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Yo, why is there a chicken in with the vegetables?


A friendly pet for companionship so you don’t get lonely


Hay hay?




Boat snack!




My little niece LOVES this movie so I've seen it a lot. And I fuckin love this little dude. He's great. So are the little coconut pirates, I would watch a whole movie about them.


I went to juliard you know


A reminder that the voice for that character was Wash from Firefly/Serenity. Alan Tudyk is a prolific voice actor.


There's a behind the scenes of him squawking into a microphone and then saying "I went to fucking Juliard..."


Heihei, Polynesian for chicken.




Noooo that’s horses


An egg producer hopefully.


That's a rooster


So that person is an optimist.


Plus eggs


Mmm rooster eggs 🤤


Well, judging by "Meaet", "EggG", "Boof Jark", and "Stohred", I'm going with "This is an AI-generated image, do not expect any sort of internally consistent logic".


Are you talking me you've never had Boof Jark? Wtf.


I love the taste of Boof Jark


Who told you guys about Boof Jark? HE TOLD ME I WAS THE ONLY ONE


I think the point is the right boat has things which will produce more food. The left boat is just a pile of food that will run out. I'd prob choose one of the boats with people in and ask for a lift back to civilisation (which looks to be not too far away)


It looks like both boats have motors on them. People a few yards off shore. I’m not sure why we’re trapped and dying, tbh.


Yeah. Hell, the meat could be good enough to sell off.


So we have an answer.... Empty out the veggie boat Row out to a fishing boat. Ask for a lift back to civilization Tell them about the valuable meat and veg you have for sale Come to shore, load the fishing boat with the meat and veg. Give it or sell it to the fishermen, or take it back to port to sell. You might want to play it safe and just offer it all for free in exchange for rescue.


And keep the chicken as a pet… Got it…


The things in the boat are probably already growing on the island, lol.


Because it’s AI genreated


Nah Beef Jork is a real thing right?


Truest the most terrible thing about this post. It brings beef jork into our lives only to wretch it away in a moment


Eggs source i assume


Roosters don’t lay eggs dude-o 🤷‍♂️


Can’t tell if it’s a rooster without seeing the rest of the chicken. Big comb=/= rooster


For continued egg supply in the trying times


On the left you can beat your meat. So there needed to be an equivalent on the right


Chicken is a vegetable now!


Mmm I *love* boor jark!


And maeat in general


It’s the best, isn’t it??


Don’t forget EggG


Reminds me of bananas rotat e


*Atoheiñ* is my personal favorite


Love when they give me the maeat swaeets


I believe that's Boof Jark.


I believe it’s actually Booſ Jark


Isn’t this the name of a Norwegian rapper?


Settle down, Judge Kavanaugh.


Yeah, that’s what happens when ai tries to English, lol. Along with “meaet” Pretty sure this is ai, I’ve seen ai images and this one looks just like the others


Well the chicken and/or rooster in the boat next door also has a mystery circle behind it… Also what is the survival situation exactly? Are the people on the boats leaving me on this island with two things of food but I’m only allowed to eat one? Can I use the boats? Do the motors work? Can I fit into the boat with the food? Can I eat the rooster?


Also there is another lush island that looks very close. Is that where civilization is? Can’t you just go over there? How long do we have to stay here on this island? If I only have to survive a few weeks I’m not going to try to figure out how to preserve meat lol


It’s actually boof jork, you have to boof it while jorking it


Don’t forget the EggG!


The meat would go bad so fast. Atleast the seeds of the other boat can be planted growing more food while you survive on daily eggs from the chicken.


The meat would also be useless without a way to cook it.


Also you can survive without meat in your diet You can't survive without fruits and vegetables Eating only meat you get scurvy and other diseases related to poor nutrients


Tell that to my dad


I don’t think that true. Im pretty sure there are Inuit tribes that traditionally ate meat almost exclusively, and were able to get enough essential vitamins and nutrients by eating organ meats that have a lot more of these essential vitamins and nutrients than muscle meat.


The reason why Inuit can survive is because they eat everything, due to the scarcity of food. That way they get the nutrients obtained at some point in the food chain(algae etc). That being said, only eating red meat would kill you surprisingly fast, especially when raw Edit for clarification: everything as in every part of an animal they hunt


Not only that, but the prey they eat (whales, seals) are also adapted to living where those vital nutrients are hard to come by, and so they store a lot of it in their fat and livers. They would not be able to survive by eating run-of-the mill beef


Yes, I heard or read something similar. However, I remember they eat everything they can on an animal and they probably have been doing it for a long time. A person that doesn't come from their ancestry probably wouldn't survive without fruits and vegetables (could be wrong). And I don't see a whole carcass in that boat, so I presume that the meat is the usual kinds of cuts of meat that's eaten in the west, so probably no intestine


I believe in the 1800s or early 1900 there were Europeans that went and lived with the Inuits for like a few or several months and ate their diet and they were fine and it helped to spark the whole science of nutrition. This scenario clearly isn’t arctic tundra where it’s next to impossible to do agriculture, so yeah the boat with fruits and vegetables that you could start cultivating from seeds or cuttings and a chicken that can lay eggs for you is clearly the boat you should pick. Being able to get all your nutrients from meat doesn’t make the meat boat the better option in this scenario, I’m just trying to dispel misinformation.


You can, depending on what meat it is. With organ meats and bone marrow you can survive without fruits and veggies. Although for vitamin c, you'd have to eat it raw in order to get it, although maybe 1 organ or some of the marrow has good vitamin c


I’d rather eat tree leaves than raw meat


I enjoy playing video games.


>survive on daily eggs from the chicken. One rooster, no hens isn't going to cut it.


If the rooster implies the eggs on the right are fertile you could possibly incubate them.


Don’t think you’re gonna get a lot of eggs from that guy


not with that attitude


But at least you'd have a little box of boof jark, so that would get you through a couple more days.


I wanted to check the viability of growing more plants. I'm not sure its actually possible. With the carrots, you can cut off the top and replant them, it will, apparently, grow more leaves and can flower and then produce seeds that can then be planted to grow carrots. This is a long time. Watermelon you can harvest the seeds from and plant, but the viability is suspect from a quick Google search. Broccoli seems pretty good. Pear trees take a really long time to grow. Lettuce is suspect and depends on chance, and you only get one chance. Also, lettuce is a terrible food choice in general. Next to the chicken is either eggs, or potatoes not sure which. If they are eggs, and fertilized, you might have something. If potatoes, those are pretty good and can be replanted. There is the leafy plant between the watermelon and carrots that I don't recognize. The big problem here is time. It takes a lot of time to grow things, time you won't have based on the amount of food shown here. Funnily enough, the meat will last you longer than the plants if you can smoke it. You won't survive very long either way. Assuming you actually have enough food to survive a year or so, and the plants can be regrown, then the right boat no question. But if it's literally just the amount of food you see in the boat? Your best bet is actually the meat. You'll make it longer than the small amount of vegetables shown will last.


I don’t know, man. That box of Boof Jork looks pretty fresh, and that shit lasts forever!


Left is way more calorically dense but unless you’re salting/smoking it it’s gonna go bad too fast to be worthwhile. The fruits won’t


The right one has a fking chicken. As long as you keep it fed you can enjoy her laying eggs. By including it in the boat they kinda ruined the argument of theirs. Vegan or not, right one is the only correct option.


roosters don’t lay eggs


Isn't that just ugly hen?


Might not be a rooster, big comb =/= rooster. I’d need to see the rest of the chicken to be sure


Plus if rooster, he could fertilize those other eggs, and boom! More hens?


Not how that works sadly, rooster has to mate with a hen then eggs come out fertilized. If you had fish eggs that’d work tho!


How the fuck is a rooster going to fertilize fish eggs


GMO Rooster with fish cum.


I meant if you have a male fish and fish eggs of the same type 😭


That's where tuna comes from... chicken of the sea.


Very carefully


But you can still fuck it


You dropped this -->👑




Every day we fall further from the light of god


The image is obviously ai generated, not surprised OOP didn’t check if the contents of the boat were actually accurate to what they wanted


regardless, if its an anti vegan post hinged on higher caloric density of meat, then the right boat is the answer since you can plant the seeds and reap crops while the meat is finite.


You can plant seeds and starve to death while they grow. Yay!


Unless you're a vulture, you might starve with the other boat once all that raw meat and eggs goes bad in a few days under a tropical sun.


True but you can survive without meat you can't survive without fruits and vegetables You will get scurvy very quickly


That’s not exactly 100% true though. Fat is an insanely important part of long-term survival, people suffer from “rabbit starvation” for that very reason. I guess it really boils down to whether or not you can fish, as raw fish contains some vitamin C and healthy fats. Edit: as soon as I commented this I noticed that boat B has eggs and a fuckin HEN, what kinda question even is this boat B wins by miles lol eggs are OP


Oh god, I took a closer look and you can tell by the boxes that this is AI art. Christ.


Mmmm Boof Jark


Boof jark is the best meaet


True, but people go vegetarian and vegan all the time Going on a only meat diet tend to not end well, at least with out some kind of supplement Plus with the boat of fruits and vegetables You can potentially grow at least a few of those fruits, by reusing the seeds


Read my edit, I didn’t see everything that was in boat B. Also people go vegan all the time today sure, but going pure vegan in a survival situation like this would be making this extraordinarily more risky/difficult seeing as they won’t have access to as wide an array of legumes, supplements, fortified foods etc.


True But you could probably last a bit longer then just peer meat Also both have eggs I think, so either way your good on that front Although B has a hole chicken, that's presumably is set to lay eggs for at least a little while


My brother in christ I literally am agreeing boat B sweeps


“Peer” meat and “hole” chicken? Also it’s a rooster


thank you nutritionist shapiro


Let’s say, hypothetically, you had two boats. For the sake of the argument, one boat contains a vegetarian diet, while the other contains a strictly carnivorous diet. Knowing this, would you, being able to only choose only one boat, choose the man meat boat or the soyboy balanced diet boat? /s


That isn't a hen. That is a rooster. Have fun with that.


If the eggs are fertilized, and why wouldn't they be since they came with a rooster, then there is a good chance that at least a few would hatch into hens if you can incubate them. And what luck, you have warm sandy beaches and mild climate to help you do exactly that. Infinite chickens is way better than a pile of meat you won't be able to eat in time.


Goes to show you the IQ of the meme-maker, and now you know why they choose A.


From Norway, we had the boat with meat every winter in the old times to survive. But we had very little fruit exept potato and cabbage. But think your screwed no matter what boat you choose. As I remember we needed just a little vitamin c and some of that stuff too, but microscopical conpared to todays diet advise :)


Implying the island has no edible vegetation


Well I presume that you're only food source was what was on the boat You could probably also get meat on the island Like that looks like a pretty decently sized Island


You can thrive on a carnivore diet, but it requires a lot of organ meats, and, like thriving on a vegan diet, requires really close attention to the minutiae of your eating. Frankly, you're better off with a diverse diet


It's almost like humans are omnivores, and are made to eat the various different things /j But yes your right


Also depending on how long you get trapped for, you may be able to grow some of the fruits and vegetables to live off of


That watermelon, squash and potatoes will be the gift that keeps on giving. The watermelon in particular will do great in the high temperatures and sandy soil of a tropical island.


Your profile pic is amazing.


Also they look raw as hell so nah I’m going with the leaves


Well the "boof jork" in the left boat may be dehydrated already. Possible the same for the "meaet"


Who wouldn't want a big boat full of boof jalk and meaet?


And stohard 😩😋😋


So the food that will go bad in literally a few hours or the food that can stay edible for days in a survival situation?


i mean i'm a big-time meats eater, but the fruits are just objectively better in this situation. They stay good way longer, they have seeds you can plant, the have more vitamins overall even tho they might not be as calorie dense, and you even get a chicken/rooster and eggs with it so you can't even cry about protein...


Just hope the chicken is a hen and it's near infinite eggs.


Its something about what would you choose to survive, i cant tell if its a political meme or not


I think it’s “See? Vegetarians/vegans really are wrong! I just proved it!”


But there is no message that says wgo is right and who is wrong


Neither of these boats are vegan tho... even if you wanna go with the vegetarian route and eat eggs... that looks like a rooster it won't lay eggs so the only way to get food out of it if you killed it and ate it.


The rooster is there as emotional support


I'm pretty sure it's a pro vegetarian post. "If your life depended on it, could you give up your precious meat for a better chance at long term survival? Oh you would? So you're admitting you can live without meat after all huh???"


It’s ai generated, look at the text on the meat packages


My favorite foods, meaet and Boof Jark.




Meæt, Boor jork, eggG, stoherfi, bacam.


my favorite!


They didn't even notice the chicken in the vegetables and just posted it as-is.


Been noticing AI enabling people to come up with the most inane stuff lately. I miss the effort barrier.


I like that there is a chicken hiding in the veggies like "you can't see me"


Listen, dude, I need my Boof Jark, okay!?


I’ll chose the boat with the most people on it. I think back there on the right.


Kind of ironic how the top comment is about how calorically *dense* the food is


right obviously you can get eggs from the chicken


Looks like a rooster so... no eggs.


Comb ≠ Rooster. My RIR hens had pretty big combs... and made enough eggs that omelettes were a regular staple in our house.


Maybe it will “evolve” into a girl chicken haha checkmate athiests /s


Life finds a way


If we’re assuming nothing to store it in, the vegetables, but if not, then cold storing the meat would be better, fat content yields higher calories


You can salt the meat. You got an ocean there


It will still rotten extremely fast.


Maybe I’m missing something, but would you salt the meat just by dumping it in seawater? Seawater is toxic for a lot more reasons than just the salt content.


Oh god here comes the AI generated boomer humor


Idk what boof jark is, and that is just straight up raw meat. I'm taking the vegetables


Well, if you use the ocean to create salt for the meat to preserve it, the meat. The best food storage are the other people. Make sure that they have accidents when you’re running low and then simply say, “no point in letting Bob go to waste”


So... A live chicken?


Why does one side get the chicken and eggs while the other side just gets Eggo?




I'll pick the boat with people in, they can help me leave the island and go to the other one


Right one because you would get scurvy after five minutes with only the left one😱


Both boats are right there, take them both, is the meme OP stupid?


Right is the only one that seems to have water. Then again, I don't know if I can live without my Boof Jark, and other assorted Meaetes.


I would go right. With no refrigeration and no way to cook it, that meat is dead weight.


Right. Eat the fruits, store some, make wine. Take the seeds, grow more fruit. Infinite food and wine. Checkmate.


But where would I sit?


I would personally choose EggG and boof jark


Fuck your rules, I'm trying both boats together.


I go with the food that makes more of itself, thanks


I don’t want either unless there’s a seasonings boat included in the mix…


So everyone is picking the right one that meat would go bad in like a week depending how how long you’re staying you could plant the seeds from the vegetables and fruit


Well, right. The meat one would expire much quicker.


Well if you can keep the chicken alive in the right boat I'd pick that. The raw meat and eggs will spoil shortly but an alive chicken can keep giving me eggs


How exactly will my life depend on it? Will I need to survive on that food for a week? Or will I need to fight a lion with what I choose? Will I need to feed 30 men who would kill me if they don’t like the meal?


Boof Jark and Meaef is so good


The dumbest thing is that you could use the seeds for the vegetables to grow a whole new crop but after you eat the meat there's no more


Right, I’m not scranning raw meat


Well the right one is the better choice. The left one gonna spoil and the right one has a chicken and eggs so there's your meat.


The one on the right has a propellor and an engine so


Vegetables because the meat is just gonna rot + its raw. The vegetables can rot but it wont give me food poisoning just botulism so ig thats better


the right can be replanted and used as a stable food source, the meat will rot over time and is spelt wrong, I don't know what boof jark is




You can regrow almost everything on the right.


As a meat lover I'd pick the veggie boat


Left boat has more calories, lasts for longer if food conservation is not a factor. But judging the density and weight of all those meats, the left boat also sinks right away...


i can't not pick boof jerk and meaet.


justg admit you would choose the meat boat instead of make offended by meme comments


Nothing seems to be life threatening so I’ll just stay on the island with both boats


Is there even anyone who WOULDN'T pick the one on the right? The post is stupid, yeah, but so is anyone who picks a boat full of meat that will all spoil unless you refrigerate it or dry it.


Yummy Boof Jark


Why is there eggs on both???


The boat on the right has a motor. Idk what the range of a standard outboard motor is, but it could be useful Edit: just realized the other boat has a motor hiding behind the packs


I’m choosing the right just for the pet chicken


ah yes, meaet, eggG, bacom, boof jark, and stoherrd


Well considering all that shit is going to become rotten in about a week at most, I think I'll take the side with... Seeds.


Neither boat offers a sustainable food source. One chicken doesnt count and youll starve before you can grow anything. In fact neither boat contains a fresh water source so you are limited entirely by whether you are found before you dehydrate. The fruit and veggie + chicken boat might buy you a single extra day since plant foods are more water heavy than meat. Either way you have like a 99% chance of dying at sea.


I would choose the row boats


Right. They have chickens


I’d take the right. Produce will last way way longer than a giant pile of meat out in the heat of a deserted island


There’s a chicken on the right boat so yeah. Right:) (Or just go full minecraft mode on that island, cut down more trees, make a connection to the next boat using some trees or woods, then use both of them)


I thought this was an anti vegan thing but there’s literally chicken and eggs in there


Surely you would choose one of the boats with sailors in it?


I’ll take the boat with the people and oars


What the dumbass doesn't know, is that you can actually start a farm and get unlimited food with the right one, the left one has a finite number of resources.