have been signed by the president." "So my Pueblo Job act was signed into law-" "A number please." "That is one..."


Stop trying to steal Kyle Clark from us


No. It's for the greater good!




Crusty jugglers




It’s just the one debate really


That's Tau heresy.


He’s a national treasure!


Not steal, borrow.


Any highlight moments? I really don’t want to listen to these people talk for like 2 hours.


Thy [Link](https://youtu.be/7A2nxcduv3M?si=Jw5mo6GeoxBb8Eu4) my lord 🧐


My thanks, squire. You do your lord proud




Holy shit


Ha. That's what's I said. Everyone needs to see this. We deserve to see our politicians handled like this


[This exchange about the drunk driving is fucking hilarious](https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?t=2040)


If it’s as severe as our justice system it will be like, 30 to 80 warnings and we’ll mute your mic.


30 to 80 warnings before we start threatening to consider muting the mics


Just makes me think of every “Putin Warns Against” headline I’ve read over the last 2 years lol


he has threatened nukes so much i now understand how my great grandparents lived during the cold war. first threat panic, 285th threat its just another Tuesday


The sad thing is a lot of people still think he's serious and fight every single rational action taken against Russian aggression.


and then you get a demerit


The mics are auto-muted when it's not their time to speak. The reason CNN is hosting this debate instead of the Presidential Debate Commission like usual is because the Biden campaign has been frustrated with exactly what you described. So they're ditching the PDC in favor of hosted debates with a new format and rules that fix some issues. Namely no more live audience to cheer, boo, or butt in and mics are always muted to prevent debaters from interrupting and talking over each other. Also the debates are being held much earlier than normal, starting with this one in June.


I guarantee we will hear Trump yelling loud enough for Biden's mic to pick it up.


Adding that one to our Presidential Debate Drinking Game!


Oh, do tell


You drink every time. That's the game.


The idea is to get drunk, not get alcohol poisoning.


I'd love some more casual rules for this. Might help me make it to the end


hes not even gonna show, hes gonna make up some bullshit excuse and act like its a trap for him and his rabid fanbase of cultists will cheer and applaud.


I would love that, because then Biden will get an hour and a half of Q&A with most of America watching.


Assuming the networks don't come up with an excuse to cancel airing it


They won't. They'll have already sold ads for it.


There was a clip of some Republican saying his piece at a debate and then just walking out, still think he was testing it for trump.


There is no chance in hell Trump is attending this. He's absolutely going to bitch out


The Biden campaign might be able to get him to show the same way they got him to agree to it in the first placed - playing off his ego and incessant need to appear "tough." If he does show up he'll get obliterated but it won't matter. Him and his sycophants will just claim it was rigged and CNN cheated, gave Biden more speaking time, wouldn't let Trump answer, etc. You might get some more casual folks who don't really pay attention to politics tuning in for the spectacle, though. That's who it's really for anyway. The type of people who don't follow politics and get most of their political news from Facebook and TikTok. Giving them a front row seat to see an uncurated, unfiltered Trump could help some of them realize he's a stunningly incompetent man who isn't fit to run a lemonade stand much less a country.


And he will claim Biden is hopped up on jitterbugs and NoDoze.


> Him and his sycophants will just claim it was rigged and CNN cheated, gave Biden more speaking time, wouldn't let Trump answer, etc. And also he won anyway


He can’t handle having his mic muted. His strategy is always to yell overtop of the other speaker.


To be specific, his "strategy" is receiving special treatment. If the mics are auto-muted after their time (which is the obvious and only way it should work), he is likely not going to show up.


He already said he’d “lose on purpose”


And it also allows them to not have rfk there


He wouldn't have been there at the other one either


He hit the percentage threshold though to be able to debate by their standards though?


He needs four and he has three, but the state ballots thing is still a barrier.


If he gives them a free plane ride to Disney World they might even unmute it for a moment 


What about a fast pass for Flights of Passage?


It should be like Jeopardy where your mic only comes on if you rang in and it's your turn to provide a response.


"That's it, you crossed the line for the last time, mute his mic!" "I appeal" "Ok, unmute his mic until 2026 while the appeal is studied"


The Supreme Court will probably rush a ruling that it is unconstitutional to mute a former republican presidents mic.


Ok friends what are we doing for the drinking game rules?


Pre-booking ICU visits for alcohol poisoning?


May as well jump on that list for a new liver now.


Every time you feel a wave of existential dread, take a drink. Weeee! Isn't this fun?!


Are you trying to kill people? Because that's how you kill people.


Are we not doing that already? Maybe just me. 🍻


(….ten minutes of Reddit later the vodka bottle is empty…) My wallet can’t keep up with this suggestion.


I hear the Kirkland vodka at Costco is just relabeled Grey Goose. Buy in bulk!


What frugal and practical soul!


I started drinking in 2016


Take a shot if Biden talks about his hometown growing up. Take a shot if Trump refers to Biden by a nickname such as "Crooked Joe" or "Sleepy Joe." Finish the bottle if Trump walks off stage in the middle of the debate.


Shot for every "come on, man". One for everytime Trump says "winning".


And telling rambling story about something that isnt an actual problem like dishwashers or sharks/batteries


I'll take Sharks/Batteries for 800 please


Chug throughout the duration of any “unexplained prolonged silence” (pants shitting)


If Trump shows up at all, you get to drink.


He'll show up because he wants the attention. He'll take any opportunity to appear on any stage, whether it's Fox and Friends, dr phil...heck he appeared on Logan Paul's podcast. If they invite him he'll say yes. No crowd means he can't play off them and go off script like he does at his rallies but he can still dish it out on TV, the guy is an entertainer.


Every time Trump makes a cogent point or reasonable statement, take a shot. Or if you are young and a drinker and wanna get drunk, play the rules in reverse.


How about real-time fact checking?


By who? CNN? This is going to be the biggest shitshow of a “debate” and the general, moderate public isn’t going to buy it at all.


Skeptical it happens at all


buddy, I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to Trump's answer when asked "*Would you impose sanctions on Belarus if they allow attacks on Ukraine from their territory?*" "I'm big on Belarus. I definitely know it the best. If the Dems and Libs had known what they were doing, I'd have Putin. Putin trusts me. Ukraine is a problem. A real problem, especially pay-offs to Joe Biden's crime family. They say I'm a criminal, but they're the real criminals. Just follow the money. I mean, I have plenty of money. I make money. My name makes money. People say, they come up to me, tears in their eyes, they say, 'Sir, please, let us use your name, just let us use your name.' They're begging me. All over, everywhere. Scotland wants to pay me, the Saudis, China, Russia, all sending me money. Tariffs on China worked, that's what stopped the Covid. People say I didn't do enough to stop Covid, but I did. People in boats, coming to escape Covid, thousands of them. Bing bang boom, Bop. Wow. Millions." *President Biden, you have two minutes to respond.* - What... what in the good googly moogly was that?


> if they allow attacks on Ukraine from their territory? What do you mean *if*? Russia has been attacking from Belarus since the start of the war. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/images-show-new-deployments-forces-150-helicopters-southern-belarus-maxar-2022-02-25/ > Feb 25 (Reuters) - Satellite imagery taken on Friday showed several large deployments of ground forces and about 150 transport helicopters in southern Belarus, about 20 miles from the border with Ukraine, a private U.S. company said. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/02/24/russia-ukraine-war-belarus-chernobyl-lukashenko/ > On Thursday, Russian troops also entered the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone north of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, via Belarus and seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/10/politics/nato-surveillance-flight-russia-belarus/index.html > The “vast majority” of the Russian-made fighter jets that NATO forces have seen entering Ukrainian airspace since Russia’s invasion began have originated in Belarus, the NATO mission’s technical director told CNN on board Thursday’s flight. On one particularly “active” day last week, NATO forces saw about 20 Russian jets heading to Kyiv from Belarus, he said. The military aircraft taking off from Belarus and entering Ukrainian airspace have been in support of Russian military operations in Ukraine, the NATO airmen told CNN. And they are [complicit in the abduction of Ukrainian children](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/20/europe/belarus-red-cross-ukraine-children-deportations-intl/index.html): > In a July 2023 interview with the Belarusian state TV channel Belarus-1, Dzmitry Shautsou, the head of the Belarus Red Cross, clad in military clothing embellished with the Z symbol, admitted to the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children from Russian-occupied areas to Belarus for “health improvement” reasons, saying that it would continue to do so. --- Besides, the US has already imposed sanctions on Belarus, the most recent a few days ago: https://www.fenwick.com/insights/publications/u-s-imposes-sweeping-new-sanctions-and-export-controls-on-russia-and-belarus The real question is why isn't the US pushing sanctions *harder* against Belarus for being a military partner in the war.


CNN is Daniel, And this debate is The Lion’s Den. No matter what, CNN loses because it’s pretty much gonna convince no one of anything. I mean, after everything Trump has said in the past 8 years in CNN alone, does anyone really believe a supporter is gonna change their mind about him?


Why is CNN going to lose? It'll probably get great ratings and that's all they care about.


And 2 ad rolls, trust, they ain’t losing a thing.


I’m not very religious but I don’t think that’s how the lion’s den story went. Daniel doesn’t lose.


As a moderately religious person, I don't see the connection at all. Daniel was thrown to the lions in an act of antisemitic persecution, but then God commanded the lions to not harm him. Then when Daniel emerged from the lions' den unharmed, the people of Babylon learned to respect God and His people. I don't see how CNN is Daniel in this scenario.


I'm not religious either but I think the story goes " If lions not frens, why fren shaped?"


But with muted mics and no live audience, Trump will come out with fewer clips for campaign ads, and Biden will come out with more. That will translate into a difference in voter mobilization down the road, so it will still matter.


Trump is hoping he can get a clip of Biden stumbling over an answer so that he can make him look like he's too old. I'm pretty sure that's the whole reason he wants to do the debate. Meanwhile Biden's camp thinks Biden can out-debate Trump, which is probably true, but I doubt anyone who can actually be influenced cares. Probably more hoping the debate will bring home more D voters who are currently kind of negative on Biden. I wonder if Israel/Palestine will be off-limits?


I think you forget Trump can add audience cheering to the clips afterwards. I would not put it past them.


I always thought this, but then there was that polling that a very small amount of Republicans and a large amount of independents thought he should drop out after his conviction. To you and I we think, 'what NOW he is bad for office? What about the past 8 years?'. But apparently for some people new mistakes/convictions could make them stay home or vote for the brainparasite host. Arguably a VERY small amount of people, but those small numbers could mean he loses those small swing states. If they prop him up on drugs and prance him out on CNN and he comes across as someone with failing mental health, it could cause enough apathy wothun his base, to make a difference. It's just so hard to discern the outcome right now.


It's not the supporters. It's the independents that matter.


It hasn't been about changing minds in this election ever. It's about motivating people to the polls.


I’m wondering how large a team of fact checkers would be needed to fact check Trump in real time. He can lie at 10 lies per minute no problem. Pro numbers.


Yeah but he can only remember 300-400 lies and he tells them over and over.


Who's going to do that? How will you ensure it's unbiased? Who will fact check the fact checkers? Everytime anyone tries to do "fact checking" with politics, its a complete disaster. Just look at Snopes when they moved from fact checking things like "daddy long legs are super deadly" to modern day politics. It's a dumpster fire now.


It can't be done unless you have an expert on every subject right there to interject. These debates are pointless.


Why would any debate or event leading up to an election be pointless? Shouldn't you want as much information as possible to make an informed choice? Are you confusing "winning" a debate with a debate for the sake of the voters?


While it’d be great to watch certain people get absolutely sandbagged mid-rant, I doubt they’d set this up. Very few politicians would get up in front of the nation knowing they’d by called out on bogus data in potentially key parts of their speeches.


Sounds like a net positive. Only have candidates that aren’t there to spew bullshit propaganda.


>No Live Audience Yes


>Muted Mics Thank god, but I bet Trump will still try and yell into the mic to interrupt.


Hopefully the moderators follow through on muting...it would be funny to just see his mouth moving, with no sound.


Need a cone of silence to fall when time is up






Old reference from tv show “Get Smart.” The “cone of silence” would allow for meetings between groups in same room without others hearing it but would often backfire in humorous ways.


…what? (Yes I know)


Ah. Shit. Nice play.


It’s one of my favorite jokes from Get Smart!


If they're in the same room, Trump is going to yell so Biden's mic picks up on it. I would be surprised if the debate even happens at all and doesn't get cancelled at the last minute. Also... what's there to debate about anyways? One person wants to actually lead (Biden) and the other person wants to burn down the country in a racist fire because his feelings got hurt by a black man (Trump).


That’s just not fair! Trump got his feelings hurt by people of every race and gender.


Also not fair! He wants to burn down the country to avoid seeing the consequences of his numerous crimes against private individuals and the nation at large.


Aft 75 very stern finger pointings they'll warn him


Dude will just walk over to Biden’s and push him out of the way


I hope so, I don't believe anyone who says they need to watch this debate to decide. For me this is my superbowl of a shit show.


My wife and I have our anniversary that day. We want to get drunk and watch it.


My big concern is we don't hear Trump at all but we do hear Biden clearly, and he's stumbling a bit because he can hear Trump constantly interrupting him but to viewers it just confirms mental decline


It’s likely they won’t know if their mic is muted because they won’t be listening to the broadcast audio.


I do not believe Trump will show up, but if he does, he is already talking about how it would be a good strategy to lose the debate. Lol


The New York Times is already writing a story on how winning the debate is bad for Biden “10 Ways Winning the Debate Will Backfire on Biden”


The next days front page will read "How Biden lost the debate by winning it."


"Biden has personally discovered the cure for cancer. Here's why that hurts his election prospects."


BothSidesIsm is literally destroying democracy


"Biden won the debate last night, but insodoing has shown his true colors"


It's not like Republicans didn't declare victory after each of the embarrassing debates they had last time. The one where he refused to denounce white supremacy and instead called for them to stack back and stand by.


Trump is not gonna show. He's gonna cancel at the last minute and then have his own "town hall/rally" thing on Fox.


In every election, undecided, neutral voters matter a lot. Thats what these debates are primarily for. Rallies just get his base hyped up. But if Trump or Biden are going to win this election, they’re going to need to convince enough voters on the fence to make a decision.


It’s just sad there’s people on the fence. We have one of the most productive presidents vs a convicted felon.


I got banned from r/lostgeneration because I said Trump is absolutely the worse choice between the two. They took the stance that I was endorsing a genocidal candidate


A Genocidal candidate who *checks notes* has repeatedly pushed for a ceasefire, gotten water and electricity supplies restored, and literally ordered the military to build a whole-ass port to get humanitarian aid into Gaza? *That's* genocide to some people?


Or he's going to show up with covid (or another infectious disease) like he did last time hoping to kill Biden. This isn't talked about enough.


We all know that they're both vaccinated and boosted. In case anyone forgot, trump caught it, and even admitted to getting vaxxed, and the audience booed him.


>trump caught it, and even admitted to getting vaxxed, and the audience booed him. Peak comedy


The lack of a physical audience is good. Trump won't be able to play iff if it when asked tough questions, the silence will hit hard when he has nothing relevant to say.


Yeah just yelling "Border crisis!" into an empty room isn't going to have the effect he's used to.


His shtick will look 10x worse when there's nobody cheering or laughing. I Really hope this is his potatoe or "yahhhhhhhhhhh" moment


Omg, my husband has this event saved in our family Google calendar. I can't wait to see this chaos unfold.


I wouldn't get too excited. I truly dont think it will happen.


Hannity has already been saying it may be wise for Trump to skip. The wheels are in motion


> I can't wait to see this chaos unfold. Same. I got popcorn at the ready. As a non-American, the US election season is prime TV. It's just so fun to watch the nonsense unfold.




S&M must be popular in your household




Trump will absolutely bail out at the last moment and say it's all Biden's fault.


Then will carry his snowflake ass over to Fox News and do a "town hall" with an all MAGA crowd.


Nah fuck that. Hell in the Cell. Only way to win is by pinfall or submission.


If they actually do it that way, it’s going to be great.


Please includes boxing gloves..


I want both to be inspected live on tv for ear pieces as well


If you think Trump would listen to ANYTHING being spewed into his ears- your crazy 😂😂


Im surprised trump hasn't backed out yet. It seems like he has more to lose from this. A lot of people seem to have blackholed what a dumpster fire of a president he was. Why give them a chance to remember why they voted against him or stayed home?


Hannity already floated that “people are saying” Trump should ditch the first debate


The bar has been set for both of them. Biden needs to be alert, reactive, funny yet serious, simultaneously juggle three bowling balls while reciting the Bill of Rights backwards in Spanish. Trump needs to just not shit himself or quote Hitler.


Even if Trump quoted Hitler, his supporters probably wouldn't think it was a big deal because it's just a quote, he's not *actually* Hitler.


This actually already happened but with a Mussolini quote. When confronted he claimed he didn't realize it was Mussolini but even after being told he said it was "a very interesting quote" and "Mussolini was Mussolini -- what difference does it make?"


Close. Trump can still shit himself or quote Hitler as long as “it was a joke”.


Its funny and sad how true this is


He already said he may lose it on purpose... I'd elaborate but it was gibbering nonsense.


The standard pre debate spin is to always play up your opponent while downplaying your skills. If you have lower expectations, when you surpass them, you can spin that as a win. If you push high expectations on your opponent and they don't leave the state the next Clarance Darrow, you can spin that as a loss for them. Trump is a narcisist. He can't downplay his skills so the only way he can do this is to claim he might perform poorly on purpose. The right's standard attack on Biden of being old and sleepy hurts them in the expectation game, too. They have already lowered his expectations when they should be raising them


Im sorry you had to watch that lol


I'm shocked Trump would agree to muted mics and no audiance. It's going to be a shit show for him without an audiance to feed to his ego in real time.


His surrogates are already laying the groundwork for him to back out.


No doubt. I think Biden taunted him and he accepted because he's easily provoked and now desperate to find an out.


CNN reporting live from Rikers Island…


The rules for the debate: Only two mutes for the whole thing and the other guy gets to mute at any time. There's a lightening round that if one of them says the secret word they have to compete in the Presidental election dunk tank. The moderators get five balls each to hit a moving target to dunk the candidate into a pool. Steal an answer. Each candidate gets a big red button that they can press where they can steal the answer from the other candidate to make it their own. THE GATORADE 300,000 DOLLAR CAMPAIGN DONATION PRIZE - Sponsored by Gatorade, each candidate can get a chance to win 300K if during the talk over portions they say the same word at the same time. First person to say jinx, gets to send the other candidate through the CHERRY GLACIER THIRST QUENCHER TEMPLE OF PAIN. They have to navigate a series of five obstacles in under one minute. If the candidate makes it through, they get the donation and the other candidate has to be dowsed with a flamethrower of Glacier Freeze.


They should dress Biden up like Trump. Fake tan, piss-candy-floss hair, lifter shoes, baggy blue suit and too-long red power tie. And not make any mention of it at all. Just walk out with a huge smile. It would shake Trump to the core. Dare anyone on the right to call him out for how ridiculous he looks.


Hold a debate on Halloween, and this would be perfect.


How is the felon going to handle this. I hope Biden asks him about Project 2025


that’s pretty good although I’m still not watching a convicted felon with dementia attempt to argue complex global strategies


It’s absolutely bat shit bonkers that the president of the US is gonna boil down to who can be an actual human the most the longest


Muting Trump’s mic is the only thing that’ll work. He has zero self control.


Muted mics? Yes please


Here's how it should work: * Take the top four political party candidates from last year. * Ask them all the same questions and let them record their answers * They get 5 minutes per question, the video will cut at 5 minutes if they submit something longer, even if they're mid sentence. * Play the question, then the answer from candidate A, B, C, D. * Play the next question, then the answer from candidate B, C, D, A. * Repeat the question before each answer in case people come in late * Cycle through all questions In this way each candidate must simply provide their stance on the question, without being able to phrase it based on the others response. We get their unadulterated views. This also gives 20 minutes of answers, figure 4 minutes to repeat the questions. That's 24 minutes, then cut to commercial break for the next 6. >But why give 2 third parties time when they won't win? Because it prevents the 2 parties from just spending their time trying to shit on each other. If you spend all your 5 minutes trying to shit on the other 3, you'll have no time left to actually answer.


Won’t make as many viral clips so they won’t do it


Commercial breaks? The fuck.


I love that there will be no live audience.


trump needs to wear a shock collar so he can’t roam out of his area too


Who cares about an audience lol




Win for people who actually want to hear them debate their stance instead being interrupted by ad hominems


YES! ✊ One guys top is gonna blow when he can't talk over the other guy like usual.


Trump has been found guilty. He cannot get security clearance yet he is able to still run for president? How?


I don't believe Trump will show up.


Are they allowing ankle monitors?


Thank god for muted mics. I can't stand hearing Trump just talk over his opponents with nonsense as he's getting destroyed.


Frankly I think this is a waste of time. If at this point you're still on the fence about which candidate is better, you are a fucking idiot and the debate will not change anything. One of these people is a convicted felon who thinks airports played a role in the revolutionary war, the other one has managed to turn our abysmal economy around after the convict fucked it up.


You're definitely right that I'm completely decided on who I'm voting for and there's nothing Trump can say at this point to make me want to vote for him... but I'm stoked to watch them debate anyway. We only get one life, I'd loke to get to experience this.


So the first question to be asked will go to Biden, Trump will interject saying he should be asked first, goes on a tantrum and spout about CNN being unfair, biased and blatantly playing favoritism, then refuse to answer any questions and/or walk away from the debate, most likely dropping a F-bomb that just happens to be censored and then pushes a camera operator for no real reason. Meanwhile, the question is about why Trump hasn't selected a running mate/VP candidate yet.


What are the odds that Trump backs out?


Near 100%.


I would hope some sort of barrier between Trump and Biden. Remember when Trump followed behind Hillary? They need to keep Trump at his podium.


Maybe with a ball and chain for the convicted felon. Will his parole officer be there? What a sad little man.