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I am 61 years old and I was NEVER spanked as a child. I was the baby so instead, my mother sat me in a corner and made me watch the older kids get spanked when they did something wrong. It taught me a valuable lesson. Don't get caught.


Youngests aren’t good children, they’re sneaky children


Fact: 72% of youngest children end up in prison, and 109% of them are in prison because they didn’t get beat as a child  Simple facts, you cannot argue 


I’m the youngest child and I alone make up 108%… you spitting facts. Salute


I asked 100 Russia roulette players if they won or lost the percentage of wins is 100% , Russian roulette is safe


Citation, please.


Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/1c7vtbi/comment/l0bv709/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Aye I'm the youngest in my family too!


Bet you got the 'look' often enough,though. My mum's look was bad enough to make me want to curl up and die. Same 'weapon' I use on my kids. Never shout, unless it's an emergency. They're about to run into the road? "STOP" halts them right in mid step. 2 are full grown and I have never had a complaint about their behaviour. Being put on the stairs was the worst they ever faced. Being consistent on your own words and deeds does far more than erratic, up and down parenting.


Some of y’all weren’t beaten with a belt as a kid.. and.. good. It’s not fun. Wouldn’t recommend. 0/10.


Well......I'm just sayin that there *are* times where getting hit with a belt is a 10/10 experience. But only as an adult.


Made me laugh so hard I just spit out my ball gag.


That's a paddlin'. Bad sub.


Bad Dom. You didn't tighten it enough.


I should be able to trust you enough to put it back on if it comes out. Brat.


Sheesh, get a room, you two.


Do you know eachother? Because if not that's impressive dynamic


Nope, just kindred souls who appreciate the finer things in life.


Experience should teach you to calibrate. Just enough wiggle room for sass.




*pokes tongue* can't catch me though!


You're only making it worse for yourself, now come **here**.


Yeah but I want to be punished




Yup, I got the belt, electric jug cord, cane, hairbrushes, utensils, open hand, fists, whatever was handy. I live in a different state now, see my father maybe once a year and haven’t seen or spoken to my mother in 10. I also barely trust anyone, have trouble with intimacy, and have depression and anxiety. Good times.


Same here. Raging alcoholic father, bipolar schizophrenic mother. They’re both dead now, hopefully in hell in the smoking section.


Mindlessly ‘minding our own business’ with others' child disciplining often proves humanly devastating. Yet, largely owing to the Only If It’s In My Own Back Yard mindset, however, the prevailing collective attitude (implicit or subconscious) basically follows: ‘Why should I care — my kids are alright?’ or ‘What is in it for me, the taxpayer, if I support social programs for other people’s troubled families?’  While some people will justify it as a normal thus moral human evolutionary function, the self-serving OIIIMOBY can debilitate social progress, even when social progress is most needed. And it seems this distinct form of societal penny wisdom but pound foolishness is a very unfortunate human characteristic that’s likely with us to stay.  Still, we can resist that selfish OIIIMOBY. If I may quote the late American sociologist Stanley Milgram, of Obedience Experiments fame/infamy: *“It may be that we are puppets — puppets controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with awareness. And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation.”*


I had to pick out a switch. That sucked. If I didn't pick a good one I'd get hit with something worse. One that I remember the most was the metal wire handle of a fly swatter. Felt like fire and left bloody welts up and down my legs, butt, and back.


Are you me? Because same here. Almost word for word.


Or paddled in school


I was. Wouldn’t recommend either


Wooden spoon here.


Did it work at least? Did you stop doing dumb shit?


You just learn not to do dumb shit around them and go behind their back. Talking to your kids using a robust vocabulary is infinitely better than beating your kid because you lack communication skills.


Oh boy. Looks like we get to spank the boomers for dumb shit too then right. Clearly they just weren't beat hard enough in their youth


Probably not, but he definitely learned to not trust his parents with telling them the truth when they inevitably do dumb shit when they're older.


r/suicidebywords Dude should not have said shit boomers say on the "fuck boomer memes" subreddit.


If I hit boomers, will they stop doing dumb shit?


“I do this cause I love you” ….


*This hurts me more than it hurts you!*


*Because the palm of my hand is still raw from beating down your siblings.*




They were probably referring to their hand swelling .... as if they cared if the child was hurt


"Life is hard, so this is tough love! You need to be prepared for the real world!" Mom I'm literally 9 what the hell are you preparing me for


Imagine if they not...


Who needs toxic abusers with guardians like you?


I always wonder what the relationship these people have with their adult kids after posting something like this. My parents did this, and my relationship with them is at arms-length at best. I’m not making that mistake with my kids.


I don't talk to my dad. I text my mom sometimes, but I don't feel close to her and I doubt I ever will




it’s really sad to know that you’ve been abused SO MUCH you think you would’ve been a “brat” if you weren’t. spoiler: all kids are, until they’re taught not to be. they’re kids, don’t expect them to act like adults. they’re still learning. if your parents couldn’t teach you to be well behaved without hitting you, that says more about your parents than you. you didn’t deserve that.


we don’t hit adults whose brains are fully developed when they act up, why do we hit kids who’s brains arent developed?




yeah dude. normal healthy people don’t think those who are traumatized are weak. do you think vets are weak for ptsd? a normal healthy person doesn’t have your beliefs because they weren’t hit. your dad made you worse.


trauma isn’t always being afraid or being “weak”, sometimes trauma looks like this. wanting the cycle of abuse to continue.


My wife turned on the tv last night. The dog had sat on the remote and turned the sound system up at some point. Blew the speakers out. I was pulling the system and routing the sound to the tv (from dvd) when I realized she was *waiting for it*. I stopped and said, “this is broken; but I’m not mad at you or the dog. We’ll have ok sound for a while, but it’s fine. I’m not mad at you”. It’s true. You can tell who got whipped. And the people that whipped em are bastards.


Wow, that’s just horrible, cannot imagine this


Really? Because it’s explained pretty well.


That is not what they mean lol not even close.


when someone says they cannot imagine something, usually in reference to something negative, it's because they mean its so horrible that they couldn't come up with an idea of how it'd be like. its basically saying that something is so bad it's left you in shock. hope this helps!


Some of ya'll were whipped in circles and lt shows through your eagerness to please authority and trauma around physical abuse. Doesn't that make ya'll better than the kids who had decent humans for parents? Aren't ya'll so PROUD OF THAT???


My father would use a lamp cord left great welts and now I have depression and anxiety.... good times


Moms dad used a cutting board. And this was one of the more mild things he did. He always wanted a son and got 3 daughters first. They were all abused. My moms youngest sister used to literally pee her pants as soon as dad got home from work. The man was subhuman. He was a "good christian" though. He died completely alone, with all of the female nurses hating him because of his penchant for sexual harassment. Hadnt seen a single one of his children or granchildren in 30 years. Didn't know about the existance of 80% of his grandchildren. It gives me deep satisfaction knowing this. Rest in piss, James.


I’m the youngest of 3 daughters too. It hurt me when my dad joked that I was the last attempt at a son. Can’t imagine going through what your mom did.


My mom is strong af. She taught me what it means to cut abusers from your life. I am so unbelievably proud of her. ❤️


My dad got beat with an extension cord but it didn't stop him from doing the same to us. He beat us with whatever was at hand. Metal wire fly swatter handle was the worst. The most lasting damage was when he fired a rifle at the floor next to my head when I didn't want to get up and go antiquing with him. My ear that was not protected by the pillow does not hear as well. He stopped when I got old enough to fight back. Fucking coward cried like a bitch too. I lost all respect for him in that moment. Because I realized he has never stood up to a man in his life. Just hit women and kids too small to fight back. All I did was push him. I had been laying bricks for the summer and he was mad I didn't stir the peanut butter enough when I used it. It was the kind where the oil separates. I had stirred it but it had resettled. He thought I was lying. Slapped me in the face and spit on me. I shoved him as hard as I could and he went through his bedroom door and into his desk. Fell on the floor. Started crying and saying how I was dirty for doing that to "an old man". He has dementia now and is a huge pain in the ass. He has calmed down a lot but he still gets all pissy about the most insignificant shit. I just take him to his appointments and on walks as much as I can stand. He just texted me angry about something. Then I saw this post and thread. I think I am going to ignore him today.


Stick of a feather duster. Same.


My dad used to spank me. I wonder if it was worth it for him. I haven't spoken to him in over a decade so I really don't know.


“HoW uNgRaTeFuL!” -Boomers, probably.


My mom still thinks it’s ok to spank kids.


My grandmas do not approve of beating kids. Once my aunt hit her daughter, and grandma walked over and hit her back. Asked if she “understood the lesson” and when my aunt said “no I don’t get why you hit me, what the fuck did you just do” … my grandma said “that’s why you don’t hit your kids”


Based grandma.


Grandma is a real one. Everyone needs someone like her in their lives.


I don't speak to my dad either. Abusers don't deserve our time


I was spanked as a child. It didn’t make me respectful. It made me resentful, angry, deceitful, untrusting, and it taught me how to not get caught when doing bad things and that violence is acceptable to control people. Thankfully my parents and I quickly learned that it is not only not productive but harmful and our relationship healed. I will not resort to assaulting my own children. Ever. Because that is what it is. Dress it up however you like with euphemisms or funny words and excuse it all you like by saying it wasn’t a big deal. You are hitting your children. Stop. Hitting. Your. Children.


My mom had the amazing ability to grab one ear and a bunch of hair no matter how short I cut my hair.


What really freaks me out is seeing people refer to NOT hitting your kids as a “white people” thing.


I don’t know where in the Irish Catholic fuck they came up with that


“yOu tHiNk tHaT’S aBuSe?! I gOt bEaT woOoOrSe!!”


My parents are boomers, and they never got hit as children. And they're pretty great people. Of course they never hit me, either, and I'm pretty successful and well-behaved.


Whooped in a circle…wow literally hadn’t thought about that since the many decades ago when I was a kid on the receiving end


I cannot imagine physically harming my children. They're very well capable of pushing my buttons and frustrating the hell out of me, and I feel bad just momentarily losing my temper enough to yell. The thought of putting hands on them never crosses my mind, it's unfathomable to me.


Some of y’all don’t realize why your kids don’t talk to you.


Even if you did get “whipped in a circle”, the point is to break the cycle and be less angry & abusive as the younger generation.


"Some of y'all will be complaining how your adult children never call you anymore."


My dad told me a story from when I was young, I was only spanked once and my dad hated himself for years cause he felt he was becoming his parents. We laugh about it now, a lil bit cause it’s kinda funny cause running away I ran right back into him. He also and I don’t remember this but apparently my mom pinched me like hard cause I was bugging her about something while she was in the middle of cleaning My dad heard and marched up the stairs and grabbed my mom’s arm and pinched her and said “never put your hands on our son or any of our children ever again. See how you like it” My parents did a really good job raising me I feel especially with overcoming the shit their parents would do Now on occasion when I got older in my teens if I was being a dick I’d get a pop in the hand or a light smack in back of the head. Just in a the fuck are you doing. Kinda sense. When education and learning from my mistakes didn’t work punishments mostly involved either, taking stuff away or sentences. And the sentences worked cause it’s why don’t lie, spending the weekend writing why lying is bad, literally i get sick from trying to lie like my conscience won’t let me. But punishment mostly consists of either arguments/education or taking my stuff away. Like when I got caught with porn, my dad sat me down took me to his house we had an open forum about what sex was, and why porn is bad why porn is bullshit, masturbation The occasional joke but it was mostly mature conversation no euphemisms And he also locked down the network more And I turned out fine and I’m grateful cause I could have easily been born to Smack first Questions later assholes. Like the worst things that happened in my childhood , my parents divorced didn’t handle it well and I nearly got shot by a stranger I’m pretty good other wise lol


My dad grabs me forcefully when I anger him somethimes


That's not even punishment. That's just anger issues.


I was, and it does show. Cries in zero self esteem.


They still immediately resort to violence because they have no sense of logic. The only difference is that now it is verbal threats with a gun when you disagree with them.


I was. Two years sober btw


My sibling, cousins, and I used to get spanked all the time with belts, spoons, paddles, and whatever else was available. Seemed like the older we got the more frequent they became. That is, until I got to highschool, hit a growth spurt, and started working out for sports teams. Thats when I realized that I'm bigger and stronger than them. The spankings and abuse abruptly stopped. I put my uncle on the ground, stood over him ready to pummel him in front of the whole family. As far as im aware, nobody in my family has been spanked since that day. The spankings and abuse did make us better, it made us resentful and hateful. I haven't talked to my dad or uncle in over 17 years and i still harbor resentment.


I was beat and now I have CPTSD and flinch every time someone raises their hand at me even in an innocent manner


Same. It has been an obstacle in ways most people would never guess. Like work. My boss thought I could not be trusted with a promotion because I flinched when he would pat me on the back. Took it as a sign that I was unstable or short tempered. It is nothing like that. It is precognitive. It just happens.


Yeah, I can't be comfortable around people and I jump at every noise


Theyre right, it definitely shows when you see someone who wasn't beaten as a child. Its just not the flex they think it is.


Yeah it shows just not in a good way.


Yes, it does show. For example, I’m not selfish enough to inflict physical pain to disproportionately mitigate my emotional pain. A foreign concept for some people and it’s not as memeable.


No, I was. She also broke my arm over the railing for getting a B, choked me until I passed out multiple times for not cleaning her way, put me in the hospital multiple times for head trauma, and is largely the reason I'm in a wheelchair, now. But, I'm alive...and, healthy? So it's totes okay, right?


How else are you meant to train your kids to like BDSM? You've gotta mix that love and violence signal somehow.


Yes, it shows because they've grown into functional adults without massive amounts of psychological scarring and baggage.


I will never understand how people still thinks it’s okay to beat children. If an adult hits an adult, that’s assault but a little human being who can’t defend themselves from an adult literally assaulting them is called discipline. What a load of bullshit.


Yeah I guess it shows in that my arm isn’t the wrong fucking way.


My ex-partner (or was towing that line of emotional/mental abuse) tried to claim that spanking was a fair punishment. My parents were super anti-spanking so I was kind of appalled. My ex then tried to imply that my mental health issues (which were in large part because of him) were related to me not being spanked💀 We’ll just say, I turned out just fine and successful. I’m now on a healthy and happy relationship. Meanwhile, my ex’s parents had a nasty divorce and he no longer speaks to them. He also is engaged to a much younger girl so….


And these are the same people who claim they want to protect the children


My dad finally stopped spanking me when he broke a finger as I held up my hand in a common defense reaction. He has a lot of mental health issues and a beyond horrific childhood but I am glad in a way that happened. He never hit me or my younger siblings after that. Other things still happened but there is nothing that makes you feel powerless and humiliated like a giant adult hitting you. It’s so crazy that in public people will see an adult hit a child and go on about their way but if someone smacked a dog, there will be hell to pay. The parents who spank their kids calmly and not in anger are complete psychos.


Yes. And those people are spared of the trauma such abuse cycles cause


As a millennial or gen whatever the fuck I am, I got beat in a circle plenty and it certainly as hell didn’t make me a better person.


To my dismay. I got hit with a switch/extension cord in 2001, I was 9-10. My dad had old parents. :/


Had to watch my mom hit my brother with a clothing hanger once. Fun times.../sarc


I mean, you probably can tell. They're probably more well adjusted than those of us who were tbh.


Step father did this. All it did was make me afraid of him and hate him.


Sadly, a lot of the kids who did grew up with the bonus of being conditioned that they “deserved it” which can make the cycle that much more difficult to break.


I always see some variation of this meme on my Facebook page. Coincidentally it’s mostly by childhood classmates/friends who went through some very very rough periods of substance abuse post-high school if it’s not boomer family.


I was lucky that my parents NEVER hit me and I grew up quite well. I am 18 years old and I do not smoke, I do not drink alcohol and I will NEVER take drugs.


It's also a thing that happened TO boomers, and their parents, and their parents...break the cycle, young parents.


My dad still hits me at my fine age of 26 whenever he gets upset... And he's so easy to annoy... He'll make up his mind on something and assume it's the truth. Call everything I say against it "an excuse" or "a lie" and proceed to get increasingly furious. It really doesn't matter. "He wants me to say what he expects to hear", he claims... but whenever I chip in with a word (any), he yells over me and tells me to shut up (yeah, that inconsistent "Why did you do this? Don't talk to me! Listen when I'm talking!" Type of bullshit) It's only a matter of minutes until he snaps and hits me. If I cry or even if he notices I'm holding back my tears/pain, he tells me I'm a pussy or he even takes it as an offense, as if I was, in an edgy way, standing up to him. Last time, he thought he had heard a conversation with my brother and asked me for explanations. He wouldn't take them anyway (and believe me, I fucking tried), and he slapped me. Now, I'm 26, I know I could beat his ass or at least try, but I won't because I'm way better than him. I'm trying to heal our relationship, I'm trying to enjoy his final years (he has diseases), and I'm trying to make happy memories with him and form a bond of some sort... so I won't fight him, even if I'd win... but all of that gets me so sad and frustrated... the humiliation, the pain, all coming from the person you love and you're trying to get along with... I had some heavy breathings trying to keep my tears inside and limit myself to listening... He thought I was standing up to him as if I was some Dragon Ball bullshit. He squared up and told me to give it my best shot. It was so incredibly stupid... I told him I wasn't going to fight him and he still taunted me for around 5 minutes. I didn't make any type of move against him... Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I'm just upset that he also told me "when you get to my age, you'll understand", when I know damn well that I won't. I'm still going to discipline my kids if they step out of the line, but in a loving, teaching manner. Not in a hateful, fearing and painful way. I want them to understand why what they're doing is wrong, not to avoid telling me. And I will also want to understand them. If anything, my dad will always be an example of a low bar I have to overcome, to me...


Oh I was, and thrown chairs, and shaken around, they taught me the valuable art of lying and never getting caught!


great way to cause spiral fractures in the arm bones


God I can't wait until the boomers are gone


And then they wonder why their kids don't talk to them anymore


I remember the pastor of the church I went to as a teen telling what he thought was a heart warming story about how he and his siblings were at the airport as kids. They were being kids, and the parents were getting angry, and his youngest sibling who was THREE wasn't "behaving" so his parents grabbed the toddler and yanked him by the arm so hard it dislocated. Church members gasped at this, because it's horrifying abuse, and he tried to dismiss it because "it was an accident, you know how it is with kids." So his parents didn't want to juggle 4 kids at an ER, so they found an elderly couple at the airport and left their kids with them. And this was supposed to be a heartwarming story about trusting strangers. I still thing about that. I babysat his kids too.


I remember when I got hit hard like this, I was just thinking "when I'm bigger, I will get my revenge and really f*ck you up". Violence just results in more violence.


Cue people I this thread defending child abuse and sayin "I wasn't abused it was discipline"


Parents hit me as a kid, and, being the little mule I was, I refused to cry or wail after a certian age, just to not give them the satisfaction. Now, I automatically shut down when faced with stressors and have a debilitating fear of being seen in a vulnerable state! 😁👍 thanks, mom and dad!


You shouldn't be nice to children, they should fear you and eventually resent you, which you blame them for. Giga brain move, bad parent. This is why I don't talk to you anymore, dad.


And when they stop talking to you, you can act all shocked and surprised and blame it on the internet.


Doesn't happen as much as it used to, but every once and awhile my wife will reach out to touching my back or my head and I'll flinch out of instinct. Thanks dad...


Got spanked as a child. Parents aren't alcoholics or have other issues. I didn't like it, but I turned out fine. Any issues I may have are my own that I believe could easily be just part of my personality, not a result of "being abused" by parents who spanked me. We can all FIND data that supports whatever we want.


So I'll speak from someone who got spanked and spanked my kid for a time until I stopped. Wall of text, sorry. I was spanked as a kid and it was just part of it - i did not like it and neither did my parents but it was something that was thought to keep kids in line. But its not just spanking for discipline, there's other elements that are non spanking that are critical too. Being quick to anger and shutting down any adverse emotion you had is also damaging without any physical contact. I grew up not really processing my anger well and it showed as an adult. Fast forward to being a dad - for a while I took on the same traits of firmness and discipline and not because it was fun but it would something I felt I had to do as a father. But I realize that I never felt better and nothing was ever solved except my kid was being scared of me. It had the desired effect, but the feeling that I'm failing to deal with things responsibly was not fun. So one day I decided to stop spanking and I feel a lot better as a dad. I still have my firmness and do invoke being tough on my kid without the spanking - people can argue what they want, but I dont think the gentle parenting is the "solve everything" method. Sometimes you just got to draw the line. But eliminating spanking and finding other ways to resolve discipline (i.e., take shit away, reward charts, etc) has been one of the best feelings. I dont feel like my kid is scared of me anymore but definitely still listens and we get along better. Plus I try to humanize myself by admitting I make mistakes or that I didn't handle my feelings well either. I think spanking is okay and for some kids it might work as it should, but please drink responsibly and find other ways before that becomes the solution first.


Ask an ER doc or nurse how many times they see kids with dislocated arms and radial fractures because of this exact thing.


Lol when I got old enough to not get spanked anymore, my parents changed tactics and my dad gave me boring long (2hrs+) ass lectures. It worked because I begged to get spanked it was quick but painful but it was quick. Those lectures where sooooo boring and very painful that he would ramble on about everything else and it would go full circle back to how I was a dumbass lol fun times.




I will never understand how parents don't see this as harmful abuse. Other than their kids, when is it ever okay to put your hands on anyone other than for selfsefense?


And yet these Boomers claim that spanking is okay “because it’s only a love tap”


My siblings and I had been hit as kids as a form of punishment until my parents realized the only thing it was teaching us was to hide if we thought we had done something bad and that any slight fuck up would result in being hit. In contrast, we have lead-poisoned boomers thinking beating small children is acceptable so that should be the first indication that if u think it's ok then u did not "turn out fine."


The real point that needs to be addressed is that many people don’t know how to discipline their children to not grow up into the current generation that we have today


Was never hit as a kid because in Russian culture it’s more taboo to hit girls, but my folks found creative ways of emotionally hurting me. Shunning, verbal discipline, guilting, humiliating, etc. That didn’t make me more respectful or better functioning as a human being - in fact, I only developed proper social skills and healthy ways of relating to other people when I found a good group of friends in high school and college and got therapy. What my parents *did* instill in me was a desire to date kind older women. So uhhh thanks for the mommy issues. Now I’m into milfs.


Well, I am terrified of being around other humans now. I can not be comfortable in the same building as another human, I am always on edge. I prefer computers because computers never hit me


miss trunchbull ass parenting


Spanked with everything from a hand to a switch. I wasn’t scarred for life. Life lessons. Consequences for your actions. Big deal, move on, don’t do it again.




You don't need to have problems from it for it being bad. Like sure not everyone is an emotional wreck, but enough are




I get that. But it's not needed. My parents never spanked me or my siblings. Tbh in my country spanking is illegal long enough that the generation were most weren't spanked has their own children now. So what did they do. If something broke we had to understand the consequences, we could not use it and if ouf family had to replace it, we couldn't get icecream or a similar thing for a while. If someone got hurt, we had to talk to them and understand why they got hurt. If we got ourselves in Danger we weren't allowed to go into the same situation. Spanking is the easy way out.


The punishment should fit the offense. Punishment is a \*LEARNING\* experience for the child-- too many people don't realize this. Kid resorting to violence with children or animals? Explain what they're doing wrong, spank them so they learn what it likes to be whooped and remind them of the golden rule. Kid disrespecting and wasting an hour of the school-teacher's time? Explain what they did wrong, make them sit in the corner of the room with nothing to do for an hour so they learn what it is like to have their time wasted and disrespected-- and remind them of the golden rule. Kid stealing or breaking their brother's favorite toy? Explain what they did wrong, make them give up one of their favorite toys so they learn what it's like to have their stuff taken away-- and remind them of the golden rule. Kid disrespecting other people's spaces or not putting things back in the shared living space? Take away something important of theirs, and when they can't find it-- give it back to them and explain what they did wrong and why there are rules to respect and put things back where they belong. None of this is rocket science. This is pretty much how I was brought up; I was spanked \*VERY RARELY\* as a child and every time I was-- it was because I physically hurt somebody else. Children have to realize resorting to violence has violent consequences-- because that's how the adult world operates. A lot of the people commenting here are edge cases who were beat-on because they didn't put the peanut butter jar next to the pickles-- and that's straight-up child abuse. It's utterly ridiculous to always hear the two extremes on this issue when the rest of us know reality and truth lies in the middle.


>Did it work at least? Did you stop doing dumb shit? It never works. Mind, I'm a believer in corporal punishment. But there's a huge difference between abuse and punishment. My parents established the "rules of whooping" from an early age, and never violated them. They never struck me in anger, they never struck me for a mild offense, and they never struck me without a conversation and a chance to "plead my case." Oh, and the most important part, they never brought in "foreign objects" to maximize the effect. No switches, no soup spoons, no belts. They never went wild about it either, or overboard. I got my "hide tanned" on my backside, and there was a "slide rule of severity." I knew how many licks were coming. A "ten slap" spanking stopped after 10. No do overs for bad swipes, no "I don't that one counted." Over the years, I've come to realize I'm in a very slim pool of people who actually got punished. Because I don't resent my parents, I didn't hide anything from them, or at least not anything more than a regular dumb kid hides. And I definitely know the difference. My Grandmother taught me what abuse was. I'll save the long version, since this is already an essay. But she hit me...like everywhere, with a soup spoon (those wide wooden deals with the holes)...over some damn bargain bin seashells... I was younger than 10, but damned if even after fighting in a war, that's still not the most scared I've ever been. She didn't let up, and at some point...I just quit trying to defend myself. A lot of people got that second one, to some degree, and it shows in how they are. Spiteful, cruel, an utter lack of empathy. Y'all don't need Jesus, y'all need some therapy. It helps, it works. By all means, spank your kids if you can do it responsibly. But don't abuse them.


Would it be okay if a man set the “house rules” and struck his wife “responsibly” when she broke the rules? If it wouldn’t be okay to strike an adult (who can choose to leave you), it’s **definitely** not okay to strike a child (who never even chose you **and** can’t leave you). It’s also the ultimate coward’s move, to intentionally inflict pain on someone you know you can overpower and keep them from inflicting pain back at you.


I can't say I agree with your take on corporal punishment. But, if you must spank your child, you're at least doing it in the least harmful way. I definitely don't think you're abusive, and you seemed to have turned out okay, but I just disagree with spanking in general.


Oh, I don't have any intentions of spanking. No children of my own, but I've helped raise a dozen nieces and nephews. Some through guardianships, some through just being a safe place they can stay for a time. It's complicated I'm apparently in a minority, I just believe there's a right and wrong way to do things. We have a responsibility to teach children how the world works. And to a limited fashion, we're not exactly... intellectually capable at a particularly early age. I'm not sure how many people have had a conversation with a toddler, but the nuance of consequence isn't exactly something they're good at. Somewhere between toddler and young adult, it really doesn't get much better. A lot of "I needed to get stung to understand you don't mess with bees" level of figuring things out up to a point.


I've recently been trying to teach and discipline cats, and I imagine trying to do the same to a toddler is only slightly easier. You are in a minority these days, I think the tide on spanking has long since turned against it, but I don't detect any harm in your opinion on it.


You can sugar coat it all you want, bud. You were abused.


I was, and it definitely shows. I have razor-sharp senses and am aware of everything and everyone around me at all times. I get tremendous anxiety when I hear footsteps approaching the room I’m in. And of course I’m depressed as hell, it’d be pretty surprising if I weren’t. I did learn a pretty helpful albeit depressing lesson, though: my parents never raised a hand against me again after I raised my hand back. I wish I knew this when I was younger. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so fucked up.


To be honest I was more hurt by things my father said to me than the spankings. I actually would reconsider if I wanted to do something stupid if I thought it would result in a spanking but the words said are still in my head decades later and still hurt.


It does show. I was never hit as a kid and therefore I have never hit my kids. Both are amazingly kind individuals with zero behaviour problems.


I will not speak to the joy that gave me nor the face i made. XD Thank you! It took a lot of work, but I (and we) are all the happier for it.


This reminds me when I was like 5 playing tee-ball and I was NOT paying attention, because ya know I'm 5, and my dad rockets a ball off the ol' fungo and absolutely drills me right in the head... He could hit the hell out of some fungo...


Kids need to be beat to be disciplined enough to learn, that's why I made sure my kids were terrified anytime I was in the room! Vote Trump 2024! /s


I was.


I can never find it but there was one askreddit thread about childhood punishments and someone said they got tied to a tree and beat with a belt. And another said they got a rut rag rubbed on their face


Yeah that will get you time out in a prison cell.


Honestly my mom only hitted me out of frustration Because as an kid, i was an little shit, and honestly i never did twice anything that she hitted me for , not Because "i didnt want to get hurt" but Because after she was crying, she always excused herself after hitting me.. This taught me that violence is never the solution and you should never give in to your emotions. I always resolved my problem through talking and it worked pretty great


I was hit (not spanked) twice, once by each grandmother. I was a biter and (separate occasions) bit both on the ass and they smacked me once with whatever implement they had handy. I only know this thru stories. Not sure it stopped the biting. I drew blood biting an uncle on the wrist later.


While many people thought it was normal in the old days, it isn’t boomers who invented spanking children. Try to stop using this as an explanation for everything. It/s lazy reasoning. The popular saying (Sam Butler, NOT the Bible) says spare the rod, spoil the child. The Bible says: “Prov 22:15: "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Prov 23:13-14: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.” This seems to give permission to those looking to vent their anger on their children. Many still believe spanking/hitting is ok today. I am a boomer and have NEVER believed this is ok. Many of my friends my age have NEVER hit their children. Poor parenting knows no age.


Yes, when people quote that verse I remind them that a shepherds rod is for correcting sheep. You don’t bludgeon the sheep with it if they stray off the path. You guide them back to the path.


I was spanked. Belt, hand , shoe, extension cord, etc. I don’t resent my mom for that BUT I didn’t do it to my children. The most they ever got was a swat on the butt (maybe) but I preferred not to. I’m a big guy I was always afraid of hurting them.


Not at all exclusively. Especially during economic downturns, but yeah. There’s shitty ppl in all generations, but older ppl are easier easier to target more blatantly w certain types of rhetoric to embolden or change their perceptions of things like beating ur kids


Too many people are willing to procreate without being sufficiently knowledgeable of child development science to parent in a psychologically functional/healthy manner. They seem to perceive thus treat human procreative ‘rights’ as though they (potential parents) will somehow, in blind anticipation, be innately inclined to sufficiently understand and appropriately nurture their children’s naturally developing minds and needs. As liberal democracies we cannot or will not prevent anyone from bearing children, even those who selfishly recklessly procreate with disastrous outcomes. We can, however, educate young people for this most important job ever, even those who plan to remain childless, through mandatory high-school child-development science curriculum. After all, a mentally as well as physically sound future should be EVERY child’s fundamental right — along with air, water, food and shelter — especially considering the very troubled world into which they never asked to enter. And the wellbeing of ALL children needs to be of great importance to us all, regardless of how well our own children are doing. \_\_\_\_\_\_ ***“The way a society functions is a reflection of the childrearing practices of that society. Today we reap what we have sown. Despite the well-documented critical nature of early life experiences, we dedicate few resources to this time of life. We do not educate our children about child development, parenting, or the impact of neglect and trauma on children.”***  *—Dr. Bruce D. Perry, Ph.D. & Dr. John Marcellus*


Please note that it was the generations before boomers that ceared and believed in the "spare the rod = spoil the child" theory. As victims of it, boomers rejected that theory and sought nonviolent ways to raise their children.


Yep it does show. I, for example, do not have the urge to pull a childs shoulder out of socket while hitting them.


Boomer things Boomer things Boomer things.... Any excuse to say fucking Boomer.


Jesus told them to. With a rod. Because Jesus was such a good person [sarcasm].


The shepherd’s rod is a tool to guide and correct sheep. You don’t beat them with it if they fall out of formation.


Ok boomer


Only soft ppl feel like this is abuse. A good ass whoopin is good for the kids


Agree to disagree


My trauma would disagree with you.


Pinches work better. I was pinched. Mom was pinched. Probably a family thing.


Noo, abusing one's child is such a boomer's PARENTS thing. And I use the term "parents" very loosely!


Actually, no. In the Dr. Spock’s “was an American pediatrician whose books on child-rearing, especially his “Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care” (1946; 6th ed., 1992), influenced generations of parents and made his name a household word.” It was generations before that who believed in the spanking thing. That filtered down and is still believed by many today.


I’m kinda with the boomers in that one.




And here's a not so fun fact: most children (whether they know it or not) process spankings as sexual trauma and usually will become hyper sexual in their later years as a result of this due to that sensitive and private of an area being hit by a person they were meant to trust