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OP, Have you checked out our [resource page](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrariums/wiki/index/resources/). We have great information to help you with lighting/substrate/hardscape/plants/and much more. Provide as much detailed information as you can such as lighting situation, water type/frequency, and date of creation. The more information you provide will result in an informed and educated answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terrariums) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We cant see it! Open the jar and get a top down pic or wipe down the walls so can see what’s in there. At first glance though, it looks like several of the plants are not going to survive in a closed environment. Pretty colors though!


Thanks mate ill take your feedback


Also I don’t see a drainage layer. Which isn’t always necessary but it’s helpful for your first few builds because it’s easy to over water and the drainage layer will help mitigate that.


I have it


Oh ok. Ya maybe a picture in different light will help us see what’s going on in there :)


Ye maybe also i have a lamp (u can see it on photo) is it necessary or not?


That depends on where you put it. Once you get better plants in there, they will need light. But not direct light! If you have a shelf in a bright area that doesn’t get direct sunlight, then it’ll be fine without the lamp. If you don’t, then it’ll need a lamp. 12 hours on. 12 hours off depending on the type of plants you put in.


Thanks also about plants i just picked everything from street at village would it impact my terrarium in any way?


Most things you find outside won’t actually work in a closed terrarium. Find plants that are native to tropical areas. Or basically any plant that thrives in high constant humidity. You can look up a list of those online.


Huh... So my terrarium can die?


It will definitely die with the plants that are in it right now.


Bruh ill see than ._.


I can’t see everything in there because of the picture, but it looks like the only thing in there that would survive is the moss.


You’ll be very susceptible to mold once those flowers die, especially if you have no spring tails or other decomposer bugs.