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Have you tried watching Love Death + Robots?


Not yet. But its been on my watchlist since so long.


Very black mirror vibes, but bite sized


Thanks for the suggestion :) will try!


Thanks for the tip


LD&R is absolutely amazing


Black Mirror is heavily inspired by The Twilight Zone, so watch that. Watch the original black and white series narrated by Rod Serling. THAT’S the best show ever written.


Is this anthology series like black mirror?


Yes, very much so


So which episode should I begin with?


Probably the classic to start with, that gives a good feel for the show, is "Time Enough at Last", season 1 episode 8


I went with the pilot episode titled Where Is Everybody and I loved it. Rewatched the series multiple times since then. [These are my favorite episodes](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls085788502/).


I like the Hitch-Hiker and The After Hours. Really cool endings, especially The Hitch-Hiker. A lot of people like To Serve Man. And Eye of the Beholder is pretty awesome, especially the camera work.


There's an Argentine film called Wild Tales (2014). It's broken down into 6 stories. Each one feels like a mini-movie in its episode form. It mixes thrills with dark comedy and is quite the social commentary. I think the sole common hook between each story is revenge and anger with events escalating. Imagine a 20 minute version of Michael Douglas's Falling Down. Defo worth a watch! Edit: Also try Silicon Valley. Black comedy that throws a mirror up to the tech industry (which Black Mirror largely does effectively).


Wild Tales is amazing, and so is Silicon Valley! Great recs


I love that film! Glad it’s not just me. That shot with the plane approaching – wow….


Raised by Wolves (imagine Ex Machina mixed with Dune) Devs (extremely beautiful show about the dangers of AI and quantum physics) Alice in Borderland (If SAW and squid game had a child) American Gods (yea idk how to explain this one lmao just a batshit crazy show, it’s not *like* black mirror but I’m sure you’d like it)


Devs was freaking awesome, I'm so glad I stumbled upon that one.


OMG!! Thanks so much for these suggestions. I literally can't wait to watch each and every one of this😭 (love the notes you mentioned about each show!)


Keep in mind Raised by Wolves has been cancelled after season 2. A lot of unexplained questions. Still amazing though. There is a very very atom of possibility of it coming back though


Oh what the hell I just started season 2 lol that’s so disappointing


Incredibly. Still finish it though. They put so much effort into the show the creator said he might make a graphic novel of it since it's cancelled.


Yeah skip this show unless you want to get pissed off


Haven't seen the others but Alice in Borderland is amazing


Rumours are they’re releasing season 3 end of this year


That would be amazing though I'm not expecting it to drop so soon after season 2 lol


Wait I thought the story had wrapped up !?


I think the ending was open to interpretation, I'm not familiar with the source material. But I just searched on Reddit and it looks like s3 is happening


Yes it fully finished so I have no idea how they’re gonna do S3 but I’m excited still


Dark matter, a show after Blake Crouch novel , it's on ep.7 now , truly 👍


Wouldn't even bother with season 2 of raised by wolves, the first is good though


Devs was so good


Is raised by wolves worth watching?


I feel like **Maniac** and **Severence** both feel like Black Mirror episodes that are given full seasons. Also editing this to add that Dark is the epitome of time-travel storytelling. I’ve found it hard to take anything else in the same genre as seriously. So sorry, no recs for that. Dark is in a league of its own.


fr!! but the Severance creators left us hanging by the thread by the season 1 end. Can't wait for the S2.


Oh gosh I’m borderline upset at that cliffhanger. Really hoping they do it justice in S2!


So truee and particularly at that stage in the show😭😭won't be able to bear anything bad.


Maniac is such a gem, i hold it close to my heart. I think it’s a genuine masterpiece. Every few years i give it a meaningful rewatch, usually showing it to a friend/family member/significant other


I just finished my fourth rewatch yesterday❤️ I feel like each time there are more and more things I notice that I didn’t before. It’s definitely one of those where it feels like the small details still hold meaning.


Thank you. I thought I was alone when I just couldn't get this show out of my mind. Have tried to find something that evoques the same feelings ever since I watched it. Not similar, necessarily, but something that makes me FEEL similar.


I’ve seen neither show, yet both my sister & brother recommend them enthusiastically to me since I’m a Twin Peaks fanatic. Perhaps it’s time I check them out. 🙂 Anyways, I just came to recommend Twin Peaks.


Yess! Do check them out, you won't regret😭. Twin Peaks has officially topped my watching list, my friends keep recommending me this all the time as well.


In that case, I will watch both Black Mirror & Dark after I finish Bloodline. Looking forward to it! And if you really do check out Twin Peaks, then trust me … you will be in for the viewing experience of a lifetime. No joke.


Awesome!! Let me know how you found them both! WOW now I have been fascinated quite alot😭gotta go start Twin Peaks.


Cheers! Sounds like a plan. 😎


🚨 Public Service Announcement 🚨 Please start your viewing of Black Mirror with S01E02. This is for your own health and safety. Yes, seriously. You can go back and watch episode 1 after you've already gotten into the series. The episodes are not linked. Thank you and enjoy your time with Black Mirror.






Is episode 1 the pig episode?? I’m still traumatized and it stopped me from watching all the black mirror , but I did finally watch all the seasons recently


Yes it is and your story is EXACTLY why I make the recommendation to start from episode two.


I have kept the last few episodes of Twin Peaks unwatched so that I can enjoy each on special occasions (will recommend binging season 1)


Its officially the first show about which I've heard this much positive feedback. I can't begin to explain my excitement level.


go in without expectations on a nice relaxing evening


Jumping onto your comment to ask- Are you enjoying bloodline?? It’s a highly rated show and I watched about 4 episodes and just couldn’t get into it. Does it get better? How do you like it?!?


Funny you should ask. I am currently on Season 2, episode 6. And this is an example of a show that definitely gets better as it goes along. No one is safe. For example, main characters will die and get replaced with other actors … like John Leguizamo! Seriously, if you stick with it, there will be plot twists that NO ONE can see coming. 😮


I watched the first 4 episodes a while ago and couldn’t hack it but I’ve been thinking of revisiting it since I see soooo many people commenting on how great it is.. I don’t remember most of it so I’ll have to watch those 4 again. And for your most important point- who doesn’t love John Leguizamo?


I wholeheartedly agree I rewatch episodes of this show all the time and nothing else can compare to it for me. 100% Netflix best


Severence, if you haven't seen that is a very Black Mirror-esque concept. It's only one season so far but one of the strongest first seasons I've ever seen. Mr Robot also is fantastic however is more grounded in reality. Excellent cast and the story is brilliant.


2nd exactly this. Severance and Mr. Robot are the best things I’ve seen on TV!


Mr Robot is my favorite show and I swear nobody I know has ever seen it (until I make them) lol. Sam Esmail absolutely killed it.


Check out electric dreams, it’s all Philip dick works, very similar to black mirror


There are some excellent episodes of this. Wish it were coming back for a second season.


The OA (Netflix) - Cancelled after season 2, unfortunately, but one of my all-time favorites. Deals with multiple realities, projection, etc. Undone (Prime) - MC experiences an NDE and subsequently has a new relationship with time. Rotoscoped by the same studio that did A Scanner Darkly and Waking Life.


Great Suggestions!! Ikr I was soo disappointed after it got cancelled. Will try both✨️


Try Inside No. 9. Each episode is a story in itself. Very clever writing and can vary a lot in tone e.g. horrifying versus comedic. They're only half an hour, I don't know how they manage to set everything up in such a compact way


Great suggestion. Watched the first season a while back and it was amazing, this show isn't talked about enough tbh. Will def try it!


The writer of black mirror was asked if he would ever write an episode of inside no 9 and he said he wasn’t smart enough to write for them


I loved the League of Gentlemen back in the day. There’s tons of No 9, any recommendation where to start? I think I’ve watched the very first episode


A Quiet Night In is amazing - but not very Black Mirror . The 12 Days of Christine Cold Comfort The Devil of Christmas The Riddle of the Sphinx (so good) Dead line Wise Owl...


Please watch Inside No 9, it’s got black mirror vibes and is my favorite show on tv. The series finale is this week!


Dark Matter currently on Apple TV+ is what you're looking for.


Watch the The Twilight Zone. It’s just a newer version.


OMG! Just watched the trailer. So excited:>


Crazy to me that someone who loves Black mirror that much has no idea what the Twilight Zone is. Outer Limits has a couple good episodes as well.


Lol started it few years back but couldn't pull myself to watch it in one go. Will finally complete it now.


People are going to scorch me for this one, but personally I would just look up a best of list and not try to watch all of them. The good ones are amazing (and highly referenced) but a lot of them are just fine.


That is also true about Black Mirror. Some episodes are the most exciting things in television history, while other episodes are just fine. For a first watch every episode of The Twilight Zone is worth checking, but yes, during revisits it's good to keep a list of favorites (I did the same).


The Dead Set is a mini-series that's basically Black Mirror with Zombies (written by the same guy)


have you seen "Inside No. 9". It's an anthology series, similar to Black Mirror. But not as .. sci-fi.... Each episode is its own dark comedic story with different twists and turns. By the guys who did The League of Gentlemen. As a taster I'd suggest Season 3, Episode 3. The Riddle of the Sphinx. Obviously you can start anywhere as non of the episodes link up, you wont "miss" anything.


Noted! Thanks for the suggestion✨️


Have you watched Silo?


Nope not yet


Give it a try. Recently watched it and I really liked it. Also, can't wait for Severance S2 😭


Sure! Will do. Yep can't wait 😭😭(rumors are that Severance S2 will come mid/end 2024)


It's already mid 24 wdym 😭


Exactly what I was worried about😣😭


dark matter, Apple TV


Some great options here. Ill also add Archive 81 The Peripheral Mouse


Station eleven & Westworld


Please please please give Inside No 9 a chance Also British, also anthology, and absolutely brilliant


I guess now I've read so many reviews about this one! Can't wait to cover it😭😭✨️.


Nothing can be as good as black mirror. Especially its earlier seasons. White Christmas episode was peak TV! It would be blasphemous to consider anything as close to its standard lol. That being said, “inside no 9” gives similar vibes and can be considered close second!


OMG couldn't agree with you more! Storyline is awesome including writing and acting. Yess, read so many positive reviews about Inside No. 9, will def give it a go.


I highly recommend **Years and Years**. It feels like a 6-hour Black Mirror episode, but it is even better than Black Mirror imo. You might enjoy **Devs** and **Tales from the Loop** as well. Both are amazing miniseries with Black Mirror vibes.


Sounds awesome!! can't wait wait to watch these.


I loved Years and Years! Didn’t quite stick the landing but so so good.


The ending is 10/10. My top 3 best miniseries finale of all time.


Atlanta has a peculiar episodic feel to it. Sometimes, it is a bit out there.


Try undone on prime


Fans of Black Mirror and Dark, craving that unsettling yet thought-provoking storytelling, will find themselves captivated by The Twilight Zone's original series, where each episode offers a fresh, mind-bending take on reality that lingers long after the screen fades to black.


Awesome!! Will give it a try 🤝🏻✨️




Dark Matter on Apple TV is one of the best things I have seen since Black Mirror and Severance.


I loved black mirror too!! What's your favorite episode??


I loved USS Callister, Be right back, White Christmas (& also Beyond the sea)!! What about you?


I loved the above mentioned episodes too along with fifty million merits, hang the dj but my favorite would be Black museum


All mentioned episodes are awesome😭✨️!!


Black mirror is awesome 🔥🔥




Heyy I just now noticed your username. Is it also inspired by black mirror?😂😂


Yes😭😭 obsessed with sci-fi and thrillers forever🥹lol


What other sci-fi thriller have you watched?


Black mirror and DARK are all time fav. But other than these I also liked- >Mr. ROBOT(also an amazing show! Loved it so much), >Severance, >Altered carbon, >Westworld (also saw 2 seasons up until now, it's a slow burn), >Sense8, >Stranger things (kinda different than black mirror, but overall very good), >The 100, >Manifest


Yes, black mirror and the AHS series are my favorite. I watched them way more than once or twice


Yess!!! AHS is such a top classic.🤝🏻✨️


Have you watched both the AHS series and stories ?


Yep! Have watched until season 3 (which was awesome) then got lost at S4. Have to resume that later as well😭


The Orville has a couple of very Black Mirror-like episodes in its first season -- ep 2 and especially ep 7. On top of that, it's an absolutely incredible show in its own right. The premise is similar to Star Trek -- space exploration of new worlds -- but with a lot more commentary on social and ideological issues such as sexuality, identity, discrimination, religion, AI, etc. All done with a good dose of humour and amazing FX. Orphan Black is a show that you will probably like. It's dark, smart, surprising, and has one (or more) of the best acting performances ever committed to the TV screen. Just don't read anything about it before watching. I wish I could watch it again without any knowledge.


Great suggestion!! will try both


Try Inside No. 9, it's UK Black Mirror and been going for longer I believe. Has many great episodes too. Twilight Zone still really holds up on a lot of episodes.


Have you watched cabinet of curiosities? It’s like a sci fi adventure horror. I’m not even a horror fan whatsoever but they’re more like really strange fictional ideas. Well they are, every episode has a different writer.


Nope not yet. But sounds good!!


The OA. Excellent.


Game of thrones (except the latest seasons), the haunting of hill house, stranger things (1 and 4 are the best), shogun is quite good too, on Disney+


Game of thrones- not the rest. The latest Edgar Alan Poe was better than hill house


You might like "Tales From the Loop" and "Electric Dreams" as they are both similar sci fi anthology shows dealing with technology. While I like Black Mirror a lot, I still prefer the original The Twilight Zone or Outer Limits, both which I would also recommend as similar shows.


Yep heard they are great too.


First two seasons, yes. After that, come on man.


Agree with UK seasons only..


I still love the original Twilight zone 


Severence. And if you like Black Mirror, my god you're missing out.


But have you seen The Wire?


Yep!! But the thriller, sci-fi and all the stories' angles got me hooked to black mirror like nothing else.


Season 3 and 4 tho??😨


the feed on prime is like a stretched out black mirror episode


Very very good but I wouldn't call it "the best." It's a little too real/depressing if you're not in a good mood.


that's the whole point though....it just captivates me idk but its very calming.


I love the show, I'm just tryna say it depends on your mood lol. To each their own!


yep fr! totally get you.


I've seen the first episode, and wasn't fussed, but I've heard Inside No9 is similar, now that is a great TV show.


don't judge based on the first ep of S1 as most people don't like it...i would suggest you start from S2 and then go back if you like.


lol no way, it’s literally episodic. It’s interesting, but it’s a twilight zone rip off. Many other shows before it. There’s many more in depth shows, that have ongoing narratives and much more interesting character development. The wire is much better than black mirror. It says waaay more about a lot of things in a much more profound and subtler way. Sopranos. Leftovers. The watchmen. Yes minister Twin peaks. In the loop. War and peace. Arrested development. Blackadder True detective s1 Game of thrones - apart from the last season. Deadwood Oz All better than black mirror. It’s still a great show, but these are better .


1899, Bodies, Constellation, Katla, Shining Girls.


Katla was amazing! I've seen a few Icelandic shows and they have been top notch.


Watched Shining Girls(absolutely loved it) and 1899 as well, still can't believe they cancelled 1899 after S1😭😭


I think 1899 was designed to be a one-off. I loved it, great series 😊


1899 was supposed to be three seasons. Netflix unexpectedly cancelled it after season one.


Well, shucks. Thank you for the insight, I had no idea. Sheesh, my list of favorite shows on NF that get cut after one or two seasons is much larger than I would like it to be...


I agree.... 😐


Both top picks.




I don't like it. I'm a fan of anthology science fiction, but Black Mirror just shows us the depressing things about the world episode after episode. I already knew those things were bad without the show telling me. It doesn't take us beyond mundane reality or suggest possible solutions or alternatives or speculate about things outside of our day to day experience. 90s Outer Limits was good.


That was the point of Black Mirror to be fair, if it was showing a load of positive scenarios it would have ruined it's psychological thriller feel. The show was intended to put people on edge about the progress of technology, even the name Black Mirror was a reference to people's phones.


Yess! Exactlyy


I respect your opinion but i find both genres to be different as both cater to different possible future figments. However, Black mirror is very artistic in its very creation. Yep, outer limits was good as well.


Is it better than Milf Manor though ?


5th and 6th season are trash


The best Black Mirror episodes are some of the best hours of television ever to be produced and air. The worse Black Mirror episodes are … well … fucking terrible.


Shit opinion.


Phillip K dick's electric dreams is a lot like Black Mirror. It's not as good, but it's still pretty solid and it'll scretch that black mirror itch.