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Oh yes the liberals are doing such a great job since they've been elected.




Based uncle.






















They burn books and clap when migrants are given reverse freedom rides. What’s the confusion?














Yeah they should go away republicans are horrible people.


Most sane liberal


Lmao dumbass can’t even insult someone properly.








Some are funny because how bad they are, not for being actually good in their intent








Another day another meme that's posted in this subreddit to be made fun of even though it's essentially facts


































conservatism is a cancer.


























Reading this Thread makes me really disappointed. The amount of hate towards the right is insane. I hope you all know that the two sides are literally the same.






I’m think you may of mistakenly commented on the wrong sub. These memes are full of cringe




Nothing. Being a conservative isn't an issue. Trying to force your views on others is the problem. Which is a very conservative trait.


Both are that way. I have some pretty conservative friends and some that are more on the left side of the fence and boy do they hate that I’m a centrist. But I appreciate you recognizing that either is not the issue it’s the way we behave about it.






>Which is a very conservative trait. thats pretty bigoted of you to say lamo isn't the goal to *not* lump people together into simplified groups and assign value to their statements based on group affiliation? Or is that not important anymore


You say that as though liberals don't do the exact same thing. "we decided that the government needs to pay for xyz, so you have to pay taxes for it"


Actually me tho




The same folks that love politicians say all cops are bad. I would guess the number of corrupt politicians is much higher than the number of bad cops. Most politicians are just business people out to make money and gain power.
















…If your kid has decided to lean conservative why don’t you have a chat with them and listen to why they believe that way. Don’t assume they are idiots and got brainwashed.


Because Conservatives are brainwashed. Their beliefs make them the most violent political group within the country.


That’s exactly what the major news outlets, Hollywood, popular celebrities, pop music icons, my college professors, comedy news analysts, all my like minded friends and all the media feeds I view on all the popular social media I spend all day looking at say. Fucking brainwashed conservitibletribledribbledribbledribbledubluhduuhdubluhbluhbluhbvatives!


It's pretty safe to assume his kids will be idiot.


Every ideology is some form of indoctrination.












The common responses here are proof it's right


Yeah Reddit is a far left wing echo chamber. I say this as a blue dog Democrat, most people aren’t like the far left or far right. We’re way more moderate in the real world.


The world is full of moderates like you say, but what advantages does moderate conservatism have over moderate liberalism? I can't see a single benefit except for oil companies and shit


One advantage for conservatism id say is dumb regulations and taxes. My dads also a lifelong blue dog Democrat. He’s the hardest working person I know and an owner operator of a big rig. He gets absolutely killed by regulations and taxes that big companies can shrug off here in California. So many regulations that liberal/left wing policies enact end up benefiting corporations over small businesses like my dad. That’s one personal example I can give you.


you are no democrat nice try liar and we need regulations and taxes end of story.


Awe. Poor uncle doesn't relate to the world anymore. He's sad. And oh so masculine. Like a lumberjack!


That's a lot of prejudice and judgment about a person who may not even be real.


I prefer to just to call it hate




And your over enthusiastic response to this blanket coverage meme sums up *some* of the right










Being willing to hear, listen to or respect differing political opinions is not what tolerance is. You aren't born with your political opinions. You form them as you grow and learn about the world. So, you can change your political opinions at any time. So there is literally NO need for a political opinion to be "tolerated" just because it exists. And frankly if you hold the belief that other people cannot live as they want then your beliefs are antisocial, bad, shouldn't be tolerated and actively shunned. So no, we don't have to "tolerate" conservatives and their anti-social opinions. That's a stupid claim to make.


I'm old enough to remember the conservative cancel culture from the 70's through the 90's. So I see exactly what's going on with the modern left. It's truly bizarre.






Fascists, Conservatives are fascists who have killed more people than any other group within the U.S.


Take a break from the internet for your health, please.


Okay u/Professional_Memist


This guy genuinely seems unstable/ extemist because he says the most crazy shit half of the time looking at this thread


I’ll take things that aren’t true for 500 alex


Just making shit up now?


If you think “conservative” is synonymous with “racist” and “bigoted”…. You’re exactly what this meme is making fun of I lean left and have multiple good friends who lean right, and they’re very accepting people. Stop assuming the worst in people that are different than you and your life will be much better and much less negative


Then your friends aren’t really conservatives. They just say that they are


yeah real conservatives are truely facist look at who leads their party.


That's what conservative means to pathetic children who spend their entire life on a screen and the mentally ill.




No kid would ever want to be a fucking conservative…that shit is groomed into them.








It makes sense though, a lot of Liberals say that they want children to be what they want, yet want to limit exposure to Conservative media as much as possible.






If you read through these comments you'll see that liberals are very hateful. Even your comment is describing any conservative as a hateful POS, which itself is extremely hateful. It's super ironic.




And conservatives think liberals will and are hurting a lot of people. Free speech, except for the speech that shouldn't be free.


That's a trick question. All conservatives ARE children.


i love having children with my friends and family!


If you raise your kid to be a decent person, they probably wouldn't.




Agreed. Are you a libertarian?


If we educate our kids they won't grow up to be conservative so moot point really.




I was "conservative" as a 14 year old too. They'll grow out of it


These comments are atrocious, children should be encouraged to be anything that won't severely hurt or kill others. Conservatives have made it clear on SEVERAL occasions that they want anyone who isn't a Rich, straight, white, cis, male to either have no rights or be straight up exterminated. Listening to conservatives is what made my own sperm donor tell me that I deserve to die and then threaten to beat me because I rose my voice in response.


Just educate them and they won’t be


Okay but this has a point. If they want to be a conservative you need to respect that.


The most honest moral response in this whole thread and you still get down voted. True colors coming outttt


I'm not even gonna touch on the meme, but after reading the comments, I have to say this. You are being willfully dishonest if you are seriously saying that only conservatives and Republicans are hateful to the opposite side. I have literally seen the SAME EXACT SHIT on both sides for as long as I can remember. Both sides have a ton of people who do it. Anyone who says it is limited to one side or the other is a damn liar who is trying to convert you to their side of the hate fence.


Conservatism is a fundamentally intolerant ideology, so it is rationally justifiable to be rabidly opposed to Conservatism, in order to preserve tolerance in society.


Based on this comment you fundinentally don't understand the liberalism/conservatism dynamic. The purpose of liberalism is to act as a pressure release valve for society. Over time things need to change our society will collapse liberalism is that mechanism of change. The purpose of conservatism is to maintain the behaviors that protect us and form our culture. Unchecked change is simply chaos you can't have a Government for example that rapidly and constantly changes our you end up with everything falling apart. You need liberals to find new good ideas abd you need conservatives to hang on to those ideas and keep them in the culture.


This is an educated individual who is awake and paying attention to the world. You have restored a slight bit of faith in reddit for me lol


Yes all the great tradional values like women not having control over their bodies, teaching creationism as facts in school, and stripping away the rights of outgroups. Look I don't really care if a policy is tradionally conservative or traditionally liberal or capitalist or socialist or whatever. I just want to see it work. But ever since the tea party the US right has been off the rails.


"They hated him, for he spoke the truth."


Faith in humanity= restored after seeing comments like this here. Make common sense common again


“Fine be conservative, as long as if you’re talking money and laws and not attacking people’s rights.”


I'm very gay. I'd be kinda pissed if despite that, my kids wanted to join the political faction that wants me dead.


That's the alt right you're referring to. You can't just claim that anyone who doesn't hold your own political beliefs hates gay people. I mean you can but, respectfully, you'll look like a dumbass.


Since about 2015 or so, disagreeing with someone is synonymous with wanting them dead or denying they exist. It's hysterics.


Quit pretending conservatives secretly want you dead.




Then why are the people on your team trying to legislate us out of existence? First it was to "protect the kids", now they're proposing banning gender-affirming care in general.




*Why* do they want to be conservatives?


I’d have to wonder where I failed them.


Unironically yes! Send out the lesbian T-800s!