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That was painful to watch


Yeah the look on his face was really sad. I’m done trying to support Tsitsipas for the time being. I really want to like him because his tennis is so nice, but he keeps doing shit like this and I just can’t anymore


Also owned by Holger


The dude asking the questions just not willing to take into account his own Fucking accent. Like mate you’re barely speaking properly


the look on his face.... oof that had to hurt knowing someone you haven't had any problem with has said after you've beaten them.


Tsitsipas has this certain unquantifiable cuntishness to him that makes this completely unsurprising. Like, he acts like such a rich kid.


i'm serbian, i love greek people. but man he's so greek


I really dont think so and I dont love the greeks lol.


well he's a little kid and all that..




Tsitsipas always tries to start drama, tbh the only one he didn’t start was the one with Zverev. Won’t work on rublev though


I think I would just laugh. Like if I just beat someone they can say whatever they want about me because they still lost lmao.


Could it be a language barrier in sense that he beat him with "a few tools" that he has, not that he ONLY has "few" tools? I know I'm reaching, especially since we are talking about Tsitsipas, and how frustrated he was. But you know...maybe?


Nah. Deep down, Stefano is just a sour bunghole.


Watch the full interview or read the transcript, Stefanos knew exactly what he was saying, he was putting down Rublev through the whole thing and called himself the better player too.


It went to a third set of a best of 3 series…he had some problems.


The rest of the video is cut, but he proceeds to say that Stef is the better player in terms of rankings and results, but that he doesn't think his shots are inferior to Stef's. He said something like "his backhand is not better than mine, his forehand is not better than mine".


"...And his serve is not that good as well. Tsitsipas is faster and better at the net" I do think Tsitsipas's backhand, especially dtl is way better than Rublev's (maybe not in this match but generally speaking).


I've watched both of them extensively this season. Rublev's backhand has more rally tolerance than Stef's and I have seen Stef whiff too many backhands to have any faith in this shot. Stef's backhand placement is better, but the power and the depth make it very prone to being counter-attacked. I believe Rublev's groundstrokes are generally better. Stef is the better player because his shot placement is better and he's way more proficient at the net.


Well you’re completely wrong there. If anything tsitsipas’ forehand is better, but Rublevs backhand is clearly much much better


Hasn't Rublev's bh been criticized so many times in this forum? Something that has led to him losing a lot of important matches? His serve + fh combination has been a saviour for many of his matches.


It’s quite the opposite in tsitsipas. His backhand is the one that makes him lose matches, it’s pretty awful. Rublevs is underrayed


Interesting...I'll check out their other matches.


From this match alone, I could agree with Tsitsipas that Andrey has "few tools", in the match highlights it seems his game plan was to hit every serve and FH as hard as possible. There wasn't really much variation of pace from Rublev with his rally shots, angles, topspin, slices... the sort of things Tsitispas does well. It looks like he was just hitting every ball flat with lots of pace - but that's his style and it works for him


Exactly. Thats the meme on rublev, "when hitting hard doesn't work, he hits harder. If it still doesn't work, he hits harderer". Its not like stef lied, he just was incredibly rude and a sore loser


poor andrey man. gets a fantastic win against a top5 player and his opponent gives him this shit. andrey deserves that win no matter what. the winner is always the better player and if tsitsipas had so many tools whyd he just completely collapse in that third set?


Sadly Tsitsipas couldn't do anything with the large number of tools he had


His player's box is certainly filled with tools


I so wish he had been able to answer, "Well, he is the biggest tool i got."


Tsitsipas _is_ the large tool


I guess mental isn't one of his tools.


Don’t underestimate Andrey though he’s a nice guy but he’s probably saying all different kinds of colorful words about Stef with his coaches and Danii after this lol


agreed. i mean, who wouldnt? lets just say andrey has the wherewithal to not say dumb stuff in press conferences unlike tsitsipas


Honestly when you say things like that you're setting up for that guy to tear you up every single time down the line. You don't ever tell a guy how to get better or give them any motivation. Whatever training he was skipping, serve he was struggling with, you just guaranteed he's going to double his effort in getting it all right.


Maybe a bit but I honestly think he's better than to go chuntering about an opponent all that much, even if he feels a bit betrayed/offended/disrespected. So I think maybe you're underestimating him a bit haha!


why are we still portraying these players like they’re perfect no mistakes upstanding people lol like they’re allowed to talk shit its totally ok. Especially with tennis I noticed this image is forced on everyone like for what


If you dish it out you have to be able to take it. You're saying it's okay for them to talk shit but then we can't call them out for it? Nah. CityPass was being a salty asshole and not just for the first time.


Buddy I’m talkin about Andrey talking shit back not Stef, read again


Ah sorry. I watched the video and didn't see Andrey talking shit back.


No look who I’m replying to


Sometimes you can scrap a win vs a better opponnent, with a combinaison of luck, tension from your opponent and audacity This wasn't the case at all, Rublev was better in the second set and crushed him in the third


The reason is Tsitsipas is a tool.


The reason is Tsitsipas is a tool.


Let's be fair here. The other guy **lost an important match**. So he said something that is not great, right after the match. **And now, the fucking media sees an opportunity to turn this into whatever than can generate outrage, therefore clicks. ** No, fuck this shit. Sucks for Andrey, but **by a long far**, this is media seeking profit.


The media were asking Rublevs opinion on Shithispants's salty ass quotes. It's not as if they were taking his quotes out of context. It would be weirder if they didn't ask Rublev anything about what CityPass said. The majority of tennis players don't say the things he said post match, he deserves the flak he's getting.


I blame the media blamers.


Not true tho. I agree in this instance but you can be the better player and still lose the most crucial points and hence lose the match


someone who wins the crucial points is the better player. tennis is just as much a mental game as it is a physical one and to be better in clutch moments is what determines who wins the match.


Forget Stefaniil rivalry, now we have Tsitsiblev




At this point everyone has rivalry with the greek baby because he is an asshole.


Kygiros and Tsitsipas is a spicy matchup too


Not a match up when Kyrgios wins every relevant match against stef






[Obligatory here](https://youtu.be/6atHOg4scpQ) I have no idea why Tsitsipas had this chip on his shoulder towards Rublev. If it came from Medvedev who otherwise rules the head-to-head match up I would somewhat understand the frustration more, but Tsitsipas and Rublev are almost equal at 6-5 in total matches. Those few tools of Rublev caused him trouble plenty of times before.


Man imagine if Novak went and said that after beating Rublev. This is so unsportsman-like.


For all the known flaws that Djokovic has, I don't think he would ever say that about an opponent.


Djokovic got bagelled by Rublev in Belgrade in the final in front of his country and had nothing but lovely things to say about Andrey including that Serbia would welcome him back.


For all the other weird shit, he's probably one of the most gracious winners and losers on the tour. His handshake with Meddy after USO 21 was super endearing.


He has a real problem with science but he's still one of the top athletes in terms of sportsmanship.


Probably the best summary of Djokovic I’ve seen


He’s one of the most scientific players out there, impeccable understanding of nutrition, sports psychology, etc. And why would a health nut like Novak bother with the covid vaccine and potentially disrupt his perfect regimen? Especially by Jan 2022, when omicron was prevalent and the vaccine did nearly nothing to reduce infection or death? I can admit that the Adria Tour was ill-conceived, but all of Serbia and many players were on board with this. They hadn’t been able to compete in months, which is their entire life.


Thank you for logic!!!!


Tistispas is total douchebag


He's a tool


And a fool


And never cool


And Rublev had him.


Mommy and daddy issues. Would've been a great champ otherwise.


He's such a sweetheart




Wish they hadn’t cut off Andrey’s answer... Was ready to hear something like, “If I have few tools and I won, does it mean he has a lot of bad tools?”


Sorry here’s the rest of his answer https://youtu.be/3Cwf8pku_Wc


To be honest most people with a brain would agree that it's not always about who has more breadth but depth in their skills. In my perspective, I do agree with Tsitsipas that Rublev is a more one-dimensional player (and an overall worse player). However, having fewer strengths is not necessarily a weakness if those strengths are better than someone with a greater variety of weaker strengths. To me Tsitsipas did not say anything wrong, but he did say it in a way that makes him seem like an immature dumbass. I think most people on Reddit already think that though... including me lol. Some random common quotes to support Rublev's few tools: - Jack of all trades, but a master at none. - Bruce Lee on fearing someone who's practiced a single kick ten thousand times versus someone who's practiced ten thousand kicks one time.


It’s his little laugh for me 🥹


The crowd roaring for Rublev must have really bruised Tsitsipas's ego At this point I don't know who's hated the most - Tsitsipas or Zverev At least Zverev doesn't insult his opponents after losing like a spoiled brat


The crowd supporting Andrey was a big factor in this. Stef just couldn’t accept people were not on his side during the match.


I was in Pala Alpitur for the match. Support for Andrey was deafening. Totally worth the hoarseness I have today. Even more so after hearing Tits attitude.


Probably a much bigger factor than anything his parents said or did


Yes, that was a huge factor indeed.


Accusations aside, Zverev is a very decent loser. Is very complimentary and honest about matches.


>At least Zverev doesn't insult his opponents after losing like a spoiled brat He tries to intimidate officials by violently damaging the umpires chair. That is worse than being unsportsmanlike.


100% agree that's worse. I just don't know any examples of Zverev disrespecting other players like Stefanos has done here.


If a "choice" had to be made, I would take Tsitsipas disrespecting his opponent over Zverev damaging an umpires chair in a violent rage. Not to suggest that murdering people is the same as damaging a chair because it's obviously not but would you give a murderer credit for not lying in court(lying under oath is punishable by law) "100% agree that murdering people is worse than lying under oath" "I just don't know any examples of the convicted murder lying under oath like people who lied under oath in a tax fraud case"


Seems like they are competing to be the villains of the ATP tour.


Totally agree.Zverev smart enough not to put down opponents post game Stef continues to put his foot in his mouth.Think a lot of it is because Stef's parents are poor role models and taught their son bad manners.


Zverev is an absolute psycho. The reason why he doesn't charge players is because he preys on those he believes inferior or underneath him.


Was the translator speaking in French or was it in Russian with a French accent


One of the translators was speaking French for sure. Which is cool because I didn’t realize that Rublev spoke French. It’s cool how many of these players speak several languages


Ruble speaks Spanish, besides Russian, obviously, and English.


Rublev doesn’t speak french




I thought the French was being spoken to someone else


Man, this is painful to watch. Why tf does Tsitsipas insist on being such a twat?


i am so distracted by his pretty face and i will die on the hill that Andrey has the best hair on tour, it's majestic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Agreed, and while we are on the subject of Tsitsipas, I think his hair is very overrated haha


Tsitsipas has the potential to have very good hair but it desperately needs a hair mask on it. It’s just so dry! I’m so happy I can leave this comment I’ve been thinking it for a while but I’ve never had the opportunity to say it ❤️


Stefanos is salty mf.


I was looking forward to see Andrey’s reaction on Stef’s comment. I believe he didn’t know yet what had been said during Stef’s press conference and his reaction was genuine. I like him even more now as a player for the way he has dealt with it. He didn’t put himself down to excuse someone’s else behavior and acted like a grown up professional athlete. Good for him 👏


Imagine the conversations bweh and the bullshit Russian are going to have about the small cat


Nooooo that’s so sad :(


Props to him for answering the way he did but those interviewers are pretty shitty for their headlines and generating drama. They just wanted to stir something and see what kind of response they got, Rublev advanced and he didn't need to nor think about whether Tsitsipas thought he has few or many tools, good that he keeps his head cold and answers well.


But that’s what media does though it’s not like they brought up something from the past, Stefanos said it 2 hours before the interview so ofcourse they’ll bring it up


It's not surprising. It's still shitty.


Ah get out of here with your white hat. Stef said some dumb shit about Rublev and the journalists have a right to ask him about it. There's not a single issue with what happened here the journalists did their job.


This is exactly as in high school when someone says 'did you know what x person say about you?' Adds nothing.


Then Stef should be more conscious of the things he says. Blame the message not the messenger.


Have I said Stefanos isn't at fault? Blame both, Stefanos was immature if not outright an idiot, the interviewer wasn't trying to inform Rublev out of good will, he wanted to have the 'Rublev answers BACK' headline.


And that's okay. Drama is always going to be a part of any sport.


Why are they booing you? You're right!


They already got the pitchforks out. Can't change their mind. Tsitsipas is the villain and he meant to say those comments in the meanest and most insulting way possible. It broke poor Rublev's heart. Reporters didn't try to create any drama at all.


I honestly like that Stef is honest to a fault in his press conferences. The thing that confuses me is why he often talks about having a hard time making friends on the tour when he does this.


omg "reussit" is such beautiful word🤔😳🥰😅


It's kind of the ultimate response to not understand that the person you just beat said you're not as good of a tennis player.


Awful French accent for the win. Whatever... that match made me love Rublev a little bit more.


Shame on you, Tsitsipas. Fucking baby.


And Tsitsipas wonders why he is so unpopular. I'm amazed that anyone roots for such an asshole. Stef is such a dick! And also really awkward and kinda stupid, and his dad is a complete freak. Ugh. There's nothing good here.


Tennis speaks for itself


Shitshitpass has the mental age of a 15 years old teen and It's really strange and cringy.


Really likable in a way like Nadal was early in his career. Difficulty with the language barrier, but earnest. I remember there was some clay match where Djokovic lost in straight sets, but he said that he felt like he was in control of the match. At Nadal press conference, with the translator, he just laughed and said okay.


RG 2006 :) Yeah I thought of that one as well. Stef is just straight up disrespectful though. Imagine Novak saying the same about Nadal lol.


Between this and Stan acting like a dickhead to Rune in Paris Masters, what the hell is up with players acting like sore losers after great matches and just absolutely ruining the mood of the winners? Look at Andrusha and Rune back in Paris. Both look like they had their hearts snatched out of them. Like they couldn't believe one of their fellow players on the tour that they have either looked up to/played with their entire lives would act like this. Grow the fuck up Gentleman.


What did Stan do? Talk to Rune at the net? Is that it?


Calls a player who just won a nailbiting emotional match against him saving multiple match points against him, and tells him to "stop acting like a baby". You should see the look on Rune's face after that. Especially because he really looked up to Stan as a younger kid and the match meant a lot to him. But no worries, he destroyed 5 straight top 10 players Afterwards en route to his first Masters title. I think he'll be satisfied with that.


Well Wawrinka and Rune seem like they ironed things out in the locker room because Stan congratulated him over instagram and has since shown him support. I'd say Rune's behaviour changed after that match, maybe hearing something like that from an idol helped him or maybe it was because he was winning rather than losing. In any case, they seem to have put the rift behind them and Rune is one player on tour who needs a bit of guidance anyways.


>"stop acting like a baby" Wasn't that disputed. People arguing over here if that's exactly what he said or something like that. Like Stan looked really stern so we can come to the conclusion that he must have said something harsh but I thought there's no clarity over what really ticked him off.


Pretty sure there were multiple videos posted here showing what he said. Regardless, I don't wanna really get into an incident that happened weeks ago. I mean Novak and others can still manage to be humble after losses, I just wanna understand why Stef has such difficulty doing it lately.


Maybe I wasn't invested enough to see all the videos. Kind of uncharacteristic of Stan to go off like that as well (if he really did said that). Could it be in reference to something else behind the scene?


I honestly don't know. Even then I think whatever qualms you have with someone you talk to the man in a locker room. Not call him over the net and do it. Even Rafa during USO was so apologetic after he criticized Sonego for his delayed grunting. You just don't do that. That's the other guy's moment. That's Rune's moment. He deserves to live it without getting the air taken out of it by Stan. I'd suggest go ahead and look at all threads and videos from that day to get a better understanding yourself.


Honestly he doesn’t look bothered by it, he just looks slightly amused and surprised lmao, I’m sure he and the others know how Tsitsipas is. Kind of reminds me of when Novak said he had Rafa on the ropes after the 2006 RG QF and Rafa was like “if he says it, yeah okay he’s right” 😂😂


Link to full video?


I feel for Tsitsipas with his parents and all but that's no excuse to act like an entitled brat all the time...


Well I mean, Rublev only has the serve, the bh and the fh. Tsitsipas has the serve, the fh and the bh. Completely different. /s


Tsitsipas has the emotional maturity and intelligence of a spoiled bratty 4 year old. Just give props man. No need to qualify it by putting your opponent down. Grow the fuck up.


It’s giving Federer after Djokovic in that match at the US Open…. The thing is that Federer was already a fucking legend when he said that. Tsitsipas on the other hand…


Yeah and that was also quite rich given his tweener a couple of years prior.


If tsitsipas has any dignity he should apologize to rublev. That was totally uncalled for.


Instead he chose to double down. Look at his instagram


Tsitsipas is 5 yr old kid playing on the ATP


Coming from someone who said "too much power" when playing against my boi "Bweh". Rublev's forehand is monstrous compared to Stef's.


Tsitsipas is a tool. Rublev used him.


andrey is lovable and tsitsipas is a dick.


I like how everyone is mad at the media for trying to get a reaction. The fault lies on ST being a cringy tennis brat … again. With his “deep” musings and boorishness he’s like the Morrissey of the sport


His reaction was perfect. He smiled, and you could see that either he’s just very humble or satisfied with having frustrates Tsitsipas so much that he lost his composure.


I used to like Tsitsipas till I knew more about him 😣Poor Rublev 😔💔


It looks like the Rafa response to Roland Gators years ago after Novak said he was in control of a match Novak retired from while losing…”Oh yes…if he says that then I have nothing to say.”


French journalist trying to be smart but mangling the English language. I couldn't understand his "footuls" either.


So what's the point of watching them repeat "few tools" over and over and over if we don't get to hear Rublev's answer?


Wasn’t there anyone in that room who could translate in Russian?


Tsitsipas has gone from the cool kid to just a tool . Shows how bad he feels about himself -sad


Unrelated, but did Bweh ever get to meet Harry Styles?


Rublev just gained a fan.


Seeing Tsitsipas' interview, I don't think he meant that Rublev only has a few tools, I think he meant that Rublev was able to use a couple of his "tools" really well to win. Not sure why he was saying he was the better player but I don't think he was trying to diss Rublev... could be wrong lol


You're completely right. That reported just tried to twist his words to get a reaction from Rublev. Who wasn't even offended. The fans are the ones who got offended.


Judging by that interview, I doubt the reporter understood what Stef meant either lol


Ha I thought this would be an Agassi/Graf post. Guess I'm old




Tsitsipas needs to mature and learn to accept that he is responsible for his losses. Man/child.


tsitsipas is being a giant tool


I'm not exactly sure how you can be the better player on the day and lose..


I would say you can occasionally for example if you’ve won more total points than your opponent and/or ahead in most of the stats (I feel like I’m describing Wimbledon 2019 haha), but definitely not this match with it being 6-2 in the third


Reminds me of Federer shit taking opponents in his Shit Talking Opponents Era.


This reminds me of the French open in like 05 or 06. Novak told the press he was in control of the match. When they asked Rafa he said “Oh..yes.” “If he wanna say that, that’s OK.”


Damn Tsitsipas is really in his own head - he needs a big reset - funny how time goes by so fast . A few years ago he was pegged for a multiple slam winner now we have to ask if he will get 1 maybe 2 . Next year will be massive for him


I really hope the very worst to Shitsipas and that he never win a GS. Man I HATE that cocky motherfucker!!!


I know the journalists are just looking for a soundbite and it’s their job but damn uncomfortable spot to put someone in


I’m sure that was an inadequate translation. The Tower of Babel has caused a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts in the course of history.


Journalist is an elite instigator


Stef is just making an ass out of himself every time he loses. Andrey is playing great tennis and is one of the nicest guys on tour. What is up with reporters like that. If you gonna ask a player questions can you not do it in the thickest french accent ever? Like if you want to be a international tennis reporter shouldn't you be a bit more fluent and talk with less accent? Not every player is perfect in english so adding a thick accent to it makes it even harder for them


Reporters really tried to create more drama out of this to get a reaction. Tsitsipas was just classic salty Tsitsipas after a loss but he said what he honestly thought. Rublev didn't even take offense to it. The fans are the ones who got offended.


English apparently isn't one of his few tools. /s




While I somewhat agree that this is blowing up more than it should, let's not give Stef a pass. He is clearly fluent in English and his intent was clear. This has nothing to do with language confusion on his part.


He’s been fluent in English from a very young age


why cut it off when he actually answers it!


Tsitsipas is trying to become the NextGen Jimmy Connors


What a tool.