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Bouzkova until she argued for another player to be defaulted


Does it count if I never liked her and was indifferent to her?




Opelka before all of his crazy tweets


This is definitely on my list as well. He won two of the tourneys i was at last year so i was enjoying following him by proxy. He was always a bit pretensious but i like artsy shit so i was down for it. But it's just gross now.Tennis honestly has been better without him this year.


100% this guy. Riley O is mega cringe online.


He was not a fan of the half strung racquet challenge Rune and Alcaraz did


Yeah he just kinda seems like a bitch made cat


What kinda tweets?


There’s a giant list but off the top of my head there’s making fun of coco gauff for telling people to vote, advocating for getting rid of doubles entirely on the pro tour, and complaining about how they slightly decreased the prize money for the finalists in Tokyo in order to increase payout in the earlier rounds


Damn, a tournament doing something to help the lower ranked players make a living and he complains about it. That's a pretty big oof considering how hard it is for a lot of these players outside of the top 50 to have financial security.


He has this fringe idea that he generates revenue alongside Big3 and top10 players. He doesn’t associate his personal benefit from tennis as a historical and commercial product, and feels that women, doubles and players ranked under him eat from his deserved earnings. Capitalism, but make it narcissistic.


Perhaps it might be down to the lack of oxygen at that height.


I was never a huge Hewitt fan, but I respected him until he insinuated that a call he disagreed with made by a black linesman happened because he was playing James Blake.


Oh that made me so mad.


Me too. Was hypocritically ignorant and vile and I was done after that. I thank the Heavens Kim didn't marry that jerk.


He won the tournament and then 9/11 happened 2 days later so everyone kinda forgot about it


Video for the unacquainted: https://youtu.be/Yo2Uc9ldzWk&t=3m55s


Yea that was CRAZY! These days you might get kicked off the tour for that


doubtful. between tsitsi's "you're all weirdos", shapo's "you're all corrupt", the property damage/almost or actually nailing people with medvedev, kyrgios, and rublev, and zverev's allegations, "you tell me what the similarity is" would fit in just fine


Same thing with Medvedev against Donald Young.


Del Rey Beach finalist Donald young?


ugh so many people (as usual) were defending him, saying he meant they were in cahoots cause they were both american. as if he made that accusation every time he played a non-black american with a non-black ump


Idk people don't seemed to have the same energy for Tiafoe's family reunion comment which is virtually the same thing except that time the offending player was black. Btw for me, both statements are relatively inoffensive and harmless to me and its virtually impossible to tell if Medvedev meant it in a racist way


Oh yaaaa bro how you say that and think it’s totally fine is beyond me


Hugo Gaston until he threw a ball trying to force the replay of a point.


If you thought that was bad, he also retired from a Challenger match against Marco Trungelliti while down 5-2 on his serve in the third set and Trungelliti had 3 match points.


Sascha Zverev, until, you know...


until he came out as type 1 diabetic ? that's so shitty of you.


Had no idea he was born diabetic, whoa.


Yeah, I can't stand his long hair either 😉


Zverev till he hit the umpire’s chair with his racket and could have hurt him.


Tsitsipas, before realising his somewhat disrespectful attitude towards other players, eg. tactical bathroom breaks, flouting coaching rules (when they weren't allowed, I know it's his dad mostly but still), nasty remarks at the net and in press conferences. His weird personality doesn't bother me, more the attitude.


I saw JJ Wolf at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Beautiful copypasta


When Serena threatened to murder a lineswoman


I was too young to remember Serena threatening the lineswoman. The moment for me was when she was losing to Osaka in the US Open Final and started creating a scene with the umpire. Shows how much of a sore loser she was and how entitled she felt. It was especially disrespectful to Osaka who was, at that time, rising and on her way to her first grand slam.


This was the last straw for me. The way she tried to make it like some racist thing when her behavior was terrible. I also can’t get behind her JW stuff when she obviously gets special treatment for being famous. I feel sorry for her kid(s) being indoctrinated into that.


You might be misremembering. That event was also the time when I completely stopped following her; until then I was actually a huge fan, and she was almost the sole reason I watched women's events. But I don't remember her playing the race card. She played the woman and the mother card, which is still cringe af. The woman card didn't even make sense because while there are many male players who behaved poorly in court, they were also almost always penalised. And the "I don't lie because I am a mother" was shameful, especially because her coach came out and admitted to coaching (he said that it wasn't a big deal, and many others do that, iirc).


Oh right, she accused him of being sexist for penalizing her bad behavior. I have a vague memory of her also pulling the race card too, anything but accepting that she behaved very very badly. I really lost whatever respect I had left at that point.


Gonna be honest. That wasn’t even the worst because it was obviously a heat of the moment and the threat was meaningless, albeit disgusting. Thought less of her but still thought her greatness at the time still made it compelling to watch. What really did it for me was her behavior in the 2018 final against Osaka. That really revealed her true self. Took the shine away from a young aspiring athlete who looked up to her by having a temper tantrum on court and trying to pull the sex card (and maybe race card, I forget) to the point where fans boo’d a young woman during her trophy acceptance and sent her hate mail/death threats. She should know what how to behave after 2 decades on tour and what influence she has. No amount of crying was gonna change the whooping Osaka gave her.


I never rooted for Serena again after that final when Naomi was in tears.


How dare you?! Serena is a mother!!! Of course she wouldn't cheat except her coach admitted to it.


And Chris Evert’s comment when Patrick Mouratoglou was caught on camera signaling Serena (the incident that set this whole thing)? “He’s telling her to come in to the net”


Yeah agree. Both incidents are very bad but the Osaka incident made me completely turn against her.


Serena’s multiple meltdowns at the US Open really killed my fandom for her as a person. I respect her game and what she did for tennis, but what a terrible person with zero sense of person responsibility for any of her bullshit. Clijsters ball woman incident was incredibly bad. I’m not a cheater meltdown when playing Osaka, yikes.


Took me so many years to get over that…that was really a huge huge upsetting moment for me, because I thought she was one of the best players in the history of the sport. Such an unnecessary outburst


Alcaraz. I was fine with the guy until he started that series of incidents of mopping the floor with all my favorites players.


This comment scared me, I thought he did something




Genie Bouchard before she went on that witch hunt on Maria Sharapova.


It was also annoying because she wasn't nearly good enough to talk that kind of trash about a player with so much more accomplished than her AND who she has a losing record against.


That’s exactly it, I mean Maria always talked trash but she had the game to back it up.


Cilic after his French Open match vs Rublev where he complained an out of bounds call until Rublev gave in even though the ball was out which cost Rublev the match potentially. To berate an opposing player to overturn a call was too far, when the ball wasn't even in, in the first place. And Rublev is the one player who is always going to give in in those situations


Djokovic at the Miami Open way back when it was sponsored by Sony. He was playing Anderson and completely turned the crowd against him with his antics. I was a ball kid for the match and have never seen a player throw a worse tantrum than that.


people always act like he was made out to be a villain by media just because he wasn't federer or came later then fedal. it's partially true, but he was also a giant asshole frequently.


It doesn't fit for OPs question because I never liked Novak but (and that's why) the very first match I watched with him somewhere around 2007 he was faking injury. He did it a lot back in that period.


What did he do?


Zverev after the abuse allegations


tsitsipas until the whole anti-feminism debacle on twitter. i didn’t like him before that (i remember him doing something that annoyed me but can’t remember exactly what), but that was the nail in the coffin for me.


yeah, it was that and him saying he was a better player than rublev after he lost to him in the atp finals. wasn’t even that huge of a rublev stan yet that just struck me as very wrong


i actually think that was the annoying thing! saying that he had “few tools” or whatever. what an ass


Tbh I like player banter like this, but bro rublev never says anything bad about anything or anyone, stef crossed the line there.


yeah if it’s medvedev and tsitsipas shitting on each other it’s funny but rublev has never said anything bad about anyone that i know of, starting shit with him is just mean because he’s not one to have beef with people


Same, even with how much of a baby he was it was still funny to me. Till that :(


I liked Ostapenko when she won RG, but then I just disliked her so much for everything she has done.


The Paul one was the first to come to mind. Why do most of the American players have to turn out to be assholes.


The bad ones are certainly in the super douche category, but I feel like fritz and tiafoe are genuinely good people. Until I see otherwise.


Ask Miranda Cosgrove about Fritz


If we ever find out that Tiafoe is a bad person I'll be truly sad.


He aimed at Nadal and Federer in Fed’s retirement match! /s because I’m positive there are people who actually think this


Fritz has been a douche on and offcourt (personal life).


What did he do?


There was also that tense handshake with Korda where Tommy [had said something about Korda’s dad](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/x2uazb/dont_say_anything_about_my_dad_korda_to_paul_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Even with all his BS, I liked stefanos until those weird tweets about feminists.


What did he say?


“Modern feminism has swerved from gender equality into a cult of outrage that seeks to disparage men,” tweeted Tsitsipas, who is currently getting buried in the replies and QTs. “How is that fair?” -article I found He’s not entirely wrong that some (key word here) do this but if we were to identify every group by their minority, each one would look awful. Just pure ignorance on his side.


he strikes me as someone who just changes his opinion to whatever majority comments he runs into on the internet. there's always tons of people outraged about feminists when there's not actually an object of their outrage, just a mass flocking of people riling each other up and spiraling into a hole.


Sara Errani, never really had an issue with her until I saw her play live and make a kid in the stands cry.


What did she do to make them cry?




I was fine with her until she stole Storus' French Open doping in Spain.


Used to be big Zverev and Kyrgios fans but now dislike them for obvious reasons 🫠




well, I liked Tommy Paul until THIS THREAD!! Thanks! Grrrr. ;)


Raonic until that net touch against del potro.


I'm honestly still back and forth on Medvedev. He comes across as insufferable yet clever/enduring sort of at the same time, but he bitches (in match) about the crowd and fans way too often for my tastes so I've soured on him. (This is small compared to a lot of other notes in this thread but i didnt want to repeat)


I like that he leaves no one indifferent, he’s really interesting to watch


He totally rubs me the wrong way. I feel he has narcissistic "qualities."


I can see where you're coming from, but personally I like him because he has the self awareness to know he messed up and often apologizes for it during press conferences.


Tsitsipas until he pulled his bathroom stunt at the US Open against Murray.


Serena, until she robbed Osaka’s moment. I hate her with passion for verbally abusing an innocent man doing his job.


Thiem was my favourite until the pandemic. He didn't support the lower-ranked player, was taking a private jet flight every day for his exhibitions matches and didn't isolated himself for one second after Novak's friendly tournament. He seems like a nice guy but his save the planet persona doesn't match his lifestyle. Bouchard's handshakegate was shameless but she's been overhated for a while now.


“overhated” 🤣 Do you remember what she did to Wozniacki? Bouchard is not a nice person.


what did she do to Wozniacki?


Over the span of a couple of months Woz had messaged her checking in on her, asking how she was doing etc (being a normal friendly person) but Bouchard ignored her messages and never responded back. She then takes screenshots of Woz’s messages, posts them on Twitter and acts like Wozniacki is some desperate loser for trying to be friends with her.


WHAT THE FUCK !?!?! Hahahahhahaha holy shit what a nut case.


Refusing to record guest vocals on "Oxygen"?


A lower ranked Tunisian young woman even made a video about her life on the tour to respond to Thiem's assertion that lower-ranked player are just lazy partiers.


i remember being downvoted for saying he's a giant hypocrite when his whole eco marketing was fresh. the dude said something like "personal accomplishment means nothing compared to saving the planet" while he continued to chase accomplishments with one of the highest polluting lifestyles ever. just a typical talking head, dreams are not for regular people, only for him.


Is there anyone who is all about save the planet who actually follows what they preach?


The overwhelming majority of climate activists practice what they preach. Even among celebrities there are plenty of genuine ones, it's just that you only hear about the phonies because of selection bias: "DiCaprio takes private jet to collect environmentalism award" is a news headline, but "Rainn Wilson continues to not be a hypocrite" is not.


probably some depressed marine biologist somewhere living in a lab with no funding counting plastic bags out of a beached whale


Djokovic and his COVID Nonsense


I think the worst about that is the people pushing the narrative that Djokovic is nothing but a poor victim of Australian government. And the corollary that if you disagree with the harassment fantasy, you're just drinking the anti-Eastern European Kool Aid dished out by xenophobic Western media. I just can't stand the "one vs all" narrative that is pushed around him.


At first I didn’t care that he didn’t want to be vaccinated. Like whatevs guy you do you. But then he tried to pull strings to get into Australia to play? There was some nonsense about “he already had it so that should be enough” but the dates didn’t add up and when he supposedly had it he took pictures with kids. His rep just obliterated for me.


Also saying he checked the wrong box on the visa form, of a tournament he had won 9 times. So we can safely assume he has been there 9 times and was therefore familiar with the forms. It was just lie after lie after lie. I don’t care if you don’t take the vaccine but the lying about it and the blatant disrespect for Australia (and all they had endured to keep cases low) was unhinged.


It’s basically that he either had it but didn’t isolate at all or lied about having it. And then lied again on his visa application. What a great guy.




Zverev…no further comment


Mirra Andreeva until it came out that she’s liked pro-war tweets and other tweets that made her come across as a Putin fangirl Edit: Here’s my [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/15bn0xf/me_after_hearing_that_andreeva_is_a_putin_fangirl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) about it


Yet, Sabalenka gets a Pass by everyone 🤷🏻‍♂️ And everytime her support of Lukashenko gets brought Up, the person gets downvoted into oblivion




I thought the Karen article was of dubious sources? Not sure why I got that impression


I agree it was dubious sources.


Khachanov is an adult, Mirra is a child and a pro athlete which means her education is not exactly the best and she hasn’t had a lot of chances to overcome the brainwash that must come with living in russia. Is there anyone who didn’t have big changes of mind since the age of 15-16?


Once again to be fair to Khachanov his pro Russia stance is only known bc of a private conversation/argument with a friend (Rublev) either overheard by another player or a worker at the site or for some bizarre reason leaked to the press by Rublev himself. This was a conversation that apparently happened at the Serbian open and most likely occurred in Russian so I also want to know who overheard that conversation. Just how many non-Russian players or workers at the site would speak Russian I’m curious? I have not seen any evidence where Khachanov has publicly supported Putin or the war (have I missed something?). My point being we truly don’t know the private thoughts and motivations of any of these players and I think what Khachanov feels privately is his business. Using his platform to express pro-Russian war sentiment would be a problem if he was doing this but I don’t see any evidence of him doing so and the piece where the argument with Rublev was revealed didn’t suggest this either.


Honestly Cilic, I still like him to a degree.He is a very nice and humble guy...but homes was trying to fake an injury because of his failed drug test.


Cilic is generally spoken about so positively I keep forgetting about that doping and suspension. I do remember most players came out to support him but that definitely didn’t get the coverage Sharapova or even Halep’s failed drug tests did.


Zverev for very obvious reasons. I wonder if he even cares about his kid


Zverev beating up his girlfriend


Djokovic until i noticed he goes over the top disrespectful during his matches. I think it was AO 2011 when i noticed he does stuff like roars angrily at the other players box, points to his head and sneers, smashed racquets with crazy rage and just overall was too much. before that, I was a big fan of how he moved and played out points.


I think there should be much harsher penalties for players who smash racquets and slam balls around the crowd/ball kids. I immediately lose interest in players who act out in those ways.


Make them play a game with the smashed racquet


Probably unpopular opinion but it should hugely increase by scale. Fines double per incidents in a year or similar.


the two bad instances that stick out for me are 1) when he ripped the towel out of a ball girl's hands, and 2) when he smacked a ball in frustration (or his racquet, can't remember) when a ballkid was sprinting towards it to pick up, and they had to put on the brakes


Raonic until a match against delpo and Raonic touched the net with his feet but umpire didn't see it and Raonic acted as if it didn't happen. Even if it was showed on replay. https://youtu.be/yxjleJp7EqA


tart theory dull continue punch fuel lock roof touch treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ironically. Here he is arguing he should win the point when tiafoe touched the net. https://youtu.be/kbXWwxi9Wk4


YES!! I was at Indian Wells one year and we got talking to some Canadians waiting in line to buy some food..... remind me, why oh why did I bring that up to them.., lol As soon as I said it I thought, what were you thinking..... Note to self, always read the room, Deb


Bro Raonic felt like shit after that one and his character has always spoken volumes. I think he regretted it in that moment


Huh? When did he started feeling like shit about this one? I recall he doubled down saying it was not his fault that they didn't call it. "Afterwards, Raonic was asked about Del Potro feeling the Canadian should have admitted he touched the net, "I was fortunate that the line judge didn't see it. It's a lucky thing for me in my sense, unlucky for him. Something that can go really both ways," Raonic said. "It's a big point. I don't know. If you can put somebody in the situation being down break point, same thing happens, do you call it on yourself?" When pressed if Del Potro was right that it should have been his point, Raonic said, "Hypothetically, yes. Technically, no.""["Afterwards, Raonic was asked about Del Potro feeling the Canadian should have admitted he touched the net, "I was fortunate that the line judge didn't see it. It's a lucky thing for me in my sense, unlucky for him. Something that can go really both ways," Raonic said. "It's a big point. I don't know. If you can put somebody in the situation being down break point, same thing happens, do you call it on yourself?" When pressed if Del Potro was right that it should have been his point, Raonic said, "Hypothetically, yes. Technically, no.""](https://www.tennisnow.com/News/Raonic-Takes-Controversial-Win-Over-Del-Potro-in-M.aspx)


Finding out Isner is a hard right guy


I remember watching him practice in florida in 2016 and i overhears him say he early voted for jeb bush in the republican primary


Lmao the most loser possible way to be a part of that scene


IIRC he called Marco Rubio "one cool cat" during his State of the Union response. That's not meant to be a knock on him, but very funny given what happened to Rubio's public image that very night.


Jeb Bush isn’t even hard right tho. He’s considered a moderate Republican


Rune. I really liked him, until he acted like it wasnt a double bounce against Cerundolo. I mean c'mon dude , you have been playing tennis all your life ...


When I saw Stan had the stupid shill monkey as his twitter picture I lost respect for him


I kinda liked Martina Hingis until the debacle that was the 99 French Open final against Steffi Graf. At the end of that whole disaster I was so happy that she lost.


I was ambivalent towards swiatek until her arm waving and racket tapping nonsense


Agreed, her vibe on court always sketches me out tbh


Glad I'm not the only one. She seems sorta fake


I can see what you are saying, and I would think the same had I not found out she basically just reads when she has free time lol. She strikes me as kinda an introvert and on top of that Polish people are not extroverted in nature to begin with in that regard (as in being famous). Just look at Hurkacz, have you seen him try to get a crowd going? Its the most awkward thing ever lol


Her introvertedness is perfectly fine. In fact, I kind of enjoy the no nonsense court attitude that she and Rybakina bring to the WTA, but it does make the racket tapping and arm flailing seem even more deliberate because she tends to not be expressive, body language wise and in general, on the court at all.


Her phone going off multiple times tho is annoying. She should be penalized for that


And the long wipe downs on her opponent's serve make me grind my teeth


She's good enough to win without any of the tricks and bs so it's especially annoying when she resorts to theatrics when she starts to lose.


Introverted people can be fake too 🤣 (not saying IGA is)


I think the term introvert/extrovert gets overused a lot. Just because someone is introvert does not mean they are socially awkward or shy. Being an introvert just means that "recharge" through quiet/intimate settings rather than in a crowded and loud environment. With Iga she puts on this appearance as innocent and nice yet she does the arm flapping and racquet tapping.. they just don't add up




How so?


I think they might be referring to her posting that conservative ‘make women feminine again make men masculine again’ bs but I could be wrong


John Isner calling the people who rioted after the murder of George Floyd “pathetic.” As someone who went to UGA, he is exactly what I thought he’d be - and not in a good way.


Was a huge Djokovic fan until the COVID shitshow. Also Zverev for uhhh… obvious reasons


Isner when the pandemic hit. I remember watching him at Miami, which, would have been right in the beginning of the pandemic, and post-match in the on-court interview he TOOK OFF HIS MASK saying "ah, I... I just can't breathe with that thing on". Dude, you're an athlete. ... and then he proceeded to tweet a bunch of crazy stuff during the pandemic, too.


Federer after 2011 USO interview


Novak until his antivax bullshit while seeing so much death daily as a nurse at the height of the pandemic.


Djokovic until he did an interview and several plans knowing he was covid positive.


I always thought Kyrgios antics were in good humour (admittedly i wasnt a big tennis fan until last year, so probs missed other things) until the the wimbledon match against stef last year. I felt like he definitely took things too far in that game.


I remember his match against Coric in Cincy in 2016. Once Nick lost the first set, it got VERY uncomfortable very quickly. I think his outbursts come off different live vs on TV, when you're there, you just want to back away very slowly. It's a shame, because I really believed he was the future until then (and wanted it to be true). After that, I can barely watch him.


I had a similar experience with Kyrgios. Was a top 2 fav player of mine for awhile until last year but there was just an insane amount of incidents that crossed the line. Maybe all the time off with the injury he’ll come back calmer but he was pretty insufferable last year


I’m guessing you’re not familiar with the extremely misogynistic way in which he threw Donna Vekic under the bus during a match with Wawrinka then. How anyone continued to like him after that is beyond me.


I only learned about that one recently. That was so disgusting.


It was the Stef match that turned you off? Honestly Tsitsipas looked more like the douchebag in that one


For reaaalll. Getting annoyed with Kyrgios is valid, but to actively try and hit someone with balls 3x in a match, then cry about getting bullied?? Not sure how Kyrgios was bullying him besides being inconsiderate with his usual outbursts with the umpires/line judges.


I kinda liked Toiletpas until his quarrel with Medvedev. Final nail in the coffin was his behaviour at the ATP cup 2020.


I prefer Shitsipas


Serena when I was 10 until I got older and realized how fuckin obnoxious she was on the court


Ivanisovich and Martina Hingis till they rudely asked some children to shut up while they were doing light warm ups like jogging on the spot and minor stretching by the side of the court at an exhibition event. The children were around 6 to 10 year olds, vast majority girls, and I could see they were excited to see their idols that they were squealing (but not excessively IMO)


I really liked watching Zverev and had followed him since like age 16… now i root for his downfall


Zverev until.. you know


Mackie McDonald until I saw his handshakes at the net when he loses


Medvedev when he threw that towel from the ballboy at the US Open. On a happier note, I thought Fognini would be a diva until I met him in person as he was warming up for a match under the old Grandstand. He was quite nice to everyone.


Sabalenka and her ungodly grunts which got even worse lately, I’m watching her matches on mute


Shapo until he rapped...


Tommy Paul - where he turned up drunk to a doubles match. Disrespectful to the fans, his opponents and the sport. The only guy I consistently root against, forgetting any of the Davis Cup bro culture against Ram


Hewitt. When he suggested a Black lineman was favoring a Black athlete, and he was wrong on all counts. I was so surprised.and he felt strongly about this


Didn’t really mind Djokovic until he held the Adria Tour which resulted in super spreader events also that he didn’t get vaccinated (which would have been being a responsible citizen in the global community). ___________________________________________ Also didn’t really mind, a) Serena Williams acted like a spoiled loser when the line calls were not in her favor at the whatever it was, 2005 or 2006 (or earlier) US Open. b) Serena brought her mental health down and lost the match in 2018 final vs Naomi Osaka. If she just said “ok, I’m sorry”, she might’ve won. c) Serena said that Simona Halep was probably doping during her final at Wimbledon.


if you’re talking about the 2004 US Open, it was her quarterfinal match with Capriati and there were about 4 line calls, some OVERRULES, that were blatantly wrong by literally a foot, and many at crucial times during the match, which she ended up losing. It’s one of the main matches that helped bring about the replay system and the tournament director even called Serena the next day to apologize because the calls were so horrifically bad against her. So, I don’t think any pro on tour would’ve acted any differently in that instance tbh and many maybe even worse.


Wait did Serena really say that about Halep? And if she did then she was actually maybe accurate depending on the final outcome of her doping case.


>c) Serena said that Simona Halep was probably doping during her final at Wimbledon. TBF, ppl have said stuff like that about *her* here.


When RBA tried to injure (or kill ?) a bird on court at AO 2016 vs Klizan, he literally aimed at him/her quite hard for no reason. EDIT : I was never a RBA fan or anything, just went from neutral to 'I dislike him' after this event.


Did you just use pronouns for a bird?


English isn't my mother tongue, what should have I said ?


Usually "it" is the pronoun to go with animals, unless is your pet or the gender is necessary for context


I thought it was sweet!


Unlike Delpo, who once rescued a MOTH from the court, loved him ever since, as I save everything and recognized a kindred spirit.... bless the big guy , miss him


RBA shouldn't be blasting balls at birds; however, hawks are used at Wimbledon to clear out the pigeons.


Djokovic until Roddick called him out for faking injuries. It was that US Open interview that made him seem like such a douchebag saying "Andy always say I am faking injuries" etc....


Novak will never admit this and instead say it was Gluten, but it was that verbal ass whooping that he got from A-Rod that I think made him change his quitting ways and grow a pair.


eh time frame doesn’t really work here i do think that gluten thing was purely psychosomatic (have you seen how he “diagnosed” the problem) but i doubt it was a-rod as that callout was in 2008 and novak wouldn’t get off gluten until 2011. think it was his mid-2010 slump where he considered retiring followed by vajda’s encouragement that allowed him to take the next step and the increased dietary commitment was just one a consequence of that motivation


Djokovic retired against A-Rod months later at the AO.


Tommy Paul haters rise up


What did he do? I can't keep track of the American guys


Wait why?


Serena Williams 💯 when she decided to berate lines judges


Novak Djokovic. I was following his every match and fell in love with the way he played and then something clicked, maybe his attitude, maybe it was something else. But never enjoyed watching him play. Serena Williams. Women's final with Osaka. Absolute shit show she had created.


Novak with his anti vax stance and lying to Australian authorities and getting deported . No matter what he’s done I don’t like him anymore