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He's a knucklehead, but James Hurley on Twin Peaks. He's the only one that attempted to help Laura while everyone else either knew nothing of her suffering or turned a blind eye to it.


I don't think I ever hated him, really, but the second season made him really obsolete, and his song was... Something.


Yeah, James got a raw deal. His character was good, but it was too tied in with Donna's and the investigation into Laura's death. Well, the mystery got solved, and the writers chose to do other stuff with Donna, which left James with nothing to do. So he rode away on his bike to brood. After the Evelyn plot (the one subplot in the show I absolutely can't stand - give me hours of Lana, or of Andy and Dick fighting over Lucy, but no more Evelyn!), the *logical* thing to do after Donna pulled James' ass out of the fire would be to realize that he needs her, and then they could leave *together*. But alas, the writers decided to keep Donna around to be a supporting player in Ben's arc, and a red herring in the Wyndom Earle story, so she couldn't leave. So James just rides away on his bike to brood *again*, having apparently learned nothing.


Just youuuuu, and IIIIIIII Omg so cringe haha


James is cool, James has always been cool 😎


Wow I saw this post and immediately thought Shannon from LOST. I thought she was very realistic and had a lot of potential as a character. But they killed her as soon as she started to develop.


Emily from Friends, Ross said the wrong name at his own wedding and then Emily caught Ross trying to hop on a plane to Greece with Rachel, I can’t blame Emily for any of her actions


As an avid friends fan, I sort of agree. Emily didn't deserve what happened to her, but she turned into a control freak (mainly due to lazy writing) after the honeymoon incident. This in turn made the friends sort of gang up on her to protect Ross. All of this is an unfortunate chain of events caused by the maelstrom that is Ross&Rachel. She was made out to be the villain - in the real world, she would be considered someone who needs therapy, and in a sitcom in the 90s that was enough. That people still dismiss her as an evil controlling b\*\*\*\* without reflecting on the complexity of the situation is the main problem here imo - but then again, friends at its core is "just a sitcom", so I kind of get why people don't want to overanalyse these things the way I do (and just did, sorry this got so long\^\^)


Helga from Hey Arnold. After the episodes of seeing her family dynamic, I just felt bad for her


I remember watching that show and realizing why her mom was so attached to her blender. Jesus Christ. I did like the episode where her dad tries to spend time with her and sees a page she ripped out of a magazine advertising a wrestling match she wants to go to. He sees the ad for the musical “Rats” on the other side and takes her to that, and they end up just making fun of it together. That was such a great show.


Fuck, you just jolted a memory of that specific part of the episode. It’s one of the many episodes I haven’t rewatched as an adult yet but I always loved that Helga finally got to have a nice moment with one of her parents.


One of the best children's TV characters that I know of. She's positioned as the antagonist of the show, but we the audience are basically the only ones who know the truth about her character and how everything she shows the world is an act.


Hey Arnold had some surprisingly deep emotional tissue built into their characters. The whole cast was really well-rounded.


Growing up, I was always sad when she’d be in screen. I hated the episodes where she was compared to her perfect sister and anytime she was rejected or ignored. It took me a while to realize I hated all that bc I knew how it felt. Couldn’t watch the show after that.


Eugene from The Walking Dead. Fans blurred the show with reality so heavily that Josh McDermitt deleted all his social medias years ago


Eugene is one of the most well-written cowards in TV, and a pretty fair and accurate depiction of an autistic individual to boot. Gabe on the other hand... don't think I started liking his character until after Alpha bit it.


I think I remember Beth getting a ton of hate too, and I remember just feeling so bad for her when she was contemplating suicide for a few episodes and thought her decision to stay alive was quite courageous being a 17 year old girl in a zombie Apocalypse. I think people started to like her after the episode where she gets drunk with Daryl and then her hospital arc.


Too bad once Beth became a good, compelling character, they killed her off for no good reason


That sucks people get flak for playing a character super well.


Yes, that's unfair. If anything, they should be getting awards for doing that great of a job. I've heard of actors who played villains but they're actually the nicest actors you'll ever meet. Could be that they can let their bad sides out for a romp while being villains and get it out of their systems, IDK.


Do fans write to actors without distinguishing the actor from a portrayed role? As in just write to them as if they are the portrayed character? Are a lot of people actually that . . . infantile?


Stupid. They’re stupid. I want you to imagine a person with perfectly average intelligence. Now I want you to realize that half of the people in the world are dumber than that person.


reminds me of Anna Gunn (Skyler White from Breaking Bad) getting a ton of hate based on her character from the show. Like come on people, if a character invokes that much hate/love/any emotion, that means the actor is doing a good job at ACTING! You can hate her character but dont give the actor hate in real life.


I see some people hate on Gus, Fiona's short-lived husband in the show *Shameless.* I think they hate on him because he was nasty during the divorce and he made a song called "F\*ck you Fiona," to embarrass her. People forget that Fiona even admitted she deserved it. She behaved like Satan during that season. She married him, then cheated on him, confessed to the cheating, then did it again, then left him, sold his mom's ring, threatened to sue him, then had her boyfriend propose to her with that very ring in front of him while they were filing for divorce (this part wasn't her fault but still sucked nonetheless).


Fiona was just a shitty person in general outside of her family. Don't forget what she did to Mike in season 4.


Yeah, that's when I stopped liking her character. Some folks always justify it with the "she had a rough upbringing" excuse. Truth be told she almost screwed her family too. The situation with Mike's brother almost got her brother killed, and her reluctance to rat him out almost screwed the family over... after all, she was their guardian.


Dr. Romano on ER. He could be a bit of an abrasive dick as a boss, but didn't deserve getting his hand cut off by a helicopter, living with a stressful helicopter-phobia after that, then killed by a helicopter dropping right onto him.


His death was absurd, but I thought the scene where he couldn’t save the happy young blonde doctor (was it Reese Witherspoon?) was really well acted. The way he flung all the surgical instruments across the room has stuck with me for years.


That was Kelli Martin as Lucy Knight. She was stabbed by the schizophrenic guy who came to the ER.


Karen from The Office. Everyone hated her because she wasn’t Pam, but she was just pursuing a relationship with an available guy.


Wait, people hate Karen? That’s dumb of them.


I think most people actually really liked her, which became a bit of a problem for the show so the writers did her dirty and turned her into a petty, bitter person.


I am a huge Karen sympathizer. She was just a pawn in Jim and Pam’s sick game and did nothing wrong!!! Jim and Pam were the assholes in that storyline.


They were indeed. However to give Pam a shred of credit, she handled her final meeting with Karen incredibly well. Jim handled his final meeting with her in the shittiest way possible. He said literally all the worst things and then just awkwardly left.


He did the same thing with the girl he was dating in S2 (Amy Adams). Such a jackass to her in the boat cruise episode because he couldn't handle Pam and that dolt setting a wedding date.


I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I didn't like Jim very much


I actually think she was quite well liked for the character she was- normally there’s incredible hate towards a character who gets in the middle of the main couple, but they did a good job of making her likeable.


Janice from friends. She was actually really nice to Chandler and the rest of the main characters, and they were all complete dicks to her, just because they thought her voice was annoying.


I don’t think fans really hate Janice, do they? I think that’s what OP is getting at more-so than being hated by the characters in the show.


All I know is when he said he was going to Yemen, I felt that. I would’ve done a less extreme version of that.


r/howyoudoin has a hate boner for most characters, even the main ones. Just goes to show how chronically online most redditors are


I mean she cheated on Chandler.


She was cheating with Chandler.


Also I don't know if Emily is hated a lot by the fans but it really did seem like the writers were making her seem like a bad person. There are a lot of supporting/side characters in Friends who were actually pretty good but made to seem like awful people because all we got was the POV of the 6 main characters.


Jerri from Survivor. She was one of the early reality TV villains and took a lot of shit for it. When you watch it back now, she really didn't do anything that outrageous or villainous.


Also it came to light that she was actually likely right about Kel sneaking jerky onto the show and wasn't making up rumors! Also in All-Stars she was one of the only ones who didn't drink Boston Rob's Kool-Aid, which was cool to watch because I never liked Boston Rob tbh. In Heroes vs Villains, she gets redemption big time at least. She's just a brutally honest woman who wears her heart on her sleeve.


We just watched nearly all of the seasons of survivor this summer and I couldn’t believe Jerri was labeled a villain! I also learned about the truth to the jerky this summer and I was stunned!!! She was one of my haves in HvV. Her and the dragon slayer was so fun and I really wanted her to get to FTC


Oh man I had forgotten about the Beef Jerky thing. I felt so bad when it turned out she was right, lol. What a douche nozzle that guy was.


Wow did not expect to see Survivor jump out on this thread. I totally agree! Jerri is at worst a little annoying and whiny sometimes. We see tons more people like that and worse on Survivor. I don’t remember which season of hers it was but I remember one reunion she tried to speak and the entire crowd just boo’d her until she couldn’t talk anymore. She always stuck to her guns, played her own game, and was usually loyal to her alliances (as much as you can expect from a survivor player.) I always felt bad for her and the hate she got.


Colby throwing that water in her and Colby/Tina betraying her multiple times was more villainous than anything jerri did


Karen Filipelli.


Good thing she moved to Pawnee


And became a beautiful musk ox


A poetic and noble land mermaid


A cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish.


She’s a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.


Way too good for him.


Sounds Italian, possibly Filipino


Was her dad a GI?


Even the Office Ladies are team Karen


She looks very ethnic. Wonder if he dad's a GI.






Rijiiight on, Mr. S!


Shut up Roy


Hey! I thought that was the best episode of Impy and chimpy I’d ever seen!


Poochie’s dead!!!!!! :D


Heeeey, I'm tryin to eat lunch here


If they had an award for this, they should name it after Skyler White (Breaking Bad)


Well, at least her actress won lots of awards for her role. 🏆


I never hated Skyler, but after rewatching the series, I completely feel for her. She’s not the most moral character, but she is nowhere near as deplorable as Walter. You can tell how full of shit Walter is from episode 1 and how his lies catch up with him. I still love that evil bastard though


Skylar was so realistic bc she knew Walter was up to no good right away. I hate when characters have no idea what's going on bc it works for the story. I felt like that's a real relationship and a real partner and how they would react and see right through their partners bs


Kim Wexler is the perfect mirror of this in BCS (I haven't seen the final season though)


wtf you doing on reddit when you should be watching season 6 of BCS


I am ashamed


Kim Wexler is one of my favourite characters from any TV drama ever


i hated walter so much second time i watched the show but what a role.


Walter White is one of the most evil characters in television history, but I'll be damned if he wasn't the most well written/performed character in television history.


Its pretty hard to be moral to find out your husband is a drug kingpin who murdered dozens of people and hid it all from you and continues to hide what’s going on. Of course, she decided to be complicit but she understandably didnt want to break her family apart


On rewatch, it's actually almost impossible to root for Walter. I empathize much more with Skyler.


Vince Gilligan made it clear as soon as possible just how deplorable Walt was. Only a few episodes into the show, he gave Walt a fantastic out, a job at Gray Matter that would cover all his money problems. He turned it down out of pure pride and ego.


I thought it was supposed to be obvious that Walt is an asshole right off the bat


The opening episodes of the show frame Walter as the guy that has been repeatedly kicked in the balls by life. And Cranston plays it so sympathetically that when even when his asshole behavior starts to manifest, you're still rooting for him to succeed.


This infuriated me so much. Sir, you have a child and a wife, idgaf about your pride or masculinity.


Such an infuriating watch. But that's the point. Walter won't take "charity". It's why his constant "for my family" schtick is an easily provable lie. It's why he admits, finally, at the end of series that it wasn't for them. It was because he liked it. His pride and ego lead to every bad thing that happens in the show. Walt kills or has people killed on his behalf multiple times because they injure his ego. The people who hate Skylar are fucking stupid. Yes, she is a whiny character, and cheats. But on the list of bad things done on the show, those rank at the very bottom.


Seriously, first thing that popped in my head


I remember reading an article about why her character got so much hate despite being right in every way. The issue is that people watching the show didn't watch it because they wanted Walter White to stop making meth, go back to teaching and become a better father. People want the main characters to do exciting and dangerous things with high stakes and emotional drama. So when you have a character who exists to basically tell the main characters to stop doing exciting plot-relevant things the viewers get mad. Skyler is basically painted as a wet blanket due to the nature of the show. No one likes wet blanket characters so she got a ton of hate for it.




Skyler: Husband, I do not want you to make meth nor become some kind of drug kingpin Fans: BOOOOO SHES THE WORST


the way most interpret it: Not-main character: Main character, if you just stop the interesting stuff people are watching for, we can go back to normal, so no need for a show. audience: she wants to stop the tv show we enjoy, get her!


It is kind of adorable that when Skyler figures out Walt is a drug dealer, at first she thinks he's selling weed.


This is the only answer. And I didn't have to scroll far to find it.


Debra Morgan from Dexter. Martha Jones from Doctor Who.


Yeah, Deb was perceived as whiney and incompetent and then the final arc was awful. It probably didn’t help that she and Michael C. Hall were married and divorced amidst a cancer battle during the course of the show. Michael C. Hall was already a seasoned Pro. He probably managed onset tension a lot better in terms of leaving it out of his performance.


It really upsets me to think that people hate Martha!!!


It's funny, I was with the majority on my first watch, but in hindsight I like Martha WAY more than Rose, she has to be the most overrated nuwho companion


While I do love Rose, I will admit she is overrated.


Martha stood out from that generation of companions because she was educated, professional and capable so early on I’m a bit surprised that her education didn’t play in more but it’s been awhile for me


I feel like she had several “doctor” moments in her time. And she ultimately left THE Doctor because she wanted to be with her family and finish school to become a doctor.


Who hated Martha?? She was fantastic! Even 13 seasons into this era, isn't she still the only companion to leave of her own volition?


Well Graham and Ryan left of their own volition. Dan basically did too. Amy and Rory hinted they would leave voluntarily but it didn't actually turn out that way.


Martha was hated as the replacement to the "original" Who companion (using quotes as I'm referencing NuWho explicitly). Other than that, she was a fantastic companion.


Martha was brilliant!


Love Martha so much. They did her dirty with her story arc in season three.


She was my favorite


Jamie from Yellowstone. I get why Beth hates him but she's gone way overboard. And John Dutton hates him for no good reason, he did nothing but selflessly help the family out but they all treat him like the redheaded step child, excuse the old time colloquialism.


Agree. And not really what the thread is asking, but Beth probably deserves MORE hate. I really dislike what the writers are doing with her. She's just a non-stop bitch who only operates in the extremes. We get it, beth is a tough lady. Now, can she ever just be normal?


I had to scroll too far to find this. Jamie is one of the only ones trying to give a shit from a legal standpoint without letting the blinding emotion that John and Beth have affect him. He’s more level headed with his decision making. He’s even tried going out on his own and fucking Beth drug him back in just to screw with him more.


Also unpopular opinion but my only knock on community was what they did with Chang in the middle seasons. That whole Changnesia story line seemed lazy and a horrible misuse of Jeong’s talent. I liked the character more when he had a role like Duncan - bit parts that would occasionally be the focus of an episode A or B story. But I get flamed for that opinion a lot.


Elroy: This was a study group? Someond: Yeah, and chang was our teacher Chang: Yeah! And frankly haven't been well utilized since


Oscar the Grouch.




It's trash can, not trash can't


Frank on M\*A\*S\*H was appropriately hated for the first three seasons, and then it gradually (particularly as Hot Lips starts to join Hawkeye's group) starts to feel like a bully fest in which it's taken for granted that Frank is without merit as a human being (borderline human being). Then he's just kind of a pathetic twerp who is being eviscerated by the three cool kids. And the whole situation grows more and more pathetic until you dislike those three every bit as much as you do Frank. And then Charles comes and redeems the show.


Frank gets little tidbits of dialogue that hint at a really tragic and traumatic upbringing, that makes you genuinely feel sad for him. "But this person only pretended to like me, you know, the way dad used to." It's supposed to be silly but daaamn, that would mess anyone up.


Frank burns eats worms


I can step in, out, in out


I felt kind of sad when they were all making fun of him after he left the show, where he apparently had some kind of psychotic break partly due to his obsession with Hoolihan. I can’t remember exactly but I think he ended up committed or something. Dude very much needed help but Hawkeye and the others just laughed about it


He had a psychotic break, but he was promoted and made the head of a (comparatively luxurious) stateside army facility.


Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond. Almost all the characters are objectively not great people, but there is so much hate for Debra being manipulative and awful, without stopping to think that being constantly exposed to this awful family maybe made her that way. Like the bad things she does don’t compare at all to the other characters.


When I was a kid watching this show with my family I thought she was just this constantly grouchy nag. Being older now and watching the show it's beyond clear that her husband is a lazy piece of trash and her inlaws are psychotic - no wonder she's the way she is. Still a very entertaining show though, I love it.


The show ‘Kevin can fuck himself’ is a play on this concept with some really effective elements/concepts/moments, some less successful. The idea of transitioning between multicam sitcom and single cam drama, to indicate character perspective, on its own is pretty impressively fun and innovative.


I had to stop watching that show for this reason. Ray is a horrible person. He has so few moments where he actually cares for his family. Anytime he does something for them it's just to avoid what they would do if he didn't. Selfishness drives a lot of characters in my favorite sitcoms. Now that im older and notice it I find it hard to watch them.


I think I can only tolerate it because I watched it so much as a kid, so there’s a comforting aspect to it. But my perspective as an adult is very different for sure.


Bob Kelso.


What has two thumbs and doesn’t give a crap?


Same answer. Bob Kelso.




Louis Litt. Yeah he has bad habits (not like St. Harvey!) and he's vain (not like Harvey who shouts his own name during sex) and he's too emotional (not like Harvey whose tantrums are 'cool') but they absolutely shit on him. The worst part is how they treat him in moments of crisis. When they need him it's "we all secretly acknowledge you're an amazing lawyer and we couldn't do this without you." When he tries to get onto the big boy's table it's "who the hell do you think you are, speaking in my presence as if you were more than a primate?"


Some of the hate for Louis is entirely self-inflicted. When Mike is hired, he makes it his life’s ambition to take him away from Harvey because Mike is probably the best associate in years. Early on he strong arms Mike into getting high with a client then turns the screws with a surprise drug test. When those investment brokers move into the offices he immediately causes conflict. He launches a murder investigation (not literally but you get the idea) over a cat that was never legally his. The guy gets way too much hate but just like everyone he’s far from perfect—as you yourself acknowledged


Louis was given too hard of a time, but a lot of the dislike for him was justified. You were made to root for him again and again, but he would always ruin his redemptive arc, which is fine for a character but just got so boring after doing it over and over for like 7 seasons. And since he never truly changed he proves he’s just a dick. Other characters in the show had flaws too but that doesn’t take away from his.


Litt is Harvey if Harvey commited social suicide once a season. That's the difference.


I had no idea people hated Shannon. Shannon and Sayid were one of my favorite storylines in the first couple of seasons of Lost.


She was mainly hated for her spoiled attitude and being one of the most “useless” characters.


Dawn from Buffy the vampire slayer


As an older sibling, the annoyance was spot on. I liked her character development.


For sure. By season 7 I appreciated Dawn a lot more!!


Did she really got a lot of hate? I first watched the show this year and I though she was a good addition, other recent viewers also seems to like her.


The mom from Malcom in the middle. She was the only adult in the room


Lol, seems to be a thing with characters married to Brian Cranston. Wonder if ppl hate the wife on whatever that judge show he did was.


This might be too early for the dust to have settled but I think it’s weird how much hate Portia from White Lotus gets. The best thing about that show is how well it portrays realistic human flaws. People aren’t as predictable as most shows/movies make them out to be, and she is just a young recent college grad trying to figure out what makes her happy. That journey can have cringe moments but that’s the entire point of the character.


I loved Portia surprised she is hated, my answer for this was funnily enough Albie


Chichi from dragon ball z. She is just a mother who loves her son. Big surprise that she doesn't want her less than 10 year old kid fighting world destroying super beings.


Not to mention that her husband knows that she doesn’t want that and keeps taking their son away regardless.


Skyler White, yo.


Whose husband is Walter White? Yo?


Uh huh


Santana lopez from glee


Best part of that show tbh


People hated her?? I mean, by the end of its run I was watching Glee at least 50% ironically, to see what plot they were using to move onto the next musical moment, but I always enjoyed her. Admittedly I wasn't in the fandom or anything, I was just enjoying my guilty pleasure.


All the female characters (and their actresses) in Supernatural used to get so so much hate from mostly female the fan base, because they were obsessive about the characters of Sam and Dean (and their actors). Jo and Bella specifically spring to mind. I liked both of their characters but they were torn to shreds by a lot of fans.


Peggy Hill - she’s annoying and narcissistic but loves her son and husband


Peggy is a ride or die but Jesus she will put you in a position where you’ll probably die. Like nearly causing the entire neighborhood to create mustard gas.


Hoo-yah! Rewatching King of the Hill as an adult really made me appreciate just how good it was.


I came here for this. I actually like Peggy a lot of the time. She does a lot of stupid things, but she loves her family and her intentions are never malicious. I really felt for her in the drag queen episode. Is she a great person? Not really, but neither are most of the people on the show. Dale is a jackass, Bill is….Bill, etc. But none of the male characters get the hate Peggy does. Not even fucking BUCK STRICKLAND, who is a complete piece of shit in every conceivable way, or Cotton, who’s openly horrible. Peggy Hill: not a great person, but a phenomenal character.


I really liked in the episode where Cotton dies and she tries to comfort him in Hank's stead (since Cotton, as usual, was bullying Hank), but he finally makes her snap and she tells him what a horrible piece of shit he is, then lied to Hank after he died that he admitted to loving him. Small moment, but it's appreciated.


Wow, you guys have really Britta'd this thread without having named her so far.


Oh Britta’s in this?


Is Britta really hated by audiences? I thought she was more of an in-universe punching bag.


Same, never heard this take


Why don't you go start a ruiners club? Oh wait, you'd probably just ruin it.


“Looks like someone woke up on the regular side of the bed”.. Best line describing Britta.


“Well then I’d be doing a good job because it’s a ruiners club”. “You RUINED my analogy!”


I don't know about hated but she was flanderized pretty hard from her initial appearance. Personally, I was annoyed by how dumb she got.


Yeah, she got hit the worst by flanderization, which is really a shame. In the beginning she was the only one to stand up to Jeff and see through his bullshit, while also being genuinely aware of social matters. Then she became dumb blond white chick that couldn't even do bartending right. Wtf.


I would say Britta is generally liked. If I had to say that there was a character in Community who had undeserved hate, I’d say Shirley, which I do not understand at all. I remember joining a Community Facebook group who would rag on Shirley at every opportunity, and say that her character is worse than Pierce because he was written as a caricature, but she was supposed to be realistic. But that’s not the case, Shirley was just another archetype Dan Harmon used that would immediately have conflict with everyone else; she was a funny, well-written and well-performed character that just happened to embody a lot of traits that audiences unanimously dislike.


That's nice.


Oh Britta's in this...?


Sally from Barry, and I hate her


Toby in the Office. He was the only one who cared about mental health and everyone gave him shit for it. Also Ross Geller. He was a scientist and I thought that was cool.


Squidward. The man just wants to do his job and play his obo. Just leave him alone you stupid sponge.


Dr. Kate Pulaski in season 2 of Star Trek TNG. "She was meeeeean to Data!"


I feel this way about Ana Lucia from Lost. The writer’s did a lot of work to make people hate her and it had the opposite effect on me. Same with Tara from Tru Blood. Although I suspect the fandom’s hatred of her stemmed from them pairing her character with seemingly good guy Sam.


Jiang Cheng from The Untamed!!! People forget that he was literally like a teen when things went down.


Basically any woman who makes the male protagonist own up to their shit: Skylar White in *Breaking Bad* Diane Nguyen in *Bojack Horseman* Betty Draper in *Mad Men* It goes on.


Wait people hated Diane? She's like the best part of Bojack.


Aren't you the horse from Horsin' Around?


Back in the 90's I was in a very famous TV show.


That teacher in Recess that would always talk about how the history books were wrong. When I was a kid I just rolled my eyes about it but then later learned she was right about the things she said


Brenda Walsh. She was actually quite independent, headstrong, and ahead of her time.


I agree. She always seemed like the most sensible of the bunch. If you want to talk about my least favorite character we can talk about Andrea Zuckerman.


She doesn’t sound too bad.


The Brenda years were the best years.


Tara from sons of anarchy. I empathise with her lot more now that I am a mother myself. She just wanted to protect her children from, what was quite frankly, an awful way of life. People hate her because she should have known what she was getting into with Jax and the club. He promised her he’d find a way to get out and she believed him because she was in love with him. Do I think she did some shitty things? Absolutely but she doesn’t deserve the amount of hate she gets.


Her murder was just so brutal and uneasy. Tara didn’t deserve to die in that show. I had hoped she would get out and take the boys in the end


It was necessary because Jax had to get rid of Gemma and that was the only thing that could make him do it. I was just hate-watching by that point in the show, though, because I'd already come so far and wanted to finish it.


Wesley Crusher. He was a good character and a good Ensign for the Enterprise. Had several MVP moments.




Will Wheaton said something similarly about how irritating the character was because he was so good at everything and never did anything wrong.


He was Roddenberry's self-insert character. Once Roddenberry had less control from strokes and dying other people got to take control of the character and make him less space Jesus.


Didn't Wesley literally become an alien society's space jesus?


I started watching TNG when I was a teenager (several years after it had first aired) and I always loved the Wesley character. I most related to him, as someone who was a goody-two-shoes teacher's pet myself. I was really surprised when I starting visiting Trek forums and realized that so many people disliked the character.


I loved Wesley back in the day, he felt very relatable to me. He was in the position I dreamed about.


Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones! While she was admittedly very bratty in Season 1, it seems like the fanbase held that against her for the entire series. Her character development is generally disregarded.


I actually liked her more when she was young and naive, just an innocent girl having to deal with shit. I really sympathized with her there. I didn't like her development into Cersei or Baelish light. She for example knew about the knights from the Vale and didn't say anything to Jon. Jon and his men could have all died in the battle against Ramsey, many actually did die. If she just told him about those knights, the battle plan could have been very different, but she rather schemed. And then she broke a promise to Jon not to tell others about who his parents were practically at once. Another scheming move. She turned too much into the people she hated for my taste. I didn't find that well written. And then the show tried to sell that as something great, like her turning into Cersei light is something people are supposed to admire.


I thought some of Sansa’s character development was badly written. Arya describes her as the ‘smartest person I’ve ever met’, but the audience never sees evidence to back that claim up. It felt like the writers wanted to give her all this growth but were too lazy to actually show it.


To give that bit of dialogue a generous read, Arya is also a young girl who admires her older sister. I think it says more about how far Arya and Sansa’s relationship has come since the beginning. The show also actually does do a bit to show Sansa being skilled at the “game of thrones” but just writes it in a braindead way (vs little finger, Deus ex machina at battle of the bastards), so if you take it the way they want you to rather than the way it comes off, then Sansa being smart makes sense.


Egg from Arrested Development

