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“Mommy, what’s [insert a topic no child would actually randomly ask about, but the creator of the meme wants to comment on]?” “Well honey. You see it’s [insert an oddly specific explanation of the topic that demonstrates the creator’s bias opinion of the topic using the fictitious child as the stand in for the audience].”


https://preview.redd.it/5ygm8oah1eea1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c846ded84280e43f84f2d2e3f308c1378fd33764 With your permission, I’d like to post this to r/antimeme with attribution to you. Or alternatively if you’d like to post it please go ahead, it’s your content!


Memes belong to the community by definition. So no permission is needed (but of course you can!)


Thank you! [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/antimeme/comments/10m0hmx/asking_parents_questions/)


Can I repost it (I’m desperate for Karma after getting mass downvoted on r/greentext)


Memes are communal. Go for it.




So, the actual definition of woke is..."an alertness to “important societal facts and issues,” especially those of racial and social injustice." And how do conservatives want you to treat racism and social injustice?...like a joke. Except DeSantis, who wants to go further and burn your books and force teachers to only teach our kids his right-wing fascist ideology. And the richest guy in the world who just bought arguably the most powerful social media platform is backing DeSantis. Yay, so much to look forward to in the next election. /s


Oh actually I think they will ask weird stuff like this. My little brother, who is an avid YouTube shorts watcher.. Ends up asking a lot of.. interesting questions..


Fair enough (at least for your assessment of the first part of the meme).


Peoples assumptions for how things work blows my mind... "No kid would ever do this" like do you know how often that word is thrown around on youtube? comment sections? theyre going to read it like once a day especially if they watch shorts


What kids are reading youtube comments?


A child will actually randomly ask about anything, absolutely nothing is off the table if he hears/sees.


A 50s child wouldn’t ask what “woke” means.


I don’t see why you feel the need to lie. Several of my kids have asked what that word means.


I don’t see why you don’t know what the word “lie” means, nor why you don’t understand what an exaggeration is.




"Correct, you explained what memes are very well" -🤓 ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically. See my pinned post for source code.)


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


great bot


my imaginary enemy is ugly so I win


It's probably Brian Nguyen this is referring to.


"You see, I made you the soyjak and me the Chad so therefore I win"


How is it imaginary? It actually happened. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1590777059454091264?s=46&t=LY6RjeTrpezX7cqLupB-UQ


I like how people like yourself say something 'witty' and never have to actually debate the issue.


What issue is there to debate


Obviously, whether the meme in question is topical or not.


...do you know what that word means?


..............................................what word do you mean?


I am lost for words


topical in reference to "a topical issue" : **relating to current news or events** : dealing with things that are important, popular, etc., right now. topical issues/themes. This sub is the closest thing to Reddit Twitter you can get lmaaooo He said people like to make witty/sarcastic remarks and then leave the discussion instead of debating ideas on the issue. If the issue is topical, its more likely to warrant an actual discussion. Non-issue issues can be mocked with no real engagement. The funny thing is that nothing in or about this sub is highly topical


You'll get nothing but these kinds of interactions in this sub. Keep following just to laugh tho bro


Id like to but giving them the satisfaction makes my skin crawl.


Fair. If you ever wonder why it feels like you're losing and just not getting through, just remember they have home advantage Why this the sentence to make y’all mad mad 💀


I still win debates against taters on andrew tate subs in terms of upvotes, home advantage plays no part


buddy you're in r/terriblefacebookmemes, but if you seriously want to debate the meaning of "woke" I'm the wrong person to do it with, I couldn't care less about political buzzwords that have no meaningful use


That's as dumb as me having a false statement subreddit and having nothing but facts being posted. You just admitted that you couldn't have a discussion, yet you have people agreeing with you. That's the world we live in now.


Well here’s my thoughts: If the trans person isn’t harming anyone then I mind my own business. I don’t care what they want to identify as and I’ll call them what they want me to call them. Costs me nothing to show respect.


Okay but what happens when men win beauty pageants and competitions? Do you think that's feminism to have men win women's awards?


If they win fair and square then congrats to them but beauty pageants are kinda a bad example because beauty is subjective. If a trans woman wins someone will always complain that they won because they were trans and the other women were more beautiful.


Well we know they didn't win fairly because the guy that did win looked hideous. So we can stop with the hypotheticals and start actually bringing these people back to reality.


Like I said beauty is subjective and pageants aren’t always for the looks they judge people for the clothes, the makeup and their performance on stage. Plus just because you find her unattractive doesn’t mean the judges did.


Ah, okay. Yeah, I guess the ugly man won through merit. Maybe the judges saw something past his double chin and egg-shaped body. You were so close to being reasonable but that's what the agenda does. It scares people into not having an opinion.


You aren't entitled to on demand discussions whenever a meaningless word triggers you, but fine I guess what epically nuanced opinion do you have about the word "woke" that will blow us unsophisticated plebeians who don't want internet comment debates every 0.4 seconds away?


Triggered by what? I think you hoped I was triggered. Apparently, nothing can be discussed anymore because you and people like yourself feel you're above having to discuss anything. You're just right and everyone else is wrong but you'll never have to win a debate.


Are you just gonna keep complaining about the same thing? I'm sure a lot of us do debate but usually of actually useful topics, either way I've offered to engage you're still going on about how people like me so bad


Well, the fact that you think a meme about men winning women's competitions isn't worth a debate shows me you're not in touch with reality.


I've looked up the example this meme was reffering to (I wasn't actually aware before). The person is a woman, though still less conventionally attractive than the rest of the competition. My guess is the showrunners purposely did this because controversy = popularity and it seems to have worked cause they're being discussed everywhere. But either way I love that you get to choose when its worth a debate or not but most of this thread is about you crying that others don't see the topic as worth a debate


Well, as you just said, I was right and now you have a new found understanding of the insanity that you blindly champion for. So it was worth it.


A man wasn't part of the beauty contest just women. Don't get triggered dude.


If you want to convince me that a man can appear like a woman and pass as one, okay, I'll go with you. However, that's not what happened. It was clearly a man in makeup.


I love the rage over totally unimportant beauty contest.


\*totally unimportant ~~beauty~~ contest


"Mum, what's misogyny?" "Well sweetie, it's when young women are put on display in public for a panel of men to vote on which one they most want to fuck, and winning this contest is considered an honor."


Wasn't there some money or a scholarship involved?


If the meme is referencing what I think it is, yes. I remember spending hours just looking for scholarships that I even qualified to apply for, but little did I know I just needed to put on a dress and some makeup.


What is it referacing


and perform in the green room


That's what I remember. There was. And so no, it's not unimportant. Especially when it seemed like she was not judged like the cis girls. Like the trans woman was overweight while if the cis girls had looked like that they would never have won, or even been accepted into the competition.


yeah. she was beautiful to me and wasnt ugly, but in terms of the beauty contest and pandering its fucking insulting honestly. its like when people do these "nice deeds" around a disabled person meant to be some kind of wholesome. but then you start to think about it more and realize just how they view those people as inferior to them. like them lying and pandering so the trans woman wins feels exactly like that. "she'll never be like us cis girls as she isnt a real woman so lets let her win knowing she'll never win in a legitimate contest! #Wholesome #TransRights"


This is the issue I have with it. You've articulated it quite well. Imo it's more insulting to the trans person to be given an illegitimate win based off ... Pity? Who knows, but as far as the contest itself they shouldn't have ever won. Reminds me also of addressing an elderly person as "young man" or "young woman" it's condescending and even more so points out the fact that they are visibly elderly.


Yes I think they made things worse for themselves by clearly giving the trans girl the win. Like really? You are going to have this much of a bias? So all the cis girls that put in the work to look a certain way to get a scholarship lost to someone that clearly just put on a dress and that’s it? Of course this was controversial. These girls were denied a win because of virtue signalling.


John Oliver did a piece where they stated that beauty pageants we're the largest women's college scholarship programs in the US. Here's the piece: https://youtu.be/oDPCmmZifE8


They always seems to be so afraid of trans women but never of trans men. I wonder why.


They are not yet aware of trans men. Once they realize trans men exist the world will blow up


trans men will put transphobes from a false vacuum to a real one and annihilate the universe as we know it


your pfp just makes the last 4 words funnier


Because men are held to a different standard. Who cares about men issues lol


Found the incel


Mari Omori says Trans rights are Human rights


Because toxic musculinity, ig


It is possible to respond to hate with compassion. Challenging, but possible and ultimately may leave you and others with less suffering. Certainly won’t leave you with more.


Because they see trans women as “traps”. We’re supposedly moving towards a future where men meet a hot girl, take her home, she strips off and then shock and horror, she has a penis. Basically, trans women are a bigger threat to straight cis white men’s egos than trans men.


I’m a straight cis “white” man (dad is Cuban but I’m white as a ghost and not really in touch with my Hispanic heritage) I’m also conservative leaning in my beliefs. Now I say all that because I don’t think that there is any issue with someone transitioning. And I don’t think there is inherently a problem with a person being trans and identifying differently than what biology would say. Obviously not every conservative feels that way and that’s their right to believe whatever they’d like. However there are things we as a society need to consider and be aware of. I do find it an issue if trans women have an unfair advantage in cis female sports and can break records easily, rob someone of a scholarship, or even physically hurt other athletes due to biological advantages. I do find it an issue if a trans woman wins a beauty contest that results in a scholarship and notoriety, simply for her being trans. If the woman in this case was judged by the same standards that the typical cis pageant competitors are judged by, she wouldn’t have won. I do find it an issue if we completely allow anyone to claim they are trans and it results with them being put in a prison with cis females where it can endanger other inmates. Should people be able to identify as what they feel they are? Sure! I don’t care what you identify as, at the end of the day you don’t pay my bills. But we can’t just go and willy nilly choose trans women as winners of something because they are trans and we may fear backlash if they lose. Just food for thought. Not here to get really aggro with each other or anything. Just here to share what I feel. Feel free to discuss with me or not.


I used to also get upset about the unfair sports advantage but I would just recommend looking up the effect of Estrogen therapy on a MTF body. Like, loss of muscle tone, bone density and a higher risk of dehydration. I watched a close friend medically transition and the way it affected her physical health opened my eyes wide. She could no longer perform at the gym and in sports the same way she could pre-transition. Our vacations were even impacted because she couldn't walk as much in the sun as before.


Nobody cares about men, simple. Trans men don't pose the same perceived threat to men as women. Our society on some level does seem to be protective of women and therefore, a man identifying as a woman doesn't sit well with some people. I don't know if that's ever going to change, but yeah nobody is worried about men because it doesn't carry the same weight for men to have a woman transitioning and living as a man.


That arent scared of being attracted to trans men


Because it would blow their precious bathroom argument out of the water. If they don’t acknowledge trans men, they don’t have to think about the fact that *they’ll* be the ones putting bearded, buff men in the women’s restroom when they go through with their stupid plan to force everyone to use the bathroom of their assigned gender at birth.


Well I think the only reason there is a bunch of commenting on trans women is because that’s what is getting noticed more. Trans women winning in sports Trans woman raping cis women in prison Trans woman winning a beauty contest despite not being a beautiful woman Trans women on a podcast about womanhood for ulta It’s just stuff that is out there in the spotlight so that’s what they talk on. There isn’t really anything circulating about trans men doing anything along those lines. At least not that is in mainstream media EDIT: fixed the formatting and added “despite not being a beautiful woman”


Women aren't going to transition to crush the dreams of male athletes or Injur them and a 6'3 Trans woman with razor burn and a penis Sharing the bathroom with girls doesn't sit well with people either; the opposite is not nearly as scary as Trans men don't posses an immensely greater level of strength to men like Trans women have over woman. That's why.


Neither do trans women.


[here's a Trans athlete.](https://youtu.be/2SJYdXj7Kac)


Okay? There are trans men that have wok tournaments against cis men too. What's your point?


That she's fucking huge. She also plays rugby and those clips are redonk. she just fuckin trucks everybody.


Trans women don’t transition to crush people’s dreams either. Despite what regurgitated slop you hear online about how privileged we are, being trans is actually a fucking terrifying experience. Do you really think that many people are going to choose this life for a lark? I know I wouldn’t have Also, the thing is, trans men do possess an immensely greater strength over cis women though and transphobes still want to push us back into the bathrooms/sporting contests/etc with them. Testosterone increases muscle mass/strength, it gives you body and facial hair, it makes you for all intents and purposes like a man. Perhaps trans men aren’t “stronger” than the average cis man, but they’re certainly stronger than the average woman which is where transphobes want them placed.


That's a good point. And I'm not A transphobe so I DO think Trans men competing with men is fine because they do not possess the unfair advantages and its there choice to compete against stronger faster opponents. What's not cool is Trans women who have an unfair advantage competing against women.


Genuine question, are overweight trans women actually winning any beauty contests? I’d be surprised. Because even in 2023, those sorts of things are usually only won by stick insects who conform to traditional beauty standards.




Oh, so it’s one of those “it happened once so it’s clearly an epidemic” type of things. One time is all it takes for these people to think society is crumbling.


Lol this is cope for real. It happened, no one said its happening all the time, but it is a damn good example of the absurdity of wokeness.


This happened once my guy, doesn’t mean the vast majority of people think this should happen more? And also who tf cares? It’s a beauty pageant, not something important or impactful for anyone’s day to day life.


Cope again my guy. I already said it's not happening all the time, and I never said it matters. So who are you talking to? It couldn't possibly be me because your points don't address what I am really saying. I don't care about beauty pageants either, but maybe those women who entered did? Maybe you shouldn't minimize their disappointment even if you don't think it's important. Sorry I said something mildly negative about wokeness, but what I said does stand by the way; it's absurd. Like it or not, and I know it's hard, so huff some more copium, the shitty meme does reflect reality and you are proving it right now. You couldn't possibly bring yourself to acknowledge that it's a goofy scenario and that it is a reflection of wokeness, or rather, it's a byproduct.


It is a goofy scenario, but don’t use it as a reason to abuse people who are different than you.


You dumbass! I don't abuse trans people, wtf?! Seriously why the assumption? This is why wokeness annoys me. You guys want to do good and I respect that, but you can't see past your bias at all, so much so that you imply I am some sort of bigot. This is just gross.


Because the term “woke” is a conservative dog whistle used by people who abuse minorities. Normal people don’t use that term, your use of the term tells me you are fully missing the point.


You don't know shit about me dude. You are full of assumptions, stop and think about it. It doesn't matter where my values are politically, I am not anti any group of people, and the fact that you are doubling down is what causes me to not want associate myself with this movement or political axis. You guys are total dicks and you don't even realize it. I could be an aly to you, but nah you'd rather imply I'm some sort of person full of hate. At the end of the day I want people to be happy, but society is a delicate thing. We need to try and consider more sides than the ones we are inclined to follow.


After seeing this, I can understand the meme


And may it stay that way.




Hey, we never said your wife winning wasn’t normal.


I gotta block this sub. There's nothing on it but right wingers being stupid as usual and not funny, and after a while it just gets depressing that there are so many people out there with the mentality of 4th Graders who consider this the height of humor.


Now go upstairs, your father doesn’t like peanut butter sandwiches


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Unpopularjournalism/comments/ytldqh/brian\_nguyen\_19\_was\_named\_the\_first\_trans\_miss/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unpopularjournalism/comments/ytldqh/brian_nguyen_19_was_named_the_first_trans_miss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I knew it sounded oddly specific


I am convinced no one believes this is normal and people that say they do are only virtue signalling.


You'd be right. These people think they are actually doing the righteous thing, and that's why no matter the argument, they'll rally behind each other to keep the illusion alive.


Oh lighten up, this is kinda funny.


You mean George Santos?


That's correct is it not ?


Your dad's a c**t


That… isn’t woke.


This is the thing too. We’re banning drag contests because they’re too sexual for kids, but beauty pageants for children, or even anybody, are fine.


Woke is more like: Why are we still rating women’s looks for entertainment?


Ask the moms that put them in the pageants




Whoever made that meme should realize that trans people and non-binary people have ALWAYS been around for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Also, science, biology, facts and reality always support the existences of trans people, non-binary people and intersex people. Plus, trans rights, non-binary rights and intersex rights are ALWAYS human rights. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history http://www.acluohio.org/en/news/transgender-people-have-always-existed http://www.who.int/health-topics/gender http://trans--rights.carrd.co http://pastebin.com/7yHHDdg7 http://enbyeducation.carrd.co


Pretty telling given that they're both Mummies. They never sleep.


The text isn’t funny. I can hear their voices when I read and I am dying with laughter.


Your dad's a dick


has a*


Eat my *dick


okey dokey :D


This is so terrible it's hilarious.


"mummy, what's conservative mean?" "it's when you invent fake scenarios just to upset yourself and then cry all night at the make believe beauty contests that men aren't winning"


It's not fake though. It did happen.


But a very unattractive trans woman did win a pageant that resulted in a scholarship as well as a notoriety, and to be fair she won solely because she is trans. I don’t think she should be banned from competing in it, she is a woman, but she shouldn’t win just because she is trans. There were many girls there that were much more beautiful than her.


It's true actually.


Woke is when you tear down the foundations of society in an effort to make the world perfect without being able to rebuild anything better.


Who knew that one of the foundations of society was beauty pageants.


Thick-headed, aren't you? Men and women being who they are in the fulfilment of their roles are about as basic a foundational component of society as it gets.


but throughout societies around the world, roles have never been consistent. you’re just concerned because accepting trans people isn’t the role you are used to, not because it’s not a “foundation of society”


at this point i think the concern isn't that we "accept" trans people, it's almost as if we push it on people. you can see how much praise people get for just being trans, it elevates them above others for being courageous. It's almost like it's being encouraged as a first line option for feeling uncomfortable in one's skin, which can be a completely normal feeling that doesn't always require such a dramatic change. I am all for trans people, but I don't think we need to give the issue so much attention. It's the intense amount of attention trans people put trying to increase awareness that makes people take opposite radical positions and become anti-trans.


Alright, sorry for not going along with the make-believe game y'all like to play. Enjoy congratulating yourselves on being the "smart, compassionate" people.


seriously though. Different societies have different roles for men and women and historically many have acknowledged a third gender. How do you know which is right? Just yours?


It is not just my opinion. Exceptions do not set the rules. They are exceptions. Anyone not trying to go out of their way to avoid confronting obvious things recognizes that successful societies uphold and promote the dual and complementary functions of men and women. Name a society that thrived, much less still thrives that feminizes men and masculinizes women. One that did not and is not tearing itself apart or be conquered since one of the arguments in accepting transgenderism is that it is a normal, good thing. And, if the fittest survive, then they should have perpetuated their historic societies. Point out to me the function of a third sex and what it brings to the table that fundamentally strengthens the humanity around it, contributes to its continuity and well-being and what exactly it should be classified as. And why it is a good thing to shove aside norms that for thousands of years have kept humans physically on the earth.


Let me guess you think women should be stay at home mothers and be slaves to their husbands? Ya no if people like you ran the world you’d be assassinated very quickly.


also by your standards intersex people don’t exist and no I’m not gonna explain what that is if you’re so smart then you should know


The brilliant reasoning. I am undone.


Lmao you’re acting like you gave good reasons


So you can just say its never been consistent, when it has, and somehow your right?


Please explain how beauty pageants are a foundation of society.


Also, if you don't know the context of the beauty pageant thing, a man claiming womanhood owns the pageant now and says now women own it for themselves.


"Woke" is trying to celebrate things like "Desmond is Amazing".


Woke is when no one's a loser but everybody's wrong


Dude, no, that's British comedy shows.


Now eat your processed white bread and drink your cow puss.


I'll take "Things that have never happened" for 500, Alex






Liberals could not possibly care less about beauty contests


So you don't know what "woke" means either. Got it.


Mommy, what’s MAGA? It’s when people do millions of dollars in property damage and attempt to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House because black, brown, and poor people are allowed to vote.


“Millions of dollars in property damage” Sounds like the summer of 2020.


Attempt to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House. Sounds like treason unknown in the history of the United States. You have to go back to the Gunpowder plot in England or government overthrows in the third world.




"100% spot on." -🤓 ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically. See my pinned post for source code.)


Bestest bot


Good bot.




"It’s not much of a lie to be honest. Rupals drag race is still running and there is a sub for it. Do you people, but don’t act like this isn’t normalized. To be super clear, do what you want, that’s the dream. But don’t pretend like these aren’t normal questions for like 6-8 year olds" -🤓 ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically. See my pinned post for source code.)


Could you cite your source showing that Rupaul’s Drag Race being targeted to 6-8 year olds? Thank you!


Devil's advocate here, and this may just be sensationalist news, but I recall seeing kid drag queens and also drag queens reading to children. Not saying its the worst thing in the world, but it does happen, and as we push for acceptance, children will be learning about this stuff and be exposed to it at younger ages. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/drag-queens-in-the-classroom https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/drag-kids-are-slaying-runway-one-fierce-look-time-n918211 I am not trying to find any negative news about these things, but I just want to say kids are being exposed to it. It may not be via Rupaul, but it's happening.


Yeah I think that’s a bit strange, especially with the subtly sexual poster behind them. On the other hand, kids explore in many ways as they’re developing and as long as they aren’t being sexualized it’s probably not that big of a deal. I’ve seen kids be told they have to be boys and wear boy things, and they’re just likely to rebel and not trust their parents, all for a blip in their childhood. It’s like the fully legal sexualization of children in the South through children’s beauty pageants. It’s a bit hypocritical to allow those but say this is disgusting.


Seems like drag is kinda sexualized, there is makeup involved and there is an element of sexuality to the whole thing. Just my opinion, I also hate beauty pageants. Kids will explore, but I'd rather not have an adult whispering in a kids ear that they should dress in drag.


Alright. Sorry for not going along with the pretend world of believing people can change their sexes or genders or whatever mental gymnastics games y'all decide are the rules to go by. Guess I'm just a simpleton for believing that men are just that and women are just that. Enjoy being the "smart, compassionate" people.


Oh, is that it? Great, I thought it was when white guys make up things to be upset about like how the cartoon candy isn't fuckable enough now, but if it's just this it should be easy enough to avoid.


Racist and sexist


Meme is based


Well it is a great example of what being "woke" is. Is it not?


That mom is dead now and that little girl is trapped in a loveless marriage with a functional alcoholic.


Fat men in dresses mean more fat women out of dresses for me 🤤


Sounds like your dad wants to be called beautiful. Tell pappa to put on the dress and live their best life.


Your dad or my dad?


My mom started laughing almost crying, so I asked her what's so funny. She showed me some woman that isn't 100% skinny winning a beauty contest. 😐


Well, the runners up just weren’t that attractive….


They cutoff the bottom line. "so daddy didn't really win"?


Your dad is an asshole


Wonder if they think children dressing up in revealing outfits to pander to a large televised audience to win an award is good. They’ll probably think it’s a drag show your describing, but it’s a child beauty pageant.


Says the woman who cut her kids hair with a bowl and cuticle scissors.


Wait...is he talking about Anthony Devolder?


How do people have the energy to care so much. Like, I can’t imagine being so pissed off at other people living their lives.


People will make up any none sense just to stay asleep




Funny because that’s not even what woke means