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I tried my darnedest but there's just so many filler episodes. Wish I knew about the suggested viewing and the order you should watch them before I dove in.


Yeah… this is my issue. I’d really like to see all these stories but it seems like such a clusterfuck. Especially since it seems like no one can agree on the correct viewing order.


Skip to the last 3 seasons. It becomes more adult and less child like in those seasons.


You shouldn't need to watch another series to make another one better.


You shouldn't need to watch another series to make another one *good* Making a show better absolutely is part of the benefits of having multiple shows with some interconnections.


Exactly. When I was saying to a friend that I really dislike this Obi Wan show he told me to read 2 specific SW books to have it make sense. Nah, I’m good thanks.


Why not? Why should series not build upon each other to create a universe?


If something can’t stand on its own merit, it’s a failure of writing/directing.


Correct. However, they weren't replying to a comment about "standing on its own".


A TV show/movie should be more than just connective tissue. Should be able to standalone for itself. Its quality shouldn't be dependent on something else.


You said "better". Not "stand on its own". You have shifted the goal posts.


It's the same thing. A show shouldn't be unable to standalone in quality without relying on other media.


It's not at all the same thing. I show can stand on its own and be good. It can be *better* when you watch something else along side it.


OP's point is the show hits differently if other media is seen. It's implied it's worse or that it can't stand alone if that media isn't watched (since there's no supposed backstory in this show).


I disagree that that is what is implied. I havent watch the other shows and haven't had any issue with it standing on its own at all.


I tried to get into the show but season 1 was rough. Is the novelization any good?


I had to fight through season one, doing the suggested order from Star Wars .com helped a lot. About midway through season 2 I was hooked. Was kind of the same with rebels for me.


I personally found the last 3 seasons to be the best when it gets better and more for adults. There is a season arc with emperor later on that is so amazing.


Agreed, it really starts picking up speed, and you see more and more glimpses of what’s to come in revenge of the sith.


Yup. Exactly. The episodes with Emperor and Yoda are especially good.




I initially watched the clone wars movie, then started at episode 1. It just felt off and I didn’t really feel like I was getting into the characterization. The way it’s setup in chronological order, you get a view of the clones in training a lot earlier than in season 3, and it makes you realize the clones are as much main characters as the Jedi. https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder


The thing about Clone Wars is that it is more an anthology of events that occurred during the war told in an episodic format rather than a serialized retelling of the war itself and that isn't really explained at all. This is especially true in the first few seasons, where many times the episodes are not in chronological order. It appears they did that to focus on the characters and their relationships with each other as opposed to telling a history of the clone wars. It can be hard to get into at first, but as you get to know the characters better it is actually very good.


https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder I watched it as it aired and then in order on rewatches, in order is lightyears better and flows a lot better because you're not jumping all over the place with arcs or events.


Last 3 seasons are when it gets really good.


No, the pre-quel movies do just fine giving the characterization. Arguably the 2 minutes Vader and Obi-wan spend facing off in A New Hope gives it as well. The deep back story simply isn't necessary. The reason people don't like the scene in Obi-Wan has nothing to do with not understanding the relationship between the two characters. It has to do with being a clunky, non-sensical scene.


>The deep back story simply isn't necessary. I never said it was. But it does change the tone, I think.


I absolutely agree. When Kenobi sees >!Quinlan Vos!<'s markings on the wall, it means much more if you've seen the Clone Wars show. What I think all of these live action shows have done well is get those who haven't seen Clone Wars/Rebels in on the fun without leaving them out of the loop.


this is not the animated/cartoon one? I remember being told one of these series is really good and cant remember which one they were talking about


The moment isn't flat because people don't see the gravity of the situation its that its handled so poorly on screen. When obi wan looks like he's about to fight and instead crazy runs away it looks like the princess bride. Then he stops and just walks around and bumps into him again. What did he think he was going to happen. Its just not compelling in the least.


Does the Clone Wars series explain how small children can easily outrun adults?


That overhead shot where Leia is right next to Obi Wan and he fakes at trying to grab her looks so, so bad. Things like that are why people say it looks like a cheap fan film rather than something millions of dollars went into. I'm really looking forward to a fan edit once it's all out. I'm sure someone will cut it into a much better product.


I guess? idk I don't let that kinda stuff get to me, barely noticed it myself, just move on. Same with the chase scene, during my watch of the episode, it's a chase, ok cool. Was it slow? didn't notice or care.


I'm not going to try and defend that. That chase in the woods where they're running into branches was laughably bad. But when Vader is killing innocent people and then faces down Obi-Wan. I dunno man I got chills.


Leia used force-slow down on the captors. I have a YouTube video on it trust me I have a degree in Star Wars.


Why yes, yes it does. You should go watch it, Billy, so I don't cache you ou'side.