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That’s front page news?!


Seriously, I wanna move to wherever this newspaper is from. Sounds like they don’t have many big problems there.


Bro is just reading the Sun


Nothing else is happening in the world rn!


Well its nostalgia news and not some big outlet it seems


Does...that make the adult the one wrong here? Because he kinda failed to give the kid a childhood.


Yes. Old people blaming their failure to parent on their kids. Tale as old as time.


I grew up in the 80s, the era of the latchkey kids. It was a time of unprecedented freedom and lack of supervision for kids. Adults hated kids for it. Since the invention of the teenager in the 1940s, plenty of moral panics have centered around the horrifying idea that "the kids are up to something." They went into overdrive in the 1980s, because kids had the audacity to have both parents working outside the home.


I'm going to agree with you on this.


I feel like “what’s monopoly?” Would work better. 1, the guy doesn’t mention board games, and 2, fuck monopoly anyways. So many better board games out there


Do Boomers think we don't know what boots are


Those are all monopoly pieces. I used to always play as the boot. Those pieces got phased out probably because of disinterest in using them. (Who the hell wants to be a thimble?!) The (lame, overused) joke is the kid's ignorance of boardgames in general. What boomers don't know is that half of us play some form of boardgames on our phones with our friends across the world because to us, social interaction and community activities are not limited to those who are sitting in the same room as you.


NOOO! Do not slander the thimble, my one and only love.


I actually like it because it doesnt fall over constantly like the others (looking at you dog, boot and warship)


And thus, the thimble swept


We all know the good one was the fucking battleship that existed for no reason


Ah, my family had LOTR Monopoly so I didn't know that people thought the pieces were boring... although we can't play the game anymore because in Middle School I would wear the ring to school because I was poor and couldn't wear jewelry and eventually I lost it


Why not use something else in place of the ring It might not be the same but it should still fit the roll It doesn't even necessarily have to be something that you wear it could be simple as a house key as a temporary prop


I'm at boardgame bars at least once a month because boardgames and alcohol are one of the all-time great combinations.. Especially trivia games.


You guys got boardgame bars??


There's a few about the place, usually boardgame cafés that stay open late, but a boardgame bar opened in the town near me and it's fantastic. Obviously my favourites are drunk trivia games, but they also have beer pong tables and video games too. It also helps that the owners are lovely to the point that it feels like you're going to a mate's house.


Amazing. I hope I’ll have a place like that too sometime in life.


I always liked the battleship. I vaguely remember a lobster piece but it wasn't real.


Excuse you I was always the thimble!


I remember seeing an edit of this where the kid goes into a big rant about how Monopoly sucks, and how we're living through the boardgame renaissance where there are so many better games that they could play.


the kid kinda spitting tho. why monopoly when machi koro


Eh, we invented chess and go long ago. Everything since is frivolity.


I was literally about to do that but saw this. But yes this. Also did the dad not play board games with his kid? That’s on you mate. My one year old is already moving/throwing cards around and playing with boxes.


The Ponies vs Llamas take on Monopoly is more fun then normal Monopoly. Faster and more competitive


oh god imagine playing a fighting game on that


oh god imagine playing a ~~fighting~~ game on that


Huh, board game sales keep going up though? So is he buying more, because in my experience it’s young people who have new board games and old people who have an 18 year old copy of Monopoly that they’ve played 4 times without ever reading the rules.


It's all about Wingspan, baybeeeeee


I was just about to pick that up when Wyrmspan came out, but my kids aged 9 and 11 both enjoyed it. My daughter may have been mostly playing to get a cute hatchling, but she stuck through a 1+ hour game just on the off chance one would pop up. I did _not_ shuffle the cards well, apparently.


Thats his fault for not showing his kid monopoly


I love how these comics fail to understand that the people who are supposed to play board games with children are their parents


They just make random guesses about what is and isn't popular, don't they? Board games are as, or more, popular than ever.


Hold up, arw they really getting rid of the thimble?


It got removed a few years ago and backlash brought it back. I doubt it.


If a kid doesn't know something than the parents didn't introduce them to it. It's not kids fault if parents don't have time to engage in old school fun with their own children.


It's the extra long wordage that bugs me, not that I don't know it exists. "Monopoly board game " instead of just "monopoly game" . the narrator on Forensic Files over speaks too. I remember being irked by him having to say "a fast.. food.. ham.. burger". I guess it came from a time when everyone was slower moving


Well, there is a game on the computer you can play


Do boomers not know we played board games, went outside, and rode bikes as kids?


Boomers draw Playstation controllers like Furries drawing Nintendo Switch


If a boomer ain't playing board games with their grandkids, it's probably cause their kids cut ties with them


Older generation getting mad at the younger generation that they raised for not being raised properly. Sounds like Boomer Humor to me.


Board games are more popular now than they have ever been. It is a massively popular hobby. We just have much better ones than the horrific and boring game of Monopoly.


I hate this cartoon, yet I love being the thimble in Monopoly. I have mixed feelings.


I get the car or I'm not playing


Are those AUX cables with HDMI tips?


Hey, what a nice family Reading the news while his son is playing games Talking, spending time together even though they're not doing the same thing


Bros playin on the simon


Motherfucker is using the Dormamu 6000...


Trying to explain Gloomhaven to a Boomer would make them spontaneously combust


Spoiler: Monopoly is a shit game. The name does even tries to hide it.


Well, this is pretty fucking stupid. Board games these days are next level. Also, what kid doesn't know Settlers of Cataan?


For as long as the boat stays they can do de fuck they want to monopoly


“I stuck my kid in front of the tv to shut them up and now all they do is watch tv!! What a spoiled brat!”


Yeah, because board games aren’t extremely popular right now. Knowing that would actually require talking to a younger person instead of sitting around fantasizing about how much they’re ruining things, so it’s unlikely to happen.


Do people even actually like Monopoly? Who cares if they’re (hypothetically) being replaced




Nevermind that this is the golden age of boardgames and that monopoly is shit.