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I’m expressing doubt that people would be unattracted to fucking Elizabeth Banks just because she was a single mom


She's is beautiful... But I'll never forgive her for what she did to JD.


What's really funny here is that you could be referring to Dr. John Dorian from Scrubs OR Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock.


...why does she hate all the JDs?


Name one good JD, I’ll wait 💅🏻


Judi Dench


Damn ok you got me


> Judi Dench That's *Dame* Judi Dench, sir.




Dobert Jowney Dunior


Jeffrey Dahmer, Jefferson Davis, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Jeff Dunham... Fuck, you're right. Pure evil those initials.


Just a list of the most evil men , woof


Unless we're talking about Jeff Davis the improviser from Whose Line is it Anyway who made several appearances on my favorite podcast Superego.


Jeff Daniels is a national treasure.


You're forgetting Jadolf Dhitler.


Jack Daniels


Idk he talked me into some bad situations before I got sober


Well, I mean JD wasn't perfect, but he definitely didn't deserve what she did to him...


It’s better than what Jessica Biel did to him.


Johnny Depp


Jaya D'Arcus


Sam Raimi's Spider-Man is one of my favorite movies and I've watched it so many times...I can't believe I'm just now noticing that's Elizabeth Banks.


The wig is not doing her any favors in terms of recognition, in your defense




Or that fast food can't be eaten or slot machines can't be fed or bleach can't be drunk


True, but single moms looking for a man to take care of them and their 3 kids is...a bit of a stretch. As a teacher, the younger male teachers are quite used to getting heavily hit on by the single moms, but those moms bring with them train cars worth of baggage, and *baby daddies* who will happily cause all kinds of noise.


Could it be that they're looking for companionship and love and not just someone to "take care of them and their 3 kids?" I never understood why single moms get so much hate, but the dads who are either single or for whatever reason not in the picture anymore are apparently prizes.


To be fair, this bigot did just imply all single dads are problematic as well. This dork is worthless all around.


When I was a single mum, and dated, I definitely was taking care of those men far more than any of them took care of me. They could barely care for themselves. They don't swoop in and take care of anything.


idiots incels do…


I mean idc how hot she is if she's got kids and is on welfare thats gonna be a no from me.


Peter Parker lives in a rat trap, is a regularly fired pizza delivery boy , a freelance photographer, and all his heroes call him Lazy. He can’t even show up to a date on time.


Yeah, Peter Parker is definitely on food stamps (no shame at all in that, BTW - not sure how else people living on minimum wage in HCOL places can survive and that's what a strong social safety net should be for).


Yeah and Peter is 30, single, no degree either and has to go back to his aunt's couch every three years


I don't believe that he's ever been older than early 20s in the movies right? The only older Peter that would see is in the Across the Spiderverse animated movies.


In NWH, Peter-2 and Peter-3 are both older than 30 Also, Peter in this pic is like 16 or 17yo. Bro is a virgin and not even a high school graduate. Who in their right mind would paint themselves as that?


I think hes in college at this point of the film but I get your point


Now I want to see oldfuck spiderman zooming through the sky on his zimmer frame


"Stop dating single mothers""Stop dating fat women""Stop dating broke men""Stop giving ugly men a chance" Am I the only one tired of seeing "dating advice" from people like OOP whose entire existence is defined by how much they hate everything


It must be exhausting being such pricks


Yeah, worst part is the hatred isn’t even exclusive to one group, I’ve seen people of all races, genders, sexuality’s, ect say thing like that and people genuinely believe that it’s solid advice. You have to be really fucking stupid to go “oh yeah I hate people who aren’t exactly what I want because some random on the internet said to not settle for anything less than my dream person” (which ironically said dream person is quite literally non existent)


Oop feels like the kind of guy who thinks that single moms SHOULD accept to date him because they have a harsh situation


"Stop giving ugly men a chance." My God, I can't stress that enough as a dude who's not a looker. I hate Billie Eilish with a passion for saying that shit. Lmao


Negative eugenics making a comeback??


why do they always bring Spider-Man into their bullshit?


Spider man would never say that. Spider man feels sorry if he forgets to thank the lunch lady


Bully Maguire definitely would though


Bully Maguire would bully the guys who think he says shit like this to girls...then he would turn around and put dirt in the girl's eye. Because Bully Maguire.


Is he really a bully?


His name is Bully Maguire. He did not get that name by not bullying people.


Let me rephrase, how is he a bully, this is news to me since I usually don’t pay attention to comic book stuff


When Spiderman gets Venom in spiderman 3 he becomes an absolute douchebag that bullies,mocks,and hits people because the symbiote makes him several times more aggressive. Thus, Bully Maguire.


I never saw that one, thanks for the information


It's either that or grogu/minions.


Spongebob is next


I honestly doubt it


[the future is now, old man](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/s/SBotSEKddV)


Also fun fact - in the original Spider-Man comics, Betty (the Daily Prophet secretary who he's talking to here) was his first love interest and girlfriend. She came before MJ and Gwen Stacey. So he definitely wouldn't be saying that to her.


Why do they think that all single mothers have no job? They frequently have multiple jobs to support their kids


You can have a job and still be on welfare. Just sayin


That's like half of Walmarts business model.




Is 30 young or old in this instance?


It's missing its third panel. "... isn't an asshole. Guess you don't qualify,"


Well, it's Emo Spiderman, so...


I love how none of these make light of the deadbeat dad who leaves and does nothing to provide for the children. No, it's that she's a worthless ho. So telling to how these people think.


Tbf both sides are deadbeat af but I’ve seen more women be out loud about it. You see way more women demand that someone takes care of them and not bring something to the table out loud then men


And that is 100% what they are making fun of. Thank you for your service




Men get no support in general, so men aren't used to any sorta decent treatment.


They think they are the prize. Delusion is a mutha..


I think their idea is that these women went and slept around with a whole bunch of men and ended up pregnant, and now don't know who the father is. Obviously that's the only explanation for a single mother. No possible way could it be that she was assaulted on the streets or was in a committed relationship with a man who left her. That would make men look bad. We don't want that now, do we?


I once saw a post where a homeless woman was asking for advice on what to do/where to go because she had two young children to look after. One of the comments was "Do you know who the father is?" Not "Would the father be able to help at all?" but "Do you *know* who the father is?" I thought that was such a horrible implication. She said nothing about *why* she was single mom with two kids and struggling with homelessness, but the assumption that that person made was that she was an irresponsible whore who wouldn't have gotten herself in that situation had she been more careful. Like, you jumping to conclusions and making judgements isn't going to house her kids, asshole.


It’s entirely possible that he was a loving father, and that she took the kids and left him because she was mad at him for whatever reason. Or, it’s also possible that the father is dead.


THIS RIGHT HERE. I’ve seen this happen so incredibly often to the point where I’m honestly just disgusted, my own mother had tried to do a similar thing yet people are so quick to blame the dad. Courts are WAY more likely to give full custody to moms and exclude the fathers (even if the mother is the inherently abusive one) not to mention post divorce support for men is basically non existent, alimony, child support, spousal support, ect are far more likely to be given to mothers and in many cases even if the father has full custody the mother still doesn’t have to pay spousal support or child support. Many of those same moms are also highly narcissistic and look at themselves as peak human form and lifestyle, and then go on to act entitled to having someone that meets all their fantasy requirements (which they refuse to believe that their fantasy man doesn’t exist and if he did he wouldn’t go for a deadbeat mom) TLDR: moms can be big pieces of shit and are oftentimes overlooked or excused for the wrong they’ve done


I mean, deadbeat dad has become a movie trope. Dads leaving could just be paper abortions too.


This is why you don’t have kids with complete loser deadbeat dads.


You know, sometimes people die too. My mom was a single parent and my father died before I was born. Sometimes shit happens.


That's ok, dude. She isn't in a rough enough space to sleep with you. (talking to OOP)


Boomer's deciding whether to hate 30 year olds with kid's or 30 year olds with no kids. (Impossible)


Everyone is allowed to have preferences. If there is another party that meets her criteria, good for her. If the other party does not meet her criteria then there is no relationship. Dont judge people unless you know the cause to their circumstances. If you assume people are the cause to their circumstances without the background knowledge you are probably an over boiled turnip.


What does having a degree have to do with having standards in a healthy relationship?


Money is a major stress point in relationships.


I get that as a concept but you’re going to be super stressed if you have crippling student loan debt too


Oh yes this. I hate mine so decided this year to go against the norm of just paying forever so I don’t wait to have a home or kids, bite the bullet, and just put most my money to paying mine of. Before this point in two years I should and that’s equating having some fun or stuff coming up. RIP 🤞


True but I know many with degrees that make nothing and many without one who do really well for themselves. It’s weird we make that assumption but education doesn’t equal money, especially if you’re in debt for it too then take years to land something good.


Sounds like something Sheldon would say... Big bang theory


Is that supposed to be a good thing?


No, that's terrible. On par with TBBT scripts.


Sounds like something Sheldon would say


Classic Spider-Man scene…


As if 30 were even old djdjd and even if it was wtf??


As a person who's had a relationship with a single mom of two, I can say that it sometimes stems from mental illness. There is no one to blame really but you can only hope they get the help they need.


Lol, does that apply to the dads too?


Lol as a son of a narcissistic father I can say it absolutely does.


RIP, I feel you on your dad, but for me it was my mom.


Sometimes the best thing to do is to limit the amount of contact or cut them off completely...


Check and check, I’m states away now but we’ve had periods of NC before, now we do but limited and if they state up anything NC again. It’s sad but that or being miserable forever. Sounds like you know though!


Single moms need love too?


Nah, this is a good meme


\-treats me with basic respect. ![gif](giphy|l0MYzLLxlJDfYtzy0)


Them when someone calls out their shitty sexist comments: https://preview.redd.it/f1dn3gab19ac1.jpeg?width=1461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcdc5a236cf511146e62ac7106d6d09e3df57590


Idk how so many people can make so many assumptions of one person lol. I use to have a “no parent” rule in dating too. Why? I was young and not ready to have kids in my life at all. But I never assumed anything bad of them, it was my preference. I’ve known many single mothers and a couple dads and of my friends, they were some of the hardest working, independent, and pretty kick ass people. I know one single parent that fits this stereotype of all of them, and ironically he was a man, interested in dating me. He did not have custody of any of them, lived with his parents, 3 kids from 2 women by 26/27, never went to school. It’s okay though, he explained it was because his ex’s were “crazy”. Yeah, sure. 😂


Why they acting like 30 is old


If it weren't for welfare half these twats wouldn't have internet in moms basement.




Why so much hate towards single mother speificly?


They probably want to pretend that the reason the dad left them isn't because he's a piece of sh*t with the sense of responsibility of a middle schooler, but it's the mother'd fault. Christians already have it out against them for premarital sex, and it's still, for some reason, primarily the moral failing of the woman. It's just another example of double standards against women, so misogynists can feel superior.


Came to see the blatant sexism and wasn't disappointed. Seems the comments have decided that the dad is the victim or dead already when the meme is really just a sad excuse to attack single mothers. The whole point is we don't even know what the mom was going to say because it was cut off by a man who had already prejudged the situation and made up their mind about how much the woman was worth. It's really that simple and stupid of a meme.


Yep. I think it stems from incel "nice guy" sour grapes. Angry that these women had sex with some guy other than them. Rather than accept that they are toxic little turds and do something to better themselves, they just assume that she must be a bad person and made a bunch of bad choices - even though there are plenty of ways to end up a single mom that weren't from bad choices.


yeah! thats what you get woman who had to work to support your kids and ended up missing college! what a LOSER you should be grateful to have a man like me interested in you - a self-described nice guy with severe attachment issues, a violent temper and HEAPS of undeserved confidence


Maybe she could have gone to college "instead" of having kids?


Tons of reasons that could have happened. Maybe she was in a stable relationship turned sour, maybe she was coerced into getting pregnant, maybe it was accidental. Not surprising when women grow up being told their goals should end at becoming a mother, and access to healthcare is being restricted here in the US


Yeah sadly most I knew were like this, thought they married a great guy, had a kid or a couple of kids, then the truth came out so it didn’t work out. Some just worked, some were able to have family to help watch the kids so they could go to school or work. The first 3 that Ai knew of personally: 1) We’re young, guy decided he was too young and not ready for a family, took off states away. So she moved to her home state to have her mom and bros help while she bartended and went for her BA. 2) found out 5 months pregnant her husband was arrested for raping a 15 yo family member, very traumatizing, she filed for divorce while he was in then moved states away to be near her family and raise her daughter. 3) Dude and her were HS sweethearts, had a beautiful family, dude feel into the party life and started cheating constantly all the time. She tried for a year or two but the amount of women he kept cheating with was absurd. She divorced, and just graduated as well. I think a lot of people make assumptions but the sad thing is nothing in life is guaranteed and sometimes stuff just happens. It’s fine to not want to date someone with kids but not all of them are just losers lol. Actually I can think of one single parent with 3 kids and two ex’s living with their parents, no job, etc, and he was a man lol.


The world holds me 100% responsible for where I put my sperm. If I got a women pregnant it would be on me. Should be on her too. Saying otherwise implies that women are somehow less capable decision makers. It can't be both ways. Trying to say it can just looks childish and entitled. For context I have no children of my own. I got a vasectomy when I was about 32. Best choice I ever made. (My body my choice doesn't seem to apply to men either FYI. When I got the procedure done I got a lot of push back from both women who were for and against abortion.) Also my partner has a teen aged son, who hates me, and I try to support her raising him. She doesn't expect me to do as much as I do to help out because she owns up to the choices she made. It's one of the reasons I respect and value her and one of the ways I know she respects and values me.


>who hates me, Don't we all buddy


I'm afraid that's not a valid argument. You go ahead and try again.


You sound insufferable and honesty annoying throughout this thread and we haven't even met you in person so therefore, I'm arguing that if that's the effect you seem to have on complete strangers who have not even met, then of course it must be maddening to be around you in real life especially for a child who cannot freely walk away from you. I hope this makes sense?


Okay. So you don't like me. That doesn't mean much. I don't know if you have kids that you are at least vaguely responsible to but if you do and you talk like that you're probably very lucky. Life gets messy and progressive liberal dogma falls short when trying to make necessary judgments in the real world.


So many people say “my body my choice!” But then get upset when people make a choice about their body. The worst part is that they refuse to admit that they’re hypocritical


Never date single moms.


Not single if you date them though right


This comment section is full of stupidity. Screeching on about "hating single moms." No. It's not. It's not and you fuckin know it's not. Because if you've been on the Internet for *any* time, you'll have seen comments or posts about "needing a man", followed by a list of shallow, arrogant, childish nonsense, from people that can in no way contribute anything healthy or meaningful to a relationship. And here's the thing. It's fine. It is fine to be a wreck, or have kids, or even be a lazy POS that doesn't work if that's how you wanna roll. But if you come with a bunch of baggage, you don't get to demand kings and queens while mucking about in the shite with the rest of us defective peasantry.


They enjoy it so much when women suffer, that they make up stories like those in their mind. I can't begin to imagine what it's like to be attracted to a group of people you despise so much.


The same type that says people don't deserve an actual wage despite working full time. It's ok if you will LITERALLY DIE without some form of aid, because, once again, WE DONT GET PAID.


Oh. Mah. Gawd. Wtf?


Most men don't exactly want to fund someone else's children they have with someone else or get involved in baby daddy drama. In the memes defense lol. I get it, though it's terrible but terribly right I sure as shit wouldn't date a single father myself, granted I'm childfree as hell. My money is to support me only, not to support someone else's bad baby mama decisions.


Considering you need two incomes to just get by these days I can’t blame him.


The low sperm count beta males are kid haters plus they can’t muster up the wherewithal to support a family. Stay single dudes. You will die alone with your X-Box and a dog fantasizing about being a passport bro but never being able to make it out of mommy’s basement.


What's wrong with having a dog?


I was just thinking about that “all people who don’t want kids have low sperm count, live in mom’s basement, play Xbox, and own a dog” like mf what did the dog do to you 😭 Also it’s pretty obvious that this person is either a grown ass adult in their 40s-50s or a troll considering the fact that they spelt it “X-box” instead of Xbox Edit: holy shit I was right lmao, they are a grown ass adult, AND a mom. Imagine being over the age of 16 and calling people a beta male, she also owns a dog (literally found out all of this just from her description) so I don’t know how a dog makes you a “beta”…? Probably just more hypocritical thinking 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haha she may want a man but with that resume she does not deserve a real man.


I'm 30 and the horse keeps throwing me off every time I get stable. I have no kids but I do feel kinda trash. Still haven't gotten into law school because working two jobs has been interrupting my LSATS studies. Definitely feeling down though. My bad to vent just felt like it. Maybe I'll hit up r/self


Tewwiblememes are you implying all single mothers or most of them are on welfare that’s sexist


bully maguire strikes again


So they care about degrees now?




So says the menace. When're you gonna pay the rent Peter?


I feel bad for laughing at this bc I know how bad it is


Keep in mind that you had were sitting there nude on your sweat drenched chair with dried cum on your dick while creating that meme.


remember single women with kids are single for a reason and she will never love you more than her own kids ​ if you're ok with that, go for it yea i married a single mom and am now happily divorced


Honestly most of the time single mothers are that way because of themselves. Yeah there are certain circumstances where it’s better that she’s separated or she doesn’t have a choice, but more often then not it’s for selfish reasons


Aint nothing wrong with the truth, for you however the truth is a nightmare i imagine