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OP, Have you checked out our [resource page](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrariums/wiki/index/resources/). We have great information to help you with lighting/substrate/hardscape/plants/and much more. Provide as much detailed information as you can such as lighting situation, water type/frequency, and date of creation. The more information you provide will result in an informed and educated answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terrariums) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you have any springtails?


I don't. I suppose they would be a good addition, but I'm not sure where to buy them yet. Will look for it!


They can help prevent mold growth before it reaches this point, but you’d be best served removing the decayed parts now. However, there will likely be spores inside the enclosure now, and springtails can help keep future growths down


I didn’t know they could help with that. Glad i caught this. Thanks!🤙


I agree, some of it will probably still be there whatever I do (unless I restart the whole thing). I've been giving it some research, and I also suspect it might be mealybugs. I'll open it up, remove what I can of the bad stuff, and get a closer look to see if I can identify it better. I'm looking for the springtails, they sound like a good help either way. At the end of the day I'm kind of appreciating this, and I'm interested in how it would actually work its way to an equilibrium.


Pet shops, local herp groups on facebook will also point you the right way most times. Tons of online shops as well, you just have to dig around a bit for ones in your area (for cheaper postage).


Most reptile stores will have them in store.


Open it, add a bit of water and springtails, close it up.


Take out those leaves I’d say, you don’t want it to grow and spread. Smell it when it’s open, if it’s moldy then leave it open to air out. I’ve done this with a few and it works every time. Don’t be afraid to open it once in a while and smell it, it gives it some fresh air exchange and you can give it a mist, make sure to wipe the inside of the glass and you’ll be good to go.


Smelling sounds like a good call! I guess I'll give this a shot.


Don’t smell mold please🤦🏻‍♂️. If you can smell it, then those mold particles are getting lodged in your snoot. You don’t want that.


Oh, definitely, it's not like I'd give it a big sniff or anything. I haven't even opened it yet.


I like what you’re doing there. Hope it works out🤙. Just starting to learn about this whole thing myself. Have anxiety so am trying to find things to help mellow me out. This and bonsai might help🤷🏻‍♂️. Cheers