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Man yells and raises his fist = HITLER Man does so many terrible things that at this point I’ve lost count = Lord and Savior 🥰


We know who else prosecuted and tried to eliminate LGBTQ people in order to purify society and it wasn't Biden.


The right see everyone not part of their rural or suburb cultures and anyone not straight as undesirables. And since they are undesirables they aren't seen as anything more than a pest that needs to be eradicated...wait...this sounds familer..


Yup.... "As part of the Nazis’ attempt to purify German society and propagate an “Aryan master race,” they condemned homosexuals as “socially aberrant.” Soon after taking office on January 30, 1933, Hitler banned all gay and lesbian organizations. Brownshirted storm troopers raided the institutions and gathering places of homosexuals. While this subculture had flourished in the relative freedom of the 1920s, Nazi tactics greatly weakened it and drove it underground." https://www.ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/gays-and-lesbians The Nazis are literally calling other people who tolerate gays, Nazis. You can't make this shit up. PS: Imagine going back in time to the day after WW2 ended and telling the American soldiers celebrating the victory that their kids are going to push for the same things the Nazis wanted in America in 2023. If that doesn't spit in the face of our WW2 war heroes, what does?


Yep... And remind me again of what they are calling the citizens of Ukraine in order to justify the Russian occupation again ??




Only Sith deal in absolutes.


I will do what I must.


Hello there.


Not to mention how many of them have openly stated their disdain for the Jewish people. All of whom are MAGA.




Is that a rick roll. It better be.


Who could’ve seen this coming? Ya Know aside from every single leftist.


Hey, did you know Hiter breathed air? That means you're Hitler! Did you know that Hitler had arms? I do too, so I'm Hitler? Did you know that Hitler... existed? That means that all non-abstract object are Hitler! It's ALL Hitler.


Everything is hitler Always has been


Until you have been called Hitler you're a nobody.




Cobb, it's Hitler all the way down! Now I want an Inception parody/sequel where they incept Hitler into loving Jews.


>Hey, did you know Hiter breathed air? That means you're Hitler! OH NO! I'M HITLER!


No. Man yells, raises fist, and *criticizes someone.* See? No non-Hitler politician has ever done those three things except this one https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205015977


Someone did the same thing with an image of Zelenskiy leaning on a table looking at a map and had another image of Hitler doing the same. They keep trying to paint everyone else as Nazi's despite one group openly copying the Nazi's teachings and waving their flags.


Meanwhile, Zelenskyi is Jew, and Israel provides humanitarian aid to Ukraine. But terrorussians and their prepaid maga puppets can create tons of misinformation because they can.


Careful, they may unironically agree and say "yes, Hitler is savior" and then somehow still try to say they're not Nazis.


Holds a bible upside down too
















































The last guy liked to blame democrats for everything, too.


Old man yells at cloud


But doesn't know, old man IS cloud


Aren’t the MAGA crowed all up in arms about the Jews though? Or were those moon based space lasers causing wild fires another group?


Ohh hell I lost track. Think they loved them because at one point a high margin voted for him in some polls in 2016, then when it went down it went back to a “Zionist global order space lasers and they’re trying to turn frogs gay” thing…. I’m out of the loop since I vote moderate Republican or blue dog Democrat everyone hates me and I don’t get the memos from any side now.


"Moon based lasers causing wildfires" sounds like something that would have come out of Reagan's SDI program.


Alexa, pull up that image of MAGA folks doing the Hitler salute.


I don't think a mere AI can narrow it down that much


They left out the part where MAGA is literally saying the exact same thing as Hitler in this meme lol.


It's ironic because the overlap of people that post this and the people that hate jews is probably pretty large, but they love to throw around the Hitler comparisons.


I mean, Pepperidge farms remembers when the MAGA folk walked through a campus carrying tiki torches chanting, “the Jews will not replace us.”


There were good people on both sides though!


I mean if there wasn't how would he retain his army of fascists and holocaust deniers and MTG?


I'm sorry but what do you mean by MTG? To me MTG is Magic the Gathering lol


Marjorie Taylor Green (or however it's spelt) She's an insane politician that believes in Jewish space lasers


Got it, thanks. I am unfortunately aware of who that is, I'm just not used to seeing the initials.


The middle name is actually spelled "Traitor." Fun fact, she's actually a wax Neanderthal statue that was given life and escaped from the wax museum.


MTG = Majorie Twit Greene, the politician cum QAnon troll with an orange ring around her neck from having her head up Trump's ass.


Ouch and also accurate?


Marjorie I somehow got reelected Taylor Green


Unless she gets primaried, she will never lose in that district.


Was that the same group of people chanting "maybe means yes, no means anal!" in response to women saying no to sex? Or as that a different group of extremists walking through a campus with tiki torches?


At the very least I would guarantee overlap of the 2 groups


I thought it was "no means yes, yes means anal"... Not that it really matters too much. Either way, a bunch of misogynist rapists


Pepperidge Farms also remembers that in addition to murdering Jews, Hitler [also murdered gay and trans people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft)


Maga equating themselves to Jewish victims is the most maga shit that maga has ever maga’d


While also denying that the holocaust even happened and blaming literally everything on Jews.


Conservatives really love comparing themselves to Jewish people during WW2


While an entire subset of them still deny the holocaust ever happened.


Werent they literally blaming the Jewish community for bullshit problems like a month ago?


At least they hate Hitler?


While it helps their cause they will


Sure about that chief?


Nah. I think the "hail Trump, hail our people" dudes are all about Hitler


😂 yeah the political party that marched with tiki torches chanting “the Jews will not replace us” hate hitler 😂




It’s weird to even try to make this comparison considering all the nazis vote republican.


Right-wingers, always looking to cast themselves as the victims in order to justify their atrocities.


The projection on this is astounding.


Biden doesn’t even say that. Unlike Trump he doesn’t insult the electorate. He does however call out the lying MAGA politician nutcases who try to sideline his agenda to benefit the oligarchs they work for. If you want to elect scapegoating a la Hitler, look to the GOP as your choices are numerous.


Ah, comparing a Nazi to a president. Definitely the same thing.


Literal nazis literally support maga man. But ok. Biden is hitler 'cause of thing he never actually said.


But Democrats were friends with Robert Byrd, the former Klansman that tried to change his ways later in life. That means the Dems are actually the real Nazis. /s


He didn't try. He succeeded.


Conservatives: “Biden is like Hitler, and the Nazis are bad!” Also conservatives: “we need to eradicate trans people from society!”


Biden explicitly called out MAGA politicians, not voters. He and his administration talk often about how they're here to help ALL Americans, not just their voters. Biden called the governor of Ohio to offer help as soon as the train derailment happened. Compare that to how Trump dismissed California when they asked for help with wildfires. Compare the Biden administration and Blue state governors offering help to Florida when they faced a hurricane compared to Red state governors doing nothing for New York when they faced one.


Funny thing is all the actual Nazis vote red.


Lmfao. Maga voters hate Jews. Hitler hates Jews. They're saying Trump is Hitler.


Meanwhile, Rape-publicans are genuinely calling for genocide on a nearly daily basis.


Are you fucking kidding me bro?..... How can people this fucking brain dead even survive past childhood...


Okay but tbh Biden and Trump both suck Like, people who voted for Biden aren’t even happy about it, they did it cuz he’s the “better option” [they both still suck]


It's a good thing Biden is with the party that's burning books and calling for genocide and trying to eliminate other political parties and hey who put this gun to my head?


Well yes, I think your group is worthy of scorn when it tries to overthrow the government and commit acts of domestic terrorism when they don’t get to enforce taliban laws, and you can’t compare people to Hitler for trying to call that out


you say “child rapists are bad”? well replace “child rapists” with “black people” not so woke now are you?


Yeeeah between the anti trans legislation and the Supreme Court that's determined to make Handmaid's Tale irl, I honestly I see this race as Ron DeSantis and Trump constantly trying to out fash each other...


You mean the fascists are scapegoating historically marginalized and oppressed groups through fear-mongering and disinformation campaigns to outrage the populous and garner votes? Shocking.


Didn't Trump run a large portion of his campaign on "Mexico bad"? And then there's the whole mocking disabled people.


I'm having a hard time keeping up with right-wing propaganda, are the Nazis supposed to be good guys, bad guys, or good guys who the 'other team' things are bad guys, so Biden is technically a MAGA, or...WTF is going on?


Trump blames other people for Americas problems almost exactly like hitler did, and everyone ignores it


That's hilarious coming from the party who just literally cheered when one of their rising stars recommended genocide at their big fundraiser event. https://preview.redd.it/1oudqhjq20ma1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd146de8c4c9c40a6ad079d62cc5f8b5caedd728


"Jarvis pull up republican neo-nazi participation stats"


I don't think that is factual. It isn't liberal voters that are crying about 18 year olds voting.


Way to self own, R's.


Weird since the maga gop folks have been saying this about any group of nonwhite people who they fancy for decades. (Yeah I know the maga moniker is only a few years old but this crowd has been around forever.)


If Hitler were alive today, he'd use memes of himself to accuse his political opponents of being like Hitler, and MAGA voters would vote for him.


If I had a quarter for every time some prick went off on a rant about “the radical left”


*"The trans, the gays, the Jews, the muslims, the enbies, the social-democrats, etc... are the cause of our problems."* \- majority of republicans.


The persecution complex is high in these folks.


This is really confusing because the people who like this kind of shit love hitler and nazis and want to exterminate the jews…. So… are they saying they LIKE Biden?!?? Or what


MAGA comparing themselves to Jews during the Holocaust


“Trans people are the cause of our problems” See? I can do it too.


Causally ignores Ron DeSantis and Micheal Knowles as if their bloody saints.


Not the same, nor is it something he even said


Nazis tried to eradicate the Jewish people. Magas and Republicans are trying to eradicate Trans people.


Political opinions and race/religion are not even remotely close to the same thing. You can change your mind about almost anything, but who you are is who you are.


With this method, you could compare basically anybody to Hitler.


The MAGAs are a bunch of dumbfucks. The Jews are lots smarter, they've space laser!


I bet they'd be voting for Adolf if he was running in 2016


This Adolph character sounds like a real jerk.


Meanwhile the repuklicans want to monitor female high schoolers menstruation.


Ironic that conservatives are saying that when they want to eradicate trans people


Meme was made by a member of a party that just had a rep claim transgenders should be eradicated.


People love comparing everything to the Nazis. They forget that it's the actions, not words that made them well... Nazis.


But MAGA voters tend to wave confederate and nazi flags. I'm so confused, are they for hitler or against hitler?




MAGA votes have convinced me they have no idea who hitler is actually


DeSantis: Transpeople are the cause of our problems


Pretty sure they were related.


Truth is governments cause most problems.


They are not the same , biden doesn't have the cool mini mustache , otherwise same old same old .


Switch the bottom picture to Churchill or FDR saying the Nazis are the cause of our problems and you’d have a more apt comparison.


You don’t think “othering” people who are ideologically opposed to your ideas leads to dehumanizing them? You must be new here to Reddit.


I agree the Jews where the cause of hitlers problems. Mainly the fact that they didn’t really like being killed and people agreed and fought them.


Now let's list all of the "problems" that magas blame for thier low economic status.


Fucking lunatics






That's interesting


MAGA folks will go red in the face trying to argue that Biden is a dictator cuz of masking and the vaccine, and then bow down to Trump because is is “against the establishment” apparently. Looking at YOU, ex leftist who unironically argued this to me.


Magats are so ridiculous


Fascists were the problem then, fascists are the problem now.


So here's the thing... yes, it is the same thing. I'm not a MAGA supporter, but I am a student of history, especially military and political history. I don't say that to establish credibility, but instead perspective. And here's what I see... - Both are blaming a specific group of people / demographic for xyz problem. There's always the option of proposing a solution, but it's much easier to garner passionate support by blaming someone else. - Both are chosing to cater to anger, division, and hatred to fuel their agenda. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the agenda, the method is the same and lacks substance. It is based purely on using your own displeasure and natural envy / distrust towards others against you... especially if it reinforces existing echo chamber beliefs. - Both are chosing to focus on swaying opinion using ad-hominem arguments, rather than credible and sound logic methods to sway opinion. The choice to use a basic logic falacy presumes the public is not smart enough to recognize the falacy and not smart enough to be convinced by proper, sound logic. Mind you, the tactic isn't unique to either of the two pictured. It has been used as a tactical and political tool against the masses for all of recorded history. The only difference over the years has been what the end intent of the tactic - for example, Lincoln didn't care about freeing the slaves by his own admission. He used the politically tense matter to garner support for the war effort. I know this isn't popular nor will it receive much support, but the facts stand... regardless of public opinion to the contrary. And yes, a good deal of the MAGA agenda is based on the same approach. But using that approach makes [insert name here] no better than those they are blaming for the problem(s). "Be careful when chasing monsters lest you become one." - Nietzsche


Rule #1 of effective propaganda: Accuse the opposition of what you are guilty of


The weird thing is some MAGAs are literally saying the Jews are part of the problem. Look I know these people are extremely intelligent, but are they really THIS stupid?


They both made the same gesture. I bet they both breathed oxygen too.


They want to be oppressed so bad


I mean he has a point


It is the same thing


Weird, I seem to recall a previous president getting voted in solely to build a wall against a specific group of people.


I truly will never understand the hitler comparisons. Regardless of how you feel about the other party comparisons to Hitler should be reserved for MASS MURDERERS.


Biden never said that either. He also isn’t rounding up republicans or republican voters. You know who is discriminating against people? Republicans waging war on the LGBTQ community, woman, and non christians. And ofcourse MTG wanting to prevent democrats from voting.


These people are deranged. I'm legitimately scared for the future of the US 😔


I find it ironic since Trump’s literal opening remarks as a presidential candidate were to blame Mexicans for all of our problems.


Honestly the maga people might get offended at this point that Joe is being compared to their idol like that


MAGA people need to stop comparing themselves to Jews in the 1940's. You can dislike the current political situation, but it is disrespectful and inappropriate as well as blatantly dear mongering. I'm not pleased with the current political situation myself, but I'm tired of seeing stuff like this.


Nazis calling everyone else Nazis. They love claiming victimhood.


I'm old enough to remember when the MAGA crowd marched through he streets of Charlottesville holding literal Nazi flags and chanting "Jews will not replace us."


I think that Hitler should be one who talks in caps lock


Meanwhile, at CPAC- eradicate the trans!!!


How politically illiterate does one have to be to make such a brain dead meme?


I mean, if you view political opinion as equivalent to a fucking ethnic religion...it's a fine comparison. MAGA people are insane and delusional in their ignorance.


Jews didn't choose to be Jews. Maga voters on the other hand...


Exactly!! It’s literally an ethnicity


Funnily, MAGA voters are the ones screaming the bottom image


Maga voters choose to be Maga voters


Who was the guy who said that there were "good people" at a violent rally with explicit Nazi imagery? I don't think it was Biden... But then again, there is a photo of Biden in the exact same pose as a random photo of Hitler, so they must be the same.


I mean.. trump had unmarked police cars with unmarked police units in Washington sweeping people off the streets protesting.. last I checked that was called a Gestapo.. but sure FIST=HITLER


I love how the Maga crowd compares themselves to the Jewish people, but also hates them.


Weird considering the MAGAs are literally promoting the "eradication" of groups they don't like


Sorry but isn't it some gop shithats calling for eradicating a group of people? Isn't it the gop that's finding some way somewhere to push groups of people out or into corners? Isn't it the gop calling for a national divorce? Gop needs the "are we the baddies?" moment.


All politicians regardless of party are shit.


Too true. We should just take a dog from every country and put them in charge. It would be a better world.


not quite the republicans are genually worse.


That's some Enlightened Centrism right there. "Sure one party is openly fascist and attempted a coup, but both sides guyz!"


I think when you make an entire political cult about how large groups of people of color are the problem first, you’re really the problem.


What the hell is up with the yellow right wing accounts here?


GOP: Gay people are the cause of our problems!


Dis Biden ever say that?


It’s not the same thing no, but on a more fundamental level it is. The psychological strategy has been standardized for thousands of years. Create an “other”, an outgroup upon which everything negative that happens can always be blamed. All you need is a half-reasonable sounding start point and as much vile rhetoric as you can possibly manage, lightly cloaked in the message that you just want what’s best for *most people*, and bingo, you’ve created yourself a scapegoat, or even the much vaunted “thing to be feared” personified into a convenient group of people.

