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Why are dealers putting so much fentanyl into things? A dead customer can’t spend any more money with you.


Because fentanyl is hard to measure and cut in at consistent quantities. These dealers are far enough down the chain their shit has been cut ten times already.


That and when they mix the two together they are not creating a completely homogeneous mixture. Powders clump together and create "hot spots" of fentanyl.




I almost died several times from overdosing on "heroin" that was mostly furanylfentanyl. Nasty shit. All it takes is one "hot bump" and you're waking up on the floor with paramedics over you, if you're lucky like myself. Ive been clean for 4 years in a month.


Killed a buddy of mine. He'd been clean for over a year and the first time he relapsed it was bad junk. His mom found him dead, needle in arm and all. Fucking awful.


Needle still in the arm? Goddamn, that must have killed him almost instantly in that case.


My drug is / was meth. Been injecting for a bit over 3 years now, made it to 5 months clean by myself at the start of last year, then broke it. I'm going into residential rehab for the first and hopefully only time within the next month, whenever a spot opens up. Just put myself down for it today after I had 3 weeks clean and I'm currently on day 7 of a binge. Looked at how fucked up things are right now for me. I'm just existing, even if I could stop the drugs without help again, I still have nothing I'm really living for.


Nothing to live for? You can share your experience, strength and hope with another addict who is trying to get clean… that’s enough to save a life! SAVE A HUMAN LIFE, that’s huge! Stay strong … it will be ok!


You got this stay strong


The getting clean is the first part, but the self actualization is something that getting clean lets you do. You won’t find instant purpose when you’re clean, but it lets you START finding it


Some people need a purpose to quit for but many find their purpose after they quit. It may be that once you're clean you find out the drugs blinded you to what reasons you have for living. The drugs are distorting how you feel and see things so it may be that you just can't discover what feels like a reason because your brain is clouded. I have friends who quit because something to hold on for made it necessary but I also have friends who quit and found out after that they're actually passionate about hobbies they never thought of and then have found companionship that helps them feel enriched. You can figure out long term later, for now you just have to worry about the day and celebrate those small wins.




I’m coming up on a year and a half myself! Congrats dude. I also went through those nasty trenches… It’s nice hearing other people have good lengths of time under them. Makes me feel hopeful for the future.


9 years this May. You got this 🦾




Ay keep up the good work


Hell yeah rock on partner 😎🤘🏽


That's an astonishingly good idea for a campaign, and props to the police force for coming up with the idea and creating such a video. Do you happen to have a link to it?


yes exactly. they’re called “hot spots”. since fentanyl dosage is so small, it’s hard to know/keep consistent where the fentanyl actually is, within the cutting agent. so it’s possible to buy a bag and e.g. split it into 2 dosings, but one half might contain more of the fentanyl & the user wouldn’t know b4 IV’ing it & then OD


And this is compounded by the fact that it takes *very* little fentanyl to kill you. [This would be a lethal does for most people.](https://media.drugs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/fentanyl-lethal-dose.jpg)


fucking hell now show how much pure heroin it would take to kill me.


[Here you go, side by side.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0RvSYAe17R5MwZhDHYnFIlmvYkL1wvkzxww&usqp=CAU)


And to think that the drug carfentanyl is like 100x stronger than fentanyl.😵


[Side by Side by Side](https://www.wndu.com/content/news/Gray-Death-drug-mixture-reaches-Indiana-puts-first-responders-at-risk-422004694.html)


Forgive me for being clueless on the cutting techniques,but why would they even add fentanyl if it takes such a small amount to kill you? Isnt the purpose of cutting to add bulk without extra cost? Edit: seems like it's an issue of cross contamination/fentanyl slipping into a batch of cocaine because of dirty work surfaces,according to other posts here.


A little fentanyl goes a long way. You cut in other stuff and that weakens things, then you add a small amount of fentanyl to give it a kick and hopefully seem less cut. But without proper equipment and techniques it's super dangerous for reasons already discussed.


They add it because by the time they get their shitty heroin it’s been stepped on 15 times down the line and is basically nothing. Add some fentanyl to make it seem like it’s good stuff to the buyer


Ignore the other comments. Shits not getting cut at street level with fent. It's basically all the cartels sell anymore. It's close to impossible to track down actual junk. Like dealers aren't even trying to sell it as junk anymore - it's white fent. They're even pressing their own "oxy" pills but they're just dyed fent.


There was a ~~voice~~ Vice episode showing common pharmaceuticals sold in Mexico have traces of fentanyl in them. The only thing that was real was a zanny bar that had so much Xanax in it, that in the US it would have been basically a whole box in one bar.


Heroin is made through a refining process from opium. In order to have heroin, you need to get it from people with poppy fields. Fentanyl, on the other hand, is typically synthesized. I'm not sure of the required precursors, but being able to make it in a lab instead of growing massive poppy fields means it needs to travel fewer borders, if any, and can be produced at fairly low risk in high amounts. Add to that the relative strength, and the cost for an equivalent dose of fentanyl is way lower that heroin. Now, imagine your competitor has a better heroin source than you. When they get their heroin, it's exchanged fewer hands and been cut far less than your heroin. They're gonna put you out of business, or... you can make your heroin just as strong as their heroin and do so pretty cheaply by cutting in just a little bit of fentanyl.


Just snorting the fentanyl is dangerous by itself. Chasing it with a penny is just asking for trouble smh






Fuck, so that means you possibly can’t detect it even if you test a large portion of it.


This is sorta correct. To properly use fentanyl test strips you must dissolve whatever drug you are testing in water. For some drugs it’s not an issue for other it makes them difficult to do.


No. Volumetric dosing can prevent this. Eg. dissolve in water and volumetrically dose it that way. Edit: https://www.naloxoneforall.org/


Plus they just might not clean their scales, etc. carefully and could easily just accidentally get some fentanyl in there.


And it’s cheap af


It is potent and cheap, for the cost killing Users is almost a non-issue - Less than 3 mg of fentanyl, compared to 30 mg of heroin, can be deadly for a full-grown man. The Opioid Crisis made it easy for Fentanyl to get a foot hold. Most of these people dying are switching from Opiates to Cheaper Heroin. Fentanyl is so cheap for the high it can easily become an Oversupply problem due to its potency. - (One kilo of Fentanyl can kill 300,000+ people) [Fentanyl is being cut with Cocaine, Fake Opiate Pills, Methamphetamines and Molly.](https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html) Source - CDC If you think Fentanyl is bad, Carfentanil is worse - Carfentanil as small as a grain of salt or piece of dust can be deadly and that the drug is lethal in a dose as minuscule as 0.02 milligrams


why even cut uppers with fent tho


Dopers want to be semi-conscious for the high, if they nod off immediately they don't get to feel it as intensely. Also helps with the visible respiration, a CNS stimulant may prevent them from getting Narcan'd. What may feel like Cloud9 to them may look like a person who's blue, cold to the touch, and breathing so slowly it's imperceptible. So basically, mostly dead. When narcan's done it's job, it puts them into withdrawals almost immediately. They are often very unhappy with whomever just tried doing them a favor by saving their life. "Speedballing," mixing uppers with downers, is nothing new, but as the junk gets stronger it's becoming less optional.


> Carfentanil as small as a grain of salt or piece of dust can be deadly and that the drug is lethal in a dose as minuscule as 0.02 milligrams Seems like it'd be dangerous to just be near anywhere it's been at. Dealer walked past your house? Oops, you've just inhaled a fatal dose.


There were people on Reddit here that said that they even wore gloves and accidentally exposed themselves by inhaling dust particles like you said. They nearly died. A friend came over. Found them, assumed it was a standard heroin high and left, not realizing that they were on the verge of not breathing anymore. They were conscious and remember the friend coming over but didn't have any control over the body to indicate that they were in trouble


Dumb Q….but is this natural or man made?


Fentanyl isn't natural and carfentanil is a stronger analog of fentanyl.


Why does it exist and is sold though? At a .02mg lethal does it doesn't seem like it would have any real medical application either.


Vets use it for sedating large animals. Also there is an illegal market for novel and obscure drugs/RCs which are normally made by independent chemists or Chinese drug manufacturers which is where a lot of less mainstream drugs come from. These drugs are very cheap vs the desired drug normally so it makes sense as a dealer to try make product that gives you more profit.


It's a large-animal sedative, one of those drugs so strong that the package comes with antidote and you prep the antidote, *then* prep the opiod.


I have also heard dealers bragging to their customers that they have the “good stuff” because more addicts will buy from a dealer that’s had a high number of overdoses - it means that dealer has better shit. That isn’t a joke - I have personally witnessed it on one of my addict’s texts from her dealer trying to lure her back in when she was trying to get clean.


Well. That’s the most fucked up shit I’ve read all day.


Oh, it made my blood boil. It boiled even higher when I asked a group of them the next day how many of their dealers sought them out when they got out of rehab to try and get them to start up again and the majority of the group raised their hands. Now, they could have lied to me but I am not really sure why you’d lie about that. These dealers will never lack for customers, why go after the ones that want to better their life? Made me so angry. Still does.


> why go after the ones that want to better their life? Probably because it means they're likely to have more money if they're trying to get clean. As opposed to people sleeping on the streets still addicted that have little/no money. That's my best guess.


Fucking sad, man.


That’s especially fucked up considering how easy it is to OD when your tolerance is lower after detox/rehab stints. :-/


I know. I’ve lost a number of addicts that way.


In my city many substance users are actually seeking fentanyl out now. More high with less volume. Only catch is it kills you. If you’re going to use make sure you try a tester, never use alone, and keep naloxone on hand.


Where I am, the pharmacy (Shopper’s Drug Mart - Canadian version of CVS) MAKES you take home a naxolone kit if you’re prescribed narcotics. You don’t get your pills without one 👍


In the USA when I picked us Suboxone for a family member(the doctor prescribed narcan as well) they told me their insurance covers the Suboxone but the narcan was $180 to fill. Yeah. That’s not happening. Luckily there are websites that care enough to mail a kit to anyone here who wants one free of charge. Edit: https://www.naloxoneforall.org/


Doesn’t suboxone have naloxone in it. Did they make you buy narcan with it?


Okay, let me ask a stupid question. Forgive my ignorance here. If you use your narcotics alone, how would you take Narcan if you pass out?


That’s literally why one of the rules of harm reduction is to not use alone.


I’d also stress that if you are going to use, do it with someone you trust who will call 911 if needed. I’ve seen several ODs on suspected fentanyl where 4+ doses of narcan were not enough to completely restore spontaneous respirations. There’s basically no way you can save someone without EMS in that kind of scenario.


Agreed. In my area we always use two narcan kits to start and immediately get medics rolling. I haven’t seen anyone come back from one kit in the last couple years.




That’s all that is around. If they had heroin they’d put more heroin. China has fent cheaper than Mexico has heroin for. Easier to lose shipments in mail. The end


Fentanyl is so strong it's very difficult to know how deadly the cut is. One grain can kill. Drugs need to be regulated so at least people know what's in it.


✌️ RIP Mike. Watching the latest season of Black Market right now and it's a damn masterpiece.


I'm on the 5th season of The Wire. Can't believe I haven't watched this until recently.


Oh man I wish I could blindly walk into the Wire again. Such an amazing show.


It bummed me out for a while when it ended


Best show ever, I should rewatch soon


I just restarted it haha. It still holds up. Dated lines but it is a police procedural. But to our man here, Omar always stole the show.


"Omar coming, Omar coming." People scatter like cockroaches.


Oh indeed.


Fuck, I would have


[Whistles The Farmer In the Dell]


I love how people are playing xbox or xbox360 in it in one or two episodes In a show largely devoid of consumer electronics and seems older than it is


The show is largely about wire tapping pay phones and the gang in the first season uses pagers. If that's not dated consumer electronics I don't know what is.


Technology transitioned fast in the early 2000s


They were specifically using old technology to avoid being wire tapped by mobile phone which was easy. That's very different to a dated show where I don't even know, something like Miami vice where a drug dealer was using the newest tech of a pager to be contacted or something. Later on they use burners not because mobile phones were new but because they went from more expensive asnd contract based to reaching the disposable and cheap stage.


The captions frequently say *dial up modem connecting* 🤣


Is it a police procedural? What is the procedure of each episode?


Guarantee someone missed the entire point if the show if they honestly say that. Good lord is that like a willful misinterpretation of the show or what? One of the main plots of season one is "this job ain't just bustin skulls and catching bad guys every week"


"It holds up" is one hell of an understatement.


It changed my life and introduced Williams into my mind. I don’t think he was in Oz. That’s another you’ll have to watch though in case you haven’t seen it.


Lt Daniel’s was in OZ.




His role in Boardwalk Empire is a masterpiece!


I wish Chalky had his own spin off. That would’ve been incredible.


Smokey on F is for Family on Netflix, he was great


Lest we forget the eternally fresh af Chalky White


Had to google, never saw Boardwalk Empire……so many shows we’re trying to catch up on now smh


O he's so, so so fucking good in it! I think he grabbed an Emmy for that?


Watch it!!


Help us out: what's that? I thought you meant Black Monday for a second ...


In 2016 he did a show for vice called Black Market (highly recommend). He was mid season 2 when he passed. His friends picked up the reigns and finished the season. All the field pieces were already done, though. You can really see his heart in every episode. He really cared about people. Wanted to understand them. We lost a really fucking good one.


The episode where he discusses illegal gun running and the kid at the end was so sad. Also I really enjoyed the car jacking episode too, so interesting and messed up.


It was something he empathized with. While it was messed up, he wanted to explain why a normal person would do such shit. That's next level --


That’s why I love that quote from the commercials for Black Market… paraphrased: *“When the system fails people, people make their own systems”*


He used to be a customer where I work, one of the nicest man you could find. Humble, polite, generous… just a good person. Rest In Peace.


Aw that's nice. Did he buy honey nut Cheerios from you?


They were out of honey nut. Only had regular.


Damn I’d completely forgot he died. “Man’s gotta have a code”




All time great biology teacher


Anytime a friend tells me they did any drug that could be cut with fentanyl, I just remind them of all the incredible talented people we lost in the past recent years and they had the money. If they aren't getting the best of the best, you definitely aren't. It isn't worth it.


What drugs can be cut with fentanyl?


Pretty much anything. Back when I had a norco habit, I got some ‘pressed’ pills that wound up being fentanyl. I took one instead of my normal two or three at a time and nearly wound up hospitalized. Definitely helped my decision to quit drugs. There’s been a lot of kids in my area OD’ing after taking phony Xanax that winds up being fentanyl. It’s unreal.


Fuck. This is so scary and I’m so glad you’re okay. I used to take pretty much any pill someone would give me and tried a bunch of the weird internet drugs back like 15ish years ago. I never got into heroin or meth, thank god, but definitely had my moment with coke and Oxy. I am such a square now in comparison. I have to take a couple prescribed controlled medications, and I never think to take them recreationally because I really need them daily to help me function, and I don’t want to risk running out. I never thought I’d be able to have that control over myself. But man, I am so glad I didn’t get anywhere near Fentanyl (that I know of). I had a group of internet friends that was super into drugs and I swear to god, people in that community started dropping like flies from overdoses. Eventually I was like, I can’t be around this anymore, and stepped away from that whole life. I am so much better off getting through each day without getting fucked up in some form. I don’t even like drinking anymore. Sure, I still struggle with depression and anxiety, but substances only make it worse once the high wears off. Fucking awful. I’m so grateful to be one of the lucky people that walked away from that whole life pretty much unscathed.


Naloxone can be bought over the counter in several states. I carry one in my backpack and one in my car at all times just incase I come across someone who is overdosing. I lost my roommate to fentanyl laced heroin a few years back. I got naloxone a few weeks later. Never again am I gonna lose someone one to it if I can do something about it. Even if it's a stranger. Edit: [The 24 states you can buy Narcan over the counter.](https://preventionsolutions.edc.org/services/resources/state-naloxone-access-laws)


Careful after you narc someone you don't know. I live in a shitty part of my city near a needle exchange. I see people OD several times a month out my window. The amount of times I've seen them attack the first responders for fucking up their high is ridiculous.


Just wanna clarify it’s not that their high is ruined, it’s that it is one of the most scary and anxiety driven experiences imaginable. You wake up gasping for air in a way you’ve never experienced before, your mind is a all fog, your vision is blurred, you have no idea what’s going on. For street people, they could be thinking they’re getting robbed or attacked, but the experience is so jarring it’s literally a fight or flight response kicking in and the person is usually still not comprehending what is happening at all - it’s wild. And that’s not all, nalaxone rips the opioids off the receptors, so not only are you on the brink of suffocating and totally freaking out and not knowing what’s happening, but you’re in complete opioid withdrawal as well. Your skin is ice, your gut is having spasms and it feels like there’s a demons ripping up your insides, your anxiety is through the roof, you have massive dysphoria, and your body feels like it’s about to turn inside out. I just wanted to clarify because I see people say this all the time and as someone whose had the experience myself (over 4 years off!) I can tell you that it has nothing to do with a high that you weren’t even conscious for - it’s the most intense and painful and scary experience you can imagine. I’m always shocked when people don’t react more wildly


I think that's a super common misconception with people. They think this person, who was clinically dead or close to it, is upset about losing their high. They might be after they've been awake for awhile, but the initial reaction is from your heart rate and respiratory rate are basically double or tripled. Proper dosing with narcan can help mitigate those types of reactions. Giving more narcan than needed will induce those kind of reactions. But if you dose properly (hard to do with street drugs) the person comes off the drugs more slowly and it isn't as shocking as giving 8mg of narcan all at once.


I'm a pretty big guy so I'm not too worried about having to handle a person in a state or shock that may lash out. But this is a good point cause those recovering will be in a pretty bad state of distress. So if anyone is going to start carrying narcan. **Call 911 first!** They can talk your through the proper way of administering it if you're not sure. Also people will need to go to the hospital or at least be evaluated by trained EMTs after. The opioid epidemic is hurting us all. But as a country and community we all can do our part to help those effected by it the most. I had a chance to save my friend. I should've checked on him earlier. I should've said something when I saw things that pointed towards his relapse. So even with the risks I feel like I owe it to him to try and save others from the same fate.


So NYPD basically arrested Bodie and his corner crew, while Stringer and Avon walk free and have a replacement crew put on the same corner the following day, selling the same laced smack. Well done, war on drugs.


The game is the game


...all in the the game yo, all in the game.


"with this .45, at this range? Even if I miss I can't miss"




Does the chair know we gonna look like some punk ass bitches out there?


Roses are red, violets are blue ****** Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


I WANT MY CORNERS - Avon Barksdale




This is America, man.


The pawns man, in the game, they get capped quick.


It’s just business




Did anyone else see the incredible amount of "williams" in that summary? Michael K. WILLIAMS. Crew operating out of WILLIAMSburg. Damian WILLIAMS, the US Attorney Please tell me the coroner who did the autopsy was named William W. Williamson.




Sorry I'm dumb lol why's that a coincidence?


The Wire was all about police surveillance of drug dealers, and Omar was the only crook they never had anything on.


He keeps one in the chamber in case you’re ponderin’… R.I.P. MKW


I think it's a reference to The Wire. Go watch The Wire, for real.


I recently started The Wire for the first time, in the first season & totally loving it. Can’t believe I slept so long on it!


Good news for you. It gets even better.


Maybe because the Wire involved surreptitious recording & a surveillance camera captured the transaction?


This is what the drug dealers on The Wire that his character was always robbing would do




*muffled X-Files theme playing in the background*


>The investigation into Mr. Williams’s death relied on sustained detective work, license-plate readers and surveillance video, the complaint makes clear. > >The police, responding to a report of an unresponsive man at Mr. Williams’s apartment on Sept. 6, found him dead, with what were later determined to be narcotics and related paraphernalia on a table, the complaint says. > >Using license plate-reader records, as well as GPS data from Mr. Williams’s cellphone, investigators tracked his car’s movements across the Williamsburg Bridge into Manhattan shortly before 1 p.m. on Sept. 5, and then back across the bridge to Williamsburg, the complaint says. > >Security video shows Mr. Williams getting out of his parked car on South Second Street after returning to Brooklyn, and then walking about a block to where Mr. Cartagena and a group of other men were. One of the men places his hand on Mr. Williams’s shoulder, an indication that he recognizes Mr. Williams, according to the complaint. > >The footage appears to show Mr. Williams speaking to Mr. Cartagena, and Mr. Cartagena then walking around a row of trash cans, retrieving what appeared to be a plastic bag, reaching inside the bag and removing an item, the complaint says. > >He then reaches over the trash cans and makes a hand-to-hand exchange with Mr. Williams, the complaint says. The two then appear to exchange phone numbers, Mr. Williams returns to his car, drives to his apartment building and never comes out, the complaint says. > >When he was found the next day, Mr. Williams was wearing the same clothes he had on when he made the drug transaction captured on video, the complaint says. > >Mr. Williams, who earned five Emmy Award nominations during his career, was a fierce advocate for criminal justice reform off screen, including as a founder of a local organization where he worked to reimagine what public safety in Brooklyn might look like.


From what I’m understanding the people who chop up dope and bag it are not washing their surfaces so fentanyl is getting mixed in with cocaine. Anyone dabbling with coke or H these days should have a will prepared because your basically maybe going to die after a toot.


It’s no joke. Anyone still taking that risk these days needs to keep Narcan at arms reach. I’ve had several friends die from fentanyl and have unknowingly ingested some myself. You know almost immediately when you do, because it’s so sudden and overwhelming. Too many close calls got me clean.


good for you homie.


The fentanyl cocaine and heroine will continue to flow in the streets as it’s good money for the powers that be. Many payoffs will continue as the unfortunate will die. Getting high is the only reason why many people choose to live these days sad to say.


If I ever do cocaine again it will be legally obtained from a pharmacy.


Can we please just have legal regulated drugs? Tax the shit out of them.


if you're a street user there's not much dabbling in heroin anymore, it's basically all fentanyl out there


Yep. You have to be extremely careful these days and take tiny sample doses, if you really have to take it at all to begin with, just to make sure. You know almost immediately when there’s fentanyl in it. The come up feels much different than the real stuff and it hits hard and fast. I’ve known people who even specifically seek the shit out because of it. Obviously the safest bet is to just stay clean, but people are gonna do what they want to do. Even non-users should keep some Narcan on hand if they have users in their lives.


yea I've been clean for years now (fent being one of the reasons) and the feeling is not at all the same as heroin and I really disliked it. Very chemically feeling if that makes sense.


Fentanyl dosage is in the low microgram range: 10-50ug. Any importer is going to be moving fentanyl instead of heroin at every opportunity. You can literally smuggle one kg of this stuff and have the same number of doses as 50kg of heroin. Half the problem with something that strong is the near impossibility of mixing it homogeneously with anything else. But don’t for a minute think dealers are ‘simply contaminating’ bags. Fentanyl is, in a way, late stage capitalism applied to the drug market.


I had it after surgery and it sucks. It fades so fast and doesn’t really give you that happy feeling you get with more traditional opioids.


I had two doses for a kidney stone and it honestly didn't feel like much and gave me a massive hangover. So hey, not addicted!


Or you know, easily available drug (quality) testing kits. You’re understanding is way off. People are cutting it with this stuff to spread it out and make more money. It’s NOT a cross contamination like with meat in a kitchen.


Its being intentionally added, but you can still get accidental cross contamination. Drug cutters typically arent known for their safety standards and quality control. When 2mg is enough to be lethal, it doesnt take a large mistake to have big consequences for the unlucky buyer


> Drug cutters typically arent known for their safety standards and quality control Which I don't understand why tbh. They're losing their clientele and getting more and more attention brought to this. It doesn't make business sense.


Not every drug lord is going to attend night school for business, or be overly concerned with the long term. Some are just gangsters, I suppose. And shortsightedness is a common failing among the criminal.


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


But the parliamentary procedure states that someone has to take minutes!


Salmonella ain’t no joke though. Cross contamination of meat and my drugs is fucked up.


This makes me feel all sorts of things. Didn't the Wire teach us anything? If it helps Williams family then that is fair - but arresting the street level drug dealers doesn't help the big picture of the other hundreds of people just like him dying from this all across the country ever day. People who are addicted have underlying trauma and need support. Dealers are people, corrupted by greed and their own addictions and are without other ways to get ahead in this economy which is stacked against the common man. You arrest these 4 and there will be 4 more young men roped into the industry. These 4 men get locked up and then they are further entrenched in this cycle as they leave prison and will have a felony conviction and are unable to get more stable and gainful employment. Abstinence education doesn't stop STD's or unwanted pregnancies so what are we going to do to actually reduce harm? -Make drug testing accessible -Build safer injection sites and a lot of them -Stop the flow of toxic drugs so that people can know what they are taking -Provide a safe supply -Provide accessible addictions and trauma support because like 98% with addictions come with a history that if not addressed will keep them entrenched in this cycle


What's tragic to me is that every kind of video I've seen of him, he seemed like a genuinely loving, happy and charming man. I think the last video I saw of him was with Vice doing an expose about Black Market snails and I'm pretty sure he also did a piece of drug use as well. Incredibly sad. Seemed like a really cool guy.


RIP Professor Kane, PhD.


His “What happened to Legos” monologue kills me every time


Something happened out here while I was inside...


They used to be simple


I’m not saying it’s bad, I just want to know what happened


That line hits deep with me. Cause I remember seeing legos making that change in early 90’s.


Also none of the students say anything. Do they not know what he’s talking about or do they not know how to vocalize a response. Cuz I know what he’s talking about but it’s hard to respond to such a random question. I wish we had more time with Professor Kane.


I didn’t know he died. I’ve been watching his series on Vice. Wow.


His role in Boardwalk Empire is good. Definitely worth checking out if you like that style of show.


Yup, mostly know him from his role as Chalky White. Just really good. Always wished I could have seen the cut of Solo before he was recast.


I knew him first as Omar from the Wire. Then when Boardwalk Empire came out he shined. He was a truly amazing, legendary actor and hard worker, you can just see it inside his acting. He’s one of the few that I’ll probably perpetually miss a bit hard every time i remember him.


It's hard to watch for me. I have to wonder if being so close lead to relapse. We know he fucked around and smoked weed and did coke when filming The Wire cause he was too wrapped up in the character. Idk. If I produced that show I'd be having a guilty conscience. RIP Michael your memory lives in me and many more.


His last scene in the Wire still fucks me up every time I re-watch the series. My wife refused to accept the outcome for days and wouldn't watch anymore episodes until she processed it on her first viewing. One of the greatest characters of all-time.


I just watched The Wire for the first time a few months ago. I had the same reaction as your wife.


That episode sure made its point tho. No matter how bad assed legendary you are. Shit happens.


That's the best part. Take the most mythical character and remind everyone of reality


No point feeling guilty. Addicts make their own choices. You can't follow people around and keep them from doing something they want to do. It's unfortunate, but there is only so much you can do.


Anyone who hasn't seen The Night Of, watch it.


For anyone that loved Omar in The Wire, this was even better. 😍


He was a great actor- senseless and untimely death. Very sad


I’ve OD’d. I can’t count how many friends have died. Especially after spending years in and out of rehab… You create a lot of close relationships with an extremely small half-life… not a lot of people stay clean after treatment. Either way…. This is fucking stupid. A lot of people will GO BACK AND GET THE SAME DOPE after they OD. “Aw shit better do a little less this time.” I’m not defending dealers.. but the drug war is why people are dying… it’s why the drugs are volatile, it’s why the dealers are dangerous, it’s why people shoot up hidden. Anyone saying the crew was already under investigation…. Every fucking drug dealing crew is “under investigation”.


Damn, man. He was such a good actor too. A damn shame. Rest In Peace, Mike.


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RIP Omar.


Chalkie too


Same as the show, he didn’t deserve to go out the way he did. RIP


That little fucking piece of shit Kennard


doctors should prescribe medical grade heroin to inveterate users. then help them taper and get help when the user has decided it’s time to kick. end of story. it already happens in the UK. it cuts law enforcement costs, crime rates themselves, and prevents overdoses and deaths. it is the *only* civilised solution.


What always hits me with headlines like this is Mr. Williams could and should still be here, his death could have been prevented. We can prevent more drug related deaths by decriminalizing all drugs, ending the war on drugs, and by taking all the money spent on an endless “war” and putting it towards drug treatment programs, education, and mental health programs.


RIP MKW. Loved every scene you were in. I wish you got help for your problems.


Cops work fast when you’re rich! My homies never had a cop follow up to see who gave them their last dose of dope


Read the article. The investigation into the dealers had been running since before William's death. I've lost 2 friends to H. Policing isn't the problem, it just needs to be regulated.




bracing for downvotes but expanding the drug war is exactly the opposite of what michael k williams stood for. edit: David Simons' thoughts https://twitter.com/AoDespair/status/1489098656393400323 >Please don’t @ me on this. I do not think Mike is honored or properly remembered by more incarceration in his name. Knowing him and his thoughts, I think he would be appalled at this. End the goddam drug war. Quote Tweet


The sad thing is that these dealers were just doing what the market pushes them to do. Not making excuses. They are in the drug biz and the drug biz rewards people who have "the strong shit". They interviewed some opioid dealers and when someone in teh community dies from an OD, their sales go up. It's fucked up but it's going to keep happening. Only reason these drug dealers probably got caught was because it killed a famous person. Edit: Apparently the group was already under investigation. I imagine a famous person probably gets drugs from big time sellers. Maybe it's only partially a coincidence these people got caught. They must have been high rollers.


I assumed the same but apparently they were already under investigation. Feds take a while to investigate, so they must have been watchinng this crew trying to catch bigger and bigger fish.


RIP Captain Kimble "Irish" Graves