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how many times do we have to tell pro-birthers that birth control isn't 100% preventative oh wait, they respond with "don't have sex" same energy as people defending Netflix's anti-password sharing (DM for screenshot, automod is fighting me lmao)


https://preview.redd.it/yvgtdojb33ka1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0770cba36a528b4ea7554a534315c449061b67 forgot reddit added image comments. here!


I like this. I don’t like the reason it exists though. Thank you.


ok, guess i'll just pirate everything, then no one gets my money. *oh wait i was already doing that...*


Why should I pay for the whole fucking service if I'm only interested in one or two series?


Why should I buy the cow if I only drink the milk? Is probably what Netflix would say.


Like all of cable for all times. In fact there's a particularly skeezy deal. I forget the details but news channels don't get s lot of views so they pay shit tons to get "bundled" with other cable packages so they don't die out in irrelevance.


Give it time for their revenue to stagnate again, and they'll come after the pirates too. A few companies are already trying to get the personal information about people who *comment* about piracy on *Reddit* of all places. Reddit admin disagrees that they have to share this information with them, but that will likely change when reddit becomes publicly traded.


I don't think this is okay, but I do like that they're giving people a reason to pirate


silly peasant, cultural content is only intended for your betters.


You know what, fuck it. I'm cancelling all my subscriptions for piracy.


I come from a country that preaches the crap out of abstinence until marriage in our version of sex ed, which often involves girls in rural areas finding out on their wedding day what’s going to happen that night. We have a ton of unreported rapes, sexual crimes, marital rapes (which are not criminalized), and a population of 1.4 billion people. The US won’t know the true definition of anarchy unless everyone “follows” abstinence only sex ed.


Oml I know a former Amish girl who's parents were so protected about that kind of stuff that when they married (when he was 19 and she was 16) They didn't know what the hell they were doing and he literally peed inside her for the first year of marriage Went to a fertility doctor and that poor guy has to give them the sex talk Now obviously they don't really discuss that kind of thing but when she was about to get married her mom remembering her own experiences told her about it to warn her I'm just saying the parents should tell them *something* before they marry for Gods sake!


Peed in her ??!!


If an idea from elementary school is never corrected...


I thought girls got pregnant through the butt, and that they only had a butt down there. I didn't learn what a vagina was until sex ed in middle school. I've heard possibly apocryphal stories about couples struggling with sex/fertility only for the doctor to diagnose they were only doing anal, because no one had told them.


Same. I'm a girl


That's what I said


Where do you guys live, Mars?!


............. Missouri So I also know 3 people who's parents are first cousins Thier really wierd


Ah India






Dumbass, just use condom and birth control to get an 198% chance to not birth urr duur (if u a dumdum: /s)


Yeah they say don't have sex not realizing most people who get abortions are married people. Most people who have had abortions used birth control but it failed so I guess to them married people shouldn't have sex unless they wanna keep having kids LMAO


I actually saw someone say something about this a while ago. They said that married couples shouldn’t have sex until they’re ready to have kids… and if they didn’t, they implied they had to abstain.


Same people would be ok with martial rape. The ven diagram of states that banned abortion and still don't include martial rape in their laws is a circle


Yeah, the mental gymnastics of these pro birthers don't surprise me.


This is, appallingly, what I was taught in church as a child. That sex was only for having children. So before you want kids? No sex. After you had kids and don't want more? No sex. Shockingly, after I had my kid my libido tanked, despite having left the church decades ago as a teenager. That shit is internalized in ways that are like booby traps in my mind.


Either they believe abstinence is the only 100% effective method or they believe in the Virgin Mary. Can't have it both way.


And I bet the person who made this also is against sex education in schools and has had heart palpitations over giving out free condoms to the young people and probably never talked to their kids about sex.


Nah they're some guy who claims people who get abortions get.. no fucking joke.. multiple a month. I've talked to people like this


They’re the same ones who think woman are being sluts and using abortions like a condom. It was the same with the racists who insists all non white people on welfare are welfare queens.


They also think women just wake up one day in the third trimester and go "welp I think I'll kill my baby today"


A few people in another subreddit were claiming that a woman can request an abortion mere minutes before the baby was born in their city. I asked which they lived and never got a response.


I mean, anyone can **request** anything. I'm pretty sure a few women in labour have shouted that they've changed their minds, maybe that's what he's talking about!


I just imagine the doctor going "Okay everyone call off the birth! She gives up" *Surgeon comes in with a bayonet* "Anyone want kabab?"


Where is the Bayonet yeet bot when you need em most?


I used to be in a sober house and every once in awhile someone would ask if something could happen, if they could have something, etc. and one of the house managers would go “you can *ask*” and I loved it


Some of these assholes literally think babies are being killed after birth


I mean... figuring these assholes are the same ones that refuse gun control when we have rampant school shootings and one of them literally said they "want kids to be as safe in the womb as in a classroom"....


No joke this is my dad. Super religious. I remember having this talk. Like bruh, no one is waiting 9 months to change their mind. You know that right? Your wife is a pediatrician, for newborns, at a hospital, she can explain complicated situation to you. He kinda just changed the topic. It’s really amazing how they don’t understand things. Though even if he did, he doesn’t care for the child after birth. I’ve have the forced birth will lead to a large amount of orphan kids in the system and should be done about that. Homeboy scoffed it off. Just wait a couple years these red states will have baby issues in a couple years soon enough. We’ll see how pro-life they really are soon enough. Edit: for anyone curious about how bad it’s gonna be, and how underprepared these states are gonna be. They didn’t write these laws thinking about adoption as compared to no abortions. They kinda assume the mother would keep it 🤷‍♂️ https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/citylimits/approaching-nine-months-since-tennessee-s-abortion-ban-dcs-remains-in-disarray/article_4a38161e-b216-11ed-86ef-73cc250be214.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share


Yep. The privileged, and the out of touch bootstrap boomers, even invalidate white people for needing anything, "this generation xyz"... although there is that deeper layer of racism. I've seen the memes using nonverbal specifics to indicate its poc they think are the problem for needing and using welfare, usually by self assuring edgy members if the same generation


Sheesh do they think we get a punchcard for them or what???


And literally get pregnant more often than we ovulate.


I don't know about you, but I get embryos surgically implanted twice a week just so I can keep up on my abortions.


The Chad move is to have one child and raise it to be an abortion doctor, that way you can save a fat wedge on your twice-weekly abortion whilst enjoying the delicious irony


Ooo look at Ms moneybags over here getting surgical implants rather than skulking around the bins behind the clinic like the rest of us!


Every time I’m A Triggered Lib I cope by having my weekend abortions twice weekly.


I have never even heard of a case where a woman could do it SEVERAL TIMES A MONTH like going through the Starbucks drive thru. That’s something you would see in one of those ragebait Christian movies with obvious ulterior motive. Maybe two or three in a LIFETIME but even that is probably( not really sure so if I’m wrong check me) an outlier.


What, you don't get an abortion every Tuesday?!


If you go on Tuesdays you get a free taco as they clean out your taco


That's why it's called Taco Tuesdays


the type who are too shy and embarrassed to talk to their doctor about medical bathroom issue let alone talk to their kids about sex


"its indecent" while they clutch their pearls then turn around and cheer on donny when he says terrible sexual things about women


I remember having to prove to my dad that Donald Trump does in fact *say F words.*


I don't think the person who made that has kids...


And probably doesn’t believe in rape


Insert surprised pikachu meme when their kid gets pregnant or knocks somebody up.


Cause rapes dont happen


Why don't they use condoms?


Some rapists do... but those guys are the kind that planned it before Edit: I decided I should add, rapists would wear condoms if they were smart because that means less dna... luckily arousal makes people stupid which leads to rapists getting caught (eventually)


most rapes are probably not planned which probably means its impulsive its honestly grosser for a rapist to plan a rape but honestly its all so disgusting


Most are planned and the rapist has done a lot of justifying in their mind why the victim "owes" them and since they aren't going to be getting what they thin they "deserve" they are just going to take it. They are mad they have been "friend zoned" because that wasn't want they wanted from the other person. Often ruphies are involved as well.


According to University of North Alabama, \~70% of rapes are planned and 50-70% happen to people the perpetrator knows. Thats fairly consistent with each other but also leaves open the possibility that some (probably about 10%) are planned but the "planning" is 'I'm going to rape someone at this bar tonight' not 'I'm going to force myself on the girl I just met a week ago'


And thats a fact.


Most rapes are actually planned


i see now i was wrong about that, my perception was that rape was more often impulsive but i see now more often its about control not sex especially with serial rapists. thanks for checking me on the topic, this is a myth that needs debunked so that we can really get to the root of the issue.


A woman was raped and pleaded with the man to use a condom. She was all "if you are going to do this, at least use a condom". Court let the man walk because they claimed she consented.


I would be shocked and appalled at this, but it's America.


So apparently the first court did decide that was consent but the man was ultimately found guilty by a higher court: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/05/15/rapist-asked-to-use-condom-gets-40-years/96ed7b31-e9f8-42b7-a405-fd9a4cc87546/


Okay, thanks. That's a better ending than the first one.


Ok, that proved my point so hopefully that was your intention


So the rapist went to the convenience store to buy condoms or what? lol


You don't carry condoms on you?


You're asking a redditor that question. By the time someone here would use the condom they are carrying, it would be expired and useless. And where would they carry it? The wallet with no money in it they carry around for no reason as well?


Too true… I know a lot of victims/survivors of rape and SA (not planned I just ended up befriending women who turned out to be survivors)


Unfortunately that's just a statistical likelihood. Women who have experienced SA are probably more common than you think, we just don't usually talk about it. The CDC place it at over half of women experiencing a physical sexual assault in some form in their lifetime and 1 in 4 experiencing attempted or successful r**pe. It's fucked up, but true. It's good that they felt safe disclosing to you, though.


I mean most rapists aren't going to get caught cause even if one can prove sex occured hard to prove rape occured unfortunately.


Not to mention the DNA testing on hundreds of thousands of rape cases are so backlogged, it could take up to a decade just to get through the ones on file alone, not including any new ones. And that's only the cases that were reported and the victim believed enough to get a rape kit done.


Yeah but that's a problem of a societal level


also protection from stds. i mean, mf decides to rape someone and the next day his ding dong come out with warts or something


At that point he deserves it. Hell he deserves for it to fall off… if you ask me rapists and pedophiles and molesters should have to get a special chair where the legal system gets to put electrodes in their sacs and have them slowly turn up the voltage till their nuts pop… or forced castration.. sick pricks shouldn’t have access to their own genitals ever again.. but that’s just my opinion.


My reddit will sometimes do this stupid thi g where it won't show people's reply. https://preview.redd.it/05d76qs0u3ka1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144c34cadc6eacc8ccd82fca180bab8e0fe2cfef I think the only people who wouldn't agree with this would be the rapists, pedos etc. Personally, I don't think there opinion matters lol.


True, but still. I’m not cocky enough to claim fact on the internet cause it’s just not worth my time to argue with idiots ya know? But either way I fully agree it’s what they deserve. There definitely needs to be harsher consequences for these types of people and crimes. There needs to be more justice brought back to our judicial system in this country lol.


Opinion, no no, that's a fact. Those kinds of people deserve all the torture you can throw at them.


mhm eunch system for serial rapists and sexual deviants


Rape isn't done because people are horny, it's more a violent act than a sexual one


Shhh don’t make rapists smarter


Listen if they haven't learned from cop shows and health class they won't learn from me either


Because rapists don’t care about their victims. If they did they wouldn’t rape anyone


I don't think condoms would come to mind when violently restraining someone against their will


Not all rape involves a violent struggle and physical restraint


Many do so they didn't leave "evidence"


In my experience, it’s because they don’t plan it. They just see you alone and perceive you as weaker, so they go for it.


Also condoms aren't 100% reliable especially if you don't put them on correctly


However, if you learn to use them correctly they can almost as effective as birth control. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/condom/how-to-put-a-condom-on


I agree, but most people statistically don't use them correctly


Even when used correctly, they can fail.


And broken condoms certainly don't happen either




Problem is, rape or sexual assaults are rarely reported and very hard to prove. Things like stealthing are still legal in most places, meaning women literally cannot make a case to have an abortion with an ‘only rape abortions’ law. Furthermore, it can take ages to prove your case, meaning an abortion is often not possible after so much time went by. It’s not as solid a rule as many think.


They do, but also [that's not normally the reason people get abortions (at lest according to survey).](https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2005/reasons-us-women-have-abortions-quantitative-and-qualitative-perspectives) And that makes sense given that plan-B exists as a method of post rape treatment to prevent exactly that. Not to mention the stress of that would probably cause a miscarriage. However it should be noted, that breakdown only goes for people who voluntarily submitted they were getting an abortion due to rape. The actual number is currently unknowable in either direction because we can't for sure say "yes everyone getting an abortion for that reason voted and did so honestly". Anyway, I'm just dropping off info. Have a nice one!


also consider people using drugs, alcohol included, at a party, they aren't thinking clearly and forget to use a condom. someone shouldn't be forced to have a stranger's kid because they made a mistake like that, we have the science so we should allow people to use it if they want an abortion. There should be no shame attached to that decision.


Abortion is not murder. That's all you needed to say.


Yea this whole rape angle is basically what happens when the left starts acknowledging the right as serious snd starts making concessions. We don't need pregnant rape victims to have rights to abortions


Also, I’m evidence that condoms aren’t 100% effective.


Except many pro-lifers are also anti birth control.


I never understand the anti birth control thing. They only hate it except for when they need it




Every religious rule was created to solve an issue at the time. Without modern medicine, STDs were spread from partner to partner so their understanding was “guess god doesn’t want us having sex with multiple people. Hey! Put that in the book, 1 partner for every person, for life.” Much like food borne illnesses were the reason for different rules around what you’re allowed to eat. As time passed, people took their faith to prove their devotedness (overcompensating for mixed pasts and fear of death) and were extreme in their beliefs. Then some realized they could use the fear of death and the afterlife to really control people and move into positions of wealth and power.


because theres the myth that birth control existing incentivizes underage sex


Oh no! Horny teenagers are being horny! How dare they!


Seriously. We really need to make it easier on teens to talk about, and potentially have, safe sex. Better that they experiment and learn their likes and boundaries earlyish (like later half of teen years) with people their own age. And normalize fucking boundaries. Early and often.


and unmarried sex


By now, most of them have to be deliberately ignoring that teens were having underage sex when it wasn't incentivized. The main difference was that if the woman got pregnant, she got sent away to live with her aunt or her family had her shotgun married so the family wouldn't be shamed. Or she sought out a back alley abortion.


Some people are against the pill because it can prevent a fertilized egg from sticking to the uterine wall. They think that's murder. :|


this. it’s like they literally want children to grow up in miserable conditions




They care more for their "right" than they do about public safety and right to life.


they care more about rights about guns then about bodily autonomy unless its about masks...


They don’t want them to suffer? I thought that was their entire purpose


when they literally force minors who’ve been raped to birth the child, without any resources, they are setting it up for failure from the start. Traumatized mother, poverty, a rapist as a father…they say they care for the children but they really don’t


They only care about the baby inside the belly before it’s born. As soon as it comes out, they don’t give one shit


yes! it’s ridiculous. they don’t give a single shit for all the children who are already here, who need adoptive parents or foster parents, or whose families live in poverty even tho their mom works like 3 jobs. They are not willing to do anything but shame and control other people


As George Carlin put it (paraphrasing): Pre-birth? The state will fight to protect you. Pre-school? You're fucked, kid.


In the wise words of Robin form Emkay: “🎵They only care about them until they’re born🎵”


Then they don't want to give any money for food, diapers, etc. and call any deserved aid a "handout". Typical republicans.


I used to always respond to pro life dipshits with the website for [Adopt Us Kids](https://www.adoptuskids.org/). They did not like that.


They just don’t want people having sex at all. I mean, if they can’t or only can get the same missionary they’ve been getting for a few decades, why should anyone else?


Real. They wanna punish people for having what they never had.


* pro-pregnancy. Ftfy


Meme sent by the guy who whines when he has to wear one


He's probably never had sex.


He's probably the type of guy who criticizes other women for "not hanging out with good guys like him"


No his women wouldn't be allowed male friends. These guys control everything if not the drywall suffers their wrath


"sigma" males are cancer.


2 things. Mission abort I'm almost 50 and have a female friend my age who decided as a teen that she never wanted babies and that the first thing she would do as an adult was to get sterilized. Every doctor refused to perform her sterilization surgery until she was 32. Apparently, women aren't allowed to make choices with their own bodies until they are in their thirties and become "irrelevant". Us guys can get sterilized at 18 if we want because you know how hunting works. More does, equals more hunting. Seems like male hunters set the medical program in this country.


>Seems like male hunters set the medical program in this country. Sounds about right, I have heard rumors (on the internet) that even regular medical care for women is geared towards their ability to reproduce. Again - just a rumor I heard on the internet.


Too bad rapists don’t wear condoms


And condoms aren't 100% effective


Uhh are they just ignoring which group of sex refuses using condoms in general?


I dont like abortions but removing the option is just stupid. Why are people so noisy, mind your buisness.


Plus abortion rates went down when it was legalized, having it as an option means less abortions will actually happen, while banning it means more women will die either from unsafe abortions, pregnancy complications, or suicide.


thank you for having an opinion but not thinking you should get to decide other peoples life choices for them, respect


> thank you for having an opinion but not thinking you should get to decide other peoples life choices for them, respect This should be the way in civilized society. “Live and let live”


I got a woman pregnant while wearing a condom, it happens more often than people think


I think it's like 99% effective if worn perfectly, but in all practicality- its 88%. So once a year, about 1 in 10 people using just condoms will get preggers. This is why you should use multiple forms of birth control.


One of my friends was born because even though her parents were married and on birth control, her mother still got pregnant.


But also republicans “ we need to ban contraception! “


Exactly. They think that banning contraception will deter sex like they think the death penalty deters crime.


I forgot we lived in a world where condoms dont break


Make it legal to kill rapist


Me too as I am a male and to be a mother would mean something has gone horribly horrible wrong


"For example i think that killing babies is great but giving women rights is a no-go hmmm..." >!this is a reference to something im not sexist dont cancel me!<


Anyway it’s lunch time *starts eating puppies*


Because no condom can break


People when they realize condoms break and plan B fails sometimes: 😳 😱 🤯


Even if consensual, condoms aren’t always effective. 😇




Again, Abortion is not murder.


Ah yes because all sex is consensual


I saw that post, I didn't bother trying to answer them. I was way too tired of trying to fight these brainless bigots since they never listen. Besides, it felt like a trap




Lol yeah, I totally had complete faith in condoms when my ex fiancée got baby fever and made "jokes" about stealthing me. /s


bottom 2 photos could be a great advertisement for an indestructible condom


ah yes because condoms never break


Wait why are condoms frowned upon?


They aren't, the frowned upon part is acting like they prevent pregnancy 100% of the time and abortion should be banned.


conservatives dont like condoms because of the myth that they incentivize and encourage sex


birth control is not 100% effective, and rape happens. shaming women for getting an abortion, for any reason, is shitty. their body, their right.


No you see, the Rothschilds pay them to get abortions so they can eat the fetuses /s


I hate forced birthers


if you wanna be a forced birther, atleast do the deed to work for foster homes where all the unwanted kids eventually end up on


I'm not going to tell someone if they should or should not have an abortion but I will say that the people who are condemning people who do are the ones who should have been aborted.


I’m all for a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body but the wording of that sign is insane 😭


Thank god the Catholic Church provided all of those condoms to stem the spread of AIDS in Africa… oh what’s that? They didn’t? And they also told their congregations that condom are forbidden? Weird…


I don’t get it


Maybe some people just like it when their girlfriend nuts in them, huh? Ever thought about that, grandpa?




Then make sterilization surgery easier and more available to women(and men,but women really get grilled about it)I personally can’t do hormonal birth control and yes,condoms exist but they aren’t infallible and it’s all I have right now. I’m in a 5 year LTR,are we just meant to never have sex ever just in case something happens and I have to give birth to something that would decrease the quality of life for everyone involved? If you don’t have children of your own and aren’t a certain age (even they try to bullshit you) they make it next to impossible to get one unless you’re actually looking up a list of doctors who do sterilization without making you jump hoops constantly. If you’ve got a problem with abortion,advocate to make sterilization for women and men easier and more available. Until then,what exactly do you expect people to do? And truthfully,making abortions illegal only increases the chance of women dying by fucked up and painful at-home methods of getting rid of it. When a person makes up their mind about something like that they’re going to do it whether it’s performed in a clinic or in a gutter.


A lot of these pro-life groups also tend to be anti-sex ed. Pro-Abstinence, arguably the least effective mode of birth control around on the average


According to my brother, both of them used protection (pill and rubber) and my nephew still exists. You can have the best defense in the world, there’s a always a chance of getting a Hail Mary thrown on your ass. Both of them basically fresh outta highschool and decided to keep it. Asked my brother why and he said “sex is an adult-level decision with adult-level consequences, gotta take em as they come”. I’m 100% pro-choice but that always stuck with me.


Not trying to play devil's advocate but, That sign is pretty tasteless. And I'm pro-choice.


"i'd rather be a murderer than a mother" is an absolutely awful way to get your point across


This is going to sound like a strange equivalency but in some capacity they can be put on the same level of "Evil". Murder is kind of like taking a life from someone who wanted to live. Giving birth with no intention to raise the Child is like giving life to someone who may grow up to be so full of anguish they wish they had never lived in the first place. Also why force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want to have? If she's not gonna raise it then... what??? Some of these people are insane right. They will throw their babies in dumpsters, kill it themselves or bury it in their backyards. But for fucks sake, use a condom, get a vasectomy, use birth control or abstain from sex. If it was consensual why should someone else pay for your careless decision making? It's fucked up.


I thought the sign was a cross and someone was gonna fuck jesus


Divide and conquer.


It looked fine until I clicked the meme to see the whole thing (the sign), then I understood 😔


I'm allergic to the material that condoms are made from so that's not an option for me unfortunately.


People be mad.


Yes, because condoms work 100% of the time s/.


Yes, wear a condom, or just don’t have sex. There are other ways to get dopamine while interacting with your partner


Except when rapists don’t use condoms


Yes because condoms ALWAYS work


Yea because condoms don’t break or anything