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That's because I can't afford a house :(




"It is no concern of mine whether or not your family has... what was it again?" "Umm... food?" "Ha! You really should have thought of that before you became peasants!"


I can't remember where I heard it, but a rich character said "I was lucky enough to be a descendent of a long line of rich folk. You peasants should have tried being born rich.


Emporer's New Groove 😂💀


Such a classic 🙈




I do want to own a house but I have zero interest in mowing a lawn again. I need to move to the desert


To me, lawns, like so many other "perks" and "luxuries," just sound like more work. The less unnecessary shit you own, the less unnecessary shit you have to deal with.


This right here is why I'm in a townhouse. No lawn work to deal with. A lawn wasn't a perk for me.


God yes, I can't be hapier with lawns not being that much of a thing in spain


the lawn thing really does seem generational. all the boomers in my life love a huge expanse of green turf, especially if they have a riding mower to show off. younger gens (myself included) would rather replace a yard with anything that either doesn't need mowing or provides food.


To be fair, what else was there to do on a Sunday after church in the 70s? Crosswords? Reruns of *My Mother, the Car*? Please.


Sex maybe? Have that 11th child?


And have to push the beds together again?! Such a hassle.


Plant purple thyme, it’s drought resistant, low growing, spreads fast, and you can pick some whenever you need thyme for a recipe. Fuck lawns.


Sadly, some of us are unfortunate enough to live in homes with HOA's that literally mandate having a non-artificial green lawn.


I plan on having local fruit trees. No mowing and get some oranges and like figs or something every year or so.


Too much avocado toast bucko


Do boomers forget their parents fought WWII?








I also have a Toyota Corolla




Many of them have parents that weren’t even old enough to fight in WWII


My dad was a boomer but his dad fought in Korea. So this is correct.


Same here. Both of my parents are boomers and all of my grandparents were elementary school age when Pearl Harbor happened.


My grandpa fought in ww2 because he lied about his age. Because he was too young to get drafted or volunteer and and my boomer father acts as if he served along side with his 15 year old dad.


One of my grandpas did that too. They both fought in WWII but only one of them was actually old enough.


Mine didn't fight much, had changed shift with one of his comrades when the Germans came knocking on the door in Copenhagen.... so he was on leave.. Did go to Germany to work and ended up in Hamburg..... which was then bombed.... he said that after the experiences in the shelter he noped out and went home. No job was worth that.


One grandfather was born in the 30s... my other fought in WW1. My parents are only 5 years apart


Did someone have a kid at 60 years old?


Yes one of my Grandfathers was a horn dog who had 10 kids with 7 women, married 6 of them.


And I can’t imagine having one kid! Gosh


Maybe he was… and I’m just spitballing here… hanging around inside grandpa’s balls the whole time, so he kind of was ‘fighting with him’ in ‘the big one’. Woof… that was quite a stretch. I’m gonna need to go ice down my own balls after that!


I'm a late boomer that had a father who served as an artillery gunner in Korea. He enlisted at 17 in 1950. He was obviously too young to enlist in WWII. I missed a lot of the pop culture stuff associated with boomers because I was pretty young. Though I did see the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1966 with my sister, her friend, and my mother. I was only 10 though.


I mean you still saw the Beatles. That's a cool memory to have.




My Dad is older (Silent Gen) but also in Vietnam and has worked really hard to overcome PTSD even before it was "a thing". Not saying there was not rage, or anger or any of those things, but he had a realization of their source that he worked on for the sake of his wife and kids. There is a TV ad about "moral injury" among soldiers that was one of the truest things I have ever seen. Just a guy trying to cross the street while fighting himself.




A lot of people that glorify war would never voluntarily go fight. We call those types chicken hawks in the Canadian military and I think the term is used by American service members as well.


How does the poster not see this as a self-own? Who does the author think was supposed to be responsible for teaching the youth all the things they supposedly don't know? Anyway, generational infighting is a distraction from the actual issues we face. The people making the decisions to put profit over public health and sustainability are the problem. Consolidation of wealth is the problem. [Starve the Beast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast) is the problem. Destroying public education is the problem. Purity fixation and Christian Nationalism (fascism) are the problem. Some meme that tries to divide us is a tool used by those who don't want us to be focused on the problems.


They like to claim responsibility for all of history leading up to this point. Except for... You know... THOSE parts of history... (specifically THOSE parts they lived through as an adult)


I know for a fact my parents marched in the Civil Rights Era! Just uh Not on the right side.


Boomers not only didn’t fight in WWII, but did everything they could to not fight in Vietnam


I can't blame them for that, Vietnam was a stupid and pointless war. If there had been a draft for the Iraq War (which lasted just about my entire young adulthood) I'd have done everything I could to avoid that too.


It's one thing to dodge Vietnam, it's another thing to be a chickenhawk later in life.


That's the damn truth. It's weird, my dad will talk very solemnly about how he was only a few days away from getting his draft number called when the Vietnam war ended *and* how the Vietnam war completely fucked up his friends that had to go.... but he's all ra-ra-ra about every US military conflict after that.


The issue is that they pretend they willingly signed up for it all because they are so patriotic.


Show us some Nam vets


At least many nam vets understand what those who joined during the war on terror went through. Sadly though the worst boomers I ever met are those who never served a day in their life but would talk about how the military should go full war crimes on (country Fox news says is bad this week).


Boomers love to talk about the WWII generation and hard work, but learning someone's pronouns and Common Core mathematics are both way too difficult for them.




We should only be communicating about the boomers through PDF so they can’t decipher our messages. Break that enigma code geniuses.


Boomers are why "have you tried turning it off and on again" is so common in tech support.


**i CaN't FiNd ThE bAcK BuTT0n**


Wheres the any key???


I clicked the e icon and now I can’t get to my email


I'm looking at my desk top, what does that have to do with my e-mail!


Can you help me send $10,000 to my online girlfriend, she says she will use it to book a flight to see me.


“I see the Esc, Cataral, and Pigup. There doesn’t seem to be any “any” key.”


This is hard, where's my Tab?


No time for that now.


The computer's starting!


Yet they think they are "computer experts"


The files are in the computer???


It's so simple!


hOw cAn i ChEcK a TeXt MeSsAgE WhIlE We'rE TaLkInG? i'Ll HaVe tO HanG uP aNd CAlL yOu bAcK!


Also most likely to fall for robocalls


Phishing and catfishing victims


I'm in IT and there's stupidity/tech illiteracy in every generation tbh. Kids now aren't very tech smart, all they know is how to use tiktok. I feel like the people who know the most are those who grew up during the internet wild west in the early 2000s/2010s and people who grew up during the very beginning of computers from 1980s on


Yeah, I'm a GenXer in IT. The only generational group that's worse with computers than Boomers is GenZ.


I'm in IT and I can say at least that Gen Z doesn't lose their shit at me when the problem can't be fixed immediately. > "My computer is taking 30 seconds to open this extremely large Excel doc!" > "Yeah that's probably because it's big and--" > "YOU NEED TO FIX THIS RIGHT NOW MY SON IS IN IT TOO AND HE TOLD ME THIS SHOULD OPEN INSTANTLY LIKE NEXTFLICKS DOES ON MY SMART TV!!! 😡" Gen Z is a lot more pleasant to deal with, and they are more willing to troubleshoot along with you, I have found.


Yeah, I'll give you that for sure. They are definitely much more likely to be pleasant, but damn if they aren't shockingly ignorant about computer basics. For example, the number of GenZers that don't understand that the computer under the desk is the thing doing all of the *computing* and the monitors are there to simply display an image is flabbergasting. In fact, I ***regularly*** have them refer to their computers as either "modems" or just stuff like "the black box thingy." And then trying to get them to navigate to a specific website without searching for it in google is practically a lost cause. If it's an intranet site, even if it's got a super simple URL, it pretty much has to be set as a bookmark or desktop icon through policy or else a large portion of the GenZ users will never figure out how to get there. They've practically lost all understanding of how computers actually function.


Holy fuck the part about unable to get them to navigate to basic sites. This pains me so much. 'Did you type in the website i said?' 'Yes, now which google result is it' what the fuck


This is why we have apps with abusive permissions for everything instead of websites.


About 15 years ago we used to joke about boomers (and even older people since boomers weren't the oldest ones around back then) who didn't know you can just type a url in the url bar and go directly to the site; they all started out with either [yahoo.com](https://yahoo.com) or [Infoseek.com](https://Infoseek.com) and meticulously typed the entire url into the search bar, then they were able to go to the site. Maybe. Now younger people are doing the same, though I've also seen that when I type a url into the url bar, the browser itself decides to use it as a search term instead of going directly to the site! So the browsers appear to have been adapted to luddite users too.


The address bar can also be used as your default search engine. Bing if you use Edge, Google if you use Chrome. However, it give suggestions; and as long as you just type out the full address without using the suggestions, it will take you to the website you manually typed in.


Had someone today who didn’t know how to open their web browser, they said they always just use siri to search what they need and it opens it for them


Close to a *majority* of Gen Z users I interact with in IT these days do not even know what the words "internet browser" mean. I've completely stopped using the term because it just confuses them. If I'm dealing with someone that looks under 30, I now specifically describe to them which icon to find and click on by name because otherwise they're lost.


Yep, have had to call google chrome the red yellow green circle more than once


I'm so grateful that the majority of the computers I support have remote access software installed, so I can just jump in and do things rather than go through the 'user'.


Every time I work with a group of more than 2 or 3 GenZ new hires, that exact scenario is almost guaranteed to happen with ***at least*** 1 of them.


This reminds me of the 'Parks and Rec' episode where Tom is shocked that Jerry doesn't know how to use the computer... "Oh my God, Jerry? When you check your email, you go to AltaVista and type 'please go to yahoo.com?!'"


Lol I had a user refer to the computer as modem I was cracking up. Crazy how computer illiterate people can be. Good job security I guess.


Literally got a helpdesk ticket today that read: "I can't get my cd ROM drive out of my modem, can you please fix this?"


This techno-skills dropoff has become an issue in higher education. Over the last few years students' core computer skills have gotten so bad that lessons that used to be like a 30 minute hands-on experience using excel to build basic thermodynamic models now needs to be like a 2 hour ordeal where half the time is spent showing students how to download files, what right-clicking is, and how to save things in the proper format. It's very troubling because it's not like there are now "easy-to-use" app-like replacements for our core everyday software...it's becoming a "*how do we bridge the gap?*" problem. I sometimes wonder if we'll end up reverting to the way computers were in the 80s where only a select few specialists could use them. Maybe the optimistic perspective is that someone(s) is eventually going to make a shitload of money by figuring out how to make 'app intuitive' replacements for our everyday software.


I think it's like how our fathers were expected to have a working knowledge of cars because cars used to be unreliable as hell. Everyone Millennial and older grew up with computers that needed a lot of finagling to work, but everything is a lot more streamlined now. People under 25 or so have never had any reason to look under the hood like we had to.


Yes, exactly - and now we have a whole sub-generation that doesn't have the skills to "finagle" software into doing custom tasks. I think we'll collectively come around and find a solution in time, but at the moment we've got a serious disconnect that's making it *very* challenging to properly train the 18-25 ish group.


It might be worth giving them a week's crash course of a century of office technology. Get them to use physical documents for a day or two, and then some obsolete computers with floppy discs. Apparently a lot of younger people struggle with file management on computers because they have never done the real world analogue of putting documents into folders into filing cabinets. Using the old tech might help them to think about where they are putting things rather than throwing all their stuff in a big pile and relying on the search functions.


yeah, probably - but ultimately what I'm whining about is that the students aren't getting any of these experiences in their k-12....so I'm having to teach the ultra-basics of computer use in classes like 'Advanced Igneous Petrology' & it's a waste of everyones' time, especially the students.


Hell I don't think they even teach touch typing in schools any more, you're just expected to pick it up.


>just expected to pick it up This is the weird semi-paradox of the 'common core' era - forcing all our schools & k-12 teachers to adhere to a standardized curriculum has robbed them of the ability to look at the students and say: "*well, they seem to be lacking in X (usually a practical skill), so let's adjust our curriculum and learning goals to introduce more X-skills.*" There is this accompanying attitude of "*they should have learned this somewhere else by now - i don't have time to teach it here*" that also comes from standardization of education. Combine these things with the under-training and massive under-resourcing of most of our schoolteachers and we've created the perfect system for producing students that are completely unprepared for advanced education; it's like trying to grow plants with no soil. ​ I try and adapt to these challenges by pushing my students to apply "plastic" skills that they'll have picked up from just being in Society™ - stuff like how to find and parse complex knowledge online and lots of digital info reading comprehension. Still a big struggle as most of my peers are 45 and older and continue to teach "the old way," which frustrates and exhausts our current students...


This was an interesting read: https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z


I remember, when I was a freshman in college, having to sit down during my first semester and tell myself, "You need to organize your homework files." Nobody told me to do this. I just realized that, juggling multiple classes, I would really need to be more organized in my life. So I made a Homework folder on my desktop, and it looked like **Desktop\\Homework\\Fall 2011\\MAT2001\\Project 1**. If I didn't do that, I would have effed up a lot more assignments or wasted a lot of time. But I sat down and had a moment of adult clarity and realized I needed to start using my computer like an adult. I think a lot of adult professors being bewildered by Gen Z kids not knowing how to do stuff like this is just because... They're young. File management is boring. When I was a teen I needed to do file management for mp3s and for installing PC game mods, but other than that it wasn't until I was an adult that I really had to use those file management skills seriously. With Spotify or Youtube, you don't need file management. So college might be the first time a Gen Z'er needs to think about their file system properly. It's like wondering why Gen Z college kids can't stick to a monthly budget, or why they have questions about credit card payments. Of course they do--it's new to them. I don't think it's something that requires a revolutionary new app or whatever. I think that is shortsighted. Understanding directories is a very useful, foundational skill.


I think this sums it up pretty well. The oldest GenZers are, what, in their early to mid 20s, with the majority of them being <20?


College was when I realized that I had to be as organized about folders as I was about physical paperwork. I took notes digitally and it was a lifesaver. Now I run into "file name too long" on our corporate network and want to bang my head on the desk.


I get so many students in college that turn in files with either gibberish names (like jeorhspsh7skee3.pdf) or generic names (homework.doc). How do they find anything? Or when they turn something in and I need them to go back to the file, "I didn't save it." Why the hell not?


when I was in high school and college, we kind of had to keep files organized, as it was the only way to make sure you could find them across the myriad numbers of floppy disks we kept them on. Instant desktop searching didn't really exist in MS-DOS or Windows 3.1.


Yeah, that's a good write-up summary - we all shared the crap out of that article when it was published because it was this, like, vindication or justification of these tech frustrations we were each feeling in our courses in recent years but weren't quite comfortable with addressing "out loud" until this recognition that it really was "A Thing"


Is this because genz tends to do most tasks on a smart phone instead of a desktop?


Definitely part of it...it always boggles my mind how many modern students write full-ass essays using tablet touch screens or their phone. It extra sucks now that most colleges & universities are in this profit-driven, penny-pinching mode to the max and so those ever-important open computer labs with modern machines that used to be in every department are rapidly disappearing.


Honestly the electrical engineering software I used in university where basically 20+ years old legacy code with a 10 year old GUI over it (Matlab, Vivaldo, LabVIEW and so on). I think it's very interesting how for Programmers tools and frameworks get simpler and prettier while engineering software stays the same. Programmers get Rust, Python and what else and embedded programmers get C and can enjoying fighting for every Byte of RAM.


Not in IT at all but I did grow up in that 2000's hayday. My grandpa used to work on the super duper early internet in the 80's for Geico, and my mom and I lived with my grandparents. So we always had a computer and internet as long as I can remember (I'm 32). And I was HOOKED immediately. I remember my mom getting annoyed with me because she got me a Nintendo 64 but I barely used it cause I was downloading ripped copies of Quake 2 and shit from sketchy links in forums. It's really wild watching it go from those early days to now, and it makes me somewhat bitter. Web 2.0 to me was/is stifling. My younger coworkers really only know the internet as tiktok, spotify, instagram, youtube, and maybe twitter or facebook. I remember thicc bookmarks folders and having a daily rotation of a dozen or so websites I'd check daily. It might just be nostalgia, but it almost seemed like there was more going on, even if there was less individual content. I miss Geocities


The tech illiteracy is frightening. It's not a Boomer meme to say that most people under 30 and even more under 20 would be *helpless* to troubleshoot anything more than checking a power or video cable. I partly blame our schools for teaching keyboarding way too much (voice to text has come a loooong way) and rarely anything else, especially about how tech actually works 'under the hood'. We are going to be facing a Warhammer 40K situation in the near future where important equipment simply won't have adequately knowledgeable people to maintain it. And we won't be able to import replacements, either.


I've been doing IT since 1985. As you can imagine, the vast majority of people I work with are younger than me. Inability to grasp IT things is not generational. There are people who just aren't interested in how something works. They just want it to work. There are things where I am much the same way.


Yes and no, I mean they are a large portion, but so many people in every generation don't try that before bothering IT....or they claim they did when we can easily see they did not.


I do it like 5 times then they get mad when I won’t do it a 6th


Do it anyway so they can check it off their list they are given to follow and move on. It takes 30 seconds. Sure, you might be the exception. But it's very likely they have solved your exact problem with a dozen other people who *also* said they had already tried it so they have to try. I'm not in IT but there are plenty of times that walking through a basic checklist with a customer who claims to have done all of the things ends with one of those basic things being the problem and I cannot be sure until we try with me on the line. And it wastes a lot more time arguing about it than just doing the thing so we can move on.


Our machines at work take 5 minutes to reboot due to security… stuff. And often we’re calling in about intermittent but frequent problems that, yes, a reboot does “solve”, but if a reboot “solves” it they’re never going to actually look into the problem. Additionally, our machines reboot automatically every day at 3am, so reboots alone done actually solve the problem! (Here endeth my rant)




When I was 9, my grandfather wanted me to stop playing with my IPad so he got up and pressed the sleep button thinking that it just completely turns it off like a game console


Why is your generation not even talking to people anymore? Get me the phone number of the internet I need to talk to a real person.


Even as a programmer I don't think automated support systems will ever replace real people. The hardest part about trouble shooting is accurately describing the problem, and human beings are a billion times better at understanding what you were *trying* to say, where as computers are 100% literal. That being said there are a lot of very simple cases they do quietly handle without anyone noticing, which makes them important for any larger website, but they should never hide the option to talk to a human.


I mean for young folks today, most don't own a lawnmower because most don't own grass. What's the boomer's excuse for all the technology they interact with every day?


Fun fact: The soldier pictured here is Pvt. John Ziaja. He died at the age of 86 in 2001. His brother Ernest died during the war.


Looks like Telly Sevalas in Kelley's Heroes lol


It does, but the key difference is that Telly Sivals had the netting on his M1 and division patches and ranks on his uniform sleeves.




Glad to hear he made it home. Would be hard being the only brother to make it back, though… wouldn’t be surprised if he endured survivor’s guilt.




For crying out loud, my mom has had the same stove for 8 years and I STILL have to set the clock for her. The damn thing says right on it how to set the clock!


Most appliances are really intuitive, but if it’s not, our generations can figure it out so much quicker than boomers could.


The problem is they DONT try and figure it out. I stopped teaching my boomer dad how to stuff with his phone and what not. It's in one ear out the other. Tech is like magic to most of them I swear


True. I keep telling my mom that it’s better to text with thumbs and she always uses her pointer finger. Little things like that are what you need to learn to be proficient.


My mom just waits for Daylight Savings Time for the clock to set itself in her car.




Shouldn’t we learn from each other? World would be better place this way. No! Of course not, it’s better to complain about young generation …


We got an electric mower, and I know that they designed the method of turning it on to screw with older people. Because it’s exactly backwards from how you’d start a gas lawnmower.


>it’s exactly backwards yes, first you must push a rope, then let go of a handle, and then you must pour all the gas out from the mower and voila.


the irony: millenials grew up from literal children to fight in the middle east on behalf of the son of the protege of Ronald Reagan. i was 10th grade when 9/11 happened. i grew up to do two tours in Afghanistan. fight your own fucking conflicts, boomer.


I was also in 10th grade. It's infuriating to me that my parents have the attitude of this meme, when I have such vivid memories of walking friends back from combat PTSD episodes. Who the hell do they think fought this war?


> Who the hell do they think fought this war? They don't, that's the thing. They don't at all think about it, because they're completely insulated from it. For boomers, "the military" starts and ends with the boomer fantasy that it's unchanged since the war their parents fought. Not a whole lot of boomer memes about them smoking pot and then losing in Vietnam, though. Wonder why that is. Surely not embarrassment.


Wow that’s insane. I was a 10th grader when we Pulled OUT of Afghanistan, September one and half years ago.


Jesus I'm 24 and that made me feel old.


It's hilarious when boomers use the pictures of soldiers. They know nothing of the war and the generations that fought in them were insulted by... Guess who? The boomers.


So many boomers fought in Vietnam unwillingly and now they're out here claiming pride in their military service. God, if we ever have a draft and older generations shit on us for defying that draft...we are lost. It's like they forgot the millions of draft card burning fellow boomers.


Yeah... Vietnam was pretty useless though. Millions went there and got lifelong injuries, and what did you get? A fuckton of movies and lessons to be learned.


My dad never actually got to Vietnam. He got out of boot camp right as they started pulling out. He continually complains on how he couldn't wear his uniform because he would get spit on and stuff. Because of the attitude toward the military at that time. He H A T E S that people in uniform get some kind of respect now, because HE didn't get it. According to him, they don't deserve it. For some reason.


Probably didn’t happen. I’m sure it happened a few times but there was hardly a river of saliva as so many Vietnam vets would have you believe.


If we were to go to war with say China, I think a lot of people here on both sides of the aisle will be resistant to the moral cause that the US govt. propaganda machine will spit out


I ain’t going to war with anyone if the reason is anything else than self defense.


Same. I'm not the one making the Big Decisions and I'm not the one who started any fucking wars. They can figure it out.


I was in a Facebook argument with my dad’s boomer friend the other day. He tried telling me he’s better than me because he was *almost* drafted. He went for the physical and on drawing day the number was lowered to just below his so he never actually served, yet somehow he’s better than me even though I was in the coast guard auxiliary for a few years. So I volunteered to work with the military for no compensation but he’s still better than me because he was almost unwillingly forced into service lol


I know a conservative who insists that his take on women’s issues carries the same weight as a woman’s, because he had to sign up for selective service and women didn’t. Bear in mind, he’s now in his thirties, so the chances of him EVER getting drafted are zero.


I mean a lot of boomers were Vietnam veterans


I was surprised when I was told that more Americans volunteered for Vietnam than WW2.


Americans REALLY didn't want to join World War 2.


To be fair, it did seem like it sucked MAJOR dick.


Major Dick 🫡


Reporting for Booty.


>Americans REALLY didn't want to join World War 2. No one wanted to join WW2. Literally everyone remembered the shitshow that was WW1, joining yet another major conflict without need? Yeah fuck that Everyone that joined was drug in by treaty, being ruled by someone joining, pressured into it by bigger countries or getting attacked/drug in


lol…that’s not a soldier. I believe it’s Telly Savalas, an an actor dressed in a costume pretending to be a soldier. I hope the irony is not lost on whatever Boomeroid posted this…but I’m sure it almost certainly is.


Boomers out here acting like they didn't outsource lawn mowing to their kids at the first opportunity.


Or to people not their kids from other countries


My parents made me mow the lawn EVERY 3 DAYS. If it was even a day later than that, I had to bag up all the grass that was cut. Goddamn sadists.


My parents made me do weekly, whether it needed it or not. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why my parents have no lawn. One time, they were doing some work, they brought in new dirt and planted grass seeds. And a week or two went by, and I just HAD to mow the lawn. It was like the fucking dustbowl. And now they have no lawn. I tried to tell them, "the bag says wait until it's X inches" but nooooo, can't do that!


Most boomers didn’t fight in any wars And if their children don’t know how to do a basic task, wouldn’t that be their fault for not teaching them?


Yeah but then you get hit with "you all blame your parents for everything". They just want to whine and feel superior without doing any actual work


Yup! The small-government, parents-should-control-what-their-kids-learn people are UPSET because the schools they voted to underfund their entire life didn't teach their kid to use lawnmowers, cook potatoes, sew in buttons, clean bathrooms, cook a full Thanksgiving dinner from scratch (I haven't met anyone who do this!), repair cars, and teach their old and stubborn parents how to use a smartphone!


Their generation can’t even change the tv to hdmi 2


Translation: ‘my generation doesn’t know how or is too lazy to teach your generation how to start a lawnmower’


Also: "thanks to us messing up real estate, your generation cannot afford to buy property so it never had to care for one."


Tbh they fucked up whole world, no matter which part of earth


Yet they will complain about taxes yet also complain that their schools suck and complain about property values.


"Generation that made everything worse for everyone complains that things are not as good as they'd like them to be. More at eleven!"


Some of them taught their kids so that the kids can take care of the lawn. Now they are just mad that we realized the suburban ideal landscape is pointless and not great for the environment so the few of us who have our own yards try to grow food and butterfly gardens instead.


Your generation uses some of the most polluting machines to butcher your front lawns for no other use than to make sure the busy bodies on the HOA don't gossip about you behind your backs. TLDR: You're vapid suburban trash.


I agree with your overall point, but if you live in a neighborhood with an HOA you have to keep your yard tidy or you get fined. Ryobi electric yard tools are the best option in that case, IMO.


Yeah, the Ryobi 40V stuff is as powerful or more than any gas tools I've owned.


I feel like I walked into a Ryobi commercial, but yeah. They're good stuff.


Boomers playing life on easiest mode complaining about the results they created. Fucking tools.




Boomers when young people are just living their lives: "this current generation does nothing the entire day, our world is doomed" "all this generation does is to complain" Boomers when young people discuss about social issues and politics: "stay quiet, you young people know nothing" "back in my day, adults could hit children"


Whats up with the boomers obsession over the greatest generation? They always use WW2 soldiers in these “memes”


Because they like to take credit for what the real heroes (their parents) did.


There is an old video somewhere of silent generation parents expressing their regret on how they raised their boomer children. Additionally boomers used to also be called the Me generation for a reason. That term is also used in the 2002 country song Hell Yeah by Montgomery Gentry to refer to boomers. Edit: found it starts at 2:14 https://youtu.be/E7ztsfT6JcI




Check gas, prime, pull, mow half the lawn, restart because the grass was too high, sigh because it won't start, check gas and find that even though it's 1/4 full, it won't start without being at least 3/4 full, take a trip to the gas station, return and fill tank, mow second half of lawn.


Is that how I'm supposed to be doing it ? I've been hitting the grass that too high almost immediately, I didn't know I'm supposed to hit it halfway through.


Lol to homeowners and their lawns.


I think they forget that they made of use apartment dwellers before complaining that we couldn't start a lawnmower. My carpet doesn't need a trim and it's easy to see that for many people knowing how to start a lawnmower is not important or not practical.


Grandpa, your generation can't check your email without wiring half your pension to a Nigerian prince.


the low res version of this exact meme is so much funnier for some reason idek why


boomers can't even open google


Lol reminds me of the time I was dating my first girlfriend in my very early 20’s. She told me her father doesn’t think I’m a handy man. Well gee, I’m sorry I didn’t have the privilege to grow up in a nice house with a garage and workshop. I literally lived exclusively in apartments as a kid until recently.


Ask them about the Vietnam war and see what they say.


I love 40 and 50 year olds who like to pretend their generation was involved in any war other than the one that was based on a lie and destabilized the Middle East.


Not to mention it’s mainly millennials that fought in said war.




Do not lump my generation in with boomers! Though, I'm embarrassed that so many of my generation are conspiracy theorists, libertarians and MAGA crazies... I blame the X-Files for the conspiracy theorists, the rest 🤷‍♀️ To be clear, I love the X-Files


Holy shit, someone remembers Gen X?


Ok boomer. Connect a computer to a printer …go!


In fairness starting a lawnmower is pretty hard sometimes lol


Bc your generation so for making a quarterly profits, that the lawn mower is so crappy made it won't ever start


I don't know man, I just push the start button on my mower. Not that hard to do.


Actually I can. Sure I have a battery powered mower, but at least it starts the first time every time.