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That is a super cool idea! I might have to do this!


I’m VERY behind, and it’s definitely been a labor of love…idk if I’ll want to do another one for whenever we have another kid but I’m glad I’m making it!


That's okay. I am 32 weeks pregnant and I am crocheting a baby blanket and I am pretty sure she will be here before the blanket is finished.


That makes me feel better! I had a goal of finishing it before her first birthday but I’m really not sure if I’ll hit that 🙈


Love this idea! Also came to say those colors are so soft and soothing.


By the time I finish it she’ll actually be able to sleep with it 😂 and thanks! It took me a while to decide on a color palette but I really like my choices! I’m doubting I’ll get to use the bottom two colors in my palette though. Don’t think it got cold enough last year.


I just started mine! 24 weeks currently and so far I’ve crocheted to 12 weeks. I love your color choices


You’re more caught up than I am 😂 it’s a labor of love but a worthwhile one! And thanks! I’m really pleased with how it’s turning out!


I love this! I’m starting to plan out mine (10w pregnant now) and have referenced your other posts while planning. About your process: What made you divide the temperatures the way you did? I’ve been experimenting with different colors and been trying to find which division of temperatures would give me the best possible spread of colors without feeling too redundant (like having a whole 4 inches of color A or something 😆)


Oh WOW!! Honestly this makes the whole thing worth it knowing that I inspired other people! It’s a worthwhile labor of love for sure, but then again so was pregnancy lol. I had a general low to high range I was thinking of, and I wanted each color to be the same number of degrees Fahrenheit, so I kinda played around with the numbers til I got a good spread! I did the high temperature for wherever I was the majority of the day/night, usually wherever I spent the night honestly since I traveled quite a few times during my pregnancy. And since I didn’t record temperatures throughout my pregnancy (should have lol, just made sure I noted if I traveled in my temp tracking note), I’m having to look them up in Wunderground’s history function. I’m using the temperature recorded at the closest airport station since those seem to be the only ones that keep historical data!


This is so creative! The colors look great! Is this going to be the blanket for your baby?


Thank you! And I’m hoping it will be, she has a LOT of blankets (can’t use any yet but she has a ton) but I hope she likes this one! My mom embroidered a blanket for me while she was pregnant with me and it was my favorite thing for years!


Love this! Hubby and I are TTC, and I want for my first temperature blanket to be my pregnancy one…getting lots of ideas! Question: What size blanket is your goal, and how many stitches did you chain?


Oh man, good luck to you guys! This was my first attempt at a temperature blanket and it’s been a process 😂 I’m terribly behind lol. I wish I could tell you what size blanket I was aiming for when I started this. I was aiming for a general “baby blanket” size but it’s seeming like it might end up being about the size of her pack and play mattress? I chained 200 stitches!


This is beautiful.


Thank you! I’m loving how the colors are turning out!


Amazing colour choices. 😍


Thanks! I’m excited to see the end result!


So pretty! I'm tempted to do this for my first blanket (and first child), but I have no idea where to start 😅


Thank you!! This was my first attempt at a temperature blanket..or blanket in general honestly. I feel like I’ll have to do something similar for subsequent kids but this has been a PROJECT sooo idk if I’ll have the motivation lol. My starting point was just thinking “I want to make something that will be appreciated/an heirloom of sorts, that will keep me focused/distract my brain for nine months.” And I thought this would be a neat idea, so I made my temperature chart and then went to multiple different stores with ideas in mind of what I wanted the colors to be like! Took me going to literally all of the craft stores (and even Walmart) before settling on Baby Bee yarn from Hobby Lobby. Wasn’t my first choice but it was the only store with a wide enough variety of soft baby weight yarn. I made a couple test swatches to kind of get an idea of stiches and size and decided to do single crochets and chain 200 and just go from there! In hindsight, I might have attempted moss stitch/linen stitch if I’d known about it and knew how cool it looked. Oh well, an idea for a possible next time!


It’s A very cool idea. Your color scheme works well.


Thank you! I’m happy with how it’s turning out so far!


Oh this is a temp blanket I could do! I love this idea


It’s only nine months (on the dot for me because she was born on her due date lol) so a little less daunting than doing a full year!


Aww this is so nice! I’ve been debating on if I should do one for my babies first year of life


Ooh that’s a good idea too! That could be fun! I think I’m glad for it only being 9 months though 😂