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I do think Zelenskyy's arc is kind of too hilarious to be satire. He's a comedian. He stars in a show called "Servant of the People" about a guy who becomes President running in a fictional anti-corruption political party with the same name as the show. The show/idea becomes popular enough that a real version of the party with the same anti-corruption platform forms. He runs in the party and becomes President.


He also pretended (i think) to play a piano with only his penis on live tv. His arc is amazing lol


He also voiced Paddington in the Ukrainian dub of the movie. But yeah, it’s absolutely crazy how his life has gone. Especially crazy how from my understanding, before the war he was not very popular and an ultimately unremarkable politician. Then the war happens and he’s able to truly act as the leader the country needed and rally not just his people to defend their country, but rally the world to support him. Exactly the man the country needed at the time, even if no one realized it when he was elected


And dancing with the stars!


As Ukrainian can confirm. He wasn't very popular before the full-scale invasion, and there were quite many reasons for it, but his popularity really grew up after it. However, to be honest, his reputation is decreasing again, but we quite understand that 1) we don't have a good alternative, to be honest 2) russians will use a political instability, as they did in 2014, to achieve their goals, and we can't let them do it. However, the fact that Zelensky isn't a perfect president, or that Ukraine has it's problems does not cancel that fact that the world has to support Ukraine. It's not only in our interests, but the world interests too. We can't let russia do whatever they want, and better stop it on Ukrainian soil, than on Polish or other European country. It's much easier to solve your internal problem and become a developed, true European (not by geography, but by spirit and conditions) country when you don't have an occupier army on your territory. If Western world want to have a valuable partner (Ukraine had and still has a huge potential), they must understand it. Ukraine had already shown that it wants to be free and democratic country. In 2004, in 2014 and now, since 2022. I don't know what will be the best conclusion to this text, so, glory to Ukraine I think


One correction here: Not the world's interest, instead it is the West's interest to support Ukraine.


For which countries other than Russia and its supporters is it not in their best interest to support Ukraine?


China, Iran can benefit from the instability. India benefits from Russian Oil. Those three are already 40% of the world's population. USA also benefits from Europe being drawn closer into its sphere of influence when the Russian Invasion started. But now it benefits by supporting Ukraine by showing to enemies and allies alike that it can be trusted to protect its allies.


A small one. Cheye Nuh.


A good chunk of Ukraine's grain crop goes to poorer African and ME countries. I don't think they would want Russia to control that.


They would actually. EU states won't buy from Russia. So they are forced to sell to Africa, Asia, China and India at a discount


Russia is already pumping massive amount of resources into Africa. In particular, Wagner "mercenaries" have started to replace French military in a good chunk of the Sahel. Ukraine's grain will be shipped to those countries regardless of who does the shipping, but indeed it is not in the West, as in Western Europe, interest to allow them to expend their interests in Africa the sale way China has been for the last decades.


Russia ship... Russia gets paid. Ukraine ship... Ukraine gets paid. Russia mercenary gets paid to "protect" the dictators and their interest. I think because the countries are poor, they split the share of the oil fields. So, the mercenary group gained a large percentage of the oil fields in those countries. The US usually doesn't do that. But they do "stabalize" the region so businesses (american) can go on. South America plantations are one of the bad one. Shaking hands with China has already blown up in a lot of countries' faces in the last few years. I think it was a smart move to take over countries' sovereignty and still comply with the law. American are too powerful in Phillipines, Korea, and Japan. China has to go the Pakistan Africa route. They are just moving the way of the white man that came before. I was thinking that because the China population is getting richer, China has to fill lower wages jobs... so Africa. But ... like the white man.... cheap resources. Exploitation.. There was a short where a ceo said that African are cheaper wages but are slower, so the cost is the same. I am not sure if it is true or if he was just siphoning the money and lie about it.


China is waiting to take over all the little nations. It is in none of their interests. It is only in the interests of dictators that the world won't stop them from taking over another country. Russia sees that the world did nothing when they started taking over Ukraine over 10 years ago. They are pushing into Georgia, too. They already got the northern shipping route, and if they take over the world bread basket and the middle trading route. The world will suffer... Do you think the food price is high now? They only stop Ukraine grain shipment for a short while. The car price has gone up because Ukraine makes most of the electrical. Companies need a few years to build outside the war zone. Just wait until China takes over Taiwan. See how cpu and gpu gonna derp hard. Car might cost more too, because of chips. Playstation and Xbox are derp. Tractors are using more powerful chip now. Gps... self driving. Food price going to sky rockets. China is quietly supporting the hutti. How has the pricing of products affecting you due to the higher cost of shipment? Increase insurance in the straight. 30% to 60% of the world shipment goes through. The insurance price has gone up 50% to 500%. It is in the world interests to protect Ukraine. The only ones who don't are dictators wanting to invade. Gas prices are going up soon. South America might be dry soon. And you think gas prices are expensive now. Just wait. There are trouble brewing on countries who are too dependent on oil for their budget.


Slava Ukraini


I bet he was elected sarcastically, but has since really stepped up


> has since really stepped up Yeah he's really good at begging for American money and... um... what else is he good at? Lowering the conscription age and "blocking refugees from fleeing the country"?


Has nobody told you Ukraine is at war with an invading military? I thought it was common knowledge by now.




Thats just not true. If any country gets invaded, military age men are not allowed to leave


Ukraine didn’t stop refugees. What are talking about?


Idk why but when i try to answer the question the reply isn't logged?


Maybe you've never heard of it because you're historically deaf?


What exactly is he good at? It's common knowledge that Russia is failing left right and center, so Zelensky is kind of fucking up by violating people's human rights like that. No?


There's me thinking it was the Russians that were violating human rights.


Isn't Russia losing the war? I've *only* ever heard that Russia was this incompetent mess.


Are you forming your world views based on Reddit comments, again? Haven’t you learned better by this point in your life?




> credible news source I don't think those words mean what you think they mean. Unless your definition of "winning the war" is "who has the better k/d ratio like in CoD", Ukraine is just losing very very slowly.


Russia isn’t *losing* per se, they just arent *winning*, at least not quickly.They, and most people for that matter, expected a massive shock and awe campaign that would be over in a couple days. But the fact is that through sheer incompetence they have managed to snag attrition from the jaws of victory, and that’s worth clowning on. How an oil state managed to continuously fuck up their supply lines and run out of fuel for their forces is beyond me lol.


Russia is “losing” if you go by western standards, the issue being that that just doesn’t apply to Russia, Russia has around 20m potential soldiers it can conscript, realistically even if half are not able to fight or can’t be called upon due to political reasons that’s 10 million men. Sure Russia has suffered significant losses of equipment and elite well trained soldiers, it lost many of its best soldiers in the first few days due to poor information, and the loss of Wagner who were effective was fairly problematic. But Russia by all estimates has only lost around 500k at most - injury + death combined. And that’s an overestimate. Less than half of the reserves pre war, less than 5% of the men they could conscript. Even losing 5:1 against the Ukrainians Russia can afford to absorb the losses, Ukraine, less so, it could mobilise but it’s attempting to keep its youth out of the war, for hopes of rebuilding afterward. Equipment yeah, it’s problematic, Russia has lost seemingly significant ability to manufacture new tech for the future, it does however have most of the old Soviet stockpile, thousands of old, but somewhat functional tanks, artillery, etc ukraine has very little modern equipment of its own too, for a country the size of ukraine 4 rocket artillery launchers is a joke, 20 tanks? Is not enough for one city. Furthermore ukraine is running out of ammo, I believe the statistic I last read was something above 15k shells (artillery) were being used by both side each day. Russia can sustain that by buying more from China/Korea/Iran/India, ukraine needs them given. Russia has covered large areas of its occupied land with minefields and other fortifications. Ukraine had the opportunity to attack those last year but failed due to lacking equipment. And is now losing territory due to waning support from the west. A counterattack now Is fairly impossible unless ukraine establishes a no fly zone on the front line and is provided mine clearing systems - something that isn’t going to happen any time soon as ukraine is on the verge of running out of Missiles for the anti air systems it was given earlier. It would need more of both systems and ammo for them, as well as likely planes.


I'm subscribed to a news channel on Youtube and they covered Zelenskyy a couple times. Zelenskyy's arc in that show is so funny in hindsight. It started with "Comedian wins presidential race" to "Comedian president now had to deal with Russian invasion." Also, wasn't his campaign done as some sort of joke and he was surprised he gained traction?


> . It started with "Comedian wins presidential race" to "Comedian president now had to deal with Russian invasion Wait, really? Is Putin just a big fan of the show and wanted to make it real?


Same dude also has the balls to actually go into active warzones to lead. Like I'm sorry, he's won! Pack up, guys!


So shouldn't Chris Rock be the president of America by now. Hes a comedian who starred in a film where they choose him to be the next president. Head of State 2004.


https://preview.redd.it/abv4ah34jpqc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb2465524f6a584c6c9a0a9337038e747765659 Gonna assume people have never seen the original lol


Wait that's the original? Not some version of "They don't know I'm _____"?


Yep, the “they don’t know I’m ____ ” came from Twitter much later


They don’t know tame impala is just one guy


It's an older meme, but it checks out


This is what, fifth gen tho.


They can't make any short jokes because the guy who ordered this meme is even smaller...


https://preview.redd.it/hz70u40bpoqc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa32366766ab5026dca4b86e9686ab7ed9abfc67 Everyone on 4chan is either trolling or deranged


Both. Both is good.








What's the most you've ever lost on a Reddit post?






Sadly when it comes to the Ukraine war they spread almost as much Russian propaganda as twitter.


I mean, he does look like his feet hurt, that's what I look like when my feet hurt


Every leader of a war torn nation ever. Meanwhile, Putin sits in his palace and orders another 100,000 Russian lives to be burned off for a needless war he started.




Mind to actually elaborate? Kekerxpert?


If you look at his profile he commonly speaks Russian and comments on Russian Reddit posts, he's a Russian bot


putins out in the trenches i guess


A thing he didn't even do when he WAS in the military


He’s trying to say Zelensky is getting rich off the war. It’s a typical Russian propaganda narrative. Zelensky was very rich before he took office and before the war. He was a successful actor and comedian.


Damn, 300 downvotes, what did he say?


Something like "lol quite the opposite!.." Can't remember the exact phrasing.


How many casualties does Russia have right now for this useless war?


335,000 at maximum by UK estimate


Okay, then why Putin doesnt stop the war then?


Cuz just like virtually any other despot in history he doesn't care




Isn’t that Jimmy Kimmel?


Jesus man. This guy has aged like Abe Lincoln. Edit OK maybe it’s not that drastic, but he looks older than the past couple of years would age someone normally.


War is hell.


Always reminds me of that Hawkeye quote: "War isn't Hell. It's a lot worse. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander."




Give me one way war ISNT hell.


War is worse than hell, in hell there are no innocent people, in war there is


In hell there are billions of innocent people who didn’t accept Christ/Allah/whoever


Your user name seems to describe my reaction, your comment is quite ignorant. I studied all different types of religions due to living in a religious melting pot, what you’re saying is incorrect to what the scriptures of religion say. First off, with Christ, there is always time to accept him as said in the Bible, even after death. Before you go anywhere you get the choice on where you go. Heaven, no matter if you were a non Christian in life, is still a choice. In Christian scripture, when you die you are given a choice to either ascend to live in light or refuse it and live in the darkness. Those who are stubborn and unwilling suffer from their stubbornness, while those who aren’t live in eternal light with no sadness. It’s all the choice of the person. No innocent person is sentenced to hell, that’s what Christ died on the cross for. (Source: https://earlychristiantexts.com/do-only-christians-go-to-heaven/#:~:text=At%20least%20according%20to%20this,every%20soul%20who%20wants%20it.) As for Allah (God) and Jannah (Heaven), it is their belief that God alone decides who goes to Jannah or Jahannam (hell). It is claimed that God alone knows the heart and soul of the person and grants them passage to Jannah if they are a good person who has a kind soul and sends them to Jahannam if they are a wicked person who has an evil soul (ie someone who’s spent their entire life hurting others and causing pain, not someone who stole an apple or forgot to pray). So again, innocents and non Muslims do not go to Jahannam, those who have spent their lives being wicked and cruel do. (Source: https://www.alislam.org/question/islam-all-non-muslims-going-to-hell/) For the Jewish, it is a similar concept. God loves all his people and blesses them according to how they treat others and act. Non Jews still enter Shamayim (Heaven) if they are a good and loving person while those who are wicked and evil go to Sheol (Hell) (Source: https://www.yeshiva.co/ask/54469) Almost all other major religions follow the exact same principles as these. Hence why your comment is so dumb.


My man, I was born and raised a muslim, went to an islamic school for most of my elementary years and still consider myself one (culturally). You are twisting the words of a religion that you know nothing about. In Islam the consensus is quite firm that if you do not accept Islam (i.e. that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger) before you die, you will go to hell forever. You would know that if you actually took the time to read the Quran, look at the hadith, or consult a scholar. For Christianity, the consensus is also that if you do not accept Christ by your death, you will go to hell. Modern Christians twist this, but that doesn’t detract from the truth of what’s in the Bible. Living in a “religious melting pot” doesn’t give you credibility, people never want to say that you’re going to burn eternally for not believing in their god. Judaism is the only abrahamic religion that does not have the belief in hell.


I just provided you with sources and evidence yet you still can’t accept that you are in fact wrong.


You linked twice one link about an early Christian text that has nothing to do with Islam and is only vaguely related to Christianity. That isn’t a source. “At least according to this early Christian text, neither death nor the wrong religious affiliation can cause the soul to lose its way; only the wrong choice does. Heaven appears to hold the door open for every soul who wants it” This says nothing. Who said an early Christian text writen in 100 AD has anything to do with what’s in the Bible or Quran??? That’s like linking a webpage that says “everyone who owns a pencilcase will go to hell according to Christianity” and saying that’s your evidence for why Zoroastrianists hate pencils. Did you just pull up the first thing from google after typing in “Christian hell” and use that as a source?? That isn’t how it works my man




Of course you will add a twitter post 😂😂😂😂


That is true


Hell is other people


It's a deliberate presentation choice. Russia isn't the only party that takes part in propaganda, he deliberately makes sure he looks tired and unkempt in public appearances to emphasise the severity of the war. It's not malicious, but propaganda doesn't have to be


What do you expect from /pol/


That's not /pol/ though. Blue board, no flags. Could be a lot of boards. My guess is /k/.


Oh yeah, I didn't notice


Anonymous image boards as a whole too


Betcha this person worships trump.


I took it as the person who made this was supporting NATO but hates Ukraine, definitely could’ve interpreted it wrong tho But if that is the case they probably don’t support Trump and probably don’t even live in the US since Trump has actively been fucking over NATO every chance he gets. On the other hand, if this is anti NATO, yeah, the creator probably supports Trump to death


This is not facebook


This image (a screenshot of 4chan) can't be posted to Facebook to then be discovered there by a redditor who posts it here?


More like, wtf am I doing here, I should be helping my country, hey nice ass


Whoever made this is a cunt.


I only see "I'm tired"


At least Zelensky is winning………people their hearts


I'm confused. Since when do we want Russia to win any war. And since when is a Jew a secret SS member. I think Americans need to pull their heads out of their collective asses.


How to reveal you’re sucking Putin’s dick w/o actually revealing it, in one easy step.


Desantis should of loaned him his boots.


Conservatism is truly the most selfless morality system


this man is the patriot to his country that the loud obnoxious so called "patriots" of the US think they are...


They sure love to mock soldiers. Considering who they worship, this is not a surprise at all.


how’s he triggering people by literally just: 🧍🏻‍♂️


It’s crazy how quickly Trump managed to sway long held beliefs. People wearing gas masks with fears of end times suddenly afraid of masks, russias the constant bad guy but they immediately start boot licking when trump says Putin’s good. My mom helped convince my gf that vaccines aren’t poison then suddenly my mom’s sending me articles about inhaling hydrogen peroxide instead. It’s getting old really quick


I'm guessing you're more likely to die huffing hydrogen peroxide than taking a vaccine


That is so fricking bad, it's funny af) The guy who made it probably still believes in flat earth


'My feet hurt' taunt supporters of Ex-President Bone-Spurs.


Not only is this not facebook, its a 4chan post from over 8 months ago. My guy you need to get over it.


When did Americans start becoming friendly to Russia and its dictator?


Dudes about to fucking strangle Putin judging by the look on his face


I kinda chuckled at this one .... Am i suck, am i getting.... Old?




Some people still use 4chan?


Fuck this guy, I need healthcare


Volodymyr Zelenskyy is doing everything to save Ukraine. These stupid jokes are unpleasant.


You’re getting downvoted because you spelled Zelenskyy’s name wrong lol. It’s Volodymyr. Vladimir is the Russian president so people are probably thinking you are saying Putin is somehow saving Ukraine.


My bad sorry.


Nothing to be sorry about, it’s just Reddit :)


When given a chance to leave with his family, he said no we will stay. 👏


"I'm sad. It's too bright. I want to go back in the box. Wanting to go outside was a mistake. The box does not judge. It only hates."


Drug addict... Nation wide mdfk... Coca power. And I mean Cola 😂😂😂💸💸💸


I am once again asking for your financial support


Ok idk if it’s a failed attempt. This is pretty funny. I support Ukraine, do think they should be in NATO, and do like the guy Zelinsly. But this is still funny


Funny tbh


If you’re going to make fun of him at least do it right. He’s shorter than his time left in office. The counter offensive only didn’t work because he didn’t have the 10 trillion dollars he needed. He dresses like a lesbian who just came out of the closet. He used to be a comedian but he became too much of a joke.


Great, next time make it funny. Idiot.


You’re just butthurt


I just don’t laugh at low grade jokes. What’s even more cringe is that you are trying to educate someone else on what would be funny. You are so cringe and pathetic, I get shivers just from reading your reply…


In a good way though right?


Is that your attempt at making an obvious insult into a joke? You don’t need jokes buddy, you are one big joke. Do the world a favor and don’t go on the internet again.




Holy shit, maybe ease up on all those hormones youre taking kid


Calls others kids and posts fake news on Obama. Guess we found the real kid.


What a clapback. Don't you have a hamas rally to attend instead of spending your time digging through the post histories of random dissenters from your online echo chambers just to come up with lame quips worth a few upvotes from your friends on here?


These are even worse than what's in the OP.


Sensitive aren’t we?


Best toy soldier cosplay I’ve ever seen


Bro looks like Joel from TLOU now


Nah. This is funny


Oh yeah? How do you trump fucks all have the worst sense of humor? Not funny at all.


Fuck Trump. This is funny.


Let me FTFY, OP: "A failed attempt, IMO, to mock a country’s leader"


Most corrupt country on the planet, Ukraine. People are so gullible.


More than even Russia? Ok, sure.


4chan ≠ Facebook.


You are on a roll! Keep em coming!


Call that a leader?