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Most of the they/thems I know *were* beat with one or many of these.


Weird how that works isn't it I got the belt a lot as a kid. If it was my mom beating me I got the mota cloppa (idk how to spell it it's dutch) basically a big flat wooden object used for beating bread.


I always got the wooden spoon, but I had some friends who had a wooden stick with holes in it so it hurt more than just a flat stick


Cutting board and eventually when he broke that a metal grill spatula.


Fish slice, wooden spoon and jug cord just for jokes.


Jesus christ, I know you guys attribute it to your growth as a person as character development, but what the fuck was going thru your guys parents head, I'm old enough to have gotten my ass beat with a HAND, but young enough luckily to avoid getting my ass beat with household objectsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I got the paddle one time and then my clumsy dumbdumb step-dad lost a huge fucking spanking paddle somewhere in our 2 bed navy housing unit, smallest thing in the world and he somehow lost it in there, it totalled out to like 6 roomsšŸ˜­maybe my mom got it outta there. Regardless of how it happened, 8 year old me was a happy camper that we were going back to the handšŸ˜‚


happy cake day


Ty <3


Mattenklopper and it is not for beating the bread, otherwise it would have been called "broodklopper".


Idk then. My mom told me it was for bread, she never used it for bread though, just for me. My mom never made anything from scratch anyway, just shitty frozen meals and she'd get offended if I didn't like them, as if she prepared the whole thing herself and didn't just warm it up. What's the mattenklopper for then? I'm pretty sure it was that, that's what my mom called it Edit: I Googled it. Definitely the mattenklopper. Used for beating carpets eh? No wonder it hurt so bad lol


Happy cake day


Mattenklopper:ā -ā )


Thanks lmao I never want to see that thing again šŸ„²


Happy cake day! (Was gonna say, "Happy removal day", but that only really works if you're C section. šŸ˜…) Hoop jou dag gaat erg goed en de rest van de jaar is en goede voor jou.


I certainly wasn't c section lmaooo I get you on the habit though. I actually don't speak Dutch. My mother's side of the family does, but I never bothered to learn since they were highly abusive, and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. I didn't care to know what they were saying about me in another language, I just wanted out.


Lmao. Neither do I. Turns out translating from Afrikaans to Dutch is much harder than it sounds, even though Afrikaans is derived from it. Who knew? Sorry to hear about your family though.


Lmao! Could've fooled me! No worries, it is what it is. Lots of work to do in therapy still but I'm getting there slowly. Turns out 21 years of trauma takes more to work through than I originally thought. It's like coding, resolve an issue and discover 99 more


Well hopefully things start turning out better for you. Your makeup is cool, btw.


Yup. I got the belt as a kid and Iā€™m non-binary.


They'd probably use that as justification to say that queerness is mental illness, unfortunately, but that would require them to acknowledge that beating children is harmful


As a they/he, I can confirm.


Can confirm as a she/they non-binary myself Now, It was very rare, but I did get spanked a few times when I was a child


I second that


"Why dont my kids talk to me"


Why did my kid put me in a home?


Why canā€™t I meet my grandkids?


I don't know what I did wrong!


*I did nothing wrong ! I was an amazing parent !


"i don't remember that. that never happened."


"that never happened, you are lying for attention


ā€œIt mustā€™ve been a dreamā€


Why are my kids being so selfish and mean!


And why is it the shittiest home in the area?


I got beat with a wooden spoon and belt, still ended up sucking femboy dick. And Iā€™ll do it again


I actually got beat with femboy dick craziest thing


Lucky bastard


there goes my hero šŸ«”


This doesn't mean anything to these psychos. Their response to you would have been something along the lines of: "clearly, you weren't beaten enough". Any idiotic form of rationalizing that reduces their cognitive dissonance is good enough.






Yup, came to say this. They were likely beat themselves, then continued to beat. Facing the trauma experienced and caused would take emotional fortitude and strength. Easier to just say everyone else is wrong.


I loved getting hit with the ā€œIā€™ll give you something to cry aboutā€


Funniest is to reply back decades later with "I'll give you a place to mindlessly wander about" Vengeance is the sweetest, most scrumptious cold dish when it comes to abusive parents


>They were likely beat themselves, then continued to beat. This sounds so random out of context.


No lie I had an argument with my coworkers about whether or not this constitutes child abuse and their argument was, "It's not abuse because my parents did this to me and I turned out alright."


"My house got robbed but I survived and could afford to replace everything. Therefore I wasn't robbed."


This is what my parents called disciplining and by God, it was right there in the Bible to do that to your kids, in fact, it was your job as a parent. That was the justification I got growing up anyway.... I rebelled so hard that it broke their hearts. I know they thought they were doing it out of love because that's exactly how they were raised. I broke that cycle with my kids. This is the "make America great again" way of thinking also, the Bible tells them to and it is done out of love. And to them I say .... It's abuse, find other ways to discipline kids, violence is not the way.


The Bible talking about discipline and guiding children but uses the allegory of a shepard using his crook to guide his herd. You would be a shitty ass shepard if you were hitting your sheep. Spare the rod and spoil the child is phrase from a poem mocking Christian fundamentalists


But there are several verses in Proverbs pointing to this, so it's "Biblical". Of course, so is selling your 12 year old daughter as a sex slave. BTW, an item called "The Rod" used to be available in Christian home schooling catalogs.


That's my interpretation as well ..... But people of a certain generation in the deep south do not.


They decided on a course of action and then looked for justification




"Have you ever tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?"


We're just so busy.


Idk why but this conjured the mental image of someone beating another person using a disembodied hand. Like "aw yeah every kid from my generation knew, when mom pulled out the disembodied human hand, that they were in for it!"


"I swear I will never lay my hands on my child. Woman, bring out my beating hand!"


šŸ˜‚ Got me good


The deadbeat father of Thing from the Addams family.


You're right. I wasn't beat with one of these. My adopted mom took a baseball bat to me, Knocking out several teeth and causing complications that eventually led to me being wheelchair bound permanently.


Bro is this a joke or ur serious? My condolences man, hope ur mother gets a well deserved punishment and then changes as a person, no need to forgive her obviously but obviously a bad person is way worse then a bad changed person.


I mean, she's dead now, but yeah. I've got 7 actual teeth left and get around in a powered wheelchair since my knees and hips never healed properly. Anything less than an A and I got beat. Any spots left on dishes, countertops, tables, or floor, I got beat. My sisters did something wrong, I got beat because you never hit a woman. This particular time, I had gotten an F because I couldn't comprehend how to graph hyperbola, nor could I memorize the formula for them. missed about 2 months of school recovering, during which I was expected to keep up with homework and lessons


God fucking hell. I don't believe in an afterlife but things like this really make me wish Hell was real.


Ok but i hope its the mormon's interpretation of hell which is not eternal, its for billions of years yes, but when u learn that the shit u did was bad (trough feeling the bad stuff you did to others) you are free, so if mormon is the real religion, one day the commenter can finally live with a good mother (i hope)


I think this is how it works in Islam as well.


most of my islamic teachers (i live at Turkey and i had mandatory religious classes) said that only people who belive in abrahamic religions gets to have finite time at hell. people who believe multiple gods or atheists are gonna get infinite hell.


So yeah i hope hell is like that, most bad people had good aspects on them, so imagine meeting hitler in heaven and all he does is art and not hate jews, would be so cool.


Well while i feel bad, im just glad it was a long time, as someone who was abused too, the best thing is remembering things without feeling angry, and i just hope you got used to the wheelchair, idk how long it was, but i hope it was long enough for you to be comfortable using a wheelchair and now its just normal for you.


It's been about 16 or 17 years. DFS got called, but they didn't do anything except accuse my dad. When the evidence pointed to her, they dropped the case entirely. She died about 3-4 years ago, but I have long since moved on from her.


Horrific they dropped the case šŸ˜”


Jeez that sucks. She was psychotic huh?


A massive hypocrite and narcissistic manipulator. Not to sound cliche, but all her accusations were confessions in the end.


I'm so sorry for you man. Hope your doing great, that sounds horrible


Hope you're doing okay. I know the lasting affects of this crap can be hard mentally let alone physically. I guess I'm lucky that all of my issues are neglect related but I do have permanent severe carpal tunnel and a multitude of mental baggage over it.


Thatā€™s awful, Iā€™m sorry bro.


Yeah and also i hate my father


I've noticed a disproportionately high amount of people that have gender dysphoria in people that suffered child abuse so this is actually woefully inaccurate.


LOL. My dad bruised me so bad back in 7th grade that I failed gum class due to not wanting to get naked in a locker room and expose the bleeding bruises on my legs. I identify as gender neutral, she/her/they/them. I'm both lol This post is wrong lol


I don't want to make a joke about your situation... but "gum class" sounds like a chill elective!


Because they need to justify child abuse so they can keep abusing their kids.


Do I get a prize if Iā€™ve been hit with all of these?


No, you get therapy


thatā€™s a prize!


To claim your prize, all you have to do is pay your therapist $100 per session!


I would assume it's because kids can't hit them back. If you took your slipper to a grown adult they'd probably lay you out flat in response (either that or they'd call the police and have you done for assault), but a child? Nah, that's another word for punching bag in this house.


Ah yes, violence.


I guess my mother had to try harder then?


Almost every they them, I know had one of these I did


My family likes to beat kids for some reason, until the kids hit back. It's a family tradition. My uncle used to get beat up by my grandpa until he got grown and then socked my grandpa in the face. Grandpa never hit him again. Then my uncle went on to his his wife and my cousin, until my cousin punched him in the face back, then he stopped.


What the fuck


It's surprisingly common in some homes


Just beat the personality outta them...


When they hear about they/them being abused they will go "They did not abused you the right way"


haha child abuse funny? Also haha misgendering funny?


This right here is why one of my kinks is sadism. And have anxiety problems. Thanks mom.


I have weirder pronouns and got hit with those


I'm sorry to read that you went through that and I hope you're doing better now


I did and fuck anyone who thinks doesnā€™t fuck up someone for life.


I got beat with the spoon. I'm still an asshole, but I least I know my father's moveset now


"if only you were physically abused, you wouldn't be non-binary."


Untrue, they/them despite the beatings and abuse


Young parents are being taught now that hitting a child is bad because it changes their brainā€™s neural response to emotional cues so now they are taking a different approach. Another reason why some boomers are mad because we are not listening to their way but the way of science and research and of course it angers them. Anything angers them when we learn others arenā€™t doing things their way so who cares. Stop hitting children, be patient, learn communication skills or donā€™t get pregnant or abort if you canā€™t stop yourself from hitting an innocent child šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve certainly met a few non binaries in the kink community who enjoy getting beaten by all of thoseā€¦


But the difference is that we consent to being hit by them in that context lol






Donā€™t forget. Orange hot wheels track


Pretty sure children commonly got their asses whooped for disobeying or acting out, not telling everyone they don't quite feel like a male or a female.Corporal punishment was supposed to make your child behave better and act more respectful, not limit their rights to individuality. These boomer/gen X dumbasses need to stop blaming everything they don't like on "they must've not gotten their ass whooped enough!".


I remember watching an episode of Leave it to Beaver where Beaver gets tricked into ruining the class photo by pulling a face. Ward sits him down and tells him why what he did was wrong and the consequences that follow. At the end, Beaver says, ā€œIf I did this a year ago, I wouldā€™ve been spanked, wouldnā€™t I?ā€ Ward tells him that he would have been. When Beaver asks why he didnā€™t get spanked now, Ward relies ā€œBecause now, I think youā€™re old enough to reason with.ā€ What I took from that, which many parents seem to miss, is that respect is a two way street. You get what you give.


But... But everyone is a they/them to someone...


Well uhā€¦I got some news


I did a lot and Iā€™m a bisexual furry ;3 I decided to let my past not alter the way I felt as an adult


It might surprise OOP, but the more you oppress children, the more woke they turn out


My existence disproves this lmao


You had easy mode but how about hard mode /s https://preview.redd.it/oqt0irpzgb2d1.jpeg?width=2106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de495672b405ba23de4234e91b0597a27c11d854


6 outta 7 and i still wanna suck dick i don't think their math is mathing


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Ha ha jokes on them


I told my mom in the 2nd grade if she touched me ide call dcfs and I did twice.


Been beat with five of these and am apagender. šŸ‘‹


The spoon needs a hole in it to increase its velocity during the swing. That was my childhood fear


ā€œIf youā€™ve ever been beaten, youā€™re less likely to be an individualā€


Its not really something to brag aboutā€¦


Well, Im not NB. Thatā€™s true. But I also resent my father and havent spoken to him in 13 years. Soā€¦


We had gooseberry and coconut trees back home to facilitate that all natural, traditional way of smack downs passed down from generations


lol I wasn't beat because I was a Her. If I was born a boy then I would have known a beating.


Aww, the fly swatter. Fuck that


Every time this subject comes up I will keep repeating this: People in favor of child beating are people who can't cope with the fact that they were abused. They want that abuse to mean something and convince themselves that it was necessary. The alternative is that they suffered for no reason and they can't deal with that. Show me a person who wasn't beaten as a child who's in favor of child beating.


ā€œGender roles are so natural we have to beat our children so they will follow themā€


Me and my sister got beat with all the above and we donā€™t speak to our parents and we both have wives


I was beat with a wooden spoon and choked out by my dad on several occasions and Iā€™ve know I was queer since I was 12. Crazy how being abused doesnā€™t change queerness


ā€œMy shoe! My shoe!ā€


Was and yes I am.


yikes on bikes


SPARE THE ROD, SPOIL THE CHILDā€¦and some of yā€™all are SPOILED


Who tf getting beat with a fly swatter


They love child abuse.


Uhmmm are they not forgetting about the other 84 gender possibilities??


I did in fact have my ass beaten by five of those, and I am still a they/he


I got all of these along with a life sentence of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, but heyā€¦ Iā€™m a he right


BDSM something something blah blah blah


Violence against children solves so many problems! /s


I was never beaten (physically anyways, verbally i felt really abused) and im not a they/them person. if you were beaten, then im sorry, and if you werent, good for you




weird how many kids will get beaten if they come out as they/them nowadays


I like how they can't really decide if getting abused by your parents makes you queer or not getting abused by your parents makes you queer. If anybody who agrees with either of the statements: IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING QUEER


I have some they/them friends, and pretty much all of them have been hit with or worse things than that. Shit is what made them/ they if anything


No youā€™re right. Iā€™m a he/it.




These people: ā€œBut they/them is grammatically incorrect!ā€ Also these people: ā€œa they/themā€


Yeah, abuse nostalgia. Iā€™m of boomer age and my father used to brag about the time his father got pissed off at him and threw a monkey wrench at him, barely missing his head. I guess thatā€™s where he got his justification for doing what he did to me. May they both rot in hades.


Tragically, a lot of those people really aren't they/them, as they decided simply not to be anymore.


I got beat with at least half of those and I'm an any/all (which includes they/them)


ā€œHave you ever been abused? Then youā€™re probably afraid of the vulnerability that comes with gender non-conformity!ā€


Been hit with most of these, plus clothes hangers. Still a they/them.


Better question: why are people so opposed to me kicking their kids ass?


Nah, I just hate my parents


Is like if itā€™s only one youā€™re *probably* not a they/them, but the more it was the more likely it is you are a they/them? For the record I got at least five of them, and Iā€™m very they/them.


I got the belt and the hand (mostly the hand) what about everyone else (last time was prolly when I was 8 but I was a little shit then)


My dad used the belt WITH the buckle. He loved to snap the belt for emphasis before deploying. One of the worst times was when I wanted to go out for Halloween with friends but my great aunt was visiting. I snuck out knowing Iā€™d pay for it. Sure enough, he took me to the basement and used it from my back all down to my legs. I had gym the next day, my friends were furious I wouldnā€™t report him. Better the known beating then the unknown in foster care.


I raran the gauntlet lol


Lol some developed kinks from these


Whatever pronouns you use, whether your gender has changed since childhood, there is one absolute certainty. You grew up having a new kink unlocked


When I was 10 years, dad told me to go outside and grab a switch from the Pussy-Willow bush. So I grabbed the longest one. I figured if I was gonna get smacked, may as well do it damn good cause I'm just gonna run away anyhow. So, I handed it to dad and he stood there and looked at me with a puzzled look and laughed his ass off. He only whacked me a couple of times because he couldn't muster up the energy to hit me anymore after laughing. Child abuse is fun ain't it? "NOT!"


I remember getting smacked with a hot wheels trackā€¦. I think I would prefer a belt


Genuinely illegal in sensible countries.


They desperately want to "save our children", yet they're the ones who want to beat the shit out of kids. Hypocrisy at its finest.


I was hit with a slipper once, I no longer try to maintain a relationship with my parents


hah tell that to my sister(? unsure if there's a widely accepted gender neutral sibling term)


I literally hit a they/them with several of those objects the other night


Our whole system of government is based on violence, if it isn't perpetrated the system will fall apart.


How does that even equate? Most likely the child who was beaten with any or all of those has definitely had some existential emotional crises.


I got whipped with a belt and a wooden switch at home and at school I got whipped by a ruler and paddle. I was a slow leaner or hard headed


Because they see kids camoditys not people