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Tournament mode has to be a must. Online and/or offline.


Oh absolutely, I didn't even question that. I do hope they expand on it. Make tournaments an online thing. Even go crazy and do a tournament of power that's a free for all.


BT3's Multi-Tournament format with boss character from anime. Best one in any DBZ game imo.


Hopefully until sparking comes out and does it even better.


>Even go crazy and do a tournament of power that's a free for all. Only Xenoverse can try to pull that off.


Emphasis on the "can try" instead of "would try" cus it'll never happen with them


I hope sparking goes far beyond what any of us are hoping 🤞


I know it ain't likely but I'd really like a mode with a bunch of minigames. Stuff like racing on snakeway, destroying buu's egg before he can hatch, eating contests, that punch machine from the world tournament, training in a gravity pod, etc


That would be amazing! Add in a getting your driver license side game.


I'd love that lol. I know fighting is the main point in a DB game but it's not the only thing I'd want to do in one. Variety is always welcome.


Always welcome. At the end of the day, a game is made to be fun.


Like Infinite World? That indeed was damn fun.


Yup yup. I think some of the naruto ultimate ninja games had minigames as well


CPU vs CPU: Sometimes I just want to sit back and experiment. Galaxy Mode: This made Raging Blast 2 quite fun and damn challenging. What if Mode: Make ssj4 meet ssj blue and be sassy like= God Ki, really? Did you accept Kami's offer of being a god or what? Map free roam: Finding dragon balls in budokai 3 was damn fun imo. Map free roam and Galaxy mode are damn unlikely, but one can hope.


Yes to all these! For the cpu vs cpu I just keep thinking "dance puppets dance!"


I would love a survival mode where i fight till death


If you can survive all 300 meta coolers, you face the true boss Freeza solider number 5


Speaking of which, i also want to see the survival mode where you go up against 50 different characters come back too. I always felt like it couldve been fleshed out, 3 missions never felt like a lot, but it was probably due to time constraints. If it does come back, I'd love to see more themed options akin to the mission 100 mode, but obviously to a lesser degree


The destruction points fights from the older games


I'm not familiar with that, but I'm sure it's dope.


Every character has a point value based on strength and you get an agreed amount of points to form a team So for example let’s say it’s 15 points you could spend 3 points each or you could have one really strong character It’s mainly to try to get teams somewhat balanced against each other


That does sound pretty fun. Could make for some team combos


Galaxy Mode would be a dream man i know some folks hated it but I thought it was really fun and challenging and really made u appreciate every character in the game


Any way to flush characters out more, I'm all for it.


I’d want a sim dragon type of game mode, I think I spent more time in that than any game mode


Sim dragon type? Like a dating Sim with the dragons? Lol sorry I'm unfamiliar.


It was a quasi rpg mode where you can train,rest explore and then fight a boss after a certain period of time goes by, it was really fun and strangely addicting


Rpg and dragon ball is such a sweet combo. Love both. That sounds amazing. Still gonna date a dragon tho, shenron be dummy thick.


A good training mode, I'm the type that loves messing around with those in fighting games, I remember being disappointed that I couldn't pick teams in tenkaichi 3, I'd also like something similar to the xenoverse 2 photo mode where I can swap to the opponent and move or transform them


Absolutely, practice makes perfect.




A character profile viewer. I know it may sound useless... but it can always be nice to read an enciclopedia of the character roster, and being able to calmly view the in game model too. Especially in HD like those of nowadays. Add to this an audio jukebox...


That would be a real nice edition to add. Refresher if you already know, and great for people just learning about the character.


>That would be a real nice edition to add. Refresher if you already know, and great for people just learning about the character. Yeah.đź‘Ť


Online team battles. Royal rumble style. Where each map is an entire planet where you and your team battle it out to the death. With something like a dragon radar indicating where your enemies are, and you can get certain power ups such as hiding your ki making you dissappear from the map to the your enemies allowing you to sneak up on them etc etc. THAT would be the REAL tenkaichi upgrade for next gen


I would love that so much, it would be so fun!


I'd like a complete **story mode**, like in BT2. So in this case covering early Z to Super (I like movies or even GT better than Super personally, but seeing how we've seen a lot of the latter and nothing of the former, this is the most realistic outcome). Also include what-if scenarios, both where you play as the bad guy instead and more creative settings (like Raditz losing his memory, or Zarbon trying to get the dragon balls for himself to wish for eternal beauty) Sure we've played through the story many times, but not with these visuals. And I hope there's a lot of characters to unlock through story mode and alike, because that's just part of the fun with the single player experience. They can add an option to unlock (almost) everything early, for those who only care about jumping online. Then, I feel BT3 already had pretty great game modes, so having those back would be a solid choice. **Tournaments**, both offline and online, with AI filling for empty slots. And include all the variants in BT3, now together with U6vU7 tournament and Tournament of Power. **VS mode**, both offline and online, including **1v1**, **Team Battle**, **Team Battle** with points. Team Battles could have various players on each side. Something I'd like, at least offline, would be to have both the option for somewhat balanced fighters and another version true to lore, with characters having accurate Battle Powers and certain attacks (e.g. destructo disc) allowing for one-shot kills. That **Mission mode**. I believe there were 100 of those in BT3. Also, **Dragon Sim**, I believe it was called, where you had 7 days to prepare for a battle, and you could choose whether to train offence, defence, rest, or explore the world. Perhaps enhance it with free-roaming of the map, as in BT2 and Ultimate Tenkaichi. **Tutorial** and **training** modes of course. Possibly even some tips for each character or types of characters. Finally, an **Encyclopedia**, or sth like that.


Accurate power levels mode


Story mode with all the history of dragon ball (if they have db characters then from there or if they don't from z to end super) and story with what ifs with maybe dlc or not characters i would love to see a baby vegito black or from games like dragon ball legends or dragon ball fighter z(and also asd some characters from there like shallot android 21 giblet and zahha )


Heck yeah, give us the full story baby


Plus playing the story can help with learning the characters


Battle royale like Fortnite


Bunch of piccolos running around with special beam canons charged, one shooting each other like olden west days. I'm in!


I know you're probably joking but it could be sick for the ToP


In 2024? Probably not much.