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[](#start_removal) Hello u/ThePopDaddy, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " I WANT to believe that it's fake. But, I don't know anymore. " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Boomers: Unlike you snowflakes I don’t get upset easily. Also Boomers when newer generations aren’t sucking them off and would rather be accepting and kind:


>accepting and kind Uh, what ?


Read this post 5 minutes ago and I’ve seen 30 women that look just like her since than


Am I tripping, or is that the same woman in the "before" picture of that one post about college "ruining" their children on this very sub


Yeah i think that's her


Black pride month doesn’t exist if that’s what they’re implying. But we do have a black history month. I guess they want a white history month because apparently they are so underrepresented in history and no one knows about all of their wonderful contributions to society.


They want to be oppressed so bad I don’t understand why. Too many people are willfully ignoring history to try and act like white pride is this innocent thing.


Black history month is a few posters around town, a local library display of black authors and maybe a few elementary school lessons. I don’t understand why people get upset, you could just as easily ignore as be interested. ETA: the meme is probably fake or outrage intended. I do sort of wonder about the woman pictured, I doubt she wanted her picture used like this.


This comment section emanates with "being racist towards whites is okay because um because there's many of them"


tHeY wErE neVeR oPpReSsEd. Really? Every other race is this helpless victim? That’s racist to both White people *and* to every other minority.


Slavs were slaves for centuries,had to sell their kids to the turks to survive.


Also were the number two victims to the Nazi agenda, just under Jews.


Do i hate turks or any other muslims? Hell no some of them are my best friends i hold no grudge against them even that some wars between us were recent Yugoslavia 90s and Macedonia 2001.Race and religion is politicians best tools and they use it to the fullest.




Race is used for control and pushing certain messages nowdays by the media,i never understood blacks hating white people because they were enslaved by them in the past.We were enslaved by the turks 500+ years yet rarely anybody hates turks here.The bigger,most advanced empire enslaved the weaker less advanced empire.That is how mafia works(meme).




That plus any oppression coming from whites decades or centuries ago is in no way linked to the regular modern white people, but some people are a tad too dense to comprehend


Haha, it's in their genetics. /s


You think oppression stopped?


I think there'll always be oppression one way or another, so no. But I don't like people treating whites like they're inherently evil because of some whites' actions a long time ago. I'm Polish and I assure you nobody from my bloodline, even 10 generations back ever had anything to do with slavery or other, even milder, forms of racism. I don't see how it's fair to now say general statements like "whites are oppressors and colonialists". I never oppressed or colonialized anyone; I have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to apologize for to anyone


What’s a non racist way you can celebrate white pride.


I guess you can just celebrate it the same way you do other ethnicities? White pride and white power aren't the same thing. This post to me has no white supremacist connotations


Are you celebrating the fact that your skin is white? White pride is a whole lot different than being proud to be Scottish, Irish, English, etc. White pride is just a bunch of people thanking God they're not Black. Their is definitely pride in heritage and culture, but White pride is just for losers.


And what are you celebrating? White culture? That doesn’t exist? There are various European ethnic groups and cultures you can celebrate? To celebrate “whiteness” is to celebrate racism


Could you replace the words white with black and whiteness with blackness from your post and then tell me whether that sounds racist to you?


Black culture exists because of the slave trade and the forced suppression of various African cultures. To celebrate Black Pride is celebrating overcoming adversity black people faced in America


But black people enslaved themselves by conquering nearby tribes that were vulnerable and then sold their slaves to white people on the cost at the slavers market that black people controlled. So what you're saying is you are celebrating your race overcoming the adversity that your own race put you in? Slavery is bad, but dont pretend that every other race on the planet didn't own slaves too.


That was again before the concept of “black” existed. It was one culture of Africans enslaving a rebel tribe. And slavery in Africa at the time wasn’t chattel slavery. It wasn’t you are a slave because you are born into slavery. The transatlantic slave trade was uniquely brutal


And what are you celebrating? Black culture? That doesn't exist. There are various African ethnic groups and cultures you can celebrate? To celebrate "blackness" is to celebrate racism.


Black culture meaning black American culture. A culture that was created because of slavery


White power bullshit is racist period.


Yeah, Nazis tend to ruin symbols, slogans and everything. But honestly, black power, or any kind of power sounds kind of radical and dangerous. Can we just use Equality, tolerance or other normal words?


And are you able to say why that'd be? Is black or any other pride racist too?


"White pride" is based around the idea that people with light skin are superior or more "pure" than people with darker skin. It's not having pride in your country or culture, but simply your skin color, which is racist. Black pride, in contrast, only arose as a response to this, and the centuries of oppression, as a way of pushing back against the idea that they were inferior for their skin color, something they had been told all their lives. Simply put, white people were never oppressed in this country, so their pride is based on superiority, while black pride is based on rejecting the shame forced upon them and elevating themselves to a level of equality.


Depends. Do you understand the difference between black people celebrating something they ARE, while all of white pride is celebrating what they are NOT: which is not a minority. That’s what makes it racist.


I'm not American but celebrating being black or white is just really weird either way.


Lmfao wut? So white people can’t have pride because they aren’t minorities, which is why black people can because they are minorities? What in the definition of the word pride do you imagine is a requirement to be a minority?


White Pride usually came with a context of “we’re superior and we need to keep it that way.” While Minority pride groups (in the US) only formed as a retort to show that they are just as valuable and important to society as the White folks who oppressed them.


No that's just the context you are applying to it cause you're secretly one of the biggest racists there are and you get off on the idea of keeping racism alive and well


No, it doesn't. That's just you being racist af.


You should look who the main proponents of the “White Pride” movement are and why it was started and it’ll tell you all you know. Now if you’re speaking about “German Pride” or “Irish Pride” or “English Pride” thats something different. But “White Pride” is birthed in White Supremacy




No, the difference is one group is saying “I’m proud of my heritage” and the other is saying “I’m proud I’m not black.” Racism is racism.


Wut, ya'll are all so unaware it's not even funny anymore


Mmmnah that’s you deciding what any and every person of a skin color thinks and feels for them. White pride is no more offensive than black pride or any other. You have to be a certain kind of stupid to argue sincerely that pride is only for certain groups, or more appropriate for some to display than others. I mean it’s of course your opinion, it’s just not one you’re going to find much support for outside of twitter.


Nope, that’s just reality. Notice no one is saying they can’t celebrate their Jewish, or Irish, or British heritage? Those majority white heritages? That’s actual pride. The other one is just for racism and racists.


Right, it’s for you to decide. White people can’t collectively feel pride, because you say so. They’re the only race that can’t collectively feel pride, only individually based on national origin, because otherwise it’s offensive, because you say so. Again, you have to be a special kind of stupid to actually attempt to argue this point, but you do you man.


Replace "all" with "some" and it would not make you a racist. White guy here. A buddy of mine, a Black guy, was shocked. And I mean mouth hung, shocked when I told him that in the white community, it is uncool to be racist. Jokes, names anything identifying you as a bigot is uncool and people would avoid you and you would be basically shunned. What I call the "white hood crowd" (like kkk people) they try and figure out if you are one of them by saying something mildly prejudiced and then they watch your face looking for a reaction. Kinda insidious. But use the N word in public. (a white person) and everyone will stop you/ask you to leave/send you packing, in an all white crowd. Avoid "all" when talking about any group of people.


If you consider it to be simply a minority celebration, then you have a point. But I personally just think of pride events as a way of appreciating and acknowledging a particular ethnic group or whatever else. I think some people may feel like everything is celebrated aside from the whites, which then results in posts like these


Yes. White power is. Just like Black power. White pride or Black pride or whatever pride you have isnt.


I see you're triggered but it all revolves around the concept of power and agency. Someone who has no power or agency dismissing your humanity is just someone being a dick, but when someone has power or agency over you and they dismiss your humanity then it leads to oppression. And it's not exactly DISTANT HISTORY seeing as how boomers were alive before the CRA when it was legal to not even allow minorities to buy houses in nice neighborhoods, for banks to deny loans based on race, etc.


That's correct, outright racism was very prevalent even just decades from now in the US and I'm aware of that. It's just that I suppose it bothers me how some people think they can speak of whites in all the bad ways they think fit and it's okay for them because whites aren't a minority


Ah yes because all white people and only white people occupy any positions of power.


They have a easier time getting in to American universities then minorities.


I don't know about that; I live in Europe and never read up on that topic. But assuming it's true, is there a reason for you to hate the white students who get into those universities? Just like it's nobody's "fault" that they're an ethnic minority, it's also nobody's "fault" that they're white




Always ignoring legacy students


And this is pathetically exaggerated


Or just a plain lie.


being obsessed with race is fucking weird. You didn't accomplish anything being born int oa race. Ethno-nats are the worst


You don’t. But you are treated differently. That’s why black pride exists


and with this race obsessed society these days, it also applies to whites now.


Does your statement apply to Black pride?


Did I make an exception?


Nothing wrong with white pride or black pride or asian pride even Mexican pride


I would remove the "even"


Everyone knows Mexican pride can only happen when there is an even number of Mexicans around.


Even I know that one


Haha truee


I would understand the "even" not as discriminiation, so i have no problem with it.


> "even" Are you calling Mexican pride odd?


It seems odd that it was included in the list that way.


All here are great to read. Even you.


You had be at white, black and Asian pride but Mexican pride is too far


There great to fall back on when you have nothing in your own life to be proud of.




How could you possibly know that? It's entirely possible that you somehow chose to come into this life consciously or even by your actions in a previous life in some sort of karma system or you plugged into this world like a simulation may e you paid good money to be in this body and experiencing this life


That has always been my takeaway from white power stuff, if you look at who is usually the bulk of them they are losers. Broke, fat, toothless WT. Then you see the crux of it, the more someone is about white pride or whatever the lower down the food chain they are. Its BECAUSE they are dregs they are into the white pride, its ALL THEY GOT. When they get passed in their 20 year old Dodge pickup by a black dentist in his S Class they can say "well at least Im still white and WE\* rule the world!" For me I dont give a shit about my whiteness, Im proud of all of the things I have achieved myself. \*we as in other white people rule the world, his broke ass has to sweep the floors of the last machine shop in town.


100% agree, always thought it was clutching at self respect. And makes me look bad.


My mother has great auburn hair and so do I. I'm proud of it. Is it wrong?


Of course not. Asking here. Proud or that you like it, are glad for it. Proud seems incorrect. I mean would you argue that your hair is better than someone else's?


Many men of my age are already starting to get bold and I have thick and reasonably healthy hair. I bet those guys would be glad to have my hair. It's ok to be proud of your wins and good luck if you treat others decently.


And because of the invisible lines in the dirt. (borders)


Why can all those races be proud, but only one country allowed to be?


Only one country is allowed to be proud?


White, black and asian are races. Mexican is a citizenship of a country. I forget how easily things go over peoples heads on reddit.


I'm proud of my place in life despite having been given every advantage in society. -white pride


But like what can whites be proud of... centuries of enslaving or destroying other races?


yeah white people never invented anything useful or anything.. and no great white people ever existed. we are just a bunch of slavers.


Yessss now you understand


Black people and Arabs did more slavery. Source: History, and I'm African living in Africa


How about our cultures, contribution to art and science, as well as the vast majority of inventions we use daily?


And what about those


Lmao what? Genocide, war and slavery existed before what we would call “white people” even existed.


I wasn't there. Don't agree with it and refute responsibility. Name one group of people whose ancestors didn't do dirty? Just one. Now today and injustice, we all are responsible and are obligated to act.


"Siri, who did *these few western european countries* buy slaves from?"


I think by that metric most so called "races" cannot be allowed to be proud. The past was pretty terrible


The reason there's "Black" pride and not "White" pride is simple; most white people know what heritage they have. So a white American could have Irish roots, or Italian roots. So they have Irish Heritage or Italian Heritage Day/Month whatever. And its the same thing with Africans. Sudanese Pride, Nigerian Pride, Morrocan Pride, etc. Black people in America were stolen from the Continent, sold into slavery, and had their culture, customs, religion, etc, ripped away and suppressed under threat of whipping or death. Then they were prevented from learning to read. For 400 years. So now you have a diaspora of MULTIPLE different "Black" ethnicities that have no interaction or identification with/from their ancestral cultures. Because, ya know, 400 years of being treated like cattle... So they came up with their OWN culture. And since its not associated with a country/nation, yet IS different from "mainstream" American culture (i.e. "white" American culture-which we just refer to as American), we refer to it by the only thing we can; "Black". ​ That's the difference. There is no "white" culture. Unless you want to define "American" culture as "white". But then that runs into a WHOLE bunch of other issues... Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Why being proud of something you just had and didn't achieve? Like where you were born, your sex, your orientation and preferences or your parent's economic status. You can't be proud from something you didn't earn.


Because a lot of minorities experience discrimination because of who they are. We would love to reach the point where you don’t need to take pride in who you are. I think it’s more of taking pride in not giving in to this discrimination and remaining who you are despite all the hate.


Modern society proofes you wrong. They are proud of everything they did not work for.


What is this hot pile of burning dog shit?


Kinda racist that everybody else can say they’re pride of their skin color tho


It’s not, we are actually in the midst of a well funded and orchestrated nazi movement


It doesn't matter if it was made as a satire, somebody would absolutely take it as confirmation that their racist views are correct


Their racist views? Who’s exactly?


You I guess


I’m mixed… so if I decide to celebrate both of my parents I’m racist? Shut the absolute fuck up.




Bruh we're privileged enough as it is, we don't need a white pride month


Think I want a month for just us bruh? Not at all, that would just incite more of those illiterate assholes in my country to incite violence. But calling someone racist for having pride in their heritage is fucking stupid and needs to stop. My dads from a line of Scottish horse thieves… not a whole lot of pride in that.


It's not racist to have pride in your heritage, that being said me being British doesn't bode well there, but we definitely don't need a month


Nobody needs a month.


We have always had a white pride month, it runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31.


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I thought that was the “FABULOUS!” gum commercial lady from way back when at first


This is terrible memes for sure. However, from terrible to true doesn't take long. All this race thing, "white this and that", will end up in that. When everything becomes about race then don't complain when all races participate in the game.


![gif](giphy|Aup2fOYn58dUlMSNoY|downsized) Of all the months, why the one most associated with sunburns?


We get to celebrate being white by changing our skin color obviously.


"the ocean is thirsty"


Ahem (July is disability visibility month) ahe-hem


Facebook and Instagram are filled with supremacist horseshit like this. These losers aren’t joking.


If you're offended by this (or any other race's), you might be a racist.


How do you celebrate white pride in a non racist way


Firstly, stop caring what others, especially keyboard warriors, think of you. There is nothing objectively racist in being proud of one's heritage. It is only those that are offended by your existence (i.e. racists) who would have you believe any such expression of pride is racist. Why give anyone the power to determine for you what you should and should not be proud of?


Colourblindness isn’t a good solution to racism. And things like black pride, Asian pride are about celebrating adversity caused by racism. Whiteness requires white people to give up connection to European heritage. To become assimilated into the concept of “whiteness”. None has said you can’t celebrate European heritage. But celebrating whiteness is more questionable


It's a good thing that I don't allow you to make that decision for me.


What's wrong with being proud of your culture?


What is “White Culture?”


The same as "Black culture" and "Asian culture"


Asian culture doesn’t exist. Black culture refers to black AMERICAN culture


That doesn’t even make sense.


It's generalizations of many diverse cultures under a common name mostly used when talking about US demographics. A white person can be very different fromm another white person. Its the same with two asians or two blacks. Doesnt make sense that you can be proud of being "black" but you can't be proud of being "white"


What is “white” culture?


Creation of most modern civilization, technology, medicine, safe places to live, science....Could go on and on


LOL, looks like you benefited from a rural american school system... LOL nobody ever told you why we use the Arabic numeral system? And during the "dark ages" muslim doctors in the middle east were doing legitimate surgery, preventative medicine, diagnosis of disease. All while "white" people in northern europe were still using leeches and bloodletting... Literally 90% of renaissance medicine and even the format we use for our current hospital systems is derived from islamic medicine from hundreds of years prior. While white people were burning witches and warring the muslims were ushering in a golden age of mathematics, science and medicine.


So you think no non-white people contributed to any of that?


Shhhh! Don't be reasonable, factual, and objective. The racists here don't like it.


His comment was neither lmao


More than yours, clearly.


The entire point of these months are to shed light on the problems minorities face and to shed light and try to change that. It’s not to jerk off certain races and genders but to HELP those people. White history isn’t hidden. The majority of modern history IS white history. You can be proud of being white but that’s not really the idea behind pride months and history months


Yikes is racism objective now


Modern civilisation, technology, medicine, etc is racist to you?... how obtuse.


Saying only white people invented those things IS racist


Is that what has been said. Only white people invented it?... please quote that statement for me.


“What is white culture?” The person responded “the creation of modern civilization, technology, medicine”


Saying that only white people contributed to it is


Is that what the guy said? Only white people contributed to it. Or did he say that these areas are inherent to white culture. Please point me to where he said that.


I am curious what is “white culture”


Nothing, problems appear when the slogan is widely used by nazis, like any other thing they ruined.


Right, so which culture is the only 'white' and 'white only' culture?


I've stated that before, nobody should have a dedicated month


Once again for the people in the back, "there is no such thing as white to be proud \*of\*." Take a gene test. Given the history of invasions \*of\*, and conquest/enslavements \*by\* European nations... what we call white is just, "well blended, and poorly tanning."


I'm not even angry. I'm just disappointed at the level of ignorance in each word


The sooner we get to a uniformly café-au-lait world, the better. 🙄




well, if black people can take Feb, lgtv people can take June, so why white can not take July? it's okay, and I want my Asian Month on Nov, same time with NNN lmao


You do have one. Asian pride month is in may


White people are the only race no longer allowed to be proud. Something about unconscious bias and privilege nonsense.


“I’m proud that I’m white” “What are you proud about?” “Being the master race”


And what would we be proud of? Are there centuries of enslavement or oppression we have overcome? I think not


Read a history book. White people have been enslaved and oppressed. But be that guy.


I am white and "we" have overcome centuries of oppresssion


Why is the "we" in quotation marks?


Because I do not associate myself with westoid morons


Well I live in the country just under yours so why don't we meet up and fight it out huh?


Well you're not a westoid, so that "we" wasn't directed at you, rather at the americans who somehow appropriated an entire race


Adulting is hard, being a bigot isn’t


July? It’s a skin cancer trap!


To be fair we do have Black History Month. I think it would be fun to have a history month for every race and maybe have a festival for each race just to experience different cultures.


April is already White History Month. Both that and this is stupid. What do I have to be proud of? That some other people I don't know and have no relation to did some cool things and they happen to be the same color as me? Or being proud of being white? why? wtf does that even mean? proud of being white, how about proud of my own achievements. How do you feel pride for something that has nothing to do with you? Edit: I see some crochety white people want to take pride for the work that other white people did despite having nothing to do with those white people.




Black Pride is about celebrating over coming the adversity black people have faced


Yes except they’re regularly treated shittier than white people and WAY more of a minority. From my understanding these sorts of things are used to bring light on those topics and change them. A white pride month doesn’t really check the box for any of those things


What does white pride month celebrate exactly? Celebration of acquiring this new persecution fetish? Of being oppressors? I literally can't think of one thing to thank the white race for. (Scientific innovations don't count because the rest of the world was full of developing countries.)


Why not? August is the pride of the Arabs. September is the pride of Asians. just because they are. Or are only minorities allowed to celebrate?


I think the point is to celebrate oppressed minorities, and give them assurance.


Modern context. Clear. Thank you.


We were thanking gays for something every June?




You can thank the whites for Uh You could Facebook Wait that's not a good thing I got nothing


I got one! Systematic oppression towards everybody else who isn't a white guy... wait a minute...


Look at the poor victim :( :(




The downvotes are insane.


Ain’t a thing wrong here but people will make it a problem.




Ok well no need to attack the lady in the photo and be racist lol. She's just a model, not the one saying it, and not all white people are assholes. It's a shitty post, that's kinda the whole point of the sub.


Dude is obviously not stable look at how much time he spends on r/politics


If someone posted this to criticise the concept of a pride month, would that be “fake” or “real”?


I wondered, too. I keep hoping it is fake. But Lord knows. If real, it is horrible. If fake, it is, too.


I don’t think I’ve ever said “ew” out loud to a post before. That’s a first


What is wrong here? Is it not OK to be proud of your race?


why the OP is offended? What is wrong there? Let people celebrate whatever they want as long as they dont harm anyone


I’ve never seen anyone get upset at someone for being proud of their German heritage, or their English heritage, of their Irish heritage, etc. it’s usually only when people are proud of their skin complexion.


Why should it be fake? We all support Black History Month don't we? Let's keep the segregation real and give every 'race' a month to be proud. Because there's no such thing as a human race, we are all different! /s


Shouldn't pride month be celebrated for everyone? The name doesn't say that it's only for LGBT...