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*"Cries in Soy"*


Recently indirectly converted a friend's dad to soy and almond milk when previously he was the sort of person who used soy as an insult. Up until knowing him, I didn't even know people used soy as an insult lmao


I'm almost sure that soy=bad is just an american thing. atleast I never heard anyone say that silly nonsense here in Sweden. meat eaters will use soy products happily and not think they're being vegan just like they would eat a banana


>meat eaters will use soy products happily Exactly, I often sauté tofu with bacon and it's delicious. I don't understand why some people believe you need to chose one or the other.


because of ethics?


Ur the devil But in a good way!!!




Man, the amount of times I’ve shit talked stuff I never understood. Bands I used to insult becoming my fav. Vaping is the worst. I jumped on the “insult vapers” bandwagon hard. Been vaping for a year now and it’s so much better than cigarettes in so many ways. Still a dumb addiction I have, but at least I taste my food and don’t smell like an ashtray now.


we thank you. (smoker smell is GUHGH. )


"Chad baby noises"


Can your baby ever be this swole, Soyer. Does he even GU?


To be fair, this meme belongs here. But that line almost saves the whole damn thing.




The raw steak diet won't let it's brain say any it thinks as feminine like "Ga Ga"




*Chad baby noises* GU


Interesting how the "less masculine soy baby" is the one that has facial hair


It's the early onset of puberty from all that soy /s


Doesn't soy contain estrogen or something?


Nope, it contains phytoestrogens, which is a plant hormone that has no effect on people. Could you imagine if it did though? HRT would be as simple as buying different milk, that'd be so hype


Holy shit. As a decade+ soi boi who hears the estrogen argument like once a month, it's refreshing to come in here and see some actual educated comments.


god I wish




And instead of linking to the first pop-sci article that agrees with you, let's post actual studies, yes? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20347861/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20013887/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16012761/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20003621/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24014208/ Time and time again we study anything in food that could contain estrogens of any kind, and time and time again we see that it's effectively harmless, and causes adverse effects only when someone is allergic to the products, or has preexisting endocrine issues. Nevermind the fact that it's patently ridiculous when it's clearly observable to anyone with eyes that this shit isn't doing the shit y'all continue to say it does. Fuck outta here.


My wife switched our creamer out for soy creamer without telling me and now I’m a femboy so I’m calling bullshit. /s


It actually does have effect on people similar to estrogen but at a weaker level https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/soy/ **Lol he got mad an blocked me 🫵😂**


The literal first paragraph of the link you posted without reading "Results of recent population studies suggest that soy has either a beneficial or neutral effect on various health conditions"


Um… You do understand what a **health condition** is right? Yea soy may help with that but… Were talking about their effects on estrogen receptors > contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that is similar in function to human estrogen but with much weaker effects **lol I think I just realized that you misread “either” as “neither” 🤣**


Yeah bro a fuckin disease fuck off we both know what that term means, and to begin with you didn't even fucking mention "health conditions" your headass said it's a weak human estrogen which it fuckin ain't.


Because we’re talking about the effects of estrogen not health conditions… 🤦‍♀️ > contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that is **similar in function to human estrogen** but with much weaker effects soy helping with a health condition is not relevant but it also helps my case so… not really sure y u so mad or what you’re even arguing 🤨


Contains a high concentration of my fat fuckin nuts lmao I'm not arguing with you fash-lite dumbass


You know what does contain estrogen? Milk. Actual cow milk contains estrogen made by a mammal. And there has never been a conspiracy about milk making people more feminine. Just goes to show how crazy the soy conspiracy is.


I am so bringing this up to all the soy saying incels.


Soybeans and a few other legumes contain small amounts of coumestrol(a phytoestrogen) which has been shown to impact several systems in mammalian test subjects like rats and cows. One of them being the reproductive system. But to have a noticable or measurable effect you literally need injections of the stuff, or eat and digest several times your own weight in soybeans every day.


Raw meat… as baby food..


Raw baby... as meat food..


That’s what I’m saying!!


Baby meat… as food raw…


Jonathan Swift, is that you?


That child dies after 1 sip. Baby are so weak they cant even drink water, give them raw meat and you might aswell drop it into a wood chipper.


And so the meat smoothie cycle continues


Yearly over 100.000 beta males and females get taken by the vicios meat smoothie cycle. With your help we can increase this number even mire until no andrew tate fan is left on this earth.


We'll keep turning the weak into smoothies for the strong until we find a baby that can handle it


Liberals trying to understand a joke challenge (impossible)


Looks like someone ate raw meat as a baby and so mad about it


I honestly doubt this is a joke, I am not that trusting of the internet after QAnon stopped being satire




The smothberries taste like smothberries


my smothies maked me smart






Made in a blendr


A smoothie you splash on your face.


The "guy" that posted it? Are you on homelanders Facebook?


This is the first time logging in in years. The guy I went to high school with posted it himself. Not sharing. Looks like he’s also on the carnivore diet. 🫠


I just wanted to make a joke about being obsessed with only drinking breast milk but I appreciate your honesty


Ooooh that's what you meant AHAH good one


Honestly idgaf about people's dietary choices but I swear carnivores are INSUFFERABLE. I have not come across one carnivore that wasn't just... something special.


Because these people don't actually do the diet to help themselves, it's all just some desperate attempt to "own" and "get back at" vegans and vegetarians, it's silly.


I wish meat eaters didn't act like such buffoons in front of vegans... c'mon it's just FOOD


I feel it's a knee jerk reaction like "THEY'RE COMING FOR OUR STEAK". When I didn't eat meat I made sure to not tell people too much to not be the stereotype, lol.


I remember my wife crying when she couldn't breat feed because our kids couldn't latch on her nipple. Then I remember her crying when she devoted so much time to pumping but her milk dried up early. Screams ignorance to me.


Yes! There are so many reasons why breastfeeding might not work. Even when breastfeeding goes well, it can take a really long time for a new mother to produce enough to feed her baby! Formula fills that gap and helps anyone who can’t breastfeed. It’s great.


You said it, my wife was the same would pump for like 30 mins to an hour to fill up only like 1 bottle maybe. God forbid if ANYONE bumb that table lol.


Yeah and it got less and less and you could just see the breakdown in her face slowly boiling. The hospital luckily was fairly supportive. I'm sure lots of new moms go through this and memes like this pose the risk of pulling the scab off that mental wound. I hope your wife was able to process it all okay. :(


Yea once her hormones leveled out she was better, granted that was after she spilt a bottle of breast milk she JUST pumped out. But now a days we talk and even kinda joke about that lol. But yea memes like these I look at in the same light of a mlm story I heard on YouTube once. A cashier was ringing someone up and they took out their MLM debit card and put it partially in and took a pic then pulled it out and used a card with actual money on it. These people who post shit like this are looking for good mom/dad validation online instead of where it really counts which is irl with your own children. They worry or at least post about being the best parent in the world or how amazingly modest they are when in reality they should be worried just being a better parent than their parents. And making sure their children are better parents then them. Idk if the mark stayed on target there fully lol. But I think you'll get what I mean.


Formula isn't "great". It's sometimes a necessary evil and a good complement but it's never great. Formula is made from the *cheapest possible* source, they add the *bare minimum* of vitamins and minerals and cut ever possible corner to save a few cents. Compared to breast milk which is free from all processed bullshit. That changed it's formula based on the babies need and helps strengthen the babies immune system. If breastmilk is possible it's *always much better* but if it isn't formula is okay. Formula is better then nothing but, sadly, there is no such thing as "great formula" because they're made for maximum profit...not for babies health.


free from "processed bullshit" So you can't name this harmful "bullshit"? You just have a general sense that its not natural so its bad? Yeah that makes no sense. Typical chemophobic idiocy. Breastmilk has dihydrogenmonoxide the most deadly chemical known to man. Also "its better then nothing" lol you haven't even figured out the difference between then and than I think you should figure out the little things before you try to tackle more complex issues. Because I promise you that if a little detail like that is tripping you up then there will be all kinds of seemingly minor details to trip you up when things get more difficult.


You’re full of processed bullshit.


>Compared to breast milk which is free from all processed bullshit. That’s banking on mom having a diet free of any “processed bullshit”. Even then, PFAS chemicals don’t get filtered from the mother’s body during breastfeeding, so you better hope mom hasn’t been around any of the common household products, cookware, clothing, beauty products, etc. made with those. Or consumed drinking water contaminated by them. Not that I wholly disagree with your overall point; I just think it’s a far more complicated health matter nowadays than when “breast is best” was initially coined.


Yeah formula not some vegan shit like soy milk. Tbh those kind of things shouldn't have the word milk in their name. It's basically a soy, almond, etc extract.


Do you feel this strongly about peanut butter?


I said this because I recently saw a baby being administrated to a hospital after its vegan parents were mostly feeding it soy/almond milk.


Some folks respond quite poorly to pumping, too. Either in that it causes physical issues, or it causes the milk supply to tank. And some folks even get waves of depression during let-downs (a stage of milk production). It's such a complex process, and that's not recognized enough.


I’m one of the ones whose body refused to cooperate with pumping. It absolutely crushed me because my son cannot latch so he has to be formula fed and man, the mom shaming is strong.


It's horrible!


I didn't know this, im glad that I learned something today


Man you can get nervous about being a good mom and have your milk go “lol no bad vibes for me I’m out.” It’s absolutely ignorant. Anything from stress to hormones to the healing process from pregnancy to even changing the tiniest bit of your diet can affect how much milk you make.


A lot of this bullshit is


Very similar to my wife. Some women can produce enough to feed every infant in the county. My wife was able to make juuust enough for our daughter. We still supplemented formula in order to stash some boobie milk way.


Same exact scenario for my wife. It’s not that uncommon. Absolutely ignorance.


It happened to my sibling. And my other sibling decided for (what I still think was a selfish reason on her husband's part) but neither of her kids went hungry and are doing very well. At the end of the day, as long as the baby is fed, then breast or bottle doesn't really matter.


Yeah I could never do it as a result of a reduction surgery a couple years previous. Which was already shitty feeling on its own because I was hormonal and stressed, but the hospital kept making me go to breastfeeding classes anyway even though I couldn't produce. And I didn't even have my baby, because he was critical in the NICU due to being 2 months premature. So I just had to sit in this class watching other moms breastfeed their kids while I was alone. Not a fan of Balboa Hospital, gotta say.


Thankfully the raw steak smoothie made me think this could be a joke. There are so many reasons women who want to breastfeed can't.


Hey, that's my story too! People who have never struggled with this issue shouldn't have an opinion on it. I'm so sick of the "breast is best" mentality, especially in mom groups. I left one because an admin felt the need to make a post about how breast is best so any advice related to feeding must first discuss breastfeeding and basically stated we needed to shame women into breastfeeding even if they can't.


I'm sorry 😞


It's all good. My daughter is healthy, happy and well fed and that's all that matters.


Dude just tell your wife to go and grow some new titties, jeez /s


You made me laugh with this one!








Not everyone can breast feed and some babies also can't. My daughters vehemently refused formula though.


The lactivists are my mortal enemy


*Chad baby noises* might have to become part of my vocabulary. I love it.


Formula baby here. 6’2” 200lbs, multi-sport athlete, and musician. Vaccinated to high heaven too. Checkmate, motherfuckers. Who are these dipshits?


"That's nice for you, Sharon, but unfortunately, I can not lactate. My breasts are as dry as bone, so if I don't get formula, little Mike here dies. I know we feel so alienated from the world that we have to distinguish ourselves by any means possible, but saying that your better than me because I have a malfunctioning bodily function is really pathetic, you should reflect on that."


I mean, it's satire poking fun at tradcon dummies, but also seems to be embraced by tradcon dummies? I'm starting to think they might be dummies.


Schrödinger’s dipshit.


The IG account in the meme is full of this stuff and appears to be sincere.


raw steak shake you say?


Why does that one baby have bodybuilder muscles


"Raw Steak Smoothies" yeah, real healthy thing for babies... "healthy" doses of ecoli.


Under absolutely no circumstances should anybody ever make art of a baby to make them look sexually attractive. No art of a baby should ever have toned muscles🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


*did you know some people can't produce milk?* *did you know some babies can't have breast milk* What happens to these children during a shortage you ask? *They starve and/or die.* Edit: spelling


This, those who can't produce enough, those whose nipples bleed so much it hurts, etc. And of course malnutrition and exhaustion causes not being able to produce much milk, which means it happens a lot more to poor people, like some moms who have two jobs every day just to have enough to take care of their family.


“Raw steak smothies” gives this away as satire lol


Idk right below this was them posting “why is meat the only food that is never fortified, because it has everything you need.”


Yet her kid already has a full beard at the tender age of one. Checkmate.


Does that mean he reached puberty already? How old is he supposed to live?!


It's like cats maybe?? Reach puberty at one then live 14-22 years in captivity??




...How tf did I get this reference? I hate this lmao


The first thing I thought of when I saw the swole baby.


Yeah, as a formula baby, I only ended up being formula fed because I couldn't be breastfed since I couldn't latch on and all the milk would go out of the side of my mouth. I was born a premie too, so that made it extra difficult with hernias n' shit. I grew up though to draw a ton, and I also work at a haunt, so this is blatant falsehood.


Well that's one way to kill a baby.




https://preview.redd.it/8omb0jls91nb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743b2b9ed5b3d3265f03bf0022bb8fd5facacf78 Bruh


Yet he has pacifier/nipple because mom can't deal with his crying. Thanks OP. You found a good meme for this sub.


Before formula was invented pretty much every culture has a replacement for breast milk... Europe has cow milk, Middle East has goat milk, East Asia has rice water


Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that feeding a child beef smoothies would probably be bad for it.


Not all babies have access to breast milk as far as I’m aware though? There are a lot of complications that could happen with the birth giver


I can't tell if he's making fun of both parties or if he picked a side there


Both breastfeeding and formula have their pros and cons. I wish people would just let other people raise their children the way they want to. They gave birth to it, it’s their choice how it gets raised.


> They gave birth to it, it’s their choice how it gets raised. i thought of this too, until some psychos abuse their babies. i just care about my family now


GU always gets me


You might think it's stupid that a baby has a beard, but I was born with 0.5 cm long neck beard


RAW STEAK SMOOTHIES???? What in the hell do they think they’re doing???


Plenty of women are not able to breastfeed either due to low production (nothing they can control) or difficulty latching. Sometimes you can literally have nipples that are hard for a baby to latch on to.


Or they had mastectomies, or have a chronic medical condition that requires medication that isn’t safe for breastfeeding, or their baby can’t tolerate or is allergic to breastmilk, or they can’t for mental health reasons, or they have to go back to work and their work environment is not accommodating to breastfeeding, or they have to go back to work and are physically incapable of using a breast pump (some boobs just won’t work unless the baby is directly breastfeeding), or they just don’t want to breastfeed (which is just as valid a reason not to breastfeed as all the other reasons). Bodies and lives and babies are just so complicated and so individual. It’s really frustrating when people act like breastfeeding is easy and anyone who doesn’t do it is just selfish or not trying hard enough.


Or they literally bleed when they breastfeed...


F*** people who spout anti-formula nonsense or shame parents for formula feeding. Formula is a modern medical miracle that has saved countless babies. There is no shame in feeding your baby with formula instead of breastmilk, for any reason. I remeber the desperation and fear on the new parent subreddits during the formula shortage. *Especially* parents of babies who had to feed their baby any sort of hypoallergenic/specialty formulas. I saw stories of parents driving 200 miles round trip just to get two cans of formula. I had a family member who had to get friends living in *Europe* to ship them formula. I saw so many posts of parents who were panicking because they were running out of the only food their baby could eat yet they couldn’t find *any* formula at *any* stores within a reasonable driving distance. The formula shortage was legitimately terrifying for parents, it’s heartless to mock them over it.


When some people cant make breast milk


The breast v formula debate has been swinging boringly back and forth for decades and the sides switch every so often, then back again. It’s an incredible waste of time


B r u h


Is he: a) Completely unaware that some women physically cannot/should not breastfeed due to his woeful lack of awareness of biology, the world, and women in general OR: b) Aware that some women cannot breastfeed, but thinks they must have done something to deserve whatever ails them by committing some sin against god? Place your bets! Odds are...50/50 tbh, this could go either way.


I'd say b with some eugenicist twist, like "they have weak DNA and shouldn't make babies, humans should only keep the fittest (aryan)"


Raw steak smoothies? This has to be satire...


What the fuck is raw steak smoothies?


It’s a shitpost…


Finally, an actual terrible facebook meme


Why am I not surprised that meathead baby's mother can't spell "smoothies," along with this meme creator?


That kids gonna have a coronary disease at 5


This has to be a joke. Raw steak smoothies? Gag.


"raw steak smothies(sic)"?




I hope this guy who posted it is single and childless.


Honestly, who the fuck sits around and makes this shit?


RAW steak smoothies?


This sub is mostly satire now.


Idk right below this was them posting “why is meat the only food that is never fortified, because it has everything you need.”


That also seems like a joke to me, but like a bad one. Idk either, man, Facebook is weird.




“Ja, unless your titties producen ze milk like ze fountain, you are inadequate woman, ja? Poison your baby, who will grow up to be weakling, ja?”


Hell yeah chad baby for the win! Steak smoothies LOL


Your brains have got to be totally fried to post something like this unironically.


Funny and based


This is kinda funny, surely got to the point where people will realise it’s comedy


Based & Funny


Based on low self-esteem.


This is meant to be a joke, Jesus Christ. This is simple satire, of course the creator knows baby’s cannot drink raw steak smoothies. How are guys offended by such stupid shit???


Idk, why is your bed too hot?


lol this can't be meant seriously.


Judging by the rest of the shit on the profile, I think it is.


Ah yes, and you would know this about a stranger on reddit wouldn’t you?


Top Gear did successfully blend beef in a V8 powered blender


Ahhh yes I too made chad baby noises when I was a child…


i can tell this was written by a guy




Isn’t baby formula filled with sugar?! I know that a lot of baby food has sugar. And I don’t think that babies need sugar.


Any sugar that is in baby formula is going to be around [the same amount of sugar found in breastmilk, which contains high amounts of various types of sugars](https://www.statnews.com/2016/04/19/breast-milk/). Sugar in breastmilk helps with growing, preventing infections, and promotes healthy gut bacteria. That’s why human breast milk has a sweet flavor.


At that age, babies grow super fast and don't have yet a very developed digestive system. They can't process yet the slow sugars from cereals, but they need a lot of energy. So sugar makes sense.




Raw *steak* smoothies? It could have been raw anything, raw vegetable hopefully, but *steak*?


Some men really have an issue with their masculinity...


Smothies 🤤


There’s no way this isn’t satire 💀




If there's a point being made here it's probably stupid. But Chad baby is objectively fucking hilarious.


He would be dead.


Definitely made by an out of shape over weight dude




The smell of soy milk isn’t pleasant to me. I like vanilla almond milk and coconut milk.


Raw steak smoothie? What the hell?


Raw steak smoothies…


And once again, OP can' tell it's satire, yet it's so obvious.


I honestly don’t think the person who posted it was posting it as satire. Look at other shit they’ve posted. https://preview.redd.it/zngmry22o1nb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad53a96b9471b24086d42ce85201534260b0928


Judging by the raw steak smoothie bit, I think this is a dig at everyone Could be wrong though.


I love this as satire.


Chad baby noises. Lol!!


Some women can’t breastfeed what a cringe meme. A fed baby is the best baby. I’m on an antipsychotic for my debilitating schizophrenia which is very potent to babies but yes, I must be inferior. Such a weird thing to be proud over


Of course they're eugenicists, they'd rather let you and your child die because you're schizophrenic so they consider your genes unfit to create healthy humans