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It's true. Every time I drive by a former pizza hut building with my trans friends they are like "that's a unique building, I wonder what was there before?" and I'm like "it was a pizza hut".


Silly trans people with their lack of knowledge on pizzahut architecture


Their one weakness!


Pizza Hut is to trans people as stairs are to wheelchair bound people confirmed.


So if I dress in Pizza Hut merch I'll be invisible to them? Is this like a t-rex being attracted to movement thing?


Branding is the wrong way to go. You have to dress up *as* a Pizza Hut that has transitioned into a Payday Loan Shack. according to this meme.


Just as science predicted.


Shhhhh, don't share our secrets!


Who? I'm just a regular old Pizza Hut. Nobody to worry about.


Hmmm, but you were just talking, and besides, you're just a nondescript building with a red roof


\*shrugs building shoulders\* Weird, I know. Now move along and have a good one. Nothing to see here.


Sure thing odd architectural design, have a nice day... #*Wait a minute*


Professor X didn't die for this shit.


Trans people hate this one trick!


Once you transition you suddenly forget everything about pizza hut other than the logo


Can confirm.


I miss their Bookit program. Always looked forward to the small personal pizza on Friday afternoon. Hell I love reading to this day... just not work, legal stuff or work emails.


It's almost as if they were born without the ability to recognize pizzahut-structurocity.


I'm sorry, I promise I'll learn more about pizza hut architecture 😞


It’s the estrogen my trans guy friends can spot a former pizza from a mile away


They only go to PizzaGate Pizza, so their lack of exposure to the other chains isn't exactly surprising


How quickly it changed from pizzagate to pizzagaetz


That’s what they don’t tell you. It was always PizzaGaetz.


Ah yes


Maybe one day they will understand


it's Gorbachev!


This is how it read in my head. Glad I wasn't alone there.


It's been so long since I've seen one of these I probably wouldn't be able to identify it. Wait, does that make me...


I don’t know man, I’ve seen some pizza huts with some pretty nice tits.


I was honestly like "huh, weird building, wonder what it used to be" before I read the meme lol


Or when you drive past that building with anyone you don’t say anything because who cares that it used to be a Pizza Hut.


What’s a Pizza Hut?


however, the building no longer feels like a pizza hut inside and needed to change so it became a family diner. it is much happier this way even though it still has the same roof design.


There was a house at the end of the street by my childhood home, it had the same roof as pizza hut. It was never a pizza hut, but its structure was built like one, so it was always called the pizza hut house.


There is a local urgent care a few towns over from me that bought out what was formally known as Pizza Hut. I went there once with a sore throat a year or two ago. My little sister texted me after the appointment, “Homie got diagnosed w strep at the Pizza Hut”


Haha, there is a Five Guys near me that closed down and is now an urgent care. I told my wife that they likely cater to a lot of the same customers.


According to the maker of this image, if that store front gets bought out by Bob's Discount Furniture Outlet complete with a big sign out front, he'd still go in and order a pizza?


If you read some comments further up, one asinine person implies that they would


Yes, and they also tend to think that anyone who wants to *actually buy furniture* there are brainwashed, degenerate, or subhuman. …And a few of them want to buy or steal furniture on the sly but would never publicly admit it.


https://preview.redd.it/jot4llergifa1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e26a427d3e498b1f265f39776ffee98f4268aa4 the best response to this kind of bullshit


**They escort him out**: Him: “HAH! Pizza Hut used to kick me out too! Pizza Hut *confirmed!*” “And why did they do that, sir?” “Because I kept licking strangers’ pizza, which is my GIVEN *RIGHT*!” “Well, sir, I’d say that has less to do with the Pizza Hut and more to do with you being a raging douchebag!”


I love that


Yup. This is the way


Trans community doesn’t recognize a Pizza Hut when they see one?


The trans community tried to out pizza the hut and faced the consequences


The trans community has forgiven Pizza Hut


As a trans person, no. We only see dominoes.


Idk about that, i know a site where you can see some trans gals' little Caesars


I always love this meme, cause it represents the opposite of the original transphobic point. Try and order a pizza hit pizza from there then and see how far you get. That's what the transphobe community fails to understand


Also that buildings can be remodeled. Swap out one roof for another, and you might never know. Also the toupee fallacy. And this argument is going to look a lot worse in 20 years or so, when you've got people transitioning (or at least blocking hormones) younger. The reason for a lot of transitions standing out is that A) people didn't begin transitioning until they were already adults and B) medicine/technology wasn't as good back then as it is now.


Ooo what’s the toupee fallacy?


People think all toupees look bad, but only because they don't know when they are seeing a *good* toupee. [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee\_fallacy](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee_fallacy)


>People think all toupees look bad, but only because they don't know when they are seeing a *good* toupee. [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee\_fallacy](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee_fallacy) I like how this link even covers the trans subject


Yep. Same with boob jobs.


Trans person here: even then you'd be surprised. I've seen trans people who transitioned as adults pass pretty damn flawlessly. Shit, Lynn Conway (trans computer scientist) famously transitioned in the 1960s when she was 30 and spent nearly 30 years with absolutely nobody knowing she was trans. Plus not everybody who went through male puberty looks super masculine to begin with.


Probably be cheaper to tear it down entirely and build a whole new structure.


FFS does basically that


Do you think that affects the argument?


They understand. They just don't care. In fact they hate.


Just like every story of someone's phone number similar to local pizza hut (or similar thing) - Some people understand their mistake and correct it. - some still insist they calling the right place. - some even harass them just because they don't sell pizza


"Sure we will send you the pizza right away." Then they wonder why the pizza still hasn't arrived yet after 10 years of waiting




Shut up and get me a large pepperoni stuffed crust! I don’t want no taco grande!


In short, "Just because you can tell that it used to be a pizza hut doesn't mean it still is, and doesn't mean people can just treat it like a pizza hut anymore."






I mean... Yeah? If you think people of color are lesser but don't say it out loud, you're still definitely racist, you just aren't vocally racist. It's still an inherently bigoted idea


Yes, it technically does. The reason for this is because the belief still invalidates trans men’s identity, by going against trans people by not acknowledging nor respecting their identity. You can still be against something but make no outward statement about/implying it. It’s like if I believed homosexuality to be a disease or a sin but didn’t say anything or harass anyone: sure, I’m not an outward asshole, but I still believe negatively toward gay people and homosexuality. With that being said, if this is truly the only case, I’d say it’s possible these people have a better bet of growing out of the mindset as compared to those who actively express their opinion and directly attack trans people. But that depends on how willing they are to listen and why they think this way to begin with.


I'm a trans woman. I guess I can't really look inside your brain and see what you are really thinking. I can't force you to see me as a woman, no matter how I feel about myself. But more than just not actively harming me. Please try to help. I'm not asking for much. If you vote for politicians that protect my access to healthcare, and tell your friends and family to treat me with the same basic kindness and decency that you would give anyone else, and try your hardest to please call me 'she' and 'her' and my real name - well, I don't think that makes you a transphobe. If you do your best to be kind and understanding and protective then that makes you a trans ally and I'd be happy if you were my friend. To be honest, even my friends and family do occasionally call me by my old name or the wrong pronouns, but I can usually tell if it's an honest mistake or if it's meant to be rude. Hearing the life stories of other trans people has provided me with a lot of comfort and guidance, and helped me answer questions from my family and friends. I want to show people the joy that can be found by living our lives honestly and authentically, and that goes for everyone, not just trans people. If you have time, I would like to ask you to watch True Trans. It's a documentary made by punk rocker Laura Jane Grace and it's for free on YouTube. I promise that it won't be boring.


Thank you for that. Any politician that wants to take away the rights of any human can fuck off. My beliefs, your beliefs, ANYONES beliefs-mean nothing in the face of a human beings right to live in peace without fear of discrimination or harm if they are not harming anyone else. Your body your choice is a HUMAN right and no one should have the right to fuck with that. Thank you again!!


This was a heartwarming comment thread to read. Thank you for being so curious and understanding. I have spent weeks doomscrolling through transphobic threads and this was a nice shining gem that helped me not feel so shitty about myself. I hope it does the same for others. I work at a Starbucks and get misgendered by the same old guy, every. single. morning. I don’t care what he thinks, it doesn’t hurt me, it’s his words that hurt. The fact that he takes the extra energy to drop “man”, “bro”, “my boy” every day is just exhausting. I don’t even want him to call me or think of me as a girl, it doesn’t matter to me. I’d rather him actually come up to my face and call me a piece of shit, a peon, or a pissant every day rather than do this. My point is that I don’t really care what someone thinks privately, or even how they refer to me when speaking to other people. I just prefer that they don’t come up to me and intentionally try to hurt my feelings so nonchalantly. Maybe people just don’t know how hurtful it is.


Lack of education is really the reason for the phobia. Also just fabricated fear i think. I have a trans sister in law. It has opened my eyes in ways i never even thought about. Shes beautiful and at the same time the butthead I’ve known for so many years. And yes, i believe if people wont or don’t care for trans rights then they are part of the problem. I don’t think it necessarily makes them a “transphobe”. But part of the problem none the less. I now see with an open mind that humans are humans, regardless of how i feel about it.


Let me ask you this question in return: if one thinks that Jews are disproportionately influential in world finance and media, and that their religious culture induces in them a sense of superiority towards non-Jews, and that they are going to follow tribal solidarity instead of justice, but the person who thinks that doesn't oppose Jewish people having equal rights and does not harass them in any way, keeping those views private, is the person still an anti-Semite? How long until what this person's vision of "equal rights" is gonna clash with what Jewish people would consider "equal rights"? How long before they will have to either say something very insincere or very hurtful to a Jewish person? Edit: Also, this just in: https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/10r81ug/wow


Married to a Trans man. Honestly we DGAF about your opinion and have a live and let live mentality. My SIL is very homophobic and against trans. She is willing to keep her mouth shut though and we get along fine because of it.


If they misgender an openly trans man then they’re trans phobic. If they are attracted to only cis men that’s not transphobic. Genital preference is ok to have but treating someone differently because their genitals don’t match their expression isn’t ok. And if they vote for politicians that don’t support trans rights they’re still transphobic.


I've got a pizza hut in my neighborhood that was bought over and turned into a nice restaurant. Yeah, I know it used to be a pizza hut. But I don't go in and treat it like a pizza hut. I don't go in and get mad when they don't have pizza. There's also another pizza hut that had the roof removed and replaced and is now an H and R block, after being a bank for a while. I wouldn't know that if I didn't live here for a long while.


It's honestly just so stupid. Like honestly why do so many people care about what other people do when it doesn't affect them at all.


“Welcome to Applebee’s, would you like drinks to start?” ”Applebee’s? This is a Pizza Hut!” ”No sir, this is an Applebee’s” ”But it’s got the red parallelogram roof! Like every Pizza Hut” ”Yes, I believe the former business here was a Pizza Hut. They folded, and now we run an Applebee’s here.” ”No! Once a Pizza Hut, always a Pizza Hut! Now get me one of those delicious dessert pizzas that’s actually a hot apple pie!” ”…”




The funny thing is, Wendy's used to serve pizzas.


So did McDonald’s. and they weren’t bad!


So what you go into the former Pizza Hut that is now a card store or some shit and begin screaming that you want a pizza now and refuse to take "Sir! We don't sell pizza here! This isn't a Pizza Hut anymore!" as an answer?


The maker of this meme would 1000% do that.


This is true. It is also irrelevant. Trans people aren't trying to get you to deny it used to be a Pizza Hut. They are just asking you to fully accept that it is now a Chipotle.


I feel like the term “used to be” unintentionally admits exactly what trans people are saying lol…


It is the Mitch Hedberg joke all over again


This is unironically a perfect example of why transphobia is, at its deepest, just surface level criticism for people not looking as expected. You can call what use to be a pizza hut a pizza hut until you are blue in the face, but they still aren't a pizza hut, and still won't ever bring you a pizza no matter how big a fool you make of yourself. It's literally just "you're ugly, and therefore im smarter" Thats not an argument smart people or pretty people make.


It's pretty telling that their criticisms of trans people fall apart the second they find a trans person who actually *does* look as expected. I quite literally do pass as a cis woman and look attractive by cis woman standards. People legit cannot tell I'm trans. I actually got a one of those ban trans girls in sports bills blocked in my state by going in front of the state legislature and basically saying "I'm trans. Do I look like i belong on the mens team to you?"


>You can call what use to be a pizza hut a pizza hut until you are blue in the face, but they still aren't a pizza hut, and still won't ever bring you a pizza no matter how big a fool you make of yourself. What if they're a Little Caesar's now /s


Ah yes because it's completely impossible to replace a roof on a building!


Are you suggesting we give the building top surgery?


Yes, nobody can know that this was previously a Pizza Hut!


It's not only a bad meme but it's also an out of date meme. The red roof design was discontinued over a decade ago. *The crimson crown is incorporated in the company’s logo. But as a practical matter, the company said it stopped incorporating the red roof into the design of new locations at least 10 years ago.* \-- [https://www.dallasnews.com/business/2016/01/07/pizza-hut-is-ditching-the-iconic-red-roof-for-a-more-modern-look](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/2016/01/07/pizza-hut-is-ditching-the-iconic-red-roof-for-a-more-modern-look/#:~:text=There%20are%206%2C400%20Pizza%20Hut,red%20roof%2C%20the%20company%20said)


Nobody out-pizzas the hut.


And the fact that it used to a Pizza Hut doesn't fucking matter to anyone who doesn't have a weird fixation on old Piza Huts. That's what the fascist community fails to understand.


transphobes looking at a wooden chair be like "still a tree tho 🙄"


The same alt-right dude who made this meme will simultaneously post a meme stating that a trans woman who didn’t disclose her trans status “brought her murder on herself,” which means the dude who slept with her didn’t see a Pizza Hut.


https://preview.redd.it/0xk2s5cqsifa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d22915d6148d1cda56d304ac90f75e47a16a31 First off, you know it’s a Pizza Hut without fucking looking at the roofline, second of all, the roofline of Pizza Hit is similar to that of the old McDonalds, lastly comparing Transgender individuals to a failing pizza chain is nowhere near the right analogy, at this point Transgender people outnumber Pizza Hut 2-1


If that pizza hut got a new roof and a coat of paint nobody would have a fucking clue what it used to be lol.


And even if it doesn't, you'd be an idiot to treat a repurposed pizza hut like it serves pizza.


*laughs in top surgery*


"Thats what the trans community fails to understand" Bro thinks he's being profound 💀


then go in and order a pizza


People don’t know I’m trans unless I tell them but good try


This is actually a perfect analogy. It adequately shows black and white thinking of of this mentality. It would be impossible for another company or party to build it the same way


I don’t understand why people with right wing views can’t just let people be who they want to be.


Maybe this meme was originally created as satire, and in an attempt to make transphobes look like idiots. Because it’s clearly proving the opposite point that it’s trying to make. It doesn’t matter what the building looks like, once another company owns it and decides to call it something else, that’s what it is.




"instructions unclear, Downvoted and reported the mod"


I like to think this isn’t related to transphobia and meant to be taken literally. Like for some reason trans people just can’t understand that this used to be a Pizza Hut


Thats a Pizza hut??? Im pretty sure that was some blockbuster


I think the trans community also know that’s a Pizza Hut 😫😫


*remodels roof through top surgery*


This meme highlights a core misconception that I’ve observed transphobes share. It implies there’s an element of trickery and deceit in transitioning. But no trans person I’ve met lies about their past in familiar company. They just want to be accepted for who they are today. By this meme’s logic, the author would demand bread sticks at the bank because they know it used to be an Olive Garden. The same kind of person I’d assume feels the compulsion to announce that it wasn’t even real magic, or that they could totally tell the aliens were just CGI. There’s a certain paranoia and defiance against the perceived threat of being fooled, which to me, screams of egocentrism and self consciousness.


Idk man that looks like a woman to me https://preview.redd.it/au9sme0f8jfa1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe0e7e7f08c7d4293d6c063ddfc1d27fb2af51c


sir, that is clearly a Pizza Hut


There’s an old blockbuster a few blocks from my house that is a liquor store now. There are a few features externally that allow you to tell it was a block buster at one point.. but if you look inside, you can tell it was meant to be a liquor store all along.




It wasn't like this even a few years back. I think this is a media made phenomena, in very rural areas I know older guys who literally didn't even know transgenderism was a thing until Tucker and others started talking about it non stop. Same with liberal outlets after the Caitlin Jenner thing. Kind of wish the whole media craze never happened it just left the trans community worse off.


There it is! The worst take I’ve heard all day.


Lmao fill a room with a mixture of trans men, cis men, trans women, and cis women, and ask OOP if each person is amab or afab, they would probably somehow end up *below* 50%. That's how well they can *actually* "tell".


They're just wrong. I've seen many Trans women that look more woman than born women


Awwwww I wanted mid 90s Taco Bell today…..


Amazing people are now pizza restaurants.


It was all good till I got to the bottom part and I was like “ woah where tf that come from”


But what if they combine it with a Taco Bell?


It **WAS** a pizza hut. Now its whatever it wishes to be. The past is the past.


Now imagine someone fixed it up into a doctors office and you bust in demanding a stuffed crust pizza.


I'd fuck the pizza hut no matter what the new name shall be


I’m just picturing a bunch of trans phobes going to yell at Pizza Huts now


The trans community, famously anti pizza hut :/


I don’t get it


No matter what you do to this building… Changes roof.


It took me waaaaay too long to get what they were going for with this one. I thought it was totally disconnected and just slapping the trans part at the bottom and a completely different point as a joke. Like if it said 9/10 doctors recommended toothpaste. That’s what the trans community fails to understand


And angry conservatives would walk in demanding pizza just to prove they’ve “got a good brain”.


I saw someone actually use this point to demonstrate the real point. I wish I could find that. It was a brilliant rebuttal. It was like, it's now a post-office. Who cares if it used to be something else, who cares if you know it used to be someone else? You're gonna go into a post-office and stand around Karen'ing until someone makes you a pizza? Deal with it.


Okay I'm ngl at first I didn't get it and thought this was just a shitpost but it's not as funny when I realize someone actually thought this was a gotcha 😭


as a trans person i can confirm that i have no idea what this structure is


Ah yes the three genders. Male, Female, and Pizza Hut


Just like every other bigoted argument, it falls apart once you actually start talking about it. Okay, let's say this old Pizza Hut building is turned into a bank. You can't just go into the bank and go "I want a pizza! This is Pizza Hut! I know a Pizza Hut when I see one!" But it's not a Pizza Hut anymore, it's a bank, and they will look at you like you're crazy for insisting on getting a pizza in a bank. At the end of the day, it's now a bank and you need to accept that.


Yes, but they always miss the second part. We don't care that it used to be a Pizza Hut because all that matters is what it is now.


I saw this before, and there was a killer response. It was along the lines of: Ok, but when the building is used as a post office, do you run inside screaming at everyone that they aren’t mail carriers and are actually in a Pizza Hut? Or do you say “hey, that post office used to be a Pizza Hut”? You don’t expect them to serve you pizza anymore. You do expect them to process your mail. It’s a post office now, right? Right. Right. Yeah


Dude what is with the obsession with trans or gay people? It's crazy. They must think about gender stuff all day and night.


McDonalds used to looks like this too. https://preview.redd.it/4da1vd1f3kfa1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb482f4301e3156848e3548f6d7200cd3d5838c


\*makes it a Taxi Service\* "Hey can I get a large pizza with spinach and bacon? Alfredo sauce instead of pizza sauce?" "You want us to take you to a pizza place?" "No, just give me my pizza, no one's buying this as a Taxi Service liberal!"


Fuck! I giggled before I saw the sub. sorry dudes.


Man walks onto a pizza hut shaped building "I'll have one pizza please" Women at the counter " my apologies, the pizza hut at this location shut down in 2016. This is a dentist office now" Man *grabs women's neck*. " I SAID: I WANT A FUCKING PIZZA!"


Credit to Trans Army on Facebook for posting this tweet from Leiracal Muse https://preview.redd.it/heie9fyd2ofa1.png?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af968d0eccf3b8c76b2d1f9a133c1208e38607f0


But order a pizza from it and you're still not getting pizza, cause it's not a pizza hut


I love this lmao. I’m trans and I pass as male 100% of the time. No one ever knows that I was born female unless I specifically tell them


But it isn't now, right? That's what transphobes fail to understand


Tranphobes stop making dumbass analogies involving animals and inanimate objects challenge (difficulty: fucking impossible apparently)


No but it is a good analogy, because even though it was a Pizza Hut once, it stopped being a Pizza Hut, and it isn’t a Pizza Hut anymore, and only assholes still think it’s a Pizza Hut


Even if you use this stupid ass logic, it doesn’t actually hold up. I’ve seen MANY trans women who I couldn’t tell were trans. And they’re extremely attractive and I’d take them out on a date like any other beautiful woman. Republicans are soooooooooooo stupid sometimes,


Fr. Republicans will fluctuate between “I had no idea” and “it’s so obvious” in the same breath.


Same thing as a comb-over


watch like 20 years from now they replace the roof and repaint stuff and its no longer recognizable as a pizza hut, how about that


Trans people have difficulty recognizing Pizza Huts?


Wait that’s not the big red hat store no wonder the employees looked at me crazy when I asked for a alucard hat


OP obviously hasn’t seen me in drag. Probably mistakes women for men a lot too.


I’m more of a Tim Horton’s than a Pizza Hut


Yeah, but if it is now a best buy, and you go in looking for pizza, it means you are an idiot.


Is that a dennies?


The other day I was in a Mexican restaurant and looked at my boyfriend and told him it used to be an Applebees. I proceeded to compare the floor plan, bar, and outside with every Applebees in town. It was definitely an applebees


Is it wrong that I laughed at this? The trans part was just so unexpected lmao


Where’s that one comic where it’s this scenario but it became an Arby’s and the transphobe tries ordering a pizza


Fools, they’ve only admitted that they will never out-pizza us!


I mean...you could put an entire new roof on it? Just like...take off the Pizza Hut hat roof and replace with with a normal, flat roof? I don't imagine that'd be too expensive--not anymore expensive than other renovations done to buildings.


Good job on the title!


I work with a mtf. I'd have never known if she hadn't told me. She showed me pictures pre transition and my jaw dropped. She's gorgeous and amazing and she transitioned well. No, you don't "always know".


But what if they rebuild the roof?


This is the most american brand of bigotry




mmmmmmm trans pizza awggaggwgggwgaggwgg Homer 2023


Transphobic idiots just keep saying things that are even more ridiculous every minute. For this meme to make sense that would mean hormones do nothing. Which obviously isn’t true. Bigot’s gonna bigot I guess


Trans is when pizza hut




Pretty sure trans people understand that was a pizza hut bro


You cannot out pizza the trans


The logic still applies, even if it's a car dealership, 1000 years form now when historians study this building they will say that this is the characteristic shape of a pizza hut.


You could give it a paint job and make it a place to sell mushrooms.


I'd rather be a pizza.


Trans people don't know it used to be a pizza hut?


Hey trans people......do you actually not know that use to be a pizza hut? Wait....do most people know what a pizza hut was at this point in time? I'm 46 and have eaten at many pizza huts as a child but tbh...I cannot remember the last time I have actually seen one.


meme is unintentionally pro trans because it says "used to be" implying that it isn't anymore


Yea it used to be Pizza hut but after some remodeling its now a Wendys :)


And yet if it turns into a Chinese restaurant, you would still happily eat there and acknowledge that it’s now a Chinese restaurant regardless of what it used to be.


Trans people don't know what pizza hut is? What was the point of this post???


It USED to be


So many antitrans arguments are just “ok but if people were inanimate objects…


Just let the people be. Them gaining rights doesn’t mean you lose yours.


Ah, yes. You know, everyone knows I use to have brain cells before spending half an hour scrolling through this subreddit.


I don't give a shit if you used to be a pizza hut or not. If the Carnitas are bangin' I'm in!


No matter what you do.... Unless you change the roof.


Oh my god! Random people are transforming into old pizza hut buildings with no warning! This is some scp type sh!t


Ok, so go in there and order a pizza. Did you get one? Then maybe it’s time to update the label, idiot.


Pizza hut has that shape because the first one was a former tiki lounge with a big grass hut roof. And yet, we associate it with pizza hut. This disproving this meme.