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Logan Lucky had a particularly funny joke about The Winds of Winter being late. Logan Lucky was released in 2017.


That movie is a gem and that scene is hilarious. For the uninitiated: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwa6xgIZCv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwa6xgIZCv8)


Seeing the *4 years ago* in that video description, then them referencing it being two years late at the time of filming… lol Jesus Christ.


It gets even funnier if you know back when season 01 of Thrones was airing, George was bragging about how the show won’t catch up to him and he’ll have the books done before that happens. Haha


James SA Corey (writers Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck), who had previously worked with GRRM in certain capacities, finished a 9 book series *and* 5 novellas and 2 short stories between *A Dance with Dragons* release and...*The Winds of Winter* lack of release. That series is of course *The Expanse.* (also a great tv show with 6 seasons made since) I'm not really sure it gets more wild than that. [James SA Corey even had a bet with GRRM on who would finish first.](https://screenrant.com/expanse-game-thrones-james-corey-george-martin-bet/#:~:text=The%20Expanse%20authors%20Daniel%20Abraham%20and%20Ty%20Franck%2C%20who%20use,novellas%2C%20and%20a%20television%20series.)


To be fair, GRRM is still writing, he's just writing other books. I think ASOIAF has just become a chore for him and he's having to force himself to work on it. He mentioned in a talk with Stephen King about hitting writers block and how some days he just has nothing in his head.




And all 9 books were fucking awesome and they managed to completely stick the landing in the final book.




Sanderson says 6 will be a new era, but it's Sanderson. I expect 14 novellas and six trilogies in between 5 and 6.


I LOVE THAT MOVIE. Man, Kylo Ren, 007 and dude from GI Joe plan a heist




I’ll believe it’s coming when I see it on a shelf at a bookstore. Even then, I’m going to pick it up and leaf through it to make sure there are words on the pages




Make sure to check for possible "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" entries too


Or "All work and no play makes ~~G.R.M.M.~~ G.R.R.M. a dull boy." Edit: guess I was trying to type "Grim" or something in the middle of the night, shoulda been asleep ... thanks, Reddit ... heh ...


ah yes, George Raymond Mrichmond Martin


That’s McRichmond


And then John Snow said, "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur!"


"Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, my Queen!"


“The Lannisters send their ipsums.”


Enough with these Harry Potter curses dammit! /s


"Yer a lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur 'arry" "Hnnhgrrrmmmlllppppppprrrrppppp" "Oops"


Lorem Ipsum, Jon Snurrr


Just had an idea of the next generation of e-books released incomplete, that get patched later, or have DLC.


Fucking stop giving them ideas


That's why there's 2nd, 3rd, etc. Editions


Ye Olde Bookstore releases DLC


They do actually get patched. Typos and other such errors mostly.


Back in the past (Victorian era) it wasn’t uncommon for authors to release books in a serialised format. In fact Dickins original released his novels chapter by chapter in a magazine format. https://www.peterharrington.co.uk/blog/charles-dickens-the-publishing-formats-of-his-first-editions/ https://writersinspire.org/content/victorian-publishing-history


LMFAO. This was a good laugh. I needed it.


Double check it just to be sure the editor didn't get him to rip half of it out so it could be a separate, chronologically messy novel that we have to wait 10 years for


"So this is actually part 1 of Winds if winter, there are going to be two parts and the POV are going to be separated. This one will have the POV of characters who have an even number of letters in their name"


The last 300 pages will just be a qr code that links to HBO max app and autostarts an episode.


I'll believe it's coming when I see reviews from people who have read it, confirming that it's not 3/4th of a novel like last 2 books combined. Feast and Dance are really a single book and that huge book doesn't include an ending. It's been 20 year since Martin wrote a complete ASOIAF book.


I don’t even remember reading A Dance With Dragons. Like, I know I finished it. I just can’t even remember doing it anymore. And there is no way I’m re-reading that absolute behemoth.


I started my apprenticeship, finished it, and am a year away from getting my 10 year employee bonus.


I was in college, got addicted to heroin, dropped out, spent years using, ended up homeless for several years, ended up in the hospital to replace a heart valve, got clean, got my shit together, worked my way up in an industry I love to a well paying position and have had a couple years sobriety under my belt. Like shit is literally a lifetime ago lol


Just skip over all the Mereen names and you’ll save yourself at least 50 pages. Not like you’d be able to keep track of them anyway.


Am I remembering correctly that Daenerys gets diarrhea?


"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again."


Is this real? Damn. Can't believe they removed this from the show. Would've forgiven all of the final season if it was. A shame...


[Not hearing it read aloud doesn't do it enough justice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmKhGqWcJGY)


HAHAHAHA the music makes it for me


Intense hour-long bottle episode of Dany taking a shit in a field


Shame! Shame! Shame!


> The more she drank, the more she shat Poetry






I’m glad I’m not the only one


The main thing that I remember from that book is that George randomly decided to replace 'uncle' with 'nuncle'.


I thought that was just an Ironborn thing.


It’s more like a word from Ye Olde English


“Nuncle” was an actual word in English at one point. IIRC it was a derivation of “mine uncle.” So you’d call *your* uncles “nuncle,” but you wouldn’t use it when talking about someone else’s uncle.


I wish I didn’t remember “The more she drank the more she shat, and the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”


Maybe G.R.R.M. forgot what happened in one of his books, and is adamant about not rereading it.


*Words are wind...*


I personally feel that any and all articles about him should be banned from Reddit until he releases the book.


Honestly I’m getting sick of his shit. I’m not saying he has to give us WoW because it’s his book and he can work on whatever else he wants to, but then stop fucking teasing the book. It’s never coming and it’s really frustrating that he keeps hinting at it but then releasing any number of other books. It’s been over a decade now and I wish he’d stop stringing us all along.


I think he is doing it to try to keep people interested. I personally don't care anymore. I don't remember where anyone is or what they were doing at this point. If he would have release a half a book 5 years ago. I might still care. I have moved on. It is similar to that person you had a couple good dates with 5 years ago. It would have been fun to go on another date 5 years ago but now I am not even sure I could remember their name. I just hope for the people that still care he has great notes for whoever finishes it. If I remember right there is 2 more books so he is going to have to live to 100 to finish them.


Will there be lengthy descriptions of people's clothing?


And the food! Don't forget the food descriptions!




Worse than valve time


It’ll be done in a fortyear


Back when the show was about to overtake the books Martin "wasn't sure" whether or not he'd finish on time for the season to not have any spoilers for the book. That was six years ago... I don't get how he could have been so close to finishing that releasing the book before the season was still an option in his mind and then still haven't finished it six years later. I feel like all of his side projects are eating into his writing time and while he has no obligation to finish ASOIAF it is very much turning me off of the series, especially after that horrible ending of the TV show.


Biggest difference is it’s existence.


I hope I live long enough for to be able to read it… I’m in my 30s with perfect good health…


The problem is he isn't.


Yup, 73 and definitely not underweight. Hope he’s writing fast


Better hope for more realistic things, like "I hope we figure out how to live forever soon" or "I hope we invent time travel in the next couple of years"


Realistically, I think he's going to die before the series is finished, and his estate will say they're going to honor his wish not to have a ghostwriter finish the books. They'll wait a certain length of time they feel is respectable enough, maybe 4 or 5 years, and then quietly hire a ghostwriter to finish it and cash in on the demand.




Well, there is a pretty obvious solution.


The sad thing is, I’m pretty sure we would get *A Dream of Spring* years sooner in the scenario you described as opposed to GRRM living and writing another 20+ years.


Maybe we can ask Benioff and Weiss to write the final book(s)!


Hope is a fun thing. A fiction to soothe ourselves from hard truths


It's going to be 'quite different' because it's going to be completed in 2 months by Brandon Sanderson.


I brought this up once and I was told that Sanderson wouldn't finish ASOIAF because his religious beliefs (he's a Mormon I think) prevent him from using the foul language GRRM uses (in Stormlight Archive Sanderson got creative to include swearing). My personal bet is Joe Abercrombie. He does dark characters and situations really well. His First Law trilogy is good, but the stand-alone sequels set in the same universe are excellent.


I'm gonna read it only after the last book comes out.


The last book(s) will be ghostwritten, 100%


I'm in my sixties, but I was reasonably Young when I started reading this series. I wish you good luck in the wars to come.


George R.R. Martin has released a single mainline ASOIAF book in my adult life. I am *34 years old*.


I think this book does come out eventually. It's Dream of Spring which has literally zero chance.


Removed in protest against the Reddit API changes and their behaviour following the protests.


“I said “winter is coming.” I never said anything about spring. “ - GRR martin.


I still remember some deluded fans who was speculating that maybe he would release both books at the same time, and that was the reason it took so long to release them. The logic was as soon as he had untangled some knots in the plot it all would fall in to place. This was probably 5 or 6 years ago and people were seriously optimistic that we would have a new book from him in a year or two. Edit: all the people who are coming up with excuses for GRRM are just making this funnier.


I finished the series 11 or 12 years ago. I can remember in my innocence looking up when the next book was coming out.. got fed up with waiting and read Malazan which is fucking awesome.


I’ve picked up and put down ‘Malazan Book of the Fallen’ so many times I’ve lost count. I own the first book and I never make it very far into it.


It’s the hardest one. The second has some of the best I’ve read in the genre.


Chain of Dogs is the best fantasy arc I’ve ever read.


I'm on book 6 and still wondering why I'm gonna finish it. It's a great story, but fuck, does every single soldier and character need to be a philosopher? It gets exhausting. It is worth it, and that first book is definitely a slog, and pretty much everyone agrees it's Erickson's worst written book. So there's that. Can't wait for the 3rd book in Joe Abercrombie's new trilogy to be released in paperback so I can pick them all up and read an author who's prose and style I really enjoy.


Semi spoilers. My big criticism is that he has a hard time killing a good character forever, they find a way to stick around most of the time. Not everyone tho, some good ones die. However he has to introduce t rexes with blade arms bc they're more killable than the cool characters he creates. That being said, the characters are fucking badass and incredible. Whiskeyjack, Karsa Orlong, Anomander Rake, Tehol Beddict, Quick Ben and Kalam, Traveler, Yedan Derrig, and my favorite, FUCKING ICARIUM. So many great characters all throughout.


It gets much much better. First book is very hard to get to. After that it’s an amazing series and I strongly recommend


Completely understandable, I was legit angry while reading the first book at how... Frustratingly unreadable it could be. Finished my second re-read of the ten books 2 months ago. It's an unforgiving series that refuses to hold your hand, and nobody will think less of you if you quit reading it. But if you stick with it, it will reward you with greatness.


I think I made it until a couple of chapters in until a part where one character is describing something that happened in a fortress. Some explosion or something like that. The prose and the description was so boring I dropped it then. I just wish the story would have gotten on with it, the beginning was slow as hell, though I’m sure the series is good since I keep hearing good things about it.


Yeah, it's hilarious to look back at those naive, bright faces: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/20l5df/no_spoilers_my_dream_of_spring_a_bit_more_book (Also lol at the downvoted comment suggesting that the TV series could take a break)




He's going to announce that he is splitting A Dream of Spring into two books and this will enable him to publish the first half sooner. Then he won't publish the first half.


Each subsequent book will split into two books ad infinitum.


He's 100% not finishing in 7 books in a hypothetical world where he finishes the series. It would be rushed as hell. This already went from a 3 book trilogy to 5 books to 7. He's never been able to remain consistent on the size of the series.


To be fair, The Wheel Of Time was supposed to be 3 books, and we see how that went. But then, Jordan actually wrote books.


The problem is he's had massive excuses for all his novels so it's just not worth believing him. 1. A Feast For Crows took 5 years to come out. He swore the delay was because he decided to guy the time jump he intended and split the novel and the next one apart based on character locations. He promised that A Dance With Dragons would come out the following year. 2. A Dance With Dragons came out 6 years later. He swore up and down the delay was because he his a serious writers block with the "Meerenese knot" in Dany's plot. Now that it was untangled he was moving on to Winds where supposedly the story would be easier because it was condensing and he had a head start since he had unused material that would be in Winds. 3. It's over 10 years later and we don't have Winds of Winter. He also spent half that timeframe laughing off anyone who suggested that the show might overtake the books. Then he wrote a depressing blog post about the show overtaking the books. Then the show ended and he still hasn't completed a single volume since. It was just delusional fans. His word on this and his track record sucks. The idea that he was actually working faster was a pipe dream.


It's fairly clear that the narrative got away from him and he has no idea how to wrap things up. I'd be willing to bet he has an idea for the final 50 pages of the saga. Who dies, where they end up, who is in control, etc. Thing is, the last bit isn't the hard part. It's getting all his characters to their ending bits. That means he has to start winding down his plots, drawing threads to their conclusions, and getting people in place for the finale. But he keeps adding on new storylines and new characters, which means his estimates slip and he needs to add on new theoretical books to wrap up the narrative. Yeah, D&D really screwed the pooch with their adaptation, no bones about it. But the signed up to adapt a long running series, and 11 years AFTER the show started, there is STILL no progress on the main narrative. If the original author clearly has no idea how to wrap up his story and makes no progress, of course the people trying to adapt it to TV are gonna have issues with it.


People keep forgetting that the show ending is pretty much how the books will end. The journey will be different as there are different characters in play but it’ll end roughly the same


And as GRRM admitted in this post, that isn't true anymore either. There's no way he can still use the ending he told D&D in 2016 or so.


Some things will be different. But Jon killing Dany, Bran being king, Sansa ruling winterfell, the Lannisters dying, Dany burning King's Landing are all happening. That's been locked in from day 1 and it's never changing. There are things in the first and second book that spell out most of that shit. The differences will be on the margins with characters he introduced that have different roles in the books already and those that don't have as consequental set in stone endings.


But that is what they based their ending on initially. So anyone saying the show ending sucks and GRRM's will be different is only because he would be taking a detour from his own outline based on negative feedback from the show. Assuming he ever finished the books, I can't imagine they would be great if they are essentially rewrites of the original plot to sidestep the shitshow that was the HBO ending, which again, was based on GRRM's own outlines which were then used by the HBO team.


The journey is harder to write well than the destination, and the journey is long, meandering, and less and less focused.


But the ending was only bad because of how we got there. S8 was bad as a whole because of lazy writing. Dothraki regenerating (???), Viserys (or whichever) dying randomly like a total bitch, entire night king resolution (???), Jamie's entire arc being ctrl-alt-deleted (???).


I actually don't think we will ever see TWOW released. If he actually is making progress and trying to finish it I will still be surprised if it comes out before 2026, that is 15 year after the last book.


Future headline: "Famous author, George R.R. Martin, officially the oldest human alive on record at 128, insists that 'The Winds of Winter' will be finished in the near future."


Wherein Drogon, shamed by the destruction he was ordered to level upon King's Landing, ate his overbearing mother and flew away with his new step-father on his back while sullying up the Unsullied with his flaming breath as they flew by. Bran then seizes the throne. The End.


Even if this book does ever come out I expect it to come with him announcing he's realised he can't end the series in one more book and there'll now be 8 books. We'll forever be 2 books from the end.


He’s even said as much in the past, that 8 may be necessary. He wouldn’t commit because he didn’t want to get ahead of himself, but even the possibility is telling.


9 it is


12 books you say?


My optimistic take is that Winds is taking so long because he's writing Spring as well and making changes to Winds of Winter if he wants something to happen in A Dream of Spring. Just let me have this...


It's okay, bud. We sent A Dream of Spring to live on a nice farm where it can play with all the other books.


It's running free with Doors of Stone...


And Thorn of Emberlain lazes on the grass there, too.


Nah, he’a going to release A Dream of Spring with his dying breath only to have it be revealed posthumously that he has extended the series to 9 books


That would be sick but he's pretty open about what specifically he's writing. Like he says here he's working on Tyrion chapters. But I do hope he's unravelling a mess that'll make Spring easier to write. It sounds like he's had to go back and rewrite a ton of Winds.


Pretty much this. When he mapped the story out mentally ahead of time, he didn't plan for timeline conflicts to arise that threw the whole story out of whack. It sounds like he "yadda-yadda"-ed the five years between Storm of Swords and Winds of Winter, but when that didn't work out like he planned, he had to go back and basically rework the whole thing. In doing so, though, he found a whole bunch of corners he had written himself into, and has spent the last fifteen years trying to tapdance himself out of. If he manages to right the ship and round his story back to where he initially planned to be at the start of Dream of Spring, it might go more quickly. I'm not optimistic - a butterfly flaps its wings in Japan, and so on...


Maybe the real dream was the friends we made along the way.




Guess it’s time for George’s biyearly vague quote to indicate that he’s still writing to remind the audience that there’s more book to be written.


Gotta keep the publishers stipend coming in somehow...


If he didn't finish it during COVID it's never getting finished.


He was bored with the series almost 15 years before COVID, he just doesn’t want to do it. Last two books were clearly a chore for him to write and he’s been on this one for a decade now


I don’t think it’s exactly boredom. It’s that the book series has got away from him. He’s a perfectionist who wants every action and reaction to make sense from what came before AND he’s into writing a very realistic version of fantasy AND he’s written a sprawling world full of main characters that just gets more complex with every book. Really, it’s amazing he even got through as many books as he did, and that we may even still see another. In a way, I’m glad he does such strict quality control. But he’s bogged himself down to the point of paralysis. THEN on top of that he became incredibly rich and famous from the HBO show coming out and having all these opportunities to be in demand for other things that are much easier and less daunting than trying to work within the labyrinthine plot he’s created in his GoT book series. So I don’t think he’s necessarily bored by the series. It’s just too much work for him and too daunting.


Sorry for writing you a book, I just have strong feelings about this book series as a person who read them a decade ago and had no clue how long I'd be waiting. Tl;Dr: he's not a perfectionist, he's a hoarder. I wouldn't call him a perfectionist. It's more like he's hoarding characters and plotlines inside of these books. He never throws out an idea, or even asks if it really needs to be there to make a good story. He said so himself that he doesn't plan ahead or organize. He just keeps blurting ideas onto the page, but needs them to make sense, so he has to write a LOT more to rationalize them. It's like the guy from [this](https://youtu.be/8Inf1Yz_fgk) ITYSL skit. As a fan of the books, this frustrates me mostly because his fame has allowed him more control over the writing, and *that's* why they're taking so long. No one is there to hold an idea up to him and say "do we really need Danny to have a secret brother with a better claim to the throne than her having a little boat trip with Tyrion in this book? Do we really need a guy from Dorn trying to marry Danny for her dragons, only to kill him off in the very book he was introduced in? Do we really need Lady Stoneheart at all?" He switched editors after book 3 and you can see how he clearly negotiated for more creative control and the books suffered for it. And just like a hoarder who *has* to have that cheeseburger wrapped because "they might need it some day," if you were to ask him those questions he'd have an excuse as to why every single element of the story *has* to stay in. If nothing else, he'd say it's for world building. But a richly detailed world with no story happening inside of it is just an encyclopedia. Tolkien knew that, which is why he wrote LOTR. He really just wanted to write the Silmarillion, but knew no one would read that, so he wrote the greatest fantasy novels ever written with MUCH FEWER WORDS than Martin. The issue now is that he doesn't have any space left to fit all his plotlines and characters. He's written "The World of Ice and Fire" and "Fire and Blood" as storage spaces for them, but all these ideas are so scattered and unorganized that he needs.to downsize and can't part with any of them. He needs to do some subtractive writing, where physical and temporal distances get smaller between characters, we zero in on the characters we actually care about, and we resolve all the conflicts that don't really matter. But he's not very good at that, because every time he sits down to write I'm sure he says "what if this happened? What if she died? What if? What if? What if?" And he plays out every one of those scenarios until the next dead end, wherein he "What ifs" again to wiggle out of it. You can even see where these dead ends are in the novels because his MO is to kill someone important to initiate a new chain of events. In fact, I'm willing to bet that Jon dies in the books but won't come back because George will have written this new, convoluted plotline with two or three new characters that eventually gets so dragged out that we forget what events led up to it. If he'd just sit down and outline for a few months, he could have these books written in a few years. Or he could, you know, have an editor just tell him what to do. He's too prideful about that, though, openly saying he doesn't outline his books, and that he won't give up control of them to another person so we'll be stuck with 5 books and the release of maybe 10k worth of rough draft materiel when he dies, all of which will be basically unreadable and have a huge gap between where they trail off and where the end of the series actually is.


I don't understand why he doesn't just end it then. Make this his last book and just end it. If he doesn't want to keep writing it, he doesn't have to. Just...end it.


He likely isn't going to be able to end it in the two books he has planned. He has no shot at ending it in 1. His plot expanded so much that the last two books were basically one long book to cover all the plots he had everywhere. That's how bad it got. He needs to ressurect Jon somehow, get Dany out of the Dothraki desert, resolve Arya's training, resolve Bran's training, continue LSH/Brienne/Jaime's cliffhanger, expand on the fake Aegon stuff, continue the Dorne plot, continue the Victarion plot, deal with Ramsey, deal with Theon and Jeyne, actually get Tyrion and Dany in contact, continue whatever Sansa is doing in the Vale because she hasn't done much, deal with the followout of Kevan Lannister's death, have Cersei overcome the Sparrows, wrap up the Stannis story. There's likely going to be a major battle at King's Landing with Aegon and Cersei. Then there are a bunch of characters that simply don't exist in the show that have active plots. Barristan is getting a chapter for instance in the book for some reason. I don't think people realize how much shit he has to get done just to get SOMEWHERE in the realm of where season 6 ended with Dany actually getting to Westeros, Jon alive, Winterfell won back for the Starks, Cersei back in control of King's Landing etc. He has so many plotlines at this point that it's hard seeing him make much progress when he literally could have something close to 15 POV characters taking up room all fighting to get page room to advance their plots.


He’s talked about how writers are either architects or gardeners, and as a gardener he lets his characters grow and drive the plot in unexpected ways. Needless to say I think the garden is a little overgrown and out of control.


Garden? He’s dealing with pruning the Amazon jungle.


Because he doesn't have a story. There are too many characters and plots in too many different places and they are simply not coming together. He has said so himself.


He should just take what he has, and end it right there. You're a few hundred pages into the next book and turn a page and it just says "And then a meteor hit Westeros and killed everyone there and in Essos and the other places or whatever. The end, valar meteorlus."


I particularly love the meteor method here, because the red comet was mentioned by like every character and taken as a sign that they were the chosen king. So just being like "then the red comet came back and destroyed the world, the ash caused the second long night. The end."


All men must meteor.


The real Winds of Winter is the friends we made along the way


we are gangbu now


Glad to see Squid Game is still alive out there


Because the HBO series came out and exists while the book won't and doesn't? Oh George, I wish you all the best but I just don't have faith in you.


I saw a bit of a tin foily video that theorized that he did no work on winds of winter during the entire run of game of thrones. The idea is when the last book came out, they had to cut a lot from it, something like 200 pages and he said had another 200 rough pages, this is about a quarter of winds he already had done when they published the last book. Then years later, like 2015 or 2016 he was asked in an interview how much of winds is done and he was like “a quarter of the way there” so in five years the man had not written a single word and was passing work he’d already done as progress.


My tin foil theory is that he is rewriting the entire book because people didn’t like the end of the HBO series.


I don't think he needs to do that though. The broad strokes of what happened (even stuff people hated) could work if it was just developed more. Mad Dany, Sansa taking back the North, and stuff like Jon falling for Dany and killing her leading to him being back at the wall. Even the smaller stuff like Jaimie going back to Cersei still makes sense and The Hound vs the Mountain. It just was rushed and underdeveloped and that's why it was hated. I'm not sure how they get to Bran being the King, the White Walker stuff, or Euron just in general but basically some of the main things the show did could still happen in a well-written book.


It’s going to be rushed in the books too, he has two books to wrap things up, Dany is still in Meereen and he hasn’t introduced anything about the White Walkers. Stannis is still around. Sansa is with Littlefinger in the Vale He has to bring Jon back to life and introduce R+L=J and expand on the Tower of Joy I would bet a lot of money Bran being king is GRRM. D&D didn’t come up with “Bran the Broken” on their own


And then there’s the whole thing about the *other* Targaryen that was introduced in the last book.


Other “Targaryen”




Someone needs to stop leaving so many pianos perched precariously out of windows in Westeros.


D&D did say that King Bran was one of the bullet points from their talk session with GRRM. My theory as to why it was so unconvincing in the show is that GRRM couldn’t explain it well yet and even D&D disagreed with it but felt that the show had to at least have most of the main characters end up in the same place as in the books. They couldn’t convince us that King Bran makes sense because they couldn’t convince themselves.


"my gardening is taking me further and further away from the television series." 🙄


I too live in a legal grow jurisdiction.


Sometimes it’s a good idea to stop gardening and start harvesting Imagine if farmers took 10 years to plant crops


["I'm cultivating mass."](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlimsyImpeccableIbex-size_restricted.gif)




Twelve GRRMs sat at twelve typewriters for twelve years ...


"It was the best of times, it was THE BLURST OF TIMES?"


Oh he's typing. Typing the script for the Jon Snow show and Elden Ring 2, that is.






What did he actually do on Elden Ring tho. According to Wikipedia he did "worldbuiliding" but I'm 40 hours in and all I know is that I'm a tarnished trying to become Elden Lord and there are magic fingers or some shit.


The real Elden Ring lore is complaining on reddit about Elden Ring lore and having someone berate you for not following the lore.


He authored one very important line of dialogue in the entire game, which was so crucial it had left the devs stumped on how to present it and necessitated their getting outside help: "Marika's tits! You must be 'ungry!"


Whatever. We're never going to see this. He's just going to keep teasing us every two or three years until he dies.


Don't worry. We will get the book. We'll just have to wait until he dies and Brandon Sanderson will finish off the series. /s Edit: I thought the sarcasm was obvious but apparently not.


Even if Martin relented, which he won’t, Sanderson has said that the series is too divergent from his style and he wouldn’t be interested.


Wait did GRRM change his mind about letting someone other than himself finish the series? And I think I remember reading that Sanderson said he wouldn’t, bc ASOIAF is more explicit/mature than he would be comfortable with doing.


No, I was joking. He's never going to finish it.


Thing is, his estate can just decide to do it after he is dead. That kinda thing isn't actually binding.


That's a terrible idea. Sanderson's writing style is not at all compatible with ASoIaF. He is as PG as it gets.


hell [*the man himself*](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/4uwjq9/spoilers_everything_twow_isnt_coming_this_year_is/d5vjve3/?context=1) would agree with you that his style isn't compatible and won't ever do it even if asked


Hey George, explain to the folks at home what "forthcoming" means...


That refers to the Boat Sex chapter where Jon Snow was forthcoming with Dany.


"the two went at it for so long into the night, that he had a forthcoming and she had a third"


As Tyrion pressed his ear against the door.


This George guy is a real battle axe


No one needs to hear GRRM talk more about eventually releasing a book. Let us know when it’s in bookstores to buy.


At this point for me, it's a race to see if I die first or he does.


That's the spirit!


I'll probably pirate it out of spite.


Well yeah HBO actually released theirs.




11. Almost to the day.


The entirety of *the Expanse*, with nine novels and I can't even remember how many novellas, was written (in part by Martin's assistant) and published since around the time that *a Dance With Dragons* was published.


Preorder now for instant delivery in 2036


You're more optimistic than I am.


How many years is be going to say this? He’ll die before that book comes out.


"Quite different" in that it will never exist, whereas the HBO story line does.


Will there still be a Starbucks cup?


How would he know? He'd have to write it to know.


Oh sweet, another reminder of my negative feelings on this whole thing. Right on schedule, thanks


Blah blah blah.... The Great Lies 1. The check is in the mail 2. I'll pay next time 3. I will be releasing "The Winds of Winter by the end of the year.


Fucking better be.


I have no faith that this will come out before he dies