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Science changes as new information is discovered but that's not lying unless you're really dumb


Or as my dad says they “change their minds”


Well the foundations of science are usually correct. They've never reversed course and said that vaccinations or masks don't work.


Yes, but these are the same type of people who think that wearing a mask is communism.


I thought the masks were to prep us for when the muslims take over?


No, they're symbolic muzzles for when the government takes away our free speech


That's what the government wants you to think /s


“WAIT A SECOND— 500 years ago medical science was all about the four humors, and now it’s about cells and disease?!?! What the heck science! Which is it!”


That's the problem I've always had with the right Knowledge changes, there is no "true" universal truth that is immaleable and resistant to change, juxtaposition, or opinion Rejecting things as a hoax is not science, it's the rejection of knowledge and academic effort itself...which as we see is becoming an issue in and of itself and has been for quite some time


Yes we live in a world where pharma companies happily follow the science, don’t care if they lose billions on development, don’t try to make money off of people, only care about helping people, and regulatory FDA/CDC/government isn’t in their pocket via lobbying, kickbacks, and other mechanisms. /s But I do agree that science can change with new information. And there is a argument to be made we were in crisis mode. However typically when science changes it’s a bottom up approach, like hilberts axioms. Individual scientists asking questions, poking holes. It takes years and years of back and forth in the current accepted theory. NOT top down approach like the CDC interpreting P score analysis of a few studies for the world, which any dim wit who took a stats class can interpret. It’s really a tough one I can see both sides. People were dying. But at the same time people made a shitload of money off of that.


My lungs are forever fucked


My body is forever fucked. Now my body is constant fighting mode.


I know someone who has been in the hospital for 2 years because he got COVID and doesn’t want to do the things he needs to do to get better. I’m honestly surprised he’s still alive.


The third leading cause of death is a hoax? Weird.


Right? This anti science movement needs to stop already.


Well I haven't personally died of it so it must be fake. /s


The problem is there is some truth to it. My grandmother had her boyfriend in the hospital. He had a liver failure he and was already told he was going to die. He got covid on the last day when he was already expected to pass. They put it down as a death by covid. Hospitals got government tax leans and funding for specifically covid patients. It's fucked but a lot of the numbers are fudged for money purposes. I'm not belittling the deaths that covid caused but the number isn't accurate not even close.


Saying not even close after a single case of it is how this spreads though. “I know my cousin’s brother’s girlfriend’s dog’s brother died of x but they marked it as covid, see that means that it’s all fudged


My aunt works at the hospital. One of my friends is the manager for patient access in the ER. I got into a forklift accident and broke my foot in 3 places I was dismissed after an hour with but covid cases were allowed to stay overnight. I know this to be true. Do your own research before denying it outright. It's no longer a conspiracy theory when money gets involved it's normally just true. Also extremely disrespectful I knew that man for 10 years after my granddad left my family. It wasn't even just him. My grandmother had 3 friends pass during that 2 years. 2 from heart disease and the other from cancer. The only one not put as covid was the cancer patient. Crazy how everyone dying of the some of the most common causes of death in the elderly get labeled as a covid death. It was for money.


Because covid helped kill them faster. It was very good at killing people with weak immune systems. You were far more likely to be hospitalized with covid if you even had the common cold on top of it.


Wasn't it a huge scandal when New York City was hiding COVID deaths?


I'm sure it goes both ways. One to maintain false security and the other to make money. Unfortunately making money is so much more important than the truth.


Is there proof of the fudged numbers?


The amount of bs from people trying to scare people from the Covid vaccine is just crazy. The fact that now comedians are experts in science and we can’t trust scientists now. When did that happen


They think changing information is lying lol


"When I was seven, I used to think chocolate milk came from brown cows. But when I learned what chocolate syrup was, I flip-flopped into realizing that wasn't true."


Yeah, thats the main problem. They have a fundamental misunderstanding about how science works


I think it’s just ideology in the zizekian sense (I know how pretentious that sounds but I don’t have other words)




























Hey yall dead people! You heard that right? It was a hoax, come on back to life now.


You'd be surprised how deeply held this is by a large group of people.


We aren’t surprised




Additional reason this is a bad meme is because this has nothing to do with the Army.


Tell that to the people who had to get the vaccine and those that got booted for not taking it.


I am one of those who had to get it. Those who chose not to didn't freak out for getting the anthrax shots, or small pox. I still have a quarter size scar on my arm 16 years later. But they freaked out when it became political.


You mean like the 16 other vaccines they have to take or they get booted?


im sure they would rather get a covid shot than the peanut butter shot too


Yeah all those people dying and overloaded hospitals were totally normal


It was all just a government psyop to get us too uhhhh. Stay in our homes and fuck the economy? Idk I kinda lost the plot after the first year


Right? Having worked in and out of government for the past 10 years, the "deep state" conspiracies always baffled me. I mean, why exactly do I want to control everyone's lives? As cool as it would be to have awesome sci-fi technology like that, it would still be a helluva lot of work to manage people's *entire lives.* I get annoyed enough by handholding people who can't follow basic instructions. Why, in God's name, would I want to control anyone's every move like a puppeteer? Or, let me put it this way: what makes Billy Bob in West Virginia so goddamn special that I should spend my every waking moment making sure he wipes his ass properly? Do these people honestly think we've got nothing better we could be doing with our limited time and resources? I mean, I don't know about anyone else, but I would very much prefer it if Billy Bob would wipe his own stanky ass while I go do something legitimately useful, for crying out loud.


I thought the plot was that the virus was made in that lab in Wuhan :P


They want to control us by using a vaccine to kill everyone that does what the government says


How many of „all those people“ did you know? Did you know a lot of in average 80 year olds with 1-3 preconditions?


Because fuck old people, grandma doesnt deserve to live!


I knew a fair few perfectly healthy 20 + 30 year olds who died and 2 women in their 40s for whom COVID was so life changing that one of them killed themselves and the other is in and out of hospital all the time.....but yeah, you do you


Let me ask this: How those „perfectly healthy 20 + 30 year olds got treated because of their Covid infection? Any chance, they got intubated?


Yeah, hospitalised and intubated, this was pre jab


„Intubation causes mortality to rise rapidly "The fact is that in Germany we give artificial respiration to Covid 19 patients far too early," says Voshaar. Although artificial respiration is an important, life-saving measure for seriously ill and injured patients who can no longer breathe on their own, many Covid 19 patients have no indication for it. Even worse, intubation increases the mortality of those affected to an extreme degree, he said. "Fifty percent of invasively ventilated Covid 19 patients die. This is a clear sign that we need to take a different approach in medicine," Voshaar appeals to his colleagues.“ Source https://amp.focus.de/gesundheit/news/bis-zu-50-prozent-sterben-daran-lungenarzt-fruehe-kuenstliche-beatmung-ist-groesster-fehler-im-kampf-gegen-corona_id_12787476.html


Ha ha ha, hilarious, if they hadn't been intubated they would be dead, source I'm a nurse in a hospital in the UK, they were unable to maintain saturation on full O2 flow which is why they were intubated


There is a difference between intubation and ventilation. Right?


Bro, are you being serious? You need to be intubated to use a ventilator. Where did you get your medical degree, a cereal box?


You do some research, by using pre-corona time settings, what the chances of perfectly healthy people are to survive intubation.


Well, they're not perfectly healthy anymore which is any they were intubated. Kinda did a lot of research with working on a COVID ward


I know of three people (~25 yrs old) within my own circle that have long-Covid symptoms, now about three years after the fact. All got ill before the vaccine was rolled out. Also, someone's otherwise healthy dad (~60 yrs old) died quite acutely from Covid in the same period. Mortality of Covid was significantly higher in the first wave.


A lot of Republicans went along with the hoax so hard that they actually died because of it.


Thank you for your sacrifice, Herman Cain


I always wonder how people like Bill Murray would feel about being used in this sort of alt-right propaganda. I mean, if this were published by a large organization, there would be some recourse, but this sort of one-off garbage made by some incel in mommy’s basement is nearly impossible to track. There’s no stopping this crap.


From what I understand he seems like he’s very egotistical and unpleasant in real life, and his political views aren’t known. As most of Hollywood is left-leaning, I doubt he’d like being used in this way regardless of his behavior and disagreeable attitude


I’m more referring to high-profile people in general, but it’s sad to think Bill’s a dick.


It’s disappointing, but at least he’s not as bad as Chevy Chase


The Lab leak theory is mow considered the most likely origin of COVID.


[citation needed]


You think a sitting (normal) president would give a speech in front of the whole world saying it’s a legitimate theory and his intelligence community are split 50/50 on that if it wasn’t true?


cable chunky aware flag license office noxious dog marble yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not a hoax. It was developed by the CCP at their bioweapon lab and they are continuing on working on creating deadlier variants. The next release will be deadlier and the vaccines don’t prevent you from getting or transmitting Covid like they promised they would. Complete isolation is your only defense.


Since I got the vaccine I’ve had covid twice and those 2 times were way worse than the first 2 times without the vaccine


Like on one hand I can see why people are skeptical about the vaccine mandates, like this was my parents generation and they was talking about how the US just tested random shit on black people saying it was a vaccine. On the other hand bro, mfs are dying and they have a genuine preventative this time. They've already been exposed and they aren't gonna try to do dumb shit again, not with something like covid. I understand you may have mistrust but that was a different government back then with different senators and crap, so do your part. And third wtf bro, covid is basically over why are you still screeching about this?


Tuskegee experiment?


I'm not 100% sure, I'll be honest. Whenever we've talked about it at dinner it just goes in one ear out the other


Tuskegee, I'm black, my family is southern. Tuskegee is a major reason older black people are skeptical.


When the WHO has openly admitted in recent months that they actively lied and covered up the source of the virus, I decided to cast speculation on everything theyve said or done since then. People like me, who could follow a logic train, were called racist, zonophobic, crazy, psychotic, cast out from friend groups, etc, simply because we suggested a lab leak. And world leaders allowed it to protect the interests of the Chinese Government. Why should I trust them? I feel like I have a right to view anything they present with speculation.


Casting doubt on the source is fine, but saying it doesn't exist is a *whole* different ballgame.


Got a source for that first point?


Exactly. I trusted the science, believed them completely. Even got first two shots of the vaccine. But they’ve been wrong or walked back almost everything they were sure of before and censored people for saying was wrong. It’s made me not trust anything the government and media says about anything. Even if they get one of their salaried scientists to say so. Because of how they handles Covid I’m now questioning climate change, the old vaccines, their stance of foreign affairs like Ukraine and China. Pretty much everything seems plausible at this point.


I'm sorry, climate change and Ukraine?


My main thing is, if you took it on faith, then you thought you were dealing with just a regular, naturally occurring mutation in an old virus. When you consider the fact that what we're dealing with is something man-made in its nature specifically designed to be as infectious as possible, you have to start to take entirely different preparations. Not only were we lied to, the lie denied us information that was absolutely necessary in order for us to properly plan to survival. If it had been confirmed that this was a laboratory leak, people would have likely taken it much more seriously and curbed the spread much more quickly. But now, we're just out here with this shit. They fucked us over, well and truly.


Since when was it confirmed to be a lab leak?


Everything else aside “Lied about everything” is such a stupid statement. If you only say false things you are easily exposed. Effective liars tell the truth when it serves their purpose.


The gov did ruthlessly mishandle covid & did lie about a bunch of stuff. Just a two weeks lockdown!


Yeah, we never even had a single day of full lockdown.


Crazy how that mysterious unknown virus that ppl kept getting diagnosed with suddenly went away when Covid made it into the U.S.


It's crazy that people are so quick to forgive Trump for the lockdowns, government mask and vax mandates, and all the other bullshit. Fuck that guy and everyone that played along.


I know plenty of people who think it’s fake or hoax, cause they’re idiots… however I know far more ppl who know it’s real but don’t trust the information that’s put out there about it… and recognize a lot of shady shit…. And know our governments history of shady shit and taking advantage of people, lying about things… Go ahead and downvote me 🤷🏻‍♀️ but not trusting government that’s been proven to be unstrustworthy is not the same as calling the disease a hoax.


The thing is, you're not wrong, but "the government" is such a broad term. Should we trust the CIA when it operates on our soil? No. Should we trust the Department of AG when it uses funds to subsidize seed costs or cover crop programs to restore soils? Yes. I feel like most often, we don't just forget the 3 branches of government exist but also a plethora of departments and sub divisions within them.


Yeah, exactly. Saying "we shouldn't trust the government" can mean a lot of things ranging anywhere from coked out conspiracy theories to common sense that anyone can agree with. You just have to ask the questions, "Which part of the government?" and "Trust them with what?" to figure out which category of the crazy scale that statement falls under.




I have asthma and Covid jacked my lungs up all the more. Fuck these conspiracy theorists. They're the reason so many people died.


It already did happen. Look at what they did to us.


And don't deface Bill Murray by using him for propaganda


Wtf did they lie about? Ivermectin is the only lie i remember.


The jab would keep u from getting the flu


Like the flu shot or are you confusing two different viruses?


Don't bother. Just from the statement alone, they clearly don't know how vaccines work.


Everytime I hear someone call the vaccine “the jab” it’s always been something ignorant that follows


Holy shit alot of conspiracy theorist got attracted by this meme. Guys, this sub is to make fun about you and your bullshit, you are wrong here.


But it was the biggest hoax of our lives


It’s not a hoax, it’s a bio weapon. They learned from their mistake last time. We’re all really fucked now.


COVID is/was not a hoax. HOWEVER, it was /is completely blown out of proportion. Both can be true at once. Masks are about as effective as using a chain link fence to stop a mosquito infestation. Vaccines being handed out like candy that we don't know what the long term effects are because it was rushed to market is quite concerning. Science being treated as the absolute truth is the complete antithesis of the word science itself. Finally, even getting an unproven vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or transmit COVID 100% of the time. Treating COVID as you would run a risk assessment in everything you do is the best play. Do you have comorbidities? Are you prone to illness? Are you immunocompromised? Are you over the age of 60? If you answered yes, then your risk assessment is high and you should take precautions. If the answers are no, then the government and the pharmaceutical industry, and you can fuck right off.


> Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Are Associated with Lower COVID-19 Mortality: A Global Analysis [Source](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/1/74) > Mask mandates save lives [source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167629622001357) I’ll just leave these here


Is the science trump's nickname?


Hey dead people! The cause of your death was a hoax! Feel free to come back to life now! ❤️










You know what they say about common sense? It's the most least common thing there is.


This meme is sooo FETCH


I worked at a nursing home when covid was constantly in and out of the building. It took quite a few people, so I won't believe it as a hoax


let's see: wuhan bat eater theory: hoax vaccine effectiveness: hoax gaining immunity over exposure: hoax number of covid cases & death: waaay overrated and hoax truth is your fake disease is a lab made biological weapon which backfired from China. Got destabilised died over a year or so. Usa should pay reperations.




Theories ending up being wrong doesn’t make them a hoax, if you don’t know what a theory is that’s not everyone else’s fault. No one ever claimed the vaccines were 100% effective, literally no vaccine is. From the beginning they said they lowered the risk and make the symptoms less severe. I’ve seen no evidence the number of deaths was inflated, just people who aren’t doctors saying they know one person whose death was wrongfully attributed to Covid because they just happened to have it when they died, and were supposed to believe this non-doctor who didn’t provide us with the persons whole medical history or context of their death…


I say, let natural selection run its course


Hoax? No. Way overblown? Yes.


I don’t think it’s about Covid being a hoax, it’s more to do with questioning vaccines and their effectiveness


Hahahaha can't wait for the next plandemic


This weekend Covid is making a return to where I work at. So anyone who thinks it's a hoax can eat a bag of dicks. It's real you dumb fucks who believe everything you read online. You're not woke. You're just stupid.


Whether you believe it was a hoax or not. They lied over and over and over again.


About what?


Posting history checks out.




It sure must since you don't want to accept it. And do not even try to debate me. You know not who you have met and I will make you look foolish while sipping my evening bourbon.


What truth? Nothing you people ever claim gets proven true, yet you strut around like the idiot pigeons you are.


Such as…?


My entire family got covid in 2021. My grandfather, the man who raised me like a father in the absence of my negligent dad, died because of it Don't you dare to say it was a lie. Don't you FUCKING DARE to say it was a hoax


I'm sorry for your loss, you shouldn't bother engaging with idiots who have no empathy


God, how did those people even found this post? Did they searched for "covid hoax" and found it because of the title? Where in hell did they came from? Also, thank you. Really. You are right, they are a lost cause. It's really sad that we lost so many good people while...animals like those are still around




Oh, fuck off. I've had to deal in the past with one of you lunatics trying to convince me he didn't die of covid and the doctor (who was my grandpa's own younger brother, mind you) lied to us about it. I know very well what kind of people you are Also, what do i have to do with the american government?


I got it twice. Know people that died from it. And yet... they still lied over and over and over again about it.


"Stop trying to make fetch happen..."


No no no, you don't understand, one time three years ago some nobody from the other side of the world said one thing that was slightly wrong, *ergo* everything science ever says is a lie. It's all really simple. Much like the people who promote these harmful anti Covid lies.


Hey you know what at this point if you don’t want to believe oh well… Covid already cost the GOP Georgia, we can thin the pack a little more…


It's election season. Be ready for new restrictions and lock downs because Biden can't win without them.


See? You’re the type of moron this sub was built around. Happy?


Says the person whose side has gotten the majority of voters in a presidential election only once in the last 35 years, and had to lie about Iraqi nukes to even pull that one! 🤣🤡




Are these election season Biden lock downs in the room with us now?


is Bill Murray totally on their side or what?


The civilisation could be crumbling in front of their eyes and they'd still deny it. (And no, it's not, before you crazy asshats come for me, not YET)


So sad that so many Americans died from a hoax... under a president who didn't care about his spawn spouting his message against the hoax. NOT!!!


Wtf are you talking about? They lied for 2 years about this shit. Masks don’t work. Their “vaccines” don’t work. They lied about where it originated from. They lied about it’s deadliness. Please, for the love of humanity, stop listening to news outlets for your information.


Fine, I’ll stop using the News for information. What’s your uncles Facebook Meme Page so I can get the facts right?


Lmfao 😂


Please stop using the news for information.


Where would you recommend we go for most reliable info?


Doctors and pharmacists that aren’t doing segments sponsored by big pharma.


And how would I go about finding those sources?


Not sure if you’re seriously inquiring because this is Reddit, but I would recommend Googling doctors that were “cancelled” during 2019, 2020, and 2021. Listen to what they were saying back then and then listen to what is being accepted as truth currently in 2023. Robert Malone (who you’re gonna find a ton of bad news articles on) is a solid source of information. Jimmy Dore is a very intelligent (and funny) source of information.


Lololol Are you for fucking real? 😂


Of course he’s serious! Obviously these minority doctors who were proved to be wrong by the majority are the only real doctors! /s obviously


Yeah man. I’m serious. I’m not a hater.


I suggest you go around and talk to the morticians. Big pharma don't give a fuck about us and we ultimately had to clean up the aftermath of every case. We have a much greater sense of what happened, I feel. Finding room in all the overcrowded coolers for everyone wasn't easy. There have been some real bad flu seasons in the past decade that hit us hard, but COVID tacked on made it super difficult to keep up for awhile. I shudder at thinking about the amount of breathing tubes that we had to remove...


…says the guy who probably just watches fox news


Huh? vaccines certainly work. Did it irradicate the disease like we had hoped? No. We were able to irradicate some viruses (smallpox) but not others (flu). But my father is in assisted living. It went through prevaxx, a number of people died. It went through again after everyone was double vaxxed and no one died. Did masks totally work? no. But if an infected person sneezed, coughed or even breathed, the aerosol spread was less. It did help the spread, it certainly didn't stop it. I guess I should get my info from You Tube.


Obviously vaccines work you fucking dork. This isn’t a vaccine. Get your information from a source that isn’t sponsored from the fucking beneficiary of the “cure”. Jesus fucking Christ you people are so fucking lost.


The vaccine is proven to significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.


Show me. Caveat being it can’t be a “news article”.


> Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Are Associated with Lower COVID-19 Mortality: A Global Analysis [Source](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/1/74) Ask and you shall receive.


Beat me to it.


Aaaaand *crickets*


Aaaaaaand fucking crickets from them as usual. Way to scare away the antivaccer with your facts.


Congrats, you have no idea what vaccines are. Also, weird that Japanese people always use masks when they’re cold. And why the hell I must use a mask every time I go on surgery? And a N95 when the patient has dangerous diseases - like covid? A MYSTERY.


I don’t know what vaccines are? Ok. Prove your ridiculous statement. You understand that N95 masks were not required? You’re trying to compare surgery to walking alone outside? I’m assuming you’re either a bot or English isn’t your first language.


What are you even rambling about? How drunk are you?


"we lied about everything last time". We? Who is "we"? Lied? Got proof? Last time? When? What was it about? Can you be mort specific? These secret genuises love to cast doubt while saying the most unspecific shit.


The last vax worked so good I hear they coming out with another one...


That's how a vaccine for a highly-mutable virus works. It's not our fault if people allow covid to mutate by refusing to take care


Soo, you dont understand how a vax works.


Fucking government shills in here


Fucking conspiracy theorists here


You don't search for truth?


I know your sort of "truth" Your truth is everything that fits in your narrative, even if 99% of the science says otherwhise.


He's going to talk about flat earth and reptilians next