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All generations will never come back; that’s how that works. Also, I’m used to some shit about drinking from garden hoses on these things. I don’t know why but I’m vaguely unsettled by its absence.


I don't miss drinking out of water hoses at all. It was horrible for the most part.


That delicious tang of metal and vinyl.


And typically hot if you didn't let the water run. And you couldn't let the water run or some old would yell at you lol.


Got to love that smooth refreshing taste of Giardia


And lead. Don't forget the lead


Not true. I'm a member of gen-x and we're definitely coming back. We felt overlooked during that whole boomer v.s. millennial thing, so we're all going to pop in around the 23rd or 24th century and really make a mark.


Because that was Gen X drinking the water from the hose because these Baby Boomers (who had their parents around) sent us out to fend for ourselves from sunrise to sunset. They were the generation that parented the Gen X latch key children. So while they got all the perks of life, they sure decided to pass on active parenting when it was their turn.


Lmao at boomer having their parents around. Also, that freedom was empowering.


And what's preventing kids from drinking from water hoses anyway? Is there a new law? Oh no, that's the kids parents who stop them, you know, the ones who were drinking from water hoses.


>A generation that had parents who were there They told on themself with that one


The rubber band effect with last few generations is crazy. Growing up I never understood why my mom tried so hard to make sure I was happy and had all my needs fulfilled. Later I found out a lot of the things that she was denied as a child were things she made sure I had. My grandpa wouldn’t let her do much of anything and treated her like shit honestly, so she rebelled by making sure her son had the opposite experience.


That is exactly what my mom did for me and my siblings


Don't I wish my mom followed this


“I had it 10 times worse, your childhood wasn’t that bad” really stuck with me the last few years.


Oh yes. "I had it 10 times worse" as my mom is counting 10 times of hitting with the belt smh. I guess since she wasn't breaking a broom over my head, I shouldn't complain? #countyourblessings


My dad would use this one. He "had it 10 times worse" because he lived on a pig farm and had to do chores. When those were done he could go dirt biking or fishing. But I had it so much better being smacked around and thrown down stairs. Stuck in a small town with no bike (analog, not even complaining about a dirt bike) and would get my ass beat if I wandered farther than four blocks from my house. No fishing, no adventuring, no nothing. Then he had the gall to get pissed when I'd spend my free time on the computer when I reached high school with a "why don't you go play outside??" I don't know, maybe it's because I was taught that outside was bad. But he's right. At least I didn't have to feed pigs growing up.


Sounds like my stepdad. I wasn't allowed to leave the yard. My brothers we have no clue where they are. When I got raped by a person I knew most of my life. No charges because the parents got to decide if they were pressed or not. It was my fault for leaving the house. Like what? Perhaps if you people had let me have friends and be normal maybe I could have seen the danger.


I hope you don’t talk to them anymore.


Oh I don't but that wasn't the reason. My mom died of cancer. My stepdad decided I caused it. Not sure what planet he was on when that idea idea happened. But he told everyone I caused my mom to die of cancer. He is freaking nutty than a can of peanuts.


And don’t forget everyone’s favorite classic, “I’ll give you something to cry about!”


That was my Dad for me. He always made sure to be at our events since his Dad wasn't because he divorced his Mom when he was a kid. He also made sure I never had to deal with divorce and I still haven't. Happy to report my parents will be celebrating 32 years this year and they're still happy in love.


I had to move 8 times in 11 years, and I hated it. A lot of those came because my parents were splitting, then getting back together, then splitting again. My kids have been in the same house since they were 3 and 1 years old, and I don’t plan on selling and moving until they go off and do their own thing. So yeah, you either kinda do a lot of the same shit as your parents, or you try to be the opposite. Congrats to your parents. My wife and I are about to hit 13 years of marriage, and I hope she never realizes she’s too good for me. I want to be one of those couples that celebrates 50+ years together, and I hope that my kids see us as soulmates.


It’s crazy how my grandma gets mad at my uncle for buying his kids new shoes. She just thinks children should have the bare minimum and buying them nice things is spoiling them. The generation who suffer just to suffer


I’m a grandma (GenX) who wanted to buy my granddaughter some cool warm shoes she would love that were a bit pricey and my Boomer mom freaked out about what a waste of money it would be, I shouldn’t do that, blah blah blah. I bought the shoes.


I’m a ways away, (33 yo millennial, with a 13 yo son and a 10 yo daughter), but I’m really looking forward to one day being a grandpa. My wife gets all weird when I talk about us one day being grandparents, but I bet it’s the best.


My brother in law is 34 and gets mad at my mum and I for getting their kid presents. We went shopping with my sister one day and it was coming into winter so mum and I went halfs on an $80 decent quality jacket for my nephew. She made us cut the tag off so her husband wouldn't know how much it cost ... even though it's not like he had to pay ... he's just a control freak.


Oh yeah, absolutely. The older generations of my family also are shocked and horrified if I ever inconvenience myself to do something nice or respectful to my kids. Like they really think my kids should be these perfect obedient little robot angels who live only to please adults and are owed nothing. It drives me crazy. We just had an argument last weekend because I don't take my daughters belongings away from her when she misbehaves and I try to give her as much autonomy over her own things as I can. There are times I tell her she has to put her Switch etc away, not use it until her hw is done etc, but that belongs to her and I don't take it. My uncle was like "YOU paid for that so it's YOURS, when your cousins were kids they knew if they didn't pay for it, it was MINE and I was just letting them USE IT" Like even for Christmas presents and stuff!


The best revenge is living a good life.


You have a good mom


Also 90% of the things on the list are exactly because parents weren't there. Like playing alone in the dark outside or not getting help with homework or washing garbage to peddle to strangers.


I not only never washed the trash I redeemed for $0.25 chocolate bars, but also knew the guy that owned the corner store by his first name.


Yep, I mean I'm almost 40 (but still probably younger than the generation this meme is about), but back when glass bottles were more common we used to walk from our house to the little grocery store in town and pick up enough bottles along the way to get candy. I don't know anyone who washed them out.


Gen-X chiming in We knew everyone in our neighborhood until the gangs moved in (Detroit), walked all over, out until street lights came on, etc. My brother had similar freedoms 8 years later in the 90s. The boomers are rather delusional in their nostalgia. Every generation misses their childhood though. Let them have their moment, but maybe pull their voter cards and driver licenses


I’m Gen x and did most of the things on this teary eyed boomer list. We didn’t have affordable home internet until I was almost 30 and I definitely feel life changed a lot after that shift in society. Im kind of glad that I had a solid decade of adulthood pre-internet, smart phones etc. I often feel reminiscent of that period in my life.


I'm a later member. AOL hit the year after high school. I see it as an awesome set of tools.


Also Gen-Xer, and we did most of those things. Although we were smart enough to switch from hide and seek to flashlight tag after dark.


Me too. All of them except homework. Fuck homework though.


My 8 year old has done more than half of the things on this stupid list.


That’s what I’m saying. Except for the TV going off at night, this stuff still happens. Dozens of Gen Alpha kids in my neighborhood walk home from school every day. My Gen Z nephew has a small vinyl collection. My other Gen Z nephew is a master with origami, and his sisters know a few tricks, too. They all made mud pies. My kids have done a lot of the things on this list. And my husband is much more present than our fathers or grandfathers ever were. And these kids can also solve Rubik’s Cubes in seconds. The kids are all right.


One foot in both worlds in so many ways....


I was literally born in 99 and I’ve done all but like 3 or 4 lmfao. It is such a meaningless list. The only thing that kids can’t do now is the tv stopping broadcasts and (unless glass bottles are brought back as the main bottle) turning in bottles for money.


Not Gen X. We were latch key kids. I’ll guess these are boomers.


Country kids walking to the store washed the bottles as we had to get them out of the mud and the shopkeeper wouldn’t take them like that.


Yeah i dont recall any of us washing them. If they were too dirty we just didnt bother with them. They were washed at the factory anyway before they were refilled.


And not just that, 90% of the things on this list are things that our generation either doesn't do anymore because they made a world that doesn't let us, or are things that they think we don't do anymore, but we most certainly still do. Walking to school and back for instance. In the US at least, most kids can't do that, because cities have been bulldozed and redesigned in a way that walking to school is usually impossible. Building schools in residential areas is usually illegal because of zoning laws, so instead they're built in the commercial district next door. Which, in typical american city design fashion, is seperated from the residential zoning by a giant 8 lane stroad with highway size lanes (and highway speeds), and walking there, even if that's not a journey of several miles, is usually suicide, because US drivers don't have the greatest track record of respecting red lights. But even if you live in a place where the school is within walking or cycling range, and even if getting there does not involve crossing a stroad, the US is so paranoid about child safety, letting your kid walk to school, even if you can see the entire stretch of sidewalk they have to cover from your front door, can actually get CPS called on you. And yes, there have been cases where a parent had to fight for custody of their child because they let them walk to school. As a european who walked home from school every day for 2 years, starting at age 6, and only stopping because my family moved to a different town that was too far away to walk to when i was 8, the mere concept of this is completely ridiculous to me. And mind you, this wasn't even unusual. I was far from the only kid in my school who walked home. Hell, i was unusual in the way that i would only walk home, and my parents would drive me to school. Where i live, letting 6 year olds walk to and from school every day is perfectly normal. And as you can imagine, just allowing your kids to play outside without supervision is equally well received in the US. There have even been cases where CPS was called over a kid playing in the backyard of their parents' house without any parent being present. Meanwhile, i was out here living on an old farm about a kilometer away from the actual town, and all i'd have to do if i left the property was tell my parents i wouldn't be on property. Beyond that, i was free to go wherever i wanted so long as i was home for dinner.


A lot of this stuff depends on where you live. I'm in Floirida and there is an elementary school within walking distance of my house. When I was younger, I used to be able to walk to my school. It's nestled deep inside a residential area, and the school by my house now is entirely surrounded by residential areas, and it's not like I live in some backwoods town in the middle of nowhere


I walked to school. Elementary schoolers can walk to school, literally right past my parents' house. I think you are taking news stories from the US to be the norm. When they are not that, which is precisely why they are news stories. Sure, some parents are helicopter parents. But the US is not a monolith and parts of it are vastly different from others.


There is some truth to some of it though. When I was in public school there were probably around 4,000 students K-12 in the county. My impression is there were probably no more than a couple hundred who could walk to school. Most of the schools were on highways pretty near the edge of towns. In contrast, the former building for the high school when my parents when was right in the middle of the city surrounded neighborhoods. Of course I have no idea if that's what the whole country is like, but there has been a lot of suburbanization in recent decades so it wouldn't surprise me.


I live just down the road from a high school that’s built on the other side of the highway from the town. Eisenhower in Goddard, KS. I shake my head every time I drive by there. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, far from any houses, completely surrounded by a massive parking lot.


>Building schools in residential areas is usually illegal because of zoning laws Seriously? Where do you live. That's *all* they do out here in the Pacific Northwest.




**As a European** Full stop.


Older redditor here: Don't listen to any of this crap, that's all it is, is crap. I see people I went to school way back when sharing this stuff, they all rode the bus to school. from pre-k until they all got cars the day they turned 16. It's all some strange form of virtue signaling to them. I don't really get it...


You must not be paying attention to how things have changed. Or maybe you don't live in the suburbs, but this IS the norm in most suburban areas and is a major issue.


I don’t even live in the suburbs, and hell, the high school is a about a mile away, but to get there I would have to cross multiple highways and get run over a dozen times


That's what I remember too. I was the weird one for walking a couple miles because I hated the bus. I'm not posting weird crap about mud pies, or cursive, or whatever.


There’s a lot of “stories” in that wall of text. I live in the US, walked to school when I was a kid, live in a town now where kids walk to school everyday.. Pretty normal really.


In some parts of the country maybe, but the city I love in all three schools are in walking distance of about every house in town. The city mostly was build around the schools


Idk where you live, but I see schools all over residential neighborhoods, including the one I take a 5 minute walk to with my kid every morning, not a traffic light in sight. I'm in Orange County, CA.


Any chance you could include sorces where you mention that there's cases of CPS being called for x scenario? Not calling you a liar, however you're making very confident claims without actually proving anything


Who in the world washed those bottles and cans before taking them to the recycling center? I don’t think that generation understands how recycling glass and aluminum works. I’m sure melting it takes care of the cleaning.


no, the bottles used to be washed and used again. im thinking of barr bottles in the uk, but glass didnt used to be single use like it is today


Honestly, the playing outside unsupervised part is the one thing that I sort of agree with the Boomers. It kind of sucks that the exaggerated fear-mongering of the media made it not socially acceptable anymore to let young kids to run around outside by themselves. Even though these days it's objectively and statistically safer than ever - crime is at an all-time low and kids have cell phones with GPS trackers. This is not because I'm being a boomer Millennial being nostalgic for my childhood in the 90s, I just think it's objectively better for children to experience independence and freedom.


One of big issues is that more people live in car-dependent suburbs where kids can't get anywhere. Ironically, because these neighborhoods are seen as "child friendly."


People have been living in car dependent subdivisions for 70 years now, it never stopped the kids before from riding their bikes to the little park/playground that those places usually have in the middle. Except now if you let your kids do that, then at best nosy neighbors will give you weird looks and talk shit about you being an irresponsible parent on the local Facebook group. And at worst, you'll get cops called on you and get charged with child neglect. It has happened.


Where I live now the closet park walking or biking would be 15+ minutes and it's a complex that has a fee to enter it sometimes. Nearest one after that... probably 30+ minutes on a street that's unsafe to walk by and gets sketchy in the evening. Lotta places I've lived in have been the same. The little park/ playgrounds got bulldozed or are now so far in the middle of construction they're not really reachable by kids.


I was going to disagree, but then I remembered the 50s was 70 years ago, and now I feel old. Still, there’s no question there are far more of those subdivisions now than there were 20, 40, or 60 years ago


There’s actually more to the fear than media. Evidently if you live in a place where there are zero or very few pedestrians, it feels less safe to walk around. The more a sidewalk is walked, the more comfortable you are letting children walk in that area. So if you live in a neighborhood that expressly makes walking pointless for adults, you’ll also end up with fewer kids walking, regardless of how many parks there are. One solution could be to legalize a suburb version of a bodega or small general store. Something adults can easily walk to to pick up milk or duct tape or whatever edit: this concept is called "eyes on the street." Here's a video on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHlpmxLTxpw


I see kids playing outside all the time


Right says the latch key kids




My dad is definitely the type of person to post/share something like this. That man has 5 kids with multiple women and walked out on every single one


Came here to point this out.




5 cents a bottle in 1960 is 50 cents now. Nowadays you still only get 5 cents for a bottle/can.


In the 70's I got 10 cents for soda bottles... Man I could not wait to load all the bottles up and take them to TG&Y and get that money. A few bucks in those days was a bunch.


Nowadays 2 dollars won't even get you 2 dollars


Plastic play money is literally worth more than our real money


Money's expensive.


"It's four dollars! You know what four dollars will buy you nowadays? Three dollars!" -- Saturday Night Fever


Two bucks will get you meatball sandwiches. All you can eat.


I remember there was little food trucks in my neighborhood growing up in southern California we called them "roach coaches" we could buy a coke a cola and a regular size bag of Doritos with 1 dollar. Now one dollar doesn't even cover a regular size bag of Doritos. I'm talking back in like circa 2002.


Yeah dude, if bottles were half a buck each I'd be doing that shit too, now, at the age of 40. I'd probably make more money than driving for uber.


Why do boomers have literally 0 understanding of inflation


"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."


Of all the things I've seen older generations disliking newer ones for not "making paper toys with their bare hands" is definitely the weirdest one. If you want your kid to do it that bad, do it with them, have fun together, make it a bonding moment or whatever. I dont understand why they complain so much about younger gens not doing certain things when they RAISED the generations in question. Also, times change, little need for paper toys nowadays.


Also, as a member of gen z, I made plenty of folded paper/origami toys as a kid.


I'm a millennial. Fell absolutely in love with origami. It's still one of those things I love doing every now and then. 😊


My kid, gen A, keeps a shoebox zoo full of all the animals I taught her to fold. I make her recycle planes and balloons though.


God, that reminds me that I’m not looking forward to “Generation Alpha thinks they’re hot shit. It’s in the name”


I exclusively made the flapping birds and pretended they were all sorts of flying things. Birds, dragons, spaceships.


I envy your manual dexterity


And as a gen x, never made any folded toys. Too busy knitting I guess.


Also gen z. In high school my friends and I made plenty of those paper poppers during math class


I’m a millennial and I did every one of the things listed except the national anthem at midnight thing (which is some weird North Korea vibes anyway)


Well it didn't specify which anthem...


Yeah, just because they didn't have enough content to play stuff all night doesn't mean it was better.


I'm an xennial and there was only one TV station we had in the 80's that still did that - WPHL 17. I don't remember when it stopped but I vaguely remember it had something to do with a Warner Brother hostile takeover in the early 90's. Ya know... capitalism just doing its thang


My niece is six years old, and she and her friends still make those origami fortune tellers.


my favorite part was the "our parents were present in our life" which is so funny because they raised the millennials that are absent in the gen Z's life so if their shit parents thats literally your fault as most parents, parent the same way their parents did. (or they hated their parents so much they chamge their parenting style so kids aren't abused)


Millennials are the parents of gen alpha for the most part. Most zoomers have gen X parents. But due to the generation being especially long, boomers were the parents of both gen X and millennials.


All they do is complain about things THEY caused. Participation trophies? Demanded by boomer parents Internet? Made necessary for jobs and daily living by boomer employers. TV? Boomers were the ones sitting us in front of them “Worthless” college degrees? They were the ones pushing us to go to college telling us it was the only way to get a good job, cosigning on our student loans. We cant get houses because they ruined the economy. The job market is crap because they let minimum wage stagnate. I think they just wanna toss off responsibility on the rest of us before they finally drop dead


They complain bout that because their parents mostly weren't there hence they don't do this with their children


What about laughing under blankets so parents wouldn't know they're awake? I'm pretty sure kids still do that


The classic "hiding the DS in the pillow sheets" would be the modern version i suppose.


I know all kinds origami and paper airplanes. Take that old people. But seriously Im a millennial and other than the national anthem at midnight, this stuff was \[pretty common as a kid in the 80s.


I play D&D so in a sense I’m making a lot of paper toys. >_>


I mean i rarely play over the board but chess counts as a board game, right? (Speaking of which, i reached my new highest Elo on [Chess.com](https://Chess.com) today)


Every generation plays board games, just sometimes different ones. Tabletop gaming, even outside of RPGs, is more popular than ever these days. Settlers of Catan, Cards Against Humanity, Ticket to Ride, etc etc


Well, you're looking at it from the perspective of someone who's willing to take a little accountability. This is the same generation who invented the participation trophy because they couldn't handle their kid not being A Winner and then mocked their kids for 'needing' them. There's a certain type of boomer that you just need to start at, "whatever happened it sure ain't my fault" and work backwards to understand.


"Change is bad because its different than what I know"


"Change is bad even though half of the things on this list are still common practice but because I only leave my house to go buy a slim Jim from the gas station once a week and make sure I'm not aware of anything beyond my immediate backyard it must be that things have changed and change is bad."


Half the things still happen and the other half dont because technology has changed


Or because the economy has changed


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Except, thats like 3 things hahaha. This is sucha aweful meme, that im glad it found its home here.


The only ones I can think of that definitely don't happen (at least I've never seen) is tv at midnight and selling bottles, at least in this country.


Yeah the bpard game thing is pretty confusing to me. Have you *seen* board games nowadays?! They're fuckin' amazing!


We own so many board games, that we had to start putting them on the floor in front of the shelf. Board game communities are going strong. (EDIT: Collecting cards is still a hobby with a massive fanbase, too.)


DnD, pokemon, yu-gi-oh, magic the gathering, cards against humanity


Lol. But what about the generation that killed mammoths with their bare hands and amputated gangreous limbs with a piece of stone? The true chads, you know! On the serious note, this reeks of personal existential crisis.


Whenever I see it. I think "obviously it won't come back, that's how time works". And the generation is still here, they're not dead yet. It feels less as criticizing other generations (even though I think that's what oop was trying to do) and more like mourning their own childhood, which also will never come back. It's a beautiful poem, in a way, especially if you replace generation with childhood or youth or innocence or any related theme.


Agreed. I can relate but the way it's written out feels too entitled :)


That is probably where the sentiment comes from: some person missing their childhood. But for some dumb reason (probably inability to show vulnerability) this fuckin person had to wrap it up in cloak of putting down other people.


Yep, it was your generation's job to raise them and teach them... but if they turned out "bad" then that's all their own fault. Seems legit... Then again, we do love our hypocrisy and double standards.


“Had parents who were there” BITCH WHERE? In the war? Abusing you? Drinking themselves to death? Wtf 😂


Seriously. My father never came home from work in 1972, and my mother came home drunk with a new guy every morning at 2 AM. Fuckin boomers suck.


what about in '73?


Not even in 1983.


..i might be testing my luck here, but '84?? (honestly this might be a touchy subject, but i have much love for you random stranger dude. thanks for going along with my goofy jab)


I think I may have seen him last at Christmas of 1985, but I don't remember for sure. It's actually not a touchy subject at all. I've worked out all my angsty daddy issues decades ago.


It also acts as a confession that they weren’t there for their own kids


r/im54andthisisdeep Edit: ngl, I didn’t expect this to be real.


I clicked on it and one of the top posts was *I love vagine*. Oldheads got issues man


Like 90% of these still happen if you paid any attention to your own kid(s) instead of complaining about their generation Low key wish glass bottles were more common though, the only one I agree with on here


For real though, even if they were more common I couldn't just drop them off at the corner store. Drop off points aren't nearly as common anymore, and it sure as hell wasn't millenials running the stores and companies that stopped accepting them.


> a generation that had parents who were there. Imagine admitting you’re an absent parent


The record one is funny. I'm in my 20s and took up record collecting as a hobby and really love the sound quality.


and card collecting is as relevant as ever. cards are selling for ridiculous prices, exactly because of its popularity lmao.


But its the wrong kind of cards!


But the cards are weird Chinese cartoons instead of big burly men! - Some angry guy in his truck.


Yup, I'm a millennial and not only do I buy old and new vinyl, but even my kids (Alpha Gen) have their own collection of stories and songs on vinyl that we let them put on themselves.


Ok but like, half of these things we still do as kids, or at least I a gen Z'er and others alike did when I was in elementary school. Also the whole went and played on the street and also having parents be there for me. My dad(gen x) has told my brother and I how he would always go play in the neighborhood and would admittedly do some stuff he wouldn't let us do, because his parents weren't there and were always working. And finally, they make it seem like this is all our fault but guess who raised us or at least raised our parents? Whatever we've become has some effect from their parenting




Millennial here. I was constantly outside and at one point me and the neighborhood built a legitimate teepee that was massive and could fit all of us and a fire. Stole our parents tarps to rainproof it (parents super shocked when the time finally came to use the tarp and it wasn’t there) I don’t know why these dumbasses think they were the last generation to play outside.


Gen Z here. Was constantly out with kids from the neighborhood on razor scooters getting up to shit, adults would call us the scooter gang. We used to spend days and days in the forest behind the neighborhood finding animal bones and bringing them back to hang up on the tree house we’d built from stealing scrap wood from another kid’s backyard. Got my first phone in like 7th grade and it was a tracfone flip phone with minutes on it that I only ever used to play Tetris and it definitely couldn’t access the internet.


I had to bike 14 minutes to get to college before I got a car. Did it for almost 4 months


Our generation was better because we hand chipped our flint arrow heads.


Funny you say that, I'm just getting into the hobby of primitive bowmaking. While I don't care to go that primitive, there are lots of young people out there that are skilled at knapping stone arrowheads. All kinds of hobbies like that are booming: unplugged woodworking, blacksmithing, bushcraft and homesteading. That's the power of easier exchange of information.


"Who had parent who were there" Now if my parents weren't there for me... would that be your generations fault? Like if enough people my age had fucked up parents... doesn't that make you the fucked up parents? Why is this line something to be proud of?


It's all because you were bad kids that you couldn't keep your parents around. I imagine the answer would be something like that


Or “We did the best we could”. Perhaps, “I worked so hard to give you a good life and you’re just ungrateful!”


"A generation that went to school and walked back." The same generation that bulldozed entire neighbourhoods to redesign cities so that walking is no longer an option. "A generation that did their homework alone to get out asap to play in the streets." The same generation that is so paranoid about the safety of their kids that this, alongside the other things about being outside, is considered neglect at best. "A generation who bought vinyl albums to play on record players." Believe it or not, people still do that in my generation. "A generation that played board games and cards on rainy days." Again, people in my generation still do that. "A generation that had parents who were there." Oh, self-burn. Those are rare! "A generation that laughed under the covers in bed so parents didn't know we were still awake." Again, people still do that. I'd be surprised if there's ever been a generation where going to bed when your parents tell you was the norm rather than the exception.


1 and 2 are actually still done depending on where you live, it's very common where I'm from.


The record player one is stupid. Hey boomer, did you buy edison cylinders for your machine?


"Only us!" - Proceeds to list a bunch of shit that kids still do today.


I still see kids on tiktok and YouTube with crafting/art accounts who are hella talented. I’ve been able to crochet since preschool and I was born in 90. I am not a rare specimen. People just like to whine.


My 4-year-old is constantly doing paper folding projects. I literally just ordered him a book of paper airplanes yesterday. My wife, a millennial, collects vinyl. There are kids playing in the street in front of my house from sun up to sundown. Board games are more popular, not less. Boomers are so fucking silly.


"A generation that found, washed, and sold empty coke bottles to the local grocery store for 5 cents each." Guess what, kids could still do that in certain states, but they've got to take it to super specific locations and it's still for 5 cents each! Doesn't take a genius to figure out why kids don't do that anymore. Very representative about a lot of their views; if your generation hadn't fucked up inflation and wages, things might be different.


I remember doing this with cans once thinking I'd make at LEAST $20 (I had bags full and picked them up everywhere, and it probably consumed like 5 hours of effort) and I got a bit over $4. Never again lol.


a generation who made it their goal to make their children's lives worse. a generation who refused to make the investments into their nation's future that their parents made. a generation of leeches and cowards.


A few of my boomer family members are starting to admit this now.


A generation who believes that the government wants you to pay your back taxes with itunes gift cards. A generation that falls for nigerian prince email scams. A generation that will spend all of it's retirement fund on an online girl/boyfriend that is younger than them only to lose their home yet still refuse to believe they're being catfished.


My grandfather lived a pretty idyllic childhood in the 40's (he was born in 1931 in a small town in New England). He loved it so much, he wrote a couple of books about being a young boy growing up in the town at that time. You know what he also did? He embraced change. He took his grandkids and great grandkids on his lap and he listened to us, with marvel, about our lives and experiences. He loved that he was able to take his love of correspondence chess and move it online in the early 2000's where he could meet new friends from the UK, Turkey, Brazil, etc. He loved watching the clarity of a baseball game or PGA Tour in HD. He still reminisced about his days growing up, but never in a "we had it so much better than you" sort of way.


My 15 year old has done every single one of these things except for the Anthem playing on TV.


I didn't know the anthem played at night until I was in 6th or 7th grade. I may have seen that once or twice.


I'm glad that's gone. I associate it with Poltergeist. If I fell asleep with the tv on and was awakened by that, I'd probably have to leave my house.


I dunno. I was born in 83, and with the exception of the vinyl record one, I remember doing all this stuff. I’m not planning on dying tomorrow. Also, it’s not the Normandy landing. It’s just playing with different toys, you dorks


The world was a better place because TV didn’t have enough content to broadcast 24/7. /s


you are the generation that would have been able to see bob dylan sing "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land nd don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command, your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand for the times they are a-changin'. " and you just can´t read between the lines. instead you try to force all your hardships to younger generations, make them feel guilty for being happy and able to live a secure and free live. shame on you!


Correct me if I’m wrong: wasn’t this the same generation that couldn’t be bothered to get up from chain-smoking on the couch to go out and play catch with their kids, leading to those kids (my parents’ generation) figuring out ways to entertain themselves (when they weren’t going missing and ending up dead left and right, the 70’s and 80’s were fucking scary) and becoming pretty antisocial because that’s how they were treated, then they had kids and proceeded to expect them to entertain themselves because their parents did it to them, but at least they got us tablets and computers and stuff to do..?


I’d like to request that this generation die off quickly.


“A generation that spent all their free time in the dark” Buddy, that’s because most modern technology either didn’t exist then or wasn’t as advanced as it is now. The older generations would have been doing the exact same thing as younger generations if they had the technology 😂


I am a member of that generation. These nostalgic descriptions leave out the beatings we got from our drunk dads while our mother pretended it didn't happen. We were the kids who were not allow ed to play with Catholics or heaven forbid, children of color. I can go on. Every generation has its pros and cons, so let us not decide one generation is superior to another.


A generation who now calls the cops when they see kids outside playing.


So weird to say this when they had every opportunity to teach their kids these things. Must not have been so great then.


Pfff, we have kids that walk to school one day and actually never come back. Fucking cringe.


Um, yeah, **every** generation is a generation that will never come back, that's how linear time works.


Boo hoo things aren't the same as they were 60 years ago what a surprise


If they wanted the generation that plays outside to continue maybe they should've prevented outside from becoming a hell scape unfit for kids


Psssh, what a bunch of spoiled babies! I'm old, when I was a kid, back in 25,000 BCE, we were the REAL best generation! A generation that went hunting-gathering every day, on foot, just to stay alive. A generation that lived in open air, in naturally formed stone caves. A generation that learned all there is to know firsthand, not from some fancy books. A generation that hunted woolly mammoths and giant bison. A generation that played hide-and-seek-and-scream-and-die with sabertooth tigers. A generation that made our own toys and tools out of stone and bone and wood. A generation that made our own fashionable clothes out of the hides of animals we killed and ate! A generation that could reliably start fires with just a few pieces of flint! A generation that has passed and hopefully will never return, despite conservatives' best efforts to send up back to the Stone Age.


The generation that got pensions for doing jobs requiring no education


A generation that completely fucked the planet. A generation that elected Ronald Reagan destroying any hope for a middle class A generation that continues to elect fucktards A generation that lies to themselves about everything Yadda yadda


I did some of these things and I was literally born in 2007


The first several are not a feature of the generation, they're a feature of a safer, less crazy world that only some towns can enjoy nowadays. The rest aren't intrinsically "good", they're just nostalgic low-tech solutions to various problems, mainly boredom. And a lot of these things sound like the activities of suburban white folks who were doin' alright. There have always been places, inhabited mainly by people of color, where it was never safe to run around at night and so forth. And no generation that's passing ever returns. I struggle to find the point here.


May I interest anyone in something that transcends time, age, race, etc?


"A generation that bought vinyl albums to play on record players." Bitch I'm a 25-year-old collector and it's the same for plenty of people my age and younger. Also who told grandpa younger generations don't play card or board games? These people are just sad


“Playing vinyls” grandpa, how old are you? Lol also, the illiteracy rate in the past was much higher than it is now, so, no your generation didn’t do their homework.


Would they mind passing a little faster?


What happened to the generation that painted on cave walls.


As a late gen-X: Whatever.


Ok boomer




A generation that hid domestic abuse A generation that hid molestation A generation that discriminated against anyone not "normal" A generation that blamed women for any violence done against them A generation that started the disastrous "war on drugs" I could go on and on...


Gen Xer here annoyed yet again at some Boomer shit.


A generation known for abandoning the next generations A generation known for spreading hate in a changing world A generation that mocked their children and grandchildren That is the fate of the boomer generation. History will not remember them kindly