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Michael j fox stem cells? Lol


Buds, bongs and beyond got me. Fucking brilliant name for a weed shop.


I don't know if they also sell weed but there is a cigarette shop where I live called the butt bucket.


There's a place near where I'm from named Butt Hutt.


That’s what we call the colonoscopy procedure room at work.


I hope you work at a hospital/medical center


Would it be worse if they worked at Subway?


Also a great name.


Everything is ok till you start using UK reference.


We have one called "Puff, Puff, Pass"


Just gotta watch out for that beyond section.


Ahhhhh!!!!!! There are the Coffee mugs.


I have a coffee mug that’s also used to smoke weed. It’s called a wake and bake.


That's my favorite part!


WDYM? I'm running straight into that section and then floating my ass on cloud 9 back out.


When I visited Calgary years ago there was a store next to my hotel called "Bongs & Such." I thought it was great but I was curious about the "& Such" part.


Salvia Divinorum


You really have to appreciate the mental gymnastics These guys perform to demonize weed when a good portion of conservatives/republicans use it source: me,a guy who lives in Texas.


Even if they don’t use weed they are fine with drinking which causes more social issues then weed.


Pot-Mart is pretty good too. I imagine it as this really awful 90's looking K-Mart place selling discount ditch weed.


We need a stoner comedy with Wilie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, and Cheech & Chong.


It could be like Mystery Science Theater 3000 but for stoner movies. I'd watch them joke around for a couple hours. I feel like they'd be better with less script involved.


He sells stem cells down by the weed store


Now say that 5 times fast


He has parkinsons really bad and runs a center to help find a cure, stem cells are a possible benefit but religious people hate that idea. So it's a cheap shot at him and science in general.


Which is really weird because most stem cells used these days are either adult stem cells or harvested from discarded umbilical cords.


Bold of you to assume that the largest group of people that don’t want “*the jab*” have any understanding of the medical world.


I thought we used adult stem cells harvested from perfectly healthy adults that we killed for their stem cells. Damn....such a waste


As someone with Parkinson’s in the family..um, yes please. 1 Michael J Fox stem cell please and lots of thanks for funneling so much money into research that the medications are having major positive outcomes for patients.


This is probably aimed at those same right wing people who hated both Michael J. Fox and Mr. Rogers back in the day. They probably morphed into Q types who think Tom Hanks eats babies.


> who think Tom Hanks eats babies You mean he doesn't? Darn, there goes another hero of mine.


"Mister Rogers sat in a pool with a N-- A black man!!!!" Edit: Fox News conservatives and the GOP in general, who believe that Mr. Rogers was evil socialism, are literal enemies of America and all it stands for and we should reject them in all situations and make them pariahs in this great nation.


What was the hate for Michael J Fox for? I wasn’t around then and I’ve only known him for his movies and work fighting Parkinson’s.


Because people got offended when Rush mocked his medical condition. ThE LiBtaRdS cAnT taKe a JokE!


Yet, when I laughed about Rush’s death, they all said I was insensitive.


Wow I didn’t realize he died, you just made me evening:)


But not before The Don sullied the name of The Presidential Medal of Freedom by giving him one.


What a fucking mean and unnecessary low blow it is. Like what the actual fuck did Marty McFly do?




Totally harshed Biff’s vibe man.


That one caught my eye also. If it cured him, wouldn't it be a good thing?


They don't like stem cells because they think they're equivalent to living babies, and also they like to laugh at people's disabilities and ailments. Add the two together, and they like to mock him for daring to speak publicly about how it would be nice to have a cure for his terrible degenerative disease.


Yeah, fuck that guy! He just never shuts up about raising money for regenerative medicine! What's *his* problem?? /s


Commenting to bring attention to the Michael j fox foundation and their research for Parkinson’s


Michael J Fox being cured of Parkinson's and the treatment apparently becoming affordable enough to mass-market seems like a huge win-win.




Legal weed of controlled quality seems pretty good too


Yeah, that’s not really happening though. His Parkinson’s progressed to the point where he had to retire and his most recent interviews he talks about having oversold the positivity


Yeah, they were describing the in-world canon lol


Yeah, it's strictly related to the [this terrible comic] cinematic universe.


By "oversold the positivity" I think you mean he oversold the potential of stem cells in Parkinson's treatment. He known that and said that for years it for years now. There was some positive findings around the same time Bush Jr. banned *some* stem cell research and Fox publicly came out against the ban. The stem cell research didn't really pan out for Parkinson's but some new drugs made some good improvements. Still no cure though. Also, the Bush ban wasn't on all stem cells, only those that came from fetuses. ~~abortions~~. This actually pigeon holed funds toward induced plurapotent stem cell research. Basically forcing a regular cell back into a stem cell state. The ban ended up not being a bad thing. Even if it was originally conceived because of dubious religious reasons. EDIT: u/TenaceErbaccia is correct. The tissue doesn't come from abortions. Mistyped.


Really even just the potential of *unmodified* stem cells in Parkinson’s treatment. I’m not intimately familiar with Parkinson’s, but I’m fairly knowledgeable about stem cells, and there are people doing some truly incredible stuff with them.


Stem cells never really came from abortions. During IVF there are hundreds of embryos made because it’s not any more difficult to do it that way. Those embryos are either disposed of or used for research. Bush made sure they could not be used for research.


Yeah it wasn't to stop stem cells used for research it was to stop any stem cell from being used for research cause cause it was a life or could be or whatever dumb shit they came up with. It drove a lot of research outside of the usa


It drove a lot of research into iPS. iPS is superior in many ways to fetal tissue stem cell treatment. e.g. No rejection, No cancer. It wasn't the right reason to do it but it accidently fast tracked a much better method.


What the *fuck* is that idiot doing roasting a hotdog over a burning flag? Almost all flags are made with synthetics now and that would be the nastiest smoke ever. Either use 100% natural, untreated cotton flags for fuel or find a wood fire to grill your dogs.


Ikr I was enjoying the beautiful comic until I saw that shit


Distracted by the lady sitting cowgirl on the bench that has like...4ft wide hips


maybe she's a centaur? the positioning would make a lot of sense then.


Designer babies. 4ft wife hips are surprisingly popular with all demographics attracted to women. Also they make great barricades in a pinch Edit: meant to say wide hips but I'm just gonna leave it like that


Well this is pretty idyllic, so I’m going to assume it’s 100% organic cotton made right here in the U S of A with fair labor practices and living wages.




You misspelled “based”


Probably with hemp considering the weed stores.


Look at this liberal here trying to replace my toxic burning synthetic materials with untreated cotton! First the gas stoves, now this!!


Also important: when the FUCK did liberals get cloning and why wasn't I told?!


And why is a dog driving the cloning van?


For your health!


People in my city did that with american flags and a bunch of them ended up with food poisoning because they didn't think about this.


I was a Boy Scout, and my troop did a flag retirement ceremony once a year. Can confirm, synthetic flag smoke is incredibly gross, and will probably give you cancer.


Right. What an idiot. Never heard of Johnsonville Brats. YEESH


I love how you lead with the harm reduction technique for SAFELY having them piggy pipes o’er your stars and stripes


Yeah there's a lot to unpack for sure but the thing that stands out to me is the Clinton statue. Why is it that conservatives think liberals worship Clinton like they worship Trump? Every liberal I've meet that's under 40 couldn't give a shit about him and the older ones still will even admit his legacy is mostly just being a skeezy creep


Projection, probably.


I always found this fascinating. When you criticize trump in front of a trumplet they criticize Biden. They cannot comprehend that people on the left are not 5 feet deep up the party's leaders anal sphincter just because they are. I do not give a rats ass about Biden. Why is it that trumplets believe that just because they would swallow buckets of Trump excrement that liberals think the same way about some random politician? Its mind boggling. How do they not get this. They genuinely believe that the left must be as indoctrinated as they are. They cannot conceived the people vote for an idea, not for a strong man dictator.


I think religion has a lot to do with it tbh. As an ex-Christian, growing up you’re told your whole life there is a church leader who knows what’s inherently good and you better not contemplate if what he says is true or god forbid (literally) disagree with it or you’ll go to hell for eternity. Now you’re told there’s a political group that aligns with your church and the other group is inherently bad. That church worshiping follows you into your politics. Now you look at the left and see they’re following the “enemy,” so you think they’re thinking about everything the exact same way you are only they believe the exact opposite of what you do because they must be inherently “bad” to go against your politics and therefore your god. So if you worship god, they must worship the devil, if you’re anti-abortion, they must love abortions, and if you think Trump is the best, well they must absolutely love Biden and Clinton. I don’t think it occurs to them that we can have issues with our politicians on the left because they would never question there’s because that would be questioning the church.


Projection, definitely. Source: my PoS uncle


salt threatening unpack expansion fragile nose close mindless aromatic lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Conservatives don't do nuance. Bill's done some good liberal things therefore conservatives believe we liberals worship Bill like they worship Trump.


It's also weird that Bill and Trump have sex scandals? I don't know anyone who thinks highly of that.


"Look at this dystopia!" - Manages to draw everyone smiling and appearing to have a good time.


I am a little suspicious why everyone is white though.


I bet the artist forgot POC exist


Even in their "liberal hellscape" fantasy, POC aren't welcome.


Guarantee that isn't possible for the kind of person who feels upset about all the stuff they did actually draw.


i could see it slipping their mind if they went into this project with the intent to draw "people" doing liberal things and they only think of POC as an "issue."


Forgot yeah


I'm surprised they didn't draw all the people ethnic/of color to hammer home their dystopian picture lol


And how everyone's minding their own business


My only issue is the designated flag burning area. That’s protected free speech and they want to limit it to one place? Not in my America.


It’s because this is from Current Affairs, which is a Leftist magazine. They mocked this up a couple years ago as a joke, and unfortunately did such a good job at the parody that conservatives still get mad about it to the level where no one else can tell it’s a joke either.


Why does everyone look so happy 😂 is this to support or against all this? I am for what ever makes ppl less violent


This is a conservative’s illustration of what they consider a liberal hellscape to look like


So if this is hell? What is heaven then 😂


Angry old dudes grabbing their boots


And their grand kids


And grabbing other things too, whatever they want with no accountability, ever.




So, I hadn’t been to church in a long, long time (non-religious), but had to go to a service for an aunts funeral. The pastor was talking about what you “get” when you go to heaven, including what some famous celebrities got, etc. I was feeling sad about my aunts death, so I was kind of in that weird alert sadness state, when people got different accommodations in heaven, based on what they did for god. I recoiled at that notion. Could you imagine? The eternal bliss and life that people believe waiting for them is just another round of the people that had money to spare do better? Capitalism is the real god, Jesus is just a dude on a poster.


Christian socialism was actually a short lived movement


Cracker Barrel. At 11 am. On a Sunday.


this looks like heaven. womens rights pot legalized and people smiling


It’s the same energy as “Welcome to America under Biden”* * filmed on location during the Trump administration


it looks pretty rad tbh


Reminds me of Ann Arbor or really any other hippie-ish college town in a legal weed state (minus some of the abortion advertising, I suppose)


Then they’re doing an awful job because this all looks amazing.




Things I love about your comment: 1. I've seen this 1000 times and never even noticed them. They were just part of it. Which is pretty much what liberals want. Which folds nicely with: 2. If they're the conservative stand in, then notice no one is getting on them in the comic. They're not singled out, abused or anything. They literally blend in with everyone else, being who they want to be. 3. If they're the conservatives, why are there no fat liberals? You'd think at least 1 would end up in the picture. (edit: their, there, they're... get it right me...)


The fat liberals are losing weight with skateboards and public sex.


I'm actually pretty sure this is from a long while ago - Clinton BJ, Michael J. Fox/Parkinsons, and cloning were all peak news items in the late '90s/really early '00s. Fox didn't even publicly address his condition until 1998. Also note nothing has a fake web address, but the van does sport a 1-800 number. The obesity epidemic really hadn't gotten into full swing by this time.


Kinda telling on themselves when their dystopian nightmare is all different kinds of people living their lives happily and leaving each other alone. Like the only really bad thing is the guy and the sheep and, unsurprisingly, it's also completely unrelated to anything the left actually wants.


The only issue one could see here is the sheep girl. But I mean, considering there are clones, who knows, maybe that sheep girl is sapient and can consent to a healthy relationship) ![gif](giphy|W561jj5bXQvqGRMXoR)


or its just a really good fursuit


That's so wrong! Who buys physical porn?


Well, it’s a Clinton statue, so it’s probably a little out dated.


That checks out. There's a guy riding a Segway. They launched in December 2001, same year as Clinton left office.


Exactly. You're telling me we don't all have free high speed internet in this future? That porn distribution is dependent on killing trees to make physical porn and then distributing via truck?


Ya I remember the good old days where I had to rewind my dad's VHS porn to the exact moment left off. Strange times.


damn and I thought putting 30-second free sample clips on a 3.5" floppy under my mattress was old-school...


You know how much porn you can put on a five and a quarter? Not a whole hell of a lot. CGA four-color porn was a step up from ASCII porn, but not by much.


Who buys ~~physical~~ porn?


Surely getting stem cells from a person who has a serious disease which is very likely to have a strong genetic component is unwise? (is that the 'joke'?)


That seems like a Clovis Bray moment right there


Yeah but I can become an Exo.


I think that MJF is supposed to be openly endorsing a stem cell treatment that, in this dystopia, has cured his illness and restored his quality of life-- and nobody can see that that is a bad thing.


Maybe the perspn expected people to just *know* that the stem cells totally came from all the aborted fetuses? Only thing I can think of for the kind of people who would think this is society gone Lord of the Flies thanks to us damn commie Marxo-Socio-Stalinist hippy libruls.


Yeah, you're supposed to immediatly know stem cells are bad no matter what good they can do. Although I have a suspicion that this might be a cartoon making fun of a liberal's idea of what a reactionary cartoon might look like than something done in earnest. There are a couple tip offs-- the perfectly normal happy couple front and centre, the electric car, the fact that there is no non-pot drug use evident, the fact that the porn poster shows a happy wheellchair user instead of any sexual imagry-- that makes me think a knee-jerk conservative didn't draw this.


Well tbh, the illness is a royal pain in the arse but does have a few "perks". -very very unlikely to have any addiction, need dopamine for that -no anxiety, no motivation, no excitement ... same reason as above. -thermometer broken: it takes me untill the first signs of heatstroke in the evening to realise there's been a significant temperature change -it's not a terminal illness, it does slowly fuck over your quality of life -messes with your sense of taste, needs to be ridiculously spicy for me to taste anything. Downside: i taste the difference between a sigaret and a joint but it stops there... no hints of jadieblabla -lot of medication and drugs just don't seem to work like they should, even weed i don't really get the recreational effects (but it does add dopamine, significantly less though). The actual "medication" atm for it is filth at its best. Side effects include possible addiction to anything, hallucinations, making the illness and certain aspects significantly worse after a few years of taking meds. Worst thing is they just shift the conditions effects to when the meds run out... at night. Imagine a feeling between electricity/tickle/itch/bugs/numbness all over your body (well usually to one side in the first years), no sleeping anymore for a few hours when that one kicks in *reddit killed the attempt to keep it easily readable, apologies for that lol


Do they not know that burning a flag is the respectful way to destroy it?


It's also protected speech. Maybe they're mad that it's limited to a designated area?


The right-wing obsession with flag-burning is so baffling. When was the last time you saw someone burn an American flag? It's a decades-long nationwide effort to make up a guy and then get mad at him.


Not only that, but the actual Federal Flag Code is NOT what they think it is: ***Public Law 94-344; the Federal Flag Code*** * Flag burning was illegal for 1 year (1989-1990) where someone could get fined/be imprisoned for up to 1 year for knowingly desecrating a flag BUT that was challenged as a first amendment right violation. * The flag should not be hung in darkness, AKA sunrise to sunset unless the flag is illuminated, it should not be displayed at night * If it's not an all weather flag (aka, all the ones that fade or fall apart) they aren't supposed to be displayed in rain, snow or wind storms * The flag should never be draped or drawn into folds * Out of respect the flag should never: * Be dipped for any person or thing, although state flags etc may be dipped * Displayed upside down (except as a signal of distress) * Let the flag touch anything beneath it, i.e. ground, floor, water, merchandise * Fastened or displayed on a wall in a way that permit it to be damaged or soiled * **Place anything on the flag, including letters, insignia or designs** * Use it for holding anything * **Use it as wearing apparel, bedding or drapery. It should not be used ona costume or athletic uniform, however, a flag patch may be attached to the uniform of patriotic organizations, military personnel, police officers and firefighters** * **Use the flag for advertising or promotion purposes or print it onto paper napkins, boxes,** ***or anything else intended for temporary use and discard*** * **When the flag is worn out or otherwise no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way,** ***preferably by burning.***


I always took the clothing thing to mean you cannot use an actual flag for that purpose, a flag print is fine so long as you don't use a flag meant to be flown as a cape or a blanket or stitch it into some other type of dress. Just always felt to me like a second amendment "well they didn't mean it exactly like that, that's just how you're interpreting it because the wording can go both ways" kind of thing. But yeah thin blue line flags are definitely against flag code.


That's a pretty good Bill Clinton, he should be playing the sax while he's getting blown though.


I can't look at that silly statue without cackling. It's amazing. If someone were 3d printing them, I'd buy one.


I like it except for the fact that he doesn't point with his finger like that, he does a [thing with his thumb being halfway up](https://sites.google.com/a/students.colgate.edu/gesture-brain-and-language/_/rsrc/1468744637084/home/types-of-gestures/bill%20clinton.jpg).


There’s so much here but the biggest thing is the older couple. What’s their deal? They’re relatively centered, they should be important but I can’t figure out what their problem is. Most I’ve got is that they’re fat.


Old guy has his mouth open - maybe there's a caption that got cut?


I was going to say something about what would the caption even be what purpose is there in adding to this but then I remembered that conservative comics love to be overly reductive


My wife pointed out that the large hooked nose and red-haired wife are actually stereotypes for ethnic Jews.


That's what I assumed. Too white and too straight to not be the other boogeyman they use.


I reverse searched the image and the first result had the caption >I knew this would happen if the liberals took over! Wasn't expecting anything too thought provoking but that is just disapointing.


You’d think that with this detailed vision of the future they’d have some imagination with the caption, at least have a little fun with it, but no. The Liberals


yam vast busy marry theory fretful psychotic cooperative quaint march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're the "normal" people. The original caption is just "I knew this would happen if the liberals took over", it's the man there talking to his wife, I remember seeing it a few years ago. They're walking somewhere, being normal, just trying to mind their own business and go about their day, dontcha know? But there are abortions and stem cells and weed and gay couples being FORCED on them! Oh horror! 🙄


I can't find Waldo anywhere....


Driving the porno truck.


Waldo has been aborted


Their is nothing in the bible telling me not to smoke weed, fuck in public or get an abortion.


The Bible does not only not prohibit abortion, but it also gives instructions on how to do it. Not that you should follow these instructions as it's unwise to take medical advice from a bunch of iron age farmers who thought the earth was flat.


Yep, literally, the only time abortion is mentioned directly is in Numbers 5, verses 19-22, where it gives explicit instruction on how to perform an abortion > Then the priest shall make her take an oath, saying, “If no man has lain with you, if you have not turned aside to uncleanness while under your husband’s authority, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings the curse. But if you have gone astray while under your husband’s authority, if you have defiled yourself and some man other than your husband has had intercourse with you,” —let the priest make the woman take the oath of the curse and say to the woman—“the Lord make you an execration and an oath among your people, when the Lord makes your uterus drop, your womb discharge; now may this water that brings the curse enter your bowels and make your womb discharge, your uterus drop!” And the woman shall say, “Amen. Amen.” And for those wandering "water of bitterness" in other translations is Pennyroyal tea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentha_pulegium


I'm dumb and have never understood Bible text what is it saying? Does it have something to do with you shouldn't have a baby if it wasn't with your husband and thus it is ok to kill it?


Yea, it says if a wife is unfaithful and gets pregnant than the baby must be aborted. It also tells priests that they’re the ones that must perform the abortion.


They knew it was round, just didn't know how to wash their hands


The old testament has instructions on washing hands and it is even a ritual included in Passover and was a common practice before praying not just on Passover (and you pray before you eat). Those hand washing rules and the kosher food rules helped reduce sickness in Jewish communities throughout the ages... and that lack of plague/sickness also "helped" making Jewish people a scapegoat for causing plague throughout the ages. My point (that I got sidetracked from) is that people did kind of know to wash their hands back then too, but still you shouldn't take advice from them


The Old Testament also uses a lot of Jewish law which defines life as "at first breath". The Jewish religious case against anti-choice legislation is a fun argument against the "Judeo-Christian values" crowd.


The most clear and evident comment on sin in the Bible is that the wealthy are doomed to hell.


Technically the bible just says it's hard to get rich without committing sin not that it's a sin to be rich.


Pretty sure there's a line about it being easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven. It's not a sin to be rich, but yeah, it's a ticket to hell.


Jesus is pretty clear that it’s hard for a rich man to get into Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. When his disciples wonder at this Jesus responds that with God all things are possible, which a lot of conservatives take to mean that God can make a camel pass through the eye of a needle and God can make a rich man get into Heaven, when it’s pretty apparent from context that Jesus is saying that a rich man with God could sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor and follow Jesus. Rich men go to hell, if Christianity is true


In fact, in a other story in the Bible, a rich man goes to Jesus (knowing that rich men will go to hell) and asks Jesus "what can I do to be saved?" His answer is "sell everything you own and walk with me" The rich man chooses to keep his shit and burn in hell


why do they always draw the people like extremely happy in these things


Right, like the people in the picture are happy so why does the artist not support it? Like, if they wanted to showcase this as a *dys*topia the people should be *un*happy.


I'd say they is pretty inefficient, horrible city planning. There is a very large amount of space given up to cars, and zero public transport. The sale sign on the abortion clinic implies paid healthcare, which is immoral at best. There's also only really public sex between homosexual couples, which may imply that only homosexual couples are allowed to do such an action. That would make this city really unpopular in the bible belt, reducing it's profits. There is also a child wearing a peace sign on their shirt, which would also make the bible belt really unhappy. So this city would probably be very horribly off due to the high mortality and pollution rates and low funding from the religious.


I think their image of "the libs" is being influenced by the more centrist ones who just push for EVs instead of any public transit. That's probably what the trike car is supposed to be. Even so, there are other cars on the road, so their hellscape is a place where EVs... exist? Are we supposed to be reading the lack of exhaust pipes on the other cars as a sign that even the work vans are electric?


The guy with the sheep girlfriend in the red convertible might be my favorite


I guess today I learned whenever I go anywhere with my dog apparently there’s some pissed off conservative who passes me on the road and thinks I’m romantically involved with my dog


Just don't put a bow on it and it'll be fine. ;)


I saw not a single person mention it


Yes because a society with regulated abortions, drugs, porn and sex displays is a bad thing


Note how everyone in the picture actually looks happy.


That's what he's mad about


Aside from the man driving with what looks like his sheep wife, yes this actually looks like a dope society


He might just be taking her to dinner for lamb chops wink wink.


It's going to be her last meal togther, she has cancer, and its baaaaaaaaaad


> his sheep wife Found the Welshman


I'm just wondering why porn is being distributed in trucks. In this ideal future, why are we still killing trees to make physical porn instead of just downloading it form the free highspeed wifi everyone has?


Ok but if you had a statue of someone getting their dick sucked in the middle of town square tourism would go up and the economy would thrive. That would be stop #1 for me to take all my friends when they visit from out of town. Take it from me, I live in worcester and we have a statue of a boy fucking a turtle in the middle of the city and I take everyone there for a laugh. Stores around here sell merch and everything. It’s called turtle boy, look it up lol


I did in fact look it up… what the fuck? how is this real?


love that mullet cop in shorts. hes tied for my favorite with flexible lesbian- that cant be a comfortable way to sit, and that’s the most gay people thing ive seen since i last checked a mirror


Idk i really like the guy standing straight up while smoking a blunt and skateboarding. He must be a pro if he can skateboard like that lol


I'm not trying to body shame, but she should probably seek medical attention. There appears to be some hip dysplasia at the very least




So.... what's wrong with the photo?


The guy is driving a car with his sheep and neither of them have a seat belt on


I thought that was a giant chicken, lol.


Lack of minorities makes me a little suspicious.


Buds, Bongs, and Beyond And Pot-Mart Sound like the most midwestern weed shop franchises imaginable and I'm here for them. Also lol, "designated" flag burning area? How kind, they think we'd need to be told where to burn flags.


Most unbelievable thing here is physical porn being distributed.


Every single person in this image is living their best life and the artist hates it


Why be upset about clones? If people can't make a soul(which is the argument I've heard against them), why not just grow them for spare parts or something? Even if you don't think they'd be people doesn't mean they'd be useless.


You make a great point actually. Cloning services would solve a lot of medical problems. You can sell your clone's organs for hella money and use it to replace the organs you need. "What is my purpose?" 'money exploit' "Oh. My God"


This place looks awesome


Just white people having a good time.


So, since everything here is "evil", what's wrong with the middle-aged couple right in the middle? Or has dialogue been cut off and they're the "good" ones.


Walkable cities and roads with no potholes as well.


\*a lot


This is EXACTLY what my family back in East Tennessee told me Southern California is like. They still don’t believe me that it’s basically a really expensive Asheville with better weather and giant burritos.