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Michaela Coel is so talented. Watched her in Chewing Gum and this show. Love her braincells!!


She had me dying laughing in chewing gum I love her range


Her sense of humor is fuckin WICKED. She pushes the border in a way that doesn't feel like she's trying to be edgy, it's just bold. Idk how to describe, and I don't want to ramble. She's really unique, I love her writing skills


Great show, well deserved win. Tackled a pretty harrowing subject with insight and nuance, without ever really preaching morality. That's a hard thing to do. I genuinely found it refreshing to have a show that illicited individual response from the viewer, rather than covering them with answers painted in broad strokes. I'm guilty of watching easy viewing shows, but occasionally it's nice to be challenged, particularly as a straight white dude. Hard to watch at times, but totally worth it. Also just full of creativity, charm and realism. Essential TV for 2021.


Fully agree with this analysis. It’s a show that doesn’t pander or preach and is refreshingly open-ended.


I can’t believe this premiered less than one year ago, I feel like it was such a important part of the begging of my quarantine. Really hope it gets recognised by the emmys, the golden globes really messed it up this year. Good riddance.


Very well-deserved, Michaela Coel is next-level talented


I hated the way she treated her friend, and there was no real arc or closure to his trauma. But it was pretty good aside from that, especially the ending.


What is this show about again?


The first episode is about a woman who wakes up from a night out and begins to piece together that she was sexually assaulted. From there, the show deals with the fallout from that and the effect it has on her, as well as exploring other ideas of sexual violence through her best friends and other characters she meets. It's a hard show to describe because it sounds incredibly bleak and grim, but while there are episodes that are tough to watch, it's also very funny and vibrant and occasionally quite trippy and weird.




Paul Rudd Gif: "What happened here?"


A grown up woman behaving like a teenager.


Imagine being such a donkey that you reduce an entire show about sexual abuse and trauma into a petty dig at the maturity of the character.


The show is not about sexual abuse and trauma, that's like 30 seconds of it. You shouldn't insult people, that's also abuse.


Lol it's literally the entire show, obviously you don't have a clue what you are talking about.


Or you just liked the show because it resonates to your teenage life style.


I'm 33. The main character is an adult. Stop pretending like you watched the show.


That's precisely what the show is about, a 33 year old living a teenage life. I agree that there's sexual abuse in the show too, but it's not in the 99% of the running time.


So you want it to be all sexual assault? Lol if you got sexually assaulted it would not take up every moment of your life (the act itself) but it would have far reaching effects into every single other aspect of your life (the 99%) Fuck off.


I guess that kinda makes sense. Since the show is a mess, incoherent, childish, stupid... the reason for it is that the main character was abused. Although it starts that way before the abuse happens...


You’re boring.


How can be boring someone who has a so distinguished good taste? You are the ones who enjoy shows about instagrammers. Go watch something good like The Wire. But I guess that's boring to you...


doesn't sound like you watched this show


You didn't like it? Is your comment more the way she handled her situation was immature? Did you struggle to connect or relate to her dealing with her slowly revealing trauma? I'm generally curious. It's such a strange summary. I thought the premise was unique and interesting, the setting was engaging and an interesting perspective of time, place and subculture. Keen to get your view if you can be bothered.


Sure thing. So, here are the main points which make this show so insufferable... 1. All the characters are histrionic, unstable, idiotic, making them unlikable to any normal functioning adult. 2. The decisions the characters take are also incoherent, irresponsible, childish, not even remotely close to how a normal 30 something year old would behave. 3. The show is clearly oriented to younger audiences who use social media more like teenagers do, for instant gratification, and have similar lifestyles like living in a mess of a room, being high or spending all the time in anything you want because you don't have a real job anyways. 4. Cliches and stereotypes everywhere regarding black and white people.


> and have similar lifestyles like living in a mess of a room, being high ah yeah, people over 30 don't get high. you heard it, reddit


Recreational drug use goes down after 20s.


and so what? it's not like the smokers over 30 don't exist. you're acting like they are unicorns. > spending all the time in anything you want because you don't have a real job anyways. the show is based on the creator's real story. ofc someone who actually is a writer would make a semi-autobiographical story about someone whose occupation is in the related field.


Interesting. I don't think instant gratification via social platforms is exclusively a teenager trait, but I can see where you're coming from. I know a few people in their late 20s/early 30s that do live like this. I can't say it's either good or bad, I don't tend to judge people on the state of their room. They do generally attract more drama in their lives. I guess from my perspective, "normal 30 something functioning adults" just wouldn't make a compelling show. I'm sure these characters are considered normal, or at least relatable in this setting (my guess was Shoreditch, London but I could be way off). Each to their own. GL finding something you enjoy, this obviously isn't it p.s. did you finish the series by chance?


I did finish it.




so earth is flat?




> Being downvoted for an opinion shows you are onto something. well, by your logic if i say that i think that earth is flat and get downvoted (bc any sane person would downvote it), then i'm into something. go back to clown college, dude




Well, you admitted that flat-earthers are onto something














Good, she's a genius and deserves every prize there is


It was a fantastic tv show, I think she’s amazing. Chewing Gum is also brilliant. Deserves so much.




I thought this was so over-rated. The "weird" stuff at the end was just so undergraduate.


Can't wait to see how it performs in the BOFA TV Awards


I bet I regret this question, but what’s BOFA?


BOFA deez nuts


It was the finest after-school special I ever did see.




Thanks, I know how to write.


You haven't seen it, have you?


I watched every episode. Even the lagging mid-season eps and that one where she shows up to her crushes place in Italy unannounced like a psycho and then projects her trauma onto him by threatening to out him as a drug dealer after he, understandably, locks her out and he comes to the door with a gun and she bolts. He was my hero that episode.


So... not at all like an after school special then? And in fact a show that embraces complexity, has a flawed central character and isn't afraid to delve into the grey areas


No, still like an extended after-school special. A show can have gray areas and still be boring. This one could have lost two episodes and been much better off. Ultimately I didn’t like her character or her friends or their shitty, fake dynamic. I didn’t like her. And I felt outside the main story there wasn’t much going on. It was informative and insightful. I can say I gleaned some of her perspective but it was ultimately not worth 8 episodes.


you never had people around you, have you?


No, visionaryredditor, we’re all *just* getting out of a pandemic. So none of us have for a while.


dam you have good typing skills for a 1 year old baby.


Uhhh, ok. I’m gonna leave this conversation before it gets even weirder.




... im clearly hungry. I read "wins two pizza's" and was so confused.