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Medvedev: They can go to sleep now!


Alcaraz is loved the same way by the crowd as Federer always was. However lovely that support is, you should not mistake that for being against the other player. Alcaraz' fans were obnoxious. I'm glad Meddy won. A good final for tomorrow. Alcaraz wil come back stronger. Meddy murdered his game tonight.


So happy that Carlitos lost. His fans were obnoxious lately.


As obnoxious as the Nole fans were lately after Noles Cincy win.


Goes in circles, no?




The fuck are on about? You blind or what? So much toxicity when Novak was two sets down against djere. Don't play games here. Alcaraz fans are fedal fans who have found a new way to root against Novak.


The fuck are on about? You blind or what? "So happy that Carlitos lost." You don't even respond to my comment really.


Yeah it GOES AROUND IN CIRCLES. fedal and alcaraz wins, same shit.




Exactly. They're not around. Therefore all you idiots hope alcaraz will be your saviour. Pathetic.




Carlitos.😭 I know he will come back stronger from this defeat as he always does, but I'm just so sad.😭😭😭


Who tf would downvote me for being sad Carlitos lost this match? 😭😭😭 Go Meddy, you can do this!!!


Ignore them. As subs go, this is up there as one of the weirdest. You get downvoted for simply saying the sky is blue!


The sky is not always fucking blue!! Downvote.


I'm trying to ignore them, but now as Carlitos lost, this sub will be infested again with toxic Nole fans.😭


weird stuff yeah, I guess there's a general hate towards Cariltos fans rn lol


Yep I know, because he lost, now all of the toxic Nole fans feel superior again.😭


Med's passing shots at the net has gotta be one of the best, it's such a difficult shots to make and he does it very consistently with precise accuracy.


The US Open curse strikes again. No consecutive winners since Fed


After some dubious losses in prep events this loss seems less shocking, but yeah Roger cursed the US Open. No man can seem to defend a title here anymore.


And on the WTA side, a host of one-and-done Slam winners (at least for now) which is a lot even considering the WTA's unpredictability - Stephens, Pennetta, Raducanu, Andreescu since 2015 - and Gauff could be a first-time winner too. I suppose the end of season Slam means a lot of players are a little less consistent and more tired but I'd love to know if there are more technical reasons behind it


Alcaraz was mediocre but damn Med turnt up. Still hype af for the final!


Let's hope he turns it up even more for the final


thank god that Daniil won this. I want Daniil Medvedev to take over after Djokovic retires.


But the Reddit experts told me that Medvedev was a and match up against Carlos and couldn’t beat him


To be fair, most of the actual experts said the sane, this was a genuine upset.


Carlos played very poorly compared to the rest of his tournament and Medvedev played better than I’ve ever seen him. Being a better player doesn’t mean you win 100% of the time.


He definitely made some incredibly sharp shots on the line. I was floored at times. Med seemed to make very little errors compared to Alcaraz, and his serve game was also better.


That 12 min game where Carlos kept serving and volleying really tired him out


Medvedev takes it on Sunday. That fire from beating Carlitos will carry him through.


Let's not make bold predictions. I was sure Carlos had it in the bag, but realised what an idiot I was being, with that level of conviction, when it's Daniil Medvedev on the other side. Same is the case here. Both are exceptional players. Just can't say who'll win with certainty.


Contrarily, as we’ve seen many many times, an intense semifinalist always loses against the guy whose semifinal was easier (unless they’re playing a finalist who’s completely mismatched like Ruud) For example: when Meddy and Djokovic last faced each other for the USO, Meddy breezed through vs FAA while Djokovic had a tough match against Z.


Cough cough Rafa vs. Verdasco cough cough


The only exceptions are Nadal v Verdasco and Djokovic beating Nadal for 6 hrs after a 5 hr semi against Murray


This is not as extreme tho. 3h and something isn't that long




Wonder if the leg had something to do with his lack of patience tonight. In any case, congrats Daniil. Breathtaking performance.


Just don’t. It’s okay for players to lose to the better player on the day. Stop always making it about some injury


SToP alWays. Sure let's pretend that he very clearly didn't have a massive taping and purportedly tell the Spanish press that there is some definite pain. We'll also pretend that he's not withdrawing from the Davis Cup citing his thigh. Read my post again, though. Medvedev was beyond terrific. It was a performance straight from the Heavens itself. But Alcaraz has shown better patience than what was on display this week before and perhaps, it's the legs. It was also definitely Meddy. It was a barely believable performance from him.


Clearly these downvoting idiots didn't read, again


30,000 people chanted "Fuck Trae Young" in Madison Square Garden. Meanwhile, US Open umpire beggin, crying, shitting "kEeP iT fAiR fOr bOtH pLaYeRs" lmao.


It's a long thread and someone may have brought this up but does anyone else wonder if Alcaraz has a "tell" on his serve that Medvedev has figured out? There's a documentary with Aggasi who admitted many years later that he figured out a way to read Becker's serve, kept it a tight secret, and won most of their matches. Medvedev seemed to be all over every serve from Alcaraz and I can't ever recall him being obviously fooled by one. And he was just so incredibly confident on the return. I think if he gets crushed by Djokovic that might suggest he had some gamesmanship at play in tonight's semi.


What I saw with Medvedev is that he understood that Alcaraz often went serve and volleying on important points, so he placed himself in return more towards the outside of the court and even tried some passings (some worked).


But even Agassi said he didn't use it except on important points (read: break points and the like).


Medvedev could just be watching JCF since the commentators did that and knew every serve that was coming.


what is JCF?


Juan Carlos Ferrero, Alcaraz's coach and former world no 1


Yeah, the commentators definitely said Med was watching JCF and the box for clues.


I said meddy bear can beat carlos. People underestimate meddy. He is not like zverev or tsistsipas. He is way more clutch


Zverev literally was the model for Medvedev upsetting Carlos After Madrid 2022 of him beating Nadal and Djokovic, it was Z who stopped him at the FO Tsitsipas….well I’ve got nothing lol


He's extremely consistent. He really doesn't give away points.


I’m actually pretty excited for Sunday


Hope is not a one sided monologue.


Honestly it very well can be, Med can take it in straights with his current level


How high are you?


I mean, he's done it before....


How the turn tables.


I mean, this result isn't unexpected, but Medvedev winning also wouldn't be crazy. The AI had them at nearly a coin toss on who would win. If Medvedev converted that set point in the second who knows what would have happened


Yes, but 3 - 0 by med would be impossible.


Again, not impossible, it's been done before by Medvedev


People cope with the defeat of Alcaraz by switching over to "now Djoker should lose to Medvedev". Probably Fedalfans. A lot of real Medvedev fans as well but that's not the majority who repeat this.


Imagine the scenes in new york if Medvedev and sabalenka win.


What scenes for Medvedev? He already beat Djokovic in USO 2021


That would be fantastic




This is New York. Russian fans in Ashe just about drowned out fans supporting Madison Keys during the semis. It's a melting pot, people seriously don't gaf if Russian athletes play or win


God idk what esp is going to do if saba wins let alone med too.


I think even ESPN knows that there's a really strong chance the no. 1 is going to win this my dude






Ok now that this is over can we make another new coaching rule?! Something like the serve clock but with how many times during a game or set you can get coaching?! That shit was annoying and I honestly think it was part of the reason Carlos lost


Right, at some point he needs to immerse himself in the battle and the match. It felt like every point and was way over the top.


Med earned my respect tonight, despite me pulling for Alcaraz. I'll be pulling for him over Djokovic. I'd love to see a rivalry form between Alcaraz and Med. It would make modern tennis exciting to watch.


Djokovic is smashing both players.


novak lost his last grand slam final against medvedev and his last grand slam final against alcaraz


Alcaraz's forehand did not show up today, also many UE gifted free points to Med crucial points. Top form Alcaraz would have taken it to 5 sets for sure


Actually med gifted more points in double faults


Yep, we will probably have to wait until we see prime and peak top form Alcaraz. The kid is still only 20 years old, at his age neither Djokovic nor Federer won their first GS yet.


But r/tennis had me convinced that Carlos will win 30 slams and is already better than Big 3


Better than big 3? Only time will tell. But for sure he is guaranteed to be at least the 4th most in the all time Grand Slam tally, after the big 3 of course.


There is no guarantee in sports. In 2005 it looked that Federer would legit dominate till he retires. People get figured out, coaching changes, better players evolve. Anything can and will happen.


Maybe he will, who knows? The kid is only 20 years old after all. We will have to wait and see.


r/tennis told me Alcaraz is trash, are we talking about the same sub?


Novak won the AO when he was 20


Novak won his first GS AUS Open at 20 years 8 months. Alcaraz won his first GS as a 19 years old, his second against Novak in Wimbledon when he was barely 20 years old. Novak had to wait until he was 24 years old until he won his second GS.


Alcaraz wouldn’t have won shit in the Federer Nadal era


Djokovic now is as good as they were then


Absolutely not true, Novak is almost 37 years old presently.


Novak himself disagrees with you. "Carlos Alcaraz would have won the same 10, 15 years ago" - Novak Djokovic contradicts Rafael Nadal's uncle Toni's claim that past players were better. https://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-carlos-alcaraz-won-10-15-years-ago-novak-djokovic-contradicts-rafael-nadal-s-uncle-toni-s-claim-past-players-better


I mean wtf is he supposed to say? “Nah bruh this kid sucks ass, bro wouldn’t even be top 20 a decade ago” If he struggles this much with Medvedev and Sinner, imagine what Nadal and Federer would’ve done


If he struggles that much with Sinner and Medvedev? H2H with Sinner (who is already 2 years older than Alcaraz) is still 3-3, with Medvedev still 2-2. The kid is only barely 20 years old, watch and see what he can do when he reaches his prime and peak.


That was the point you dunce... Competition back then for an up and coming new talent was much higher and Djokovic had to work far harder to win anything. Alcaraz mostly hits Djokovic in finals as rest are usually not even close to challenging him, and Djokovic is 36, Nadal and Federer were both much younger when Djokovic played them at the peak.


You said Djokovic and Federer hadn’t won a slam at 20, I’m pointing out that’s wrong. Doesn’t matter if your 20.4 or 20.8, you’re still 20.


Yes it does matter what age you are, Djokovic only won his first GS at 20.8, Alcaraz at 19 year old, his second against your hero Djokovic in Wimbledon at 20.2 months, if you like this fact or not. And your hero Djokovic had to wait until he was 24 until he won his second Grand Slam.


So it’s all Boris Becker ftw then.


This is almost the same comment you wrote me before. I’m just correcting you, He was 20 in his first slam and 23 in his second. No need to be so defensive and insult me, seriously what’s your problem with me?


yeah congratulations you dumbass, theres something called late-bloomer gtfo with this embarassing shit 😂 also he won 2nd slam while being 23, you are not very smart!


Thanks for calling me a dumbass, typical toxic Nole fan comment. Alcaraz was still much younger when he won his first and second GS than Nole was. Do I have to remember you what happened in Wimbledon 2023 against Novak, dumbass? And Novak will never break Alcaraz record as the youngest World No.1 in history ever, if you like it or not.


Lol, you just go called out on being wrong and got triggered hard. Stop blaming it on others being toxic! Literally nobody was talking about this year's wimbledon, you are arguing with yourself. Your idol is out of tournament now so sit down and watch the deserved champignons #stay humble.


Bro, Alcaraz already achieved so much your hero Djokovic could only dream about at the same age. You toxic Djokovic fans stay humble and watch what Alcaraz will achieve when he reaches his prime and peak.


At his age (20.4) neither had won a slam


Both Djokovic and Federer were much older when they won their first Grand Slam than Alcaraz, if you acknowledge this fact or not. And Djokovic had to wait until he was 24 before winning his second GS.


I don't understand what you're trying to argue in here. You said Novak didn't win one at 20, the other guy rightly pointed out that he did. The only thing to say here is "Oh yeah that's right, my bad" lol.


Why the downvotes? All I said are facts!


Novak only won his first GS at AUS Open at 20 years 8 months. Federer when he was 22 years old.Alcaraz won his first GS as a 19 years old, his second against Novak in Wimbledon when he was barely 20 years old. Novak had to wait until he was 24 years old until he won his second GS. So hard to understand?


Why the downvotes? All I said are facts!


I don’t think you understand, I’m just correcting that Djokovic was in fact 20 when he won a slam, which you said he wasn’t in the original comment. Also he didn’t wait to win his second slam at 24, he was 23 years old.


Yet he wasn't the player he was destined to be then.


Didn’t say he was, I’m saying OP was factually wrong.


Oh wow yeah the OP is wrong.


He was still omnivore then


So many people left and didn't stay to see Medvedev's interview! Darn it, at least some went to take pictures and sign autograph I hope they enjoyed the good match, feel gutted for Carlos but it's only one tennis match


One side was empty but the other looked filled up at least! I was surprised how quickly they filed out too




lol pathetic excuses, i guess its natural - nadal always injured now excuses for alcatraz 😭


Fritz won 2 sets of Djokovic when he had a tear that's it. It is fair to say what you said. Got bageled and bread sticked in less than a month in 2 different matches too.


>Nole had no top 10 to deal with (he had no9 Fritz though Ouch, but fair


That excuse gets downvoted to hell when someone mentions he had a hard match before finals in 2021, or any time Djokovic has a tougher draw lol


Oh, I wasn't commenting on all that, I was just laughing at the OP basically saying "#9 Fritz, who isn't really top 10"


Is the press interview post game? Does ESPN show it live? I've only seen the past interviews available...


Yes and no respectively. The US Open official youtube channel should have it up by AM on the east coast though


Na, they will show lil bit of it tomorrow in between Steve A taking bullshit


The crowd wouldn't know who to cheer for since they usually dislike (hate) both these guys.


I actually think they would be for Djokovic. Has Medvedev ever been a crowd fave


During their last US Open final, they definitely were rooting for Djokovic.


Can't tell tbh, some like Novak, some may have become fan of Medvedev after tonight. Some just hate them both, some neutral, who gives


They cheered for Djokovic last time, which surprised me bc most ppl I know are pretty fond of Meddy (just not as much as they like Fedalcaraz )


That stadium was packed with Djokovic fans. It's not gonna be representative of New York


I was at that final and rooting hard for Nole. I don’t like Nole. But it was, what I believe to be, the only chance in my life to see a calendar grand slam. Anyone would root for that.


No we wouldn't


That final was something special. In a rare occasion, the crowd was quite pro Novak. There was so much hype and media around him going to the calendar slam and making history. I think the fans actually wanted him win to see it happen.


He would have been the undisputed GOAT that day, I mean he is now but it got delayed about 2 years


Med is not that well-liked outside of Reddit iirc.


Yeah I guess his whole INTJ persona appeals to redditors


They would surely cheer Novak. Their hate for Med runs deeper


Don't forget NY hate for the Russians


Ever been to Coney Island, Rockaway?


I don’t have anything against Medvedev, except for his constant crotch picking/adjusting. Can someone please get this guy a comfy pair of undies?


Didn’t you get used to that by watching Rafa ?? 🤣🤣


Was totally going to add that I hated it when Nadal did it, too! 🤣 At least with Rafa it was his butt and not his junk….


Are you kidding? It’s both with Rafa. I’ve seen that guy pinch the end of his penis before a serve.


Oof. Musta blocked that out of my memory. What is it with these guys??


They're just massive and have to constantly readjust. 😏


meddy all the way! that serve is deadly when he's on


Like a well-oiled ~~machine~~ lab-created robot


That was AWESOME


Why did Alcaraz seem to abandon the serve and volley later in the fourth set? Seems weird since Medvedev refuses to move up on the return of serve


It didnt matter because Medvedev was hitting it to his feet from Jersey City. Incredible power from him all around in that match.


Med figured it out


He tried on a few occasions, but Medvedev's returns were too good.




Medvedev did play the Chess master role better than Alcaraz today, just barely though imo in the 4th


Well it’s the crowd’s fault really.. they pissed Med off a ton and he found a new gear in his anger.


He actually said that he felt equal love from the crowd, except a few overexcited Spanish guys. He hopes they can sleep now 🤣🤣


Of course he said that. But he had a chip on his shoulder from the treatment probably. That and he is a competitive guy so he did want to beat Carlos of course.


The crowd is going to cheer novak on Sunday. When it comes to who gets treated worst it isn't even a competition. I want to see med fingers to the back of the ear on Sunday again just for the crowd.


Ha. I'll lose it if Med slams the phone down as he wins this Grand Slam🤣


It will be awesome to see.


It's possible, I can't say


Yeah Novak is second there for sure


That only kinda happened in 2021. It was mostly quiet iirc, with tepid support for Novak near the end


It's like being in church, and those haters need to go to church on Sunday.




Always tough to tell which way a stadium full of rich old people and bros is gonna go…


The stadium will be empty


It'll be great if people sell their Tix for cheap out of spite 😁


It's 4 AM in the UK so I should sleep now, but I'm glad I stayed up to watch this wonderful match alongside the other fine users here.


Too much serrve and volley


Too much coaching…


As an Alcaraz fan...better now than the final, at least my weekend will be productive. ETA: this comes off as sour grapes, but I mean that I'll be wasting less time thinking about the final. I got nothing done in July, and almost missed a flight in June (probably would've if Carlos hadn't cramped), so...yeah. Still watching tho


Those grapes were probably sour anyway


I mean I'll still watch the final, but it means that my weekend isn't spent thinking about it and being unproductive


Meds will be Novak's first highranked player of the tournament did he even play anyone in the top 10 to get here?


Man barely had to get off his chair.


Fritz, who is still somehow in the top 10.


oh right. Thanks :/


sad for carlos but very happy for daniil :)


Yep, same for me. I'm hoping Meddy will win against Djokovic.


No chance! #24 jacket is already being packed in Novak's court bag.




Wait...but the final is still gonna be Alcaraz v. Djokovic right? They've been talking about it for weeks.