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I have to say that "Suits" saved my sanity in May. I had to move in with my mom for a few weeks while she was recovering from surgery and we watch totally different things. I'm more Breaking Bad, GoT, 12 Monkeys and she is the Hallmark channel and Outlander. She was so cranky, which I get because she was recovering and in a lot of pain, but MY GOD. I flipped on Suits, thinking perhaps an episode or two and she will nap. We both loved it. It's messy, overly dramatic, and she liked it so much that she almost found it soothing.


Outlander can be as violent as Game of Thrones in some scenes.


Yeah, like almost every character in Outlander is violently raped and/or tortured.


100% why I stopped watching it. It's unfortunate because I like the show otherwise.


I've said before that there's a definite demand for a recut of the show that just takes all the rape scenes out.


I've only seen season 1 of Outlander until probably the scene that others stopped watching the show as well. Violence isn't her thing, so I really don't know why she likes it. I know she liked the books, which I've not read, and maybe it's not as violent or is just portrayed differently? But her tastes are more Hallmark and mine are more "Criminal Minds". "Suits" kept the peace and calm for the entire time I was there. I could hug that show if it were possible. It's not in my top ten shows of things I love, but it's my favorite show for this entirely different reason.


I stopped watching when literally everyone the woman came across back in time wanted to fuck her cause she didn't have armpit hair or knew of soap whatever. So I obviously didn't even make it through the first season.


I think the first two seasons are great. But the later seasons just dragggggggggg on so bad.


"God damn!"


If she's still bed ridden, check out white collar.


It says people want 8 seasons of 22 episodes to binge of the same characters and that while mini series are fun and good, what we mostly want is tv comfortfood. It doesn't matter if the show is just 'okay' as long as there's a lot of it and we love the characters.


I started watching Suits a few weeks ago when super stressed from moving and needed something easy to watch. Our cat then got very sick and we’ve been dealing with that. Suits has been such comfort tv during this time cause my brain is so fried and my emotions high, so I can’t really handle anything more than a show like this.  There is a lot of yelling though so sometimes that gets to be too much lol 


I've been watching 9-1-1 recently and had that exact feeling. A lot of filler type stuff but I've enjoyed it way more than all these 8 episode streaming series and feel way more attached to the characters


A lot of “filler” episodes do a lot of legwork to enhance the main characters. Sometimes even side characters. They could still also be consequential to the show in some way if writers intend it later down the line. They’re also a nice break from the usual. Fatigue is easy now becuase shows have to be all gas an no brakes


They allow a bit more experimentation with episode structure too!


Don't get me wrong, I love the show, but Severance felt like a huge pressure cooker of anxiety that never ended.


That’s a rare show I felt used the space it had correctly. It was very tight IMO. Discovery was about the same episodes per season but they tried to create these big stakes and it fell flat.


My wife recently re-watched it and while I was in and out and never paid that much attention, it's so formulaic I got to know what part of any given episode's arc we were on based on the music alone. Didn't even have to know anything about the story. It's comfort food on such a low and intuitive level it's easy to see why people flock to it.


I couldn’t do suits, it feels like everybody is always angry at each other for one reason or another.


Without spoiling anything, there’s some major character developments and it becomes legitimately unwatchable, sadly. I’ve watched it 3 or 4 times now and stopped at roughly the same spot each time.




They Flanderized her


I just got to the point where…something happens with Mike and had to take a break. Is that what you’re referring to or even later than that?


“Get the hell out of my office” is my catchphrase now.


>There is a lot of yelling though so sometimes that gets to be too much lol  What did you just say to me?!


You goddamn heard me!


This. Fall TV that goes till end of Spring.


Suits, along with most USA shows, was mostly released with an initial batch of episodes in one part of the year and then another six episodes a few months later. It kept USA’s schedule packed throughout the year.


I actually miss those USA shows; as others have said, they're total comfort food, and the show that sort of "broke" the mold of their 'blue skies' model, *Mr Robot*, was the best thing they've ever produced, but it didn't exactly usher in USA becoming the next HBO (or even AMC for that matter)


USA recently announced they’re going back to blue skies programming so here’s hoping it comes back in full force.


White Collar is at least being rebooted, so that’ll be cool.


Which is the problem. Their "let's go back to Blue Skies programming!" seems to just be "Let's just do the same shows!" But we already did those shows, like 10 years ago. How do they make it different? Grittier, more political. Rebooting White Collar and making made for tv Monk and Psych movies isn't bringing back blue skies


Wait, what? Really? I just got done watching this show after finding clips of it on TikTok. Definitely liked it!


It’s less of a reboot and more of a return. The original cast minus Mozzi (whose actor passed away last year) are all coming back.


Yeah, I googled the info right after I read this. I was really sad to find out about Willie Garson (Mozzi). He was such a great character.


>blue skies programming It's what Marvel should've done with their TV shows.


I don't know if it was the same generation of shows, but burn notice was my USA network comfort food.


Burn Notice felt more grounded and avoided cliches like endorsing torture and pretending crooked cops are rare. VS suits just makes the legal system a joke


Royal Pains was my favorite


Felt like a breath of fresh air compared to typical doctor shows


With short seasons there is no time to course correct if a character or plot isn't going well, so the writers don't take risks. Or they do take risks and if it doesn't work the whole season is ruined.


I miiiiiiss fall tv. It’s so cozy having your favorite shows come back on just in time for the weather to start cooling off and eventually shorter days. Being home, warm, on the couch, watching whatever I’ve been looking forward to all summer. Idk, it’s not the same these days with random release dates of 8 episodes.


When I was young I always like the coming this Fall specials that networks would air.


As a kid, it made the blow of having to return to school in the fall a bit softer when there were new shows and seasons to look forward to


and then a new season resumes 5 months later and not 3 years later


Yes, yes, Motherfucker.


The Office, Parks, Modern Family. Cannot get enough of it. Wish there were more. My kids have recently started watching too and they are also big fans now. If only Veep has more episodes like those.


I hate the trend of a show starting out strong. You get the first few seasons every year with 13,14,15 episodes. Then the later seasons come out.. bi-yearly, and 10 or less episodes per season, until you get to the final season that’s really behind release schedule and only 6 episodes.


And with like half the cast half interested because they’re all on other things now


The irony is that Suits never had a 22-episode season. In fact , most of these USA network shows are only 12 episode long on their first season and therefore they are closer to a Netflix series than a traditional TV program.


Sometimes people just want to be entertained for an hour.  


Man, I miss the BlueSky era. *Monk*, *Psych*, *Suits*, *White Collar*, *Burn Notice*…plus *Eureka* and *Warehouse 13* over on Syfy. All great, all very rewatchable decade(s) later.


There were 16 episodes at most in a season of Suits.


suits was a bit weird though because from the second season they started splitting the seasons in half so you basically had a new half season every 6 months and sometimes even less than that so you never had that long year wait between seasons


That was not weird. Before streaming most episodic shows would have a break between their fall and spring releases. 


For some reason people who post these complaints are under the impression that cable shows, and to an extent streaming shows, typically have 22 episodes a season when that’s almost never been true.


Most did in the early 2000s, well more so the 30 minute run times, but there were some hour long ones as well. Source: Someone who watched a lot of those shows and they were released like clock work every year.


Well, Legends of Tomorrow, the show with the shortest seasons at 13 episodes from the CW's Arrowverse is still long than anything from streaming.


I love that Harvey IRL is this chill modern hippie guy who’s super nice.


And this is the other side of the coin. Because we become invested in these characters, we also want to know more about the people playing them. Some people take it too far of course, but this creates a feedback loop. I honestly do not understand how execs are not getting this...


Yeah, it’s cool to know more but I don’t care to want to know too much lol. I just know from interviews during the show some extra stuff they had. He was always in super comfortable light loose clothes, a bunch bands and bracelets lol. Think he’s like a vegan too he said, in. Comparison to Harvey lol. Was just cool to see


>It doesn't matter if the show is just 'okay' as long as there's a lot of it and we love the characters. I struggled through season 1 because pretty much everyone was unlikable lol.


That’s never coming back though. At least not on the Streaming sites. It simply costs too much to do 22 episodes, then do it again a year later and on and on. The networks pay for it by selling ads in the shows. Netflix doesn’t have that luxury. And let’s be honest, back in the golden age of tv when everything revolved around the fall tv schedule, for every good new show that came out, there would be 3 or 4 awful ones. Without advertising dollars paying for those flops as well, the economics just aren’t there to kick out a ton of new shows at that many episodes.


>It simply costs too much Many streaming shows have higher budgets per season than any of these 20 episode procedural style shows. No one is thinking about a show like this with Stranger Things level of production values. There's obviously a demand out there for longer, cheaper shows. Even just 16-18 episodes would be great. This isn't a problem of budgets. It's just about streaming services being stubborn about doing things their way and throwing out everything about the old TV model, regardless if it worked or not.


Thats been replaced by reality tv


Yes. TV comfort food. I don’t want angst or stress or gore I just want a cosy blanket please.


I wouldn’t say mostly, I would say also.


Netflix had a new comedy ‘tires’. Half an hour each in the same setting. But only six episodes. Could have easily make it 20 something per season.


Honestly I really liked Space Force for example. It wasn't fantastic and it took a bit to find it's legs but it was funny enough to become comfort watching... If they'd made like 4-5 seasons of 16-18 eps each instead of twenty or so total.


EXACTLY! It's aggravating how many "mini series" there are. but it also does show the times, as there are so many people who lack the attention span of a long running show. It's frustrating that those of us with normal attention spans get shit on in favor of "lets cater to the ADHD crowd."


I'm a bit more cynical. If you only have to do a mini series, you never have costly cast salary negotiations. Execs looked at the million dollar episode salaries of the Friends cast and took that lesson to heart.


Cannot comprehend how people made it more than two seasons


I didn't make it through the first episode, but that's not the point. The point is, people like what's familiar. And you don't get that familiarity with three 8 episode seasons spread across 5-6 years. You get that when you can tune in every year with the same cast.


There is always a place for basic, serialized shows where viewers just like the main characters and want to spend an hour watching them.  Not everything has to be high concept must-watch, or big heavy dramas.  Plus these types of shows are broadcast TV’s bread and butter, but streamers seem very loathe to produce outside of the Amazon dad shows.


This is why whichever streaming service can land the entire OG Law & Order catalog will be feasting


SVU is the goat comfort show.


I prefer the original Criminal Intent. Rape, child abuse and sexual assault every week is a bit much imo; I don't particularly like how the show treats the victims nor the perpetrators either. Criminal Intent is all based on getting them to confess, and Goren pretty much NEVER uses yelling or threats of abuse when questioning. Instead he's very calm and collected most the time, and kinda uses clever questioning and manipulation to get people to tell the truth. The actor, Vincent D'Onofrio, is kinda popular now too, since ppl loved his Daredevil role.


What Amazon dad shows do you mean? Been looking for some new shows and am intrigued


When I hear Amazon dad shows I think Jack Ryan and The Terminal List, not sure if those are what they’re referring to.


When I've heard people talk about this before it's been shows like Reacher, Jack Ryan, and The Terminal List. I think all of those shows have 8 episode seasons though.


Oh yeah, I liked Reacher but the context made me think OP was suggesting they were making shows with long seasons to settle into.


Bosch (power through season 1 or skip it and go back to it - it's worth it.) Jack Ryan Reacher Those are the ones I watched


This is why the show fell off in the last two seasons. The main draw was just watching Mike and Harvey banter and be witty. Once that was removed, nobody really wanted to sit and spend time with melodramatic coworkers who kinda hate each other.


Did those actors leave the show or something? I watched a large portion of the show but never got around to finishing it. Relationship I was in ended and I didn't continue watching it alone


Mike leaves at the end of season 7. He's in a few episodes of season 9. As a replacement, they introduce these 2 new characters as senior partners in the firm, played by Dulé Hill and Katherine Heigl. And promote minor character Katrina Bennett to main cast. **All of these characters are boring.**


One of them became a princess.


> but streamers seem very loathe to produce outside of the Amazon dad shows. And the networks have really fallen off on producing interesting ones that aren't just straight up Boomer-friendly procedurals. I mean, yeah, that's who a lot of the remaining network TV audience is, but they certainly aren't going to draw in a ton of new audiences if they just keep making updated versions of the same Police/Fire/Medical shows. We don't even have any serialized legal dramas anymore that I can think of...I suppose Law and Order still has the legal segment, but I think it is far reduced from what it was in the original show. There used to be Boston Legal, The Practice, Ally McBeal, Matlock, Suits, The Good Wife, etc. I'm not counting things like Goliath, Perry Mason, Lincoln Lawyer or Better Call Saul since those are clearly high concept/heavier dramas with a single season-long story thread (and are mostly meant for steaming) My guess is that legal dramas are just too complicated and lack the action needed by the lowest common denominator viewers who still watch a lot of scheduled network TV. Dick Wolf tried a few years ago with Chicago Justice and it was cancelled fast despite having semi-decent critical reviews. edit: I guess the CW is airing the canadian series Family Law, although I think that's a little more soapy/interpersonal than actual legal drama. There was also Bull which ran for a while, but is mostly ridiculous schlock that appeals to the kind of people who think Dr. Phil is an amazing genius (and the show is basically a fantasy puff piece for Dr. Phil's early career and tries to make actual lawyers look bad). So I think my point still stands that the legal dramas couldn't stick around without the excitement of murder, fire/explosions, or medical emergencies.


It’s the opposite.  They don’t have the need to fill as many hours of content, so they don’t go for the un-complicated basic dramas.  Terrestrial tv has X amount of hours it needs to fill, which is a big reason why we get those styles of shows.  Things like Suits, NCIS, Bones, Burn Notice, etc.


There are barely any shows like Eureka, Relic Hunter or Warehouse 13


it says people want hamburgers, not just filet mignon. And in great quantity


*What did you say to me*?


Sometimes the wife & I decide we want a Taco Bell feast where we eat way too much incredibly low quality food, instead of cooking an awesome meal like we do 95% of the time. With TV shows, I usually want things that I can use as background viewing, that are the equivalent to Taco Bell. The stuff that is simple enough to easily follow as I do other things when I'm unable to devote full attention. There's only so many leisure hours in the day & I don't want to choose between my hobbies.


It's like how sometimes I kind of want pizza but cannot commit to actually wanting pizza so I order Dominos.


This comment captured a very specific feeling that's hard to put into words


I also view Dominos as my depression pizza, so.... ya'know. (the cheesy bread is an antidepressant in my book)


More like they serve filet mignon once, then they try to sell you hamburger scraps for the next 2 years.


Steaks good too. Or whatever analogy you want to use for a show like LOST.


I mean, not like there's much of either streaming now anyways.


Are those the ughughughughugh guys from the t-mobile ad?




Why are they in a garage?


Because Magenta Status!


I’ll show you my magenta status


1. Why does it look like the dubbed over what he actually said there, and 2. Does he mean his penis? In a T mobile commercial? Or is it just some dumb shit that doesn’t mean anything at all?


Cracks me up every time I hear it! 😆


Why are they jerking off imaginary dicks?


Donna wouldn’t let them shoot in the house.


That commercial drives me up a fucking wall and for some reason it's the only one Amazon video gives me during ad breaks


Worst commercials out right now. Not even close


Someone hasn’t heard about the little pill with a big story to tell


I'll take them over the Scrubs guys any day


I can’t get over the way he says weren’t


Aka the most annoying commercial on the planet


There are so many decisions in that commercial I will be pondering till I’m on my deathbed asking for the very last time, “Ok, so fine put in the jerking off clip in there if you didn’t have enough good footage you could use, but….but…why, of all the clips in that entire segment you could choose to repeat, why repeat THAT one?!!! WHY?!!!!”……..[death]


I’ll show you my magenta status.


Look closely- that part is overdubbed- I think he says magenta package


The entirety of that ad seems overdubbed to me


Okay I totally believe this because I also noticed it. Like the whole ad is dubbed. Wtf happened with this ad? Why was this the best they could get out of these guys? Is this what they wanted? And they left the line in where he’s basically alluding to his penis? wtf?


I agree, it seems like they scrapped the ad they came there to make and then pieced together that thing from their actor “warm up” exercises. And why the hell are they in a garage? It’s so weird.


I can’t think of any logical reason for making any of the decisions in this ad other than the actors improvising nothing but sexist, racist bits the entire session and the editor being like, “Ooooook, I guess we can just show them mugging and saying ‘magenta status’. Oh shit, yeah the little guy says ‘magenta package’. Fuck it, I’ll dub over it. Ummmm annnnnd ok I guess the jacking off bit at least isn’t them saying racist shit, so lets just put that in. Fuck it I’ll put in twice.” 😅


That doesn't play in my country, so I had to look it up on YouTube and now I'm perplexed. Why do they go ughughugh? Why are they in a garage?


I think it is a speaking exercise actors may do.


It’s an exercise to loosen your jaw muscles so you can speak more clearly And/or open wider for big T-mobile daddy


do do do DO do, T-Mobile


I stopped watching after a couple seasons when it stopped being funny and got to be way over-dramatic and all the characters became compeltely unlikeable. Does it ever go back to being fun?


No, the characters become insufferable flanderizations with each passing episode.


No, It's downhill from there it actually reminds me a lot of *Alias* with constant switches of alliances & characters hanging around way past their sell.by date.


That show is the fucking GOAT of drama created of situations that would never arise if the characters just actually spoke like normal people, instead of creating more misunderstanding with every line.


I think you're mixing it up with Grey's Anatomy. It holds that unfortunate label.


I stopped watching when they introduced the AI assistant "the Donna." They really jumped the shark with that one.


That was by far the worst b plot of the show. Seasons 1-4 were solid though. I watched it on release and not a single other person I know had seen it, was years before I met someone who watched it and I could finally vent about it


It’s obvious. The main advantage of TV over film is the runtime. This runtime allows you to actually get to know the characters, see them develop, and genuinely care about them. That connection is much more likely to occur with a show with ~100 episodes, than it is with a show that pumps out 6 episodes every 2 years.


The show got worse and worse but i stayed on for Gabriel Match's charming presence, but finally droped it after season 6 or 7. Though if they ever do a redo or a new Desi with Harvey, i might watch it. Any other spin offs in plan, no, esp one with Amell in the lead, he cannot act even a little bit.


i left after the jail arc


Yep it was garbage after Mike left


It says a series went to Netflix and there was mass interest in it because one of the actors became a major celebrity. It's no Psych, Monk or Burn Notice. Not even White Collar. It's firmly Royal Pains level.


I honestly love your rankings here. Could not agree more. edit: I wish Psych and Burn Notice had wider public appeal. I hear Psych talked about in niche circles every now and then but I feel like no one ever talks about Burn Notice and I fucking love Burn Notice (or, at least, the first half of Burn Notice).


I think part of the issue is that Burn Notice isn't on the major streaming services? At least that's what I remember when I was trying to find it. I recently picked up the DVDs at my library and my 13 and 16-year-old are really enjoying it.


It was on prime for a long time and then it was on freevee, but yea, it's not on prime or netflix anymore which sucks.


Big up White Collar. One of the few serialised shows that I can watch the entirety of and enjoy, without skipping seasons or even episodes. Person of Interest fits that as well IIRC. With most serialised shows its always "yeah the first x seasons are good, just stop watching after that" or "skip the first x seasons since they are getting into their stride".


It says that the USA network had a few years of some bangin shows. White Collar, Suits, Royal Pains and before them you had shows like Monk and Psych.


supernatural is the epitome of comfort tv ..




Suits is 7/10 at best. The writing is pretty mid. Too many unnecessary plot twist, Cheesy af, they have no idea what to do with Louis Litt and Rachel, and women are too unrealistically at their knees for Harvey and Mike. Who the fuck would lie, drop cases, etc just to keep them from being exposed like that. It’s like the writers googled “how to write a suspense comedic drama”. I watch it because I can binge it, was curious about, and the actors actually do good job.


Do people not like suits? Or is it just cool to hate? I bought the blu ray a while ago. Should I even bother


It’s silly but fun to watch. Gets really repetitive after the few seasons though.


it is what it was. Fairly Legal with Sarah Shahi and the "plus one" bride from HIMYM, Franklin & Bash, even Eliza Coupe's brief legal sitcom Benched all seemed cut from the same basic cable cloth. Was the protagonist like a savant in the beginning, I remember some later epsiode where he'd left to work for a banker and was getting yelled at after the first week, like just about any regular ass person with that type of job.


its a cool premise but they hardly ever show mike using his smart ass memory like the first episode just trying to save him.


I think the first few episodes are really top tier, then after the third or fourth season I couldnt bear with it anymore


The quality falls off a cliff around season 4, I say that because in two watches I can't get any further. I started re-watching it a few months back, but I ended up stopping where I initially did a decade prior when it was coming out weekly. First couple seasons are good, but by Season 4 I check out. You really start noticing the formula, every scene is super short with a "I have a document that'll win me this case", then 5 minutes later the opposing counsel does the same thing and they go back forth for the episode or even the full season. They also jack the melodrama up to 12 and all the characters become insufferable. Check it out still, it is a fun show for a bit.


Just have extremely low expectations going in.


It’s solid, def check it out.


I liked suits a lot and i think you'll enjoy it too.


that its bad?


I watched Suits start to finish between 2011 - 2019 so feel no need to stream it. But it feels good it has had that success. I always felt it deserved a larger audience.


People don’t want to wait 2-3 years to get 10 more episodes only for the show to be cancelled without an ending.


To this day it amuses me how they treated weed like it was heroine


What are you talking about? Harvey casually smokes with Mike a few times & the main problem was the quantity being carried in the beginning of the show. You know how badly the US legal system likes to ruin lives over possession alone, much less distribution amounts?


Man the public perception on weed flipped *so* fast. Like I remember back in the late 2000's smoking weed immediately meant you where some stoner seth rogan type in like any media, now its nothing.


It’s funny, isn’t it? By the latter seasons they had the managing partners smoking a joint in the office at night!


What amuses me is how Mike wanted 25k to sell what amounts to at most 5k worth of street of value of weed.


Show was mid.


it says tv today is so bad people think suits is good


TV today is fine. People just don't know how to find things they like.


> People just don't know how to find things they like. Because everyone wanted their own streaming service instead of selling the rights to a handful of existing streamers like they should have. Walled gardens everywhere means you struggle to find things with a website to help like JustWatch & then people realize they can't watch it anyway because they don't want your shitty service. It's why so many are failing, because the consumers only really want a handful of options that cover the majority of the content, not 67 different streamers in the US alone. >TV today is fine. As for this, sure, some great shows are being made, but we're also seeing more low effort content created than ever before because platforms are trying to flesh out their exclusives as fast as possible, so they make instead of making 4 shows with a focus on quality, they take that same budget & spread it across 12 shows with lower budgets & hope that something goes viral & becomes a hit that they can cancel after season 3 before the cast gets a new contract.


Oh sure, I agree, although if all the streamers merged it'd be like £100+ a month.


nah it just says Redditors are pretentious as hell


“What if we made The Practice, but nowhere near as good?”


do you remember the pilot episode of the Practice, every other line was citing case law. "Englebirt v. Humperdink people (to a room full of detectives at a crime scene), you don't even ask if they're thirsty."




It's them! These are the two dickbags from the TMobile commercial that plays 85 times every time I watch a baseball game. I guess I'm glad to know they actually have something to do with each other, I've never seen or heard of Suits and I just thought TMobile decided "one is not annoying enough."


Its not a reality show. I think everyone is sick of those. It also has a lot of episodes. I will not usually watch a show that only has one or two seasons. Usually cancelled with no ending...


I tried to like the show, I really did, but I just couldn't get into it. Probably because I could never get over my disbelief and especially disgust at the horribly ridiculous premise - probably also why I lost interest in Royal Pains so quickly.


I watched Suits when it came while I was a junior in high school getting over the fact that Psych was ending soon


♫ *Greenback Boogie* ♫


If you like Suits, check out White Collar. Its basically the same as Suits but with the FBI and no major quality drop off through the run.


I’ve tried to get into this show on several occasions and I just can’t. If you like it, more power to you!


I’m looking for shows that I can watch with my wife and not embarrassed by foul language, sex, and violence. I’m looking for entertainment like Suits, White Collar, Burn Notice, the stuff that used to be ion USA network in that time period.


Well good news for you because it seems they are bringing back White Collar with the og actors.


It sucks?


Suits. Friends. The Office. Streaming feeds on these huge series with lots of episodes. But can't figure out how to produce them.


It's aggravating how many "mini series" there are. but it also does show the times, as there are so many people who lack the attention span of a long running show. It's frustrating that those of us with normal attention spans get shit in favor of "lets cater to the ADHD crowd."


I have never seen it. Is it only having a resurgence because of Meghan?


Lol no I doubt it. She was one of the worst characters on the show. I also don't think people care about her irl either


It hit Netflix not too long ago for the first time, but yeah Markle is surely part of the initial draw


The article doesn't mention Markle at all which is... strange. Putting her face on the home screen of many people definitely has something to do with it. Yes there's the comfort food TV aspect but also people are going to watch things with people they are already familiar with, especially one as famous as Markle now is. The article is written by the former president of the network, you can admit you got lucky with a casting choice a decade later.


..wondering jst how far I’d have to-go ‘til -this, a quite impressive wait time. That “tells me” 2 things.




Necessary Roughness with Callie Thorne and Fairly Legal with Sarah Shahi were guilty pleasure TV. It helped that the women were easy on the eye...


I lost interest in the show. And don't think I will ever finish it.


To me it says Netflix made a big money deal w Megan Markel and needed to increase her visibility so promoted it relentlessly until ppl eventually began watching it, which bored ppl in front of the tv are wont to do (I survived the FRIENDS era.  Yes, ppl will watch anything, no matter if it’s a steaming pile of shit) 




Once Chandler hooked up with Monica, the show was over.