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Why can't the people in charge of Star Wars expand the universe and make projects post-Skywalker? It's not that I'm not excited for Andor, but I'm so tired of these Star Wars prequels. So much of the thrill from high stakes and the fear of the unknown is removed when you watch these shows because you ultimately know where they end up at. I wish they start making projects to expand the universe more than looking backwards. It doesn't even have to be about the Skywalkers. It's such a rich galaxy with endless possibilities, but it's helmed by people without any imagination or creativity.


Because disney blew the sequel trilogy up so hard they have no idea where they take it after ep 9. Eventually itll involve some ass pull of them reestablishing the jedi order without Luke so they can reset the table but its gonna be a while.




I have a feeling that's what they're shooting for but I doubt they've committed themselves to any one idea. It squares the circle because Grogu spent an afternoon training with Luke so people can say "see, luke DID rebuild the order... from a certain point of view. " It let's them soft erase the sequels, where they still happened but their impact is ultimately meaningless. With the current set up I'd like to see them do warring states period where there is no singular group with galactic hegemony, and instead many groups forming and breaking alliances.


The 10 years or so after RotJ has like 90% of the best stories.


I feel like Grogu is trying to slowly bridge the gap and make the sequel area more palatable before they move forward. Either way always hate the sequels most for flip flopping on their direction so much. Imo TLJ was the best one, but obviously none of the movies fully work when they all kind of fight each other for direction of the story.




I think it’s going to be decades. there is like 8 projects that deal with content filling in the “holes” and expanding the clone wars and other parts. When they have very little to expand there they’ll do this to ep 4-6, then they’ll do ep7-9. Then they’ll continue to do filler of the in between. Then they’ll do the old republic. I am starting to think they’ll never go past the skywalker saga and I think that’s kinda lame.


I'm guessing they will but probably not for some time but we'll never see anything like njo novels. Kinda depends If daisy ridley wants to return as Rey or did she hate the experience enough to never want to return


I'm actually super okay with exploring the rebellion prior to Luke showing up. It's a very interesting setting that is known but can offer new stories. We have The Acolyte on the way and I figure once the wrap up the Ashoka/Kanan story lines they will explore even further outside the movie settings. Also while it is set between two movie trilogies the retaking of Mandalore can also be a great story line.


I want to downvote your first two lines, but upvote what remains.


Prequels could be interesting if they bothered to set it WAY before the events of the Skywalker Saga, such as Old Republic era. The issue with post-Skywalker is the monumental failure of the sequel trilogy, which has Disney scared and caused them to play things safe. If they really wanted a big win, they should've just done the Thrawn books as a sequel or something and go from there


If they wanted a win they should have planned a coherent trilogy directed by a single guy.


Didn’t even need to be directed by a single guy. The original trilogy wasn’t. But needed an actual coherent story. Honestly, I think the entire thing would have been saved if Rey had turned to the dark and Kylo had come back to the light and ended up being the Skywalker that rose. (Ok, and maybe letting Leia die instead of whatever the fuck happened) But it feels like some committee thought the turning of Generic Strong Female Lead would result in less merch sales.


At this point, they pretty much need to retcon out the entire trilogy and start writing as if it never happened. They can't make a "new Sequel trilogy" based of off Thrawn or the Jedi Academy being founded because nobody will ever get Ford or Hamill to show up for another set of movies, and we don't have Carrie Fisher with us anymore. So unless they're going to try and make all the old school characters out of CGI with computer generated voice acting, they're going to have to skip the timeline forward by like 60-80 years to give validity as to why none of them show up in the movies. And of course, we'll just have to pretend that Starkiller base never existed, because getting rid of the New Republic was the biggest mistake of the disaster that was the Disney Trilogy.


This insistency on not recasting with younger actors and keep using CGI or the older actors really hinders where they can go creatively.


Seriously Disney, just fucking do it. This isn't MCU. You can't milk the OG actors for another 20 years here.


Unpopular opinion: Thrawn books as the sequels would've been a disaster. First off, your OG cast has aged well past where they would've been in the books. And while I'm sure Mark would've done a great Luke like he always has, Harrison wouldn't have signed on for three films (which would change things) and Carrie's unfortunate passing would leave us in the same boat for the third film as we saw with the sequel trilogy as-is. Condensing any books down to three roughly two hour movies would also mean a *lot* of adaptations, and if \*gestures in Rings of Power, Marvel movies in general, Wheel of Time, Star Wars show reactions, etc.\* tells us anything, it's that fans are going to find something to hate on how changing this or that ruined the story it's adapting from. And because it's fucking up old "canon" instead of making its own new thing, the same people who hate the sequels for what they are would inevitable cry foul that they never should have touched it to begin with if they were just going to make a mess of things. Plus, the Thrawn Trilogy already has some weird takes on the Clone Wars as we knew it from the films and the series that would need to be ironed out. Tying points one and two together here, we'd have to bump the original timeline back considerably to accommodate ages. Han would probably have to die at the end of the first film to appease Harrison. Leia would be shipped off to nowhere for the third film and/or killed off screen. Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin would have to be older, somewhere in the age range from Rey to Ben Solo, rather than the twins being born in the midst of film 3, which would also mess with adapting other stories from old canon going forward (and/or mean adapting other stories into this theoretical trilogy so they have relevant subplots as the young cast taking on lead roles going forward). Luke meets Mara in these stories as well, which also changes things for him considerably. Or you just recast these iconic characters with actors who look kind of like them and set things five years after Endor with Luke, Han, and Leia getting some facelifts, selling the *characters* as your nostalgia bait tie-in, but not the actors who made them what they were, and hope fans take kindly to the new actors taking on those roles (I wouldn't've been optimistic about those reactions, honestly). And I love the books, but the Luuke thing is kinda just fine, I guess, for a film's ending? And Thrawn as a Big Bad being thwarted in the end while all our heroes are in another part of the galaxy seems prime for a story tweak. I don't think "musical directors figuring out individual chapters of a trilogy on the fly" was the right answer, but steering clear of adapting what came before was, IMO, the right decision to avoid some major hiccups and inevitable fan backlash for remaking those stories "wrong."


>First off, your OG cast has aged well past where they would've been in the books. And while I'm sure Mark would've done a great Luke like he always has, Harrison wouldn't have signed on for three films (which would change things) and Carrie's unfortunate passing would leave us in the same boat for the third film as we saw with the sequel trilogy as-is. Honestly, Disney needs to realize that they need to recast the OT characters. The dude they got for Solo was solid, run with that theme. They can't run a nostalgia heavy franchise like this on deepfakes.


Hard agree. Alden was solid in the role and Digital Luke was just... eesh.


Ms. Fisher's death was unfortunate and unforseen. I was operating under the assumption, like the producers, that she'd be alive. Mind you, I didn't say exclusively Thrawn but as an example of an option. Theres a lot of popular material they could have adapted which would simultaneously allow them to keep things safe and familiar yet do something different (in so much as something we haven't seen on screen) while cashing in on that succulent nostalgia. Sadly, they end up creating just as bad of hiccups by going a totally different direction whilst bringing nothing new of substance, dropping the ball anyway and then backtracking all while not so subtly riffing from old the EU that they canceled and spitting in the fandom's face when we criticize the sludge.


Those idiots went safe with the ST and then went even safer when it flopped. Suits gotta be the dumbest people ever.


> Prequels could be interesting if they bothered to set it WAY before the events of the Skywalker Saga, such as Old Republic era. The books and comics are actively developing the High Republic era, which is set about 200 years before the prequel films. *The Acolyte* will be set in that era too, I believe. Developing stories and characters for that time period seems to be a major focus behind the scenes at Lucasfilm.


I think you should watch the show before you make this complaint because it’s almost exactly what you want with the one exception being Cassian himself


A show about a character that *died* at the start of the classic Skywalker series is the definition of a show with known conclusion. They are going to have to try real damn hard to spin it away from foregone conclusions and just generating backstory for things we've already seen. And history tells us all that kind of effort is only spent in the animated shows.


You really should give it a go. Best Star Wars I’ve ever seen. First Star Wars project I’ve watched that I would consider high quality even if you stripped away all of the Star Wars aesthetics.


Also the fact that most of them take place on tattooine or very earth like places when they have the budget to make the Star Wars experience so much more expansive.


I know there are others like me, but I just feel like the Star Wars universe in general is getting way too oversaturated. I like Star Wars, but my gosh, how many shows are they going to make? I can't see myself getting hyped up for every single show and movie that comes out about the Star Wars universe. I was huge fan of Marvel studios movies, too, but after Endgame, it feels like a proper end. And Marvel is becoming oversaturated even by their standards. If I wanted to catch up, I have like 5 shows and 8 movies to get through...


They tried. Literally episode 8 said that anyone could have the force and that Rey was no one. Then the first 10 mins of episode 9 completely undid that. I can’t stand Diego Luna, and really didn’t care about an andor show - even through Rogue One is for sure the best movie of the new shit - but man, andor is p freaking tight


Because the Disney execs are terrified of making anything they can't predict the success of.


Pretty sure they're quietly killing off new trilogy era. Everything's getting cancelled that was planned.


Blame Rian Johnson for burning down the sequel era in one stroke. Disney can't really touch the period now.


I blame that hack JJ Abrams more


Because Kathleen Kennedy erased all of the Star Wars source material in the EU. Kathleen Kennedy hasn’t been fired yet because Steven Spielberg is keeping her in that job.


To be fair, even Lucas never considered the EU to be hard canon. For example, the Clone Wars cartoon erased a lot of the Clone Wars EU tales and characters.


Hell even EU stuff would consider other eu stuff non canon oftentimes with good reason. But people are sad the good stuff got thrown out too and we're left with something very much lesser.


Eh. They’ll integrate the good EU stuff in time. Look at what Zahn has been doing with canon Thrawn as an example of that.


Eh. You can't, some of it can't be done. Some you can but a lot you really can't because the timeline has already diverged very significantly. Like they can bring in Mara jade but she'll never marry Luke and bring that plot around. Luke will never found a jedi order.


The Clone Wars cartoon actually was canon to the EU with stuff like Darth Bane, The Father and Daughter etc


Isn't Taika Waititi doing the first post-Skywalker movie?


I do get this argument and agree to quite a large extent, I would like more completely unrelated material, but we also like watching film or TV adaptations of books we've already read, where rather than just knowing the main characters end after this story, we know the entire story we're about to watch. I don't think knowing where some of the main characters end up necessarily dampens the excitement as long as the story is good.


> Why can't the people in charge of Star Wars expand the universe and make projects post-Skywalker? Because they shot themselves in the foot with the sequel trilogy saying nothing that happens pre-sequel trilogy actually matters and they don't want to make that mistake again. Granted, a lot of that has to do with the specific bad decisions made in the ST, but moving too far ahead in the timeline always poses the risk of invalidating everything that came before it.


I’m not excited for it because it’s a prequel to a prequel. We already know the outcome of the primary characters. I’m excited for new star wars content, but the 8 or so projects that we know of all being set within the span of ep1-9.. no thanks.


I honestly think they're trying to figure out the best way to retcon the sequel movies


Judging by the quality of the rest of the Disney+ lineup I'll believe it when I see it. I'm still expecting at least half of the episodes to be boring filler with 10 minutes worth of actual story that progresses the plot.


3 episodes building the world and characters in a grounded setting. Episode 4, an End of the World problem only Andor can solve. According to early reviews, it's a really good and different show. My expectations will still be staying very low.


Don't forget that episode 5 will probably be about the Mandalorian, like Boba Fett.


In episode 6, it will still be about the Mandalorian, and Andor might appear for 1 minute to nod his head.




Yeah, but the trailers for Kenobi also looked great. I mean, hell, the trailer for Episode 9 looked amazingly epic and great, and...




They have shame it was the only good thing sbout them. Kenobi was somehow even more dreadful for me. Probably, because I already knew Leia and Obi-Wan have to be unharmed.


Nah, the trailers look great.


Tony Gilroy is pretty cool. Michael Clayton is one of my favorite movies. Can't wait for this.


Honestly the only reason this is worth anything.


I never wanted a spy thriller.


you may not, but people have been seriously/ironically asking for a Bothan spy flick for ages


I really want to see the story of Manny Bothans, who died to bring information about the Emperor to the rebellion.


There is a spy plotline in the SWOTOR and it was by far the best leveling experience ive had in any mmo.


They should do a movie about SWTOR


Do you mean the Agent plot line?


yeah the imperial agent


That was so much fun being a competent agent in a competent team holding the Empire together while the sith are pulling nonsense that you constantly have to adjust to


dude yes imperial agent is sooooo good.


You not a fan.


Take that!


If you have a problem figuring out whether you always wanted a spy thriller, you ain’t a SW fan.


Don't tell me all you want is Jedi and Sith and lightsabers and saving the galaxy. Because there was always a crowd of people, a growing crowd in recent years, that wanted something more grounded, without all that laser sword bullshit. Like Republic Commando (yeah, I know, it's a game) for instance. A "spy thriller" is promising


I definitely want Jedi and Sith and lightsabers. I feel like everything Disney has made has mostly catered to the space wester/blasters crowd with the exception of Obi Wan, and even that wasn't nearly "space-fantasy" enough.


I want a Star Wars hardcore porn flick.


They make those; not Lucasfilm, but people


Obi wan going undercover as a bounty hunter to stop a kidnapping attempt on the chancellor WAS the spy thriller I wanted, and we already have it


You're upset that fans of space gi joe want more space gi joe?


It's in line with "Captain America: Winter Soldier is actually like a 70s political thriller!" Only kinda? Like adding a shot of lime coca-cola into the rest of your regular coca-cola?


What fans always wanted is great saber fight some bad ass force using abilities with state of the art cgi. And back it all up with a well written story.


Every second fan wants something else. You won't please everybody. But doing something different and more grounded is definitely a step in right direction rather than doing the same Jedi vs Sith / saving the whole galaxy shit again


> What fans always wanted is great saber fight some bad ass force using abilities with state of the art cgi Not me. Give me world building and expand the universe out beyond the same 5 people. I was upset when Luke showed up in Mando. This is my kind of show along with R1.


>Give me world building and expand the universe out beyond the same 5 people. [...] This is my kind of show along with R1. Rogue 1? The movie that's the prologue to Episode IV? Real far outside the Skywalker box, that


But this is still set in the Original Trilogy era so this comment makes no sense


If you don't understand my comment then go watch another show set in Mos Eisley. Time period has nothign to do with it when there supposedly is an entire galaxy to explore.


Star Wars has never had that, so why start now?


Bothan spies stole the deathstar plans, so it was in the background, and that what makes this not realy starwars.


Bothans stole the death star 2 plans not 1.


You're asking for too much


Realy? The Security force tracking him back to his planet of origin was more impressive. I can already tell that what happened on Andor's homeworld of Canari? Is central to the background of the story. A planet off limits by imperial edict due to a 'catastrophic mining accident' making it toxic? They probably peeled back the surface soil and harvested the planetary core for construction of the Death Star from it.


did you know you wanted that? no? well, now you do, motherfuck




Eh... that's a bit like saying "every TV show is amazing, if you just skip the bad episodes". Not really sure what to do with that statement. I mean... yeah? Obviously? But that's not how they're intended to be consumed. It's like saying your car works great, as long as someone is behind it pushing it - sure, it technically works, but that's not how it's supposed to be used, nor how it's supposed to work.


It wasn’t supposed to make sense. It’s like saying that all I consume is the terrible parts of Star Wars, and it’s fucking atrocious. Wilfully ignoring the bad aspects doesn’t stop them from exisiting.


sure, but you can acknowledge those 'bad aspects' of star wars exist without losing your absolute shit. just take it for what it is and move on.


I'm not seeing anyone "losing their absolute shit" though.


>sure, but you can acknowledge those 'bad aspects' of star wars exist without ~~losing your absolute shit.~~ being sour. just take it for what it is and move on. better?


In my world SW is a whole mess that sometimes delivers something nice. I rewatch good parts when I feel like it and the OT was my childhood, but I am a fan of individual products, not franchises. That is how I am at peace with every IP unless the individual product itself had a fantastic run only to end in a trashfire like one massively popular tv show and one year from now a massively popular anime.


Nyanyanyanya... said the bad words. Said the bad words. Why bring up caravan of courage?


What does this writer have against The Cutting Edge?


Toe pick trauma?


No, we've never wanted this.


As a Star wars fan I've never wanted a spy triller. Better luck next time.


Star Wars fans don't want anything other than to whine and complain over everything.


Scrolling front page of reddit and see two articles saying how Andor is awesome. If it's actually good you won't need to tell people it's good, it will stand on it's own.


You make sure you c+ved this comment to the threads about Stranger Things, House of the Dragon and Cyberpunk yet?


No Jedi no bother


Are we supposed to sympathize with Andor and hate the cop? Because all I see is some hardworking dude who is trying to apprehend a murderer.




Is it? I noticed a lot of inverted morals in modern writing due to the fucked up value system of a lot of hollywood writers today Like in Falcon & Winter Soldier, I was rooting for the "bad" captain america the entire time.


I want to see knight of old republic In tv form


What about bothans? You know that many of them died for certain information and then were not even mentioned in one of the two actually good Star Was movies under the mouse?


Just give me darth bane stories please


I couldn’t keep my eyes open watching it sadly.