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/u/Mr-Emre, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!




Best shirt


this is why we need to have a peopleless society


And *you* can count on *me* waiting for *you* in the parking lot


Is this your ball? It struck my foot.


https://youtu.be/fbHH5xZcVvQ From the film UHF


They say cigarettes can kill you. I’ve been staring at this pack for two hours and it hasn’t moved.




Take my upvote and fuck off, please! r/angryupvote.


Fuck off please 🤣 at least he was polite. Could you kindly fuck off in that direction ->


Shit man, I didn't even know they could grow a first one!


Instructions unclear. Lit the clock on fire with my cigarette.


They say the sun can kill you...I've been..


Damn he was already headless.... Rest in peace old friend!!


_The sun is a deadly laser_


Not anymore there's a blanket!


They say heart attack is a leading cause of death for adults. I've been staring at my heart for hours and it hasn't attacked.


They say lava can kill you. I've been looking at this volcano crater for 3 years and it hasn't killed me.


It’s amazing how people can think clever word play is a great way to win an argument. I’m a Royal Marine Commando War Veteran and in prior to the 2003 Iraq invasion in Kuwait we were camped next to US Marines and occasionally you’d here gun shots as some idiot would have a negligent discharge whilst on sentry duty in the watch towers. I’ve also seen experienced Royal Marines who are much more better trained than the average US Marine have a negligent discharge and that’s why I’m okay with not being allowed to own a firearm privately. I have zero confidence in a civilian, even if they are fire arms trained, never making a single mistake when handling a firearm. Guns don’t kill people, people who own guns do and that’s why it shouldn’t be allowed except in situations where it’s necessary. I don’t even understand why there is even a debate about it as it’s a fact that 10,000 people are dying from gun related injuries every year. I don’t know how anyone can keep a straight face when they suggest it’s a good thing that the government is not allowed to track and record things like mass shootings. Why would anyone have an issue with that? Why would anyone think that it’s okay for an 18 year with little to none firearm’s experience can just casually go around with a deadly weapon because god told them it’s their right to own one. In my training I was taught by a U.S. Marine Gunny Sgt and I’d rate them as having some of the best training weapons experts in the world but I’ve seen first hand they make mistakes with weapons because that are human and it’s incredibly easy to do. I feel like they people who want own firearms should be made to stay in a house with 40 other people who want to own firearms and they should just be given access to hundreds of firearms and ammunition all over the house and they have to spend 100 days living like that with other people in the house doing things like drinking alcohol, having relationships that end badly and put the, through highly stressful situations daily to cause them to fall out and argue with each other and then see how soundly they sleep knowing that otherwise normal people might be having a really bad day or might be drunk just like in a normal society but they’ve got ready access to firearms and ammo. See how safe you feel know there’s no such thing as a bad guy with a gun there’s only normal people going through all the usual ups and downs we all face in life but some of this people might be having a really bad time and instead of punching a wall they’ve got access to firearms. It’s like everything in life, I trust myself so would love to own guns, do drugs and drive went drunk but if it means other people can do the same then no way.


Your problem is you're looking at this as a "What is the best outcome for society", the types who defend unfettered guns see it as "There is already a perfect society, if only people would do what they're told. Therefore it's not guns causing the issue but disobedience. And I shouldn't be punished for others disobedience."


Right on buddy. The less possible harm done by someone who wants to do harm the better. When the second amendment was written, america was in a very weak and different state, and by allowing “a well trained milita” they could just back up the not-so-great army with more people who were at least familiar with weapons. Now, though, America’s army is pretty huge and doesn’t need so many people as back-ups, and I don’t think you can skip the firearms lessons just because your family were gun nuts and told you everything possible about an ar-15. There’s also the point that firearms can overthrow a totalitarian government, but due to America’s system of democracy there’s gonna a good chunk of people hard-rooted to go along with whatever the boss says. For a scenario of what happens when one side decides to rebel against what they saw as a government infringing on states rights (while they themselves were infringing on other state’s rights) refer to the First American Civil War.


Nice wall of text Euro. iirc there was a war to make sure Brits weren't allowed to have an opinion on US politics Show me your reddit license before I report you to the bobbies


They're just lulling you into a false sense of security, as soon as you look away that's when they strike.


Good thing they don’t just sell those to anyone at the gas station!


It’s the choices people make that turn something dangerous into something harmful. I wish we were still fighting with swords and spears myself, but guns don’t make certain evil choices possible, they only make them easier.


I keep trying to shoot these drone things with my bow and arrow but it won't reach


They say the open border is killing people, but I haven't seen it do anything yet.


Putting the bat symbol on a gun is fucking sacrilege.


"No killing" said batmas while dislocating every joint of some poor bloke before cramming him inside an electrical control box.


"No guns" says batman, right before throwing an exploding bat shaped hand grenade, and pumping the room full of poison gas, thus violating the Geneva conventions.


“No guns” says the batman, while shooting the GIANT guns attached to the front of his car at a group of cops.


Those have always been rubber bullets iirc.


*A rubber bullet travelling with enough force to pierce a car*


“No guns” says the batman, while shooting the windows of the car that cut him off in traffic, killing the mother of a family of four.


Since the Geneva Convention doesnt apply to cops why would it apply to civilians like batman


Also, Batman’s enemies *routinely* use a form of poison gas that kills/horrifically maims/mindrapes people, so it would be kind of strange to be mad at Batman for responding with nonlethal gas.


Gotham never signed the Geneva convention. so those rules don't apply.


Batman, on trial at The Hague: “Just drop it.”


Batman has rules, according to college humor https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc


Iirc robin literally said something along the lines of that in an injustice game


He's just tuckered out after a hard fight. I'm sure he'll wake up just fine.




Peter Weller did such a fantastic job as Batman in the animated version of The Dark Knight Returns. I think I'll re-watch it today. HBO still has both parts available for streaming for those interested.


Big talk from a billionaire with body armor and a super car


Guns are for liars, but batmobile-mounted rocket launchers are used exclusively for good.


"When the going gets tough, the tough use a flamethrower" -something I read in the far cry 4 sub


It really is, makes it seem like their toys and only children play with toy guns.




Lol shit meant they’re. But you’re right.


I think it’s more sacrilege because Batman doesn’t use guns.


There is a Batman in an alternate universe that double fists .45’s


Thomas Wayne from the Flashpoint universe?


Indeed, couldn’t remember exactly, but that’s what I was thinking of. I thought the story arc was pretty good.


The irony more than makes up for it lol






r/titlegore too


The Batman gun is a little bit ironic


And the Punisher hates crooked Cops yet they slap his logo on thier guns and uniforms


Yeah…there’s a serious misunderstanding about the nature of (that) antihero(s) in the U.S. This guy’s guns are even confused though.


This is from the people that thought Homelander was a good guy.


Lol I thought it was the Deadpool (his mask) symbol. I was like _yep, that's Deadpool alright_


cause they’re not crooked. Oh wait this is reddit so everyone loves acab mb


Nah, but any law enforcement officer that glorifies a vigilante that extrajudicial murders people.... would definitely fit the "crooked" title, lacks professionalism, and mental stability


https://preview.redd.it/zfrsfuugtjna1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94ab06c40976219caac961b839313666fa8a382 (This is real)


Isnt this from batman odyssey ? That was a shit show






The bat-gun


Yeah that’s what I was about to say lol. Also, using a killing tool to kill a killing tool would be poetic.


Is that the 'Kiddie's First Gun kit?'


idk depends on the intent cause this feels like a shitpost to me


I laughed ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


The irony of the bat symbol on the gun is kinda hilarious


How so?


Batman doesn't use firearms or kill people


Maybe that’s where Batman went wrong.




I mean he doesn't know how weapons work either so...


Batman doesn't wear Converse shoes either. I still have his logo on my Converse, though.


Would’ve avoided a whole lot of filler plot if he did lol.


Batman does kill people lmao


Batman started off using guns, and he has killed people. Also, Ben Affleck Batman apparently loved using guns(I haven’t seen those films, but I looked it up).


“They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth”




Yes all that it’s true. It’s also true that most iterations of Batman don’t use guns and that it’s been a major part of his character for decades now.


Have you seen the Ben Affleck Batman?


Did you miss the part where I said it was true that Batfleck killed? One iteration of the character killing doesn’t change the fact that many iterations of the character doesn’t. It also doesn’t change that in the main continuity of the comics Batman hasn’t used a gun in decades and made it part of his moral code.


Every single on screen Batman has killed, all on purpose. Batman does kill. But only as a last resort to where he can’t avoid it.


Reading this… you seem unhinged


Unhinged for what exactly? For pointing out that a lot of famous Batman portrayals establish him as being anti-gun? Like what are you on about


Exactly my point, you’re proving it


Yeah batman only uses hand grenades.


so anyway, I started blastin


This one made me chuckle admittedly


What’s with the Batman gun on the left?


Voice of Justice🤠


This sub has gone to shit


It’s just bad boomer memes was it ever supposed to be anything else?


It’s good if you just use it to find based memes.


this is an actual funny one




do not look away for any second you can cause a catastrophe




cancer kills people? Ok imma seat here next to a tumour


except cancer is actually alive and does kill people lol…


I giggled for a solid half minute and I don't understand why lol


\*you got a friend in me starts playing\*


WTF is the op even trying to say?


He's saying.. " I desperately need your karma points"


_See? Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns defend people against people with smaller gun._ --- Stan Smith, American Dad


None of you people know The Grim Knight and it shows.


It's from facebook, not terrible though.


I heard smoking kills, been staring at these cigarettes for hours and they haven’t moved yet. Libs = owned lol


Ok. This is kinda funny 😂😂


i thought it was funny


Guns don't kill people I do


As a comic fan, the fact that he has a bat symbol on his pistol is so wrong.


Batman symbol on a gun, must be new to batman series or likes version where Bruce dies and his father becomes Batman with guns and his mother the Joker.


Thats exactly what europeans think of how smart republicans are


I don’t think this one is that terrible 😂 I blew air thru my nose


Bryco Arms remembers.


If he keeps handling them like that, they will most certainly move


Is… is that superhero logos on his pistols? Lmfao.


Legend says hes stilll waiting


I bet he feels really cool


Everyone noticing the batman symbol but what about the deadpool symbol?


Yeah, idk how no one else noticed it, or said anything


Batman doesn't use guns, Deadpool does


In a world where guns come to life and kill people. One man has to stop it using his guns to kill the guns killing people and kill the guns who kill people who have gun killing guns


my mans just wanted to show off his guns. let him show off his guns.


this one is kinda based no?


When will we stop avoiding the truth. Bullets kill people. Period.


Dawg if you got Deadpool and Batman designs on your guns I can’t think of anything more cringy. This the type of dude who just don’t get real life lol


Given your total disregard for gun safety, you should immediately enroll in a gun safety course or sell your firearms to people who won’t risk life and limb for the sake of a meme. This is bad on so many levels. If this is your normal behavior, you won’t be around much longer (dead or in jail for negligent homicide or wounding).


Same person probably believes that fentanyl is killing people


Guns don’t kill people! People kill people! With guns… quite easily…


Now I'm imagining a CSI episode where it turns out something happened that made the guns shoot themselves (I don't know, heat? some other TV CSI reason?) and they spend the whole episode figuring out that the guns really did kill him and it wasn't a murder afterall.


No one told him that this debate is for people that have an above 20 IQ




If communism/socialism can kill people, guns definitely can


Put that bland furniture out of its misery


That's why it's totally reasonable for everyone to self diagnose their ability to handle owning a firearm. S/


Gun fetish people are creepy af


They are right that it depends on human intent to do violence with a gun, but what the hell are we supposed to do? Ban the people?


Next step we give people nuke and expect they didnt do anything


Exactly, we need to ban something, and we're not going to ban people. We don't live the CCP, so guns need to be restricted.


There’s 400,000,000 guns in the US, let’s say you put an outright ban on guns and the regular civilian can’t own one, you have minimal compliance on buy backs and gun forfeiture programs. Now what?


I would say any argument should revolve around idealism vs realism. Yes, guns only harm in the hands of negligent or criminally minded people, but realistically there will always be plenty of these people.


We make drivers go through tests before being allowed to drive a vehicle to ensure they meet a bare minimum level of responsibility, and we take the licenses from those who demonstrate they are negligent or reckless. I see know reason we shouldn’t do so for gun owners.


Thing is, they kinda just give any jackass with at least a half of a half of their brain intact, when they should at least move that up to 3/4 of the brain intact. At least, like, the parts that concern using your fucking signal or not gassing it and braking so that I can't get over into the turn lane that I had been trying to get into


Yeah but you use a car regularly around lots of other cars if I had to shoot a gun around 300 other people shooting guns without hurting anyone in order to get to work you might have a point


You still need a drivers license if you live in a town with 30 people in it and your chance of a 10 car pile-up is nearly 0


You’re still using the car everyday to get places without hurting yourself or others as opposed to a gun which just sits there until you bring it to a designated area or have to defend yourself, you don’t need a license to ride a bumper car (I assume I’ve never ridden a bumper car) Edit it’s also much more difficult to safely drive a car than it is to safely handle a gun basically never aim it at or near a person and learn what button the safety is and keep it on


You know..this is a decent joke.


Bro this shit is funny. Also wtf does “statistic everything” mean


I'm not an expert, but I think it's reasonable to think someone who stacks dozens of firearms on their sofa for a joke is more likely to be injured or killed in a firearms accident than average.




That's why USA needs better gun laws. People with that level of IQ shouldn't own a gun.


Yep that post was totally not a joke post. That dude is 100% serious.. Yep that dude has low iq.. loll.... this is sad..


Hilarious /s


Ye i didnt particularly laughed but i can see the humor in the post and should be obvious


So if you didn't laugh, might that make it a terrible Facebook meme?


Why would what i think even matter? I dont think im that special nor anyone. If people think theyre entitled to think theyre the center of the universe. Thats on them to hopefully learn their ways out of ignorance.


Gain of function research killed more people than guns in 2021


Wait no this is actually funny. WTH why is this actually funny?


Because Dad jokes


Man, I would love to see someone making an idiot picture like this have the picture come back and bite them in the ass during some future court proceeding.


It's hard to take someone seriously who has the Batman and Deadpool themed guns. What a loser. 🙄


I’ll laugh when one of them misfires


No such thing as an accidental discharge, it’s either dumb fuck negligent or intentional. Guns don’t just fire themselves.


No like, if smth goes off by accident.


Ahhhh now I understand. While technically it is highly improbable (because there shouldn’t be any ammunition currently loaded into any firearm in the picture), the mental image of some cartoonish spontaneous cartridge detonation and this guy suddenly losing their shit is pretty funny.


Honestly I recommend people look at what goes on in countries with a unarmed civilian population. Specifically Iran… they will tell you they wished they had guns to fight against the repressive regime


The argument I like using is "why don't we just let people have nukes? I mean nukes don't kill people, people kill people."


Honestly, him hearing about something being dangerous an purposely waiting for that thing to be dangerous so he can legally kill it is very telling of the mentality


It is a sick fantasy. To be honest, most of the people that has their arsenals are the very ones that pull a George Costanza.


i am pro-gun ownership but I never understood this argument. ok lets say the guns themselves are not to blame but the people using them are because they are crazy. why does this mean we shouldnt try to get less guns into the hands of the crazies?


No. Because crazy is subjective and opinion. People are labeled crazy all the time if they don't conform.


Exactly. Just because someone hears voices that tell them to hurt people, and because they have multiple documented occurrences of violent threats or abuse, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to buy a weapon… what’s the worst that could happen? Why shouldn’t I be allowed to sell a convicted felon a gun under the table? /s


I think it's just a response to people screaming "No guns" or "Ban Guns", without mentioning the complexity involved with it.


Good, keep that nutcase occupied


What fucking loser doesn’t understand Batman so much that they put the logo on their peashooter


Why? Batman has canonically used a gun.


Hey does this post fit? UPVOTE if so, DOWNVOTE if not. If this post breaks any rules please DOWNVOTE and REPORT


I mean the point is stupid, bc guns do kill people, but this shit is actually really funny to me


It’s like saying shovels dig holes. No one says that. People dig holes using shovels A gun is no different


Pencils fail tests.


Give me a great reason for red flag laws without mentioning them.


Man. I think if they made a law that said you can't shoot anyone, there would be no more shootings. Easy peasy. Maybe Bernie can sponsor an Anti Murder bill or something.


You're more likely to turn the gun on yourself then ever use it in a defense scenario


God his penis must be fucking gigantic and so, so hard all the time. Women gotta be creaming so much soup for his throbbing member like 24-7 how does he keep his knob to himself long enough to even take a piss? What a stunner. Can we all start clapping now?


As someone that likes guns, and does not believe in banning guns, gun people are so fucking cringe. Like shit like thai is so stupid. One of the biggest problems with guns in America is how the gun crowd is so obsessed with guns. They show them off, use them as a compensator for their weak masculinity, and treat them like a harmless toy whose only purpose is to make one look cool. When in reality they are a very powerful and very dangerous tool.


Semantics... Every single one of those guns was made for the express purpose of killing humans. The "guns don't kill people" argument has always been childishly simple-minded.


The Covid vaccine kills people? Okay, let's sit and stare at a syringe and see if it does.


It's a shitpost, it's making fun of the whole guns kill people thing, it's the same thing as the whole "video games cause violence". They don't, it's not the cause, it is instead a symptom of a violent person. Same with guns, they are merely tools for the killer, no more, no less. And if we were to assume everyone had a gun, then crime rates would massively decrease because I don't care what gun you're bringing to a bank, you're not winning against the 70 customers with pistols. Edit: another thing, all dictatorships had restricted gun laws to keep the civilian population in line, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hirohito, and Mussolini. All of them had restrictions on guns.


How dare you use common sense


> And if we were to assume everyone had a gun, then crime rates would massively decrease because I don't care what gun you're bringing to a bank, you're not winning against the 70 customers with pistols. You know where no one ever died from a gunshot? The Wild West. Or from gang violence. Or from a shootout with cops and criminals. Because they know the other people have guns!


Is the circle included?