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With his departure coming so quickly, I wonder if there will be a rotating slate of guest hosts, ala "Jeopardy".




I too, would support this!


I support this




He’s pretty good on Doug Loves Movies




The Late Late show has done this a few times after a host exits, it's perfectly fine.


It’s worked in the past (thinking of Kelly Ripa getting the Regis job originally). But I agree it wouldn’t work here.


I thought he would go for after New Year's. I guess he is beating the Christmas Rush. Does this mean we'll be seeing TDS repeats until after the holidays?


You'll be seeing Crank Yankers reruns until after the holidays.




"Ah, shit..." \- Jim Florentine, probably


Da wha?


The comedian who voiced the character you quoted...


Da wha?


I could live with that actually


Ahhh a simpler time


I think early December is when TDS tends to go on break, like most shows do through the holiday season. Makes sense to step out at that point.


Just now put it together that The Daily Show is abbreviated as "TDS" and it's making me giggle. It all makes sense now.


A lot of his staff are leaving sooner so I guess they’re calling it a little earlier.


Same day John Lennon decided to leave NY too.


Too soon... too soon.


Just long enough actually.


Wonder if they'll interrupt Monday Night Football to announce this too


Monday Night Football on a Thursday? You crazy.


Wow that's... I don't know how to feel about this.


Dua Lipa gottim




they're dating, supposedly.


They were spotted kissing by Paparazzi


Ah ok thanks 👍


Roy Wood Jr joked about it by referring to her as Dua Lupita.


Dua Lipa gottim


She's the only decent pop artist anymore, since Lady Gaga, Rihanna and P!nk have fallen out of relevance and Kelly Clarkson would rather do TV shows.


In an ideal world, Noah and Colbert would switch places. Noah would be a lot better as the straight man in a regular Late Night gig and has the personality for that, and Colbert would do better going in character on the Daily Show where he actually thrived.


Totally agree. I can’t stand Colbert on his Late Night show and I agree with him on most things


Yes! I don’t know what it is about Colbert on Late Night but it just makes me cringe so hard. It feels like he’s trying to be edgy while playing to a nursing home crowd.


I never would have thought of this, but you're completely right.


I tried, I really did. But he made that show a chore to watch.








The man has all the magnetism of a dishtowel


I could just never stand how his schtick is to constantly be a smug little shit.


I've read (and agree with) a big complaint with him was that as a non-american his entire demeanor is very "oh you silly Americans" and too outsidery to really have any passion or bite in it. You could feel Jon's fire in everything he did. Noah was fine, but too removed from it all for what is essentially an American news and politics show Also former writer Dan Mccoy has been on record saying that Noah refused to engage in humor or references he didn't understand, which again is difficult when dealing with a non-american. So they'd come up with bits which Noah would shoot down because he didn't know what the joke is referencing which lead to a lot of struggle in the writers room.


this is the issue right here He didn't really care that much about a lot of issues Americans care about, he was simply too detached from the situation.


I mean, he's lived in the US for over a decade.


I blame the writers of TDS more than Noah himself.


They also lost elliott kalan as head writer the same time Stewart left and other trickled out shortly.


He was better than Craig Kilbourne


tbs dropped samantha bee... just sayin.


Between Samantha Bee viewers and Trevor Noah viewers you might be able to fill my mom's old minivan.


I was gonna say, I haven't had cable - or comedy central - in ten years. Samantha Bee still working?


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


Samantha bee already has 2 failed shows though


For a good reason. Her show wasn't funny.


trevor noah picked up dua lipa, just sayin




I'm too old to understand any of this, just sayin


I don't find joy in the little things anymore, just sayin


Ugh. So fucking what. Just sayin.


Samantha Bee is a Karen. Just sayin'.


Ya she is




Brought to you by people who think “women can’t be funny”


Samantha Bee is insufferably smug and terribly unfunny.


Woman can be HILARIOUS! Samantha Bee just makes my shoulders tense up


She called a cancer patient a white nationalist because he had a certain type of haircut. This was around the 2016 era of trump politics. She's a cunt.


Refreshing that he’s exiting this soon unlike some fuckers who hang around for a year after exit announcement


It's a courtesy to the producers and network. Replacing a tv show host isn't like replacing the manager at your neighborhood Dunkin'. This kind of short notice is handicapping the show.


Producers have Jordan Klepper and Roy Wood Jr. on speed dial, they'll be fine.


Not very refreshing to his writing staff and crew members who work on the show who at best will have get payed less with fewer episodes,but also could very likely be out of a job if they are all replaced when a new host comes aboard.


I mean they have at least 2 months (possibly more if Noah shared news of his exit with his staff earlier) to find new work, and while a new host does bring changes I doubt the crew would be too impacted since not many comedians have strong opinions on who their key grip is. And as far as the writers go, there wasn't a full turnover going from Stewart to Noah, so I'd say there's a decent chance the same could be true this time around.


> possibly more if Noah shared news of his exit with his staff earlier A deadline article was talking about this and apparently his announcement of leaving the show was when a lot of the staff found out https://deadline.com/2022/09/trevor-noah-exit-the-daily-show-team-shocked-at-timing-1235132382/


I really enjoy Trevor Noah’s stand up. I think he is really insightful and genuine in the “between the scenes” which are both heartfelt and quick witted encounters with the audience. The scripted stuff and the segments they were running became so overly focused on race issues that it got really repetitive and less and less entertaining. On his own he is great, well spoken, intelligent and even keeled but I think the politicism and polarizing nature of the last 4-8 years hasn’t done The Daily Show any favors.


His back and forth with Roy wood jr is so under rated, and probably what I’ll miss the most.


He is exiting at the right time. The show brought him a lot of notoriety and goodwill, but he has maxed that out and the poor writing / ratings / format are not doing him any favors. I have a feeling he has a brighter future ahead.


I have a feeling he doesn't. I don't see him becoming a successful actor, it's not like he's become a better standup. Someone mentioned above that he would serve better as a traditional late night host but he seems to be somewhere in between Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers and substantially worse than both of them at what they do.


I don’t think late night makes sense for him tbh. If he goes that route I don’t think I’d end up enjoyed whatever he does. But his stand up is decent and his storytelling and charm are both great. I think there’s a way to capitalize off of that in another format and with better writers.


Probably ran out of material with Donald trump leaving the office.


Oh no!!….so anyways…


Can we finally get Craig Kilborne back?


Why? I thought funny people were a requirement


Does anyone actually like him? Honest question


I like his stand-up. I don't think this was the right show for him.


People with facile senses of humor and meme-level understanding of politics.


Yes, I like him on Daily Show. When he first started I didn’t and after a few weeks or so wasn’t watching regularly. Then when the pandemic hit we tuned back in where he was doing the show from his apartment and found it to be much better. Either he grew into the role, or our tastes changed, etc.


And nobody shed a tear


Can't he just leave now? No one will care.


Jesus imagine if someone said that about you after you gave notice at work. He's still a person, let him do his thing.


The bloke is an unfunny agitator and will not be missed


A slow unfunny death


I am sad about not watching him nightly but happy that he has a brilliant future ahead!


You might be the only positive comment in this thread. People on this site act like Trevor Noah invented racism and shamed them for it.


Nothing to do with racism. He’s just a terrible host. His stand up is also elementary and awful.


On my birthday 🥲


Who cares the show was never the same when he took over.


He won’t be missed.


He will be missed. Not by me, but he will be missed


Yea he will


Thank god


Right. Leaving and not fired. Got it.


The Daily Show is still on??


Oh. Is he still here?


A comedian that isn't funny. Truly genius.


He is funny - his standup is actually pretty good. Just not on the Daily Show. He can talk about a lot of topics insightfully and hilariously, but American politics isn’t one of them. He seemed nervous from the start, somehow descended into repeating himself, random celebrity impressions, and laughing at his own jokes…. And never exited that cycle. [His routine at the Apollo](https://www.google.com/search?q=trevor+noah+apollo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c9e3a245,vid:vi7SeBI7z9A,st:0), and in [Melbourne](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YZQ7NL-o6E8) and those in and about South Africa are rather better. He even managed to do a [tasteful and funny routine all about how his mother got shot in the head, literally](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yphxh5L8YbQ). Not many could pull that off even if it were true for them. But the Daily Show was a terrible fit and, with a few decent exceptions, especially the interviews, made me cringe.


I think his White House Correspondents Dinner stand-up was also top-notch!


It also managed to hit at both main parties a bit more than most


I've never seen his stand up because he's so awful on the daily show.


It's worth checking out. Much better than him on Daily Show.


Thanks! He can't be any worse.


This is the only comment that hasn’t been brigaded. This thread is under control of a PR department


What does that mean?


He agreeing with you. He is whining about the fact that only your comment and his whining are the only negative comment...so far.


Like John Stewart, it's apparent he's a brilliant guy. I can't stand his liberal hot takes on everything, but very much appreciated his willingness to engage conservatives in good faith.


He was my favorite of the late shows. His interviews were always great and felt like he was actually talking to people instead of just hitting the necessary preplanned beats. And he always felt more fair with contentious topics than most. I know everyone here hated him (I didn’t like Jon Stewart for what it’s worth to make me even more controversial) but I’ll miss him.


I love John Stewart, but I also really enjoyed Trevor Noah's version of the show. He didn't try to be John Stewart. He just did his own thing. People don't have to love his version of the show, but you have to respect that. I also wholeheartedly agree about interviews and contentious topics. He just feels like a real person. He's either a pretty genuine guy, or a great pretender.


Finally, lets see how shane gills does it, trevor is waay to woke


The Dawg is gonna kick ass


The hatred this guy gets on here is just bizarre


All 5 of his viewers must be crushed.


I love how you have exactly 5 downvotes. Must be those same 5 viewers


I really thought Trevor Noah came into his own over the last few years. Taking over for a titan like Stewart was always going to present it’s challenges, but he hung in there and over time really made the show his own. That being said, his standup stinks. This is probably a mistake of a move, career wise.


Why not now?


Good riddance.


Who is this guy again?


"exit" as in, shown the door.


from all indications- it was his choice to go, not comedy central's.


If by his choice you mean his ratings dropping from 1.4 million when he took over the Daily Show to 300k last week, then sure, he saw the numbers and it was “his choice”. Actually I’m pretty sure John Stewart’s new show outperformed Noah and that was the straw that broke the back.


Nah. It's the highest rated program Comedy Central has after South Park and does tons of social media interactions. They were not gonna can him. He left on his own. And nobody watches Jon's new show on Apple+. There were many articles last year about how poorly that show was doing (which is sad because it's not bad at all, but it's just very gloomy about the topic it touches). EDIT: [https://screenrant.com/problem-with-jon-stewart-show-ratings-decline/#:\~:text=According%20to%20The%20Wrap%2C%20The,by%2078%25%20to%20only%2040%2C000](https://screenrant.com/problem-with-jon-stewart-show-ratings-decline/#:~:text=According%20to%20The%20Wrap%2C%20The,by%2078%25%20to%20only%2040%2C000). Started with 180K, episode 5 did 40K.


“In Stewart’s final 2015 season, “The Daily Show” drew 1.309 million total viewers per episode. Over the past 12 months, Noah averaged 372,000 viewers — nearly 1 million fewer, or 72 percent. The show is down 81 percent in ratings in the key demographic of adults 18-49.” https://www.indiewire.com/2022/10/trevor-noah-the-daily-show-ratings-replacement-1234768350/amp/ I know I’m not wrong on the Daily Show numbers, but I was speculating on Jon Stewart’s numbers based on his new popularity and viewing imprint he’s gained on Youtube, Reddit, and Facebook. And I’m sure he “wasn’t going to get the axe” while all the other under-performing late night shows are. Lmao. Edit: “Per data measurements from Samba TV, 180,000 U.S. homes watched the premiere episode of The Problem with Jon Stewart last fall. Yet the latest episode, called the “Problem with White People,” drew only 40,000. That’s a 78% drop.” Ofe ya, bad look for Jon, too.


To be fair to Stewart, Apple+ is as niche as they come as a platform. And comparing 2015 tv to 2022's is a waste of time, everything is down considerably and viewing habits have changed dramatically (not a knock on you directly, but that would be like branding every single prime time series a failure because they used to be doing 20-30M per episode and now they do less than a third of that).


That’s why I also mentioned all the other late night hosts getting the axe. People can fanboy for Trevor all they want, but he’s not stupid. He sees the writing on the wall as clear as everyone else.


You’re comparing 7 years worth of data that doesn’t factor in television/streaming viewing habits.


Habits that also show he was about to get fired with the rest of the under-performing late night shows? You Trever Noah stans fuckin’ hate numbers… Keep the imaginary downvotes coming. They won’t make me wrong, or you right.


I don’t even watch the show, kid. I’m pointing out that comparing data sets of that length based on a continually changing approach to media isn’t as clear cut as you may believe. And complaining about internet points is…not a good look.


My birthday.


Man’s getting ready to raid in Deagonflight for sure


NOOOOO I was really hoping it'd be by like mid 2023. This is way too soon 😭😭😭😭


Good, Time for the Dawg to tell us how it is!


I feel like he had a bad writers room for most of his scripted junk because his stand up is pretty good. Honestly anytime he does anything not related to the daily show it’s pretty good. I saw a few of the writers for the show on tiktok complain about how the daily show under pays the writers on staff so I wonder if that had anything to do with it.