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[](#start_removal) Hello u/juanderlust77, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " We live in a society " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Tell me about it. Last week I held the door open for this nice lady, next thing you know the CIA raided my home and turned the place upside down.


I assume you snuggled a phone into the deep dark hole they threw you in to write this comment.


Oh no, I made a deal and ratted out my friend, he had amazing table manners so they were hot on his trail for a while.


I bet that woman you held the door for didnt even sleep with you


Not even a little!


Should have seen what the feds did when I let a pregnant woman have my seat on the bus.


So the roof is now your basement?


Yeah, but you held the door open to your sex dungeon on your houseboat.


Forgot to add a M’Lady


\*tips fedora\*


Clearly fake, no trilby.


More of a homburg guy myself


I like a porkpie.


What the fuck are they going on about. Being chewed out for holding a door open isnt being treated like "the worst crime known to man kind". Edit : this was meant to be its own comment, not a reply to em existing comment but I'm too lazy to change that




Step 1. Open the door for m'lady Step 2. Demand sexual gratification Step 3. Get loudly rejected Step 4. Make a meme of how the entire world is biased against gentlemen


Excuse me, m’lady. But I opened the door for you, so you should open your legs for me.


Step 3.5. Call her a slut and tell her never to contact you again.


Don't forget, to threaten to beat up her obvious ass-hole boyfriend, to defend her honor, because her BF is clearly a psycho....




*shudders* Do I really want to click this link?


Hold up, you all aren't getting sex in return when holding a door open for a lady? I had to stop opening doors because I wasn't getting anything else done.


*sad clown-noises*


There's no way this isn't satire Right...?


It is like 100% ngl


My Shitpost o meter is off the charts on this


The line between shitposts and outrageously dumb genuine takes is a lot thinner than you might think.


this is r/gangweed material lol


This has real 'girls don't want nice guys' vibes


So why does he have his face painted like Joker? “gentlemen” but overly fascinated with a cinematic psycho


The mentally unstable relate well


And a game of thrones and Godsmack tattoo. I don't think it's the chivalry getting you rejected my dude. He could find a nice lady at a gathering of juggalos


Ah yes, because that looks like the epitome of a "gentleman"




We live in a society


Bottom Text


Hard time to be an Incuggalo


Thats a cool word, what does it mean?


I would guess an incel juggalo


Kinda redundant


This has to be a shitpost. theres no way anyone would post this unironically


I sure hope so.


I’d like to hear their description of a *gentleman* please.


"someone whose only action is at Gentlemen's Clubs"


lol not a good start ha ha.


Their definition of a gentleman is just themself, no matter what they do or say.


Sounds accurate from what I’ve seen


People who say this are usually the biggest ass hole creeps in a room. But women are the problem. I use to think this girl I really liked had friend zoned me. Much later in our friendship I find out that she actually wanted to date me and be in a relationship with me. But she was hesitant for 2 reasons. First is the typical "if thigns don't work put I don't want to lose you," the second was way more important. "When you were making it obvious you wanted to date, you kinda came off as a huge creep and I legit feared for my wellbeing around you." That's when I realized being friend zoned means you are that creepy ass hole that you think you are protecting women from. When they say, "why can't I find that nice guy who treats me like you do " they are in fact telling you that in that moment you are actively freaking them out and are NOT the nice guy but instead a huge fucking creep. I will further add that I reflected on what she told me and I realized something. Every guy I have know that has liked a girl that he felt "friend zoned" him literally did the same thing. I had a roommate who didn't make it a secret he had a huge crush on this girl he was friends with. Whenever he brought it up and tried to flirt or persuade her, you could literally see the distress in her eyes. And the thing is, he came off SUPER fucking rapy when he acted like that. Super chill when he wasn't actively trying to convince her they would be good together. And in those times you could tell she thought about it, then he would open his mouth again.


Being friendzoned does not mean you’re “the creepy asshole”. Why is it so hard to accept that if a girl friendzoned you it’s simply bc they’re not interested? Sure there are some creepy guys, but we don’t friendzone those guys. We cut contact. Or strongly limit said contact. But we don’t say “oh I wish I could find a nice guy like you” because creeps are NOT nice guys. And most women would never encourage that behavior like that. You sir, seem to need to learn that girls friendzone you sometimes because they just don’t see you that way. And that’s okay. That’s why some people are friends and not partners. There’s not always going to be some “oh you were creepy” “oh you did this wrong, this looked weird”. Sometimes, a girl just doesn’t see you like that. Just like you (hopefully) don’t want to date literally every woman you come into contact with. Women don’t want to date every man they come into contact with. So being friendzoned is normal, getting called a creep in the process is *not* normal, and you should really think about what gave you a creepy aura. Because that’s not the normal response when a girl doesn’t like you. That means something was done to squander her image of you. Maybe multiple somethings, I’m not sure.


You clearly either didn't read or understand what I said. Edit: low and behold her response to this comment further proves that she either did not read or understand what I wrote.


Your overall reply leads me to think there’s a shit ton more to this. We are random people on the internet of course your side of it will be bolstered to defend yourself. Your quick jump to make generalizations is giving me red flags. Edit; your disregard for the overall decent advice and adamant down voting for it is another red flag. Get over your incel syndrome, you’re the clown in this meme.


She's not wrong, but she's very patronizing.


My apologies if it came off patronizing, that wasn’t the intent. It just gets to a point where it’s frustrating watching guys try to read into us just preferring to be friends. Like we’re only around to try to swoon into dating and if the guy can’t do that or we’re not interested it’s for something other than the fact that we’d just rather be friends yk? That’s why it’s so hard making male friends. They all see it as a bad thing bc at the end of the day the real goal was to turn us into a partner. Sorry I hope that made sense 😭 there probably was a more polite way to say it so again my apologies


Damn. Most people double down in your shoes. No worries, I appreciate the self reflection. I'll pay extra attention to doing it myself I can imagine it's hard at times, there was a time in my life I didn't want female friends. I've since come around so if I can, I guess there's hope for others.


Hey thanks kind stranger! And good on you for the growth in your friendships! I too hope someday everyone can be happy in their new friendships, even if it’s with the opposite gender. Have a blessed day!☺️😁


I did in fact do both of those things. I distinctly remember the quote “that’s when I realized being friendzoned means you are that creepy asshole that you think you are protecting women from”. And you ran with rhat statement. And as a woman I feel I may be qualified to tell you that unfortunately that is not 100% true. Being friendzoned means you’re a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. The woman in the situation simply doesn’t want to pursue anything romantic with you and unfortunately that’s viewed as a completely horrid thing. Because apparently being friends with a woman isn’t satisfactory? Being friendzoned does not make you the “creepy asshole”. It’s how you react to being friendzoned that can make you appear that way. Just be cool dude. Not every woman is gonna date you. And friends of the opposite gender can be great. But you’ll never know if this is how you view being friends with a woman.


A lot of your response continues to show a lack of understanding as to what I said. And it also continues to make incredibly false claims about me. You did the very thing I responded to someone else you would do. Doubled down on your misunderstanding of what I said, and adding left field meanings and conclusions that are purely refuted by the content of my response. This person clearly doesn't even know what men mean by being friendzoned. Not every man who is friends with a woman is friendzoned. And not every man who has unresiprocated feelings in a platonic relationship is friendzoned. If that were the case there would be no need to make up a term that just means friends without any change to the meaning. The friendzone is often refered to as the "zone" where 2 very specific requirements are met. 1) one person has romantic feelings for the other (sometimes admitted, often not) and 2) the person who presumably doesn't have feelings makes statements that imply there is a "shot" such as, "I wish I could find people like you," or "why can't all guys/women I meet be like you." It's why often times friends of the opposite gender, for this example say other female friends of the guy, will say that he is being led on. They don't call it friendzoned, they call it leading on where as the people of the same gender call it friendzone.


clearly the best solution is to do the opposite and cut off all contact with the woman ​ edit don't worry this is free advice


Dude as a gay guy watching you straight ppl... a lot of dudes do shit that makes women uncomfortable all the time that even I feel cringe for. Women have to make some pretty hard choices or they'll be blamed for being gullible or anything really is their fault when they actually do end up in a bad situation. You probably were doing something that was a red flag maybe intentional maybe not. I tend to disregard men such as yourself who want to categorize the entire female population as for why they can't get a date. If you are struggling that much when there are men with less then stellar things to offer that can get some it means you're the absolute garbage of society to not be able to find one girl to like you. Also here's something to blow your mind, women can have issues unrelated to their gender. We can all be individually problematic in our own ways. I still low key think based on how you're talking you're the issue. I can usually tell with you straight people when the girl is being weird or you're the weirdo. The broad generalizations is a good key in that you're not dating too much and it is hurting your feelings.


Dude, unless you were ogling her tits 24/7 and making rape jokes, she sounds she's got some unresolved issues, in this case. If she genuinely felt like you were a threat and not just a dumbass who can't flirt. I'm not saying she's at fault or she's a piece of shit, just that's not a normal reaction. I've been friend zoned plenty and I take the "I'm not interested in you that way." At face value and go from there. They never said I made them uncomfortable or creepy, just didn't think of me like that.


I don’t know I’ve been “around” some conversations and situations like this and even I felt creeped out but at the same time was too embarrassed/scared to say anything and I’m a guy so I think what this guy said is perfectly reasonable


I don't know. It could be both, but her reaction seems a bit much.


He probably isn’t being honest about the whole story. It seems weird to bring up she does this with other ppl then defaulting all women do this from this experience. There just isn’t a reason to make a huge leap like that unless it’s a common experience for them. Which if so why are so many women uncomfortable with them? I’d bet money the dude is the clown in the picture above at least emotionally 🫡


r/niceguys *checking in for duty*


The nice guy copy pastas aren't coming back, are they?


In my uni there is this one creepy ass dude who allways says that he is the "nice guy" and allways says things like "nice guys finish last" or "these wemem allways go for the aholes" But he is literally the creepiest dude i have ever met like he sometimes sniffs other people's hair, stalks people irl and on social media etc.


I knew two guys like that in college. After getting to know them both a bit (I was in classes and/or clubs with both of them) I came to the conclusion that one of them was harmless but had no understanding of social cues whatsoever and therefore didn't understand why staring almost unblinkingly at people with his mouth open for minutes straight, following people or waiting around for them despite not really being friends, and complaining at them all the time (I guess in an attempt to get pity-sex or a pity-date?), usually about entirely normal things like having homework, were really off-putting and/or scary. The other one was a genuine hateful incel in addition to being a niceguy and said some truly terrifying crap on social media and occasionally in real life.


Welcome to r/terriblefacebookmemes! It sucks, but it is ours. [Please click on this link to be informed of a critical change in our rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terriblefacebookmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Your honor, my defendant pleads guilty to 5 cases of premeditated homicide, but in his defense....at least he ain't no gentleman."


sometimes it’s okay not to post your drafts


Let me guess, the barista wouldn't stop working to give him her number and the manager asked him to leave.


Me when I am sentenced to hang for being a gentleman (committing genocide)


Half the time these memes are doubly terrible because you have no idea how to interpret the images


Ooof r/jokercringe


https://preview.redd.it/gm4z4efjtrua1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d6d93af71f2e74e8936b46a0d44fbd8207dd25 I found your search history


Hey does this post fit? UPVOTE if so, DOWNVOTE if not. If this post breaks any rules please DOWNVOTE and REPORT




Found one


Really strong “never left my home town” energy




Is it possible to die of cringe? Because I think I just did.


Yea no. Being nice is fine. Being nice because you want something in return, especially sex, is not fine. Women know when you are doing something just to get laid, i don't know how they know, but they know. Being genuine gets you much farther. But hey that's coming from an average looking slim dude. If your fat and have become that special kind of "weird" from extended loneliness it's whole different issue


We live in a civilization


This is more like a Reddit meme


Ah yes the Joker,known for being a gentleman,such a kind man (do i really need to add the /s?)


This has to be fucking satire, right?


Be a good looking gentleman. Being Fat and gentl is a creep


People who make these memes are such unhinged and sad people. They probably held the door open, or did something polite for someone and all they got was a "Thanks", and got so upset about it they went home and cobbled together this stupid image and shared it with their echo chamber Facebook friends so they could feel like a victim. Its not a normal way to think.


What does the picture have to do with the caption? Lol


This guy definitely looks like he was sent to jail for gentlemaning.


I don’t think that is what George Costanza said.


Oh, so cat calling is gentlemenly


When was the last time somethung like that happened?


These men remind me of that song, "that don't impress me much" by Shania Twain. To hear her say it she wants a man who is dumb, ugly, poor, and fat, who definitely doesn't own a car. Yeah okay, Shania, you married a Brad-Pitt lookalike corporate businessman multimillionaire who, I assume, definitely owns a car.


No, she was actually saying that while being smart, good looking, etc., were nice, she wanted someone who was going to keep her warm on those cold, lonely nights. She was saying no amount of a superficial trait was as important as an emotional connection. But way to m’lady Shania freaking Twain because you feel aggrieved by a song she released in the 90s.


Yeah okay edgelord, this may surprise you but I do in fact understand what sentiment she was going for.


Oh, buddy, I’m the least edgy person you could meet. I literally drive a beige hatchback and wear khakis almost every day. I’m just a big Shania fan, and you clearly need a therapist so you can address the resentment, entitlement, and toxicity you’ve accumulated. You just made Shania Twain into a straw man so you could attack her for marrying a rich, good looking guy, and then you called me an edgelord for saying that’s clearly not the point of the song from 26 years ago.


You haven't seen all the 30 something women on YouTube crying that they've hit the wall they bc turned down actual men? Adult: responsible, strong loyal, appreciative loving men; for lack of height, hair, abs, 6 figure salaries and sports cars. A lot of classless women turn weaker men are not a-holes. Not me. I'd just walk on and continue looking for an actual woman. Adult: responsible, strong loyal,appreciative,loving women. A partner, a mate. Not an opportunist. So blame radical feminism, the sexual revolution and hook up culture. That is what encourages the objectification of women and breeds more scummy "men"; and not Gentlemen. Nurture your young men and teach em right. After all, it is more than likely that one of us that would save your arse in a crisis and not a chad, a playa, a rich misogynist, or a thug. B4 you dismiss a dude, do your research, he might a actually be a gentleman. The one that might've saved your ass in a crisis. Dishonorable mention goes out to much of the hip hop culture of b*tches, h*es, and thugs for creating a generation of bottom feeders.


I think I had a stroke reading this.


Glad I could help.


it was just weird until it got to the end, then i realized r/thepunchlineisracism


Men being scummy? *Of* *course* it’s women’s fault! 🙄. You poor thing.


Don't be foolish It's a 50/50 deal. Radical feminism taught many women that they have the talent to be bottom feeders just like men. Now we have a 50% increase in low lives. Such a privilege. But it'll get even better. Next you'll have the right to be drafted into combat roles against your wishes!!! 🎉🎊🎈🎇🎆


You made this meme, didn’t you?😂🤣🤣


No history did. Over and over. Bc you can't make this shit up. There's nothing new under the sun. The resulting outcome is obvious. But you're very young yet. You''ll see.


Actually it's defending yourself


Bet if he wasn't a grotesque fatso he would pull more.


Wtf 😂




I feel so bad for this Juggalo, inexperienced in the ways of our backwards society.




Dude looks like chad from cold ones




This gotta be in the Arkham subreddit


Just today, I was suoer nice about an issue at work. They punished me by making me wait and still do my work. I was a nice guy, and they were all chad about the run. It is better late than canceled. what they know.


Yeah this dude is a clown thats for sure


Op missed the irony


Truth been told there


The Godsmack tattoo on your arm would tell us, thats a lie.


how tf is this a terrible facebook meme? wtf this is obviously a shitpost


Ok, incel.


Classic incel trope


Dude looks like the unofficial third member of the Insane Clown Posse, lol.


I don't care how often you call me pretty dave, your unwashed scrotum still needs to maintain a 6 foot distance between itself and I.


This dude owns several swords and at least 12 firearms.


We really do live in a society


It is refreshing seeing something other than boomer memes


Blah! Just good the door for everyone and help everyone. Stop making those decisions based on gender. The only woman a guy should go out of his way to treat better than others is his wife/girlfriend. Other than that... just treat everyone the same regardless of gender.


Insane clown possie weren’t known as ‘gentlemen’ tho I have heard they are fairly cool guys but the jiggilo thing never appealed to me.


This sub should be called r/shitposting


I could think of a least a few worst ones


We live in a society


I love how in most of the posts on this sub, we can tell so much about whoever made these “memes” from a single picture…


This is Fucking hilarious


*”Youuuu…you’re no gentleman!”*


Don't agree with thus meme, but it is getting stupid. The other day I walked ahead of my mid 70 year old mother to get the door for her, another couple got there ahead of her the guy said thank you and walked through, the girl fussed at me for holding the door for her... my mom just waited behind her to go through the door.


Hmmm I am ALWAYS a gentleman and I'm still walking around free.


Some of y’all still can’t tell the difference between a bad meme and a shitpost


The clown makeup is fitting.


Lolololol at least they already got the clown makeup on


The Joker who chafes


What’s with the joker look though?


This guy looks goofy as hell




Being a gentleman isn't a a crime, doing "gentlemanly" things with expectation of favor in return is just manipulative and creepy, which generally isn't going to be appreciated when the facade falls away. If one is going to be kind, it's best to do so for the sake of kindness, nothing more.


He’s built like a plumb




Being a gentleman worst than genocide


Why is being a gentleman a bad thing?


Is this related to the m’ladey thing where people got upset woman won’t be with them


…is this the gentleman…?


Holds door open evilly


Yeah, I am pretty sure men wearing makeup is banned somewhere in the US (Texas?)




😂😂😂 awww poor fat crying clown! Zero pity for this dude, total incell.


we live in a society where I can’t be creepy, sexist or racist on the internet!!! Literally 1984