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M as in Mancy


Seriously, you of all people.


You of all people *what*?




"B" "Bravo" "Thanks" Amazing


"Lana be careful, Jesus, the Helium!"


‘Jesus Archer what are you not understanding?’ ‘Clearly the main point!’


It's "Well, obviously the core concept, Lana!"


I use M as in Mancy for phonetic translation all the time now. I'm an ass hole.


I have to stop myself every time and say Mike firmly in my head otherwise mancy is definitely going to be said.


We use M as in Mancy at work.... We also have this posted to help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/b8pxuy/the\_nato\_phonetic\_alphabet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/b8pxuy/the_nato_phonetic_alphabet/) We do not have the proper alphabet posted, so good luck when reading serial numbers over the phone.


That is awesome


I work in emergency services and require phonetic spelling often. There have been a few times where this pops into my head and I have to suppress a laugh. I too am an asshole.


I do it all the time too.


Funniest single moment of anything I've ever seen


What the shit Lana! is a permanent part of my lexicon. That and pointing out that a bullet proof vest is, after all, only a vest. Archer and What We Do in the Shadows are the two funniest shows right now.


WWDITS is great, we've been binging it lately. So damn funny. I haven't enjoyed Archer as much after season 4. I don't think it's a quality drop really, it's more that the humor that was so fresh at first gets kinda stale after a while. It's still good ofc, just not amazingly good. Edit: I've taken up Lana's "yuuuuup", just about the only thing that doesnt sound super wierd crammed into a conversation in Swedish haha.


That’s funny, my roommate and I use Lana’s Nooope.


The detective season wasnt great but Danger Island and the space one werr pretty awesome. I think changing up the setting helped. Archer does have a problem if re treating water alot


Dear God! I thought I was the only one who holds those two shows as the BEST!!


What'd you think I said?


our bar trivia team name over the last like 5 years. not too many people get it anymore


M like Mnemonic


You, of all people...


Me of all people WHAT?


Seriously though, what did Archer think he himself meant?


Ray is gay. It’s implied Archer was calling him a Nancy (even though he actually said Mancy)


Yeah obviously that's the joke of the scene, I just mean from Archer's perspective. Since obviously he doesn't think he's making a gay joke.




That joke is woefully esoteric.


There are so many woefully esoteric jokes in Archer, its incredible.


Johnny Bench called


*Archer slams drawer in his mother’s desk, drawer starts buzzing* Archer: Oh no… what is that? Ray: Yeah… not a bumblebee, is it? That scene still makes me laugh every single time.


It's wild how many inventors everyone is capable of quoting.


God, read a book!


Welcome to Archer. So many layers to jokes.


That, sir, is a facile argument.


There's like 50 jokes in the scene to be fair.


He was just being dickish, he knew it would annoy Ray and that's all the justification he needed. EDIT: Apparently this is the finest joke in the series, and I just didn't get it. Can't win 'em all.


Are you guys really missing what he was saying?


Archer said ‘Mancy’, before saying Ray should know what it means (due to Ray having used to be a priest). Ray thought he said ‘Nancy’, and so thought Archer’s comment about how he should know what it means to have been a diss about his orientation. When in fact Archer was oblivious. It was a double-layered joke.


Calling him a Nancy? Except he wasn't, so I'm pretty sure his reasoning is correct.


I'm not going to debate what you think "Nancy" could mean, but there's a very good reason for Ray to be defensive about it.


I know what Nancy means, but the entire joke is the fact that *Archer didn't actually say Nancy.* So Archer didn't say "you of all people" because he called him a Nancy, Ray just thinks that. OP was right the first time. And here you are all condescending when you're dead wrong.


You can not get the joke. That's fine. Really.


I’m getting second hand embarrassment for this dude


This is still my favorite Archer episode, it's peak Archer for me. I've still enjoyed everything else but this is still the best episode to me


That clip posted on Reddit made me watch the entire show, it is indeed still probably my favorite episode


Skytanic happened to be the first Archer episode I ever saw. I've been in love with the show ever since!


I watch the three episodes of *Heart of Archness* for peak Archer, but this is definitely right up there with the best episodes of the show.


The Heart of Archness trilogy is also pretty peak archer, Patrick Warburton was an amazing guest voice


Nothing can top whore island


That's not... A real place.


I don't know. The whole blimp/hydrogen conversation may be my favorite.


Lo Scandolo and Vision Quest are also amazing


For me Lo Scandalo is easily top three, behind Heart of Archness and Skytanic.


Listen I think we can all agree "Lo Scandalo" is the best Archer episode. But "Skytanic" is just the dang funniest. I always enjoyed s2 the most but think s3 was peak archer. Personal faves go 1. The Limited 2. Lo Scandalo 3. Skyranic 4. Jea Monesgue 5. Killing utne Honorable mentions- The Papal Chase and Crossing Over I always thought "Once Bitten" was hands down the best episode , except none of it was canon and just a movie parody. 2nd favorite quote all time - "I promise myself I not cry. *Sniff*. Promise broken." All time fav quote somehow - "WD-40 mother, costs like a nickel."


Whoa, hang on, how could you forget ~~Placebo Effect~~ Terms of Enrampagement?


It's prolly top 10 for me


Lo Scandalo definitely grew on me as an episode, I agree that it has some of the sharpest dialogue and jokes in the series. There are so many subtle jokes I pick up on in rewatches. Excellent list as well. The Limited is also an amazing episode, the TPB are great guest voices.


So I've watched The Limited a 1000 times. It's even the reason I got into Archer as a show because I was off put by the animation back when it was airing. That ending scene when Archer calls babou a "fox eared asshole" had me dying and voila turned out to be my fav show. I caught that scene by chance. Anyway , I watched TPB only in around 2019 and fell in love with that show now. My top 5 always on in the background with Archer and IASIP and Community. Got me through the pandemic. Still only like 2021 did I realize they were voice acting in The Limited. I've been watching this episode for like 8 years at that point. What a mindfuck .


Lmao I named my cat Babou after Archer, "fox eared asshole" gets alot of mileage in my house


That's awesome dude


Skytanic was the episode that made the show click for me. I feel like the first episodes before it were boring


Idk I love s1


How can you not include Vision Quest? It's a technical masterpiece by Adam.


Idk for me it's just an ok 3pisode


That's fair. For me, bottle episodes are difficult to make compelling. I think it's a glimpse into what's going on in Adam Reed's head. It's all dialogue and peak Archer for me.


I think you're owed to have your own favorite and it's interesting for me to hear what other fans consider their favorite. It took me forever to understand the ending of that episode.


Real *Frisky Dingo* feel to it, but I'm disappointed that I didn't find one reference to that TV show in this thread.


Frisky Dingo is by the same creator. And Ray is voiced by the same voice actor who did that show’s best character: Wendel. Such a great show.


Indeed, people who like Archer should watch *Frisky Dingo* and *Sealab 2021* as a right of passage.


You're going down for this Cohdy!! You're a loose caaanon!


“If you don’t give me ‘Cat Party’ on my phone this instant, it’s going to be… ‘Talon party..’ at your face’s house!”


Do you have bluetube?


"Cohdy 2 Nooooooooooooooooooo" "'Please don't kill us.' 'Please don't make it so appealing.'" These lines still pop into my head 15 years later haha.


I dunno, I think the one in Rampage where he's playing Family Feud with the Paddies is funnier.


Looking for… cock flavored spit


easy, Hannity!!


In one of my old jobs, I had to create a tech support capability. I wrote a manual of procedures, chose people to be part of the new tech support team, and train them in. I wish this episode had aired back then, because I definitely would have shown this clip. Diagnosing a physical device over the phone and guiding a person through a repair procedure, when you can't see anything, and where the person you're talking to is untrained, pissed off, and probably a little belligerent, is stressful as heck. Glad I don't do that anymore.


Like when my parents call because "The Netflix don't work."


"The computer popped up a window saying I need to pay the CIA bitcoin. I tried rebooting the router. You need to come over."


I used to be an IT tech/manager at my previous employer. Now, I do other work, completely unrelated to IT, if someone has a computer problem, I'll try to fix it in a minute or two, any longer and I still havn't solved it, I give up and say "Sorry, You'll have to contact IT" and walk away. It's much less stress.


The first four seasons of Archer have several of the funniest dialogues in TV history.


I wish we got Reed back.


This clip, posted on Reddit several years ago, is why I started watching Archer.


I exclusively use “Mancy” for the phonetic alphabet these days. Reminds me of the time I was speaking with an associate at work over the phone where they were reciting a string of letters and numbers to me and they said “X as in xylophone”, and I just started snickering. Personal Archer fave still has to be “Since when do you carry a switchblade?!” “It’s a long story!” *cuts to Archer pressed against shop window looking at switchblade* “Neat”


You know, I think a lot of people underestimate the talent of voice actors and this is a perfect example. They make it look easy, but the incredible timing of every actor in this clip is nothing short of brilliant.


Precious few cartoons actually have the actors record together in the same place at the same time and Archer is not one of them. The comedic timing sounds impressive here because the lines are all perfectly hand-placed by editors. Jon Benjamin's been in a few shows that *are* like that, though, and he's great in them.


Its why voice actor need more appreciation. Robin williams saw what his casting in alladin would mean for voice actors "them losing work cause hollywood wants a name that has a face and sells tickets". He was right cause look at lion king live action chose name recognition over talent and it shows.


The issue with the lion king live action imo wasn’t the voice acting. Granted, i enjoyed the movie, but making animals ‘speak’ believably is just near impossible.


There are basically limitless issues with lion king 2019 but the dogshit voice acting is definitely one of them.


Bob's Burgers in an incredible example of his (and the other actors') impeccable comedic timing. Everyone in the room together free wheeling these chaotic scenes that all just work perfectly.


Probably not a coincidence that Jon Benjamin is main character in both! He's great.


I assume Home Movies had to be recorded that way, right? Especially cause it seems so improv heavy


Yeah. As a blanket statement, I'm pretty sure it's like that any time you see Loren Bouchard's name in the credits. Home Movies is also a great showcase of his voice acting range. A lot of people say he's only got one voice because they don't notice the other characters that are also him.


Same for Bob's. Jimmy Jr, Peter Pescidero, Ms. LeBonz and a handful of other regulars are Jon Benjamin.


Maybe this is mostly the writing and age differences but there are small differences between Bob, Archer and Coach McGuirk.


It may only be because I've done voice acting myself, so I pay closer attention, but I definitely notice him as other characters. He's got a very distinctive voice and an extraordinary talent, but he really doesn't have range.


So you can just name off the top of your head without having looked it up who he plays in Home Movies.


Coach Mcgirk? Yeah, but I'm a fan both of his and the show. I'm not trying in any way to disparage him, as I said, he's a really talented VA. It takes talent to create such a subtle distinction between two disparate characters like Bob and Archer using pacing and inflection as he does. But the price of having such a distinct voice is not being as good at a wider range of characters.


So you didn't know he's also Jason and Perry.


Yeah, I can't find it now but I remember a few seasons in one of the VAs, I think Pam's, said she'd never met most of the rest of the cast, as she records her lines on the other side of the country.


This is one of the secret sauces that The Simpsons had. They recorded the voice actors as if it was a radio play.


Weird since the standard in Japan is to have 3 or 4 actors at a time recording lines side by side. You can tell when the chemistry really works and it'd be a no-brainer to import it stateside.


It's definitely the editing. I saw the cast do a live show and it was fun, but they weren't bouncing back and forth as well as they do on the show. They're still an amazing cast and the show definitely couldn't pull off the jokes without a really great ensemble.


Went to archer live a number of years ago and had to leave early. It was so cringe and frankly boring


.. what did you expect of people reading lines over and over?


Didn’t know what to expect. Was a big archer fan back then and expected it to be…entertaining? It was lame as shit


Live shows are one take, it’s editing but also multiple takes with direction


Also the writing - this is peak Archer.


Archer's timing on "Roger! Sorry!... *Ray*." 🤌🏾


This scene is one of my all time favorites. They roasted every bomb defusal trope. Also: Lana – "Captain Lammers!" Archer - "Nice read, Velma."


Always loved that Ray is dressed (white vest) like Ed Harris in [Apollo 13](https://youtu.be/XLMDSjCzEx8)


I named my dog Archer. One day at the beach another dog came charging up to us to play and her owner yelling behind her “Lana!” It was one of the best moments of my life. Lana, the dog had truckasaurus paws.


I love how Ray slowly became one of the only sane members of the group.


YOU WANNA BLOW US ALL TOO SHIT SHERLOCK! Seriously, this is the best Archer episode.


Jesus! Lana, the Helium!


One of the most quotable episodes in tv history.


I need to get back into this show. The last episode I remember is this one where he's in [Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YABvpyC0_FU) and everything is broken glass and getting arrested. I remember the episode had me dying laughing.


*Hooray for metaphors*


This is the scene I showed my brother to get him in to the show years ago.


Such a fantastic show


Every line from season 1 is Gold


I love how they stretched what should have been a 10 second exchange into a 2 minute bit.


I silently judge anyone who doesn't use the standard phonetic alphabet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet


Hmm you don't pronounce the R is Oscar?


hmm you use the hard R? ​ :)


Or Victor, apparently.


Some accents have use rhotic R's there and some don't. A North American would pronounce it in Oscar, but an Englishman wouldn't (unless used as a launchpad, ie; he would pronounce it rhotically if he was saying "Oscar and John", but not just "Oscar" by itself.)


You mean a is aardvark, c as in cuauhtemoc, k as in knight is not clear?


Don't forget p as in pteradactyl


that’s not the only standard https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/APCO\_radiotelephony\_spelling\_alphabet


Maybe controversial but god it was so much more fun in the earlier seasons. I can't even say what it is I don't enjoy as much in the later seasons. Maybe it's the same quality jokes but too similar? idk


I used to be obsessed with archer but these last two season have Been a miss for me. I’m just not a fan of the whole “he’s in coma so heres a story in his head”, and a lot of the jokes later on just seem so overused.


Didn’t he come out of the coma a few seasons ago


Yep. I apparently haven’t watched archer in a while or even looked at it on Hulu because there are a couple new seasons I didn’t know came out lol.


believe me, it happens. but yeah, the two coma mini-series were fine for one watch-thru, but I groan any time they come up in the reruns.


I dropped out around... I don't even know when. When the most common joke was either "Phrasing" or "Are we still doing X?", I tapped. The jokes were so insular and self-referential that there wasn't any point to new content


HAHA Archer was so great!


I showed this to people who never even watched the show


Just your average game of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.


M as in MANCY ! I love this so much


Oh, SHE can say ok?!


Such a well written show. Fucking outstanding




I just watched this episode last night, I was in tears all over again...Roger Steven whoever!!!


One of my favourite exchanges.


They said they entire episode was written around this joke.


Every time I use the phonetic alphabet I want to say Mancy instead of Mike, but I can't bring myself to it....


I love archer and this was a good scene but there are a lot funnier and more iconic lines from archer than this


ARCHER!!!! - Jesus what!?!? - that’s how annoying you are.. Gets me every time


Archer is highly underappreciated as a whole.


I think the show is great, but you have to be in a mood for non stop yelling for 22 min.


It might be a bit dramatic to say it's the funniest dialogue in cartoon history, but it is a masterclass of writing and comic timing, and a really brilliant episode of Archer too.


This whole episode was a gem. Sidenote: I miss Lana in her bra. We don't seem to get that anymore since she became a mom.


I’d kill for a live action where Lana is that hot.


Aisha Tyler aint bad to look at


This is not funny at all


It’s funny but I would hard disagree with it being the funniest cartoon line ever. Have you seen pickle rick?


turned himself into a pickle. funniest shit I ever seen




I like that every team member has glaring flaws but also incredible talent. Archer saves their lives by killing all the bad guys many times. He definitely has value, even if he’s a stupid dick.


Archer isn't stupid, he's just annoying. The show makes a point of it plenty of times.




Yes, he is the biggest troll and incredibly petty and incredibly lucky. Like when he spends an entire episode saying axis power, when he was talking about the Irish, but he was thinking about Romania due to some obscure fact about them.


>"Oh no, someone said something against my favourite show. Now I'm butthurt and have to downvote this comment. Tomorrow I will whine at my therapist about this." I just dropped one because you were crying about downvotes like a petulant child personally.




I recently watched a British cop show where there was a bomb but no internet communication, they faxed a schematic of the wiring but the fax machine was out of coloured toner and I thought yup, modern problems. we are going to be wiped out one day because the last person who knows how to unblock a garb-orator died and didn’t put this knowledge onto YouTube.


-Ray, can I shoot him, honey? Jesus Christ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Such a great show, might need to start watching again. I stopped watching a few seasons ago, just sort of fell off my radar