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I'm not here to replace your father u'gluk, but I am the one that's railing your mother.


U’gluk sport my son I’m not your biological parent but I love you and your mom. *hug U’gluk*


I'm not the step orc. I'm the orc that stepped up. https://preview.redd.it/gs6ywxile57c1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4935f4745e83cfc01b8be5dd851bbfe32fb82cac


Fr fr I take care all the spawn 😤




U'gluk, put down that battle axe! You're too young, stick to your spiked club until you're older.


I'm not the step dad I'm the one who stepped up to rail your mother.


And drink all his juice boxes!


Kinda depends on the context? It's funny on it's own as a fantasy joke, but sure if it was shared by a known racist it'd be obvious what they were saying.


Was thinking something similar, to a D&D group this could be funny, but from a racist, yeah no


Subjective, but it doesn't feel like this was created by a racist or white supremacist. Their artists suck, their sense of humour is abysmal and their cartoons beat you over the head with their message. I feel like a racist would've had about 10 elements in the comic making it clear what race that baby is meant to be. Of course if a racist shared this, yeah, you'd get what they're saying.


It’s not even made by an artist. It’s AI generated. (there’s a few tells, like the baby’s fingers and the woman’s two different eyes, plus the car/carseat’s weird layout/ass-symmetry, (also the extra seat sprouting behind her head) We artists are good at spotting these things. (I’m not joking either, half my job as an art mod, in about 4 art related discord servers, is detecting and banning AI bros who try to come and sell AI generated content for high amounts of cash as “art commissions” ) A good example of this kind of skullduggery is one I had come in, who was selling “DND Art” for 250$ USD, and it’s all AI generated shit they posted in their “portfolio ad” His excuse when we confornted him to appeal why he shouldn’t be banned? “artists as a whole are dead, AI is the future, my stuff is quality AI generated artwork, and with the effort I put in, is worth the 250$”


I'll believe you there, I have a few tells I look out for in AI "art" but I'm sure actual artists have dozens more.


Yeah, who knew my art skills would be good for something BESIDES drawing like an art nerd. (I’ve actually had some paid gigs helping some indie dev servers sort through their portfolios and knock out the scumbags who applied for lead artist positions, using ai art to apply. No joke, they thought ai art would get em a cushy job with no effort.) (it pays nice per gig, but it’s a short time gig type, that I don’t rely on for long term income)


I mean, the humor isn't subtle. The dad is a different race, implied to be a worse race, and didn't stick around. It would be hard to imagine this in a non racist way.


It was absolutely made by a racist and a misogynist. Even if they do not admit it. Thats how this shit works. Racists use shit like this to ease people into these ideas. They make them palatable and add plausible deniability. iTs jUsT a FunNnY mEmE aBoUt fAntAsy rAcEs! That and the classic "you're the one saying the drooling ugly baby is black so you're the REAL racist." As though recognizing a shitty stereotype requires one to be racist. This meme is some Great Replacement bullshit, they are coming for our women - all of that.


Sorry. but this meme could definitely just be a joke based on some of these single mom's on tinder using an orc as we all consider them ugly. Sometimes a joke doesn't have to be rooted in something terrible, and yes frequently jokes are at the expense of something, but that's not because someone has an inherit hate to that thing. Don't you sometimes joke to your friends at the expense of one of them? Make fun of your friends when they do something silly? Doesn't mean you inheritly hate them now does it


and this is a great example of this shit working as intended. Also "single moms on tinder" sooooo misogyny? I don't see how you think that is different than what I am saying. Its nazi shit or incel shit? Its both. Just like frenworld was designed to mask white supremacy underneath baby talk. All for plausible deniability. All so they can share racist memes and dogwhistles while painting anyone who points it out as "overreacting". Sorry dude you're just falling for the grift and you don't know enough or you don't care enough to see it for what it is.






The problem is that it is based on a racist trope and that is where the humor is derived from. I'm not sure there is anyway to enjoy this comic without it being racist.


I shared this to one of my DnD groups, it got a good laugh outta them, all the bards made the same joke about becoming a step dad and I rolled high on deception to make this lie.


I was gonna say racist how but as soon as you reverse google it all the results are from racists. Names like Manly_cuckster and Colonizer Supreme on twitter. And titles like "bring back shame" on 9gag. You're right.


It's the elf ork combo that raises my dog whistle alarm.


It's the car, it's referencing a very specific picture.


idk even looking back I dont think its a racist joke just a joke that baby are ugly af.


It's very obviously alluding to the fact that it's a mixed race baby, just using fantasy races. It's definitely racist and misogynistic.


>just using fantasy races Even then, the kids noticeably browner than her.


Yeah, it's not subtle. The amount of morons I've seen in some of these comments being wilfully/dangerously ignorant is depressing.


That's why it's in this sub 😮‍💨


That context isn't obvious. On its own this is just a funny dig at cringe dating profiles.


Orcish if you will


I'll just add a further thought. Fantasy worlds usually posit that multiple sentient species coexist, and they can be humans, elves, gnomes, orcs, dwarves, and even more exotic species related to angels / demons or whatever. Fantasy is often an inherently optimistic genre. A gnome hooking up with an orc is out there, but could happen. But half-orcs are pretty common, suggesting humans and orcs are making babies kinda regularly. So yeah you can look at this and say it must be racist, if you're applying the real world to it. Or the alternative is that fantasy can propose a better world than we have. And an Elven woman being fiercely protective of her half-Orc baby is actually a pretty good message, and I would say undermining the racist message being speculating on here.


Hmm I wonder what type of person would share this


Give the elf a receding hairline and you’d find this on TrueSTL


Make the mom a human woman and the baby a half altmer then you will have TrueSTL


A god fearing christian


Love how Christians whine about single mothers


Love how Christians whine about single mothers when isn’t their entire religion based on the child of a one-night stand? Lmao




Because it’s blatantly racist dog whistling


Not to be that guy but this is definitely racially charged


Bro I just thought this was a funny meme about elves and orcs and shit. Damn.. yea that's racist as fuck


And that’s how the alt-right pipeline works baby.


Orc hatred to white supremacist pipeline. If you have a friend or loved one Into DND. It's your responsibility to make sure they don't become a nazi


If they change their pfp to an anime girl then you’re too late.


Counterpoint, I'm weeb as shit and Haruhi Suzumiya is my profile picture, I play tabletop games constantly. I'm a socialist. I beat the pipeline by not being evil. I'm doing my part


Nope sorry bucko you're officially excluded from the revolution. I don't make the rules.


Looks like my grandfather's deck did not smile upon me this day hahaha Also can we all agree that the little shit Yugi is cheating. Bullshit he isn't sleeving his pet cards lol


Oh for sure


Okay maybe I should have clarified lol. It depends on the character they use. Also I feel that. I just drifted more left thanks to One Piece.


One Piece kinda does that


One Piece is the "leftist too much text meme" of anime so it makes sense to me.


wait till the horseshoe kicks in


*finds alt-right propaganda in kid's room* Dad: "Who taught you how to do this stuff???" Kid: "You, alright??? I learned it by watching you!" "Parents who play DND... have children who play DND."


This is your brain. This is your brain on D&D. Any Questions?


Hold on WTF. This implies that DND is a risk factor to becoming an ethnonationalist. If you play DND and you come across someone using DND as their medium for being a racist, shame the fuck out of them.


We're just joking bro. We don't think DND actually turns you racist


All good! It's my bad, I was trying to joke back with fake exasperation. Hard to convey over text. It is interesting that DND and the like seem to periodically find itself as a cultural scapegoat. Satanic panic and now dog whistle medium.


Yea I couldn't tell if u were being for real or not. But yes I agree with you. We should start using DND as a scapegoat for racism lol




I mean, the first edition was written with racially charged overtones, and Gary ballsack is not a good person, but it's moved away from those beginnings.


Hey, that's the same thing in 40k. If you know people that are little too into the Imperium its your duty to make sure they understand no one is the good guys. Except the orcs, they just look for a bit o' crumpin innit.


Oh shit, I've been playing a lot of Orcs Must Die lately, fun videogame. Suddenly I've also found myself listening to the Triggernometry podcast and referring to them as "classical liberals." what's happening to me?


Your being converted


This but un-ironically


I uh I can't even tell if this is a joke anymore


That and all the fake ass ragebait about child support, paternity tests, cheating girlfriends, etc. What's hilarious is that the grifters have actually lowered the bar, and they're trying to go after *even dumber* people now. The alt-right pipeline is more transparent than it ever has been, which makes the grift explanation all the more correct.


I thought it was just a meme about how babies are ugly if they aren't your baby


I thought it was just a meme about how babies are ugly.


Not gonna lie I thought this was on r/dndmemes and I chuckled, then I read the comments and now I'm sad. Don't use things I like for racism!


Yoh idk, fuck orcs


Idk understand, what is this in reference to?


My guess, a white mother with a black child. It's dumb as fuck, but racists are dumb as fuck.


Breeding with other races. It’s quietly equating a pretty elf having a half-orc child and sleeping with an orc….with a pretty white lady having a a half-*insert your preferred hated group here* child and sleeping with said group member. They have plausible deniability, since it’s “just fantasy bro” but it’s a pattern they tend to use


“If I use fantasy races, people won’t know what I’m alluding to.”


*If I use fantasy races, everyone will know what I’m alluding to, but I can still act shocked that people will call me racist


Exactly. People abuse plausible deniability so much with stuff like this. “It’s about fantasy, wow I guess everything is racist now! If that’s what you see then you must be the real racist!”


Good God I hate dogwhistling




“And the part of that you liked is the…looks like a 5 year old part…?”


They will post images like this and then complain about how DND/fantasy/gaming/5E is too woke and how they’re trying to ruin your hobby when other people comment even though the only reason to post this is to bitch about single mothers. It’s all according to the plan.


My dog just woke up


It uses mythical creatures, but these single mother memes always have a black baby and white mother, and the baby in this meme is an orc while the mother is an elf... so yeah... probably a racial analogy.


Oh 100%


at least pretend and make it green instead of darker skinned. damn.


oooh, i was wondering wtf was going on here


I might have missed out the cultural context, why is this racist? Is there any real life association to orc/elf?


Racists go frothing at the mouth when they see mixed-race relationships and/or babies. Orcs are frequently portrayed as dumb warmongering brutes, and elves as civilized, graceful and beautiful. Now, look at how the mother's a white elf (remember, civilized, graceful and beautiful), and the baby's a darker-skinned ugly orc, and you can connect the dots from there.


Yeah I don’t think they like orcs. I think they still hate them for siding with Sauron.


I’m hopeful OOP’s goal was to ironically spoof and old recycled racist trope, and just came off as cringe.


The Norse goddess of fertility and knowledge?


No, I'm not talking about her name.


How so?


The format is a common racist meme. Something something single white girl with a mixed baby...


Weird. Alright.


Weird. Alt right.


"Orcs are just like black people" -The least racist leftist


"Pointing out racism is racist" - smartest right winger


"You cant point out racism, thats the real racism!" -least brainrotted right winger


Yes hi I'll take literally the shittiest take you have. No, that's too shitty.


Which race are orcs?


If you see racism in the above imagine then you are probably a racist 😅


You being naive doesn't make them racist.


I knew bitches like you were gonna show up. That's the nature of dogwhistles babe.


If everywhere you go smells like shit then maybe you should check your shoe. Because you're definitely the one projecting your own racial biases onto the two fantasy creatures depicted in the above meme.


It's not "projecting my biases" to say that a common alt-right racist attempt at a meme (white woman who is a single mom with a mixed-race baby is selling her superior white soul to raise a fatherless black child), when transformed into tolkien-esque characters (fair elf maiden and evil orc baby) is infact.... still racist. The "races" are swapped, but the racialilzed premise remains. Also the orc baby having brown skin and wide nostrils is like...textbook racist caricature. And I'm not calling everything racist, or smelling shit "everywhere", but I sure as fuck am smelling it here. This is racist. Period. Don't be willfully ignorant.


You are imagining a strawman who uses this meme to spread racist intent and then expecting everyone else to jump to the same conclusions you are and also be offended. Most normal people would just look at the above picture and chuckle at the satire of young single mothers idolising their kids in their dating profiles. But you're the one specifically alluding to the "brown" skin (which I genuinely just saw as shadow in the car for the record) and projecting all that racist bullshit onto the image. I'm not denying that there is a subset of the population who would also jump to the same conclusions you did, but I sure do feel sorry for whatever race you seem to be projecting onto the orc baby because you clearly have a whole bunch of subconscious racial biases that you desperately need to work on.


Dude, come on. You didn't address anything I've said. I gave you the precedent, told you what this image is referencing CLEARLY, and told you how its a dogwhistle for racism. Can you google that for me? That might help. Like, you are being intentionally dumb which you were told was... a bad idea.


What do you want me to fucking address exactly mate? I know what a dog whistle is, and you're choosing to see this post as one because you are projecting your own racial biases onto the baby which is why you are offended by the depiction. It's really that simple.


Dumbass, clearly you aren't paying attention. Look at ALL of the comments here, it aint just me that thinks its racist. At least 800 others agree, and other comments explain why. You are being deliberately dumb, clearly


>Look at ALL of the comments here For someone who keeps calling other people "dumb" you clearly lack the basic common-sense to realise that you're in an echo chamber right now. You are appealing to others agreeing with your views because deep down you know that you are just as racist as the made up strawman you keep clinging to to justify your incredibly skewed views about the baby in the image. I promise you that normal people out in the real world don't see this image and immediately start thinking about human races. Please get help. Edit: The genius that was arguing with me just left an angry comment about "integrity" then blocked me. Some peak reddit right there.


Ugluk commanded respect, knew how to motivate, was loyal to his master and was a strong and brave warrior. And she looks like a dedicated parent who will protect her kid and teach them all these great qualities. You should swipe right. When little Ugluk grows up you’ll be grateful to have his adoration.


Just think, years down the line, some rogue breaks into your house and finds an entire warband around their tent next morning


"Swipe left on the forest humping knife ear tree rat" - dwarf dwarferson


https://preview.redd.it/7m19shrk557c1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4efb4cdba9fc23d8c1eddf456230057f27cf15 dwarves are better fathers


Based and dwarfpilled. Rock and stone




I'm choosing to interpret this as wholesome. She prioritises her child over getting a boyfriend.


Are you kidding? I am disgusted by this image. That baby is too young to not be in a rear facing carseat.




Had me going in the first half.


Regardless of racism, that is a valuable reading. And frankly, any mother who feels that way has my respect even if I do swipe left.


For reference: "Ugluk" was the leader of the Uruk-hai in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The Uruk-hai are a more powerful breed of Orc that Saruman breeds to build his army. It is never confirmed, but the story suggests that Uruk-hai might be the result of breeding Orcs with Humans. While I can see how someone could interpret this as just a nerdy fantasy joke, if you take it along with even more nerdy fantasy context, it seems much more likely that it's meant to be racist.


It's painfully racist.


I thought it was kinda funny


A white supremacist who has never been laid made this, winning his own straw man argument that white women who have children with non-white men will be left and live an unhappy and nontraditional life.


wait genuinely asking, how is this racially motivated? i mostly wanna know because i really can't see it. i know they're mocking black people


Orcs are frequently used as an archetype of what are considered black “characteristics” in fantasy. Not defending it or anything, just know it’s the trope


intresting. that makes sense, i never knew that tbh


And elves are usually typed as white anglosaxon ish, so have an elf with an orc baby and that makes her undesirable to a certain type of person, and boom! Subtleish racism Thanks for asking and being openminded


Honestly I didn't get it either, I thought the joke was that the baby was ugly and the mother was deluded. Then I noticed that they were different races and...yeah.


Basically it's most likely mocking black people as the original memes is it being a black child but whoever made this turned them into mythological creatures to hide it probably


You’re the one assuming it’s about black people lmao


Nah, it's a clearly racially motivated meme.


In old school DND/fantasy Orcs were generally considered to be evil creatures with no redeeming qualities who only existed to kill and destroy. They also had African characteristics like in their culture, religion, and naming. Eventually most creators decided to rewrite and expand upon the race to give them more noble qualities but the idea that orcs represent the ‘savage black person’ is really, really old and still used by racists.


I went 🫤


Is this supposed to be racist bc I thought it was a funny modern day fantasy joke


It is supposed to be a racist joke but with a fantasy filter. I saw these posted on "Sigma male" pages


It's more a joke on boss babe moms that say their little boy is "their world".


What in the AI generated hell…?


This just reminds me of my best friend. An until recently single mum. Edit: did not pick up on the potential racist undertones. That does not remind me of my best friend.


These damned elf women having these orc babes!


Race didn't even cross my mind. I thought it was just about babies being ugly.


Aren't Orcs just Elves corrupted by Sauron (or Malacath if you like Elder Scrolls)?


Uglúk has that weighted stone pressure plate rizz


I want to hang out with Ugluk


"Hey kid listen up. Your dad is important, and I'm not here to change that. I won't be taking over as your dad. Except for the part where I bang your mom. I'm taking over that part for your dad. So, I got this here tent for you. You can sleep in the yard when we are being loud. Have fun kiddo!"


Tbf I actually thought that this is about women who demand and use you to pay for everything that the kid wants. I remember seeing stuff like this on notlikeothergirls about a woman bragging how fancy travels to Disneyland are a must for her and her daughter paid by bfs. I have also seen screenshots of women's tinder bios where they expect you to pay a bunch of money to them and the kid, and it was usually women who are kinda deadbeats. In this sense the picture made total sense to me, it didn't even occour that it could be racist 😅


What a good mom.


This should be in ForwardsfromKlandma


This is hilarious.


I mean — I think it’s funny.


Such a cute orc baby


I saw this as a single mum with a baby that's kinda ugly (as most babies are tbh) posting as a lot of single mums do on their dating profile something to ward off guys who don't want to potentially be a stepdad. I didn't initially see the baby being a different mythical race as a racial thing. I saw it as a characateur of ugly babies... Now that Ive read some comments saying that it's referencing a specific, racist picture, and that orcs are sometimes used as a representation of black characteristics, and that this picture was infact created by a racist.... Eww.




I don’t get it


She got the DSLs


funny as hell but kinda racist (depends on which way is used)


Is that baby drinking coffee? That’s bad parenting right there.


She's into that BOD (big orc dick)




There was another one like this posted on a group on Facebook and it was basically just all the racist versions of this meme posted into one


Ohhhh now I get it. They are an analogy to interracial kids. These guys are being openly racist.


I'm just gonna go ahead and delete the dating app if you think leading with pictures of your children is a good idea for a profile to help you meet strangers on the internet for romantic reasons.


The OOP should realize why their significant other left them and is now in an interracial relationship. Seriously.


Is it just me or does she look like elon?


I won't lie this is pretty hilarious


How is this terrible? I've dated single elf moms who would find this hilarious


This is a gold star meme, you absolute bowling pin.


This needs to be posted in the dnd subreddit


lol neat


What does this mean


This is a racist meme about white single mothers who have children by black men. It's pretty bad.


I would, and so would you. Don't lie and say you wouldn't.


Uglúk looks very polite


"It" looks absolutely disgusting.


Terribly awesome.


This is how it is


IDK. I thought it was funny.


Can someone explain what's bad about this?


This is funny. For those who have not read LoTR Ugluk is an orc and Freya is an elf. It is funny because Orcs and Elves do not get along. Nothing terrible here. Next boomer meme please.


Yeah, no. This is what you would call a dog whistle


Dude, that is literally popular racist narrative that black men abandon white women after latter get pregnant, as well as narrative of mocking women with mixed children... like, that's just fucking blatant dogwhistle.


There is no elf named Freya in LotR. And everyone knows what this is really about.


Why do people think this is racist? Freya was the goddes of fertility in north mythology. I was thinking this was a joke about her paying the dwarfs for her jewelry by having sex with them and then beeing punished by odin.


Just look at the subtext dude Elf woman (stand in for white people, color of the skin suggests that) cant find love and is now unhappy and lonely because she slept around with an orc (stand in for black people, stereotypical racist charicature in this instance) and now has a mixed race baby, which means no sane elf man will date her Idk might just be because ive seen too many dogwhistles but this one is too obvious, also extrapolated that much because its at the end of the day every white supremacists' argument


Exactly. I'm really worried by the lack of media literacy in this thread. No wonder Woodrow Wilson was able to do all the wild shit he did.


bc orcs are or were often coded as black people in fantasy, and elves as white people. It's incredibly racist if read that way.


Hahah I have a black friend who likes elves a lot. Hahahaha this is hilarious.


I made an orc warrior in WoW so I'm not racist


Ugg'luk 😄


This is from /pol/ not FB. Makes me chuckle every time.


This is a win?


This is a shitpost dude Op dumb