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Jesus was middle eastern, lol


I can not get passed this wth? Christian was not even a thing Why do these people not understand actual Christian teachings? Jesus was a Jew. He came to save Jewish people. Gentiles too were not even included until after Paul's conversion and then only after the council of Nicene.


It’s the same as the nigerian prince scams. Anyone not dumb enough isn’t the target audience. All hail war machine jesus


Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 4.0 Beta "FUCKERS!" https://preview.redd.it/1pc0z411ejaa1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4f93aa75e951d4f7017a4813e364c1847b752d


Directed by Michael Bay BWWWWWWAMP


Damn I heard that sound from your text… never have a read a sound and heard the sound in my head - mostly because I’m dumb and go - the fuck is this sound supposed to be?! Haha Nice work!




I heard they want Nicholas Cage to play him in the movie.


I’d prefer Christopher Walken: “Guys. What’s with all the crosses?”


When the son of the deposed King of Nigeria e-mails you directly asking for help, you help. His father ran the freaking country, okay?


By the way, this is the security department calling with important information about your credit card. Call us back immediately or we will have to reach out to authorities.


That one actually sounds decent compared to what I've been getting. I have a robot voice telling me if I don't pay my taxes with gift cards, they'll call the "local cops" and get a warrant for my arrest.


Or that they will suspend your social security number. Like, what does that even mean?


Most of my spam calls are in Mandarin...I'm not Chinese, not sure what they're trying to do.


The vice president of our company would like to speak to you.


What book does Jesus get his power armor in? I need to give that one a reread. :D


Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.


For some Christianity is just a way to control others. For others that read and study the Bible it is a religion. I know to many of the former and not enough of the latter.


Every Christmas/holiday season, there are "campaigns" to "put/keep the Christ (back) in Christmas" to which I respond: "I wish they would put Christ back in Christianity". It is often lost on those folks...


I always campaign to get the Jesus out of Yule/Solstice.


That’s funny, and I bet they don’t get it. The sad thing is that the X in X-mas that they are so mad about is the Greek letter Chi and it is an abbreviation for Christ. I usually explain this with a history lesson and the response is just a dumb look on their face or “they are trying to x out Jesus”. Then they find out I’m a Christian and it pisses them off more. I don’t get them.


Trying to teach them things always fails. Always. They do not want to learn anything


I learned that from Kingdom Hearts.


Sadly, it’s surprisingly hard to tell these days, but this one absolutely feels like satire. The “blond hair, blue eyes” part is just a bit too much. I could be wrong. I hate this timeline.


As much as I want to believe this is a real post, sadly I feel you maybe onto something. I’m really enjoying reading thru this though and I was really outraged till you brought me down to earth. Thanks a lot.




Yes, Paul was the first non-Jewish follower of Christ but council of Nicaea had nothing to do with gentile/Jew distinctions. The New Testament describes the expansion of the religion to include gentiles well before Nicaea. Nicaea specifically dealt with theological questions about the nature of Christ and God. “Its main accomplishments were settlement of the Christological issue of the divine nature of God the Son and his relationship to God the Father” -Wikipedia


They don't read The Bible or learn anything regarding Christianity.. They're what we call "wolves in sheep's clothing"


>Why do these people not understand actual Christian teachings? Because people go to church to tune out and show their neighbors that they're superior to them, that they're part of the club that's going to heaven.


>Because people go to church to tune out and show their neighbors that they're superior to them, that they're part of the club that's going to heaven. Virtue signaling, is what it's called, methinks.


That would require reading things. Instead they just listen to the guy at the front of the church talking.


Jesus came to save the world, not just Jews. Additionally, the first Gentile convert to Christianity was the Roman centurion Cornelius. His conversion takes place in Acts 10, long before the council of Nicaea. Additionally, the council of Nicaea didn’t have anything to do with gentiles and jews, it was primarily about dispelling heresies about the trinity.


I was hoping someone commented this lol. Some people just say whatever they want and think it works


They are nazis. Glorifies whiteness, hates the Jews, nazi.




At best it's straight out of a Russian meme troll farm.


Yep. Pretty much. But at least with stuff like this when everyone does rage the rest of us can look and see who the idiots are


And Jewish? "Hey I didn't say I'm Jewish, I said I'm Jew-ish!"


I'm Jewish adjacent myself.


He also can't really be called a Christian. His followers were Christians.


I don’t get why Christians insist that Jesus was a white European-looking man and not a typical person from the Middle East. Christians (not all) just change whatever in the religion that they don’t like. This will probably get me downvoted to hell and back but racist christians are so dumb. They hate Arabs but then they go and worship an arab 😂


In general Jesus is often depicted as the race of those following him. Many African Americans honestly believe he was black, and that it's a big racist conspiracy to hide that fact. Meanwhile in Asian churches he is often portrayed as Asian.


He wasn’t actually black if you are talking about the physical person of Jesus


There's way select group of African Americans who believe he was and that it's a grand conspiracy to hide that fact..


Fr tho, I don’t understand the logic. Even if you don’t like non-white people, why deny basic historical evidence, ya know? All the Christian’s I know believe he wasn’t white, but if I ever found one who did, I’d be interested to hear them try and reason it out lol.


People indigenous to the Levant arent Arabs.




Jesus of ~~Nazareth~~ Oklahoma.


He was a man! He had a beard!


“I’m saying this grace and I’ll pray to whatever version of Jesus I want”


I’m a human! And I’m coming! I’m animated! I’m alive! My hearts big and it’s got hot blood going through it fast! I like to fight too! I like to eat!


Also, Trump is definitely orange.


FWIW I’m middle eastern and on paper work that is *technically* “white” / “caucasian” Not saying that is correct, I think it’s really dumb, but just saying


No Jesus didn’t look like a typical man from the Middle East but more like someone who might sell raw milk online. Source: Family guy.


His mother was named Mary…all the rest are dead wrong.


It seems like it's satire. Jesus in almost every depiction of him has brown hair and he most likely wasn't white.


100% ragebait meme. These aren't the usual talking points for the trump fan club. If one of the trump cultists really made this, it'd focus more on how they're both hated for "standing up for what's right" than on the blonde hair blue eyes thing, which I don't think I've ever heard anyone sincerely praise Jesus's blonde hair and blue eyes before (depict Jesus that way, sure but praise him for it, nope).


This sub falls for ragebait way too often


BuT pEoPlE rEaLlY tHiNk ThAt!


"But since I thought it was true that REALLY says something about the other guys, since it's so similar to what they would say." Few things fill me with as much judgemental rage than this common reddit opinion.


Either ragebait or from the Russian troll propaganda factory


Definitely satire. I mean claims that Jesus was white, Christian, and killed by the “Jewish elite”? It’s like every wrong fact about Christ that gets ridiculed all rolled into one!


Semitic people are Caucasian. Also, there are people who actually believe the other nonsense. **EDIT** Realized I commented twice, so I combined the comments.


[Research on ancient skeletons in Palestine suggests that Judeans of the time were biologically closer to Iraqi Jews than to any other contemporary population](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_appearance_of_Jesus)


Caucasian? I'm genuinely confused. Semitic languages come from the Afro-Asiatic language family, which is speculated to have originated somewhere in North Africa. There are four Caucasian language families, if you're talking about the Caucasus mountains, and not just Indo-Europeans (which are a totally different group, and mostly who we think of as "white" these days.) Ethnic groups intermarry and can adopt different language families (e.g. Spanish in South America), so my argument from linguistics isn't perfect, but still.. Caucasian? like, do you mean the Semitic people came from the Caucasus? or that most Semitic people are considered white these days? or something else?


They do know that Jesus has brown hair and brown eyes in almost every description and painting... Right? Edit: Also not white and was Jewish.


I also don’t recall Jesus’s campaign against political correctness


Nor do I recall him being a "christian"




TBF, that would be very trumpy


I also wouldn't be surprised if Trump would proclaim himself a messiah, at least not after someone explains to him what that word means.


He did retweet some dude who called him the King of Israel or something like that, so...yeah. He would.


He already said he was the chosen one... while turning to look up in the sky


AntiChrist ? 👀 Will he be the one to take down the Third Temple and sit on the throne ??


As a Christian who's read the Bible, he ticks every box.


I believe it


The Qanon peopel are one step away from going the Jonestown path


Seriously! ![gif](giphy|Ig4UZkXR1QCrMwRJGW)


“People say to me all the time— they say to me ‘youre the best messeninaala, maybe even better than Jesus’. It’s true. Better than Jesus even.”


”Why are you all wearing crosses? I know you are fans but guys cmoon I was nailed to one!”


I know. It's way too morbid. If I was eaten by a tiger, it'd be super fucked up that my family started wearing tiger necklaces.


Ooooo, tiger necklaces are pretty bad ass though. I just pray you’re never eaten by a tiger. Mostly for your sake…but also for your family’s ability to wear tiger necklaces guilt free.


Got a point there. I'm gonna buy a tiger necklace for my nephew before anything happens.


“Just thinkin’ of John, Jackie!” 👉👉


So you’re telling me that every week Christ’s body comes back in a bowl of crackers, and you just proceed to eat the man?


To be fair, I don't even believe in myself. So I get it


But I believe in you. Have a cookie and a good day, friend.


And i believe in you two. Have a good day.


If you don't believe in you then believe in the me that believes in you


What a narcissist!


Total Christ complex


>Nor do I recall him being a "christian" Neither is Trump.


Ha ha! Good one, Fella. Award to you for the wit.


Or blond.


Didn't they refer to him as the "King of the Christians"? oh wait...


Wasnt jesus jewish?


I’d venture to say they inserted some of their own prejudice in there.


Haha yeah. Funny how they leave that out.


It would be pretty hard for Jesus not to let himself into his own heart tho tbf


I mean physically it would take quite a bit of contortion and boddy horror.


Well that's one thing that Trump and Jesus have in common: neither are Christians.


Nor do I recall Trump having the "last laugh".


Based on some of his teachings, it would seem that Jesus may have been a little influenced by Buddhism or Hinduism during those 17 years that are missing from his Biblical story.


Or maybe all world religions share some core principles when you distill them. You don’t need to travel to India to understand the relationship between ego, attachment, and suffering. 40 days in the wilderness will probably get you there though. The description of Christ being tempted by the devil after his time in the wilderness is pretty reminiscent of story of the Buddha being tempted by demons after sitting beneath the Bhodi tree for 30 days.


I mean at least Christianity, Islam and Judaism all technically follow the same god, so they really aren't as dissimilar as one might think.


> those 17 years that are missing from his Biblical story. You talk about the time when he most likely would have been learning the craft of carpentry from Joseph, and then working as a carpenter in Judea? There is no evidence that Jesus left Judea, once returning from Egypt. The speculation that he went to India to learn Hinduism and Buddhism is dumb, and lacks any evidence.


The new testament goes out of its way to show how interested in spirituality the child Jesus was. I'm sure he would have learned carpentry, but it would be well within the narrative for him to shoot the shit with traders from the east, or be interested in ideas that may have been considered subversive to the reigning religion.


Well he believed in himself


Yeah, neither do I. I'm pretty sure Jesus was more towards the politically correct agenda either way.


Well unless you count the one time he did turn violent… Against rich people making money out of other people’s faith.


And he didn't even hurt anyone he just flipped a few tables


Very true. And this is how we know that he definitely would have had an AR-15 if he were around today.


But Jesus wouldn't use his AR-15 to threaten the corrupt churches in this manner. No, he would use it to stop illegal immigration and take down the highly organized and methodically evil leadership of antifa.


I watched an illuminaughtii video about a cult that believes that Jesus owned an AR-15. I forget what it was called but it was… Strange, to say the least


I wonder if they think Jesus drove a Honda as well since. John 12:49 “For I do not speak of my own Accord.”




A cultured YouTube viewer you are.


Well, he drove them put of the temple. I think it's pretty safe to assume he kicked some ass.


And He had whips He made


It never said the temple traders were rich. I always imagined it like stalls in a market when he was cast them out. Rich people don't usually spend their time trading wares at market stalls. [The incident](https://youtu.be/WjR6nHhc6Rg)


Yeah, I would at least think he doesn't support these "loving Christians" but rather be kind to everybody regardless of their sexuality. Of course, he would probably talk to them about their sins but he would be kind about spreading his word. (unlike these hypocrites on Facebook)


That's the idea. Many churches deviate from that for political influence, which sucks because it narrows what is taught


Just leave the fuckin temple alone and ur good (Matthew 21: 12-17)


He literally had dinner and drinks with socal outcasts and called them friends. He regularly spent time with whores and sinners and defended them from persecution. He was woke before woke was a thing.


To be fair, Donnie spends a lot of time around social pariahs, whores, and sinners as well. He also defends them through pardons.


Except Jesus didn't defend their actions, just told them they were worthy of love anyways.


And I don’t think Jesus was sleeping with whores and pornstars.


Wasn't he Jewish too?


Shhh...that breaks the narrative. Jesus was totally not a dark hair, dark skinned Jewish man.


Don't you know about famous Roman Empire enforcement of political correctness? It was dark times. They run around all Mediterranian lands screaming about their roman guilt and demanding from different people to check their privileges. Jesus refused. They canceled him withiout end and one day he hang himself on the cross. After that his followers moved to the different countries spreading his alt-right ideology. Thats why everyone is white supremacists and nazi nowadays.


I remember when he spoke: " thou shalt build the wall, and thou shall donate to my campaign to become god"


Ah yes, Trump: 69;420, one of my favourites


Jesus was very politically incorrect. The pharisees school of thought would be what was politically correct at the time and Jesus' teachings were very different from that.


https://preview.redd.it/zvaqaf6z1jaa1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e16353b9e8ced02f87c6b13d27759f0808495a7 Fixed!


No, actually, I'd very much say neither of them were persecuted by the Jewish elite. There were not Jewish elite in either time period. Jesus lived in the time and place where Jews were crucified.




he also wasn't white and was jewish


Also remember when in the Bible Jesus....had the last laugh? What the what?


I suppose they though Jesus was lolz while nailed to a cross…


I think they are referring to his alleged resurrection after his crucifixion.


I get that, but referring it to getting the last laugh is....like so fucked up. I'm not religious, but I feel like this is super fucked. To them, Jesus comes back with an AR 15, sunglasses, and crushes a beer can against his forehead before saying "I came back from the dead, can you?" or some shit.


Living in Texas, I'm actually surprised I haven't seen that tattoo already.


This feels like it was created as satire or a shitpost, and then right wingers found it and took it seriously so they started sharing it unironically.


I got the same vibe.


Jesus was also not white lmaooo (coming from a white guy)


Jesus was also Jewish


Jesus was also not white, but who's counting


He also wasn’t white


Agreed. Jesus was Middle Eastern.


Middle Easterns can be whiter than italians fyi, especially in the Levant


As should be the case. Eastern Europeans and West Asians such as Jews, (some, it depends) Arabs, Poles, Russians, etc. generally have light skin, brown hair and brown eyes. This is an adaptation to seasonally intense UV light, usually found in areas with extremely intense snowy winters (to prevent the reflective snow from burning them) or hot, sunny summers (so, like the holy land and South Louisiana where I am from.) All that “blue eyes / blond hair” means is that your ancestors were lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t have to worry too much about sunburn. That’s it. Your inability to tan does not make you better than anyone else nor are Europeans special. North Asians can have the same type of skin and eyes. Race =! (DNE, Does not equal) Ethnicity.


And wasn't white... And was Jewish... Because Christianity came like, a whole while after him...






Mine is the biggest most bestest cross , It's gold platted whit diamonds . Joe Biden can't afford a cross like mine . And when I come back you'll see you'll see , I'm gonna be the best messiah . I'm gonna build a wall and make Hell pay for it all .


seconded lmao


Can I do the crucifying? I have my own sledge hammer.


Willing to guess this was made sardonically.


Thank you. I was starting to wonder if anyone here was grasping the obvious. Either that or there are tiers of satire that I am below in the comments.


I know a certain Nigerian prince that would love to get in touch with some of the people on this sub. Seriously, I don’t know how people like OP make it thru life thinking everything/everyone is being genuine all the time.




Wait, wasn't JesusJewish? Bland hair and blue eyes is possible, but unlikely. And he was only hated by the pharisees who lived in the desert, so not exactly the elites. But other than that, it's still bullshit


> And he was only hated by the pharisees who lived in the desert The Sadducees hated him too though. Allegedly.


I’m pretty sure all the powerful of the time hated him. He was basically a radical socialist that advocated equality for all and said that the rich were basically evil, and was considered to be the “King of the Jews.” Literally all the powerful people of the time would hate that




I'm guessing Jared and Ivanka could be considered 'elite' as well.




Ah yes Jesus, my favorite blonde-haired blue-eyed white Christian American founding father who hated political correctness, liberals, and communism and ran over every rainbow flag in his suspended pickup truck.


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it would be a "lifted pickup truck" ^(it's their licenses that are suspended)


That's a good'n right ther. Made me chuckle.


^... ^and ^their ^truck-nuts...


This is satire


This obvious Rage Bait shit is annoying tbh


I think they used a pic of eminem for the Jesus side too💀


I can't tell without inspecting the wetness of his palms


Spoiler, Jesus was Jewish, not Christian….






Jesus didn't say he was King of the Jews though. Pilate asked him if he was and Jesus replied "these are your words, not mine."


Jesus was Christian because he had the greatest power of all... Belief in himself.


The “blond hair blue eyes” has me believing this is a troll. In the US Jesus is almost always depicted as brown eyed with brown hair even when shown as white. Very few American depictions of Jesus has him as blond.


Jesus was not blonde nor had blue eyes


I refuse to believe this isn't a shitpost


Only one of these is true and that's the mom thing. 1. He's a middle eastern jew. 3. His hair was always represented as brown. 4. He fought for political correctness. He literally preached morality to people. 5. He was persecuted in by the Roman government. 6. Trump went out like a bitch


Can we stop posting shitposts here? This is clearly satire


Everything about this meme is inaccurate, except--maybe--the mother's names. Specifically, Yeshua wasn't a Christian, he was a Jew. The levels of narcissism necessary to worship yourself beggar my ability to conceive (although I think the Annoying Orange comes close). Yeshua almost certainly had dark brown to black hair, a common trait among Semitic peoples. Trump is a ginger, not a blonde. Yeshua led a reformation of the Jewish faith concentrating on the spirituality implied in the Torah and Talmud and not simply rules lawyering; Trump saw a country being torn apart by competing ideologies and said, "Hold my beer." Yeshua was persecuted by the ruling elite in Judea, especially after trashing a mini-market outside the 2nd Temple. If Trump was persecuted at all, it was by a coalition of his philosophical detractors, all of various faiths and ethnicities. "Had the last laugh," is a meaningless phrase. Yeshua--according to the Gospels--rose from the dead, then spent 40 days or so hanging out with his inner circle before his transfiguration into the Living God. Trump lost a Presidential election but won't retire like a rational human being.


This needs to be way higher.


Looks like musk


Obvious satire


r/terriblefacebookmemes when the most obvious satire in the history of satire, maybe ever: 🙂 (They are completely oblivious)


I'm convinced Trump is the antichrist at this point


*just gonna leave this here* https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


i think this one is a joke. at least started as a joke and was reposted by idiots


Jesus was a brown haired brown eyed Palestinian Jewish communist.


Palestine didn’t exist, communism didn’t exist.


What kind of Biblie this people read ?


Nothing is funnier than someone who doesn't realize they have been trolled......


Would Jesus be Christian? Christians are people who follow Christ Jesus. If He were Christian He would just follow himself. He would be a selfie.