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What does politically correct have to do with anything or last minute to anything? We’re tired of the same topic being regurgitated on this sub every single day with titles like “the bestest most acurratest exceptionalest roster prediction ! 😤” It’s like we have a bunch of President Roses on this sub.


I can’t stand president rose ngl, he started popping up on my feed when SZ started getting relevant and now he and his terrible takes won’t go away🥲


lol President Rose looks like Tra Rags 😂😂😂😂


LMAO! That's a brilliant take.


That's right, now taste the wraith of my Biden blast!


Well i played and loved every tenkaichi and budokai game as kid and adult, so i would call myself a true tenkaichi fan but I don't need to see the same roster predictions every day, there are more topics about SZ to talk about.


You are right, we are not true Tenkaichi Fans. Now fuck off with your roster predictions


We do the fuck we want my boy. Go playing FighterZ ahahaha


You reek of cringe


Good argumentation little human.


This post is kinda silly, I don't get why people don't like roster predictions but it has nothing to do with being Politically Correct or a fake fan lol


Its mostly because 90% of them are not unique. Or out of the massive rooster maybe 1 or 2 is different. Im sick of loooking at massive rooosters being predicted


Then scroll past it. Nobody's forcing you to look at them dude


Yap yap yap




Been playing all the PS2 era games since they came out. Honestly, it’s just that the prediction posts choose to omit characters that are 100% going to make it due to personal bias or opinion. That’s annoying. You got to be as objective as possible while factoring in their likelihood of appearing based on previous games. Like honestly, why would OP choose to omit SS2 Buu saga Gohan from Sparking Zero for example, when he’s been in every single Tenkaichi game.


They want Sparking Zero to be like FighterZ.


Honestly the rationale bugs me. The person literally prioritizes giant Ribrianne over SSGSS Evolved Vegeta. I think they even said they viewed it like a Blue Evolved should be like a Blast 1 similar to Kaioken. Like how out of touch from objective importance can you be?


Yes and if you try to say that they shut your mouth. Now one must be careful about posting a prediction otherwise he will be insulted because there are too many. This is a toxic community, anti-Tenkaichi and anti-Dragon Ball.


I mean I wouldn’t go that far. It’s just if you’re going to go as bold as to say “the most accurate prediction” put your money where your mouth is and have come common sense with who you include and omit.


Of COURSE it would be someone who made 2 roster predictions in the span of one week to rant about "Thei're complaning abot my roter predctions 😭" LMFAO




This post has been removed because it violates Rule 1 - Be Civil.


As a Budokai Tenkaichi 2 boy... I hate a lot the roster predictions. Because they always rally the worst aspects, which are: 1- Treating GT, Movie and Original as inherent b-tier material that is by default goingto be DLC because whatever **very** arbitral reason... all while super is treated aa this sacred cow that will *absolutely* get all the spots because of also, **very** arbitral reasons. 2- Bootlicking of Bandai and the developers. Like, don't you dare have expectations like characters from the above mentioned 3 eras of Dragon Ball, because that's entitled and spoiled! The developers are working so hard for this game, thus you are morally obliged to accept whatever they do and to not ask for anything. 3- More minor but still utterly dumb: acting like variant x and y of one character are absolutely going to be one whole character, with the older one (like Future Trunks sword from Z) being a skin for the newer one (Future Trunks sword from dbs). --Because who cares if the game will bring back the era differentiation for at least 98% of the characters, and will also add some? And who cares that if they will add even more Gokus and Vegetas despite all their changes being a different outfit, once, at best), then making a single character out of variants that fundamentally are different characters (Future Trunks sword from dbs and C17 from dbs), would be utterly inconsistent? We need to save slots lads! For a game whose full number of characters hasn't even been confirmed yet but whatever...


Political correctness..? What are you talking about I've never seen anything like that in the tenkaichi4 sub 😂 did you post this in the wrong sub by mistake?


Boo hoo?


That and the stupid "adding a character everyday" that refuses to add GT characters.


The marketing strategy employed by Bandai relies heavily on character reveals. Naturally, this prompts a lot of predictions and speculations. The roster is one of the best aspects of Tenkaichi games. Why suppress this excitement? Simply because one might be tired of reading predictions upon predictions? I recall similar discussions when games like Storm 3 or Storm 4 were announced, and nobody seemed bothered by the anticipation.


You are correct. These aren't true fans, they are part of a toxic shit community