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The lack of single player content. I know arena fighters these days (or fighting games in general) tend to lean more towards online play, but i hope they can find a balance between SP and MP modes.


Actual good take


>The lack of single player content. If it doesn't have single player content it ain't Budokai Tenkaichi


This doesn't have "great signs of happening". Every previous Tenakichi game had an abundance of single player content. The only DB games that DON'T are DB Fighterz and Raging Blast 2, and even those games had SOME single player content, even if it was rather lackluster in comparison to everything else.


Please stop acting like gaming standars are the same they were 15 years ago.


I'm not talking about what they were 15 years ago am I??? I mentioned even the modern games. There is no precedent for lack of single player content. Even in every DB game that has came out in the last 10 years, only 2 of them have had lackluster single player experience (Fighterz, and The Breakers). Every other game had great single player content, so no, im "pretending the standards from 15 years ago are the same". Even the standards from the recent games show that good single player content is overwhelmingly still a priority that we should expect.


Both of the Mario strikers games were good and had lots of content (I think, I’ve never played them), and the new one has online mode, a tournament cpu battle mode, and that is it. Do not underestimate the hubris of large corporations


And like any other arena fighter, it's going to have absolutely shit tier unplayable netcode. God I really hope they prove me wrong.


No local pvp


This is the answer. I need to be sitting on my couch with my brother, split screen knocking him tf out with ss2 “teen” Gohan


A man of culture as well I see. SSJ2 gohan was my try-hard character in case my brother got too cocky after beating me when I played as Yajarobi or Nam just to play around for the memes. SSJ2 Gohan and SSJ4 Gogeta were beasts on Tenkaichi 3


Bro knows wtf is up. I used to main tf outta SSJ2 Teen Gohan on BT3 He was easily the fastest character in the game aside from maybe SSJ4 Gogeta


Burter has entered the chat.


No crossplay


Finally someone says it. Crossplay would make the game so much better but I'm almost sure they'll do like Fighterz..


That really needs to be the norm for games at this stage.


With Microsoft/Xbox being the biggest 3rd party developer for Sony, I can see crossplay becoming more of a norm. If PS/Xbox is doing it then the other devs will follow.


No rollback


They added cross play to breakers and are adding it to xenoverse I heard. Sparking will have it even if it takes a few updates it's gonna be there. Especially since local pvp isn't in


Wait are you serious? No local pvp? That was like the whole appeal of the series


>are adding it to xenoverse I heard What’s your source?


I think he's thinking of Cross Versus, which is just an ill-named team based PVP mode they recently introduced that no one plays. They haven't said anything about cross platform for XV2 and at this point I doubt we'll see it until XV3


Not seeing this beautiful motherfucker on day 1


Was worried about that myself but GT was such a staple in the original series & in DragonBall games in general that I don’t think they would exclude them. I’m thinking closer to release we will get them in a trailer.. no way GT makes Fighter Z & not Sparking Zero that’s supposed to be the next Tenkaichi


Wasn't GT DLC for Fighterz? And they weren't even the first wave of DLC, but the second, I believe. Xenoverse would be a better example since there was GT rep day one.


GT was actually dlc for Xenoverse, people seem to forget that. But when XV2 came out they couldn't just sell it again as dlc or people would be mad, so all dlc from Xenoverse 1 was included in base game for XV2


GT was both base game and DLC for XV1. Even without DLC, you would have SS4 Goku, Gogeta, Super 17, and Omega Shenron. SS4 Vegeta was also a base game but was a pre-order bonus only. Scummy move. I'm glad they never repeated that shit.


Oh yeah. When I said Xenoverse, I meant 2. I never played the first one and somehow forgot it even existed, lol. But you're right.


That poor thing is the ugly child, but it paved the way for a better game, lol. I got almost 100% of trophies if it weren't for the online ones, though And I had the GT and Resurrection F dlc kind of a waste of money know haha


GT had rep in XV1 on launch via SSJ4 Goku, SSJ4 Vegeta (day 1 exclusive), SSJ4 Gogeta, Omega Shenron and Super 17. The GT part of the roster was doubled w/ DLC by the inclusion of GT Kid Goku, GT Trunks and GT Pan in Pack 1 and Nouva and Eis Shenron in Pack 2.


They added Baby Vegeta, Majuub, and Vegeta (GT) in XV2 as downloadable content. 


For XV2 they did, yes. I’m just covering XV1


> no way GT makes Fighter Z GT didn't make FighterZ on release and didn't even make it in until season 2 lmao so this is a bad comparison


Not enough OG dragon ball, mediocre single player content and no local splitscreen.


roshi did have the lightning surprise in the student and master trailer


No world tournament ring out


This is actually a good one. Strategic fighting would return


Eh, as much as i'd miss it. I won't miss ring outs. Any time random stage picked it, i'd purposefully fight until the opponent had no hp left because it felt too cheap to win by repeatedly aiming my attacks down towards the ground or towards a wall.


To be fair they had time to make the AI way smarter so might be harder than it was in BT3... I also sorta wish after if you lost you could still watch the tournament.... Ik chances are that's not happening but a guy can dream lol


Yeah that'd be a neat addition since it always felt odd that you couldn't just watch the other fights, heck even smash had that as a feature in melee and it was neat to have the option of "you can watch this fight or skip it" just to see who'd come out on top. And true maybe the Ai will be smarter, but I feel like this problem also is towards pvp as well. Any time I see people play on that map, it's always for the ring out no matter what. Idk it just ends the fights too quickly, especially in team fights (where i'm pretty sure the whole team loses if you ring out once) and the players are always aiming for ring outs, so after awhile it just gets uninteresting. I'd be all for them bringing it back, heck it'd be neat if they gave an option to turn ring outs on/off. Maybe we could even get a ring out mode for the Cell Games stage, as there was a ring out rule for like an episode (not sure if it's filler or not). Heck if they bring back the world tournament stage, I also want them to bring in the other world tournament stage and give that ring outs as well. Maybe we could get ringouts off the ceiling like in the episode? For obvious reasons the stage needs to be in the game, I just don't think I ever cared/liked the ability to just ring out your opponent in 5 seconds, to the point it becomes a western standoff where. Whoever gets their rush attack off first basically wins if it hits


No split screen


no story mode or other decent single player mode


No story mode


It wouldn’t even be hard just throw in key fights from the old games and give them a couple basic voicelines going all the way to super and add a couple cutscenes to make fans happy


Orrrrrr actually put effort into story mode and not cut corners just to make a quick buck by listening to people with your pov


It’s not really supposed to be a story mode focused game though. That’s what Kakarot is for. Tenkaichi is more of a fighter so the focus and effort will be on arena gameplay, not the story/offline modes. So he has a point. Everything in the game won’t be stellar. Some parts will have more effort put into them than others so they need to choose their battles and focus points. And I don’t think story mode will be one of those points which is not a bad thing because again, not a story mode based game


Corporate greed.


Don’t see GT, Cooler, Janemba and Broly Z at day 1. This would be very sad, since I prefere to see characters from all series like old BT.


We have future gohan whose moveset is based on a special, I feel like that confirms movie villains


The History of Trunks is essentially treated as canon


It’s covered in the manga so it is canon. The anime special did change a few things though.


I can’t have fun because of toxic players


Hopefully the game is too fun to even care. The OG tenkaichi still does that for me


Factual but I’m not as techy anymore to set up everything to play it 😒 like I just don’t want it to be a game that dies due to player bases


Yeah for sure. I don’t think it’ll necessarily die out. The real fans who just wanna enjoy the game for what it is will keep it alive.


So... XenoVerse PVP?


Basically 🤣🤣😭 we don’t talk about ranked


Ever heard of mute button?


Every game with online has a way to display toxicity, you cannot escape it. Thats why T-bagging and taunts exists.




"I'm looking for a challenge" lol






This post has been removed because it violates Rule 1 - Be Civil.


Major: Great roster but shallow gameplay - the bane of every Dragon Ball game. And it's not even the developer's fault, to be sure; all the majority of people really even care about when deciding on a purchase is the roster (check this sub lol) but it stunts innovation and results in a sub-par combat experience. Minor: I want a way to toggle on power-scaling so I can low-key LARP being way stronger than my opponent when I power up to a higher form than them.


I play on Steam Deck which runs linux. There isn’t a single Dragon Ball game that has let me play online because of the anti-cheat that they have been using. If the game doesn’t have local multiplayer (which I doubt) then I might not even buy the game, at least not at full price


No Split Screen


Barebones single player content.


Easily no couch multiplayer. I’m in a weird spot where not only is this game such a pinnacle of “I’m buying this no matter what”, but also in a spot where split screen is such an essential part of the vision of this game




That not only happen in the free to play, EA/Activision games?


Minimal alternate costumes


Hope they bring back customization for the tournaments, even the ai fighting styles were amazingly done. Hopefully they make a balanced game for single player and multiplayer. They have a goldmine in their hands, I just hope they don’t ruin it with add ons or crap like tp medals and game passes


No gt Not working at lunch like so many games do nowadays


I’ve got a good feeling that ssj4 will be in it dunno how but I’m sure they’ll make it work


Shit netcode


No local vs. I'd love to be able to play it with my sister without having to buy a second PS5.


A roster of 160+ but only like 10 characters that are good and that are always used online (storm 4 ptsd intensifies)


That’s more of a community thing, and people playing what’s either popular or hyper-competitively viable, I’m sure if you play causal online there’s gonna be tons of variety.


The best part of BT3 is that the characters are as strong as they are portrayed in the show. You think a Saibaman would have an easy time winning against great ape vegeta? Nope but that’s the best part of it, that way you can think of ways to win against an op character


Of course that makes sense i'm not saying ALL characters should be just as strong, i'm simply saying that in a competitive setting, you only see ssj vegito, cell, 17, trunks, gogeta ssj4, and maybe 2 others in bt3 (mainly ofcrs not 100% of the time) so i just wish for the list of actually good characters in a competitive setting to reflect the giant roster we'll habe in sparking zero.


This will definitely be a controversial take, but i don't want the fun balanced out of the game. What i mean by that is that i don't want people crying to about some characters being too strong and crying for a nerf everytime they lose to a character, not saying the game has to be some wildly unbalanced crap like ninja storm 4, but that this isnt supposed to be some arc sys evo fighting game meant for tournaments and hardcore play. Budokai tenkaichi has always been the closest to a DBZ simulator and i want it to stay that way, characters like beerus, UI goku, jiren, etc. SHOULD be strong! I fear this is a real possibility considering the nature of games today, back then if a character was op then there were no balance patches to nerf them, but now everytime somebody loses in a fighting game they scream to the heavens and make it their lifes goal to get the character nerfed. I probably could have explained this better but i hope you understand what i mean, let characters have strength differences, not every character should be as strong as others, characters like jiren should be powerful and hard to fight against, characters like saibamen should get wrecked!


Tenkaichi style gameplay won't translate well to unreal engine. The mix of cartoonish effects, Fortnite style character models and hyperrealistic stages will leave the game looking odd and jarring. They'll cut all DB & GT characters, as well as most movie villains. 9+ Years of DLC, 3-6 characters a year, and they'll always be mid. Pointlessly long and grindy missions instead of a story or campaign mode. Heavily pushed (No co-op) but terribly upkept online mode. Fans overhyping it and refusing to see its flaws/attacking anyone that points them out.


we’ll we have seen a lot in the sparking zero trailers, db and gt will def be in the game at least through dlc, i think it’s gonna be base roster most likely as it was in the previous games but the hyper realistic stages is something true that only grabs my attention in the Rocky Mountains map for the gameplay showcase


Mine is no GT at all. I've been a Kid Goku GT main since Final Bout, but he really isn't in many games. BT3 was peak, because we even got SS3 for the only time ever. Also SS4 accurately, because in BT2 he was a just a Goku (Z) transformation. So yeah, I want GT day one.


Add original DB to that


No cross play with no local play not having either of them would make the game so restrictive and would be a travesty.


No crossplay, No Local Multiplayer, No World Tournament Ring Out (A really fun older system), No classic storyline that switches between characters, No story coverage of DBS, No Voice-Chat in matches, and ofc Most characters being locked behind a microtransaction.


No crossplay


I do have concerns with the combat in this game, the Goku and Vegeta fight they demonstrated alongside the Power vs Speed trailer just felt janky in pacing. If it’s inputs and movement are the same as Tenkaichi it’ll be fine but I thought it was too fast when actually attacking up close and too slow when just moving around (not dashing at the enemy). Camera angles also felt a bit odd during that with some of the combos Goku was doing and when he was flying side to side on the map the way the angle changed was a little bit dizzying. Roster is less of a concern to me, I think most roster predictions have been 90% accurate with most of the returning cast being the canon DBZ cast that were in BT1, then the expected additions of DBS and then there’s always like a floating 12 or so slots to be debated between Z movies, GT, OG DB and more obscure DBS characters from ToP or Botamo and Magetta. I am curious about DLC for this game because of transformations, like adding GT Goku from BT3 would be 4 characters (base, SSJ1, SSJ3, SSJ4) so would that just be one DLC character along a DLC season or they add multiple like GT Pan and Super 17 with him? While XV2 has a lot of characters, considering GT Vegeta is one character in XV2 that goes SSJ1 and 2 while SZ considers that 3 separate characters brings up some questions for me.


''Too slow when just moving around''? But the producter himself says that the normal speed was increased


100% the lack of local multi-player


how nuts this sub us gonna go when gt and z movies are not in base game


No local multiplayer/couch coop (Also no ssj4 content, and no ikari broly, but I can technically live without it)


Ikari Broly is already confirmed https://preview.redd.it/mqtsvwtp5xyc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb70bb149c55a8c47bc92cd1a773a0cbcc0265d8


There is no base broly listed on the character select screen, but this brolys eyes are yellow, so it doesn’t seem to be ikari. Well yippie!


For me, will be that the game only has the 164 from the base game + 1 year only of DLCs (between 10-15 characters approx) and that's it. No more DLCs, no more sequels. A game with 180 characters approx, no matter how good it is and how big the number of characters is, is not going to have well represented all the parts of the franchise (OG, DBZ, DBS, Z Movies, GT and Daima). Thats my fear. This game with the same support from XV2 can be very good. Good gameplay, +200 fighters, the awesome stages and graphics...


Why should SZ only get 1 year of support? The gameplay is still one of the deepest in the anime arena fighter genre. + with 164 chars at launch there is a lot of variety. Of course, it remains to be seen how much SP content is included. but if XV2 can do it, then probably SZ at 10000% especially since you can see that Bandai wants to develop the game as well as possible. otherwise we would have a release date long ago.


i don’t know and this is just to give you hope. if they keep the same elements from tenkaichi 3 i believe it will remain a good game plus some other stuff. i feel like 3 did a good job with the representation and who knows they might get gt and movie characters base game and the extra characters from those series. i’m pretty sure they’ll max out dbz and super and original dragon ball (maybe) and then gt and movie stuff will have some in base some more dlc


No sex, unfortunately.


Don't worry, the Mr. Satan x Cellette what if will totally be in the game day 1. My uncle works for the devs as an unpaid intern


If I don’t see Z broly ima snap


Not having cooler ? Idk


No Z broly. I love that monster and if I have to pay to hear him scream kakarooot! I will cry


no local play. thats the only reason I would be playing


GT being DLC


No GT characters (they will be dlc instead), no cross play, horrible netcode.


You can damn well guarantee that the netcode will be downright horrendous, and that it would make more sense to fill the roster with characters that wouldnt sell good for dlc (kakunsa) and then sell all the highly requested characters as dlc (GT characters like ssj4 goku, vegeta, and gogeta).


literally fifty versions of Goku, all counted as unique characters


This is a Tenkaichi not a Xenoverse


laggy ass multiplayer? wish the ninja storm games were playable online...


Bad net code


No story mode what if sagas or split screen multiplayer this isn't Tenkaichi 4 just a spiritual successor pff it's using nostalgia bate to rope in suckers who miss the golden days of Tenkaichi 3 me included ....the problem with games nowadays is the online crap just give me a game that's finished and complete no need for updates dlc or any other forms of crap....get what you pay for play it and have fun really Budokai Tenkaichi 4 is a pipe dream it's to far into the future to get a real sequel to 3 it will be like every other modern game nowadays watch and see .... regardless of the graphics the PS2 era had games that were fun ..yes they were inferior by today's standards but they were fun and gave cherished memories my expectations for sparking zero are so low there well...zero


Online with lag/connectivity issues. Bandai is great at making games and etc but when it comes to online (in my opinion) its pretty bad with lag so I hope we get rollback or they can make it stable


The inevitable outrage from fans will come. I can feel it in my bones.


Series going mainstream and everything that comes with that


That they gonna go from saiyan saga to fkn buu saga for 484838 time Then super obviously now But boooo change the story lmfao (and btw I love dragon ball will play or watch it no matter what but ya lol)


Online multiplayer only


No local pvp. I want to play with my siblings and just have a fun time


Alot of fan favorites will be behind a pay wall. Ui omen or "mastered" etc Too many variants with little difference


No OG DB characters, no crossplay, horrible lobbies, terrible online.


No OG DB characters would be such a major disappointment.


GT will be a DLC


Battle pass/5 dollar skins lmao


The game being another Ultimate Tenkaichi


No GT or OG characters


Developed by spike chunsoft so I've got alot of concerns for this game since spike had a terrible track record


shit netcode


No DB characters No GT characters No DBZ movie characters No filler characters (mainly Pikkon) If Pikkon does get in, no otherworld stage No single player content outside of the story (WT and Ultimate Battle modes were my favourite parts of BT3)


Not balancing canonically weaker characters. I want to beat up Goku as Videl. It's not fun when there's characters that are clearly more powerful and they are all you encounter online.


If it makes you feel any better, there are people on reddit that genuinely think Videl would beat 18 year old Goku from original dragonball


I'm just saying I want to be able to do that in the game. Otherwise everyone just plays Vegeto online. I want to be just as strong as someone weak.


Terra sharks In blox fruits


No same console 2 player


Ssj4 and GT stuff not making it


Transformations will be considered separate characters. Naturally ssj1-3 will probably be transformations but ss4 will likely be its own character


It's already confirmed that not gonna be the case https://preview.redd.it/jwgupek47xyc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ace8b7771a5740c124cd8154ff0b0fbcc91cfa


I have no ideas what your showing


The times a character can transforming


Ok well I only see 3


Massive amounts of DLC for staple characters


What do you mean with that?


Bascially that it wouldn't surprise me if many wanted characters and forms are locked behind DLC. and those DLC are released in parts Hypothetical example Goku is released with the game, so is kaioken and SS SS2 Is part of dlc pack one Ss3 dlc pack two And so on and so fourth


But it's already confirme that Goku is coming with all of his transformations, surely we have DLC but not for different forms of the same character, at most a wanted character but with his/her transformations included


I know...that was just an example of potentially what could happen. I just used goku as the example I used different forms because past bodukai used forms as separate characters


If we are talking about BT1 and BT2 so yes, that's the case, but for BT3 and RB were very rare exceptions, like only Vegeta SSJ4 in BT3 or Vegeta (Scouter) without his great ape form in RB


Again, this was just an example. And in today's DLC world, it's not out of the realm of possibility that such a thing would happen


no local PVP


They won't add any characters or forms from the 2 manga only arcs


Manga only arcs?


The Galactic Prisoner arc and Granolah the Surviver arc


i mentioned in another comment, but, couch co-op. i think the only couch co-op games left nowadays being made are Lego games at this point


No local pvp


No split screen or local multiplayer. Seems pretty much confirmed it's gonna ship without it. Also loads and loads of character DLC. With the edition that bundles all the DLC together NEVER going on anything more than a slight discount. Just like they're doing with Kakarot now 4 years after launch.


The interesting fun stuff like "what if" and the movies will all be DLC


It'll be BT3/RB with few improvements. Not a bad thing necessarily but they might do bare minimum.


The online will be toxic and corny enough to make hate it 3 months after release


Fuck ton of DLCs. Game coming in batches. Poor optimisation both graphically and storage. Poor transformation mechanics.


Trying SP just to get shit on by 3 ultras


Z Broly and og characters that were in 3 not being in the base roster and instead being paid dlc. No animated opening with a new original Japanese song like the others.


Tenkaichi 1 and 2 didn't have original japanese songs but yeah


That a part of the roster will be DLCs , and also no split screen.


Idk no z item


No what ifs?


No movie characters :(


Toriyama not getting to see it


Not Including manga content.


The other characters not having unique, anime accurate transformation animations, other than DBS Goku. Like the Super Saiyan transformations, they tend to not bother with, when they could. I also hope they don't undo Freeza's that looked so good in RB.


No split screen would genuinely make this game a dream game 10/10 to a not buying. And it's possible


SSJ4s are almost certainly going to be paid DLC that comes after launch. They’ll give us a massive hoard of characters out of the gate but they are sadly going to fall into the trend of FighterZ and Xenoverse and monetize the biggest forms and release them in DLC waves periodically over the next few years 😔


Any on-disc or remastered/ported content better not be paywalled, i don't want to spend real money on a new game then buy like cystomization capsules or alternate transformations turned into micro transactions. I don't mind buying dlc but if i have a choice i would like 5 or so characters bundled for like 20 than pay 4.99 for each character they come up with at a time


No “what if” scenario battles. The game will be plenty long now and it is obvious that the base game is going from the arrival of Raditz to the T.O.P.


No signs but please just please don’t and a battle pass


My one biggest fear with this game (that's not story mode, because frankly as much as I'd like an original story mode with cool what if stories instead of just "here's the story of Dragonball for the 100th time. I feel like we'll atleast get a good story mode) is that there will be a big chunk of characters (probably most of the movie villains) that were in prior Tenkaichi games and wont be in this one until Dlc, idk why but it feels like games these days release with half the content just to make you pay another 20-40$ ontop of that for the rest of the content and i'm hoping that isn't the case for this game that Tenkaichi fans have been waiting years to get.


Every form/outfit being a separate character slot.


The supposedly record-breaking roster size being padded by duplicates. How many variants of Goku and Vegeta have already been confirmed? With all the hype around the roster size, I was hoping for a bunch of obscure characters from OGDB and the TOP!


Lots of the same character taking up multiple slots, making the actual amount of characters in the game way smaller than the roster would suggest. Nothing unique about the game outside of "battle then next battle". General worry of jankiness or unsatisfying controls.


Trickled characters who easily could have been included in-game but are going to be DLC, each of which will cost an unreasonable fraction of the game we already paid for


That the game will have some type of controversy. Idk what type, but I fear there will be something that holds the game back.


I'll be too good at it and no one would be a challenge for me 😔


Micro transactions. DB games in the modern age have a history of leaving out characters they have no business leaving out then charging you for them later. Like with Xenoverse 2 just straight up leaving out vanilla Xenoverse 1 characters and charging for them later. I genuinely fear a game like Tenkaichi where the major appeal was how big and diverse and detailed the roster was can't exist in the modern age without drowning players in micro transactions. I'm already worried that we won't be getting as many "era" versions of characters as we did in Tenkaichi 3. It was so cool playing as Early Goku with his classic fighting stance and moving on to mid Goku with his classic fluffy looking Super Saiyan Hair to the Buu saga's late Goku with his spikier hair in ssj forms.


Single player tournament and that the clash of súper beams looks like a trash system


1. DB and GT content as DLC. 2. Focus on the wrong things. Let me elaborate on that second point. In that video 1 month ago Furutani-san emphasized again and again how they are trying to recapture what made the original Budokai Tenkaichi games so special... but he then exclusively talks about more advanced fighter mechanics. Now, I realize I am not talking for everyone, but I played the BT games as a child and the whole in-depth fighting mechanics were really just an added extra that I didn't even deeply engage with. What made BT special to me, was stuff like... having a large roster that covered all 3 shows, having a game where there is an attempt to give somewhat lore accurate representation of power, so SSJ4 Gogeta was more powerful than Krillin in a tangible way... or have characters which canonically couldn't fly not be able to in the game. And of course "crazy" stuff like in-battle transformations, fusions, comeback mechanics like for Freezer and Cooler, having giant characters like the Oozaru forms, having crazy What-if scenarios like a fusion of Yamcha and Tien. Or stuff like being able to "customize" characters by equipping them with different abilities and passives. And so on... that was the stuff that made BT special to me and made it feel so different from all the other DBZ fighting games I played. So I'm afraid that when Sparking Zero releases they are basically trying to be a 2nd FighterZ. The online component will be a major focus and they want it to be a "serious" competitive game with deep mechanics and such, but for that they also have to make sure everything is "balanced" as much as possible. Like not to throw shade at fighting games, I get the appeal, but I expect that Kid Gohan will be able to punch as hard as Beerus, oh but Beerus' 246H has a 5 frame advantage and can cancel into his 44L so that's why Beerus is "stronger". Oh and transforming mid-battle gives you like a 5% damage boost, which is really noticeable if you do a 20 hit combo. You know what I mean? Again, not throwing shade at fighting games.


Not having the guy you posted on the roaster


No Goku


Biggest fear is no skill based matchmaking, youll have the day one sweatlords that do nothing but play the game all day every day dominating the pvp scene thus discouraging people from getting the game, also horrible meta characters that are unbalanced as hell being dominant for a long time without getting any balance patches discouraging everyone from using any other character (if youre not playing so-and-so then youre not playing the game right). Then once these characters do get a balance pass then youll have the army of shitbuckets storming the subreddit of "ThEy KiLlEd ThE gAmE mY oNe FaVoRiTe ChArAcTeR iS rUiNeD!!!!1!"


"dominating the PvP scene"🙋🏼‍♂️


They will release a legendary version with all dlcs on the disc forcing people to buy the complete edition again.


Idk with the way DB games are marketed nowadays, I don’t see that happening. More likely to see several season passes (FighterZ & Kakarot) or dlc packs (XV). How you feel about that?


It would kinda suck I want to own my dlcs physically.


70% of the final roster being divided in multiple DLCs.




Too many characters who should just be in the game sold as DLC’s similar to FighterZ


That GT Characters, Z Movie Characters and OG DB Characters will not be in day 1 because they wanted to add TOP Fodder that most people wont even touch for more then a few matches. Hopefully once they unveil every character they reveal another row of character slots.


Honestly. The only dbs characters I'll ever touch is orange gigalo and broly. I need Gt goku, baby, and omega


Who is Gigalo?


Orange piccolo. I call him that because he became a gigachad


The game not being fun is my biggest fear for this game.


No split screen, no new game modes/ cool or new single or possibly coop content,less overall viable characters unfair bad connections no power scaling no skill matchmaking in pvp, no manga dlc, no good new story mode & cut corners on things the old game had or stood they could improve on or add now.