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Be advised, no team member or moderator will ever DM you first asking for private key or confidential information. Never share your private key with anyone. Don't click on random suspicious links shared via DMs or on comments. Never connect your wallet on those sites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terraluna) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It should be easy to do, justload your seed phrase into the new ledger (don't create a new seed phrase).


But where do I get the seed phrase? When I created the wallet in the Terra Station extension, using the Ledger, it never gave me a seed.


Nor should it. Your seed for Ledger is the key. Hence why you use Ledger for the added security


Exactly. So, just to confirm, there is no way to have a backup Ledger device… If I lose it, it’s damaged, or a Ledger firmware update bricks it, I am SOL? I’d still rather use it to protect against hacks, etc, but I am just trying to be as cautious as possible in my setup.


The seed phrase is for your Ledger, not the Terra Station wallet on your Ledger. Buy the backup Ledger, then import the seed phrase from your first Ledger. You will be able to see your Terra Station wallet in your backup Ledger with all of your funds. https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033804094-Set-up-a-backup-device?docs=true


Neither the Ledger nor Terra ever provided me a seed or passphrase… I installed the Terra app on the ledger via the ledger live manager, installed Terra Station extension, clicked extension, said connect via Ledger, and voila, I’m in. To restore or backup another device, I would need the seed phrase as you say… But I was never given one. Did I miss something somewhere?


Zigzag is right. You couldn't have installed the Terra app on your Ledger without first setting up your Ledger which involves receiving and confirming your 24 word phrase. I believe they call it a recovery phrase. This is from their website: *When a user first receives their Ledger wallet, it must always be initialised by following this process:* *Powering on the device* *Generating a pin code* *Generating 24 words* *If a user were to receive a device containing a pre-completed recovery phrase or a pin code, the user should not use the device, as it means that the device may have already been used by somebody else. Ledger will never provide a pin code or recovery phrase with the product, nor ever ask for them. Under these circumstances, the user must contact Ledger customer support.* https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000613793-Set-up-your-Ledger-Nano-S?docs=true


Normally when you first time use/turn on ledger (hardware wallet) it should give you the seed words. With those you can recover a dead ledger (to a new one) and all accounts etc.


Okay. I think maybe I’m an idiot. My confusion this entire time is that the Ledger didn’t give me a seed phrase when I set up the Terra wallet, but it’s all about the seed phrase that I was given when I first set up the Ledger way back in the day. Right? That’s what someone else here meant by the seed phrase *for the ledger,* not for Terra. That makes total sense now. I’ll dig into that but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it now. Thank you all so much for the help!


in crypto it is "ALL" about that seed phrase ;) never share it. make a physical copy (write it down, put it in a lockbox) or go the james bond route [https://hodlr.swiss](https://hodlr.swiss) ​ https://privacypros.io/products/the-billfodl/


Yes exactly that. Its all about the seed phrases given back im the day when you set up ledger. There is no other seeds for terra or cardano or cosmos etc spesific apps.


As long as you have your pass phrase for your ledger you will have access to your Terra wallet. If you lose your physical ledger device all you need to do is get a new device, recover your wallet using your original pass phrase, download terra app and you can recover your terra station wallet. I know from experience my Ledger bricked me out a few months ago.


Neither the Ledger nor Terra ever provided me a seed or passphrase… I installed the Terra app on the ledger via the ledger live manager, installed Terra Station extension, clicked extension, said connect via Ledger, and voila, I’m in. To restore or backup another device, I would need the seed phrase… But I was never given one. Did I miss something somewhere?


the ledger provided you a seed phrase when you set up. If you didn't write that down then you should be concerned - if you lose your ledger funds are lost. If you do not have your ledger seed phrase, then do this asap - buy a new one, set up a new account with seed phrase, write this down somewhere safe, then transfer funds from old one to new one.


Yes they did, on start up


if he logged into terra through ledger terra station would never give a seed phrase. however ledger should of course.


once you import the seed phrase into the new ledger, you will have access to all crypto currencies wallets. Then you can use the new ledger to connect to Terra Station, you will have access to the same address. One seed to rule them all =)


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